Magnificent perennial for the flower garden - Anderson's garden tradescantia. Elementary planting, simple cultivation and care will attract the attention of any amateur gardener. A flower that does not require attention or hassle, can withstand winters well, reproduces easily and blooms beautifully, can live with you for a long time.


Garden Tradescantia Anderson is a garden hybrid up to 50-70 cm high. Juicy bright green lanceolate leaves on erect stems form lush bush. The flowers are small, about 1-2 cm. They consist of three petals, there are double forms. Can be different colors and shades: from white to purple. The plant blooms from late spring to early autumn. In spring it begins to vegetate early and is not afraid of nighttime drops in temperature.

The buds are very reminiscent of clusters pressing on each other. It is almost impossible to guess which bud will open first. There are a lot of large flowers on the bush. Usually, in rainy weather, the flowers seem to hide inside the bush, wrapped in seed pods.

Tradescantia is a honey plant, so it attracts bees and butterflies. But the flowers of this plant have no smell.


Reproduction of garden tradescantia is simple; you can sow the seeds in mid-April, directly into open ground. Can be carried out winter sowing. And in the spring, sprout the seedlings and grow them before transplanting to permanent place.

It is imperative to remove faded flowers and shoots, this will give the plant strength to form new shoots. Flowering on these shoots will be even more abundant.

But it’s much easier to get this flower by planting a division. In spring and autumn you can divide the bushes, obtaining in this way planting material. It is also allowed summer division plants, while for better rooting almost all the greenery is cut off, the planting site is slightly shaded and supported high humidity. Next year like this summer planting They develop and bloom beautifully.

However, when dividing at any time of the year, you must take into account the fact that the roots of garden tradescantia go 40-50 cm, and you will need to dig up the bush well to the specified depth. This is the only way to get it root system, remove it from the ground and divide it.

You can grow garden tradescantia from stem cuttings. You will need a piece of stem with three internodes and a greenhouse with good humidity. It usually takes 3 weeks for roots to form. You can hold the cuttings in water, and when thin roots appear, put them in a pot for further growth. The soil for rooting needs to be loose. Moreover, it cannot be either over-dried or over-moistened.


Planting garden tradescantia depends on the height of the bush. Based on this, it can be used in single or group plantings, as a border, in mixborders.

The soil should be loose. Grows well in both sun and partial shade. But shady place still preferable: the plant does not like the soil to dry out, and in partial shade it is easier to control humidity. In the shade, Tradescantia stretches and falls, blooming worse. In hot summers in the sun, growth may slow down and flowering may stop. Development will resume only with a decrease in temperature.

Tall varieties may need support. But you can do it differently: combine them with plants that will create partial shade and at the same time serve as support. In this capacity you can use delphinium and perennial bluebell.

Details of caring for Tradescantia garden

When growing garden tradescantia Special attention pay attention to watering. The flower is responsive to evening spraying with water on hot days. When the soil dries out in the heat, the plant begins to wither and may even die. This is the only drawback. Otherwise there are only advantages.

Tradescantia does not need to be covered for the winter (the exception is young plantings from cuttings, which sometimes require shelter if there is no or little snow and the temperature is quite low). Mature plant tolerates even snowless frosty winters.

Garden Tradescantia is fed with full mineral fertilizers NPK at the rate of 30-40 g/sq.m. m, embedded in the soil around the bush to a depth of 5-8 cm, then watered abundantly. You can fertilize liquid fertilizers or prepare infusions from manure or droppings. This ornamental crop especially needs organic matter at the beginning of the growing season and before flowering. If you see yellowing of the tips of the leaves, this is a signal that feeding is needed because the plant is missing something.

On a note

Tradescantia does not need protective equipment because it has high stability to diseases, and garden pests don't like this plant.

Place in garden design

The shrub fits perfectly into the company of heuchera, hosta, ferns and astilbe. In the composition, it is important to take into account the length of the plants: tall and spreading ones should not cover the short, compact ones. Tradescantia will take worthy place in a shady mixborder, on the lower level (the most moist part) alpine slide and in the shadow of the fence.

Tall varieties of plants can be planted in the background, and miniature ones can be brought forward. Dense planting of shrubs will eliminate the need for supports and gartering of stems. As a tapeworm, you can plant a tall species of garden tradescantia; after a year or two it will acquire a hemispherical shape with smoothly flowing shoots strewn with small flowers.

