When you hear the word “Tradescantia,” you imagine a climbing indoor flower that decorates an office, kindergarten, library or any other room. But there is another species - garden tradescantia. It is very popular among gardeners, who grow it in outdoor flower beds or near a pond, combining it with hostas and ferns.


Garden Tradescantia – perennial shrub about half a meter high with narrow and long (up to 20 cm) dark green leaves with a noble silver shade. The leaves can be lanceolate or oval in shape. Numerous flowers do not emit a special aroma, but despite this, they are excellent honey plants, attracting bees with their rich colors and convenient size cups. Tradescantia is distinguished by its abundant and long flowering, thanks to this it has excellent decorative properties. When used in landscape design her companions can be swimsuits, geraniums.

These are incredible attractive plants became so popular thanks to the research of the American botanist Anderson and his painstaking work on creating hybrids. The basis for this work was Tradescantia Virginia, and all hybrids bear the same name - Tradescantia Anderson. The flowers of Virginia Tradescantia are usually blue or dark blue; the short duration of their flowering is compensated by continuity throughout the summer: first the central shoots bloom, then the lateral ones, then the central shoots that have gained color again. The appearance of numerous species and varieties is striking in its diversity. The growing area is extensive: from temperate climate to tropical.

The main differences between hybrids:

  • bush height (ranges from 0.2 to 0.6 m);
  • foliage color;
  • flower size;
  • their coloring.

Tradescantia has rather large flowers of different shades. They can be white, pink, lavender, crimson, bright blue, even two-color, which gives the plant a special attractiveness. But there is a variety of Tradescantia that stands apart. This is a white-flowered or tricolor Tradescantia. It can be recognized by its smooth, pointed, heart-shaped leaves, creeping, knotty shoots and small white flowers, which give the variety its name. It also differs in the color of the foliage: striped, white-green, with pink streaks and strokes.

Choosing a place for tradescantia and caring for it

Many gardeners do not risk growing Tradescantia in open ground, believing that due to its heat-loving nature it could die in the open air. But this is not true at all. Garden tradescantia, varieties of which are intended for cultivation in open ground, are distinguished by their unpretentiousness. The plant feels great on open balcony, terrace, flowerbed, etc. The most important thing is that the area for planting Tradescantia should be slightly shaded - with openwork partial shade, with well-fertilized and moist soil.

Garden tradescantia does not really like direct sunlight; it can lose the richness of the color of the leaves, the flowers will become much smaller, and drying out of the soil will lead to the cessation of flowering. Therefore, you need to monitor the soil moisture, water it on time, and in extreme heat it would not hurt to spray it with cool water in the late afternoon. But you can’t over-water it, as the roots may rot or the stems may become lodging.

In order for the plant to please with its beauty and to be constantly in bloom, it should be fed.

  1. Spring fertilizing is carried out after the earth has warmed up. It is necessary to embed a complex mixture into the soil at a depth of 5-7 cm. mineral fertilizer at the rate of 30 g per 1 m 2.
  2. From the beginning of flowering, it is advisable to water Tradescantia every decade, which is sold in any gardening store. Follow the instructions for the drug.

With proper care, perennial tradescantia will grow in one place for several years without requiring replanting. This original shrub will serve as an excellent decoration for the coastal zone of a small pond located on the site.

It is better to plant Tradescantia at a short distance from the water's edge, as the plant does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil.

Another positive quality tradescantia - an absolutely indifferent attitude towards it garden pests because of her high stability to diseases. So you can save on buying insecticides for this flower.

If in the spring Tradescantia does not appear on the surface of the earth for a long time, it means that the night frosts have not yet ended - figuratively speaking, the “inner instinct” protects it from death.

And finally, the last thing: it happens that the plant bends to the ground due to the abundant and heavy flowers. You just need to tie it to some support.

How does Tradescantia reproduce?

This is absolutely not a difficult process. There are three methods of reproduction:

  1. dividing the bush.
  2. cuttings.
  3. seeds.

