The variety of padlocks has led to the emergence of the most different systems classifications. All of them make it easier for consumers to choose a lock, since they are designed to give precise and succinct definitions in accordance with certain basic characteristics.

Classification of padlocks by size

One of the simplest and most convenient classifications padlocks based on their overall dimensions. It allows you to make a choice depending on the object for which the lock is intended. According to this classification, there are following types locks:

Small or miniature, intended for mailboxes, purses, suitcases;

Medium, general purpose;

Large, used for doors, including external ones;

Large, used for gates, warehouse doors and sheds.

Difference in design features

Padlocks are divided into the following types:

Level locks;

Leverless locks;

Cylinder locks;

Screw locks;

Disc locks;

Code locks.

This is the most common classification among professionals; it allows you to navigate the reliability of the padlock mechanism and the ability to resist uninvited guests using master keys.

Classification according to materials used

Depending on the materials used to make the case, padlocks are divided into the following types:



Cast iron;


Aluminum locks are lightweight but fragile, brass locks have an aesthetic appearance And high stability to corrosion, but soft and expensive.

Cast iron padlocks are cheap, resistant to corrosion, durable, but become brittle during frosts. Steel locks have increased burglary resistance, but are more expensive, so they are purchased to protect critical facilities.

Classification by ability to resist criminal acts

Like all other types door locks mounted ones are classified in accordance with GOST 5089-97 into four classes in relation to criminal actions. Burglary resistance is determined by the time spent on opening:

The first class is characterized by low security capabilities and is opened in less than five minutes;

The second class is characterized by normal security abilities and is opened in 5-10 minutes;

The third class is characterized by increased security capabilities; such a lock can be opened in no faster than 10 minutes;

The fourth class has high security capabilities; opening such a lock takes more than half an hour.

The European classification is identical to the Russian one, only burglary resistance classes are marked not with numbers, but letters A, D, C and D.

The marking of each lock that has passed certification must include the serial number, type of lock, class of burglary resistance and operational reliability, as well as details of the certification body.

In the product catalog there is a price for padlocks..

In this article we look at padlocks. Let's find out what types of padlocks there are, what they are made of, how they are classified, what they protect from and whether they protect at all?

Padlocks are one of the most popular types of locks in Russia.
First of all, probably because a padlock is the easiest to install on a particular door. In most cases, its installation does not require welding, grinders or other construction tools.
Secondly, perhaps its popularity is due to the fact that a padlock is the most understandable and open device locking. There is nothing easier than taking a padlock in your hand; its key hole is visible to the naked eye, the key is easy to get into, and when you turn the key in the lock, it is immediately clear whether it has opened or remains closed.

History of padlocks

But from a historical point of view about padlocks very, very little is known. In particular, no one can say exactly when and where they appeared.

In 2004, Chinese scientists defended their doctoral dissertations on the origins of padlocks, which were based on their research and analysis. According to them, the first padlocks appeared in Ancient China about two thousand years ago. Very unexpected!
It would be surprising if Chinese scientists claimed that the first padlocks appeared on the territory of, for example, Slavic tribes.

Other wise men believe that padlocks are Western Europe appeared much earlier - about 5 thousand years ago, somewhere in the Roman Empire. In general, the information is very conditional. A mystery shrouded in darkness...

Definition of a padlock

So what is a padlock and why is it called that?

If we take the GOST definition, then...

3.27 padlocks: Locks that, for locking purposes, are hung on locking elements installed on the movable and fixed parts of the locked structure; are located on outside lockable design and completely open to the user.

In my opinion, it can be said more simply.
A padlock is a lock whose body is not protected by the door leaf in any way. That's all.

Components and parts

Let's look at what a padlock consists of.
A padlock consists of three main parts.

Lock body

The first is the lock body. Since the padlock is not protected in any way by the door leaf, the body performs the main protective function. It is in the lock body that the security mechanism is located, and it is also in the body that the locking shackle of the padlock is locked and secured.
Accordingly, the stronger the padlock body, the more fracture load it will withstand, and the better it will cope with its protective functions.

Padlock bodies are often made of aluminum alloys, cast iron or steel. Less often - made of brass. Why less often? Because brass, although a nice material with high anti-corrosion properties, is also relatively expensive and quite “soft”.

