Modern garden and a garden is not so much an area for growing fruits and vegetables, but a place of relaxation and unity with nature. Therefore, its design must be approached competently and responsibly. In this article we will look at how to decorate a garden with your own hands so that the landscape looks harmonious and beautiful.


The key to successful landscape design is proper site planning.

Therefore, before you start designing, you need to draw the site on paper and plan the location:

  • Beds;
  • Teplitz;
  • Flowerbed;
  • Trees;
  • Garden paths;
  • Buildings, etc.

To make planning easier, the site should be divided into several zones:

  • Area near the house;
  • Garden;
  • Garden with seating area, etc.

Plot near the house

As a rule, site design begins with local area, namely, the front garden in front of the house.

It must be said right away that you should not plant tall plants here, as land owners sometimes do.

  • The best option is to place a flower garden there. and the flowers will look harmonious and serve as decoration for the facade.
  • In the courtyard of the house, you can make a canopy and install a table under it. This solution will be beneficial from a practical point of view, as it will allow the family to dine outdoors.
  • It is advisable to protect the yard from other territory, for example, with a hedge or wicker fence, if it fits into the style of the exterior.


The garden is most often located behind the house so that the plants are away from the road.

Trees can be planted as fruit trees or exclusively decorative ones (if the garden is planned to be used only as a place of relaxation).

  1. Regardless of the type of garden, it should be diversified with shrubs and flowers planted in the spaces between the trees. This will make it more diverse and attractive.
  2. As a rule, there is also a recreation area in the garden. For these purposes, it is best to select a lawn among the trees for a gazebo, decorative pond, grill and other elements for comfortable rest. Additionally, you can decorate the lawn with flowers and ornamental shrubs.
  3. It is advisable to plant shrubs along the perimeter of the site, which will hide it from prying eyes, and at the same time decorate it with a hedge.

Pay attention!
When designing a garden, you must not overdo it with bushes and trees, so as not to turn it into continuous thickets.
In addition, this will negatively affect the development of plants.


Often, plot owners do not pay any attention to the design of their vegetable garden, limiting themselves only to decorating the garden; as a result, this area is “knocked out” from general design landscape. This approach is a big mistake.

The photo shows an example of garden design

The fact is that with proper planning, a vegetable garden can also serve as an excellent decoration for a site. To do this, first of all, you need to think about the location of the beds and the plants that will grow on them. Some vegetables are as beautiful in shape and color as flowers.

I must say that important point In the design of a vegetable garden there are also decorative paths. They not only serve as decoration, but also simplify access to plants. In addition, you should consider fencing for the beds, which should be combined with the paths.

Decorative design

Once the main elements of the site have been planned and implemented, it is possible to carry out decorative design vegetable garden and garden. There are a lot of ideas that will visually change the perception of the landscape and make it more attractive. Next, let's get acquainted with the main ones.

Flower beds

One of the most effective ways To decorate the area is to use flower beds. Moreover, you can make them yourself from a variety of available materials.

  • From car tires – there are many ways to make flower beds from this available material. As a rule, all kinds of figures are made from them, and flowers are planted inside them.

  • From natural stone – this material can be used as a fence for a flower bed by making masonry. The result will be very impressive, especially if you make such a flowerbed multi-level. It can be decorated with both flowers and low growing shrubs.

  • From old barrels - if there are old barrels on the farm, you can paint them and give them a “second life”. Moreover, the barrels can be placed both vertically and horizontally; for example, you can make a cute train, especially if there are children in the family.

  • Don't rush to throw it away old furniture, since unnecessary interior items can be turned into excellent flower beds. Moreover, anything can be used for these purposes - chairs, beds, chests of drawers, cabinets, etc.

You can place flower beds in the most different zones plot - near the house, in a recreation area, in the garden, etc.


Another great way diversify and “revive” the garden and vegetable garden with your own hands - install sculptures or funny figures. Moreover, this technique can be used regardless of the style in which the landscape is designed, since there is large selection similar garden decorations.

Conventionally, all figures can be classified according to the material from which they are made, since their appearance and quality. So, the following sculptures can be found on sale:

Pay attention!
Figures and sculptures should be used in moderation.
Their abundance can spoil the impression of the landscape.

In addition, you can make figures yourself from various available materials. For example, you can use the above-mentioned car tires for this.