Dividing the bush

The Tradescantia bush has a compact appearance; it cannot be called a garden aggressor. Without requiring constant attention, a flower can grow in one place for many years. However, at least once every five years there is a need to divide the bush for rejuvenation, since the old plant gives everything every year fewer flowers. The most the right time for this it is spring, when young shoots begin to appear.

After carefully digging out the bush, divide it into 3-4 bushes (if the bush is large, more is possible). You should act carefully, trying to cause as little damage to the root system as possible. Plant the resulting bushes in the prepared holes on permanent place. You definitely need to water them, remembering to do this in the next few days. If the soil is well fertilized, then Tradescantia will not require any feeding for a couple of years.


This is the easiest way to reproduce. Having cut off any top with 3-4 nodes, you can wait for the roots to appear in a glass of water, or you can immediately root it in a shaded area. Water regularly but moderately for several days for better rooting.


Tradescantia can reproduce by seeds through self-sowing. But with such propagation, varietal characteristics are unlikely to be preserved, and next year, thanks to surprise seedlings, you can get something completely different from what was expected. To prevent this from happening, you should remove all flower stalks after the end of the flowering period.

It is possible to preserve varietal characteristics only through the vegetative method of propagation. Seed propagation will be of interest primarily to breeders for developing a new variety or to people who love unexpected surprises.

Seeds can be sown in early spring, around the end of March or early April, or late autumn, and in the spring just pick up the seedlings. It should be borne in mind that Tradescantia planted with seeds will bloom only in the 3rd year.

Removing faded shoots will not only protect against self-seeding, but will also give impetus to the formation of new, young shoots. As a rule, even more flowers appear on them, which not only give aesthetic pleasure, but also attract bees and butterflies.

Useful qualities and medicinal properties of Tradescantia

It is unlikely that a person who plants Tradescantia in his apartment or garden does so because of its medicinal properties. Most likely, he doesn’t even know about them. But the cat knows about this and eats this plant with appetite. Instead of scolding your pet, you need to think about why she does this.

In addition to the fact that Tradescantia purifies the air in the room, eliminating dust, tobacco smoke and toxins from building materials and furniture, it has a whole range of medicinal properties.

  1. Small wounds.
  2. A leaf applied to the wound will disinfect it and promote healing.
  3. Furuncle. The leaf, mashed until the juice appears, can be applied to the boil, bandaged, and changed after 7 hours. Repeat the procedure until the abscess is opened. Diarrhea. Prepare the infusion: place the chopped stem with leaves (about 20 cm in length) into a glass hot water
  4. , after 2 hours, strain and drink half a glass twice a day, half an hour before meals. Acts as an antibacterial agent.
  5. Angina. Add the juice squeezed from several shoots to a glass of warm water. Rinse your throat and mouth three times a day. Diabetes.
  6. Place crushed Tradescantia stems with leaves (20-25 cm in length) in 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 2 weeks in a dark place, strain. Dilute a teaspoon of this solution in a quarter glass of water and drink three times a day a quarter of an hour before meals. Take a course of 1 month. After a two-week break, repeat.
  7. Runny nose. 2 drops of juice in each nostril three times a day.

Periodontal disease. Chew the leaves three times a day. Thanks to varietal diversity and absolute unpretentiousness garden tradescantia is increasingly winning the hearts of flower growers. And if we take into account her

medicinal properties , then it is simply necessary in any garden or apartment. Tradescantia (Tradescantia) belongs to the genus of evergreen and herbaceous perennials from the Commelinaceae family. The genus includes not only well-known

indoor views

, but also popular plants grown in open ground and used in landscape design. Botanical features, which, as a rule, have relatively thin, creeping stems that take root very easily at the nodes. The foliage of the plant is quite small, oblong and pointed. The main foliage color is green or green with white or yellow stripes. The surface of the leaves can be either smooth or pubescent. Variegated species are classified into the genus Zebrina.