Locking shackle

The second important component of padlocks is locking shackle. Roughly speaking, this is the bolt of the lock, which directly locks the object. The lock shackle can be the most various forms: arched, straight, short, elongated, etc.

In the vast majority of padlocks, the shackle is made of steel. Depending on the specific model of the lock, the shackle may be what is called “raw”, that is, made of the most common mild steel and not heat-treated. As you understand, such a bow can be sawed through with a hand-held cutting tool in a relatively short time.

In other models you can find a heat-treated steel shackle, that is, hardened. Such a bow cannot be sawed with a hand tool.
Some people in this place ask “What, at all?!”
Well, imagine that rigidity cutting tool equal to the hardness of the material you are trying to saw through. Imagine that you have a child in your hands wooden knife and you are trying to cut down a tree with it. The cutting edge of your tool will become dull much faster than you can even cut into the tree trunk.
The situation is similar with a padlock.

Certainly something that cannot be cut off hand tools, can be cut automatically. For example, a grinder. But in in this case, we do not consider such hacking methods as a gas torch, dynamite or shooting from a tank. Despite the fact that even in life they meet.

Anti-corrosion and anti-freeze coatings

Since a padlock in most cases hangs outdoors and works in tough aggressive environments, he needs anti-corrosion treatment. From quality anti-corrosion coating depends on the service life of the lock and ease of use.
For example, powder coating or coating with hammer enamels is more common among domestic manufacturers.
Quality locks imported manufacturers often plated. This is such a shiny finish.

Since we mentioned the lock coating, we need to talk about the so-called rubberized locks.
Anyone who has used a padlock outside knows that it freezes in winter. Therefore, when buying a new one, every second person asks for an anti-freeze lock. Anti-freeze locks - NO-SU-STU-ST. Because there are no airtight locks. Even if there is a rubber bow, curtain and other heresy, moisture will somehow get inside.

The details of the lock, especially the code elements of the mechanism, are made with an accuracy of tenths and hundredths of a millimeter. A grain of sand can interfere with correct operation, so ice and frost will lead to what is called “freezing.” Some models are larger, some are smaller, but they all freeze. Therefore, no matter how super cool and rubberized the padlock is, it is necessary to protect it from direct hit moisture.

Secrecy mechanism?

The third important component of any lock, including a padlock, is the security mechanism. The stability of the padlock to intelligent types of opening and ease of use depend on the security mechanism.

In fairness, it should be noted that due to the fact that the body of the padlock is open on all sides for attack by an intruder, padlocks are extremely rarely subjected to intelligent types of opening. Which is generally logical, since hitting a lock with a sledgehammer, even ten times, is much easier than finding a special tool and gaining experience in opening the mechanism cleanly.
However, if you plan to store something valuable behind a padlock, it is necessary to take into account its resistance to intelligent types of opening.

Cylinder pin mechanism

So, the first type of mechanism is English type, or the classic pin cylinder mechanism. It is considered the most primitive and is often present in economy class castles. In most cases, a padlock with this type of mechanism has extremely low resistance to intelligent opening. To confirm my words, you can find hundreds of videos on YouTube with detailed instructions opening such locks with improvised tools: wire, paper clips, etc.

Disc cylinder

The second common type of security mechanism on padlocks is the cylinder disc mechanism. The key of such a lock looks like this, or more convenient option double-sided disc mechanism key. It is believed that locks with keys of this type are more resistant not only to intelligent opening of the mechanism, but also to aggressive conditions. If we take it in general, this is true. Although there are many nuances within specific models and manufacturer.

Code mechanism

The code type of mechanism is quite common in padlocks. In some cases, this is convenient: you can open and lock a padlock without a dangling and always lost key. But the castles with code type Most of the mechanisms are subject to easy, clean opening. Serious locks with a code mechanism, for example, from famous manufacturers locks and hardware that are not subject to quick, clean opening, potential buyer because of high price are often no longer considered.

Level mechanism

Locks with a lever type mechanism are extremely rare these days. I don’t have a living example at all. But images are easy to find online. Many grandparents are very fond of padlocks with this type of mechanism, because during their youth there were no others, and these served for a very, very long time.

