A veranda attached to the house allows you to expand the habitable area, get a place for comfortable rest. Closed (glazed), it further reduces heat loss in the house. The best part is that you can do it yourself. Moreover, there are options that require significant costs, and there are inexpensive ones. There are many varieties both in structure and in the materials used; they can be decorated in any style.

What are there

Depending on the method of construction, a veranda attached to a house can be closed - with glazing - or open. Open ones are used mainly in warm periods, closed ones can serve as a place to relax all year round. A veranda attached to a house can be of two types at once: part can be glazed (closed), part can be open.

There are also walk-through doors - this is when in order to get into the house you pass through it. Such extensions are located on the front side of the house, sometimes on the yard side if there are two exits from the house. Entrance to impassable buildings is only from the house. It is impossible to get outside from such a veranda.

The extension can cover one, two or more sides Houses. If it covers two adjacent parts of the house, it is called a corner. Some of them occupy only part of the wall.

The forms are different. More often it is a rectangle, less often a hexagon, a semicircle, or other non-standard shapes (these are more difficult to build). In short, these are all types of verandas attached to the house, but without taking into account the materials.

The perimeter extension gives the house an extravagant look

What materials are they made from?

Most often, wooden verandas are made in our area. It is easier to work with wood, and it is not as expensive as in other countries. In areas where wood is very expensive, structural elements made of metal, and the lining is selected to your liking. It can be glass (double-glazed windows), polycarbonate.

The walls of the veranda are built from brick, shell rock, rubble stone, and building blocks. Just like a house, they are then finished or not, depending on the design of the main building. They can simply make a fence, as in the photo above.

If wood is expensive, or you don’t want to deal with it regularly, the veranda frame is assembled from metal. For this purpose it is most often used profile pipe, corners or channels - depends on the material and size of the extension. It is easier to attach double-glazed windows to metal; you can use polycarbonate instead of glazing. This material may be different colors and varying degrees of transparency. Despite the apparent fragility, there is enough durable material, which is used for the construction of greenhouses. And if so, then in the veranda, if it is closed, it will keep the heat well.

Veranda attached to the house: stages of construction

First of all, you need to decide on the type - open/closed, what material it is made of, and choose the type of foundation. It is also necessary to decide what size it will have, where and how it will be located. It is advisable to draw all this on the plan. Even better - order a project. Construction according to a project is rather an exception for us, but at least there is a plan with dimensions and location, reference to paths, etc. you must have.

The construction of a veranda for the house with your own hands proceeds according to the following plan (we build it from wood):

  1. Use pegs and twine to mark the outlines.
  2. Remove the turf and fertile layer. If this is not done, the vegetation under the flooring will rot, spreading aromas.
  3. Mark out the foundation. At this stage, questions may arise: what height should it be. If the foundation is made incoherent and “floating”, the level of the veranda flooring should be 5-10 cm below the floor level. This is necessary so that even when raised, the extension does not block the front door. If you don't want the floor to be lower, you'll have to front door make a high threshold: to guarantee freedom of opening the door. The height of the support beam depends on the height of the extension floor. It is nailed to the wall of the house, and floor beams are attached to it. The height of the foundation is marked along its lower edge (these are the next two steps).
  4. Nail a support beam to the wall, along the lower edge of which the height of the foundation is measured.

    How to mark an extension: nail the support beam at the required level, and mark the height of the foundation along its lower edge

  5. Build the foundation.
  6. While the concrete gains at least half strength, you complete site preparation. If at the bottom of the pit (the fertile layer has been removed) the soil allows water to pass through well (sandy, sandy loam), add crushed stone to the bottom. It can be compacted, or you can do without it. If there is loam or clay under the fertile layer, you will have to fill the pit either with the same soil (but not fertile) or with clean clay. It must be compacted well to avoid creating voids in which water will accumulate (it is better to lay it soaked to a paste in layers).
  7. A layer of waterproofing is laid on the finished foundation.
  8. Support posts for the roof are installed and secured.
  9. They tie the racks: they nail a beam 100*150 mm thick around the perimeter. It can be nailed to the outside of the studs or between them. Sometimes the racks are nailed after the floor has been laid. This is not the best option: the floor will most quickly become unusable. With such a structure, in order to replace it, you will have to dismantle everything, right down to the roof. If you install the racks first and then the floor, it can be repaired without problems.

    This is what the assembled frame of a veranda attached to the house looks like. Intermediate racks are needed only if the width of the veranda is more than 3 meters.

  10. Floor beams (beam 100*150 mm) are attached to the foundation and support beam. The step of their installation corresponds to the step of installing piles or columns.
  11. Assemble the rafter system.
  12. Side railings (for open ones) or walls (for glazed ones) are installed. At this stage general technology ends. Further, for indoor ones it is longer; an open veranda is easier to attach to the house:
    • For open ones, floor boards are nailed onto the beams.
    • For glazed ones, an insulated floor is made. The subfloor is nailed to the beams. There are joists on top, insulation between them, and a finished floor on top.
  13. Roofing.
  14. Wall decoration inside and outside.

It's only general stages. To have a more complete idea of ​​how to make a veranda for a house, we will next consider the most problematic aspects of construction in more detail.

Perhaps you are interested in building a gazebo?


If a veranda is attached to a house, the foundations are very rarely made coherent. Firstly, the house has already settled, the shrinkage has passed. If a “fresh” building is rigidly attached to it, problems will inevitably arise. If it is possible to tie them, then only on stable, reliable soils, on which no movement occurs. Secondly, heavy foundations are rarely made for extensions of this type. The construction itself turns out to be light - especially open wood or frame - and bearing capacity or enough.

In general, verandas are placed on the same foundations as houses. Another thing is that most of them are on columnar foundations: the costs are small and the time required is short. And although all architects and designers claim that the correct columnar foundation It’s much more difficult to install than (although the tape type is much more expensive), people are installing poles.

