“At the Tashkent bazaar, a buyer picks up a melon and, in order to bring down the price, says sarcastically:
- Are these the biggest apples you have?
The seller counters:
- Don't touch the grapes with your hands! »

OH MELONS, MELONS!!! You can safely write a poem about the unforgettable taste and magical aroma of this berry and melon perfection!
When I was little, my parents often took me on vacation in the summer, and the specific smell of melons on the plane was literally etched into my memory. And all because literally every passenger carefully took with him this valuable hand luggage. At first I thought that this is what an airplane actually smells like, and then the melon reminded me of the smell of an airplane, and the airplane reminded me of the smell of a melon. Growing up, I myself always brought melon to relatives and friends. The melons were huge and the aroma was simply killer. At that time, a melon outside of Central Asia opened any doors, was considered the number one gift and could literally make those to whom it was given happy. Very juicy, sweet, soft, but elastic pulp of a ripe melon - conquered hearts and imagination, immediately dizzy and brought into ecstasy.

And, of course, these were our Uzbek Mirzachul melons - a torpedo. They are called that because of their elongated shape, and they have been known for several centuries. In general, the most delicious melons in the world are grown in Central Asia, and such a torpedo is grown in the Mirzachul region of Uzbekistan. This melon is very demanding of light and heat, it lends itself well to transportation, the size of a torpedo melon can reach almost half a meter in length and weigh more than 15 kg. You can buy it from July to October, you need to choose the most aromatic melon, it will be the most delicious. Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer of these melons, but anyone who has tried it at least once will never forget the unique taste.

So, let’s find out why melon is useful and what doctors say about it, because melon is not only a pleasure, but also a medicine.

Juicy melon perfectly quenches thirst. It is rich in easy-to-digest sugar, proteins, starch and can easily replace a full meal. Just 150 g of melon contains the daily requirement folic acid. It contains a lot of silicon, vitamin C, carotene, organic acids, mineral salts of potassium, sodium and iron, due to which this seasonal product normalizes blood composition and calms the nervous system. Melon fiber and pectin substances act as a mild laxative, cleansing the body of bad cholesterol. However, you should not eat a lot of melon in one sitting - this can overload the intestines.

A slice of melon is the traditional end to a hearty meal - and this is no coincidence. It helps digest heavy food, but if you decide not to limit yourself to one slice, it is better to wait a little and eat the melon 2-3 hours after lunch - then all the beneficial substances will be absorbed to the maximum. Melon honey (bekmes) healing properties equivalent to bee honey.

Eating melon is very useful for preventing colds and strengthening the immune system. Melon is indicated for urolithiasis and kidney diseases. But you need to know that melon is a rather heavy product for the stomach, therefore, in order to avoid discomfort, it should not be eaten on an empty stomach, combined with milk or fermented milk products.

And here are some quotes from Avicenna’s “Canon of Medical Science”:

« Melon cleanses the skin, especially its seeds, but also its pulp. Melon, especially if its insides, as they are, are kneaded with wheat flour and dried in the sun, are useful against freckles and dandruff. Melon peels are stuck to the forehead, and they prevent catarrhs ​​from reaching the eyes. A person with a hot nature should wash down melon with shikanjubin, and a person with a damp nature should take incense, ginger jam or wine after it.».

Let me make a small clarification: a “hot nature” is a person with increased fatigue, excessive thirst and a rapid pulse.
“Wet nature” - loose physique, swelling, drowsiness.

And “sikanjubin” is vinegared - a mixture of fruit vinegar and honey.

Imagine, friends, I just now learned that melon can be frozen perfectly. You need to cut the pulp into cubes or make balls using a special spoon, place in a freezer bag, release the air and put in the freezer. In this form, melon can be stored for up to 3 months. I'll definitely do that! Imagine what a wonderful dessert you will have on your New Year's table! In addition, frozen melon can be added to morning smoothies and cocktails. Of course, you can buy a winter variety of melon in winter, but it’s not a fact that it will be as sweet and aromatic! By the way, they are called winter melons because their ripening begins extremely late. After harvesting, the fruits are braided with reeds and hung in dry rooms or under sheds for aging and storage. Only by March the hard greenish pulp becomes juicy and sweet.

Traditional desserts made from melon - jam, jam, jelly, marmalade, candied fruits. For example, I really like dried melon. If it is made correctly, it retains its aroma, sweetness, and specific taste. But when buying such a melon, it is advisable to feel it for softness, and even better, try to taste it first, because if improperly prepared or stored, such a braided braid may taste bitter or have an unpleasant aftertaste.

Well, since the product is tasty, it means that there will definitely be people who prefer not entirely traditional preparation. For example, as an appetizer for champagne, you can prepare a “kebab” from balls of mozzarella and melon, strung alternately on skewers. Or classic snack, served in Mediterranean countries as an aperitif - a slice of melon, seasoned with pepper and wrapped in a strip of ham.

Melon (Cucumis melo or literally “puffed up fruit”) is a false berry or vegetable belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family. Its closest relatives are cucumber and pumpkin. This annual melon crop has several hundred varieties of various shapes, sizes and colors. Melon has been known to mankind since the times of Ancient Egypt; it used to be wild, then it was cultivated, and today the differences between varieties are the degree of sweetness, the ripening period and the time of preservation of the melon's taste and useful qualities.
How to choose the “right” melon?

Most main criterion ripeness and excellent taste of melon - its strong aroma, which is felt through the peel. You definitely need to pick up a melon and understand that it is heavy and full-bodied. By tapping on the peel, which has no damage, we should hear a dull sound. Its color should be uniform. green spot- a sign of immaturity, and brown spot or a dent is an indicator of a spoiled product. You cannot buy cut fruits or those lying on the ground next to the road.
Many people are not familiar with the Central Asian names of melon varieties, but their photos invariably amaze both melon growing connoisseurs and ordinary consumers. There is no such variety of forms and types of melons as in Uzbekistan anywhere in the world. The shape of the fruit can be completely different; the palette of colors on the skin, smooth or dotted with small cracks, is also surprising.