Flowering is quite abundant. The plant produces flowers of purple, reddish, deep blue, blue or white color. Flowers are collected in simple-type, umbellate or paniculate inflorescences. Rarely can a flower be single. The corolla of a flower may have three petals. Flowering is observed from the first ten days of summer until the onset of autumn, which guarantees long and continuous flowering.

Types and varieties

To date, about one hundred species of this species are known. ornamental plant, but in the conditions of home gardening, only a few of them are most widespread. All varieties and species differ in the size and shape of the shoots, and appearance and coloring of flowers and duration of flowering. The perennial crop is quite unpretentious, and its cultivation in open ground makes it very easy to create interesting and spectacular flower arrangements.

Species name Variety name Description of the plant
Tradescantia virginiana Coerulea Shoots with green, medium-sized leaves. Light blue flowers
Rubra Relatively powerful shoots with emerald lanceolate leaves. Flowers small sizes, ruby-reddish color
Atrorubra A highly decorative variety with attractive soft green foliage. Flowers of rich bright red color
Rosea Shade-tolerant variety with characteristic green foliage. Delicate pinkish flowers
Anderson's Tradescantia x andersoniana J.G.Weguelin The height of the plant varies between 50-70 cm, the flowers are sky blue, very large in size, bright, with crimson-violet pedicels. The leaves have a bluish coating
Iris The variety is characterized by bright green foliage and long flowering flowers of deep blue color
Bilberry Ice Plant up to 50 cm high, with large, raspberry-pink flowers with petals at the edges white bezel
Blue and Gold Flowers purple, medium in size, with leaves and stems of golden yellow or reddish yellow color
Blue Stone A plant 60-70 cm high, with green leaves and blue-blue flowers slightly corrugated along the edges.
Concord Grape A powerful and tall plant with bluish-gray foliage and very small, numerous violet-purple flowers.
Osprey Plant up to 70 cm high, with white, very large flowers and slightly wavy petals
Pink Chables The foliage is green, the flowers are light pink. There is a white border and bright pink filaments
Purple Profusion The stems form a rounded bush 45-55 cm high, with dark purple flowers.
Anyuta Stems up to 30-40 cm high, with green leaves and large raspberry-pink flowers with rounded and slightly corrugated petals

Domestic amateur flower growers most often grow the following popular varieties And hybrid forms garden tradescantia:

  • white-flowered varieties “White Pupa and Innocence;
  • white-flowered variety with golden foliage “Angelik Charm”;
  • purple-flowered variety "Carminglut";
  • variety " rosy bride» with orchid-shaped flowers of delicate pearlescent color;
  • purple-flowered variety "Sunshine Charm" with yellow-green leaves;
  • variety with terry blue flowers"Max Double".

Planting technology

Planting perennial tradescantia in open ground flower beds must be carried out in accordance with the following recommendations:

  • Tradescantia in open ground needs a very sunny or lightly shaded area, without through and gusty winds;
  • It is optimal to grow ornamental crops near bodies of water;
  • the soil on the site for growing Tradescantia should be fertile, fairly light, with slightly acidic properties;
  • the soil in flower beds should not only be light in composition, but also have optimal air permeability and water permeability;
  • The best soil composition for growing Tradescantia is based on turf and leaf soil, sand and humus.

It is important to note that in addition to aesthetic qualities, almost all types of Tradescantia are distinguished by the presence of the following medicinal properties:

  • antibacterial effect;
  • beneficial effect on the respiratory system;
  • prevention of colds;
  • treatment and prevention of periodontal disease;
  • prevention of certain gastrointestinal diseases;
  • prevention and treatment of furunculosis.

Thus, growing garden tradescantia is a very useful activity and not particularly difficult. street ornamental culture practically does not cause problems for gardeners, is frost-resistant, and is extremely rarely damaged by pests and pathogenic microflora.