A decoration for any vegetable garden or garden, decorated in a rustic style, can be a stuffed animal that will also perform practical function. With a little imagination, you can even make figures from old dishes. For example, an unnecessary basin and stump can be easily turned into a cute mushroom.

An interesting composition can be obtained by arranging logs in the form of human figures. On our portal you can also find many other examples of making figurines for the garden.

It should be noted that the attractiveness of the composition depends not only on the design of the sculpture, but also on its location. For example, it is best to install animal figures in the garden, and you should try to do this as naturally as possible. Various gnomes and other fairy-tale characters can decorate a playground or even garden beds.


The best decoration for a vacation spot is an artificial pond, near which you can place it. It doesn’t have to be big - it’s small area Even a very small pond will be enough to make the landscape design much more attractive.

If you dream of admiring green plants not only in summer, but also in winter, you can create a winter garden in your house, if, of course, the space allows.
It should be noted that the design winter garden is no less exciting activity than arranging a summer one.

As for decorating the pond, then the best option is the use special plants in containers and natural stones. If the pond is large, then it can be supplemented with a waterfall or a stream flowing into it. Such a resting place will not only look beautiful, but also soothe the sound of rushing water.


We have looked at the most common garden design ideas, which you can take as a basis and add your own ideas to them. The main thing is that the resulting landscape looks harmonious and pleases the eye from any vantage point.

The video in this article can provide some additional information on this topic.

Every dacha, every garden plot can always be decorated with available materials, of which there are a lot at the dacha. Such materials can make extraordinary things that are sure to attract the attention of many. In this article you will learn how to make your garden, vegetable garden and dacha beautiful. Here we have collected all the brightest and most interesting things. And all this can be done with your own hands.

Decorating the garden in winter

You can decorate your garden with your own hands with something interesting not only in summer, but also in winter. IN winter time you can make sculptures out of cones. The cones for the sculpture are prepared in advance. Do this in the fall. Cones are used to create entire sculptures or individual elements.

If you take wire and rods, you can make three-dimensional compositions from them. In this case, it is recommended to arm yourself with your imagination and create what your soul desires. The most important thing in this matter is not to limit yourself. Sculptures can be of absolutely any size.

Snow is, of course, used to decorate a dacha in winter. You can create your own sculptures from snow different sizes. And to make them look even more beautiful, highlight them. The effect will be impressive.

As a rule, it gets dark very early in winter. That's why glowing garlands and other elements will then be a wonderful decoration.

Various sculptures can be used to decorate the garden. You can buy them in a store or make them yourself.

Original idea. In winter, you can decorate your dacha with ice figures. To make them you will need beautiful shape, in which they lay out beautiful jewelry. These could be: rowan berries or cones. Fill these elements with water and leave them in the cold. After a while everything will freeze and finished goods used in garden decoration. For greater originality, such products are tinted with food coloring.

In winter, everything in the garden looks harmonious. The trees are covered with snow and everything looks beautiful. But the garden setting can be made even more attractive. Make three-dimensional compositions from wire and branches. Compositions can be in the shape of animals or some geometric shapes.

In this article we will try to list for you bright crafts for the garden. However, if you don’t know how to create something beautiful, then there is no need to worry. It is enough to place the correct consecration in the garden and the garden will be able to sparkle with new colors.

Garden decoration

Modern garden decoration is significantly different from ancient years. Today, with the help of some efforts, the garden has become more convenient and practical. It's easy to make your garden more interesting. Use the following guidelines.

Perform zoning. The vegetable garden should be divided into sections. In each section it is recommended to grow those plant species that can get along well with each other. As a result, garden maintenance will become easier and plant growth will improve.

Use the barriers. Experts recommend that each section of the garden be fenced off from others and raised above general level soil. As a result, you can save time on weeding, and the soil will not be oversaturated. You should come up with attractive sides. You can use wood or other materials. Make them higher than ground level. As a result, there will always be cleanliness and order between the beds. Below we have collected photographs of garden decoration for you. Each such solution will help save space in the garden. Besides, it will look very beautiful.

In the garden it is worth using space wisely. Distribute the plants in the order you need. As a result of this action, the garden will look neat and caring for it will be faster and easier.

Good idea: You can lay neat concrete or gravel paths between the beds in your garden. With the help of such paths it will be possible to get rid of dirt, and it will be more convenient to work with the beds.

