Designing the interior of a wooden house is an interesting task for those who don’t think country life without connection to nature, appreciates environmentally friendly materials, takes care of family health, best vacation counts the time spent in the forest, and most healthy air one that is saturated with wood phytoncides.

Style inspired by nature

With thoughtful design, the interior design of a wooden house can be made in the most different styles: from a version of an American saloon or a cattle ranch to a combination of wood and stone in a chalet space or contemporary modernity, where a house that looks from the outside like a spacious multi-level hut, like a box with a secret, hides a technologically advanced interior modern design.

Choosing ethnic, decorating wooden planes with rough, ethnic decorative items, or leaning towards the decoration of a popular Russian mansion, the owners of a wooden house, on the contrary, will connect the external impression with the internal appearance of their home using artistic techniques.

Spacious living room in the Viking house

Wood finishing - continuous lining with imitation timber or logs, applied wooden carvings, inlaid panels made of valuable species wood, inserting a parquet board through the wall onto the ceiling - allow you to realize the interior in any of the conceived steels, from imitation of ancient Russian to modern mixed styles or pure natural minimalism.

The interior of a wooden house can be created in a building built from other materials that are not subject to shrinkage.

A slight touch of antiquity

If folk style is chosen as a reference point for the interior, then you should pay attention to special attention on the dominant colors, devote time to carefully working out the details that emphasize the “Russian spirit.” Large whitewashed or will immerse the room in the atmosphere fairy tale. The vaulted ceilings of the historical analogue (chambers, churches, light rooms), due to the complexity of design calculations and the high cost of reproduction, should be replaced with inclined, upward planes in the rooms of turrets, bay windows, and the tops of towers.

The ceiling, painted in the ancient Russian manner, will be a real work of art. Thin intertwining flowers, patterns, leaves on a light or contrasting background (crimson, emerald-grass, azure), and in the children's room - heroes folk tales, stars and smiling heavenly bodies, painted with bright natural colors and gold - these picturesque motifs, impressions of the paintings of objects of ancient Russian architecture, will spread out like a luxurious silk tent, from which it is impossible to take your eyes off. Such a technique is very rare; it requires the true skill of the artist, but causes indescribable delight in everyone who sees this perfection.

Fashionable rustic: basic techniques

Modern rustic style does not contain a direct and total, flashy in every detail, but a subtle hint of love for the countryside, manifested through the use of wood, natural fabrics, and colors consistent with the style.

A variation of the “Russian North” style involves the use of wood, as if covered with frost. Fine wood carvings, a special resin aroma that fills the rooms with an invigorating spirit - this is why a wooden house is so valued. Silver-gray, like a board ironed by time and frost, bleached canvas for curtains and furniture upholstery, laconic tableware in light shades - this range of materials used in the interior of a wooden house creates a feeling of cleanliness, restraint, taciturn friendliness inside, completely characterizing the owners. If the wooden one is filled with solar warmth, then northern style can be defined as sophisticated and cool.

In the “dacha” version, the design of the wooden house is thoughtfully associated with the beginning of the last century or the time of the 60-70s. It was then that the word “dacha” acquired the meaning of light, creative, happy life. with a large pattern, bouquets of dried flowers, wild flowers in n, collections of amulets, cast iron irons, horseshoes, samovars will add color to the interior of a house in a rustic style and all this can be done with your own hands.

Dark wood, light wood

The interior of a wooden house, emphasizing the material of manufacture - rounded or sanded logs, their imitation on top frame structure, is available in two versions - light and dark.

In most cases, owners of log or log houses prefer not to cover the “living” tree with leveling materials, but only to reveal them with tinted or colorless protective compounds natural wood texture. The palette of such compositions is extremely wide. You should choose a shade that matches the owner’s ideas about what the inside of the house should be like by covering the pieces of wood in several layers. Spruce, pine, cedar, larch, oak have different wood colors, light tone it will look different on reddish cedar and gray-greenish oak. Golden pine is the most tolerant of tinting agents and gives an undistorted color result.