Decorative culture is not demanding in care, but to maintain its visual appeal it is necessary to observe certain conditions For optimal growth and flowering, especially this rule concerns soil composition and moisture indicators:

  • in temperate and warm climatic conditions, garden tradescantia are able to winter in open ground without the use of shelter;
  • in cold climates and regions with little snow and low temperatures, plants require covering with polyethylene;
  • before using film cover root system Tradescantia must be insulated with a layer of moss or any other insulation;
  • after flowering, it is recommended to cut off the flower stalks, and mulch the soil around the bush with peat chips and insulate it with spruce branches;
  • V summer period garden tradescantia, regardless of the variety, need sufficient, abundant watering, and the soil must be constantly moist;
  • at late autumn period watering should be gradually reduced;
  • insufficient irrigation measures often cause a slowdown in growth processes, lack of flowering and death of ornamental crops;
  • for full growth and development garden plant needs to moderate humidity, but on too hot days, the above-ground part is sprayed in the evening;
  • in the early spring period It is very important to carry out the first feeding of garden Tradescantia complex fertilizers for flowering crops;
  • the second feeding is carried out at the budding stage.

Regularly, you need to carefully inspect flower plantings and, if necessary, treat Tradescantia with insecto-fungicidal compounds.

Breeding rules

Currently, flower growers know three main ways to propagate garden Tradescantia cultivated in open ground conditions:

  • cuttings are cut from young shoots and must have at least three growth points;
  • the best rooting period is from the beginning of spring to the beginning of summer, which allows the cuttings to take root, become well strengthened and easily withstand winter frosts;
  • cuttings are planted in well-moistened and light soil, which consists of turf, leaf soil and coarse sand;
  • The rooting period is approximately three weeks per greenhouse conditions, at a temperature of 22-24°C and regular watering;
  • propagation of garden tradescantia by dividing the rhizome can be carried out from the first ten days of spring until mid-summer by dividing the root system of the plant into several parts.

Less common or more labor intensive is seed propagation. This method is characterized by low germination and no guarantee of preservation of varietal characteristics. Fresh seeds are sown in early spring or late autumn at a distance of a couple of centimeters. The average distance between rows should be approximately ten centimeters. After a couple of true leaves appear, the seedlings can be transplanted to a permanent location. With this method of propagation, flowering occurs in about two to three years.

Application in landscape design

Garden Tradescantia are characterized by high aesthetic appeal during the period of active flowering, which allows the use of this popular perennial crop, presented by a large selection of varieties, for decorating flower beds and flower beds. Tradescantia are also great for cultivation. individual plants or in combination with perennials such as hosta, along the banks of artificial or natural reservoirs in the garden.

It is not recommended to plant next to street tradescantia plants that react poorly to too much soil moisture and increased air humidity. In addition, it is important to remember that bushes of vigorous tradescantia that do not retain their shape well can create problems in an open ground flower garden, which is due to the high risk of lodging of an ornamental plant after abundant watering or prolonged rains, and in too dark areas the shoots may lose stability and stretch out.

The perennial ampelous Tradescantia comes from America. Most common indoor plant characterized by unpretentiousness. In total there are more than 100 types of culture. A representative of the Hammelinaceae family has hanging long stems. The graceful leaves are of particular value to gardeners. Vegetative organs are located on straight shoots. Tradescantia indoors growing in the form lush bush. Different kinds tradescantia forms its delightful leaf color. There are crops with silver, green and purple tint. On individual varieties You can see unusual patterns in the form of stripes. The inflorescences produced are small and of various colors. The plant looks especially impressive if it is lushly covered with small flowers. The bush resembles a small bouquet.

Tradescantia is one of the most unpretentious crops.

Location and proper lighting

How to care for Tradescantia? The plant is quite unpretentious. Adapts perfectly to the microclimatic conditions of the room. Able to maintain decorative properties at any room temperature.

Especially lush flowering formed in brightly lit areas. The leaves change significantly and become glossy.

