Zinnia (growing from seeds and seedlings) - when to plant flowers.

The Zinnia flower is a very bright and beautiful flower. It refers to decorative annuals for planting in gardens and flower beds. A healthy multi-petaled flower that sits on a tough, durable stem can vary in height from 50 to 90 cm. There are dwarf varieties, the height of which is 25-30 cm.

Zinnia can be easily grown from either seeds or transplants. This plant is very unpretentious. to provide good flowering, it is enough to plant it in a sunny place, provide moderate watering and sufficient soil fertility. The time from germination to full flowering is on average 60-70 days. That's why. If you want to speed up the appearance of zinnia flowers, its seeds need to be planted as early as possible.

There are two ways to grow Zinnia. The first method is to sow seeds in open ground, and the second is growing from seedlings. For those areas where there are no frosts in May, it is recommended to plant zinnia seeds directly in the open, and the planting depth should be 3 cm. It is better to sow seeds in the 2-3rd decade of May. To do this, you need to put several seeds in a small hole. Holes should be made at a distance 20-30 cm. In just a week you will be able to see the first shoots. Some experts recommend covering the holes before germination with a special covering material to protect them from cold and drying out.

After zinnia seedlings appear, they need to be provided with moderate watering, fertilizing several times over the summer and careful loosening of the soil. If you choose to grow zinnia from seeds, you will not be able to see the flowering plant until late July - early August.

As for growing from seedlings, to obtain it you need to plant Zinnia seeds in pots of 2-3 pieces. in the beginning of April. This plant does not like diving because it does not tolerate damage to the root system. When sowing seedlings, try to plant them not densely, and if the plant is stretched out, you need to add soil to the pots, so the Zinnia seedlings will form additional roots. When to harvest seedlings? It can be planted in a flowerbed in late May - early June.

Zinnia seedlings should be planted at a distance of 30 cm from each other, and care must be taken when transferring the plant with soil from the pot. If you choose this planting method, you will see a flowering plant in early July.

So to summarize:

Sowing zinnia seeds for seedlings - early April.

Planting zinnia seedlings in flower beds - late May - early June.

Zinnia – unpretentious plant, capable of growing in any region, although its homeland is Central and South America. The ancient Aztecs first started growing zinnia in the 15th century, but the flower appeared in Europe only in the 18th century. Breeders have developed many varieties with a wide variety of bud colors. With the help of these shades, you can add brightness to any flower bed by planting tall and low-growing varieties that grow from 20 to 100 centimeters. Growing zinnia from seeds- the task is not difficult. To do this, it is not at all necessary to be an experienced gardener or have special knowledge.

Growing zinnia from seeds

How to grow zinnia from seeds?

The Zinnia flower is distinguished by its shape, the size of its buds and the surface of its leaves, which can be double or smooth. Zinnias easily combine with any plants, so some gardeners use the plant to create an original and aesthetic flower bed. Gardeners most often plant the following varieties of zinnia: graceful, dahlia, pompom, chrysanthemum. They are less whimsical, do not require complex care and quickly adapt to new conditions.

Zinnia blossom

What is the best way to plant zinnia? It all depends on where you live. For example, if you live in an area with a warm climate, then planting a flower can be done directly into the soil itself. But if the climate in your area is unstable and can suddenly collapse at night severe frost, then it is recommended to grow seedlings from seeds. How to do it?

Sowing seeds: what not to forget?

  • Selection of planting material. Where do you buy zinnia seeds? Experts advise not to give preference to spontaneous markets and grandmothers who “guarantee” high-quality goods. It is better to trust specialized stores and nurseries for breeding planting material.
  • Preparing containers. What container is suitable for growing zinnia seedlings? Deep. main feature The advantage of plant seedlings is the presence of a long, well-developed root system. Therefore, containers must have a depth of at least 10 centimeters.
  • The soil. The soil mixture for sowing seeds should consist of turf soil, humus and peat, taken in equal proportions. If you cannot mix all the ingredients yourself, then immediately purchase a ready-made soil mixture in the store.
  • Disinfection. Before sowing, the seeds need to be soaked using a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Those that float are not suitable for planting, and the rest are placed on a damp cloth for germination. The first shoots most often appear on the second day, which indicates good seed germination. If the seeds are old, they may hatch in 5–7 days.

At what distance are the seeds placed? Zinnia planting material is placed at a distance of up to 3 centimeters from each other, deepening them no more than 1 centimeter. After sowing, the soil must be moistened with a sprayer. You can sow seedlings in a common container, individual cups or peat tablets. Individual containers are preferable, because when transplanted into open ground, seedlings are not injured and adapt more easily. Seeds are planted no earlier than April, so that the seedlings do not have time to start setting buds, otherwise, when transplanted into open ground, zinnia may drop them. If you sowed the seeds in May, then the first flowering can be expected in early July.

Immediately after planting the seeds, the container is covered with film to create a greenhouse effect. You can make several small holes in the shelter for air exchange. In order for seed growth to continue actively, it is important to maintain a certain level of soil moisture by periodically adding water to the tray with a container. After the sprouts appear, the film can be removed.

Caring for zinnia seedlings at home

As soon as you see the first leaves, immediately start adding light fertilizing.

Growing zinnia: when and how to plant seedlings in 2018

Do not immediately flood the flower with a large amount of mineral fertilizers. At first, you can try adding a small amount of fertilizer, heavily diluted with water. The first serious feeding is done after four true leaves appear, and then fertilized weekly. Root and foliar feeding complex mineral fertilizers diluted in water for irrigation. But the solution should not get on the leaves of the seedlings, so as not to cause burns. But that is not all.

Seedling care consists of:

  • Transplants. If the planting was carried out in a common container, then when the seedlings reach a height of 8–10 centimeters, they need to be transplanted into individual containers, deepening the seedlings to a depth of two centimeters. This will promote their rapid growth and protect against the spread of infections.
  • Hilling up. When they reach 10 centimeters, the seedlings should be hilled (create a small earthen hill at the root), which will promote the appearance of adventitious shoots.
  • Pinching. At the same time, you need to pinch, removing shoots at the base of the root, at a height of two centimeters.
  • Hardening. Want to grow healthy seedlings? Then, 10 to 14 days in advance, begin to harden it, taking it out onto the loggia for several hours.