Here are just some of the names of our melons: cassaba melon; melon Bukharka or Chogare; Pineapple melon or Ich-Kzyl; Assan Bay melon; Chardzhui melon or Gulyabi; Cantaloupe melon.

Here's an interesting fact for you! Gulyabi melon is well known in the territory former USSR. It is rare that a plant manages to play a role in feature film. This variety of Central Asian melon was lucky, and Chardzhou melons under the pseudonym “alien” starred in the film “Station for Two.”

And finally, a special melon - Uzbek red meat or pineapple, my favorite and adored one. Thick, with a brownish-green skin and dense, crispy orange flesh, this is what you will dream about at night, as a memory of the end of the hot Uzbek summer. It's always crunchy, but not always sweet, so I always buy it cut. And if red meat is already sweet, then its taste is not just pleasure! She's so attractive unusual taste that it is impossible to get enough of it, and through short time I want to eat more, and another piece, and another piece!

Did you know that melon pulp contains substances that help produce serotonin - the “happiness hormone”? So if you feel sad, eat a couple of pieces of melon and your mood will improve!

At making the right choice melons, you will get great pleasure from these wonderful gifts of nature, so I wish you to fully enjoy this miracle berry, be sure to have time to make some preparations in order to continue enjoying them in the winter.

Bon appetit!

Bella Feldman.

Melons are a sweet melon crop that is recent years enjoys excellent popularity among summer residents and gardeners. There are various varieties melons, intended for various conditions growing. In this article we will tell you about the most popular varieties that will allow you to get excellent harvest.


Golden melon is a mid-early variety that has oval and round fruits, the weight of which can reach two kilograms. One of the features of the Golden hybrid is the maximum density of the fruit, which makes it easy to transport harvested, improves the keeping quality of vegetables.


Pineapple orange is a popular variety among summer residents, which is versatile and can be successfully grown on open beds, in a greenhouse. Average early variety has a growing season of about 80 days.

The fruits are slightly oblong in shape and yellow-orange in color. It is necessary to note the excellent resistance of this vegetable to powdery mildew and late blight.

The harvested crop tolerates transportation well, and the melons themselves can be stored for several weeks.


Musk white is an early variety with a growing season of about 60 days. A special feature of this variety is the characteristic white color of the pulp. Musk melon has excellent yield, and the average fruit size is 500-600 grams.

The sweet pulp can acquire a sickly sweet taste over time, so it is not recommended to delay harvesting too much, as over time the taste of the vegetable deteriorates. Ripeness can be determined by the hardness of the peel, which should not be deformed when pressed.

This variety has excellent resistance to cold, which makes it possible to grow musk melon in greenhouses beyond the Urals.


The Cinderella variety is an ultra-early ripening variety; it has a growing season of 50 days.

The maximum weight of the fruit is 1.2-1.3 kilograms, but in most cases, melon rarely grows more than 700 grams. The fruits have a bright yellow color and a characteristic mesh pattern.

Cinderella flesh may be green or white. We note the excellent taste and resistance of the variety to diseases.


These varieties of melon may have a yellow color and a characteristic ovoid shape. The flesh may be orange or white. Orange melons are distinguished by their excellent keeping quality and the excellent taste of the harvested crop. This late-ripening variety common in Central Asia, where under the local sun the vegetable can grow up to seven kilograms.

In the central part of Russia, the maximum weight is two to three kilograms, and the weight of most fruits does not exceed one kilogram. The variety is resistant to bad weather conditions and can bear fruit even with minimal care.


An early variety that is resistant to low temperatures. The flesh of Cantaloupe is bright orange with a characteristic sweet aroma. On average, the weight of the fruit is 1 kilogram.

Thanks to its excellent resistance to low temperatures, this melon can be grown in open beds, even if planted early.

Cantaloupe melon shows its maximum productivity when grown in greenhouses, with abundant watering, and with the application of the necessary mineral fertilizers.


Vietnamese melon belongs to the small-fruited category, with an average fruit weight of about 200 grams. This is an Asian mid-season variety that has an unusual dark brown color with numerous stripes. The pulp of the ripened crop is tender, oily, yellow in color and has an unusual yield. This variety is heat-loving, so it is recommended to grow it exclusively in greenhouses.


Serpentine melon has elongated, finger-shaped fruits that resemble a snake. The pulp is juicy and extremely sweet. The pulp has a characteristic cucumber smell.

The set fruits have a characteristic green and when ripe they turn yellow. There is also a variety with white fruits.

When growing Serpentine Melon in greenhouses, the vegetable ripens in July, and when cultivated in outdoors no earlier than September. This variety is also known as Tarra.


This variety is medium in size and has a yellow skin with characteristic cracks. Despite his southern name, this variety is resistant to low temperatures, which makes it possible to grow it in Siberia.

Turkmenka is a late melon that ripens in mid-autumn. The pulp of ripened vegetables has a sweet taste and delicate aroma.

When growing this variety, maximum attention must be paid to high-quality watering and protecting the plant from powdery mildew and other diseases.


Amal melon, due to the ease of its cultivation, is very popular among summer residents. The average weight of the fruit is 4 kilograms, and the pulp has a juicy sweet taste. Ripening occurs in 70 days, which allows you to get an excellent harvest in the garden. You just need to remember about the weak root system of this hybrid, so the bed needs to be protected from the wind and provided with high-quality watering.