Light, dense coloring is used to make decorative elements more attractive, but if painted matte paint if the logs of the walls are dark in color, then they will begin to resemble plastic cylinders, which will immediately “reduce the cost” of the interior.

Bathroom with gray wooden walls and white ceiling

If you purchased an old one wooden house, where it is impossible to carry out restoration work and bring out the noble structure of the wood to emphasize the country atmosphere, then try covering the walls with plasterboard and then decorating them to your liking.

Windows and textiles

The windows of a wooden house open up a view of the surrounding landscape and ensure the unity of man with nature, so covering them with multi-layer curtain structures is blasphemy. When choosing a project, it should be tied to the area, oriented to the sides so that from all the rooms you can observe the change of natural seasons, time of day, and admire the living greenery and colors of the garden. If the house is embedded in a pine forest or stands on a hill on the shore of a bay, then the windows should be open to the beauty of the world - otherwise, why did you choose such a site?

Projects wooden houses with floor-to-ceiling glazing, cubic Baltic design style, minimalism, externally finished with vertical or horizontal wood paneling - this is an opportunity to build an eco-friendly house in a modern arrangement. "Walls" from energy-saving double-glazed windows They allow you to create the feeling that the owners live inside the forest, dissolving in it, receiving daily energy replenishment. These windows require only minimal framing. It is optimal to use roller blinds with an automatic drive that cover interior spaces from the bright sun, protecting them from overheating, and decorative items from fading, creating a cozy evening atmosphere during the white nights.

The textile design of the interior of the house is selected depending on the overall tone of the decoration. Panels with deep folds look good against the background of the walls if they contrast. “naive” prints look great and make it possible to use the Provence style inside a wooden house ( small flower, polka dots, thin stripes). Cotton fabrics with a blue pattern are appropriate on bleached wood. Depending on the style and purpose of the room, these can be English roses, Dutch genre walls, Gzhel patterns, marine prints or graphic patterns.

Interesting decorating techniques and furniture

When choosing decor, you must remember that the best companion for wood, if the design of the house is made in a calm style, are materials based on components of natural origin - clay, stone, leather, glass, metal. They will look great against the background log walls, while simultaneously emphasizing the naturalness and solidity of well-polished wood.

Biofireplace in the wall of the hall

A few decorator tips:

  • the clear rhythm of the wooden logs is muted by the monochromatic velvet upholstery upholstered furniture, the rigidity of the solid wood floorboard - the deep pile of a voluminous carpet;
  • dark matte wood goes well with the subtle shine of leather furniture upholstery;
  • open electrical wiring, made in the form of twisted cords with rotary or push-button switches, will add a special flavor to the interior of the house in a retro style;
  • can serve as a decorative edging for the joints of round logs jute rope or small diameter cotton rope.

Classic home interior with a bright spot in the living room design

An interesting technique for decorating the inside of a wooden house could be a staircase floating between floors with glass steps on rails. The combination of natural textures and man-made materials gives an unusual, extravagant look.

Selecting lamps for bright interior at home, prefer models made of dark metal with milky shades.

Can be decorated with painting, duplicate the wallpaper pattern or textile design. It is better to make side lamps of a similar design plain, without patterns, so as not to break up the interior space with small strokes.

Small wooden house

- this is natural tranquility and comfort, and a completely wooden house, the interior of which is also decorated with wood, is almost the quintessence of these characteristics. Touching wood, no matter in what form or what kind of processing this material has gone through, one feels hidden nobility, warmth and environmental friendliness even on an emotional level. It's nature's generous touch. Wood is widely used as facade material from the Urals to the suburbs of New York. From tiny village huts made of pine logs, to frame Finnish cottages with an area of ​​hundreds square meters. Manual carpentry during the construction of such houses worth its weight in gold, literally and figuratively.

Wood trend

Even if you have not yet been lucky enough to become the owner of a house entirely made of wood or your habitat is two-room apartment in a panel high-rise building, don’t be upset. Design solutions using natural wood in residential premises no one has yet canceled. Vice versa. The wooden trend is spreading everywhere. The material is so versatile that it fits seamlessly into various interior designs. styles. The market for wooden surfaces is presented in great abundance: cut, smooth, bent, carved, straight, smooth, antique, embossed, varnished or simply treated with antiseptics, etc.