Many summer residents are delighted with zinnia. Why? The flower has pointed, ovoid leaves, and graceful basket-shaped buds, the diameter of which is from 3 to 16 centimeters. Only one flower blooms on each stem and the plant blooms almost all summer, starting in June. From mid-May, if the frosts have passed, zinnia can be planted in open ground. To do this, you should choose a well-lit place with fertile soil. You should not plant zinnia in lowlands where large amounts of moisture collect. The root system of the flower does not tolerate stagnation of water, so the result of such a transplant can be disastrous.

Zinnia can tolerate various vagaries of weather, even cold down to -4 degrees below zero. But it is better to take care of young seedlings and, if necessary, cover them at night. Zinnias look good in bouquets. They need to be cut off when the bud has opened a little more than half. In order for the bouquet to last longer, it is recommended to burn the cut points and place the flowers in warm water. So, now you know how to grow zinnia at home. Bloom this beautiful plant will not leave anyone indifferent and will make your country cottage area the most attractive.

Zinnia - planting and care in open ground, types and varieties

The genus Zinnia (Zinnia) from the Asteraceae or Compositae family includes about 20 species of herbaceous and semi-shrub annual and perennial plants. In nature, the culture grows in the regions of South and Central America. The genus is named after the German professor of botany and pharmacology, director of the botanical garden in Göttingen Johann Gottfried Zinn.

The plant is characterized by a straight stem, along which there are pairs of oval leaves of an intense bright green color. At the ends of the shoots, magnificent single inflorescences-baskets are formed, which are distinguished by a wide range of colors, although the most popular shades are pink, orange, lilac, red, yellow and white. The annual is characterized by long and abundant flowering - from June to late autumn.

Thanks to its ease of outdoor care, zinnia is one of the most popular garden flowering plants, ideal for creating stunning flower beds and edgings. Low forms look good in container gardening and along paths. And cut flowers can stand in a vase for about 2 weeks. The annual is well suited for filling empty spaces after bulbous primroses have faded.

Popular types and varieties

Only two types of zinnia, diverse in their decorative capabilities - Zinnia elegans and Zinnia angustifolia, as well as their numerous hybrids and varietal forms, are widely used in garden landscaping.

Zinnia graceful(Zinnia elegans) - the most known species. Thanks to the work of breeders, you can find a large number of varieties and new forms are constantly being created - from miniature, reaching 30 cm in height, to tall ones - almost 120 cm. Inflorescences with a rich color palette can be simple, double and semi-double and differ in size - from small (3 cm ) to impressively large (15 cm in diameter). Seed germination lasts 3-4 years.

This type According to the structure of the inflorescences and height, zinnias are divided into garden groups:

Dahlia. The height of some specimens can reach 120 cm. It is distinguished by a large number of large spherical flowers 12-15 cm in diameter. There can be about 25 of them on one bush! Among the group we will meet such valuable varieties, like the giant “Benary’s Giants Series”, low “Burnus” (55 cm) with bright red flowers, snow-white compact “Polar Bear” (60 cm), pink “Eldorado”, purple “Purple Prinse” and “Violett” of all shades purple and etc.

Chrysanthemum. Grows up to 60 -70 cm and has no less impressive inflorescences of orange, bright yellow, soft pink, coral and violet shade. Popular varieties: “Coral Pink”, “Fantasia”, series of hybrids “New Burpee’s Hybrids”.

Giant cactus is also called acicular with petals of a characteristic needle shape. As a rule, it reaches 60-80 cm in height. The most common varieties on sale are multi-colored varietal mixtures and “Burpees Spielarten” in pastel colors. Sometimes you can find seeds individual varieties intense orange, light pink or dark lilac.

Pompon zinnias They are distinguished by abundant flowering and do not exceed 40-50 cm in height. Among them we can highlight a mixture of Liliput and Thumbelina with miniature plants up to 15 cm in height. Small double dense inflorescences-balls 4-6 cm in diameter. Well-known and popular varieties in gardening include compact bushes of the densely double “Little Red Riding Hood” and “Tom-Thumb” with flatter inflorescences.

Narrow-leaved(Z. angmtifolia) also known as Mexican (Z. Mexicana). It has narrower, elongated leaves and forms a branched bush, often creeping, up to 40 cm in height. Single or semi-double inflorescences are small and not as showy as those of other species.

The flower palette is usually monochromatic, yellow, orange or white, sometimes with a contrasting dark color of the tips of the reed petals, but in varietal forms you can find red, pink or purple colors. For example, excellent low-growing variety mixtures “Persian Carpet” and “Candy Stripe”.

Features of care

Zinnia thrives in sunny, warm locations. For good growth and abundant flowering, it requires fertile, slightly moist, permeable soil.

When and how to plant zinnia when growing from seeds

The clay structure of the soil can be improved by adding coarse sand and compost. The crop is resistant to short-term drought, during active growth After planting, zinnia requires moderate watering.

If the soil is rich in nutrients, then the plantings do not require fertilization. In a poor substrate, the first fertilizing with organic and nitrogen-containing fertilizers for flowering crops is carried out long before the period of development of flower buds and then repeated during the budding period.
Subsequent care of zinnia is limited mainly to the systematic removal of faded inflorescences, maintaining uniform soil moisture during the hot period and loosening.

Planting zinnia and growing from seeds

In agricultural cultivation technology, the seedling method of planting zinnia is used. At the end of March - beginning of April, the seeds are sown in containers with peat to a depth of about 1 cm in a room with a temperature of 22 to 24 ° C. Before sowing, it is advisable to soak the seed material in a damp cloth. This will help you select seeds with good germination. Containers are placed in a well-lit place, but not in direct sunlight. Watering is carried out using a spray. The substrate should be constantly moderately moist. The first shoots appear after a few days.