Column and pile foundation

If you decide to attach a veranda to wooden house, you can install a columnar foundation. To make it yourself, you need to find out at what depth and at what distance the supports are placed. The distance between the columns depends on the material from which the extension will be built. If these are lightweight materials - wood or a light frame structure - you can place them in increments of 1.5 meters. For heavier ones, the distance should be from 1 meter.

Columnar foundation for the veranda - the columns are made of brick. This open veranda is attached to a wooden house. The house stands on a strip foundation. The foundations of the extension and the house are not connected

When choosing the depth of columns, there are two approaches:

  • Bury below the freezing depth of the soil. This is done on water-saturated soils that are prone to heaving. In this case, the veranda will stand at the same level without changing its position, regardless of the heaving forces. For a columnar foundation, this only makes sense if the freezing depth is no more than 1.2 meters. At greater depths it is easier to make a pile foundation (better -). Holes for piles are not very difficult to make even if you need to drill 2 meters. To install posts for each of them, digging a pit of the same depth is difficult and time-consuming.
  • Make a shallow foundation: 20-30 cm below the fertile layer. In this case, get a floating veranda that will float and lower during frost heaving. It is much easier to build such a structure, but every spring you will have to deal with the consequences of heaving. Various pillars they will “walk” differently and the situation will have to be corrected somehow. But this is on heaving soils (clays, loams). On stable soils that are not prone to heaving, there will be no such problems.

What is good about this option for the foundation for the veranda of the house? It is quickly built, the cost of work and building materials is low.

The veranda is attached to brick house on a strip foundation. They put it on . It differs from the columnar one in that the piles are either screwed in/driven ready-made, or poured into the formwork and are monolithic.

Disadvantages: difficult to predict his behavior. Moreover, both deep and shallow. With a shallow foundation, everything depends on winter and the degree of soil saturation with water, which is impossible to predict and calculate. When buried deep, there is also a problem: it is not known what is under each of the piles. After all, geological surveys cannot be done at all points. And in those areas where the soil has a complex layered structure, it is quite possible to get into some kind of pocket, due to which the pile will not behave as expected. Also, in the case of piles or deeply buried columns, it is necessary to remember the lateral heaving forces. They may well break long and thin piles or pillars. Therefore, on problematic soils, strong formwork (metal, asbestos) is used for piles and they are also reinforced: when making pillars, a steel pipe coated with a primer is inserted inside, around which the masonry is laid. It is also possible to lay reinforcing belts. When making bored piles, three or four reinforcement rods must be inserted inside, which add strength to them. Build a veranda with your own hands pile foundation, maybe quickly and inexpensively, but the risks on heaving soils are great.

Monolithic: strip and slab

If you are going to build a veranda from brick, rubble or other similar heavy materials, and even with heavy cladding, you need a monolithic foundation. You will have to either cast a tape or make a slab. They are made according to all the rules without any exceptions: with formwork, reinforcement, vibration, etc. Completely based on technology.

When building such a foundation, it can already be connected to the main one: you will have to build it to the same depth and, most likely, it will behave stably.

Advantages: high reliability and stability. Disadvantages: significant cost and lengthy construction process.


If the house is located on dry soils or in a region where frost heaving is just a horror story, if it does not have a base, a veranda attached to the house can do without a foundation. In this case, the fertile layer is removed along with the vegetation, the bottom of the pit is compacted, then crushed stone is filled in, compacted, then sand, which is also compacted. On this base you can already lay a flooring: wooden, paving slabs or slabs.

A veranda attached to a house can be without a foundation

One “but”: the racks on which the roof will rest still need to be strengthened in some way. Small piles are made for them or columns are laid (from approximately the same depth where they began laying crushed stone under the flooring).

How thick should I make the bedding? It depends, firstly, on the thickness of the fertile layer, and secondly, on the choice of floor covering. If these are wooden panels (as in the photo), you need to choose the layers so that they lie flush with the ground. If you are planning to lay paving slabs, you will have to consider their thickness. Although, it can be raised slightly above ground level to separate it from the yard. But then they put a border along the edge.

In this photo, the open veranda is attached to the house without a foundation - it’s more likely summer canopy with polycarbonate roofing and open wooden fencing

How to attach the stand and bottom trim

Work on the construction of the veranda frame begins after the foundation concrete (if used) has gained some strength. 50% of the calculated value is enough, and this at a temperature of +20° C will occur in 4-5 days. Then, two layers of waterproofing are laid on top of the concrete, in those places where the posts or framing will be attached. It can be roofing felt, roofing felt, folded in half. You can miss twice bitumen mastic or use others modern materials.

Then there are two ways:

  • secure the racks and then the harness;
  • first the strapping, there are stands for them.

If the first option is chosen, special holders are inserted into the foundation when pouring. These can be different devices (see photo), but the most convenient is a metal plate in the form of an inverted letter “P”, to the bottom of which a pin is welded, which is walled up in the foundation. A stand is inserted into this plate (the end must be treated with an antiseptic), its level is checked, and secured with bolts or nails.

How to attach posts to the foundation

After all the posts have been positioned and secured, the framing bars are nailed between them.

With the second option, the situation is different: the racks will have to be attached to the harness. The strapping beam is attached first. It is more convenient to do this if studs are embedded into the concrete at some intervals. Then in the beam in the right places holes are made, it is put on studs and secured with bolts. Then, using one of the methods suggested in the photo, the racks are installed.

Options for attaching racks to strapping beams

Any of these methods does not exclude the use metal corners. They make the fastening more reliable, which is very important in this case. After all, the racks will support the roof, as well as the walls or fence.

Attaching the joist to the harness

They can be mounted on top of the harness, or at the same level with its top edge. It is necessary to decide exactly how you will do this at the very beginning of the work: this will determine at what level it will be necessary to attach the support beam to the wall of the house (the height of the joists is taken into account or not). Methods for attaching floor joists are shown in the photo below.

How to attach floor joists to the frame

Attaching the roof of the veranda

The porch attached to the house is usually covered with the same type of roofing as the crowbar. There may be several options, and the organization of the roof connection depends on how and to which wall you attach it. If the roof is a continuation of the roof slope of the house, you need to join two rafter systems. In this case, they say that the roof of the veranda is adjacent to the roof of the house.