In addition to the main wood, the interior also uses bark, stumps ( original version stools), birch bark, branches. The designer’s fantasy plan is ready to transform these ordinary wood elements into a unique highlight that complements the entire stylistic ensemble. Particularly popular among decor from wood they use plywood and veneer. Previously, plywood surfaces were undeservedly considered auxiliary materials, a substrate or a base, but thanks to new technologies for processing oils, varnishes and waxes, they have found wide application in everyday design from the manufacture of waterproof shelving And shelves to full-fledged cabinets And chests of drawers.

Wooden house: interior interior and which wood to choose?

Depending on intended purpose the room, its dimensions and the chosen style, an individual selection of wood raw materials is carried out. For example, strong and durable parquet boards are made from oak. Oak- extremely hard wood. Chocolate-dark is popular in interior decoration, almost black bog oak. Furniture from bog oak with brown, sometimes greenish tints it looks very expensive and exclusive.

Pine is a flexible tree and at the same time quite durable. It is no coincidence that ship masts are made from pine. It has a golden sunny texture. Even after treatment with paints and varnishes, you can feel the subtle characteristic aroma of pine needles. It is inexpensive and excellent for manufacturing stairs And . If allowed climatic conditions, then sometimes even houses are built from pine.

For visual lightening, you can use beech with light pink undertones in the interior. Under the influence of steam, beech becomes flexible and takes any shape. This quality has found its application in the manufacture of bent Viennese furniture. Very durable breed and good for grinding.

Another noble breed is walnut. Thanks to its wide color range, decorative and finishing elements made of walnut can be reddish, chocolate or even light yellow. Please note that walnut tends to darken over time.

To create a patterned carved panel in the Rococo or Baroque style, linden with a yellow core is most often preferred.

Karelian birch from the harsh Siberian regions with honey tones architecturally fits into the style and country house, and a spacious penthouse.

Do you want to show off your mahogany mezzanines to your friends without... red tree? For this purpose, quite affordable cherry with tinting impregnation, masquerading as this expensive material, will do. Yes, it's a scam. But beautiful.

The original mahogany is not cheap, but it proudly bears the title of “king of trees” for its unique rich red color and durability.

Another stylish exotic are compositions made of black ebony wood. This natural material is so dense that it can only be cut with high-speed circular saws.

Traditionally, ebony is used for decorative elements and inlays.

Where to start and where to end?

So, you wanted to modernize a concrete apartment box into something ecological, natural, aesthetic and at the same time modern (the price is not even an issue here, wood is wood). Where to start? Since the late 90s, services for replacing wooden frames with plastic. And in vain. The transformation of the interior will begin with the reverse process. Be sure to make sure that wooden frames went through all stages of the preparatory process of moisture-resistant impregnation and further opening with varnishes. This is very important because the windows will have to withstand aggressive environment in the form of rain, sunlight, wind, hail and snow.

If you are hesitating whether to change the three-layer steel armored door on wooden, you can come to reasonable decision for arranging veneer covering. But remember that such coating requires careful handling. Matching the tone and texture of the veneer and new window frames, you can choose the option of interior doors for a holistic perception of the interior.

Interior of a wooden house

the interior can fully retain the natural charm of wood. Moreover, even without additional cladding there is a wide variety decorative techniques and technology. Interior of a wooden house inside, exploring ideas and decor.

Glued laminated timber is considered the most technologically advanced material for wooden houses. Gain: minimal shrinkage and high decorative possibilities the material itself. These factors are important for finishing work - it is enough to do the final sanding and varnish.

The design of a wooden house made of timber in this photo is based on the harmony of two materials - wood and stone. Small hallway opens into the central hall-living room. Despite the scale, the entire interior is simple and attractive - typical modern minimalism.

This is the same house, only the view is from the hallway to the living room.