When the saplings produce their first two true leaves, they are picked into separate pots. In May, seedlings are hardened off by exposing them to open air. On permanent place They are planted in the garden in the second half of May, when the danger of the slightest frost has passed. Zinnias are planted at a distance of 20-40 cm from each other. The time from sowing to flowering is approximately 12 weeks.

Seeds can also be sown directly into the ground at the end of May. In this case, flowering should be expected much later. Shoots that are too dense are thinned out.

Zinnias were first noticed in the 13th century, in the flower beds of Montezuma. The flower is named after its discoverer, Gottfried Zinn. Zinnias are also called the flowers of the Mexican Aztecs. Gardeners know them as majors. More than 20 varieties of crops are available to modern flower growers. Beginning gardeners are surprised at how simple the answer to the question is: when to plant zinnias as seedlings.

Zinnia flowers description

The plant is quite unpretentious in care. It can reach a height of over a meter or 20 cm. Since the crop is sensitive to frost, it is classified as a member of the annual family. The perennial plant can only be grown in a region with a stable warm climate. It has oval leaves with small hard fibers and a pointed tip. Based on the number of petals in a row, flat (simple), double and semi-double inflorescences are distinguished. The diameter of the inflorescence is 5-15 cm, placed individually on the tops of the stems.

Flowering pleases from the beginning of summer days until the first frost. The bushes are capable of maintaining flowering for over a month. After cutting, flowers can stand in water for up to 10 days. The plant tolerates hot and dry weather quite calmly. At the end of flowering, each bud forms a tufted seed box.

Interesting! During the dry season, the petals terry varieties may fall off, making the inflorescence flat. Therefore, the concept of terryness in zinnia buds is very misleading.

Based on the height of the crop stems, they are divided into:

  • high – grown for cutting flowers, height 60-90 cm;
  • medium - suitable for both flower beds and cuttings, 30-50 cm high;
  • low or dwarf - looks great in flower pots, on balconies and flower beds, height 15-30 cm.

What do zinnias go with in a flowerbed?

When you enjoy a colorful flower garden in summer, the first thing that comes to mind is the variety of zinnia varieties. After all, they have a wide range of shades. It is easier to list which shades do not exist among the varieties than to name all the colors found.

The most popular shades among gardeners are considered to be:

  • burgundy and bright scarlet;
  • snow-white and champagne shade;
  • lemon yellow and orange;
  • lilac, lavender and soft pink.

The shades of the inflorescences are so bright that they can compete with chrysanthemums, roses and gladioli, which are rightfully considered the kings of flower beds. The anatomical structure of the bush allows you to plant the plant in the shape of interesting ornaments and even create entire fantasy paintings. The inflorescences can be colorful and inconspicuous overnight.

Before planting flowers in a flowerbed, experts recommend thinking ahead about the ornament that you might end up with. When landing different plants It is important to pay attention to the flowering time of each variety. If you plan to plant, for example, zinnia and gladioli in the same area, then the zinnia flowers will be lost among the tall and lush spikelets of the gladiolus. The picture will be approximately the same if the crop is adjacent to roses.

The best neighbors are bells, daisies and other varieties of small, low flowers. The combination with daisies reveals all the modest tenderness of both plants, pleasing the eye of the owner and guests of the site. Marigolds are a great addition to a flower garden. Zinnias can be used as a frame for a flower bed. With this design, the center can be filled with large, tall flowers, such as lilies.

Remember! Zinnia flowers have the ability to emphasize the natural beauty of the area where you live, be it a field at the foot of a volcano or a flowerbed on a park alley.

Zinnia seeds: what they look like, do they need to be soaked before planting?

When compared with other species, the culture has a very large seeds. They are similar in size to small sunflower seeds. They have a good percentage and germination rate. When sown in warm, moist soil, seedlings begin to emerge on the fifth day. No soaking required. Good soil moisture is sufficient.

When to plant zinnia flowers for seedlings in 2018

It is very interesting to watch the growth of this species. The size of the seeds makes the process not only fun, but also quite simple. It takes about two months from sowing to flowering, but the first shoots appear within a week.

Several factors influence successful growth and flowering:

  1. Correct selection of planting area. Zinnia loves open sunny areas. Reacts poorly to cold weather and gets sick when there is a lot of drought.
  2. When planting, it is necessary to maintain the distance between seedlings. Low varieties are placed at a distance of 15-20 cm, and high ones - 20-40 cm.
  3. The soil should be loose and fertile and have a neutral acidity level. However, it is possible to grow in poorer soils. But this will make the inflorescences small and the bushes low.
  4. Watering is carried out as the top layer of soil dries, avoiding water getting on the buds. Excessive moisture can lead to blackleg disease.
  5. A couple of months before planting, the soil is fertilized with mineral complexes.
  6. Reproduction occurs by seeds. The largest and earliest flower stalks are left to collect seeds. For propagation, two methods are used: growing seedlings and without seedlings.

Informative! The tallest zinnia was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The height of the plant reached 4 meters. This flower was grown in North Carolina.

The seedlings will be strong and will be able to develop better when less than 30 days pass from germination to transfer to the ground. Given the tenderness of the flower, it can be transferred to the flowerbed after the threat of night frosts has passed. The landing time differs in different areas. The average temperature indicators for a particular region are taken as a guide. For example, in the Moscow region the probability of frost remains until May 8, in Tatarstan until May 28. Basically, to obtain seedlings, seeds are sown in mid-April.

How to plant technology

For regions with colder climates, in order to protect tender shoots from frost, it is recommended to grow zinnias seedling method. This species cannot be picked. You should worry about the density of seedlings in advance. As practice shows, after 5-10 days from sowing the first shoots appear.

It is recommended to soak the seed before sowing using Epin solution. This procedure will awaken the seeds and ensure uniform germination. For seedlings, use boxes about 10cm deep. Fill with soil just above half the height. The soil should be prepared loose, nutritious, with good drainage.

