Paint for the facade of a house not only performs the functions of external decoration of the home, but also protects it from the effects of adverse natural factors. Moisture, various precipitation, sudden changes in temperature and direct sunlight can destroy the brick walls of a house in short term its operation. Coloring prevents these harmful external factors from destroying the structure brick wall, forming a certain shield.

What types of facade paints are there?

Facade paint for bricks varies in composition and quality.

Different types of paint exhibit strength and durability to varying degrees. Their price, accordingly, depends on this. IN construction stores 3 types of paints are more common:

  1. Vinyl. Their main drawback is their unsatisfactory quality. This paint is usually diluted with water and does not respond desired results in strength and durability. Not resistant to various chemical substances and is often subject to rapid mold growth. This paint does not tolerate mechanical damage, and during drying it shrinks significantly. The only advantage of this paint is the price, which is lower than other types of paints.
  2. Acrylic-silicone, or simply acrylic. The most common type of this group of paints is acrylic-based latex paint. Acrylic resin is the main component present in the composition. Surfaces painted with acrylic paints become less dirty due to their low water absorption coefficient. Other advantages of such paints are high vapor permeability, price, variety of colors and high abrasion resistance, which significantly increases the service life of the coating.
  3. Silicone. This group includes organosilicon solutions, silane and siloxane. Absolutely do not absorb moisture, protecting walls from fungus and mold long time. The main walls of the home are well protected from destruction and pollution, and high vapor permeability allows the house to “breathe.” The main disadvantage of this group of facade paints is high price which you have to pay for quality.

How to choose the right paint?

Painting brick is a responsible matter, and the choice of paint should be no less scrupulous. Coatings for stone and brick facades are selected according to several criteria:


The main types of paints according to their composition have already been described above; this classification should be used as a starting point when choosing a material based on its binder. However, sometimes other binders in the composition, such as cement or lime, are indicated on the packaging. But the composition of the binder is not as important as its quantity.

Water permeability

Since painting brick is not only an aesthetic matter, but also a preventive measure against premature destruction, the level of water permeability of a certain type of material must be high. Of course, more often than not, many consumers are attracted by the low price, and they do not pay attention to the quality of the material. Price matters! High water permeability will contribute to the appearance of cracks, peeling and salt deposits on the wall. In addition, the development of fungus and mold is inevitable, which not only spoils the structure of a brick or stone house, but also affects the health of others.

Resistance to sunlight

Painting a brick wall performs one of the functions of protecting the facade from exposure to solar radiation. Excessive solar radiation causes paint to fade, cracks and blisters to appear.

The most resistant substance for painting is acrylic; therefore, it is better to choose acrylic or acrylic-silicone paint.

Ability to pass steam

Allows excess moisture from evaporation to be removed outside. Facade paints for bricks, as mentioned above, also have protective functions. One of them is to prevent the formation of mold and mildew not only outside the house, but also from the inside. When the material allows excess moisture to escape, there will be nothing for mold and mildew to form on.

Wear resistance

The paint is subjected to the greatest abrasion during washing of the facade and in places where a person comes into contact with it the greatest number of times (for example, near doorways). The paint packaging usually indicates the number of dry and wet washes that it will withstand before it is completely abraded.

Flow rate

There are facade paints for bricks, the price of which is quite low, and the quality meets all needs. However, not everything is so smooth: before choosing a jar that comes into your hands, you should first carefully study its consumption per 1 m².

Time it takes for the paint to dry completely

Painting a house is usually done in 2 stages, 2 layers. On packaging with façade paint, 2 time parameters are usually indicated. The first time indicates how long you should wait after applying the bottom coat before applying the second, and the next number indicates how long it takes for both layers to dry completely.

Comparison facade paint with the addition of silicone with facade paint without its addition.

How is the facade painted?

Important! If brick house just built, you need to wait at least 1 year before painting its façade. This is due to shrinkage that occurs during the annual cycle under the influence of different weather conditions.