The style of a traditional village house is maintained here. You could say it's a classic. The beauty of the wooden floor is preserved and even emphasized with varnish. The walls, on the contrary, have a light, almost white tone, which adds “volume” to a small room.

Wooden chest of drawers, classic sofa, small simple mirror, decorative plates and a lamp in the form of a kerosene lamp - create the atmosphere of the late 19th century. And even modern photographs, due to the fact that they are black and white, they fit into the overall picture.

Rustic style is highlighted by a deliberately rough, aged surface wooden supports, beams and boards in wall cladding. This technique is especially effective in contrast with the smooth surface of the ceiling and openings (doors, arches and windows).

The “red” carpet at the entrance and the bench the color of a fire engine enliven the brutality of the style, and the unusual “color” of the deer’s head makes one know about the sense of humor of the inhabitants of this house.

In general, the hunting theme is especially close to the interior of a wooden house. In addition to the deer's head, these could be its antlers hanging on the wall. Like in this hallway of a small “beach” house on the lake.

In the hall of this big house in the shabby chic style, they are content with a voluminous panel on the wall, and a small extension of the horn serves as a decorative accessory.

Modernism is not alien to a wooden house. Black doors stand out effectively against the background wooden walls with a “live” texture. The pattern at the bottom of the panel repeats the geometry of the walls, and large glasses open up an overview of the painting. The contrast of the white wall on which it hangs and the black floor only enhances the overall effect.

Interior of a wooden house inside: living room

This living room was in the first photos of the hallway - a modern house made of timber on two levels. Already in the hallway and corridor, the widespread use of glass was noticeable (partition, interior doors, stair railing). From this position it is clear that it plays an important role in the living room: large skylights, second floor landing fencing and patio door. All this makes the room very bright.

In a classic log cabin, everything is traditional. Massive walls made of large logs without decorative cladding (which they don’t need) and just as powerful rafter system create the feeling that the house will last for centuries. Fireplace from wild stone this feeling only enhances, and the leather armchairs and sofa make the rather large room cozy.

And this classic style, in which the aesthetics of a wooden house are completely preserved. The floors, ceiling beams and wall cladding completely match both in color and geometry with wooden furniture.

They are echoed by velor and leather upholstery of upholstered furniture. If it were not for the electric lamps of the forged chandelier and not the modern TV, the illusion of a house straight out of an ancient painting would be complete.

This living room interior can be found in any modern home. Here the emphasis is also placed on traditional solutions, but in the current sound. Smooth painted walls, suspended ceiling with light panels, a chandelier-fan, double-glazed windows - all this indicates the use of new technologies and materials.

On next photo living room with a distinct modern style, where they use simple shapes and laconic color solutions. A minimum of furniture, a complete lack of decor, a limited number of accessories, panoramic windows without curtains or drapes ( roller blinds) plus indoor plants- typical minimalism of eco-style.

The owner of this house also prefers modern technologies and materials, but he uses all their advantages. For example, a gas boiler with air heating is more efficient, although a fireplace as the center of the living room would be more effective.

To ensure that the interior does not lose its attractiveness, the chimney is made of polished stainless steel, and the boiler stands on a platform made of heat-resistant glass.

Interior of a wooden house inside: bedroom

And again the chapter opens with a photo of a bedroom in the attic of the same house, which was number one in the hallway and living room.

In this case, the main material of the walls is rounded logs, and the partitions are made of timber. The natural texture of wood makes the room warmer and brighter.

Another example of the use of new wood processing technologies. The amazing dimensional accuracy of each element allows us to limit ourselves only to tinting and varnishing the walls without additional cladding.

“Rough” rustic bedroom interior made of aged timber. And only a light niche with a collection of bird cages visually “lightens” the slightly gloomy design of the room made of dark wood.

Men's bedroom-office in a small village house, which probably passes from generation to generation. A measured life in nature in a leisurely rhythm and patriarchal atmosphere. Interior of a wooden house inside

A simple and at the same time luxurious bedroom in a classic style. Exit to the balcony and large windows offer a view of the forest. The two columns supporting the ceiling beam are made of unsanded logs, which only “enhances” the overall mood.