In fact, there is nothing outstanding about locks with this type of mechanism. They were widespread because lever lock from a production point of view, one of the simplest and defense enterprises were easily restructured to produce them. They worked for a long time only due to huge tolerances in the secrecy mechanism. And the smart boys of my time knew that the key to such a lock, which closes the shed in our garden, opens a similar lock on the neighbor’s shed.

Combined privacy mechanism

Well, a combined secrecy mechanism. This is a mechanism within which two coding systems are used. For example, slider and pin mechanisms. This also happens. In this way, the manufacturer provides serious protection against intelligent tampering.

I also don’t have deputies with this type of mechanism on hand. They are found mainly only from imported manufacturers. This is too difficult for domestic industry.

Three types according to hanging method

If you try to divide padlocks into types according to the method of arrangement of the shackle and body, then we can conditionally distinguish three groups:

Open type

Group 1 – padlocks open type. You can also include a cable padlock here. The shackle of such locks is completely open on all sides and is not protected by anything. It is the open type padlock that is easiest to choose for ready-made lugs, since there is a huge variety of them. But it is padlocks of this type that are most susceptible to hacking, since both the lock shackle and the eyes on which the lock hangs are open to impact and lever tools, such as a crowbar or crowbar.

Semi-closed type

Group 2 – floor padlocks closed type. The shackle of such a padlock is protected by its body and is not accessible to direct impact. In addition, this type of padlock makes it difficult to apply force to the eyes. Selecting this type of lock for ready-made lugs is not the easiest task, despite the fact that there are also quite a lot of padlocks of this type on the counter.

Closed type

Group 3 – closed type padlocks. A padlock of this type with its powerful body covers not only the shackle, but also the eyes completely. At important condition that this type of padlock is placed correctly so that nothing can be slipped under it. This is the main difficulty in selecting such a lock - this type of lock never fits ready-made lugs. The installation site and lugs for it have to be designed and manufactured individually. But this type of padlock can withstand the heaviest shock loads. I repeat, if you hung a padlock of this type in such a way that there is a distance between its body and the outer leaf of the door, it will be of no use and it will not fulfill its obligations.

Among closed-type padlocks, I would like to highlight those that have factory lugs or other security elements that prevent access to the lock. For example, these are the plates with eyes, made of hard alloy, on which the washer sits rigidly on the padlock. This design makes it difficult to access the lock and provides excellent protection against forced entry. But, in fairness, it should be noted that such things are relatively expensive.

Application area

Now let's talk about this important property padlocks as an area of ​​application. After all, many of you are wondering why some padlocks are made from materials that can be destroyed or sawed? Why shouldn't all padlocks be made of steel or even hardened steel, because each of them is designed to protect something!

The fact is that padlocks are needed not only for locking garages with cars or warehouses with expensive equipment. Padlocks can also be used to lock secure premises that no one will break into, workers’ lockers with clothes, luggage bags, and boxes with children’s trinkets. In all these cases, there is no point in hanging a heavy, expensive lock. It's not rational.

Therefore, according to the area of ​​application, all padlocks can be divided into three large groups.

Group 1 – these are locks for non-essential premises. Mops, workers' clothing, and secure storage facilities are often locked with locks from this group. The body of such locks is usually made of inexpensive materials, and the bow is not heat treated. The cost of locks for non-essential premises within one manufacturer is the lowest in comparison with other groups.

Group 2 – locks for critical premises. Locks of this group are made of more durable materials, in comparison with the previous group. A variety of secrecy mechanisms can be used here, but simple English ones are almost never used.

Group 3 – locks for especially critical premises. Made from the most durable materials: forged steel, especially durable cast iron. Padlocks of this group, in addition to locking the door, complicate access to both the lock shackle and the lugs on which it hangs.

In a market economy, the cost of a product directly reflects its characteristics. The same principle works on padlocks. The more famous the brand, the better the quality of the lock, the higher its anti-corrosion properties, the more complex its security mechanism, the harder the metal or alloy used to make it - the higher the cost of the padlock.