Short daylight hours can cause fading of vegetative organs. Variegated Tradescantia will lose its ornamentation. All leaves will turn a uniform green color.

It is also important to avoid direct exposure sun rays. Severe burns may occur on delicate leaves. On particularly hot days, it is better to shade the window with curtains or roller shutters.

Tolerates heat and constant solar lighting white-flowered tradescantia. The plant can be safely kept on the windowsill.

Air temperature

For comfortable maintenance of the flower, it is necessary to create optimal conditions at the stage of vegetative growth. climatic conditions ranging from + 24 to + 26 degrees. IN winter time years, you need to gradually accustom the plant to a temperature of +10-+12 degrees.

You can restore the decorative appearance of Tradescantia by removing elongated shoots.

Cold air can cause shoots to stretch. The plant significantly loses its decorative effect. To restore, you will need to trim the apical areas. Cuttings can be used for vegetative propagation.

Watering and humidity

Tradescantia is often called a swamp crop. The plant loves plenty of moisture. Therefore in spring-summer period The flower should be watered regularly. It is important not to allow the substrate to dry out completely. In winter, the frequency of watering can be reduced to twice a week. Only if the soil moisture regime is observed can Tradescantia form great amount buds.

The plant develops well in conditions high humidity air. For culture propagation, it is advisable to maintain the psychrometer mark at a level of at least 60%.

To prevent rotting of the root system, you need to regularly loosen the soil mixture in the planting pot. Fertilizing can be done only after the soil is evenly moistened.
For irrigation, it is recommended to use settled, soft water at room temperature.

Features of transplantation

On initial stage During the growing season, the plant should be replanted. During winter dormancy, the flower's decorative properties are significantly reduced. The stems may dry out, and the shade of the leaves will also change. Tradescantia will completely lose its original appearance.

Experienced gardeners use the plant as an annual. In the spring, cuttings of a decorative hanging crop are planted in a pot. Tradescantia is characterized by rapid growth. After a few months the flower is unrecognizable. A small shoot turns into long lashes. Tradescantia is pinched (as it grows).

In autumn, the plant sheds its leaves located at the base. Flower growth slows down significantly.

The transplant must be carried out carefully. Tradescantia may suffer.

In winter, the plant favorable conditions can decorate the house with lush cascades of shoots. In early spring cut off apical cuttings for planting young Tradescantia. As a rule, Tradescantia lovers do not save the old plant.

Still, replanting last year’s crop is quite simple. It is necessary to radically prune long stems in early spring. A sudden change of container and substrate without removing excess areas can cause severe damage to leaves and shoots.

How to trim

To form a crown, you need to remove all unnecessary vegetative organs. It is advisable to carry out sanitary cleaning in early spring.

Tradescantia is one of the few indoor crops that prefer complete crown renewal. Radical pruning can significantly improve the condition of the plant. Tradescantia also responds well to pinching. It is advisable not to use sharp objects. Fragile shoots can be easily broken off.

How to cultivate a flower on the site

Most gardeners grow Tradescantia as an indoor crop. Few people know that decorative flower can decorate a garden, mixborder, gazebo or terrace.

Breeders have developed several special varieties for outdoor cultivation. In a temperate continental climate, it can withstand cultivation on outdoors Virginia tradescantia And hybrid variety"Anderson". Perennial frost-resistant crops can be left in open ground for the winter.

The plant is used on the site to protect the house from ill-wishers. There is an opinion that the culture of the Sun can get rid of bad energy, words and thoughts.

It is advisable to plant garden Tradescantia in a group with other crops.

U garden form tradescantia petals appear blue tint. The size of the flowers does not exceed two centimeters. The straight, standing bush develops long, pointed leaves.

It must be taken into account that the street form will not be able to support the structure on its own. The plant has non-woody, long, succulent shoots. The plant will fall apart. Therefore, it is advisable to use the flower for planting in mixborders.

