One of the main factors when choosing interior doors is not only the design, but also the materials used, and, as a result, the price.

In this article we will look at the advantages and disadvantages of lined materials for veneered interior doors, namely veneer and eco-veneer, which will directly affect the purchase necessary accessories for your interior. We will also figure out what is the difference between veneer and eco-veneer.

Veneered interior doors

It is worth noting that they are highly popular due to the variety of designs, practicality and reasonable price. Such doors are highly durable, despite the relatively light weight, and excellent functional characteristics. This is achieved by using quality materials for the frame of the doors themselves, and, undoubtedly, the exterior decoration.

Veneer and eco-veneer, which is better?

To answer this question, we first need to understand the strengths and weaknesses these two materials, so to speak, weigh the pros and cons. Which is what we'll get to now.

Direct repair

100% natural requires careful care and certain conditions
environmental friendliness

heterogeneity of texture - different colors in one model

unique texture sensitivity to temperature, sunlight and humidity
wood strength high price
high noise insulation
promotes space ventilation
subject to restoration

The name itself says natural veneer- This is a natural material, which is a cut of hardwood. In its production, the following types of trees are often used: oak, maple, ash and beech. The shade and bends of the texture depend not only on the type of wood used, but also on age. Therefore, there are a huge number of possible shades of natural veneer.

Thanks to this, doors covered with veneer have a unique, inimitable pattern, which brings special sophistication and beauty to the products.

In addition, among the disadvantages of natural veneer it is worth noting its extreme whimsicalness both in terms of impact. sun rays, and changes in humidity. That is why you should carefully select veneered ones, depending on the humidity and lighting of the space.

Eco-veneer Eco-friendly analogue to natural veneer

Eco-veneer is a synthetic material, but at the same time absolutely harmless, which is not in vain evidenced by the prefix eco. Modern technologies ensure its environmental friendliness in production, which uses compressed wood fibers and synthetic materials.

practicality low noise insulation
low sensitivity to changes in both humidity and temperature cannot be restored
variety of shades and textures low noise insulation
aesthetics reduces space ventilation


affordable price

Eco-veneer is able to accurately convey the natural texture of wood, and can be presented in almost any color scheme. Therefore, externally, a door covered with eco-veneer is almost no different from a veneered one, so it is good alternative natural material. Thanks to this, interior doors covered with eco-veneer can fit into interiors made in different styles.

Eco-veneer is often compared to lamination, and for good reason, since it is resistant to direct sunlight, high humidity, as well as mechanical damage. Undoubtedly, in this matter they better than doors, covered with natural veneer.

However, the disadvantages of this coating include a low level of sound insulation, as well as low ventilation of the space. In these matters, doors made of eco-veneer are inferior to doors made of solid wood or finished with natural veneer.

Veneer or eco-veneer, the difference?

The main difference between eco-veneer and veneer is its primary function, imitation natural wood

To decide which doors better veneer or eco-veneer and which interior doors to buy: veneer or eco-veneer, you should first ask yourself the following questions:

    What amount are you targeting? Are you ready to pay more for natural veneer, doors from which can last a long time, but with very careful care. Or you are interested in eco-veneer models that fall into a more affordable price category.

    For what kind of interior are you planning to install interior doors? What matters here is the temperature and humidity of the space, which can directly affect appearance And functionality doors finished with these two coatings.

    Fundamental attitude towards natural and synthetic materials. However, do not forget about the environmental friendliness of both of them.

If you still have questions or are ready to make your choice, our specialists will advise you and accept your order.

Veneer is made from thin sheets of wood used as decorative lining for door panels. Veneer cut from solid wood retains all its properties natural material, its color and texture. Veneer production also varies depending on the type of wood. For example, material for sawn veneer are coniferous species (cedar, fir, etc.), which are easier to cut down the top layer, while sliced ​​veneer They are made from hardwoods - oak, mahogany, which is why planing technology is appropriate here. Softened and steamed alder or birch logs are used to produce peeled veneer.