It is worth noting that the most interesting crafts for a dacha, which you can make with your own hands can make the dacha very beautiful. At any dacha or in ordinary country house you can arrange an imitation of an island of wildlife. Lay out the floor suitable coating. Such a coating can be simple grass for the lawn. Arrange country furniture. And be sure to arrange the plants. In such an area you can relax and enjoy comfort.

In this article we will offer you ideas that will allow you to decorate your personal plot or a dacha. Most of the ideas we offer require virtually no investment, just skillful hands, a little imagination and desire to turn your garden and yard into a charming corner.

A cheerful ladybug made from an ordinary shovel will definitely delight the guests of your site.

An artist's palette, where instead of paints there are fresh flowers. This design can be cut from regular plywood, and simply insert pots of flowers of different shades into the holes. Win-win option, agree!

It is immediately obvious that the owners of this land plot They take their design and growing vegetables seriously. Everything is orderly, neat, but at the same time bright and beautiful.

Plastic pots were simply strung on a metal rod. The design looks very unusual.

To create such unusual flower bed All I needed was an old kettle.

A flowerbed-hearth in a real cauldron suspended on a chain.

One more old-new idea. Turning a stump into a fly agaric using a metal bowl is an old idea, but adding old shoes, a red nose and expressive eyes is a great idea. original version. This composition is complemented by bright strawberries and ladybugs, just scattered on the grass.

Stone - be it natural boulders or artificial variant- can be used to create a wide variety of flowers, including flower beds like these.

It is immediately obvious that the owner of this personal plot has the talent of an artist! In such barrels you can store rainwater for watering, arrange a flower bed or simply turn into bright element landscape design.

Don't rush to throw it away old bath! She can turn into such a charming artificial pond, and without any effort or expense.

And this one old bath became a real fountain thanks to another old and already unnecessary thing - a pipe that had served its purpose.

If your site is protected from prying eyes high fence, you can decorate it from the inside with something like this simple option vertical gardening. All you need: plastic bottles from a bottle of mineral water or lemonade with holes cut out, reliable rope or fishing line, soil, as well as plant seedlings or seeds.

Another very popular option for decorating a garden is all kinds of wheelbarrows, carts, carts, which turn into flower beds and become the highlight of landscape design.

Old plates that you no longer use in the kitchen can become an unusual border for a flower bed.

“Box of pencils” as a fence for the site. Who will say that this is boring and ugly?

In Europe, old chairs like these, which have become flower stands, can be bought at special markets and sales. But you can make such original flower beds with your own hands without spending a penny!

At first glance, it looks like a chaotic collection of things. But in reality it is a well-thought-out landscape composition.

A visual illustration for the manual “ new life old things." This is how an ordinary washbasin became an elegant fountain.

A teapot with a broken spout, chipped or cracked cups can become convenient containers for flowers. You definitely can’t call such a flowerbed banal.

In general, decorating a garden is a matter of the owners’ imagination and their desire to put in some effort. We hope that our ideas will stimulate your actions and help make your garden plot more original and vibrant.

Today, a garden is not only a place for growing various crops and plants, it is, first of all, a real outlet for a city dweller, a cozy environment where you can enjoy nature and get away from the bustle and noise of the city. That's why original ideas more relevant than ever for the garden.

You can turn your garden into real fairy-tale magic with the help of beautiful flower beds, flower beds, mini-ponds and others landscape techniques. We offer you to look at some of the most popular and stunning options.


Interesting site design options can be created using wattle fence. Of course, it is unlikely to replace modern fencing, but fabulous atmosphere Gogol and Pushkin times will definitely provide!

Wattle from willow twigs considered the highest quality. However, raspberry bushes also serve as excellent material for such a fence. By combining different rods, you can create an unusual range of colors and relief pattern, if you twist rods of different thicknesses.

For decoration and a special mood, the wattle fence can be decorated with cute clay pots.

Flower beds and flowerbeds

Flower beds are the first place gardeners begin to decorate their garden. When choosing plants, you must take into account individual characteristics each type. The first step is to highlight the soloist flowers, that is, the main plants in the flowerbed.

It is also good to use unusually shaped leaves and ornamental grasses. With them, the flower garden will look original, even at a time when the flowers have not yet bloomed.

It is important to maintain harmony - too much various colors and plants will look intrusive and create a feeling of chaos in the garden. The flowerbed should be holistic and concise.

Simply beautifully planted flowers are half the battle. Flowerbeds with decorations around them look much more interesting. This bright accent at the end of the composition.