Then the procedure is as follows:

  • The top trims are attached to the veranda posts.
  • Transverse ceiling beams are nailed to the frame. The ceiling is then sewn to them.
  • The long rafter legs of the house are shortened. They should not protrude beyond the wall.
  • Veranda rafters are made from planed boards, which are cut at an angle from the roof side so that they adjoin the existing ones (see photo below). To make it easier to work, you can make a template, according to which you can then prepare the rafters on the ground. The rafter legs are attached to the house system through nails; metal reinforcing pads can be placed on the sides.
  • To increase the rigidity of the structure, spacers (anti-snow supports) are installed between the rafters of the house and the extension. They are shown in the photo explaining the design.

If the width of the veranda is more than 2 meters or heavy roofing material will be used, spacers are installed to prevent the support beam from sagging. It is better not to nail them on the side, but rather to insert them between the ceiling beam and the rafter leg.

In order to prevent the roof from sagging, spacers are installed between ceiling beams and rafters

More often it turns out that the roof of the veranda attached to the house is adjacent to the wall. In this case, a groove is made in the wall, a special wall profile is placed in it, the other side of which is laid on the roof covering. The place where it joins the wall is sealed with sealant.

The second option differs only in the shape of the wall profile: it can be made independently from a sheet of roofing iron. This design is distinguished by the presence of a beam, which allows you to move the bend away from the wall of the house and cover possible errors when laying roofing material at the junction. Also, in this option, the apron is not attached directly to the wall material, but to a beam with a beveled edge, mounted in the groove.

The second option for connecting the roof of the extension to the wall of the house

Some questions may arise about how to attach the rafters to the outer top frame, because its dimensions do not allow making cuts, as on the mauerlat. The solution is the usual: using corners (see photo). Instead of corners, you can use small cross-section bars.

Maybe not the most elegant solution, but reliable. After everything closes on top roofing covering, they will line the clapboard from below, they will not be visible.

A veranda in a private house is covered terrace, which is often attached to the house with your own hands. It is located along the main wall and is a room without heating, for a pleasant pastime in the summer season. You can often find modern terraces with glazing; you can stay in them in any weather. When making it with your own hands, it is necessary to observe the general ensemble of the country house or country house, maintain a uniform style and use the same materials in construction.

In a country house from logs it is better to make a summer log-shaped terrace located next to the main building. Construction of a veranda in wooden log houses often carried out in conjunction with the construction of the main house and its roof smoothly transitions into the roof of the extension, which has a wall adjacent to the house, a single roofing material is used. In this article we will go through step by step the main points of building two types of terraces: open or closed view, with your own hands.

General provisions for constructing a veranda

Modern construction country houses, country cottages, at the design stage they provide for the construction of a veranda for the house. In order to save money, customers remove the process of constructing extensions in order to further complete it with their own hands. Let's consider the main points that you need to pay attention to from the generalized experience of building terraces yourself.

Parameters by which verandas differ:

  1. How is it located in relation to the house: corner construction, at the end or along the facade of the house.
  2. Degree of protection: open or closed (glazed) extension. Using modern materials, you can turn a closed veranda into an open one; this is achieved with sliding doors.
  3. What type of construction is it made of: built-in - a common foundation with the house or attached - its own foundation.
  4. Construction shape: rectangle, semicircle, polygon.

Veranda project

We must not forget, when designing an extension to a house, that its purpose is to improve the performance of the main structure: make it spacious, add beauty, comfort. A closed terrace also has the function of improving the thermal performance of the house. For the correct construction of the summer extension structure, you must follow the rules that are indicated in the developed project.

What does the project consist of:

  • We determine where in the main house we will add a veranda. The main aspect is maintaining the aesthetic perception of the entire architecture of your own home together with the veranda. Important! Experts recommend setting up a veranda in regions with high summer temperatures on the western or eastern side of the main house. It will be less exposed to direct sunlight.
  • It is necessary to indicate the location of the entrance to the terrace (veranda). Indicates the input from outside and entrance from the house. Can be done pass-through through the veranda, when the door to the house is opposite the entrance to the veranda, this method is not recommended, as there is a risk of drafts.
  • We select the type of doors and their installation location.
  • We determine the total size of the summer room located along the house. The length is often taken equal to the length of the wall along which the veranda is built. The width is usually taken in the range from 3 meters to 7 meters, the main thing is to maintain the proportion. When choosing the dimensions of the veranda, we relate them to the overall dimensions of the house in order to maintain a single ensemble of the exterior of the building.

A good example of building a veranda with your own hands, when the design is done at the design stage of the entire house.

Let's go through step-by-step construction of a veranda in a wooden house with our own hands. It should be noted that an extension to the house can only begin after it has completely settled. Log houses, or those made of timber, are actively shrinking over the course of three years; during this period it is better not to build an extension, otherwise the walls may warp. Experienced builders It is recommended for those who do not want to wait to build a transitional structure of the veranda with the house, which allows the frame to play.

How to start construction?

Home reconstruction must be reflected in permitting documents. To obtain these permits, you must contact the regional architecture department and submit the following documents:

  1. The right to own a plot of land (the land on which the house stands).
  2. Design documentation of the main structure.
  3. Written consent of all registered residents in the house for reconstruction and extension of the veranda.
  4. Application from the developer for registration of an extension.

It is advisable to start drawing up documents for a construction permit 3-4 months before the start of work. From the general experience of private developers, this is a lengthy procedure.

It is possible to build an extension without permitting documentation, but in this case problems may arise when the house is inherited or you want to sell it. The reason is a change in the total area of ​​the house, since the veranda is part of it, and the total area of ​​the residential building is taken into account with it. The BTI department may consider this as an unauthorized decision to increase the area for housing. This is especially true when the terrace is closed and heated.

There is no need to get carried away and make deviations in the dimensions of the terrace, which are indicated in the project. A simple check will easily reveal this, and a fine will follow with adjustments to the documentation. For what unauthorized developers can expect to add verandas to the house specified in the law of the Russian Federation.