The same idea, but with access to the terrace and modern style. It's like you fall asleep and wake up in the middle of the forest.

This is already a beach style. Dark ceiling beams only emphasize the white surface of the walls and ceiling, and the door probably leads to the sea or lake shore.

And every woman can dream of such a cozy and gentle bedroom.


The material does not impose any restrictions on the designer’s imagination. You can hang vines and a rope ladder leading to the platform under the ceiling.

Give the ceiling the blue of a clear sky.

Make it simple and functional for a teenager.

Or gentle and a little flirty for a young lady. Ideas


Wooden facades that match the walls visually make the kitchen a single whole. It seems that the furniture is built into the walls of the house. And only the difference in the direction of the textured pattern indicates that this is not so.

This kitchen interior is devoid of even such a difference - the painted walls perfectly match the facades in color and location. Even the width is the same.

An industrial loft in a wooden house, rather than a converted industrial space, seems unfeasible. But not the designer of this kitchen. Roughly processed ceiling beams and a massive wooden platform attached to them with an antique mechanism make it possible to solve this problem.

Everything looks especially original against the background modern kitchen with island bar and work desk. The diagonal method of laying flooring is very interesting. Its location is at an acute angle to furniture facades and finishing the walls in the kitchen area, due to the perspective effect, they make a rather large room even larger.

So big but compact corner kitchen The owner of a modern city apartment with an open layout may be envious. Especially if it is located on two levels - even the space under landing used as a closet.

Another kitchen in wooden house with a bar counter. Where not only the “island” stands alone, but also work area located in a short pier of the internal partition.

The interior of a small wooden house is on a completely different scale. A garden or country house with its own small but fully equipped kitchen. And on a limited budget, you can create a normal level of comfort (you even have your own small wood-burning stove with work surface). And don't forget about that will provide functionality while saving useful space.


Almost any direction of the interior can be implemented in the bathroom of a wooden house:



eco style;

For reference.

For repair and strengthening of building structures professional builders use the epoxy composition FibArm Resin 530+. The low viscosity of the composition significantly increases the speed and quality of impregnation.

The comfort and warmth that wooden houses convey cannot be confused with anything else. It's always beautiful texture walls, a pleasant color, even the aroma plays a role.

A properly designed wooden house gives comfort and a feeling of a warm home nest to which you want to return again and again.


Let's create a wooden house design together

It’s rare that someone covers a tree with plasterboard and wallpapers the walls. As a rule, houses made of timber or logs are left in a “bare” form. At the same time, the design style interior design must match the external picture.

For example, ultra-modern high-tech or minimalism will not be the best solution. But country or Provence style will be very useful. You can use classic or Scandinavian style, which are based on the abundance of wood. If you want to get luxurious interior, pay attention to art deco. In principle, you can use any style, the main thing is to play it correctly. Today we have prepared 50 beautiful photos, which will show how you can design wooden houses.

Project designer Tatyana Stashchuk

How does the interior design of a wooden house work?

Agree, wooden houses designed by designers always seem so cozy. What is their secret? And the thing is that they always focus on bright details or create color compositions on different elements of the interior. This helps to dilute the design, add freshness and richness. In the living room and bedroom this could be colorful curtains, a bedspread or pillows, a headboard or some furniture, in the kitchen - a large pendant lamp, a tile backsplash, green plants.

Interior by Locati Architects and designer Tracy Burna

Living room decoration

    The walls of the living room, like the whole house, can be painted with stain, treated with special means to give it a tint, or left in their original form.

    For the floor, you should choose parquet or wide deck boards in a darker or lighter shade.

    The ceiling, without exception, must be decorated in light color, since it is the one that reflects the most sunlight. If you wish, you can leave the ceiling beams and not hide them behind the clapboard. They are one of those elements that create such a romantic atmosphere in a country chalet.

Design by studio I.D. Interior Design

    It would be great if there is a place for a fireplace in the living room. There is no way to remove the chimney or you don’t want to bother with firewood, but at the same time you have warm emotions for old fireplace portals? Install a false fireplace that can be filled with candles, flowers or books. If you want to see dancing lights, install an electric or bio-fireplace.