Before you start working with paint, you need to cover all the cracks and holes in the wall with cement mortar; small cracks are sealed with plaster. Then you should carry out the so-called cleaning of the facade from contamination, especially if the house is not a new building, but has been serving its owners for many years. The walls are cleaned of numerous layers of dust and soot, and if necessary, also of old paint. Cleaning is carried out using the “rough” method using a hard spatula or iron brush. In this way, cement cones and salt build-ups are removed from the wall. At the end of the rough cleaning, all walls of the house should be rinsed clean water from a hose. The remaining dust and dirt are finally swept off the walls with a regular brush.

Walls that are wet after watering with a hose are treated with a special one and repeated after 5 minutes. full cycle cleaning. After which you need to prime the entire facade, which will be painted.

Also, when preparing a brick wall for painting, a series of compulsory work by removal excess moisture, eliminating leaks. Moss, if any, is removed from the walls, and the wetted surface must be treated with herbicide, after which it is washed. If there is mold, the walls are treated with a solution of bleach and water.

This concludes preparatory stage and the actual painting of the facade begins.

Experts and those who have at least once encountered painting the facade of a house say that the best tool In this case, a regular paint brush is used. Painting the facade with a brush allows you to paint over all the seams.

To prevent facade paint from getting where it shouldn’t (for example, on window frame), jambs in doorways and other elements should be taped with tape or masking tape before painting. When painting, it is recommended to lay film, fabric or old newspapers on the floor. This will protect the floor from dripping paint.

The wall is painted in 2 layers. After applying the first layer, wait the time indicated on the paint packaging.

Facade painting brick house should be done in a dry, warm and not too sunny weather. It is advisable to calculate the time so that the weather favorable for work does not change for the next 2-3 days.

Caring for painted facades

Of all known methods transforming a brick house facade, painting is the most unpretentious. A painted wall requires washing with soap and water 2 times a year. In order to correct defects that appear during the operation of the house, it is enough to tint required areas suitable color.

A brick house is one of the warmest and most practical; it looks beautiful and not too pretentious, and painting its facade gives the building individuality and adds strength.

Trying to improve their homes, people resort to in various ways brick surface treatment. The most affordable option is painting.

It seems that nothing is simpler, I bought paint and treated the wall, but in order to complete a high-quality coating, you need:

  • choose the right dye;
  • conduct preparatory work;
  • comply with processing requirements.

Let's look at the painting process and decide on the right choice of materials.

Paint selection

When purchasing, first of all pay attention to the purpose of the paint. Painted sand-lime brick can be obtained by applying acrylic materials to water based. Silicone dyes can also be used for exterior work, but their cost is much higher than acrylic ones.

A quality alternative to acrylic products are latex-based paints. They are able to prevent the formation of salt substances on the brickwork. You can also use dyes that contain PVA. It's more cheap option, but it will not provide reliable coverage and will not protect the wall material from moisture. (Read more about the link)

To paint the wall plane, primer treatment is necessary. Silicate stone is able to absorb a large number of dye, so a preliminary priming operation will significantly reduce its consumption. It is better to choose a primer for work with increased water resistance.

Requirements for painting materials

Color range and low cost are not the main criteria when choosing paint; its properties should provide the following parameters:

  1. Waterproof. Paint for sand-lime brick should protect the façade from moisture.
  2. Resistant to ultraviolet rays. Influenced sun rays The color of the facade should not change.
  3. Vapor permeability. The painted structure must “breathe”; this condition will prevent the formation of condensation and dampening of the walls.
  4. Alkali resistance. Most masonry mortars use alkalis. If the dye is not resistant to alkalis, it may be burned by these substances.

Advantageous properties

When choosing a paint manufacturer, you need to pay attention to distinctive characteristics which should be given preference:

  • paint consumption, better to choose average, which will provide high-quality coverage and low financial costs;
  • service life must be at least five years;
  • drying speed, do not purchase a product that dries quickly because this ability makes painting work difficult.