Lightweight padlocks for non-critical areas can cost 3-5 bucks. And such a lock will be enough to lock Klavdia Ivanovna’s box at work, so that the scoundrel Kolka does not quietly drink all the heart balm.

But if you plan to leave your car behind padlocks. If you plan to fasten a bicycle costing 50,000 rubles or more with a cable lock, do not skimp on spending several thousand on high-quality locking devices that will not only be convenient to use, but will also help you save your resources.

The padlock, which is also called a barn or hanging lock, appeared several thousand years ago, but is still used today in great demand and is actively used. Typically, such a locking device is installed on garage doors, wooden doors outbuildings, in dachas, barns, warehouses, workshops, gates, etc. What makes them good is a successful combination simplicity, reliability and ease of use.


A padlock is a device installed on a door using lugs through which a shackle is hung. Most often, the locking mechanism is cylinder, less often lever-type. Maximum simple design, easy to install and dismantle. The disadvantage of this type of lock is that it is less protected than others from mechanical burglary.

Division into groups by material

If we divide products according to the material used to make the cases, we can note the following most common groups: cast iron, brass, steel. Sometimes you can find such a padlock - an old one, made of cast iron, which has always been considered the cheapest metal. But products from it were produced by casting, which made it possible to make locks of the most varied shapes. In addition, durable and reliable cast iron devices are resistant to deformation, mechanical damage and corrosion.

Steel products are also highly durable, but this metal is not anti-corrosion, and its cost is much higher than cast iron. In order to prevent rust, some locks are made from even more expensive of stainless steel, which significantly increases the service life of the product.

The padlock, the photo of which is presented below, is made of brass. The metal is lightweight, has a beautiful surface and is highly resistant to corrosion. The only drawback can be considered the softness of the material.

Separation of locks based on other criteria

  • The security mechanism can be a padlock with a cylinder or disk mechanism.
  • Depending on the method of opening, the devices are: with a key, coded and combined. Modern market also offers latest designs biometric locks.

Unlike conventional key locks (cylinder or lever), the process of closing and opening which requires an individual key, coded padlocks and biometric locks do not require additional elements. Usually they do not have springs, a bolt, a cylinder, levers, or a key.

Mounted combination lock consists of several metal rings with grooves on inside; they have numbers or letters printed on them on the outside. Each lock is assigned a specific digital or alphabetic code. The bow with protruding elements moves out of the body only at the moment when all the rings are installed in one line, and the numbers and letters on the body opposite the special cursor must be folded vertically into the code required for this product (number or word).

Combined locking devices combine the mechanism of a conventional lock and code secrets dialed by rotary or sliding buttons located on the body. As a result, it is possible to insert and turn the key only after typing the conditional cipher.

  • Depending on the type of locking, a padlock can be automatic or non-automatic.

Rigel in automatic device the bent protrusion fits into the recess on the bow when the spring acts on it. When the bolt or key releases the shackle, it is pushed upward under the action of this spring. Some designs involve the shackle being pushed out by a spring located under the long end of the shackle. Such locking devices simply snap into place when the shackle is lowered, without the use of a key.

  • Depending on the number of turns of the locking key, a padlock is usually one-, two-, or half-turn.
  • Based on the method of closing the shackle, a distinction is made between devices in which only one end of the shackle is locked, and those that clamp both ends.

Purpose of padlocks

As mentioned earlier, locking devices of this type average or large sizes hung on garages, sheds, fences, gratings, gates, technical and warehouses, as well as on the doors of such utility rooms, like closets, closets, attics.

Miniature padlocks received wide application for locking bicycles in the parking lot, apartment mailboxes, suitcases, etc. The convenience is that in these cases it is impossible to use either mortise or rim locks, since there is no profile structure necessary for installation, and the mechanics of the locked parts are imprecise.

Compliance of padlocks with the purpose of the premises

Despite its long history, the ordinary padlock, the photo of which you see, has proven to be in demand even in our technically spoiled times. The most important thing is that such a universal device can be easily and minimum cost time to dismantle and reinstall in another place - this is captivating.

The only drawback of a simple barn lock is its low reliability, but modern designs hinged locking devices turn them into the most durable products in terms of material, as well as the most reliable protectors in design against possible break-ins.