Tradescantia goes well with hostas. Dense bushes support an unstable flower. Garden representative can often be found near ponds, in group plantings with ferns, astilbes and daylilies.

The size of a decorative bush on the street does not exceed sixty centimeters. The shade of the inflorescences depends on the chosen location. Duration also affects color daylight hours and substrate quality.

Outdoor plant care is no different from indoor growing representatives of the clan. Frost-resistant, decorative crop does not make high demands.

You need to constantly inspect the plant on the site. Long shoots and leaves attract slugs. Flowering outdoors can last from early June until the first autumn cold snap.

Growing technology

Substrate composition

The plant can be cultivated in almost all types of soil. For a potted plant, a standard soil mixture for flowering indoor crops is suitable.

The soil can be easily prepared at home. To do this you will need turf soil, leaf soil, clean river sand and humus.

The permeability of the soil can be increased using a drainage layer.

It is necessary to lay out a thin layer of drainage before planting. Expanded clay or pebbles should be used as filler. Sprinkle the top with medium-grain sand.

Top dressing

Tradescantia can be fed twice a month. It is advisable to use complex preparations from garden centers as fertilizers.

How to choose a pot

Ampelous Tradescantia with hanging shoots must be carefully secured. Therefore, you will need to choose the right container for growing. In a shallow container, the plant may tip over. The substrate will fall out of the pot.

Tradescantia has a relatively small root system. Therefore, you can prepare a wide container of medium depth. The flower holds well in a hanging pot.

For magnificent formation You can plant several cuttings around the circumference in a wide pot. Subsequently, the overgrown Tradescantia forms a lush bush.

Tradescantia pests and diseases

The plant is different increased stability to various pests and diseases. Still, it is necessary to regularly inspect the plant and adhere to the basic rules of care.

Wilting Tradescantia.

If the tips of the leaves turn brown, you need to pay attention to the level of water content in the air. Dry air is often the cause of damage to Tradescantia.

The appearance of wilted flowers, stems and leaves indicates a prolonged lack of watering and excessive drying of the substrate.

Soft areas on vegetative organs with a characteristic brown tint indicate swampiness soil mixture. When there is insufficient light, the plant develops elongated stems with small leaves.

Reaction to plant

There have been no cases of reaction after contact with Tradescantia. Flowering can still cause individual intolerance. Therefore keep indoor culture Not recommended in the bedroom or children's room.

How to propagate a flower

Tradescantia can be spread quite easily vegetative way. To do this, use stem cuttings and divide the bush.

You can also spread the plant using seeds. It should be remembered that the varietal characteristics of the parent Tradescantia are not preserved.

Bush divisions are usually carried out from the beginning of March until the onset of autumn. When digging outside or removing from a container, the root system can easily be damaged. Therefore, within a few hours you need to evenly moisten the substrate.

Seed pod.

For garden culture It is advisable to prepare a small spatula. potted plant It is quite easy to remove. The roots of the divisions should be cut to fifteen centimeters. At the same time, it is necessary to trim the above-ground parts of the Tradescantia. Otherwise, the plant may not take root.

A crop planted at the beginning of the season will easily restore its roots during the growing season. For successful reproduction in mid-July you will need to shade the plant outdoors. IN room conditions It is advisable to build a mini-greenhouse.

For cuttings you need to choose a healthy, strong culture. You can carefully tear off the stem with three internodes. After uniformly moistening the substrate, cover the container with a plastic cap. The first roots will appear in 3 weeks. The flower can also be moved into open ground. Small Tradescantia planted outside at the end of August can survive severe frost.

Seed propagation is preferably carried out in early spring. For Tradescantia you need to prepare a mixture of sand and peat. The humidity of the environment can be maintained by spraying. The air temperature should not drop to + 20 degrees. The first inflorescences will appear within three years.

Tradescantia can spread by self-seeding.