Preparatory work

Before starting the painting process, the silicate surface must undergo mandatory preparation:

  • the wall must be cleaned of mold and dust;
  • the roof above the wall must be repaired;
  • existing drains should be equipped or repaired, this will prevent the building wall from getting excessively wet;
  • old coating in the form of putty or paint must be removed, but you cannot use a metal brush, because it can damage the surface;
  • if there are formations of salts on the walls of the building, they should be washed with water and a hard sponge and possible sources of leakage should be removed;
  • if the wall is covered with moss, it must be removed and the masonry treated with herbicide.

Restoration of brickwork

The requirements listed above apply to any surface; brickwork has its own characteristics in preparation:

  • on the plane of the wall, all protruding parts of silicate blocks and mortars must be removed;
  • existing cracks and chips in the brickwork must be repaired with putty and a sealing mixture;
  • For a beautiful appearance, old seams should be renewed.

Primer treatment

A primer layer is applied to the prepared walls. This can be done using a brush or roller. First, the solution is used to treat areas where mold or grease stains have been removed. After this, you can begin to cover the entire plane. Because it was applied correctly pre-coating You'll be jealous of the quality of the paint job. The primer layer will dry in about 1–2 hours, after which you can begin applying paint.

Coloring sand-lime brick

You can apply the paint layer using:

  • wide brush;
  • roller;
  • special devices.

If you are applying the dye manually, then it is better to use a roller, because using a brush for painting is a very labor-intensive and time-consuming process. A spray gun can be used as a painting machine. But to use it, certain skills are required to apply the paint layer.

Important point! Do not paint new brickwork that is less than one year old. The surface must undergo drying, weathering and the process of losing the alkaline component of the solutions.

Roller painting method

It is not particularly difficult to perform, and you can do such work yourself. Sand-lime brick is painted in the following sequence:

  • pour paint into the bath;
  • dip the roller into the container; excess dye can be removed by pressing on the side of the bath;
  • apply the dye to the wall, movements must be made in the vertical direction;
  • each strip should be applied overlapping the previous one to exclude unpainted areas;
  • After applying the first layer over the entire surface and drying, you can begin re-processing.

Modern technologies make it possible to produce. It is very widely used for construction. He if brick construction has already been built, then painting will help to update the surface and add individuality. It is best to carry out processing in early autumn. Warm days will ensure even drying. Calm weather during this period will prevent contamination of the paint layer.
If you still have questions, we recommend watching the video:

Brick facades withstand aggressive influences well external factors. But rain, frost, wind and bright sunlight can have a destructive effect.

Brickwork can be subject to mechanical damage, invasion of fungi and mold, and sometimes due to improper production technology and laying of bricks, whitish spots - efflorescence - form on the surface of the masonry.

To update the appearance, add decorativeness and additional protection, facade brick paints are used.

Due to the large volume of work, painting facades is a labor-intensive and expensive process. The durability of the color directly depends on main properties of paint for facades.

Among them:

  • waterproof- the ability to retain moisture on the surface, preventing it from penetrating deep into the material. If the coating allows water to pass through, when the temperature drops, the resulting ice crystals will destroy the surface of the material. The surface will crack and the paint will peel off.
  • resistance to sunlight- the property of maintaining color brightness when exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Facades with south side are more susceptible to excess solar radiation and over time can change color - burn out.
  • vapor permeability- the possibility of moisture exchange between the wall material and environment. With low vapor permeability, the wall surface will be constantly wet, and fungi and mold will appear.
  • wear resistance- ability to maintain protective and decorative properties for a long time. Average paint durability is about 5 years, compositions based on acrylic and alkyd resins can be used for more than 10 years without changing their properties.
  • elasticityimportant characteristic, is necessary to compensate for temperature changes when changing seasons to avoid cracking of the coating.
  • heat resistance- resistance to low temperatures, sometimes achieved by using special additives.
  • alkali resistance— clay for making bricks and cement-sand mortars for masonry have an alkaline reaction, which is unfavorable for the paint composition. The alkali will corrode the paint and it may begin to bubble and come off the wall.
  • decorative properties- the possibility of tinting and creating surfaces of different reflective properties - matte, semi-matte or glossy. These qualities are necessary to give the building an elegant look, emphasizing architectural details and elements.