Preparing for construction, choosing material

After determining the construction site of the veranda, it must be prepared. Starts along the selected wall construction site, so before starting all work you need to:

What tools and materials will we need?

When it's done wooden extension with your own hands, Tool you will need:

  • Having construction skills you need: a hacksaw, an ax.
  • Power tools: sledgehammer, hammer.
  • Marking: tape measure, plumb line, level, marking cord, corner.
  • For the foundation: shovel

If a metal frame is being made, a welding unit and a grinder with a disk for cutting metal are additionally prepared. This type of frame is considered the most economical for building an extension.

It will look better brick veranda or wooden. Important! Make sure that the materials of the extension and the main house match.

A wooden summer extension requires the following material:

  • Lumber: beams, logs, boards, slats.
  • Elements of wooden fasteners.
  • Mixtures that perform protective functions for wood.
  • Construction material: crushed stone, concrete.
  • You will need drying oil and roofing felt.
  • Choosing the material for the roof of the veranda.
  • Window and door systems.

In design additional premises, For summer holiday, using metal corners, instead wooden materials metal profile is used, compositions for metal processing.

Possible for better review make an extension (walls and roof) from polycarbonate, the panorama will be complete and clear. The positive properties of this material include the ability to retain heat well; it can be used for walls and roofs.

Advice! Materials that will be used in construction and that require pre-treatment must undergo this process first before construction.

The first thing you need to do is determine the type of foundation for your veranda. A popular type is columnar foundation, since it is not tied to the base capital construction(Houses). If the veranda is being built for a long time and thoroughly, it needs a strip foundation.

Before making a foundation, you need to refer to the house construction documents, which indicate what soil it stands on; you can choose from this type of foundation for an extension. Parameters to pay attention to:

  1. What is the soil's ability to absorb moisture?
  2. What is the composition of the soil at the site where the veranda is being built?
  3. To what depth does the soil freeze in the region where you live?
  4. How close to the surface is groundwater?
  5. General provisions for soil stability.

When choosing the type of foundation for a veranda, we pay attention to the foundation of the main building, its design, and what condition it is in load-bearing walls. After choosing the foundation, it is done marking on the soil for further work.

Advice! A small wooden veranda will stand quite well on a columnar foundation at the corners of the extension. For wide and long verandas, the installation of pillars is used at intervals of 600 millimeters along the length and width of the extension.

Columnar foundation, how to make it?

The foundation (foundation) for an extension is as important as for the main house; it must be made from quality material. Work order:

  1. We dig holes for the pillars to a depth of at least 100 centimeters; its depth cannot be less than the depth of the foundation under the main building. The level of soil freezing is taken into account; the hole should be deeper than this level.
  2. At the bottom of the dug holes we make a cushion, this is a mixture of sand and crushed stone. The pillow can be made in layers, sand, crushed stone.
  3. Fill the pillow with concrete.
  4. We lay out support columns from brick when the main house is brick. If the main house is wooden, wooden beams are used as columns. Metal supports or asbestos pipes used in columnar foundations for frame verandas.

The veranda looks beautiful when it is on the 2nd floor level of the house. In this case, the ground part of the extension support is laid out at the level of the main foundation under the house. When a house with a high base is recommended, the veranda should be built according to its level.

Making a strip foundation

It is used if a heavy veranda with glazing is planned. To equip it, a trench is dug along the perimeter of the future veranda and formwork is installed. It is placed a little higher than it is planned to fill the foundation with concrete.

After pouring the foundation with concrete, it is periodically moistened with water until it is completely formed; this is necessary for uniform hardening of the foundation.

Making a veranda frame

For a wooden house, the frame of the veranda begins with laying the timber on supports in the lower frame. In the corners we use a “dovetail” for cuts, it’s better this way join timber at corners. For reliability, nails are used; dowel fastening is possible.

Timber for a wooden veranda is used with a cross-section: 100x100 or 180x80 millimeters. When logs are used in the harness, their cross-section should not be larger than 120 millimeters. The supports near the wall are made higher than the rest to form pitched roof. When the frame is mounted, horizontally installed beams are the basis for the window sill, if glazing is provided. The top trim completes the installation of the veranda frame; it is the basis for the rafters and creates rigidity for the entire system.

Temporary spacers must be used to avoid distortion in the frame structure.

Veranda roof

Once they have decided on the material for covering the roof, they begin to install the sheathing on the rafters, which are attached to the top frame.

Structurally for verandas we offer the following types of roofing:

  • Single pitch roof. This is a simple design and easy to implement. Requires a slope from the main wall of the house towards the street.
  • Gable roof. It is used if the veranda is attached to the end of the house with a narrow side.
  • Polygonal roof. Its design is varied, the main thing is to maintain a slope for water drainage.

The rafter system is installed based on the selected material:

  • Lathing for metal tiles, slate and ondulin
  • Solid decking is made for flexible roofing materials.

Making the floor with your own hands is simple:

  1. We install the logs on the lower frame of the veranda structure. The distance between the lags is no more than 100 centimeters. We install them perpendicular to the floorboard.
  2. We cover the logs, checked by level with a floorboard.

If you plan to build open veranda, many agree on installing a floor with a slight slope to allow water to drain. The board is fastened with self-tapping screws, the length of which is twice the width of the board. It is necessary to impregnate the floorboards with a solution that resists the creation of fungal deposits.


Some finishing elements can be carved in a wooden veranda. Great value The arrangement of furniture on the terrace plays a role, this will create the interior and add coziness. Flowers and plants will enliven the room and give the feeling of an extension of the residential building.

An ideal place for an evening relaxation, especially in warm time year, is the veranda. It is advisable that the terrace be your own and located away from the city smog. This is where you can retire from the daily hustle and bustle and spend fun evenings in the company of friends and family. Veranda attached to the house, when designed correctly, becomes a decoration of the house and the pride of the owner.