Well, lovers of real flames should not forget about the safety and installation of glass or tiles at the base of the fireplace. Next to the firebox there is always a poker, a bucket for ash and an additional portion of firewood. So why not decorate this place more beautifully by choosing a wicker basket for carrying the yard and a poker with a bear handle. It's little things like this that create a cozy atmosphere.

    In the spacious living room you can place a large dining table and select chairs with soft upholstery, the color of which can be combined with other textiles in the room.

    Nearby you can place a cupboard with glass doors. If there is not enough color in the room, you can choose a buffet in pastel blue, lavender, yellow or olive color. This palette goes well with wood. To maintain harmony, choose sofa cushions/ floor mat, etc. of the same shade.

    The room should have a conventional center. It could be a fireplace or a TV area. And furniture should be located around this center. You can place a reading chair by the window, and don’t forget about a floor lamp or sconce.

Kitchen decoration

    It’s hard to imagine the design of a country house without a massive kitchen set. Kitchens in Provence or country style look especially impressive. Cabinets can be painted black, white or blue, or can remain in their natural shade. The difficulty in designing such kitchens lies in the need to combine practicality and beauty.

    Wooden countertops are not as durable as we would like. Therefore, if you do not want to see scratches or chips, it is better to give preference to stone or polymer material, which according to appearance and the properties are very close to it.

Designer: Tatyana Ivanova

Design by creative group"Mansion"

    To protect vulnerable areas in the kitchen, it is better to use tiles. Ceramics or glass are perfect for decorating an apron. You can choose a mosaic to create a pattern or take a tile with a small pattern. The latter option looks especially interesting in combination with a wooden kitchen. For practical reasons, it is also worth laying tiles on the floor. The surface will turn out to be quite cold, especially in the winter, so it is worth thinking about a system of “warm” floors with heating using a water system.

    In some cases, to make the design of massive dark cabinets lighter, you can choose doors with glass inserts.

    In order not to disturb the atmosphere of a rustic kitchen, designers recommend hiding appliances ( dishwasher, oven, hood) behind wooden facades.

    The kitchen will become more comfortable if you take care of multi-level lighting. This is not a bedroom where sometimes enough pendant lamp And floor lamp. In the kitchen, you need to think about the lighting of the cooking area, the place at the table and the room as a whole. The ideal solution would be to install built-in spotlights on the ceiling and under the top row of hanging cabinets, as well as one chandelier above dining table. If it has migrated to the living room, and only the bar counter remains in the kitchen, then three identical lamps can be hung above it.

Bedroom design

    The bedroom walls can be left in their original form, or you can give them a lighter shade. However, it is worth considering that the interior of a wooden house will look more harmonious if the walls in all rooms are decorated in the same color and style. When using wallpaper, this principle is not adhered to, in different rooms there may be different wallpapers, suitable for the chosen interior style.

    The same board can be used as a floor covering, but carpet will not hurt. The bedroom is a place where you want to walk barefoot, so a high-pile rug by the bed will come in handy.

    In timber houses, the attic bedroom with beamed ceilings seems to be one of the most comfortable places in the house. In addition, by hiding the beams with lining, you steal space. At the same time, it is important to ensure good thermal insulation of the roof so that it is comfortable to stay in the attic in summer and winter.

    Bright details will help make the design of a bedroom, the walls, floor and ceiling of which are decorated with wood, more interesting. For example, you can hang colorful curtains: blue and small flowers are great for country style. You can choose a bed with a colorful headboard, which will become the main accent in the design of the room. Or you can put a soft bench of purple or burgundy color next to the bed, on which to fold the blanket before going to bed.