Gulaba or Gulyabi melons are an Uzbek variety with sweet and aromatic pulp. An autumn variety that ripens late and belongs to the dessert category. The pulp of the ripened fruits is crispy with a vanilla flavor.

It should be said that it is difficult to grow this variety, since it grows poorly in greenhouses due to lack of sun, and in the open air there is a high probability of the plant freezing, which leads to the complete loss of the crop.


Uzbekistan and Central Asia are the birthplace of this vegetable. Today, dozens of different varieties have been bred in Uzbekistan that have a juicy sweet taste.

It should be said that most of these Uzbek hybrids of this vegetable are zoned for cultivation in warm regions, and when cultivating them in the conditions of the Central part of Russia, certain problems may arise, especially with early planting.


This variety is native to India, Vietnam and Thailand. Thai melon has a delicate sweetish taste with pronounced sourness. A special feature of this variety is its high content of sucrose and iron.

Growing this variety is possible only in greenhouses, with high humidity and abundant watering. Thai melon ripens in two months and allows you to get an excellent harvest.

The harvested crop can be stored for no more than a month.


Kalmychka has a medium-sized fruit and a rough, ribbed skin. The pulp of ripe fruits is extremely tasty and fleshy. It's early unpretentious appearance, which can be grown in open beds.

This variety requires fairly simple care, which consists of abundant watering and fertilizing with appropriate fertilizers.


This is an Uzbek hybrid that produces medium-sized fruits with a characteristic ribbed shape. This variety ripens in the conditions of the Central part of Russia no earlier than mid-August.

Pulp, at proper care and abundant watering, it has a delicate juicy taste. When growing the ribbed variety, it is recommended to use high-quality, properly processed seeds and protect the vegetable from the cold.

Seedlings can be planted under film and in mid-May, remove the protection and grow the vegetable outdoors.


In gardening stores you can purchase various exotic numerous hybrids that have a characteristic green color of the peel and pulp of the fruit.

These varieties include the Israeli variety Galia-Diamant, Basvaldi Green, Kuchka, Amiri and many others. Such vegetables have a delicate taste and great aroma.

Growing such hybrids is difficult and can only be done in greenhouses.

Source: http://moya-belarus.ru/dynya/sorta-dyni.html

Popular among summer residents

It is impossible to describe all the variety of thousands of varieties of melons. They are grown everywhere, even in England and Leningrad region There are their own zoned varieties of melon. Of course, in terms of sweetness and taste, they are far from the Turkmen and Uzbek varieties, which are famous throughout the world and are even exported. However heat-loving plant breeders have forced them to bear fruit wherever there are greenhouses.

How to figure it out

The first feature that made it possible to grow melons was the ripening time:

  • ultra-early ripening, hybrid with ripening in less than 60 days;
  • early ripening, ripening in 60-70 days and sugar content from 8 to 15%;
  • mid-ripening, they ripen in 75-100 days, they contain 14-15% sugar;
  • autumn-winter, ripen in 95-100 days, very sweet, long-lasting, large;
  • winter, huge, weighing up to 30 kg, sugar up to 16%, but stored well in a cool room;

The shape of melons is ellipsoidal, spherical and elongated like skittles. Upper part can be smooth, mesh or ribbed. The fruit pulp is crispy, white, yellow or greenish. In some varieties, during storage, the flesh gradually turns from green to yellow.

There are several subspecies of melons. It is generally accepted that fruits grown in Central Asia are the most delicious. But even among them Uzbek melon has the greatest popularity. This is facilitated by the composition of the soil and the warm period without frost, ranging from 193 to 273 days a year.

European varieties were obtained later; these are mainly early-ripening and ultra-early-ripening hybrids, most obtained using the Cantaloupe variety. Currently, European hybrids reach a sugar content of up to 15% with a ripening period of 55 days from the ovary.

Most Favorite

Before growing a melon in the garden summer cottage You should study the characteristics of the variety and choose zoned, that is, specially created varieties for your climate. You cannot plant southern varieties that you like to taste in the North. The harvest won't work.

Melon Gulaba is business card melon region - Fergana Valley. This is the famous Charjui melon. The variety is known in the country because it is suitable for transportation. The average weight of these melons is 3-5 kg.

Gulyabi is cultivated in Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The variety is late ripening. The sugar content reaches 15%, the flesh is white, dense fibrous.

Large quantity pulp allows this variety of melons to be used to produce dried and dried products.

Cantaloupe melon or Persian or cantaloupe melon is named after the Italian city. This is a variety of the Asian population, but adapted to different conditions.

This species is characterized by small fruits with a ribbed surface. She gave rise to greenhouse European varieties, which are more moisture-loving and put up with a lack of light and heat.

The pulp of cantaloupe is orange, aromatic, slightly tart.

Turkmen melon is a late-ripening variety of Uzbek varieties. It has a medium fruit size. Most often it can be seen with a green mesh skin. You need to wait until this fruit is completely ripe and only then eat it.

Usually in northern regions The berries are imported unripe and therefore few people are able to taste the tasty, sweet, soft slices of this variety. A sign of ripeness can be a dark, almost brown crust in the cracks.

It is impossible to forget the aroma and taste of ripe Turkmen.

Pineapple melon or delano have ellipsoid-shaped fruits weighing about 2 kg. IN middle lane Melon is grown through seedlings and the watering regime is important. If the summer is rainy, the plant should be protected from excess moisture. The fruit may burst.

About 100 days pass from germination to ripeness. The skin of this variety is thin, the flesh is sweet and aromatic. The plant is vigorous and requires pinching. The keeping quality of ripe fruits is good, transportation is possible.

Green melon is named for its greenish flesh, which can turn yellow over time. All these varieties are characterized by green or gray-green peel. It can be ribbed or smooth, oval or round. Such varieties are available in Japan and Uzbekistan.