When conducting painting works important factors are technological characteristics:

  • drying speed— the ability to dry quickly on the surface to be painted, which is important for outdoor work, because a surface that has not yet hardened can be damaged by precipitation, depending on the ambient temperature.
  • degree of adhesion— adhesion to the surface of the material, important when painting without priming. The stronger the adhesion, the stronger the paint will adhere, which will affect its durability.
  • consumption per sq.m.— is necessary for preliminary calculation of the need for paint, and also allows you to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of one type of paint over another.
  • hiding power- the ability to well paint over the previous or primary color of the surface.


Based on the binder, facade paints are divided into:

  1. Acrylic. Manufactured on the basis of acrylic resins, the most suitable option for painting brick facades in terms of price-quality ratio. They form a durable moisture-resistant and vapor-permeable film on the surface, protecting the brick from external influences. Does not allow salt stains to reappear. In addition, due to the high resistance of acrylic paints to alkalis, walls can be painted within a month.
  2. Water-based. They are a mixture of coloring pigments and water, which evaporates when dried. The base is usually lime. Such dyes are inexpensive, have high frost resistance, water resistance, and resistance to solar radiation. Non-toxic and non-flammable.
  3. Mineral. They are produced on the basis of inorganic binders and are environmentally friendly. Manufacturers produce lime, cement, silicate, oil paints.
  4. Epoxy. Various in quality and characteristics. They form a high-strength film and have good adhesive properties. But the painted surface needs additional protection, for example, with varnish, due to its instability to precipitation.
  5. Silicone. High-quality paints, absolutely do not allow moisture to pass through, and have good vapor permeability. They fit well even on smooth surface with weak adhesion. Retain color for a long time.

Which one to choose for painting a brick facade?

Exterior walls are often finished facing bricks. This brick does not require additional coating. But there are cases when it is necessary to paint sand-lime brickwork.

For example, you want to update old wall or emphasize a masonry element. Sand-lime brick consists of quartz sand and lime, so you need to choose a coloring composition with high resistance to alkali. The properties are similar to ceramic, i.e. clay, but less water resistant. Therefore, when choosing a paint composition, the main attention should be paid to moisture resistance.

Most often used for these purposes acrylic paints, which, in addition to high moisture resistance, have good vapor permeability, wear resistance and at an affordable price. Sand-lime brick has a light surface, so it is possible use of almost any color in painting. Just remember that when repairing a painted surface, it is often impossible to change the color of the coating, because more dark color will show through light paint.

Forecast of consumption per 1m2

  • for acrylic paints this figure is 150 g/sq.m,
  • water-based paints have a consumption of 250-300 g/sq.m,
  • mineral - about 200g/sq.m.

The absorbency of the brickwork should be taken into account, number of layers of application and method of painting. The lowest consumption is achieved when painting with a spray gun.

Thickened paints are diluted with water or a special solvent. In liquid form - ready for use.

To determine the total consumption for painting the facade, multiply the area of ​​the walls by the amount of consumption per sq.m.

Painting technology

It is necessary to start painting the facade one year after masonry production. During this time, the materials will weather, dry out, and alkalinity will decrease. masonry mortar. The exception is acrylic paint, which can be applied to brickwork within a month.

Painting the facade includes preparatory work, painting and protection from debris falling on the freshly painted surface and getting wet.

Substrate preparation is very important! If it is done incorrectly, the façade paint will quickly lose its durability and decorative properties.

External work should be carried out in the warm season, prepare stepladders, ladders or scaffolding, tools for applying primer and coloring composition- brushes, rollers or sprayers.