The seeds are spaced 4-5 cm apart from each other. This will allow you to avoid picking. In the future, when the shoots grow and gain strength, it will be necessary to add nutritious soil. This species has the good feature of rapid formation of the root system. The part of the stem that ends up in the ground will grow additional roots, and the plant will continue its development without replanting or stress.

After planting, the containers are covered with film and placed in warm place before the first shoots appear. If the room temperature is kept at 20-25 degrees, then the seedlings will please within a week.

Important! When 2-3 pairs of full leaves form on the shoots, the plant must be pinched. This procedure will give more intense flowering in the future.

How to care for seedlings, how to water, dive

After all the seeds have sprouted, the film can be removed, and young shoots can be provided with a sufficient amount of lighting and proper watering. The regularity of watering depends on the speed at which the soil dries out. After moistening, all excess liquid should drain through the drainage holes.

If the seeds were planted densely enough, then the possibility of pulling the seedlings is maximum. And then you will have to carry out the procedure of picking or transplanting. There are two opinions among flower growers. Some people are of the opinion that it is better to plant densely and then replant. Others need to be planted immediately so that the shoots do not interfere with each other.

Remember! The flower will have enough strength to endure two or three transplants. But it should be remembered that each replanting will be accompanied by stress for young shoots, especially if the root ball is accidentally damaged. It is better to plant the crops, observing the recommended distances, and then painlessly transfer the seedlings to the ground.

How to feed zinnia seedlings

If the plant visually looks healthy and normal full growth is observed, then there is no need to provide additional feeding to the seedlings. However, when yellowing of the leaves and stunted growth are observed, it is simply necessary to feed such seedlings.

The cause of weakness may be insufficient lighting or a fungal infection. Before you start feeding, it is important to make sure that these factors are absent.

For feeding, you can use preparations based on vermicompost. Such drugs are:

  • "Humistral";
  • "Gumax";
  • "Ideal";
  • complex for flowers "Rose".

Vermicompost is a waste product of earthworms. It contains natural ingredients that are easily absorbed by plants. It has positive influence on the formation of the root system, increases resistance to fungal infections.

You can also use mineral fertilizer complexes. It is convenient to purchase concentrated liquids, which are diluted according to the instructions and added to the irrigation liquid.

Important! If the soil was selected correctly with all nutritional components, then there is no need for fertilizing. After all, an excess of fertilizers has the same detrimental effect on shoots as their lack.

What to do if seedlings have stretched out

Before making a decision, what to do when the sprouts have stretched out, you need to find out? for what reason did this happen? The most common cause of stretching is insufficient lighting. If crops grow in a well-lit area, they will never grow. Unfortunately, artificial lighting will not give seedlings required quantity lighting.

Additional lighting can only be a support for young plants. But still, it is better to provide natural sunlight on the balcony or windowsill. If stretching is unavoidable, it is recommended to transfer the seedlings to the ground in a well-lit area as quickly as possible.

Interesting! If the shoots have stretched out, then, as such, you will no longer be able to help them. The plant will return to normal when exposed to sun rays after transfer to a permanent place of growth.

When to plant zinnia seedlings in the ground so that they already bloom

The optimal period for transferring seedlings to the ground is considered to be a month of their presence in pots. If the shoots spend more time in the pot, the likelihood of being pulled out and affected by various fungal infections increases. Which in turn leads to stunted growth and development.

Considering the timing of sowing seedlings, they can be transferred to open ground in May - June.

Favorable days for planting zinnia seeds for seedlings in 2018 according to the lunar calendar

The lunar calendar for 2018 will provide more accurate information about sowing dates flower crops. The most suitable days for sowing and replanting annual varieties in 2018 are:

  • March 11, 13-15, 18-19;
  • April 10-11, 14-17;
  • May 3-4, 23, 30-31;
  • June 1, 27-28.

Checking these dates before carrying out work will help you avoid unexpected surprises and grow a healthy plant with beautiful and abundant flowering.

When to plant a plant as seedlings in Siberia

This Mexican beauty can also be grown in Siberia. For this area, only the seedling propagation method is suitable. Distinctive characteristics growing in Siberia are the late transfer of seedlings into the ground and short term flowering. The life period is reduced to three months, one of which the crop blooms. To collect seed material wilted buds are cut off without waiting for complete drying. And already in warm home conditions they dry completely. If you turn to the Lunar calendar for help, then the right time April is the time to sow seeds for seedlings in Siberia.

The older generation calls the culture “youth and old age.” The flower received this name for its ability to form new buds while the old ones have not yet withered. Today it is again becoming fashionable to plant flowers and decorate luxurious flower beds. Demanding virtually nothing in return, zinnias delight with their flowering throughout the entire summer season. There are no pitfalls in the topic of Zinnia, when to plant seedlings. That is why its cultivation and propagation gives gardeners only positive emotions.

The variety of annual flowering crops is very large, but among them there are clear favorites that enjoy the well-deserved love of gardeners. Unpretentious zinnias have a number of advantages. Growing zinnia from seeds can be done in two ways: seedlings and by sowing in the ground (this is usually practiced in those regions of the country where the establishment warm weather observed already in mid-April). You can learn about how and when to plant zinnias in 2019 for seedlings and in a greenhouse from the proposed material.

Agricultural techniques for crop care and the basic rules for planting are presented here. When growing zinnia from seeds, it is important to choose the right varietal groups depending on the purpose of the planting material. Designing borders, decorating fences and flower beds, cutting for bouquets - it’s quite suitable for all this this plant. The period of budding and subsequent flowering depends on when to plant zinnia seedlings. This process can also be regulated by forming a bush. The earlier the central stem is pinched, the more abundant the flowering will be. However, to obtain the largest possible buds, you should leave a small amount of them on one bush.