As an example of a green melon, you can take the Israeli variety “Galia-Diamant”. The fruit is oval, mesh rind, green-white flesh, sweet and aromatic. Tannins and minerals give the melon a slightly astringent taste. In Uzbekistan there is a variety of green melon called skullcap.

The variety grows only in the vicinity of Karshi, it resembles both a watermelon and a skullcap on the outside, and the pulp is melon-like, very pleasant to the taste.

Cinderella melon is an early ripening variety. The plant is recommended for cultivation in small farms and country houses. Early ripening variety. Melon vines are long and require growth regulation. The fruit is yellow and smooth with a net.

Berry weight is 1-2 kg. The pulp is approximately 3 cm, not very sweet, 5-9% sugars, but tasty and aromatic. The fruits are stored for three weeks and consumed on the spot, since transportability is low.

The plant is resistant to temperature changes.

Melon Lada is a successful variety of Astrakhan selection. It is adapted to hot, dry climates. But this variety also does well in greenhouses. Important properties is its unpretentiousness. Irregular watering does not lead to cracking of the fruits.

Melon aphid, American and false powdery mildew the bush is not damaged. The variety has smooth round fruits with a net, the weight of which is 2-3 kg. The pulp contains up to 10% sugars and is light cream in color. This variety is loved by many gardeners.

Ribbed melons as a variety characteristic are characteristic of cantaloupes. They can be green, yellow. In Ukraine there is a variety called ribbed melon. By appearance These melons look more like pumpkins and are called "puffy" melons. Ripe ribbed melon is considered the most delicious, aromatic and sweet berry in Ukraine.

Uzbek melons require a special description. Over 100 varieties are cultivated in the region, divided into 6 districts, each with its own varieties. The zones in which certain varieties of melon are grown according to natural conditions are divided:

  • Tashkent.
  • Samarkand.
  • Bukhara.
  • Khorezm.
  • Fergana.
  • South.

Depending on solar activity, the number of clear days per year, and temperature, the most adapted varieties are cultivated. Products high quality exported to other countries.

Among the many varieties, people always hear about the torpedo melon, locally Mirzachul melon, green Basvaldi and others.

There are varieties whose taste can only be enjoyed on site. The fruits are tender, juicy and cannot be stored. Others reach out to New Year's table. Beneficial climate, suitable soil create conditions ideal for converting the energy of the sun and earth into a healing product, which is mentioned in the Bible. Fruits grown in other climatic conditions, are inferior in taste to melon ripened in Uzbekistan.

Who doesn't love melons? Sweet, juicy, healthy, they are suitable for consumption even by diabetics, and their composition improves the functioning of gastrointestinal tract and has a general strengthening effect on the body. Melons can be part of high-calorie desserts, and can complement the diet when dietary nutrition. Unfortunately, for residents of the middle and northern latitudes of Russia, melons are available only at the end of summer, therefore they are especially valued for their seasonality. But the Uzbek expanses are famous for the widespread cultivation of melons and are considered the birthplace of this berry.

Ordinary melon lovers, who buy them at the end of September - beginning of August, do not attach much importance to the types and varieties. They know that there are elongated fruits and there are round ones, but they are rarely interested in why melons have different flesh colors, different shapes and different taste. However, gardeners who grow melons themselves know that there are at least several dozen varieties of this berry. We will consider only some of them, the most popular.

Early ripening varieties

These varieties ripen rapidly - in less than 2 months. They are widely cultivated in regions with cold and humid climates where summers are short and sunny.


Small, one-kilogram fruits can grow up to 7 pieces on one plant. They have a sweet honey taste and a recognizable specific aroma. The shape is spherical, slightly elongated. Skin color is yellow. Fruit weight is 1-2 kg. The seed compartment is small. Productivity: up to 100 kg per hundred square meters. The variety is resistant to many plant diseases and temperature changes. Poorly stored.

"Ternek" or "Turkmen melon"

Originally from hot Turkmenistan, melon has taken root well in colder regions. The ripening period is 60-70 days. The pulp is white-yellow, incredibly sweet and aromatic.


It can produce its first fruits within 1.5 months after planting in the ground. The fruits are round, elongated, weighing up to 1.5 kg. The color is bright yellow, with a dense gray-white mesh on top. The flesh is faded orange, very juicy, but not the sweetest. Large compartment for seeds. Poorly stored.

"Assol F1"

The fruits are almost perfectly spherical in shape, with a clear “cleft” pattern. The pulp is a beautiful orange-yellow color, with creamy veins, incredibly sweet, very aromatic. The peel is thin and easily damaged. The variety is resistant to some melon diseases. It doesn't last long.

Mid-season varieties

They require a little less than 3 months to ripen. In a good warm summer they have time to ripen, and then can be stored for up to a month.

"Collective farmer 753"

Ripens in 90 days. The melons are round and smooth, bright yellow in color, and may be covered with mesh. They weigh up to 1.5 kg. The pulp is white, very juicy, aromatic and oily in consistency. The fruits can be stored for 3 weeks. From ten sq.m. harvest up to 22 kg of crop. The variety often suffers from anthracnose and powdery mildew.


Ripens on average in 80 days. The fruits are rough, round, divided into convex sections, and look like a pumpkin. The peel is ribbed, hard, golden-yellow in color. The pulp is dense, very juicy and sweet, white. Up to 20 kg of crop is harvested from a dozen squares.


Ripens within 85-90 days from planting. The fruits are almost regular spherical, slightly elongated, weighing up to 4 kg. The flesh is faded beige in color, incredibly tender and tasty. Melts in your mouth. It is resistant to a number of diseases and most pests. Keeps well - up to a month. It is one of the sweetest varieties, therefore it is widely used in cooking. Up to 30 kilos of this variety are harvested from ten squares.