Preparatory work and cleaning

  1. You must first inspect the wall for efflorescence and dirt. Clean the wall with a stream of water. In the presence of greasy stains you need to use detergents.
  2. Repair defects in roofing and gutters.
  3. Necessarily remove old paint using solvent.
  4. Seal chips and cracks with sealant or cement mortar. Subsequent work should be carried out only after the solution has dried.
  5. Treat the surface with herbicides to destroy moss spores, fungi and mold.
  6. Apply primer in 2-3 layers. Brick is not the most convenient material that takes paint well, so it is advisable to prime the surface to increase paint adhesion to the surface.
  7. In the presence of grinding machine Sand the surface.
  8. Seal the contours of windows, doors and other elements around the perimeter masking tape to avoid paint getting on them.

Facade painting

  1. Mix the paint thoroughly in the container, add color if necessary according to color scheme facade.
  2. It's better to start with top corner . Apply the first coat of paint vertically, making overlapping movements.
  3. Re-paint after the first layer has dried.. Move the roller or brush horizontally.
  4. If necessary, apply a third coat of paint, creating a smooth painted surface.

The final work is to protect the freshly painted façade from dirt and getting wet. You can use film for these purposes.

Caring for painted facades.

In order for a painted facade to please the eye for a long time, it is necessary to take care of it. About once every six months, it is recommended to wash off dirt from surfaces and repair damage caused during operation. You can simply tint the defects with the desired color.

Painting the walls is the most unpretentious way facade finishing. It allows you to improve both the decorative and performance qualities of brickwork. Plus, it's easy to do it yourself. Main - right choice coloring composition and implementation of painting technology.

To buy good frost-resistant paint you will have to face the problem of choice. There are a lot of manufacturers on the paint market. The assortment is huge, everyone...

Brickwork is painted in two cases, when the wall has lost its “former beauty” over time and when radical change facade. Painting will give the house an updated look and make it stand out from the surrounding buildings. With the help of a well-chosen color you can highlight architectural features building. This article will discuss options for painting a brick wall.

This finishing not only has a cosmetic effect, but also protects the wall of a brick house from adverse effects. external environment. To obtain a high-quality surface, it is necessary to pay great attention to the preparation of the surface to be painted and the choice of the material itself.

Brick wall photo

Brick wall color

  • Applying paint to masonry is a fairly practical way not only to give the facade an attractive look, but also to decorate the walls interior spaces. A wide range of painting materials will allow you to choose the desired shade.
  • The choice of color is not only based on personal preference. The outer brick wall, first of all, should be combined with the shade roofing material, do not create a sharp contrast with existing buildings(bathhouse, gazebo, outbuildings, etc.).
  • An important factor when choosing paint is the shape of the house. If it has a classic basis, built on straight lines, then it will be perfect here pastel shades. Complex architecture with balconies, pilasters, columns and other elements can be decorated in bright, rich colors.

  • The coating can be either glossy or matte. Specks of glitter on interior walls will expand the space. And here matte coating considered more resistant to mechanical stress, that is, it is characterized by increased resistance to abrasion.

Brick wall paint

The painting material presented on the market is divided according to its purpose: for facades, interior work, and there is also a division according to operating conditions (waterproof, heat-resistant products). It should be noted that exterior paint can be used to decorate interior walls, but interior paint is not suitable for facades.

The final coating must meet the following technical characteristics:

  • vapor permeability. Brickwork allows condensation to pass through, which inevitably occurs during the operation of the home. Therefore, the paint must have vapor-permeable properties. Otherwise, accumulated moisture will flow between the wall and the coating layer, which will lead to peeling of the latter;
  • water resistance. Nobody will ever cancel atmospheric precipitation. A material with such characteristics is relevant not only for painting exterior walls, but also interior spaces with increased level humidity (unheated cabins, bathrooms, kitchens);
  • resistance to UV radiation. Special additives will not allow active sunlight to affect the coating. However, it is worth noting that whitish areas appear more often on surfaces painted in dark colors;
  • elasticity. This material fits well on porous material. The plastic layer will perfectly withstand small deformation changes in the brickwork during seasonal temperature fluctuations;