Veneer also happens natural, i.e. Made from solid wood. It is natural due to the lack of intervention modern technologies in its natural textured pattern; sometimes natural veneer is painted in order to implement coloristic solutions, and then such veneer is called in color. There is also fine-line veneer, imitating the pattern of natural wood, which is achieved by forming peeled veneer into blocks. But due to the fact that cheaper species of fast-growing trees are used as materials for the fine line, it is quite fragile.

Since veneer is wood, the recommendations for use are the same as for natural massif: try not to expose veneered doors to strong temperature amplitudes; If possible, maintain a humidity level of no more than sixty percent; Do not trust the installation of doors to non-professionals and do not use aggressive means to maintain the door.

Now let's figure out what it is eco-veneer. This is another type of finishing coating for an interior door. Using the prefix -eco, the client may have a false association with something even more environmentally friendly than natural wood. This is a misconception. Eco-veneer is an artificial substitute for veneer (plastic), which duplicates the natural texture of wood as in a painting. Eco-veneer does not contain chloride, and, in general, is more environmentally friendly than PVC. Eco-veneer began to be used for finishing doors in order to create an impact-resistant and wear-resistant budget alternative.

Taking into account all of the above, it is not difficult to guess that veneered doors are more expensive, but also cleaner from an environmental point of view.

If you don’t know what to look for in the process of choosing interior doors, then we advise you to read the recommendations of our specialists.

In our catalog you can buy, as well as doors finished with eco-veneer of various Russian manufacturers: Verda (Verda), doors of the Moscow region company Principle; Premium-class solid beech and oak are used by the North Caucasus plant Leader; On our website we also have interior doors from the Factory "Art Deco", "Potential Plus", Vladimir and many other brands.

If after reading this material you still have questions, you can order call back with advice from our specialists.

It is a fairly serious expense item in the overall budget for home repairs. Therefore, there is a natural desire to reduce this amount. Moreover, interior doors do not require special strength.

Therefore, the owners of apartments being renovated are constantly looking for an alternative to the now familiar solid wood doors.

Today, eco-veneer doors have become such an alternative.

If we approach it from a technical point of view, eco-veneer is a CPL plastic consisting of many layers. It has such properties as high impact resistance and abrasion resistance.

Externally, the material resembles wood, imitating its texture, color and pattern. If you evaluate it from a decent distance, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to distinguish it from traditional wood veneer. But up close it becomes clear that this is not natural veneer after all.

But still, eco-veneer is the material that today imitates the best.

The material is produced on two-belt presses continuous action under constant temperature and cleanliness control production premises. For production, natural wood fibers obtained from waste from the wood processing industry are used. Then these fibers are thoroughly mixed and glued together.

The result is a thin sheet material with high technical characteristics. It is supplied to door manufacturing companies in rolls. The veneer is then cut and applied to the products.

Door design with eco-veneer

Doors are manufactured in three versions:

  • deaf;
  • paneled;
  • glazed.

Coniferous wood bars are used for the door frame. Drawers and door risers are made using technology that guarantees a homogeneous wood structure and, thus, ensures the resistance of the door leaf to various deformations.

The risers are made without an edge, which allows the parts of the canvas to be completely wrapped in eco-veneer and prevents its peeling.

Such doors are 2–3 times cheaper than traditional veneered ones.

In order to accept right decision When purchasing a new type of door, you need to know the advantages of eco-veneer:

  • , confirmed by a special certificate, allows it to be used even in children's institutions.
  • High abrasion resistance guarantees long term door services.
  • Artificial veneer can withstand sudden temperature changes without consequences and without the formation of cracks or cracks.
  • The material is scratch and chip resistant.
  • Eco-veneer is not subject to fading even when exposed to direct sunlight.
  • The material quite reliably imitates natural veneer.
  • Low cost of products.
  • Easy care of products using any detergents.

But such wonderful products also have their drawbacks:

For production, materials are used that have different technical characteristics and costs. Eco-veneer doors are inexpensive products that are available to our compatriots.

In the native language, this material is called Continuous Pressure Laminates. Translated into Russian, this means “subject to prolonged exposure to pressure.”