"Galileo F1"

Ripens in 80-85 days, has green fruits with a pronounced network. It is recommended to grow in a greenhouse. The skin is tender, and the flesh is tasty, aromatic and simply melts in your mouth. The fruits grow up to 1.5 kg.

Late varieties

It takes a little more than 3 months to ripen, but then they are stored for a long time.


Ripens no earlier than 95 days after planting. The highly elongated ellipsoidal fruits have a light orange peel and grow up to 3 kilos. The white-pink tender pulp is very juicy and slightly oily, incredibly fragrant and vaguely similar in taste to pineapple, which is why the variety got its name. It can be stored for 2 weeks and is resistant to a number of diseases.


In 90 days, the fruits of this beauty fully ripen. The peel is smooth, without patterns or nets, and has an even yellow color. Melons weigh no more than a kilogram. The pulp is white, juicy and oily, with a characteristic aroma. The variety can be stored for up to 3 weeks. Resistant to many diseases.


The variety was named for the shape of the fruits - very elongated, like a military projectile. Torpedoes ripen in 110 days, but after that the fruits are stored for 3 months or more. Melons weigh 4-8 kilograms, their flesh is white, sweet and juicy, very aromatic. The plants produce a good harvest and are resistant to diseases and drought.


The fruit, which has a spherical elongated shape, ripens for almost 100 days. The peel is yellow-greenish, smooth to the touch, covered with a large mesh. The flesh is pale green, juicy, and slightly crunchy. Melons reach 3 kilograms in weight and do not crack due to their thick peel. Resistant to drought and many diseases. From one hundred square meters you can harvest up to 320 kg of crop. The fruits are stored for 3 months.

European varieties of melons

European varieties include the aforementioned “Kolkhoznitsa” and “Ethiopka”. The following varieties are also considered European:


The slightly elongated melon, which has a thick green-orange peel, was delivered to the table of the Pope himself. The pulp is orange, sweet, there are few seeds.

"Banana Melon"

Named because of its unusual shape: very elongated (up to 80 cm in length) and flattened on the sides. Melon pulp is slightly reminiscent of a banana fruit: both in taste and consistency.


A type of cantaloupe. The shape is spherical, slightly elongated and flattened. The skin is yellow-green, with longitudinal stripes. The green flesh is very sweet and aromatic and contains many useful substances.

Central Asian varieties

Central Asia is considered the birthplace of melons, and there is a huge variety of them: green in color, wrinkled or bottle-shaped in shape, and completely different in taste.


They have green fruits with yellow spots. The peel is wrinkled in folds along the tail to the crown. The variety is classified as a winter variety, since it ripens according to the calendar closer to the winter of northern latitudes. After harvesting, the melons are wrapped in reeds and hung to ripen. At the beginning of spring, melon is suitable for consumption. Its flesh is greenish.


It has oval, elongated fruits, the tips of which are slightly pointed. The pulp is white, very soft and sweet. The skin is rough and has a yellow-orange pattern.


The fruits have a pronounced pattern of yellow and green spots, are elongated and weigh up to 5 kilograms. Sweet and aromatic, can be stored for a long time due to the thick peel.

Exotic varieties

"Vietnamese melon"

It differs sharply from its counterparts with a bright pattern of yellow and red-brown stripes. The taste of this melon is reminiscent of pineapple, and the pulp itself is very tender and pleasant.

"Melotropia rough" or "Mouse melon"

Very unusual variety, which is the smallest in the world in terms of fruit size. Melons are more reminiscent of large, striped gooseberries, with characteristic pale yellow and bright yellow stripes. You can even grow it indoors. The taste is not sweet, but sour. It’s not very suitable for food, but it’s very suitable for compotes and jams.

"Kiwano" or "Horned Melon"

Unusual in shape, bright orange, with protruding spikes - “horns” and green cucumber inside, melon has become very popular due to its unusually fresh, slightly tart taste and many beneficial properties. A radical difference from other melons: Kiwano's seeds are eaten, each of which is surrounded by a bubble of tasty pulp.

Melon varieties for central Russia

Some species were specially bred, while others simply adapted well to the conditions of mid-latitudes. Varieties suitable for growing in the middle zone: “Aikido F1”, “Serezhkina Lyubov”, “Iroquois F1”, “Rainbow”, “Princess Svetlana F1”, “Passport F1”, “Tamanskaya”, “Delano F1”, “Evdokia” ", "Idyll", "Cossack woman".

The sweetest varieties of melon

Contrary to popular belief, not all melons taste insanely sweet. The sweetness of melons varies, and there are even sour or tart varieties (like “Kiwano”, “Mouse Melon” or “Kiwi Melon”). The sweetest melons: “Princess Anna”, “Golden”, “Canaria”, “Gold of the Scythians”, “Sweet Pineapple”, “Sweet Yellow Early”, “Cinderella”, most varieties of Turkish and Turkmen melons.

So, which variety will you choose to plant?

Sweet, tender, juicy, with aromatic crispy flesh, the golden beauty is a favorite among summer fruits. This is not just a sweet fruit, but a whole storehouse of nutritional minerals, vitamins A, C, P, and ascorbic acid. The fruits of this melon plant are considered one of the fruits of paradise. Juicy, large melons can be eaten raw, jams and sauces are made from them, and slices are used in desserts and as a side dish. It goes great with a good beef steak.

This culture was known a couple of thousand years ago in Ancient Persia and Egypt. It appeared in Russia already in the 16th century. Under Tsar Peter, it was grown in special greenhouses.

This delicacy has the following composition:

  • water;
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • fiber;
  • pectin;
  • vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B9, C, E;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • fluorine.

Doctors advise eating dishes from the fruits of this plant while losing weight. They help remove excess fluid from the body and are even good remedy from cellulite. They strengthen the immune system and normalize the menstrual cycle.