  • hiding power. This indicator is responsible for economical paint consumption, which is especially important when used on walls made of microporous bricks. Not every paint is capable of forming a high-quality coating in 1-2 layers;
  • frost resistance. The additive is responsible for the performance properties of the coating at sub-zero temperatures, severe climatic conditions. Heat-resistant material is chosen for painting brick stoves and fireplaces, moisture-resistant for rooms with high humidity conditions.

The environmental component of paint is of no small importance. Today, consumers are offered products made on an organic and water-dispersed basis.

Types of paint for painting a brick wall

It would be useful to remind you that it is better to purchase products famous brands. Global manufacturers monitor their reputation, so they produce paint manufactured in accordance with technological requirements. Each package provides reliable information about the operating rules, technical characteristics and properties of the material.

A brief overview of the most popular types of paints will help you draw conclusions about quality and create a basis for choosing a particular product:

  • silicone paints form a reliable layer that allows water vapor to pass freely. Material resistant to mechanical damage and seasonal temperature changes. Well, the price for them is appropriate;
  • latex products features vapor permeability, high decorative qualities and harmless composition. Its disadvantage is its low degree of wear resistance. In addition, if you want to remove the old coating, it will not be so easy;

  • lime based paints environmentally friendly, breathable and beautiful. There is a significant disadvantage - low performance properties. After drying, small peelings are observed that spoil big picture and ruin all your efforts.

Brick walls can be painted with cement, silicate and polymer paints. Perfect for this type of work acrylic material water based. It does not contain components harmful to health, and the coating is rich in color, different high wear resistance. Acrylic paint with the addition of silicone is widely used. The painted surface is characterized by increased performance qualities.

Along with the paint, you must also purchase primers. Treating walls with a primer before painting:

  • will remove dust from the surface;

  • will increase adhesion between paint and surface;
  • will prevent the appearance of streaks and promote uniform coloring.

To additionally protect walls from moisture, you can use a water repellent. He will raise thermal insulation properties walls, forms a water-repellent and breathable film.

How to paint a brick wall. Basic moments

  • If finishing is planned immediately after laying bricks, then work here should be postponed for at least a year. During this time, the walls will finally dry out and weather. The paint on newly built walls will certainly peel off. External work is carried out in warm time year at a temperature not exceeding 25º mark.

  • It is very important when performing this process that there is no wind, otherwise, along with air currents dust particles will fall onto the newly painted, damp surface, which will ruin the appearance facade. It will be possible to get rid of defects only by repainting it again, and this entails additional costs for material and considerable time costs.
  • At internal works all furniture is removed from the premises. If it is not possible to vacate the room, then the furniture is moved away from the walls towards the center and into mandatory covered with polyethylene or old sheets.
  • It is recommended to dismantle existing skirting boards and platbands; if this is impossible, they are protected with masking tape. The floors are covered with paper or film.

For execution finishing works, including the preparatory process and the coloring itself, you will need:

  • scraper and brush with metal bristles;
  • detergent or special compounds for the cleaning;
  • mortar for grouting masonry joints;
  • primer;
  • roller, brush or spray gun;
  • painting tray;
  • dye;
  • facilities personal protection(gloves, mask, glasses, etc.).

Work before painting

Preparing the surface for painting serves as a reliable basis for the final coating. Therefore, the efforts made will more than pay off in the form of high-quality and durable decorative finishing.

Stages of work

  • The brick wall is cleaned with a brush. Before painting the brick wall on the loggia, the old finish (if any) is removed. To do this, you can dilute bleach powder with water (1:3). After treatment, the surface is watered generously. The surface is also cleaned of loose pieces of brick or mortar.