Country houses must have verandas, this is the opinion of the majority of owners and this is an absolutely correct observation. This area allows you to relax on fresh air when there is no desire to stay in the house. There is fresh air here and the sun is not too hot. In addition, the terrace will remain a favorite place of leisure in winter time years, if this wish is taken into account during its construction. By insulating the terrace and heating it, you will create a place for excellent New Year or Christmas gatherings.

Only a veranda can provide shelter from rain and scorching sun and at the same time “envelop” you in fresh air.

Where to build a veranda

The street loggia is located on the side or central facade. Any angle is acceptable, the main thing is that from this room there is a passage directly into the house, and the entrance gate is within sight.

Advice, take into account the length of the facade to which the veranda will be attached, as this parameter plays an important role. Width indicators do not play an important role, but often this parameter is 2 – 2.5 meters.

Before starting all work, the area is cleared and all unnecessary elements (porch and canopy) are dismantled.

Looking at the construction in perspective, this activity does not seem laborious. However, for this opinion to remain so, it is necessary to develop an action plan, follow it and clearly set the sequence of actions:

  1. Legal registration of all necessary documentation to legalize the construction;
  2. Decide on the type of veranda;
  3. Development and constructive acquisition of elements for the construction of a veranda;
  4. Make a list of necessary materials with subsequent purchase;
  5. Hire specialists or do construction yourself.

Legalization of the veranda

If you start construction without preliminary paperwork, then in certain cases this becomes a violation of the law. And if the moment comes when you decide to part with this property (donate, sell, rent out), this will become a problem.

Even if you have everything necessary documents on the house, and the extension is not legalized, you will not be able to do anything, as it will be illegal. The extension must be designed and approved by the architectural department.

It is important that the law provides for a fine for illegal construction in the amount of 3 to 5 salaries.

If this does not suit you, then you need to consistently, observing legal requirements, go towards achieving your goal:

  • Draw up a project;
  • Work out an architectural solution;
  • Develop functionality and design;
  • Take into account every nuance, element or detail of the future structure.

Please know that the project requires approval and must be strictly followed during construction. Each adjustment will be eliminated in the future.

When you have a completed and approved design for the house and extension, you will receive a building permit. This takes time. After graduation construction work, it is important to re-register the modified structure. To do this, a representative of the BTI is called, who examines the compliance of the structure with the submitted documents. If everything is correct, you receive documents that require approval from the architectural bureau. After this, you legalize your modified property.

Types of verandas

A street loggia is a small and lightweight design, by definition it is additional element in protecting the entire structure from adverse weather conditions. Based on building standards, the veranda is classified as a lightweight, unheated structure:

  • Glazed;
  • Open;
  • Partially open.

Which of the presented options appeals to you? Of course this is a matter of taste and preference. But depending on the chosen option, you will receive an unlimited space with a canopy, a half-open area or a veranda that can provide fresh air in the summer and serve as a cozy and warm “nest” in the winter. Part of the area is enclosed by a wall or glass ceilings.

If you opt for a completely enclosed but functional extension, you will gain additional living space. It will need to be insulated and provided with heating.

Construction plan

When building a veranda, you need to carefully review and determine the necessary design features:

  • Foundation;
  • Frame;
  • Floors,
  • Doors;
  • Roof or canopy;
  • Windows, partitions (material necessary for their construction).

Selection of building material

An important criterion when building a veranda is the complete stylistic relationship between the buildings. That is, if the house is made of wood, then the same material is used for the terrace. There is a very fine line here in the compatibility of building materials. For example, wood goes well with brick, so some elements from this material take place. But if the main building is lined with siding, then a loggia with an abundance of glass, plastic and metal is perfect for it.

Well, from all that has been said above, it is clear that for the construction of a veranda, wood, brick or a metal profile is used, followed by sewing it up. The most popular material is brick, but it is cheaper to build from timber or logs.


The veranda requires a foundation made of brick (column), strip (concrete) or metal.

Advice, to avoid any unpleasant moments later, use the same technology as for the main structure.

Carry out independently necessary calculations It’s not worth it (if you are not a specialized specialist in construction), this should be entrusted to qualified specialists.

The actual construction of the foundation for the terrace begins with clearing the area, while removing a layer of earth (up to 15 cm). Then we make a breakdown and begin to build the foundation, and the depth of the additional structure should correspond to the main one. But under no circumstances should they be connected; a gap is required.


The main base of the building is made of brick, metal or wood. It all depends on the initially chosen project and type of terrace. If you are making a warm extension, then construction is carried out from brick. If climatic features areas require insulation, do it immediately. If you want an open building, then build a railing there and leave room for “French windows”.


Floors are laid before interior work begins. Depending on the operating parameters, you will need:

  • Boards;
  • Concrete for screed;
  • Linoleum;
  • Ceramic tiles;
  • Self-leveling floors.

When choosing a material, you need to consider the type of terrace. If this open design made of wood, then ideal option for the floor becomes terrace board or boards. Here it is important to take into account the bad weather when the open type is open and choose durable materials intended for use in the fresh air. Let's not forget about safety.

Remember, the tiles are on open terrace may become icy in bad weather, which can lead to traumatic situations.

Doors and windows

If you are building a veranda closed type, then the door installed is the entrance door. This means it must be strong, functional and status. But at the same time, do not disrupt the unity throughout the house.

The same criteria apply to windows; they must not only be representative, but also fulfill their main, locking function.

Interior decor

An open space evokes a romantic mood, especially if there is wicker furniture, flowing curtains, lots of flowers and loved ones.

It’s a different matter with a closed veranda; here it’s worth taking care of the functionality of the terrace in winter. Insulate and plaster the walls. But at the same time the presence large windows allows you to create a joyful mood. When you open them in the summer, you can put flower pots on the windowsills. Light curtains will fly up from any breeze, thanks to this the freshness and mood of peace will remain unchanged. To create a playful summer mood in winter, the walls can be decorated with panels or paintings with thematic images. Use rich, cheerful colors in the interior. This decor will create a cheerful mood for both the owners and their guests.