But for diabetics and people with gastrointestinal diseases, it is better not to eat this delicacy.

Any sweet tooth is looking forward to summer so that she can finally taste the delicious fruit - the first melon harvest. A sunny delicacy adored by adults and children, melon has a variety of characteristics. It depends on which variety you choose. It can be an elliptical-shaped yellow melon with white flesh Snezhok F1, a round melon with an orange mesh skin Dubovka or a melon Sweet Miracle. The name of the variety and this melon speaks for itself about its characteristics.

Growing this fruit is not easy: the plant is not resistant to various diseases and pests, and is sensitive to temperature changes. Growing begins with selection right place: successful cultivation will be in a warm, windless area with fertile soil. You can feed the soil in the early stages with organic, potassium and phosphate fertilizers. Better buy Dutch seeds melons and plant them in peat pots for seedlings, but still a high-quality and lush harvest is guaranteed only if you choose a melon variety that suits the climatic conditions of the planting site.

Much has been written about what melons are like. But we decided that it was better to sort everything out and present the most the best varieties, dividing them into groups according to the ripening period.

Early varieties

There are the largest number of lovers of the first type. Early types of melons are those in which the period from the appearance of cotyledons to harvest is sixty-five days. Such plants thrive in areas with short and cool summers. They are great for wholesalers. Growing them is inexpensive due to their early ripening.

Early ripening ones include dwarf and ordinary individuals: Titovka melon (the most popular variety among gardeners), Roksolana melon, Ambrosia melon, Ignazio melon, Dina melon, Cinderella, Assol, Altai, Scythian Gold, Raymond, Delano, Bizhur and others.

An entire type belongs to the early melon crops - the Galia melon. Do not confuse types and varieties of melons. The type combines varieties of individuals with similar characteristics: super early, bright yellow, like bananas, round, small in size. This is an Indian melon crop, but it is believed that it was developed in Israel. Melon Galia also exists as a variety. The melon pulp is greenish-white and crispy.

Raymond loves warm areas under the sun. When planting in seedlings, the fruits become ripe after a month and a half; when sowing seeds in open ground, after 60–65 days. Raymond F1 is famous for its large pumpkins, with an ideal oblong shape. The skin has a bright yellow mesh color, ribbed and dense to the touch. The inside of a ripe dessert vegetable is relatively not very juicy and has a honey flavor. The seed chamber occupies a very small percentage of the area. The plant is low, with a powerful root system. When the weather is suitable for proper development and the correct agronomic approach, the crop bears 5 fruits.

Scythian gold has a ripening period of up to eighty days. Shows itself best in greenhouses. The fruits are round, yellow, net-like, and small (1–1.5 kg). Cultivation begins in seedlings in early May. Planted in open ground according to a 70 by 150 cm pattern.

Delano is an early ripening variety with abundant fruiting. The fruits are ellipsoidal, reticulate, weighing up to 6 kg, sunny color. The pulp is snow-white, without fibers, with a small seed chamber. It has a very strong characteristic aroma. Up to 4 fruits are produced on a plant, while it is recommended to sow 6–8 thousand seeds per hectare.

The fruits are resistant to diseases and weather fluctuations. Very presentable and easily transportable.

Ignazio F1 is a highly productive hybrid. One plant bears many fruits. The massive leaf system covers the fruits from sun rays. The fruits themselves are ellipsoidal, weighing up to 5 kg, and have a hard peel. The interior is snow-white, fleshy, and during storage remains the same as when harvested. Keeps for several months.

Roksolana F1 is an early ripening hybrid that belongs to the species described above. Ripens in about sixty-five days. Thanks to the massive leaf system, the fruits do not get sunburned. The flesh is cream-colored and the skin is light yellow. Requires a well-lit place. Care includes pinching, watering and feeding.

Assol belongs to the Altai species. The fruits weigh 1000 g. The peel is dirty yellow with green stripes. The inside is grainy, tender, juicy.

Winter melon (cassaba) – early plant, which has medium-weight spherical fruits. The peel is golden or creamy. The peculiarity of cassaba melon is its high transportability and enhanced taste in winter period storage

Melon varieties like Pineapple are also early. Melon Oksana F1 belongs to this type. This is a hybrid insensitive to Fusarium wilt and powdery mildew, the cultivation of which is not difficult. Striped melon is also considered a pineapple.

Bijur - a hybrid is a very early, high-yielding plant of the “Pineapple” variety. It ripens within seventy days and has a powerful leaf system. It has an oval or oval-elongated shape. The weight of the fruit varies from 2 to 3 kg. The inside is very juicy and sweet. The fruit tastes like honey and is even suitable for baby food.

Goldie melon is a pineapple-type hybrid known for its high yield, honey flavor and disease resistance. The average weight of a mature plant is 3.5 kg.

Muscat melon Lychee F1 is practically the earliest individual of melons, because its ripening period is about thirty-five days. Why is it so attractive to cultivators? Because its peel is not yellow, not pink or even orange, but white, like a chamomile.

Melon Golpri Gold has the following description: 2-3 fruits are formed on one plant, the average weight of which is 3000 g. Golpri Gold F1 has an orange skin and soft creamy flesh. It is distinguished by its heat resistance.

Mid-season varieties

Medium-early melons are considered to be Don Quixote, Primal, Anzer, Cappuccino, Northern Star melon, Anna Max melon, Jumbo, Chogare, Assate, Sunny delicacy melon, Hermius, Luna. Their ripening period is neither early nor average and is seventy days.

The fruits are spherical, the peel is creamy-yellow in color with a wide mesh. On average, the fruits weigh 1.5 kg. The inside is dense, sugary, pleasant to the taste. 10 thousand seeds are sown per 1 hectare. The hybrid is resistant to stressful conditions, fusarium and other melon diseases. The fruits are good for transportation and storage.