The plant will be an excellent addition to an artificial pond. On its shore a lush bush will go into active growth With abundant flowering. With its appearance it will complement plants that are less aesthetically pleasing, but necessary for the optimal functioning of the reservoir.

The healing properties of garden tradescantia

Few amateur gardeners know healing properties which he has this flower. Tradescantia garden has a strong antibacterial effect, is good for the respiratory system, helps protect the body from colds, bronchitis, and relieves the runny nose.

In addition, there is an opinion that garden Tradescantia is a protection against the evil eye, and observing a flowering bush helps restore nervous system, gives rest to the eyes and improves mood.

Recipes with Tradescantia

At runny nose take 50 g of crushed Tradescantia leaves, add 1.5 liters of water, bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes, then leave for 2 hours. Wash your nose with warm broth and gargle.

At diabetes mellitus Chop 3 stems of Tradescantia along with leaves about 20 cm long, pour in 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 2 weeks, strain. Before use, dilute 1 tsp. tinctures in 50 ml of water and take 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals for a month, followed by a two-week break.

At diarrhea of infectious origin, chop the stem of Tradescantia along with leaves about 20 cm long, pour 200 ml hot water, leave for 2 hours, then strain. Take 2 times a day, 30 minutes before meals, 0.5 cups as an additional antibacterial agent.

Anderson's Tradescantia Russian gardens appeared recently, but botanical gardens Tradescantia has been grown for a long time, but this plant was unknown to flower growers.

Types and varieties of Tradescantia

Currently, amateur flower growers are offered a whole gallery wonderful varieties garden tradescantia. Hybrid tradescantia have large flowers (about 5 cm in diameter) of various colors: snow-white - “ Little White Doll », « Snowcap », « Innocence "; raspberry - " Karminglut », « Rubra », « Satin Doll »,« Red Cloud "; deep lilac - " Purple Profusion », « Lord Nelson », « Zwanenburg Blue "; lavender blue - " Little Doll », « Blue Stone », « True Blue », « I.C. Weguelin "; soft pink - " Charlote », « Perrine's Pink "; dark blue - " Leonora », « Valour », « Isis ».

Tradescantia flowers can be two-colored and also with contrastingly colored “puffs” of stamens: “ Billberry Ice », « Pink Chablis », « Osprey " And in the varieties " Mac's Double " And " Caerulea Plena » double flowers with intricately twisted petals, reminiscent of small blue-blue lambs! Tradescantia foliage can be silver-green, dark green, dove-blue with purple outlined contours, golden yellow - an amazing contrast of large cobalt blue flowers and sunny foliage!

Tradescantia blooming

Tradescantia blooms profusely, but you will never see petals scattered carelessly around a blooming Tradescantia. Afternoon at sunny weather, and in cloudy weather in the late afternoon, the flowers of this plant curl up and, like timid snails hiding in their shells, disappear into the seed pods to complete the mystery of the birth of the seed.

The “bells” with seeds and unopened buds are similar in shape and in clusters, they are so mixed with each other that it is quite difficult to guess which of the emerald balls will turn into a three-petaled flower the next morning. Long lasting, abundant and continuous flowering- the main advantage of garden tradescantia.

This load affects the decorativeness of the bush by the end of the season; if you remove the old faded clusters from the Tradescantia, in return, young flower stalks with buds will very quickly appear from the axils of the sword-shaped leaves and the Tradescantia will again be abundantly covered with three-winged moth flowers.

Tradescantia care

Tradescantia is an unpretentious garden plant and can winter well without shelter. Only recently rooted Tradescantia cuttings can be mulched with dry leaves or peat for the winter. In autumn, adult plants need to be covered only in anticipation of a snowless and very cold winter.

Depending on the age and variety, Tradescantia can sometimes “wake up” late in the spring, so do not rush to be upset if the planting site remains empty for some time. In addition, return frosts for some time can spoil the decorative effect of awakened shoots, but this is also not a problem: time will pass There will be no trace left of this unpleasant misfortune.

Garden Tradescantia prefers slightly acidic humus soils, moist, loose, but well-drained. It is preferable to have moisture-holding loams rather than sandy loam soils, which do not retain moisture well, but even on them they will grow well with the addition of moisture-retaining materials, for example, compost, peat, rotted sawdust and clay, as well as abundant watering.