Independence or trust in specialists

Whatever the decision about the type and style of construction, if the owners decide to build it, then that’s what they need. This is their decision and priority. The safety of the building is important. And it can only be provided with qualified work. Hiring workers or a construction crew will cost a lot of money. But who can guarantee the safety of your loved ones if you decide to build on your own? Nobody. Trust the main work professional builders. You will reduce costs when decorating or finishing. You can do this work, but leave the construction of the frame, compliance with the necessary technologies when using this or that material, installation of the roof, etc. to the craftsmen.

Contact companies specializing in construction, find out about their reputation, how many years they have been working in this field. This is the only way you can ensure safe construction and subsequent use.

But the firm decision to attach it came only now; this article will allow you to become familiar with some of the nuances that need to be taken into account.

How to build a veranda with your own hands and from what material? What types of verandas are there? How to attach a veranda to the house, what options are there and is it even possible?

Construction of a veranda to the house with your own hands: types of projects, photos of the best works

In the event that the construction of a residential building is only at the design stage, the best option will immediately design a house with a veranda. In such a situation, this structure will be located on the same foundation as the house, have similar walls and possibly a common roof.

With this solution, an open veranda attached to the house will be able to provide individual style every home, regardless of its style and shape.

If the house has already been built, there is no reason to be upset, since the veranda can be completed at any time without any damage to the structure of the main building.

How can you attach a veranda to a residential building?

As in any other construction, the first steps should be to develop the design of the veranda for the house to build with your own hands (consider options for verandas). The presence of numerous photos on the Internet is direct confirmation that when creating projects it is necessary to calculate everything down to the smallest detail.

Due to the fact that the veranda itself is a kind of insulation for a residential building, if possible it is necessary to build it with north side. But do not forget about one nuance: if the extension in the future will be intended as a rest room, summer kitchen or a sports room - it is better to build it in such a way that the windows have access to the garden, and not to the neighboring plot.

In a situation where the veranda is located from the entrance to the house, it is accordingly impossible to make a rest room out of it, since it initially already looks like a spacious summer hall.

At the initial stage of designing a veranda for a house with your own hands, it is necessary to take into account such nuances as:

If the glazing of the veranda and terrace itself takes up a large area, in mandatory a ventilation system should be designed to prevent the greenhouse effect in the summer. It is quite possible to recreate windows with the ability to open them - in this case it will already have an open type.

To create a comfortable temperature regime on a double-glazed veranda, the walls of the structure must be built from dense material, and the joints themselves must not have gaps or cracks.

Important to remember! In order for the extension to look like a single structure with the house, it is necessary to use in construction the same materials from which the walls of the main building are made.

The walls themselves summer veranda must necessarily be independent of the house itself. For this reason, they must be built on a separate foundation. In most cases, the roof should include at least 1 small slope. At the same time, the floor is erected with a slight slope of 2 centimeters.

The attached photos of verandas can be perfect as an example of building options.

If we talk about how much it costs, there cannot be specific figures here for one simple reason - the price depends on how much area will be used (this applies to verandas of any type and type).

A veranda attached to a brick building. Photos of excellent work

Answering the question of how to attach a veranda to a brick house, you can immediately say that many experts recommend using the same building materials from which the main building was built. But we hasten to console you, it is not necessary to adhere to these tips (the photo is proof of this) when it is necessary to attach a veranda to a brick house.

Many of our compatriots use other most various materials(for example, a tree).

The main point here is to use exclusively those materials that can be combined with brick.

Of course, any type of brick (red, white, one-and-a-half, etc.) is perfect, but it is also possible to use wood.

At the same time, the most popular is still considered to be the addition of verandas and terraces to the house made of brick, natural decorative stone, timber, boards using metal frame.

If you want to use red brick, then you need to remember that it is considered fireproof, and therefore has all the necessary qualities for use in structures closed version execution. The extension itself can be made to a façade wall with a size of 3 meters or more, and a width of up to 6 meters.

In the process of constructing a summer extension, the best option would be to use half-brick masonry; in the case of a winter structure, thick walls would be used.

In any of the options, it is necessary to waterproof the walls and the foundation itself. It must be remembered that the new building should not be rigidly tied to the main building, and therefore the seam is sealed with polyurethane foam.

In turn roofing work For closed verandas imply the laying of thermal insulation, which must be installed under the roof.

Veranda to a wooden house. Photos of extension options

Here, the best option would be to add a veranda to a wooden house made of a similar material. Using another material will not be advisable, since the appearance will not be very attractive.

The extension itself country house can be done in the so-called mountain style. This style has the appearance of a massive frame that is fenced on all sides with small logs.

When building an extension overlooking the garden, it is perfect for those who love a quiet holiday.

If logs do not suit someone, you can use forged metal figures in combination with green spaces.

You can look at the selected photos as samples.

To build a veranda on your own, you need to use your choice of a metal or timber frame in parallel with huge windows all the way to the floor.

As a material for the floor, you can use tiles, stone or cedar boards. To create a warm veranda floor, linoleum, laminate and similar materials are better suited.

At the same time, do not forget that to create a zest in a wooden veranda, it is best to complement it with a fireplace, which is lined with decorative stone. After all, just imagine, it’s winter, it’s cold outside, and you’re sitting by the fireplace on the veranda and enjoying an excellent view.

Closed verandas. Photo

Structures of this type are in most cases placed on the side of a residential building, which is inaccessible to prying eyes. But at the same time, it is necessary to remember that it is imperative to do so that the maximum amount passes into it. sun rays.

If this veranda will be used in winter, it is recommended to use thermal insulation -

From the photo you can see that most of these designs involve a variety of glazing options.

Today, verandas that are made using polycarbonate are popular. Thanks to this material, you can build structures of any shape and implement a wide variety of design ideas.

Reminder! When constructing a structure made of polycarbonate (directly from sheets), the best option would be to leave small gaps to ensure its free expansion in the future.

Open verandas. Excellent selection of photos

The best option for design open type is the use of awnings. This construction option will allow its owner to be inside even in the summer heat or in the rain.

To give maximum comfort, it is recommended to plant greenery around the perimeter.