Thus, the garage padlock now features a durable, reinforced body, and specially designed “curtains” prevent it from being drilled.

There are other types of secure locks hanging structure, which are capable of ensuring sufficient security of an unguarded object:

  • High-strength cast iron or steel locks, the temples of which were subjected to heat treatment. The only thing to consider: very coldy make cast iron brittle and destroy it, so the alloy of the pads must contain boron.
  • You can also install moisture-resistant locks on external doors, in which the body and shackle are rubberized. The keyhole is protected from rain and snow by special curtains.
  • It would be good to install a padlock on the door with a closed, semi-closed or mushroom-shaped design. These are difficult to crack, and the arms are protected by the housing from being cut down. It will also be difficult to remove a lock with double locking of the arms. Although such products are somewhat more expensive, you should not skimp on safety.
  • For the safety of particularly important objects (individual lockers in swimming pools, saunas, fitness clubs and others in public places) it is best to choose combination padlocks.

Combination padlocks

Combination locks are widely used. They are not too expensive, and are also convenient and easy to use, ensuring the safety of the facility. A combination padlock does not require keys, which are often lost, and is unlocked by entering a specific digital combination. This door-locking device does not have a conventional key hole, so it cannot be hacked by such traditional ways, like a master key, all kinds of screws or rolls.

Biometric padlocks

A biometric padlock is an expensive, progressive locking device that is easy to install and ensures the security of the facility. Just touch the built-in scanner with your finger and the lock will open. Modes are provided open doors, as well as the ability to program several fingerprints of “entry” people at once.

Features of padlocks

The main feature of any padlock is that the operating mechanism involves opening the door on which it is installed only from the outside. As a rule, on steel doors such a device is not installed.

In an emergency

How to open a padlock if you unexpectedly lost your keys? It turns out that there are ways to get out of such an unpleasant situation.

For example, a barn castle. Unfortunately, the bolt of such a simple locking device cannot withstand the heavy load on the shackle, so it succumbs to the pressure of a nail puller or other lever with a small shoulder, bends quite easily and breaks out of the lock body.

If you are dealing with a cylinder mechanism, then open english castle can be a simple master key, which can serve as any household item. Perforated locks are more difficult to open without a key, but they are poorly protected from breaking and tearing out the cylinder itself. It is possible to tear out the cylinder using special pullers or by screwing a self-tapping screw into it and several jerks with a nail puller. You can use a screwdriver to pry out the lock cylinder.

Disc locks, which are usually opened with semicircular keys, can be opened with a roll. By the way, after such a violent impact, the product will continue to open normally with its own key.

In most locking devices with a disk mechanism, the cylinders are secured to a single 3-mm pin, so they can be torn out and simply squeezed out if a screw or self-tapping screw is inserted into the hole. The keyhole of a device with open shackles is usually protected by a pressed-in washer, but these types of locks can be cut with wire cutters and the loops and shackles can be rolled up.

Existing hacking methods different types padlocks make virtually no noise and do not require any special skills; Anyone can handle them.

Today, the safety and reliability of a garage is a very important indicator. You can achieve the required level of security using strong Garage Doors, their quality installation and a lock that will close them. In this article we will tell you exactly what kind of mounted garage lock you should also select features that you need to pay attention to during selection.

Types of padlocks

Today, padlocks are the most popular and are most often used to protect your property and close any garage or other doors that are equipped with special fastenings exactly for this type of lock. Huge assortment of the most different castles makes an uninformed buyer get lost and increases the chance of choosing a low-quality or unsuitable lock.

To do right choice, you need to have an idea of ​​what the main types of locks are in order to somehow separate the huge assortment and highlight the ones that are most suitable for you. Today castles are classified into three groups:

  • Barn.
  • Locks with locking pin.
  • Padlocks.

Barn view

They consist of a body, a bow and a sliding mechanism. Thanks to its shape, it can be installed on almost any garage door, and it will perform its functions perfectly.

Barn: classic look, the only difference is in size, it is better to take the steel version, they are the most durable and reliable.

With locking finger

A lock with a locking pin has a very similar design to a padlock, but instead of a lock that moves on a hinge, the design has a metal rod.