Basics of composition: who to choose as her neighbors and where is it better to plant Tradescantia

Bushes of some varieties that do not hold their shape well, especially vigorous ones, can create problems in flower beds - the plant lies down after heavy watering and rains. The looseness and shape of a Tradescantia bush can also depend on the planting location: in a dark place, the shoots lose stability and stretch out. The most a good place Tradescantia plantings - openwork light partial shade.

In such a place, Tradescantia flowers are larger, brighter and last longer than in a sunny place, and the bushes do not lose their compactness. If necessary, tie tradescantia to a support; besides, it is now available for sale for garden plants big choice these convenient devices. You can do without “crutches”; you just need to successfully select “neighbors” who will create a natural support for the Tradescantia.

For example, you can plant astilbes, hostas, anemones, swimsuits, brunners, and astrantias nearby. Low-growing varieties include heucheras, marigolds, low varieties of the same hostas and astilbes, geraniums, mantles, variegated sedges, lungworts, and gravilata. These plants will not only support Tradescantia, but also with their spectacular leaves and inflorescences in color and shape, they will create wonderful compositions and well emphasize the advantages of their partners.

An excellent place for planting Tradescantia in the garden is near a pond or stream. In places like this high humidity air has a good effect on plant health. Tradescantia can also be grown in other flower beds: in mixborders, flower beds, rocky gardens, naturalized corners of the garden, and in other flower arrangements.

Tradescantia flowers have no scent, but they are... good honey plants And a large number of Multi-colored butterflies are always used as additional decorations for garden plants.

Tradescantia propagation

Tradescantia can grow in the same place for a long time; the bushes of this plant have compact growth and are not considered garden aggressors. Old plants bloom worse, so every 5 years they need to be divided and rejuvenated. The most best time For this, spring is the time of appearance of young shoots.

You can divide the bushes in August. Tradescantia is often propagated stem cuttings, which take root easily after 2 weeks not only in a greenhouse, but even in a cup of water. Cuttings can be carried out throughout the season.

Seed propagation of tradescantia is also possible, but usually the varietal characteristics are not preserved.

Tradescantia is a charming perennial plant from the Commelinaceae family with bright, beautiful flowers. To date, sixty species of Tradescantia are known, most of which are tropical, and only ten can be grown in temperate climate. Garden Tradescantia blooms profusely and for a long time, and therefore has excellent decorative properties. It is increasingly used in landscape design, combined with anemones, geraniums, geraniums and other garden plants.

Hybrid varieties of garden tradescantia are combined into the artificially bred Anderson species, created on the basis of the Virginia variety. This perennial beauty It has large flowers of white, pink, blue, lavender, crimson, and bright blue shades. Its flower can be two-colored, and its petals can be intricately twisted. But the photos can be seen bright contrasting combinations petals and stamens. The stamens of Garden Tradescantia themselves are very decorative, often with a terry effect.

The leaves of the plant are lanceolate or oval-shaped, green, but may differ in bluish or purple tint. The seeds are in a thin-walled box, similar in appearance to a bud. The flowers do not have a distinct scent, but attract bees and bumblebees with their rich colors and large cups. In addition, garden Tradescantia is a wonderful honey plant.

The most popular varieties of this plant include:

  • White Pupa, as well as Innocence - they are distinguished by lovely snow-white flowers.
  • Angelik Charm - combines white flowers with golden leaves.
  • Carminglut – variety with bright inflorescences purple hue.
  • rosy bride- a variety with soft pearlescent, orchid-like flowers.
  • Sunshine Charm - combines yellow-green leaves with lilac-pink flowers.
  • Max Double - distinguished by charming double flowers rich blue color.
  • Concord Grape - his purple flowers decorated with white stamens.
  • Osprey - white flowers with light lilac strokes, and in the center of the cups - blue terry.
  • Red Grape is a plant with dark crimson flowers.
  • Bilberry Ice - has white flowers with purple accents.

Planting and care

All varieties of garden tradescantia intended for open ground, are distinguished by their unpretentiousness. This plant feels best in openwork partial shade. It is in such a place that you can grow a bush with a beautiful, but not loose shape. The plant may lie down due to excessive watering, and in the open sun its flowers become smaller and do not last as long.

Perennial tradescantia can be grown in one place for more than one year without resorting to replanting. Therefore, you should take care in advance about soil suitable for shrubs, saturated with organic matter. If there is a pond in the garden, the shoots should be planted at some distance. Original flowers perfectly decorate the coastal zone, but they do not like to live at the very edge of the water. Shrubs should be covered for the winter only if frosty and snowless months are forecast.