  • possibility of creating a veranda with barbecue;
  • spending an unlimited amount of time in clean air;
  • the ability to equip with various furniture if desired by the owners;
  • it is possible to use sun loungers, sun loungers, etc.;
  • You can create any veranda that its potential owner can imagine.

Today, there are many ready-made projects that allow you to create such a structure with your own hands (the presented photos are an example of this). These verandas involve the arrangement of the floor at a slight slope. This is important to ensure the drainage of possible water after bad weather.

In this case, the floor should be at a level of about 20 centimeters from the ground. For this you can use brick, metal and so on.

If we talk about the form itself, it can be absolutely anything.

Every resident of our country who has a great desire to create the veranda of their dreams is recommended to look, in our opinion, at a good manual that can show the work from the inside, how it is actually carried out:

At the same time, citizens who still want to build not a veranda, but a terrace themselves, are recommended to watch an entertaining video on this topic:

Terrace and veranda - what is the difference?

Many people do not know the difference between a terrace and a veranda; photos and the arguments themselves will help you understand this in detail.

The veranda and terrace itself can be attached to the main residential building. However, there are still some differences.

In particular we're talking about about differences such as:

  • the veranda design may have glazing, while the terrace looks like a regular open area;
  • the veranda must necessarily include a roof in its design, and the terrace is recreated with this element;
  • the veranda must be attached to the main residential building, the terrace in most cases is built separately and, as a rule, on a small hill;
  • a veranda, especially a closed one, must have thermal insulation; the terrace, in turn, does not include these components.

If we talk in simple words, then the veranda includes some kind of railing and roof. If these elements are missing, such a structure can only be called a terrace.

Video “how to” or still “how not to”?

A very controversial video that gives an example of creating a terrace attached to a house, combining a lot of styles, textures, and surfaces. Is this a good option or not? The audience expressed extremely contradictory opinions, from unconditional delight to sincere horror. It’s all the more interesting to form your own opinion.

A spacious and cozy veranda or, as it is fashionable to say today, a terrace, is great place both for a secluded holiday and for holding fun, stormy parties with friends in the warm season. Well designed veranda with original design can immediately become a real decoration of the facade of any private home. Of course, it is best to include the construction of a veranda in the main house construction project. But don’t be upset if you didn’t do this prudently, because this type premises can be added at any time.

In this article we will tell you how to attach a veranda to your house with your own hands, consider options for a polycarbonate veranda, and also open veranda, we will give photo and video instructions.


As a rule, a veranda is placed in front of the main facade, but it is not forbidden to place it in front of the side facade, if necessary. It is important that the veranda is clearly visible from the gate (the main entrance to the courtyard) and has a passage to the rooms of the house.

The determining role in calculating the length of the veranda is played by the length of the facade of the house along which it will be built. With the width, everything is much simpler; it is usually about two and a half meters.

Before you begin construction, do not forget to prepare workplace, i.e. clean the area, dismantle the porch and canopy over the entrance.


For a frame or wooden veranda, a columnar foundation is well suited, i.e. foundation with installation of pillars brickwork under the corner posts.

For a light veranda small sizes Posts placed in the corners will be sufficient, but for a larger extension, intermediate posts with additional posts (50cm increments) should be installed.

Sequence of work on building the foundation:

  1. First, holes are dug at least one meter deep.
  2. The bottom of each of the pits is filled in layers: first, 20 cm of sand is poured, and then 10 cm of gravel.
  3. The concrete base is poured (approximately 15 cm) and some time is given for the concrete to set.
  4. Brick pillars are laid out. Their above-ground part is brought to the height of the main foundation or slightly lower. The height of the brick foundation pillars is usually made 30 cm below the finished floor level.
  5. Each finished post should be coated with hot bitumen.
  6. The cavities of the pillars are filled with brick fragments or fine gravel.
  7. The gaps between the pillars and the ground are filled with sand.


The frame of the veranda is usually made of wooden beams, the cross-sectional size of which is 120x80 or 100x200. For the same purposes, logs (diameter ≤ 12 cm) are sometimes used.

They are starting to build wooden frame usually from the bottom harness (preferably double). Connections between beams should be made using a direct lock. At the level of the second log, logs are cut in and vertical racks with spikes (50x50) in the harness. The entire structure is fastened with nails, and for greater reliability, staples are used.

The most correct distance between the supporting posts is considered to be 50 cm, but, as practice shows, this value can be greater.

The roof truss system and the top trim are installed on racks. The stands can serve as solid ones wooden beams, and two boards connected (section 120x40) with a gasket between them. To fasten the rafters, use a horizontal beam passing under the slope of the roof of the house. The beam and racks should be fastened with anchor bolts. During the installation of the veranda frame, make sure that the veranda roof being erected fits well with the roof of the house.


Undoubtedly, the roof of the veranda should be a continuation of the roof of the house. It is recommended that it be made from the same roofing material, but other types can also be used. The roofing material is attached to the wooden sheathing. The sheathing is installed either at intervals or closely (depending on the type of roof).

  • The boards are fastened closely when using rolled material. When attaching the decking to the rafters, the nail heads should be recessed into wooden surface(They should not perform under any circumstances). The rolled material is secured at the edges with nails, and for additional fixation, slats are nailed to the coating. The protruding edges of the roll should be folded inward and secured with nails.
  • If steel roofing material is used for the roof, it is attached to the sheathing with nails and joined with a “seam” seam.
  • Asbestos cement sheets are installed with an overlap. In this case, the top sheets overlap the bottom sheets by at least 14 cm. They are fastened in advance drilled holes nails or screws.

Floors and walls

Usually the floor is made of wood using wooden boards, pre-coated with an antiseptic.

The veranda can be left open, or you can build walls, constructing them from wooden shields or lining. In the second option, do not forget to take care of the windows.

You should not over-insulate the walls of the veranda, because it is considered a summer recreation room.

After the floor, frame and roof of the veranda have been made, you can begin sheathing the structure with polycarbonate. So, you will have a bright and light veranda where you can have fun during the warm season.