Look at the photo of healthy and strong zinnia seedlings and let’s continue to delve into this interesting topic:

Healthy and strong zinnia seedlings grown as seedlings at home

Selecting varietal groups

As a rule, we plant zinnia in open ground with seeds only if its flowering period should fall at the end of July or beginning of August. This may be required when creating combined flower beds where other crops bloom in the first half of summer. In all other cases, this is not justified, since 2-3 months may pass from the moment of sowing to the appearance of signs of the first bud. And if we take into account that the crop dies even with a short-term drop in air temperature below +5 degrees Celsius, then it becomes clear that when we plant low-growing zinnia when grown from seeds in mid-May, and frosts are already likely at the end of August, then wait until full flowering will not be possible.

To start exciting process When growing zinnia from seeds, it’s not enough to know when to plant seedlings. The first thing we do is select varietal groups suitable for our tasks. And in order for the right choice to be made, let’s take a look at the most basic of them.

Various varieties zinnias are suitable for growing seedlings

Pompons and chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemum and pompom varieties bloom beautifully. They have large inflorescences of a wide variety of shapes and colors. Popular are raspberry and white, pink and yellow tones. All of them belong to the so-called Lilliputian class. This means that their stem height can reach a maximum of 60 cm in height. But the bush branches beautifully and creates excellent landscaping for the area. Can be grown as an indoor or container crop.

Chrysanthemum-shaped dwarf varieties have their own advantages. In particular, they do not require pinching or shaping the bush. Rich branching gives the impression of plant splendor. each stem ends in a flower of small diameter. Typically, a bud in its blooming state reaches 5-7 cm in diameter.

Most often, we plant these zinnias as seeds for seedlings in early March and, after the emergence of seedlings, plant them in separate peat pots. "Tom-Thumb" - unpretentious variety, but “Rotkopchen” with dahlia-flowered buds needs an increased amount of mineral supplements.

Pompon varieties of zinnias have high decorative properties

Dahlia varieties

Many gardeners ask about when to plant zinnia seeds in open ground and still get guaranteed flowering. So, indeed, there is a group of varieties with a minimum period of vegetative development from sowing to the beginning of flowering. Dahlia varieties have high speed growth and development. Flowering can be observed as early as 45 days after emergence. This is a group with a tall stem, reaching 100 cm. The buds are similar to dahlias, their diameter is 12 - 15 cm.

Among them there are scabiosa and cactus subspecies with unique color tones. Lilac, salmon, violet and orange buds can be obtained by planting varieties “Violet”, “Large-flowered” and “Lilliput”.

Dahlia-shaped zinnias look very attractive even in the photo - grow them as seedlings and enjoy a beautiful flower garden on your site.

California varieties

Californian varieties have pronounced decorative properties. These are the largest buds; when opened, the diameter of some can reach a record 25 cm. Tall stems allow the flowers to be used for cut bouquets. And this is justified by the fact that “California Mix” can stand for cutting for more than 3 weeks without losing its decorative qualities.

Growing zinnia seedlings: sowing and photos of flowers

Growing zinnia seedlings does not begin with sowing, as it may seem to inexperienced gardeners. The beginning of this process goes back to the autumn days. It was then that it was necessary to prepare all the components of the future nutritional mixture. The final result depends on its quality. Of course, if you can now buy almost any soil in a specialized store. But often their quality leaves much to be desired. It is much more interesting to create the soil yourself.

Seedlings of zinnia flowers develop well in soil mixture, composed of two parts of humus (manure or compost), 1 part of turf soil with an admixture of leafy structure and 1 part of sifted river sand(you can’t take a construction one). All this needs to be mixed, poured over with a boiling solution of potassium permanganate, and cooled. Then add 1 to 5 liters Matchbox mineral mixture fertilizers for flowering plants. mix. You can start filling the boxes.

Typically, sowing zinnia seedlings is carried out in wooden or plastic boxes. There is only one requirement for containers - they must have a height of side sides of at least 25 cm. Initially, filling with soil is carried out to 1/3 (7 cm). After sowing, another 1 cm of soil is poured on top of the compacted surface of the seeds. And then the addition of soil will continue throughout the entire period of growing seedlings.

See what healthy and high-quality zinnia seedlings look like in the photo, which shows strong specimens:

This is what healthy looks like strong seedlings zinnias

Planting zinnia seedlings: when to sow in 2019?

Strong and healthy seedlings zinnia is obtained only when making the right choice dates for sowing. There is clearly no need to rush into this culture. With early sowing and growth of the first shoots in short conditions daylight hours seedlings become very elongated and do not produce the splendor of flowering that is inherent in their genetic potential.

Timely planting of zinnia seedlings in 2019 can be carried out in mid-February (for southern regions countries), and in mid-March (for the Urals and Siberia). We invite you to find out approximate dates when to sow zinnia seedlings in accordance with the lunar calendar:

  • in February, the dates from 19 to 23 and 27 to 28 are suitable for sowing;
  • in March, sowing of zinnias can be done on the 12th, 13th and 14th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 25th;
  • April will allow late growers to sow zinnia for seedlings from the 7th to the 10th, and for those who are completely late, the opportunity remains to do this from the 17th to the 21st.

It is best to sow zinnia in open ground in 2019 either at the end of April (immediately as soon as the soil thaws) or in early May. More late sowing no longer makes sense, since the plants will not even have time to form buds.

How to grow good zinnia seedlings at home?

About how to grow good seedlings zinnias at home, they know experienced flower growers. And we conducted a survey among them, collecting all the most important subtleties and secrets. And there were a lot of them. They concern not only when to plant zinnia seedlings in Siberia, the Urals and the Far East. First of all, we are talking about the right choice of growing method. And there are several of them:

  • traditional sowing in high wooden boxes followed by adding soil as the seedlings grow and stretch;
  • sowing in boxes followed by picking into separate containers;
  • sowing in peat tablets with transplantation in the phase of two true leaves into separate pots;
  • planting in “snails” or rolls made from the backing for laminate flooring.

IN climatic zone Urals, Siberia and Far East sowing is carried out in early March. But in the Moscow region and the Black Earth zone, planting should be done a little earlier, in mid-February.