Interior design of a wooden house: 3 video tours

GD-Home offers a look at 3 wooden houses, the interior of which sets you up for relaxation and tranquility. They differ from each other in scale and financial investment, but this does not prevent them from being so cozy :)

Beautiful design of a log house

The interior of the log house in the photo was designed by designer Tatyana Ivanova, who managed to create a very atmospheric atmosphere. One gets the impression that the house is at least 50 years old. It resembles some old hut or a Swiss chalet somewhere in the mountains. Massive logs are in no way hidden; on the contrary, naturalness is emphasized in every possible way. This design of a log house obliges the owners to select antique furniture, for example, all the beds in the interior have forged elements, and the hallway has an aged wooden bench, in the bathroom there is a metal niche under the sink.

This interior welcomes wicker baskets, kerosene lamps and candles, bright textiles, ceramic dishes with ornaments, copper saucepans, antique chests, and black and white photographs on the walls.

It seems in this kitchen, decorated in retro style, smells like grandma's pies and freshly brewed tea.

Colorful design of a house made of timber

A wooden house will look best in country or Provence style. The first style is often called rustic due to the abundance of wood and retro furniture. The second is considered more romantic due to the presence pastel shades and floral patterns. When designing a house made of laminated veneer lumber, you can use a modern classic style, adding a little urban chic. Equipment can ruin the picture, so in the kitchen it is best to hide it behind the fronts of cabinets, and in the living room, focus not on the area with the TV, but on the fireplace or soft sofas.

A luxurious chandelier can become a beautiful accent in the interior. Why is it now fashionable to combine previously incompatible things, based on the eclectic style, and hang crystal chandeliers in brutally decorated interiors. The play of contrasts makes design play in a new way.

The interior was created by Decor&Design studio

How to complement the interior design of a wooden house: photos + ideas

1. Fireplace is the soul of the home

If you have or plan to have a fireplace in your home, you are already 10% happier than other people. Scientists have proven the calming effect of fire in a fireplace on the human psyche. GD-Home sincerely believes that there is no better atmosphere for family evenings than one that is saturated with the smell of burning logs and the sound of crackling sounds.

2. Framed paintings, photos or posters

It is not necessary to use real paintings with paint masks. You can print or buy ready-made posters depicting mountains, forests or a cozy little street. This can be done in any printing house. By the way, you can decorate the wall with photos in the same frames, or you can buy completely different ones in color and size. The first option will look more sophisticated, while the second will add playfulness to the interior.

3. Barn doors in bright colors

This solution looks great, right? Barn doors are perfect for country wooden houses that are decorated in a rustic style. They must be present metal elements and heavy handles. To save space, you can use not hinged, but sliding structures. They are suitable not only as interior furniture, but also for a pantry or dressing room.

4. Open wiring

Electrical cords do not need to be hidden in the walls if you plan to design retro interior. Vintage switches and sockets would also be appropriate. Designers sometimes use this trick when they want a log home to really look like a traditional log cabin.

5. Deer antlers on the wall or as a chandelier

Deer antlers are great for decorating a chalet or log house. Once an element of a hunting lodge, today antlers often occupy a place above the fireplace or become the basis for a chandelier. To maintain the atmosphere of a hunter's home, you can also use skins or stuffed animals in the interior.

A wooden house is the best solution for those who are attached to nature and cannot imagine their existence without life in country house. The most beneficial thing is that the air in a wooden house is saturated with phytoncides, which have a beneficial effect on the health of everyone living in it.

Interior design

In such a house, it is very important to think through the design down to the smallest detail. It can be arranged in the most different styles: from a variation on the theme of a good old ranch or chalet to a multi-level hut. We bring to your attention a variety of photos of the interior of a wooden house, as examples of interesting style solutions.

By selecting ethnic style, you can decorate all wooden surfaces with dense carpets with ornaments and decorative elements in ethno style. Or imitate the furnishings of Russian wooden towers in your home.

Solid lining is used as finishing, most often imitation logs or timber. Oak panels for walls, panels made of expensive wood, overlay carvings will give your home a special charm and individuality. Using all of the above, you can decorate your home in any style you have in mind, right down to pure minimalism.

For interior decoration with wood, contact the Imperial Forest carpentry workshop. Professionals in their field will help you select the interior and bring it to life.

Beautiful design A wooden house in a folk style can be achieved if all the details are worked out, paying special attention to color combinations.