Polycarbonate is a translucent material made from polyesters carbonic acid. It is produced in the form of cellular or monolithic panels. Cellular polycarbonate has cavities between the stiffening ribs that connect two sheets to each other. They often replace glass when arranging verandas. This is due to a number of positive properties of the material.

Although polycarbonate appeared on construction market Not long ago, it has enjoyed great popularity among consumers. Why? The reason for this is unique properties a material that has no analogues on the market today:

  • High strength. These figures for polycarbonate are 20 times higher than for glass. If polycarbonate is damaged, it will not crumble into small fragments like glass, but will break into fragments that do not have sharp corners. Thus, the risk of injury from polycarbonate is minimal.
  • High light transmittance – reaches 86%. Due to the fact that part of the light is scattered, polycarbonate creates protection from direct sunlight. Partially absorbs ultraviolet radiation.
  • Polymer panels are flexible, making it possible to design curved shapes. Polycarbonate can be bent without special equipment, right at the installation site.
  • The temperature range is from –40 to +120ºС. And this means that polycarbonate is not afraid of either the scorching sun or severe frosts.

If you don't have much experience in construction, then don't worry. You can master and implement this technology. Initially, you should make a foundation and secure the frame elements in it. After the concrete has completely hardened, you can begin making the frame. How to make a foundation and frame from wood has already been described in the article.

In this case, a thin-walled galvanized sigma profile will be used to make a metal frame. Features of frame installation:

  1. There is no need for welding work, since all connections will be made using bolts. To do this you will need an adjustable wrench.
  2. The main fastening of beams is anchors laid in the base of the foundation. If they have not been installed, you will have to drill holes in the foundation and drive check bolts into them, and then secure the beams.
  3. Sigma profiles are fastened with standard shaped products.

If you made a frame from rolled steel, then it needs to be treated with a primer and then painted with metal paint. This way you will protect the frame from corrosion.

Now you need to cut the polycarbonate to fit it to the required size. This can be done with an electric jigsaw. It is important to take into account that the sheets must be pressed tightly to the surface.

If you cut polycarbonate too quickly with a jigsaw, it will begin to melt, and if this work is done too slowly, the material will burst.

To create a temperature play during the assembly of polycarbonate sheets, it is necessary to ensure that the screws are not clamped all the way. In addition, when installing polycarbonate, gaskets must be placed under the washers. This will protect the material from damage and leaks. The holes in the polycarbonate should be slightly larger diameter self-tapping screw legs. So, with temperature changes, polycarbonate will contract and expand without deforming.

The roof is installed according to the scheme already described in this article. If you wish, you can also make it from polycarbonate. In this case, your building will be very light. Polycarbonate is laid on the roof according to the same principle as on the walls.

An open veranda is a frame building without walls, and the roof is mounted on beams. This design has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Among the undeniable advantages of an open veranda, it is worth noting the following:

  • Easy to install. Its construction requires a minimum of materials and time. It is not difficult to erect it.
  • Easy care. Such a veranda is more of a part of the street than of a house. Therefore, to keep it clean, it is enough to sweep the floor regularly.
  • An open veranda will allow you to enjoy the view and breathe clean air while on it.

Like all man-made works, open-type construction also has disadvantages:

  • Not suitable for use in the cold season.
  • It is impossible to install on an open veranda upholstered furniture, since it will be impossible to care for her, and, therefore, staying here will be deprived of a certain home comfort.
  • Difficulties may arise with the choice of finishing materials, as they will be subject to negative influence environment.

The open veranda is not glazed and no walls are erected on it. It is often used as a gazebo. It is built using a frame method.

For construction you will need:

  1. Concrete pillars for the foundation.
  2. Beam for the frame with a section of 150×150 mm.
  3. Cement and sand.
  4. Beam for strengthening the frame with a section of 120 × 120 mm.
  5. Bracket for connecting timber.
  6. Lathing for the lower part of the veranda. This can be OSB, forging or slats in the form of slabs or balusters.
  7. Wood screws 100 mm and 25 mm for fastening OSB or wooden lining.
  8. Wooden lining.
  9. Beams for roof installation 150×150 mm.
  10. Anchors 150–200 mm.
  11. Krokva 60×120 mm.
  12. Roofing material, for example, metal tiles or ondulin.
  13. Boards for making roof sheathing.
  14. Logs 100×100 mm.
  15. Wind board.
  16. Floor board 30–40 mm.
  17. Paint and varnish products for wood processing.
  18. Rolled waterproofing for foundations.
  19. Drill and saw.
  20. Level.

You have already become familiar with the method of making a foundation, so we will skip this point in our description of the construction of an open-type building. Let’s immediately move on to the features of flooring.

To carry out high-quality installation of the floor, you must first prepare the base. To do this, first of all, the earth is leveled and compacted. Adjustable supports can serve as supports for the joists. Moreover, their number will directly depend on the planned loads on the floor. This idea is great for open verandas.

Then install the joists on the adjustable supports and fasten them. Thanks to these supports, you can adjust the slope of the floor and level it. Installation of boards begins from the edge of the veranda parallel to the joists. The boards must be level and dry. They should be placed closely. The boards are fastened to the joists using nails or wood screws.

Wooden floors are short-lived because they cannot withstand prolonged exposure to an aggressive external environment. If you want to make a more durable floor on the veranda, then you can replace the boards with decking or, as it is also called, deck board.

The structure of the frame and roof does not differ from the technology described in this article.

In order for the wooden elements of an open veranda to last longer, they should be impregnated with special antiseptics and covered with paints and varnishes. Among other things, these actions will highlight the structure of the tree and help make the extension more attractive.

The lower part of the veranda also needs finishing. To do this, you can use slats that are fixed at an angle of 45º, forged elements or balusters. If you use a wooden or plastic lining for this, then you will need to make a frame of beams under it.

To finish the ceiling and pediment you need to use the same material. It could be wooden lining or OSB boards. At this stage it is important to electrical cables to illuminate the veranda and make corresponding holes in the ceiling lining.

Veranda in high-tech style

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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