The structure of the product resembles natural veneer. But in reality there are many distinctive points. For this reason, many are interested in an eco-veneer door, what it is and why it is worth paying attention to.

Features of the material

To produce this multilayer material, wood fibers are used, which are securely bonded with a synthetic substance. The technology for producing eco-veneer products involves separate dyeing and gluing of thin natural wood fibers. Thanks to this, it is possible to create any type of wood, eliminating the appearance of products different shades in one batch.

An uninterrupted two-belt press is used to produce eco-veneer. The fibers are fed into the equipment and pressed using gradually increasing pressure. As a result of this process, all gas and air elements, and the resulting product has exceptional film plasticity.

The quality of doors is directly influenced by production conditions. The process must be carried out in a clean room with constant monitoring temperature regime.

Eco-veneer has an optical effect (2D and 3D). For this reason, the structure of the material resembles veneered doors.

Advantages and disadvantages

Canvases made from eco-veneer have excellent performance properties. They are resistant to mechanical stress, do not crack or become scratched.

Also the advantages of such doors are:

  • moisture resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to temperature changes and ultraviolet rays;
  • long service life;
  • ease of care;
  • acceptable cost.

Doors coated with eco-veneer can imitate different breeds wood For this reason, the products will fit into any interior.

The disadvantages of the material include:

  1. low sound insulation properties;
  2. impossibility of restoration in case of severe mechanical damage;
  3. insufficient air exchange.

Difference from natural

Door buyers immediately face a dilemma about what to choose: veneer or eco-veneer. The main argument in favor of the material lies in the safety and environmental friendliness of the coating. In the manufacture of natural veneered products, glue is used, the environmental properties of which are questionable.

The joining of eco-veneer elements occurs without glue (using a synthetic binder that is in the material). Thanks to this, environmentally friendly doors are installed in hospitals, childcare centers, retail establishments and others. public places.

Significant disadvantages of veneer are high cost and special care. Doors made of this material should not be rubbed too hard, and for washing you can only use a soft sponge with soap solution.

After studying all the information about what eco-veneer and veneer are, each buyer will accept the right decision when choosing doors.

PVC or eco-veneer?

There is another popular option - structures made of polyvinyl chloride. Such products are the most affordable on the market building materials. This applies to both cost and wide range goods.

Using the PVC film that covers the canvas, you can create an imitation of any surface. Such designs are the best option when creating a modern interior - it is possible to select any shade, apply an original pattern, use photo printing, or combine several films on one canvas.

Both types - or eco-veneer - have similar technical characteristics, are moisture resistant, durable and low in cost.

But polyvinyl chloride structures also have significant disadvantages:

  • When exposed to sunlight, they fade and fade.
  • The material contains polyvinyl chloride.
  • Less attractive appearance.
  • High probability of fabric delamination.
  • Difficulty in repairing damage.

When choosing which doors are better - PVC or eco-veneer - it is important to remember that the first option is acceptable only if the product is planned to be replaced after 6-7 years.

Veneered interior doors

These structures are either hollow or solid. The production of hollow doors is carried out as follows:

  1. assembling a frame from wooden beams;
  2. styling corrugated cardboard inside the canvas;
  3. covering the frame with MDF fiberboard;
  4. covering the canvas with veneer.

Distinctive feature hollow products - a loud sound when tapping on them. This indicates the low soundproofing properties of the structure.

Solid interior doors made of eco-veneer are panels without a free internal cavity. The production of such structures is carried out in two ways:

  • Wooden beam sheathed with MDF and covered with veneer.
  • Solid wood is veneered.

As a result of using the second technology, a higher quality product will be obtained.

Features of operation and care

Eco-veneer interior doors are a practical product whose surface is made of wood fibers. For this reason they require special care. It is not recommended to use cleaning products that contain alkalis, acids, solvents or abrasives. Household chemicals can be replaced alcohol solution.

Damage to the canvas (small scratches, cracks) is eliminated with a wax pencil of the appropriate color.

Door hinges, locks and handles are periodically treated with lubricant intended for these purposes.

Which ones are better to choose?