Jumbo has a ripening period of 90–100 days from the start of sowing. Gives a good harvest when grown in greenhouses. The plant is powerful and climbing. The fruits are elongated, elliptical, weighing up to two kilograms, depending on compliance with the rules of agricultural technology. The skin is reticulate, with obvious segments, creamy yellow with light green color. Orange colored interior. The dessert vegetable has an excellent taste, fiber-free structure, and is also resistant to a number of standard diseases.

Sowing: at the end of April in peat pots at a temperature of 25-30 degrees Celsius. It should be replanted in a greenhouse when 4 true leaves appear, and in fertile soil.

Care includes processes such as pinching, regular but moderate irrigation, fertilizing complex fertilizers. The harvest is ready for harvest in late summer.

Don Quixote F1 is a mid-season hybrid with oblong fruits weighing about 5 kg. The skin is green with a clear mesh. The inside is white and soft, sweet, sugary. The fruits are stored for almost ninety days.

The hybrid was bred in such a way that it is resistant to fusarium and powdery mildew.

Melon Kamar is a plant with rounded, elongated net-type fruits and a very small seed chamber. Peculiarity - high stability to fusarium wilt.

The Chudo-Yudo melon is medium-early, has round fruits weighing up to 2.5 kg. The name melon does not inspire confidence, but in fact the fruits are very presentable and sweet.

Mid-season popular varieties: melon Marquise, melon Sladkoezhka, Bereginya, Dzhukar.

The Blondie melon is recognizable by its characteristic stripes on its white skin. It is better to start growing this variety in April. Its fruits are the smallest among all white melons - about 600–700 g.

Ethiopian has a ripening period of eighty days. The plant does not spread widely. The leaves are heart-shaped, and the fruits are round, light yellow, very clearly segmented. The interior is white and has a dense consistency.

Amal F1 is the most popular variety among mid-season varieties. From the moment of germination to fruiting, an average of seventy-nine days pass. The fruit is very presentable and attractive to consumers. It is light golden, oval and reticulated. The pulp is tender, melts in the mouth, yellow with a pinkish tint. Excellent transport for about a month. Excellent candied fruits and marmalades are prepared from this variety.

Creme brulee melon is a mid-season, long-climbing plant. The fruits are oval, smooth, yellow-orange, like cauliflower.

Melon Extraordinary F1 is really from the “exotic” section, because it looks more like a pumpkin. Usually it is grown under film (less often in open ground). The pulp is oily, very juicy and fragrant.

Late varieties

Late melon is the most popular among gardeners. Obviously, everyone has heard about such varieties as Princess Maria melon, Powdered Sugar melon, Emerald melon, Torpedo, Gulyabi.

Princess Maria is known among gardeners for its good germination, balanced taste and unusual color. This is a late hybrid. The fruits are spherical, gray-green, with a whitish mesh. They grow to a weight of 1.3–1.5 kg. The pulp is deep orange, juicy, sugary, with a nutmeg aroma. The peculiarity of the hybrid is its resistance to bacterial and viral diseases.

It is resistant to cold, has a wonderful aroma, and is suitable for storage. In areas with cold climates, this hybrid is grown under film in a greenhouse. Care necessarily includes pinching shoots. Watering is stopped 10–15 days before ripening. This variety can be consumed without heat treatment, and can also be used to make sweets.

Melon Wintering – late variety Altai type. The melon pulp appears to be emerald in color and of medium thickness. The weight of the fetus reaches 2.5 kg. It is easily transported and remains sweet for a long time. The harvest can be harvested on the ninetieth day.

Torpedo – this variety takes more than 110 days to ripen. This plant is great for long-term preservation and transportation. Until early spring, fruits weighing 5–8 kg do not lose their taste. They are elongated in shape, yellowish in color, and covered with a fine mesh. The inside is soft, juicy, snow-white. As you cut, a pleasant aroma emanates.

Gulyabi – Central Asian sweet melon. Ripens within 133 days and produces a yield of 15 kg per square meter. The fruits are ovoid, weighing up to 8000 g. The surface is divided into small, barely visible segments. The color of the fruit is dark yellow, with a hard peel.

The late types of melons include Piel de Sapo. This type combines oval, crack-resistant, ribbed fruits weighing up to 2.2 kg. The flesh is snow-white, and the peel is hard and dark green. This type includes the varieties Rikura and Mabel.

Whatever the variety, it is affected by the same diseases and pests. These are powdery mildew, fusarium wilt, downy mildew, anthracnose, root rot. Unwelcome guests are melon aphids, wireworms and spider mites.

You need to be prepared for all these diseases in advance so that the money spent on quality seeds no money was wasted.

Everyone determines the best varieties of melon according to their own criteria. Some people need fruits the size of walnut, some people like exotic, unusual melons, like Kiwano. Someone is worried about growing and is trying to find the best seeds.

It doesn't matter if it's bush melon, Turkish orange melon, banana melon or kiwi melon. The main thing is to comply with all the most important stages cultivation and care. Then the sweet beauty will delight the family table with its aroma and summer taste and bring in huge income.

Video “Planting melons in open ground and greenhouses”

From this video you will learn how to plant plants in open ground and in a greenhouse.

It is impossible to describe all the variety of thousands of varieties of melons. They are grown everywhere, even in England and the Leningrad region there are their own zoned varieties of melon. Of course, in terms of sweetness and taste, they are far from the Turkmen and Uzbek varieties, which are famous throughout the world and are even exported. However, breeders have forced the heat-loving plant to bear fruit wherever there are greenhouses.