Decor details should be aimed at emphasizing the “Russian spirit” as much as possible. A large glazed stove will add a rustic touch.

A ceiling painted in the ancient Russian style will become a real work of art in your home. Interweaving of flowers and patterns with leaves on a contrasting background, and in children's rooms - characters from folk tales painted in gold and other bright colors, a smiling moon and stars will make you feel like you are in a fairy tale.

This, of course, will require true artistic skill, but what a wild delight such paintings evoke in anyone who has the good fortune to see them!

Rustic style with subtle, non-flashy techniques, through the use of natural wood, fabric, real stones and suitable for style shades only hint at rustic decoration. One of the variations of this style called “Russian North” uses wood that appears to be covered with light frost.

Silver boards, as if from frost, light-colored curtains and furniture upholstery are fully consistent with the style. And the finest wood carvings, combined with the smell of resin filling the room, will create a unique coziness in it.

The Provence style home decoration option, on the contrary, is filled with sun and warmth. Beige, milky shades, as well as turquoise, yellow, and soft blue are actively used. For this style, it is important that the colors look as if they have been slightly bleached by the sun's rays.

The country house design of a wooden house should give the impression of carelessness and lightness, a happy creative life of its inhabitants. Curtains with large patterns and patterns, bouquets of dried wild flowers in vases made of ceramics or opaque glass will fit perfectly into this style.

To enhance the effect, you can even use antique irons, horseshoes, a samovar and other attributes rustic style. You can create some things with your own hands.

Wood finishing

Often a log, timber, or their imitation is used on top of the structure, which is a frame. The interior of a wooden house made of timber or logs involves preserving the natural texture of the wood. Different breeds have different shades, which must be taken into account when decorating.

Most often, owners of log houses prefer to only slightly tint the wood with colorless protective compounds. We recommend giving preference to a denser color so that the decorative elements in the room look more advantageous. Dark colors They usually make the interior somewhat cheaper, but it’s the details that make all the difference.

Window decoration and textiles

If the windows of the house offer wonderful views of the landscape, giving a pleasant feeling of merging with nature, you should not block them from view with multi-layer curtains.

A house on the shore of a lake or sea, especially one located on a hill from which a beautiful panorama opens, is designed to keep its windows open to this natural beauty.

An eco-friendly house in a modern style is obtained using glazing from the floor to the ceiling, in minimalist style. Such transparent walls made of double-glazed windows will create a feeling of dissolution in the surrounding nature, helping to fill yourself with energy every day.

Floor-to-ceiling windows require minimal decoration. Roller blinds are suitable, protecting the room from too bright rays of the sun and protecting furniture from fading.

Textiles are selected based on the main shade used in the decoration. Cotton and other natural fabrics are ideal for the interior of a bedroom in a wooden house. Very impressive contrasting combinations. In bright rooms in the Provence style, light prints such as polka dots, small flowers, and thin stripes look harmonious.

Furniture and decor items

When decorating, you should understand that wood complements any natural materials– stone, clay, leather, glass. Against the background of walls made of timber and logs in the living room interior, they look very advantageous and relevant, emphasizing the rough solidity of the wood. Looks great in wooden and metal rooms.

Tips for creating a harmonious interior:

  • when choosing lighting, give preference to dark-colored metal lamps with light milky shades;
  • the soft shine of leather on furniture upholstery goes well with matte wood, especially dark tones;
  • You can soften the clarity of log walls by using velvet as upholstery for upholstered furniture, and some of the rigidity of the boards on the floor can be used with a voluminous pile carpet;
  • twisted cords open electrical wiring will enhance the impression of a retro-style interior.

The glass on the chandelier shades can be decorated with paintings that repeat the pattern on textiles or wallpaper. In this case, it would be better to leave the side lamps and lamps without any patterns.

Very interesting solution, capable of becoming the highlight of the interior, will be a staircase on rails with glass steps floating between the upper and lower floors. This unusual combination of artificial material with natural texture will add lightness and extravagance to the room.

Photo of the interior of a wooden house

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):