  • Using a wire brush and special solution the masonry is treated to remove existing salt deposits. If this is not done, then efflorescence will soon ruin the painted surface, because the salts will appear again and again. They will not only affect the decorative qualities of the finish, but will also lead to peeling of the material.
  • Antiseptic solutions are used to combat fungus and mold. As a replacement for a special preparation, you can use chlorine-containing products such as “Belizny”. They are applied to the walls and left for 15-20 minutes to act, then cleaned off with a scraper or a stiff brush.
  • The entire wall is thoroughly washed soap solution. Next, you need to wait until the brickwork is completely dry. Otherwise, any, even minimal, moisture residues will cause swelling and peeling of the paint layer, as well as the appearance of cracks on the surface.
  • The masonry is carefully inspected for the presence of cracked seams, cracks and chipped bricks. All crumbled parts are removed, the resulting recesses are cleaned of dust and dirt. Defects are repaired sand-cement mortar, silicone sealant water-based or other compositions. As soon as the plaster dries, the excess is rubbed off with sandpaper.
  • If there are greasy stains, they must be primed in advance.
  • Next, the almost completely prepared surface is allowed to dry - for at least a week. After this time, the masonry is primed (preferably in 2 layers) using a roller, brush or spray gun.
  • A latex or acrylic based primer will increase adhesion between the paint material and brick blocks, will provide a reliable basis for finishing and reduce paint consumption.

Let's start painting

  • Having completed the preparatory work in in full, and after waiting for the walls to dry, you can start painting them. Before starting the process, it is recommended to cover all window and door openings with thick cardboard in order to avoid long washouts from paint drops.

  • Small architectural details that cannot be painted or are intended to be painted in a different color are also protected from the ingress of paint material. This is especially important to do if painting will be carried out with a sprayer.
  • For painting work You can use a flat brush with a width of 80-100 mm, this indicator is optimal for applying paint in a horizontal direction. A medium-nap roller will also work well. It does not leave smudges or streaks. The design of the handle allows the bar to be used for high-altitude work.

  • The spray gun will ensure even application finishing material, will significantly speed up painting, thanks to high speed processed surface per unit of time. Before starting work, it is necessary to set up the tool through test runs on the rough surface.
  • Painting begins from the upper corner of the wall, gradually moving from section to section. When using a brush or roller, be sure to apply even pressure to avoid creating bald spots or over-applying material. The paint in the container is regularly mixed, this will prevent sediment from forming.
  • After the first layer has dried, begin repainting. The drying time is indicated by the manufacturer on the product packaging. If such information is not available, then the standard three hours are waited.
  • Depending on the degree of porosity of the brick and the hiding power of the painting material, a coating of 2-3 layers may be required.
  • If desired, masonry joints are painted over with paint of a lighter or darker shade. With the latter option, the geometry of each brick will be emphasized as much as possible.

  • Thus, paint that is correctly selected in terms of quality and color scheme, as well as its application in compliance with the technological process, will help give the facade decorative look. In addition, brick walls will be protected from exposure to adverse conditions.
  • The only drawback of such finishing is the need for painting every 5-8 years, depending on the composition and performance qualities painting material.

Painting a brick wall video

  • The paint must have good vapor permeability. A painted facade must “breathe”, that is, the paint should not interfere with the free movement of steam through the surface of the wall;
  • The paint must have good waterproof performance, which guarantees protection from precipitation;
  • The paint must be resistant to ultraviolet radiation - it is this condition that guarantees the absence of fading of the pigment under the influence of sunlight, peeling or cracking of the coating;
  • The paint must have long term operation (durability), which depends on the presence of certain paint and varnish components in its composition.

Besides 4 the most important conditions mentioned above, facade paint “on brick” should be selected taking into account the following criteria:

  • Paint consumption level per 1 square meter of surface. You can choose a paint that has less consumption. But such paints, as a rule, have a thinner consistency and do not always guarantee high-quality coating of brickwork. It is better to choose paint of medium thickness. It fits well on the surface and will not be pulled by a brush or roller.
  • Paint drying speed. Quick-drying paint requires careful painting the first time, since correcting defects as the paint dries becomes quite problematic.
  • Adhesion- the property of paint to lie evenly on the surface. Primers are commonly used to increase paint adhesion, but if you plan to avoid priming, choose a paint with high adhesive properties.