How to understand the variety of varieties

The first feature that made it possible to grow melons was the ripening time:

  • ultra-early ripening, hybrid with ripening in less than 60 days;
  • early ripening, ripening in 60-70 days and sugar content. from 8 to 15%;
  • mid-ripening, they ripen in 75-100 days, they contain 14-15% sugar;
  • autumn-winter, ripen in 95-100 days, very sweet, long-lasting, large;
  • winter, huge, weighing up to 30 kg, sugar up to 16%, but stored well in a cool room;

The shape of melons is ellipsoidal, spherical and elongated like skittles. The upper part can be smooth, mesh or ribbed. The fruit pulp is crispy, white, yellow or greenish. In some varieties, during storage, the flesh gradually turns from green to yellow.

There are several subspecies of melons. It is generally accepted that fruits grown in Central Asia are the most delicious. But among them, the Uzbek melon is the most popular. This is facilitated by the composition of the soil and the warm period without frost, ranging from 193 to 273 days a year.

European varieties were obtained later; these are mainly early-ripening and ultra-early-ripening hybrids, most obtained using the Cantaloupe variety. Currently, European hybrids reach a sugar content of up to 15% with a ripening period of 55 days from the ovary.

Melon varieties loved by summer residents

Before growing a melon in a summer cottage garden, you should study the characteristics of the variety and choose zoned, that is, specially created varieties for your climate. You cannot plant southern varieties that you like to taste in the North. The harvest won't work.

The Gulaba melon is the hallmark of the melon region - the Fergana Valley. This is the famous Charjui melon. The variety is known in the country because it is suitable for transportation. The average weight of these melons is 3-5 kg. Gulyabi is cultivated in Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The variety is late ripening. The sugar content reaches 15%, the flesh is white, dense fibrous. The large amount of pulp allows this variety of melons to be used to produce dried and dried products.

Cantaloupe melon or Persian or cantaloupe melon is named after the Italian city. This is a variety of the Asian population, but adapted to different conditions. This species is characterized by small fruits with a ribbed surface. It gave rise to greenhouse European varieties that are more moisture-loving and tolerate a lack of light and heat. The pulp of cantaloupe is orange, aromatic, slightly tart.

Musk melon comes from Persia and was cultivated before our era. For the inhabitants of Persia, she was a symbol of the sun and goodness.

Turkmen melon is a late-ripening variety of Uzbek varieties. It has a medium fruit size. Most often it can be seen with a green mesh skin. You need to wait until this fruit is completely ripe and only then eat it. Usually, the berry is brought to the northern regions unripe and therefore few people are able to taste the tasty, sweet, soft slices of this variety. A sign of ripeness can be a dark, almost brown crust in the cracks. It is impossible to forget the aroma and taste of ripe Turkmen.

Pineapple melon or delano have ellipsoid-shaped fruits weighing about 2 kg. In the middle zone, melon is grown through seedlings and the watering regime is important. If the summer is rainy, the plant should be protected from excess moisture. The fruit may burst.

About 100 days pass from germination to ripeness. The skin of this variety is thin, the flesh is sweet and aromatic. The plant is vigorous and requires pinching. The keeping quality of ripe fruits is good, transportation is possible.

Green melon is named for its greenish flesh, which can turn yellow over time. All these varieties are characterized by green or gray-green peel. It can be ribbed or smooth, oval or round. Such varieties are available in Japan and Uzbekistan. As an example of a green melon, you can take the Israeli variety “Galia-Diamant”. The fruit is oval, mesh rind, green-white flesh, sweet and aromatic. Tannins and minerals give the melon a slightly astringent taste. In Uzbekistan there is a variety of green melon called skullcap. The variety grows only in the vicinity of Karshi, it resembles both a watermelon and a skullcap on the outside, and the pulp is melon-like, very pleasant to the taste.

Cinderella melon is an early ripening variety. The plant is recommended for cultivation in small farms and country houses. Early ripening variety. Melon vines are long and require growth regulation. The fruit is yellow and smooth with a net. Berry weight is 1-2 kg. The pulp is approximately 3 cm, not very sweet, 5-9% sugars, but tasty and aromatic. The fruits are stored for three weeks and consumed on the spot, since transportability is low. The plant is resistant to temperature changes.

Melon Lada is a successful variety of Astrakhan selection. It is adapted to hot, dry climates. But this variety also does well in greenhouses. Its important properties are its unpretentiousness. Irregular watering does not lead to cracking of the fruits. Melon aphids, American and downy mildew do not damage the bush. The variety has smooth round fruits with a net, the weight of which is 2-3 kg. The pulp contains up to 10% sugars and is light cream in color. This variety is loved by many gardeners.

Ribbed melons as a variety characteristic are characteristic of cantaloupes. They can be green, yellow. In Ukraine there is a variety called ribbed melon. In appearance, these melons look more like a pumpkin and are called “puffy” melons. Ripe ribbed melon is considered the most delicious, aromatic and sweet berry in Ukraine.

Uzbek melons require a special description. Over 100 varieties are cultivated in the region, divided into 6 districts, each with its own varieties. The zones in which certain varieties of melon are grown according to natural conditions are divided:

  • Tashkent.
  • Samarkand.
  • Bukhara.
  • Khorezm.
  • Fergana.
  • South.

Depending on solar activity, the number of clear days per year, and temperature, the most adapted varieties are cultivated. High quality products are exported to other countries.

Among the many varieties, people always hear about the torpedo melon, locally Mirzachul melon, green Basvaldi and others.

There are varieties whose taste can only be enjoyed on site. The fruits are tender, juicy and cannot be stored. Others take it to the New Year's table. A fertile climate and suitable soil create ideal conditions for converting the energy of the sun and earth into a healing product, which is mentioned in the Bible. Fruits grown in other climatic conditions are inferior in taste to melons ripened in Uzbekistan.

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