Water beds

Flowerbeds are a special pride for gardeners. Selection of flowers different shades, shapes of petals, height of stems, aroma, density of leaves and flowering periods - only a small part of the design that a gardener uses when forming a flower bed.

New ideas for decoration can be realized with your own hands from scrap materials in the form of all kinds of structures. But not every gardener has original water beds made on their own. Meanwhile, creating such a masterpiece in the garden or at the dacha is not at all difficult.

The procedure for designing a water flower bed:

  • dig a hole no more than 50 cm deep;
  • lay brick around the perimeter of the flowerbed;
  • cover the bottom of the flowerbed plastic film and cover with sand in a layer of 5 cm;
  • Place plants planted in pots in the center: egg capsules, water lilies, nymphaeums;
  • the sand layer at the edges should be 10-15 centimeters thicker, and plants such as chastukha, water iris, and calligraphy are planted in the ground;
  • fill the flowerbed so that the leaves of the plants float on the water surface;
  • Can be used for additional decoration aquatic plants that do not require adhesion to the ground - pistia, duckweed, watercolor, bagel, azolla, eichornia.

If you fill at least half of the entire flowerbed area with plants, the living decor will delight you throughout the season. Additional decorations in the form of cute fairy-tale characters can be used to decorate foam areas around the flowerbed.

Garden paths

The garden paths you create will remain your pride for a long time. River pebbles and bricks can serve as available materials.

Laying out paths should begin with markings. At the dacha or garden plot, for sure, your favorite paths have already been trodden. They are best used for future markings. Try to lay out the path so that the surface is as flat as possible and the width is the same along the entire length.

After leveling, the marked path must be covered with crushed stone, the layer thickness of which is about 10 cm. Compact with a vibrator. Next, pour onto the prepared area. special solution and straighten again. The pre-washed pebbles are pressed into the solution in a dense, pre-thought-out pattern. Finally, a brick border is laid.


Rutary – quite unusual way designing a garden plot using original driftwood and tree roots. It is also often called the garden of roots.

If you wish, you can create unique magic even in a small area. Many of us have encountered the most bizarre forms of roots. When you see special specimens, your imagination immediately draws a vivid plot of some kind fairy tale story. Folded with your own hands beautiful compositions from driftwood they create such a rutaria, at the sight of which it is simply impossible to take your eyes off.

Old furniture for decoration

Don’t rush to throw away old furniture - it can serve as a colorful piece of decor in your dacha for many years to come. It is enough just to clear old paint and repaint.

Using car tires in garden decoration

One of the most common materials for garden decor are car tires. From durable and flexible rubber you can create veryaromatic flowerpots, figurines of various animals, a sandbox, children's swings, etc.

Decorations made from plastic bottles

Plastic is an inexpensive and easily accessible material. Experienced gardeners with creative imagination they know a lot of options for its use. Qualities such as flexibility, strength, and durability of plastic allow you to create a wide variety of sculptures, decorations for flower beds, borders, and others. interesting compositions from plastic bottles.

Figurines and feeders

A variety of figures give a special charm and atmosphere to the garden. To create them you can use the following building materials like plaster, polymer clay etc. Design solutions depend on your imagination.

Cute bird feeders are a great way to attract birds to your yard. They can be made from twigs, a plastic bottle or a tree trunk.

Unusual fence

The best aspect of making a garden plot unique is its fencing. In addition to its protective function, a fence is an eye-catcher business card owners. Simple iron or wooden version– it’s banal. You can decorate the fence in different ways. Some bright examples shown in the photo.

Children's corner

When decorating and improving your dacha and garden, you shouldn’t forget about the littlest fidgets. They need to allocate their own territory for entertainment and exciting games.

Arrangement of a recreation area

Outdoor seating area – prerequisite comfortable pastime at the dacha or in the garden. Here everything will depend on the desires and preferences of the owners. There are a lot of options: gazebos with comfortable furniture, wide swing ( great idea- put hanging structure in the shade under the trees), hammocks or just a platform with comfortable chairs and a table.

DIY garden ideas: photos of striking examples

Whatever ideas you may have for decorating your dacha and garden, always remember that a dacha is, first and foremost, a place for relaxation, comfort and privacy. The environment here should be inspiring and pleasing to the eye. Therefore, it is important not to overdo it with design creative solutions– in everything you need to know when to stop.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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