Perennial tradescantia is planted in holes or furrows, having previously cleared the soil of debris and weeds. The volume of the holes should be planned based on the size of the plant’s rhizome. It is good to add peat, vermicompost, compost or humus to the soil - this species loves organic fertilizers. After mixing the additives with the soil, you need to water the hole with water, and only after that start planting. Having planted young plants, it is necessary to water the soil again and mulch.

Growing this type of plant does not present any problems. In the spring, you need to treat the bush with mineral fertilizers and loosen the soil. The plant needs watering, but not excessively, especially during dry periods. Tall bushes must be supported with supports, otherwise lodging may occur in the wind. Early October aboveground part The bush needs to be pruned and the soil can be mulched if a cold winter is expected.

Tradescantia is propagated both vegetatively and using seeds. However, most often they resort to vegetative method to preserve varietal characteristics. Seed propagation is used for selection, selecting seedlings with the desired new properties. This species is propagated vegetatively by dividing the bush or cuttings.

For division, take two-year-old plants that already have several stems. For cuttings, shoots are cut so that each has at least two nodes with leaves. The cuttings are planted in a box at an angle in soil with sand, hiding the lower node in it. The shoots are regularly watered and soon roots form from the lower node - rooting occurs.

Absolutely all types of Tradescantia are perennial herbaceous plants , having relatively thin, creeping stems that take root very easily at the nodes. The foliage of the plant is quite small, oblong and pointed. The main foliage color is green or green with white or yellow stripes. The surface of the leaves can be either smooth or pubescent. Variegated species are classified into the genus Zebrina.

Flowering is quite abundant. The plant produces flowers of purple, reddish, deep blue, blue or white color. Flowers are collected in simple-type, umbellate or paniculate inflorescences. Rarely can a flower be single. The corolla of a flower may have three petals. Flowering is observed from the first ten days of summer until the onset of autumn, which guarantees long and continuous flowering.

Types and varieties

To date, about one hundred species of this species are known. ornamental plant, but in the conditions of home gardening only a few of them are most widespread. All varieties and species differ in the size and shape of the shoots, and appearance and coloring of flowers and duration of flowering. The perennial crop is quite unpretentious, and its cultivation in open ground makes it very easy to create interesting and spectacular flower arrangements.

Species name Variety name Description of the plant
Tradescantia virginiana Coerulea Shoots with green, medium-sized leaves. Light blue flowers
Rubra Relatively powerful shoots with emerald lanceolate leaves. Flowers small sizes, ruby-reddish color
Atrorubra A highly decorative variety with attractive soft green foliage. Flowers of rich bright red color
Rosea Shade-tolerant variety with characteristic green foliage. Delicate pinkish flowers
Anderson's Tradescantia (Tradescantia x andersoniana) J.G.Weguelin The height of the plant varies between 50-70 cm, the flowers are sky blue, very large in size, bright, with crimson-violet pedicels. The leaves have a bluish coating
Iris The variety is characterized by bright green foliage and long-lasting flowering with deep blue flowers.
Bilberry Ice A plant up to 50 cm high, with large, raspberry-pink flowers with a white rim along the edges of the petals.
Blue and Gold Flowers purple, medium in size, with leaves and stems of golden yellow or reddish yellow color
Blue Stone A plant 60-70 cm high, with green leaves and blue-blue flowers slightly corrugated along the edges.
Concord Grape A powerful and tall plant with bluish-gray foliage and very small, numerous violet-purple flowers.
Osprey Plant up to 70 cm high, with white, very large flowers and slightly wavy petals
Pink Chables The foliage is green, the flowers are light pink. There is a white border and bright pink filaments
Purple Profusion The stems form a rounded bush 45-55 cm high, with dark purple flowers.
Anyuta Stems up to 30-40 cm high, with green leaves and large raspberry-pink flowers with rounded and slightly corrugated petals

Domestic amateur flower growers most often grow the following popular varieties And hybrid forms garden tradescantia:

  • white-flowered varieties “White Pupa and Innocence;
  • white-flowered variety with golden foliage “Angelik Charm”;
  • purple-flowered variety "Carminglut";
  • variety “Ruddy Bride” with orchid-shaped flowers of delicate pearlescent color;
  • purple-flowered variety "Sunshine Charm" with yellow-green leaves;
  • variety with terry blue flowers"Max Double".