Now on sale different doors profile eco-veneer. When choosing a quality product, you should pay attention to the quality of veneer gluing. The material on the end of the canvas is slightly pryed with a fingernail. If it peels off easily, then it is better not to buy such a door.

The low quality of the construction is also indicated by the presence of a dark stripe at the corners of the canvas. This is part of the wood fiber MDF boards, which becomes visible when the veneer is peeled off.

At the final stage, a visual inspection of the door is carried out. Its surface should not be rough.

Among the many varieties special place are occupied by king doors. The canvases have a durable frame, which consists of horizontal and vertical strips (tsars). The main purpose of the drawers is to give the product maximum strength.

Drawstring structures do not require careful maintenance; they do not swell or dry out. The material is more resistant to mechanical load and does not lose original appearance over time.

Each model can be manufactured with glazing. Eco-veneer with glass makes it possible to decorate a room in different color solutions and styles. A glazed door makes the room brighter and fresher. The only caveat is that it is not recommended to install the structure in a children's room, where there is a high probability of glass damage.

Combinations in the interior

An interior door stands in place when it completely fits into the design of the room. The determining factor is the color of the structure.

Bleached oak colored doors are suitable for rooms decorated in Art Nouveau style. This color can also be combined with contrasting ones (for example, dark furniture or walls), and with pastel colors. Provence style with old furniture and natural texture - also an acceptable option for products in the color of bleached oak.

Elegant classics and discreet eclectic style are suitable for walnut-colored doors. Moreover, eco-veneer in the interior can have different shades, ranging from light to richly dark colors.

Constructions gray will perfectly complement a room in Provence or hi-tech style. They will become the best option for people who value harmony and tranquility.

To implement design solutions in practice, the method of opening also plays an important role. Hinged structures are suitable for spacious rooms, book (folding products) - for small rooms. The opening method serves not only as a visual indicator, but also has a practical purpose.

Installation technology and repair

To install an eco-veneer interior door, you will need the following tools and materials:

  1. perforator;
  2. screwdriver;
  3. hammer;
  4. hacksaw;
  5. chisel;
  6. roulette;
  7. level;
  8. corner;
  9. pencil;
  10. wooden or plastic wedges;
  11. pliers;
  12. stationery knife;
  13. screwdriver;
  14. polyurethane foam;
  15. self-tapping screws;
  16. dowels;
  17. decorative plugs for self-tapping screws.

Installation work consists of the following stages:

  • installation door frame into the opening;
  • attaching the box to the wall;
  • wetting the outer part of the box and the doorway with water (to improve the adhesion of the foam);
  • installation of spacers between the side posts;
  • filling the gap between the opening and the box with polyurethane foam.

When implementing installation work you need to achieve uniform gaps on the sides between the opening and the frame. The bottom of the box should be level with the floor.

After hardening, excess foam is cut off. The dowels and screws intended for fixing the jumpers and spacers are unscrewed.

At the final stage, the hinges are installed, and door leaf eco-veneer is attached to the box. To determine the depth of the grooves, markings are made. Use a chisel to remove excess wood. Holes for screws are drilled in the door frame.

The canvas is applied to the box. The presence of a technological gap is checked, which should be in the range from 2 to 4 mm. The places where the hinges are attached are marked. After inserting the loops, the canvas is hung.

And finally, about how the door leaf is restored if damage occurs during the operation of the door.

When eco-veneer swells, the problem is solved by using a slightly heated iron, which is applied to the canvas for 3-5 seconds. To improve the elasticity of the material, use a damp rag placed on the door for 10-15 minutes.

Repairing more severe damage involves creating “patches”:

  1. several holes are cut in the damaged area of ​​the canvas;
  2. pieces of eco-veneer are applied to them (they must match in color and size);
  3. blanks are cut from the pieces and glued to the canvas;
  4. the joints are smoothed.

Minor scratches can be removed using liquid wax or a wax pencil. The surface is cleaned of dirt. The wax is heated and placed into the cracks. Excess wax is removed with a rag. The repaired door surface can be coated with clear varnish.

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