Please note that at the time of transplanting into open ground to a permanent place of growth, zinnia seedlings should be between 6 and 8 weeks old. This means that if planting is planned in the garden in early May, then sowing is carried out at the end of February. But if the climate does not allow planting before the beginning of June, then it is recommended to sow seedlings no earlier than mid-March.

If the seedlings have grown at home?

If the seedlings have grown long at home, experienced gardeners recommend mercilessly shortening them by pinching all the stems. To do this, you can take nail scissors and disinfect them in alcohol for 30 minutes. Also prepare finely crushed charcoal to dust the pinching areas. We take the elongated seedling and pluck it with nail scissors. don’t be afraid to do this, new shoots will begin to grow from the axils of the leaves. Then, a week after pinching, a transshipment procedure is carried out with deepening of the stem. It is important to shorten the central root of the plant during transshipment. This agrotechnical operation will allow you to quickly grow the lateral branches of the root lobes.

Seed preparation and sowing

Preparation of zinnia seeds by stratification or scarification is not required. The seed material is very large and separates well. Therefore, thickened crops are not observed. Before sowing, it should be soaked in a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide or “Epine”. This will make it possible to quickly obtain seedlings and stronger seedlings.

Preparing zinnia seeds for planting as seedlings includes soaking

Sowing is carried out on a well-moistened soil surface. Place the seeds at a distance of 2 cm from each other. Then add 1 cm of soil on top. There is no need to water again. Wrap the container in plastic bag and place it in a place where the temperature is kept high around the clock (a radiator or the top of kitchen cabinets).

Shoots will appear after 5-7 days. You should immediately move the containers to a lighted place. But avoid exposure to drafts. Therefore, if the window opens periodically, then you should not place containers with zinnia seedlings on its windowsill.

See what zinnia seedlings look like in the photo of flowers, and when to plant seeds to get a similar result is described in the article above:

Zinnia seedlings ready for planting must be hardened off

Picking, shaping and pinching

Proper sowing of seeds can eliminate all further hassle associated with picking. However, it is worth understanding that properly carried out transplantation ensures the development of a large root system. Thus, during the picking process, it is recommended to pinch the central root. As a result root system begins to develop in the horizontal plane, the feeding area of ​​the seedling increases.

The subsequent formation of the bush is that when the sixth leaf appears on the central stem, you need to pinch it. The crown is removed and the cut site is smeared with garden varnish or powdered with crushed charcoal. Correct pinching is not a one-time agrotechnical event. It should be repeated at the moment when side shoots reach a height of 5 cm. Pinch the tops again and leave to branch further.

Feeding, watering and spraying

Feeding zinnia seedlings should begin a week after transplantation. It is also recommended to put small piece banana skins. It is an excellent source of potassium in kind. This trace element provides abundant and lush flowering. So, after transplantation, the first feeding is organic. To do this, use Agri-Cola for flowering plants. Then, after a week, you can use a complex of mineral fertilizers with a predominant percentage of potassium and magnesium.

Spraying the bushes should be carried out daily in the morning. To do this, use the Epin solution - it stimulates the formation of lateral branches. Also, water each plant with a solution once every two weeks. succinic acid. This drug can be bought at any pharmacy. Dissolve 5 tablets of succinic acid in 1 liter of water, stir and pour over the seedlings.

Conditions for growing zinnia flowers in open ground

It is preferable to grow zinnia in open ground using seedlings. To do this, sowing seeds is carried out at home in late February or early March. Then, at the end of May, a place of permanent growth is prepared. Organic and mineral fertilizers. The soil is being dug up.

Planting zinnia seedlings in open ground is carried out after preliminary hardening. For this process, it is necessary to take containers with seedlings out into the open air every day. certain time. First it's 30 minutes, the next day 60 minutes.

Basic conditions for growing zinnia:

  • a well-lit area open to sunlight;
  • well-structured loose soil;
  • regular watering and soil moisture;
  • mulching of the top layer of soil is mandatory;
  • remove all weeds;
  • Apply fertilizers regularly in the form of foliar and root dressings.

Growing zinnia flowers in open ground is not difficult. This plant is perfectly adapted to environmental conditions in all regions of our country. In dry times, watering should be carried out. Wet weather can promote the development of bacterial stem and root rots.

Look at the photo of growing zinnia - flowering plants with a beautiful appearance are shown:

Sowing in open ground

Proper sowing in open ground may be required in cases where the gardener does not have free space on the windowsill, but wants to have these beautiful flowers at his disposal. For planting, choose raised areas of the ground. Immediately after the snow melts, pour boiling water over them and dig them up onto the bayonet of a shovel. It’s great if warm beds are prepared in the fall. If not, then build it urgently. This is done like this:

  • a wooden box is assembled;
  • the fertile layer of soil is first removed;
  • Dry branches, brushwood and half-rotten boards in a chopped state are piled on the bottom;
  • then the green mass of grass is applied;
  • the next layer is compost;
  • on top there is again a layer of green grass;
  • cover everything with fertile soil;
  • pour boiling water with potassium permanganate.

Sowing zinnia in such a bed in open ground will accelerate the growth and development of the plant due to the large amount of carbon dioxide released by the internal contents.

Seeds are planted in grooves at a distance of 3-5 cm between them. The depth of the furrows is up to 1 cm. After sowing and covering with soil, spill the seeds with warm water. Cover the top with plastic wrap and install a mini-greenhouse. Shoots will appear after 5 days.

Flowering of such plants will begin 2 weeks later than those grown by seedlings. The undoubted advantage of sowing zinnia in open ground is that the seedlings are stronger and more hardened.

How to get your seeds from flowering plants?

Before you get zinnia seeds from your flowering plants, you need to choose your favorite specimens. This planting material retains its viability for 3-4 years. You can easily collect seeds from any varietal group. They ripen even in the harsh climatic conditions of the Urals, Siberia and the Far East.

The plant should be prepared for seed collection in advance. Only those buds that will ripen to collect planting material should be left on it. All other buds should be cut off before they bloom. After removing the ripened seed pod, budding will continue. On average, it takes 55 days from the moment the bud opens for the seed pod to ripen. After collection, the seed pods should be placed in a warm place for another 30 days.