It can be completely detached from the structure when open, and when closed it is secured with the same valve as the hinged one. Due to its design, it is not suitable for all types of fastenings and for it it is necessary to prepare more suitable elements to close the garage door.

Semi-closed: instead of a bow, a straight pin is used, partially hidden in the body and closed with eyes, which makes this type reliable.

Oblique varieties

Mounted on a flat surface when the fastening system is fully extended outward and is capable of entering the cavity of the body of such a lock to the required distance. After this, the finger is inserted into the hole and securely fixed with one or two latches.

Closed: the locking part is completely hidden in the body of the product, which makes it particularly burglar-resistant.

We choose according to technical characteristics

To choose for yourself a quality and secure lock, you need to pay attention to its main characteristics so that it can last a long time, perform its main functions and fully meet all your requirements.

To make a quality choice, you need to pay attention to a number of the following nuances padlock:

  • Dimensions and compatibility with installation location.
  • The material from which all elements of the lock are made.
  • The type of locking element used in the design.

Dimensions and compatibility

Very important parameter is precisely the size of the padlock. It should not be too bulky or conspicuous.

It is best to select it so that it is as proportional to the door as possible and fits perfectly into the recesses for it and does not stick out too much.

Overhead locks should have the most compact form, since they are installed on top of garage doors and are practically not hidden.

Varieties of mounted models by structure: open, mushroom-shaped, semi-closed, closed. Most reliable look closed type.

In addition to the dimensions, make sure that the lock you choose is compatible with the hinges that function as the fastening system. Some locks may simply not reach the holes and be able to tightly close both hinges.

Material from which the mechanism is made

The material from which the padlock is made directly shows its main purpose. The material used in the lock will indicate whether it will close the garage or any other door from outside entry, or simply cover it from children or so that the gate is not constantly wide open.

Brass - do not corrode and are very attractive in appearance, but despite the high cost, such models are not durable enough.

Today the most popular materials materials used to create locks are: aluminum, hardened steel, brass, cast iron metals and many others. An aluminum lock has the lowest strength and is least suitable for performing protective functions. The most durable are brass and hardened locks. They can withstand external pressure, shock and resist corrosion well.

We select according to the type of locking mechanisms

There are quite a few types of closures in padlocks, and they are practically no different from ordinary mortise door locks.

The most common systems are:

Crossbar systems

Crossbar - it opens due to the length of the key, which moves along the slot and presses on special crossbars with teeth that are located on one or both of its sides. One of the main disadvantages of such a lock is the presence of a relatively large and long key.

Code locks

Coded - this type of lock has the only advantage over all its analogues; it is the complete or partial absence of a key. It is partial because the lock may have a hole for the key and the key itself, but it is only required if you have forgotten the code, but not all locks have this option. They usually have a fairly simple hacking system and are not very reliable, which is why they break easily.

Code expensive models, but at the same time you don’t need to carry the keys with you, you need to know the digital combination.

Level-type locking systems

Lever locks - consist of a certain number of plates, which are called levers. The key, moving along the slot, presses them in a certain sequence, after which the lock opens. It is physically almost impossible to break it, but picking up a key or master key is possible. But the selection becomes more complicated if the number of these levers is quite large.

With cylindrical mechanism

Cylindrical mechanisms are the most popular and widespread type today. They are quite reliable, the key is difficult to find, and it is almost impossible to break. And the opening key itself is very compact and convenient.

The key detail of any cylinder mechanism is the core. It is made in the shape of a cylinder - hence the name of the mechanism - cylinder.

Popular manufacturers and their choice

It is highly not recommended to buy and use locks made from pressed metal chips. They can only be used in decorative purposes or when protection is not a top priority. Due to the fact that the metal is pressed, it does not have high strength and breaks very easily and may begin to crumble over time. So only choose cast locks that do not have welds and have a one-piece, non-separable design.

Also, to make the lock last much longer on the street, select it with protective coating from moisture. So, corrosion will not destroy it, which is why its service life and reliability will be much higher.

The most popular and most quality manufacturers Today there are brands such as Avers, Aspect, Extra and, of course, the simplest and cheapest Chinese ones, which are also of fairly high quality.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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