Outdoors, the flower can reproduce by self-sowing. It must be taken into account that the characteristics of the parent plant are not preserved.

Why doesn't the culture bloom?

The plant does not produce buds in dark room or in a shaded area. In some subspecies, for example, white-flowered tradescantia, flowering occurs quite rarely. Life cycle each inflorescence is only one day.

Planting material

Tradescantia zebrina in a pot with a diameter of 18 cm can be purchased for 1,450 rubles. The total height of the crop is 30 cm.

A mixture of Tradescantia seeds is sold for 15 rubles. There are 5 rudiments in the package.

For many people, Tradescantia is an indoor flower that can be found in the office, kindergarten, library and other rooms, but as it turned out, garden tradescantia is also common among gardeners.

Tradescantia garden is perennial plant for growing in open ground. It is usually planted near bodies of water, near, and. They also look beautiful in flower beds.

Growing Tradescantia

The plant is a small decorative bush 50-60 cm high. The color of the flowers may vary slightly, this may be influenced by the location of the plant, lighting and soil. This is an ornamental, frost-resistant, low-maintenance plant. Diseases and pests (except slugs) do not damage Tradescantia. Flowering is long, from June until frost.

Place and soil for growing tradescantia garden

Choose a site for planting Garden Tradescantia that is not sunny, partial shade, preferably near.

The soil for growing Tradescantia should be fertile, light and slightly acidic.

Planting tradescantia garden

If you plan to plant Tradescantia with seeds, then sow in March-April (flowering will begin in the 3rd year), if in divisions, then in early spring or autumn.

To plant from cuttings, cut the cutting with leaves, place it in water and you will soon see roots. Transplant into the ground when the roots are 2 cm long.

Caring for garden tradescantia

Garden Tradescantia loves moisture, so take watering more seriously during dry periods. By autumn, watering is reduced.

The first fertilizing with mineral complex fertilizers in early spring is 20-30 g per sq.m, embedded in the soil to a depth of 6-8 cm. Further fertilizing - 2 times a month liquid fertilizer"Kemira".

When the flower stalks have completely faded (late autumn), they are removed, and the plants themselves are mulched with peat and covered with spruce branches.

Dividing the bush is the most common and easy way Tradescantia propagation. In early spring you will need to dig up a bush, divide it and plant the sections apart from each other.

Tradescantia can be propagated by green plants. stem cuttings with several internodes. At the beginning of summer, cuttings are cut, trimmed lower leaves and rooted into the soil at 1-2 nodes. In autumn a small bush appears. Or take green cuttings with 2-3 internodes and root them by planting them in a greenhouse for 2-3 weeks. Rooted cuttings are mulched with peat or dry leaves for the winter.

Tradescantia can be propagated by seeds, starting sowing before winter. In the spring, seedlings are picked.

Tradescantia hybrids are considered to be an unpretentious plant, although there are some peculiarities of cultivation. Tradescantia virginiana and its hybrids (Tradescantia Anderson) grow better and bloom more abundantly in a wet area nutritious soil. Overdrying the soil is detrimental to flowering. It is better to water in the evening.

In partial shade the flowers are brighter than in the sun and last longer. After flowering, it is advisable to remove the flower stalks, otherwise surprise seedlings may overrun the garden. It is especially important to do this in relation to Tradescantius Anderson. Their seedlings rarely repeat the varietal qualities, and, germinating inside the bush, they can spoil the whole picture.

If Tradescantia is planted in nutritious, clay-containing soil, it is not necessary to feed it in the next two years. In subsequent years, a single application of complex fertilizer is sufficient.

Tradescantia virginiana self-sows. Tradescantia Anderson needs to be propagated by dividing the bush or cuttings. Divide the plant better in spring. You need to replant carefully in the summer (the shoots break) and water daily in hot weather. In autumn, all shoots of the plant are cut off, leaving the leaves located closer to the root rosette. Green shoots are cut into cuttings in July. It is safer to root them in a shaded place.

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