Then all the boxes are opened and the seeds are removed from them. They are sorted. For planting, you should take those that have a regular triangular shape. They are located around the core of the seed capsule. the rest may have insufficient germination or lose their parental decorative properties.

Don't forget to label the seed packets. write not only the name of the variety and color, but also the year of collection. This will help to promptly reject outdated planting material.

Pest and disease control

Constant control of diseases and potential pests of zinnia on personal plot Only required in humid summer conditions. Powdery mildew and gray rot often develop. It can be controlled with fungicides. Characteristic signs: gray spots on stems and foliage, wilting of inflorescences. For control, it is recommended to spray with solutions of “Fundazol”, “Vectra”, “Cooloid sulfur” or “Topaz”.

Of the pests, plants are often damaged by aphids. You can fight them with the help of the drug “Aktara” or “Fitoverm”. Spraying should be carried out regularly, once every 3 days. And to combat snails and numerous slugs, metaldehyde granules should be laid out. It is available in the form of drugs "Thunderstorm".

Watch how zinnia is sowed for seedlings in the video clip:

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The graceful beauty zinnia, or major, is an annual herbaceous plant. The flower is completely unpretentious to climatic conditions and therefore can feel great in almost any region. For many years, amateur flower growers have given preference to growing this particular flower in their gardens. For those who have not yet had a chance to get acquainted with this beautiful flower, it’s worth learning more about growing zinnia from seeds and when to plant it on your site.

Characteristics of a major

Zinnias are very beautiful, unpretentious and simple nice flowers. They can be grown anywhere: in an apartment, on a personal plot or in a country house. Caring for flowers is the same as caring for any other unpretentious flowers. Regular watering, loosening and weeding will be enough for them. Like most plants, zinnia does not tolerate temperatures below 0.

The height of the stem of this beauty is 30−90 cm. The diameter of the blooming bud is 5−16 cm. The flower has a bright, rich, uniform shade. Zinnia can tolerate drought very well, high temperature, but at a temperature of 0−1 degrees, it can die, as it does not tolerate cold well. It is not demanding in care and does not need additional attention, therefore it is rightfully considered one of the most unpretentious flowers.

Before you grow zinnia from seeds at home or use the method of planting in open ground, you should decide on your choice suitable variety flower.

Common flower varieties

There are a huge variety of zinnia varieties. Each of them is beautiful in its own way, but absolutely all varieties are unpretentious in care.

Most popular varieties:

The seeds are deepened into the holes at a distance of 5 cm. A distance of 10 cm must be left between the holes. Several seeds can be placed in one hole at once. This will make the flower bed look more magnificent. The first shoots can be expected after 7 days. In regions with cold climates, it is recommended to cover the first shoots with covering material to prevent the seedlings from freezing at night.

Preparing for planting seedlings

For planting zinnias seedling method it is necessary to prepare containers with a depth of 9−10 cm, soil and drainage. Then you can proceed directly to planting.

Landing rules:

  • Place a 2 cm layer of drainage at the bottom of the container;
  • fill the drainage with soil;
  • make small holes in the soil 1-1.5 cm deep. A distance of 5-6 cm should be left between the holes. 2-3 seeds can be placed in one hole;
  • cover the seeds with soil;
  • You need to sprinkle a little dry peat on the soil layer;
  • water seedling material from a spray bottle;
  • cover the container with plastic wrap or glass to create favorable conditions for seed germination.

Soil for planting can be purchased at the store or you can prepare a soil mixture yourself.

Soil mixture for zinnia:

  • garden soil;
  • coarse river sand;
  • humus;
  • peat.

All components soil mixture need to take in equal parts and mix well.

Growing Zinnia from seeds is a simple procedure, so this flower so common among gardeners. Among the huge variety of varieties, you can choose any one to suit your taste. In order to ensure maximum flowering duration, it is recommended to grow through seedlings.

General information

Zinnia is a flower of the Asteraceae family, which does not lose its decorative effect for a long time, and is well worth cutting. Its second popular name is major. The flower's homeland is South America, and it was brought to Europe in 1976. The credit goes to professor in medicine Johann Gottlieb Zinn. This is how the flower got its name. In temperate climates it is an annual plant that is propagated by seeds, but in its homeland it is a perennial plant. With proper planting planning, zinnias can decorate the area from early summer to late autumn. Dwarf varieties can be taken indoors for the winter to grow in a pot, and when warm weather arrives, planted again in the ground.

Attention! Zinnia flowers are odorless when grown.

The bush varies in height from 20 cm to 1 m, depending on the type and variety. The leaf blades are sessile, ovoid, slightly pointed at the ends. On the stem they are located oppositely or whorled, and have hard pubescence. When grown, the inflorescences appear as baskets on long shoots. The petals are arranged tiled, their density depends on the variety and type. The fruit is an achene with a tuft.

When grown, the plant loves warmth and does not tolerate cold. Even slight frosts can destroy it. The place where zinnia is grown should be sunny and protected from strong winds. Flower prefers fertile soils rich in humus, well permeable to oxygen and water. The plant reacts poorly to both excess and lack of water. During drought, the buds become smaller and the ends of the petals dry out.

Advice! When growing, experienced gardeners advise pinching zinnias at the seedling stage above the fifth leaf, this will make the bush thicker.

To achieve long-term flowering of zinnia, already faded shoots must be removed in a timely manner. The plant requires fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers. Usually twice a season is enough.

Choosing a variety for planting

The two most popular types for gardeners to grow are narrow-leaved and graceful. There are about 20 of them in total. These two species are represented a huge amount varieties whose seeds are sold in specialized stores. All of them are grouped according to the size of the adult plant:

  • dwarf - up to 30 cm;
  • medium height - up to 70 cm;
  • high - from 1 m.

Zinnias are also grouped according to appearance colors:

  • dahlia;
  • pompons;
  • fantasy;
  • chrysanthemum-shaped;
  • scabiosa;
  • Gaillardiolaceae.