Tradescantia garden: characteristics (video)

Landing technology

Landing perennial tradescantia in open ground flower beds must be carried out in accordance with the following recommendations:

  • Tradescantia in open ground needs a very sunny or lightly shaded area, without through and gusty winds;
  • it is optimal to grow decorative culture near bodies of water;
  • the soil on the site for growing Tradescantia should be fertile, fairly light, with slightly acidic properties;
  • the soil in flower beds should not only be light in composition, but also have optimal air permeability and water permeability;
  • The best soil composition for growing Tradescantia is based on turf and leaf soil, sand and humus.

It is important to note that in addition to aesthetic qualities, almost all types of Tradescantia are distinguished by the presence of the following medicinal properties:

  • antibacterial effect;
  • beneficial effect on respiratory system;
  • prevention colds;
  • treatment and prevention of periodontal disease;
  • prevention of certain gastrointestinal diseases;
  • prevention and treatment of furunculosis.

Thus, growing garden tradescantia is a very useful activity and not particularly difficult. Outdoor ornamental crops practically do not cause problems for gardeners, are frost-resistant, and are extremely rarely damaged by pests and pathogenic microflora.

Decorative culture is not demanding in care, but to maintain its visual appeal it is necessary to observe certain conditions For optimal growth and flowering, especially this rule concerns soil composition and moisture indicators:

  • in temperate and warm climatic conditions, garden tradescantia are able to winter in open ground without the use of shelter;
  • in cold climates and regions with little snow and low temperatures, plants require covering with polyethylene;
  • before using film cover, the root system of Tradescantia must be insulated with a layer of moss or any other insulation;
  • after flowering, it is recommended to cut off the flower stalks, and mulch the soil around the bush with peat chips and insulate it with spruce branches;

How to plant tradescantia (video)

  • V summer period garden tradescantia, regardless of the variety, need sufficient, abundant watering, and the soil must be constantly moist;
  • at late autumn period watering should be gradually reduced;
  • insufficient irrigation measures often cause a slowdown in growth processes, lack of flowering and death of ornamental crops;
  • for full growth and development garden plant needs to moderate humidity, but on too hot days, the above-ground part is sprayed in the evening;
  • in the early spring period It is very important to carry out the first feeding of garden Tradescantia complex fertilizers for flowering crops;
  • the second feeding is carried out at the budding stage.

Regularly, you need to carefully inspect flower plantings and, if necessary, treat Tradescantia with insecto-fungicidal compounds.

Breeding rules

Currently, flower growers know three main ways to propagate garden Tradescantia cultivated in open ground conditions:

  • cuttings are cut from young shoots and must have at least three growth points;
  • best period rooting is the period from the beginning of spring to the beginning of summer, which allows the cuttings to take root, become well strengthened and be easily transferred winter frosts;
  • cuttings are planted in well-moistened and light soil, which consists of turf, leaf soil and coarse sand;
  • The rooting period is approximately three weeks per greenhouse conditions, at temperature conditions at 22-24°C and regular watering;
  • propagation of garden tradescantia by dividing the rhizome can be carried out from the first ten days of spring until mid-summer by dividing the root system of the plant into several parts.

Less common or more labor intensive is seed propagation. This method is characterized by low germination and no guarantee of preservation of varietal characteristics. Fresh seeds are sown in early spring or late autumn with a distance of a couple of centimeters. The average distance between rows should be approximately ten centimeters. After a couple of true leaves appear, the seedlings can be transplanted to a permanent location. With this method of propagation, flowering occurs in about two to three years.

Application in landscape design

Garden Tradescantia are characterized by high aesthetic appeal during the period of active flowering, which allows the use of this popular perennial crop, presented by a large selection of varieties, for decorating flower beds and flower beds. Tradescantia are also great for cultivation. individual plants or in combination with perennials such as hosta, along the banks of artificial or natural reservoirs in the garden.

It is not recommended to plant plants that react poorly to too much soil moisture and increased air humidity next to outdoor Tradescantia. In addition, it is important to remember that bushes of vigorous tradescantia that do not retain their shape well can create problems in an open ground flower garden, which is due to the high risk of lodging of an ornamental plant after abundant watering or prolonged rains, and in too dark areas the shoots may lose stability and stretch out.

Garden decoration: tradescantia (video)

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