Choosing paint for brick facades

Today in stores building materials facade paints are presented in a large assortment, and among them you will find paint for brick surfaces it won't be difficult. Let's consider the most optimal options.

Latex acrylic facade paints are characterized by the following properties:

  • High levels of vapor permeability and moisture resistance. Even with repeated coating, they ensure unhindered “breathing” of painted walls. Surfaces with this coating can be washed without fear.
  • High resistance to alkalis. Within a month after the construction of the building, the facade can be painted with this paint.
  • If there is “efflorescence” on a brick wall, acrylic paints are the most successful solution to this piquant problem. They form a specific film, the presence of which will prevent the re-formation of salt stains on the surface of the facade.

We have already written in more detail in a previous article.

Water-based facade paints are characterized by the following properties:

  • They tolerate frosts well. Despite the fact that the base for paint is water, when dyeing it evaporates, leaving a film of colored pigment;
  • Resistance to ultraviolet rays, which contributes to long-term preservation colors;
  • High degree of water resistance;
  • Economical paint consumption and the most optimal combination"price quality".

Study the material in addition to the current article.

Oil facade paints They contain drying oil, colored pigments and various fillers. Their varieties and presence in the paint composition or in separate containers depend on the manufacturer.

Disadvantages of oil paints for use in painting brick facades- susceptibility to atmospheric changes and ultraviolet radiation, which makes it short-lived. At the same time, oil paints are quite expensive.

Alkyd facade paints contain alkyd resins. Before applying the paint to the surface, it must be diluted with turpentine, drying oil or kerosene. Paint consumption must be calculated based on the type of solvent and the presence of additional impurities.

Alkyd paints guarantee protection of bricks from fungi and mold. But such paints are not often used for painting brick facades, as they have weak adhesion, some complexity in the painting process and a fairly high price.

Facades that are reliably protected from the effects of precipitation can be covered with PVA based paints. But it should be borne in mind that such paints are not resistant to moisture.

If we talk about specific brands of facade paint, then for painting brick facades it is best to use Tikkurila Kivitex silikaattimaali paint (for sand-lime brick), Farbex Facade and SPEED HIDE Latex Exterior. These are the most famous and widespread brands presented on the domestic market.

Preparing the surface for painting (step-by-step instructions)

  1. We inspect the surface of the brickwork and identify salt stains and other contaminants on it. We remove them with a metal brush and wash off the surface with water.
  2. To prevent water from leaking from the roof to the walls, we repair canopies and drainpipes.
  3. If there are chips, cracks or other defects in the old brickwork, we eliminate them using a sealing compound. Such repairs will help reduce wall moisture and ensure less paint consumption.

  1. If there are places overgrown with moss on the old brickwork, it must be removed and the surface treated with a herbicide.
  2. We apply a primer to the prepared walls, which significantly improves the final result of painting the wall and reduces paint consumption.

Painting a brick wall

Tools for painting can be very different - from wide brushes and rollers to professional spray guns. For painting large surfaces it is better to use professional tool. For painting country house or dachas - wide paint brushes and rollers. Use painting tools with stiff bristles. There should be enough paint on the brush or roller so that it does not drip from the bristles, but is not too dry.

  • Pour paint into the paint tray. Dip a wide brush or roller into the paint and squeeze it a little on the side.
  • We apply the paint to the wall with strokes or rolls in one direction. We paint each subsequent section with a slight “overlap” on the previous one. This ensures that there are no unpainted areas.
  • After the first layer of paint has completely dried, apply the second, moving painting tool V different directions. This will allow you to achieve uniform staining and a uniform color over the entire surface to be painted.

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