Each variety differs in its color, basket structure and stem height, which allows the active use of zinnias in landscape design. The most common when grown among gardeners:

  1. Pompon zinnias - plant height is about 55 cm, the bush is compact but branched. The flowers are double, 5 cm in size, densely located on the branches. By planting varieties different periods After flowering, the flowerbed will have a neat appearance until autumn. The most popular varieties of zinnia in this group are Tom Thumb and Rotkopchen with deep red flowers that do not fade in the sun.
  2. Dahlia zinnias- plants reaching 1 m in height with large double flowers. Their diameter is about 15 cm. Common varieties in this group are white Polar Bear, pink Dream and purple Violet.
  3. California zinnias- stem up to 1 m high big flowers up to 14 cm in diameter. In stores you can find California mixture seeds, which are specially selected for flower beds.

How to collect seeds

In order to collect seeds from zinnia for growing, you need to wait until they are fully ripe, that is, when the boxes turn brown. They should be carefully cut and opened over a sheet of paper. The seed can be stored there until spring. Growing zinnia from seeds at home is quite popular among gardeners.

How to grow Zinnia from seeds

Zinnia can be grown from seeds at home. If you follow the series simple rules the bushes will be strong and healthy. The process itself is not difficult even for novice gardeners. Seeds have good germination when grown.

When to sow Zinnia for seedlings

It is important to observe the timing of sowing zinnia seedlings - the second half of April will be optimal. It is not worth planting seeds earlier, because the flower will grow quickly enough, which will make it difficult to move it into open ground. Also, seedlings sown early are likely to stretch and weaken.

Is seed preparation necessary?

Preparing seeds for growing zinnia flowers from them is quite simple. They are large, and there will be no difficulties in sorting. No additional processing is required during cultivation. If desired, you can use Epin's solution - soak seeds wrapped in cloth in it. Fresh ones will sprout in two days, older ones in about a week.

Preparing the soil and container

The depth of the boxes for planting zinnia seeds should be at least 10 cm. When growing, they are filled with soil a little more than half. The soil for seedlings should be loose and nutritious, and good drainage should be ensured. Use a mixture of sand and peat with garden soil.

Sowing seeds

When grown, zinnia seedlings develop quickly, and the bushes turn out to be quite large, so when planting, it is necessary to maintain a distance of 3 cm between them. Seed the seeds to a depth of 1 cm. Then the soil is well moistened and glass is placed on top. The seeds remain under cover until germination. Since the flower’s germination rate during cultivation is good, less frequent planting or the use of separate containers is allowed. Thus, it makes sense to plant seeds so as not to resort to picking later.

How to grow Zinnia seedlings at home

Zinnia seedlings will appear 4 days after planting. The film must be removed from them immediately. Watering should be moderate to prevent excess moisture. When the seedlings grow to 10 cm, it’s time to plant them. When growing, seedlings are carefully moved into separate pots, deepened to the cotyledons. The stem, covered with earth, is overgrown with additional roots. If the flower was originally planted in separate containers, then it is simply spudded. The temperature suitable for zinnia is within +22 °C. You can grow a flower in peat tablets, this will greatly simplify care, allowing you to avoid picking. Loosening the soil and removing weeds if they appear in pots are mandatory procedures.

Advice! For better branching of the root system when growing, pinch the main root about 1 cm.

Two weeks before planting in open ground, seedlings should begin to be hardened off. Zinnia is taken out to the balcony in good weather. Thanks to this procedure, the plants will become stronger, but it is important to avoid drafts. It should take about 2 months from sowing to transplanting into a flowerbed.

At improper care When growing, plants can be affected by various diseases, and in most cases it is the seedlings that are affected:

  1. Blackleg is the most well-known disease that occurs when there is excessive moisture, low temperature, too dense planting, insufficient lighting or soil poor in nutrients. An infected plant can no longer be saved; it must be removed and the disease must not be allowed to spread to other flowers. A lump of earth is also removed, and the rest of the soil is spilled with potassium permanganate once a week.
  2. Root rot - caused by many fungi and bacteria due to improper care. Excess fertilizer can also cause disease. The main root and neck turn brown, become thinner, the foliage becomes paler, and eventually the zinnia dies. If signs of disease appear, the flower should be removed. Chalk, sand and humus are added to the remaining seedlings. Water with a solution of fungicides.
  3. Fusarium wilt- transmission occurs through seeds and persists in the soil and on the remains of diseased plants. First, the root is affected, then the entire flower droops and dries out. Then the stems rot and a pink coating appears - fungal spores. Sick plants are removed healthy plantings treated with fungicide.
  4. Gray rot - leaves and stems become covered with pale brownish spots. If the humidity is high, then the inclusions have a putrid appearance. A gray coating with fungal spores appears on top. Plants are treated with potassium permanganate or fungicides containing copper.
  5. Powdery mildew is a dangerous disease for seedlings. Covers the foliage powdery plaque, which then becomes denser. The greenery becomes deformed, dries and falls off. A solution of foundationazole or a copper-soap composition will help. Treat for a week.

Zinnia can also be attacked by pests, especially if the seedlings are in country house, and it is possible to spread them from the garden to young flowers:

  1. Miner fly larvae- gnaw leaves, leaving passages there in the form of white lines. The affected parts are torn off and destroyed.
  2. Cutworm caterpillars eat the roots of seedlings, causing noticeable harm to zinnias. To get rid of insects, you should dig up the soil and remove the caterpillars by hand.
  3. Aphids - attack at the beginning of summer, just when growing seedlings. Insects, attacking in huge colonies, suck out the juices from plants. The aphids are washed off with water, and then it is recommended to use a folk remedy - garlic with soap and oil. It is also possible to use insecticides.


Growing Zinnia from seeds is the most reliable way to propagate a flower for summer cottages. Heat-loving plant in climate middle zone known as an annual, sown as seedlings. Gardeners love this flower for its variety of colors and decorative look foliage.

Planting zinnia is presented in the video:

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