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Scientific and technological progress, intensification of production, raising its technical level and improving working conditions are largely determined by the development of energy.

Industry uses more than 50% of all types of energy resources, including up to 65% of generated electricity.

Accordingly, the large role of energy in industrial production modern industrial enterprises have complex and diverse technological systems, consisting of complexes of installations and devices designed for burning fuel and producing, distributing and consuming electricity, heat, compressed air, gas, oxygen.

Currently, thermal steam turbine power plants generate more than 80% of electricity; steam and water heated by steam or flue gases, obtained in boiler plants, are used as the main coolants in everyday life and production.

First steam boilers at the beginning of the 19th century produced steam at a pressure of 0.5-0.6 MPa and had a productivity of hundreds of kilograms per hour. Currently, boilers are used to produce steam, producing steam with a pressure of up to 25 MPa (and even up to 31 MPa) and a temperature of up to 570 ° C and a productivity of up to 4000 t/h.

Depending on the purpose, industrial enterprises use autonomous production and heating boilers on organic fuel and boilers that use the heat of exhaust gases and other thermal waste from technological units, as well as boiler installations of industrial power plants.

Used in boilers different kinds solid, liquid and gaseous fuels. In industry, combustible production waste, the heat of exothermic reactions released during the production of certain types of products, high-temperature gases from technological units and heat transferred to their cooled elements, etc. are also used as a heat source for generating steam in boilers. used processed natural water and condensate from steam turbine units. Steam production wastes are cooled combustion gases, and when used solid fuel also mineral residues in the form of slag and ash.

Available various designs boilers Applies, for example, forced circulation water and steam-water mixture in the boiler evaporation system using special pumps. The evaporation surfaces of boilers are sometimes made in the form of tubular heating surfaces located behind the combustion chamber. In some cases, part of the surface of the superheater is placed in the furnace, and the economizer and air heater are made in several stages, etc.

A modern boiler is equipped with automation systems that ensure reliability and safety of its operation, rational use fuel, maintaining the required productivity and steam parameters, increasing personnel productivity and improving their working conditions, and protecting the environment from harmful emissions.

boiler combustion heat exchange draft

Description of the boiler unit design

The DKVR boiler considered in this work began to be produced in the early forties and was branded DKV (two-drum water-tube boiler). As experience was gained, the DKV boiler underwent reconstruction during the manufacturing and operation process. During the reconstruction, the length of the firebox was reduced, the number of rows of pipes in the convective bundle was increased, and their pitch was reduced. Therefore, it became known as DKVR. The brand is deciphered as follows: DKVR - 2.5-13:

D - two-drum,

K - boiler,

V-water tube,

R - reconstructable,

2.5 - steam production, t/h,

13 - operating pressure, MPa.

DKVR boilers have a number of advantages compared to other boilers: efficiency and reliability, compactness, elasticity, transportability, and operate on any fuel. Along with positive aspects there is also characteristic defect: high demands on water quality, i.e. work in scale-free mode. Despite this drawback, DKVR boilers have found wide application and distribution.

All DKVR boilers have a common design design. These are double drum boilers with natural circulation, shielded firebox, longitudinal arrangement of drums and corridor arrangement of pipes (boiler).

For inspection of drums and devices located in them, as well as for cleaning pipes with cutters, there are manholes on the rear bottoms; The DKVR-2.5-13 boiler with a long drum also has a hole on the front bottom of the upper drum.

To monitor the water level, two water indicator glasses and a level indicator are installed in the upper drum. For boilers with a long drum, the water indicator glasses are attached to the cylindrical part of the drum, and for boilers with a short drum, to the front bottom. From the front bottom of the upper drum, impulse tubes are routed to the power regulator. In the water space of the upper drum there is a feed pipe; for DKVR 2.5-13 boilers with a long drum there is a pipe for continuous blowing; in the steam volume - separation devices. The lower drum contains a perforated pipe for periodic purging, a device for heating the drum during kindling and a fitting for draining water.

The side screen collectors are located under the protruding part of the upper drum, near the side walls of the lining. To create a circulation circuit in the screens, the front end of each screen collector is connected by a lower unheated pipe to the upper drum, and the rear end is connected by a bypass pipe to the lower drum.

Water enters the side screens simultaneously from the upper drum through the front drop pipes, and from the lower drum through the bypass pipes. This power supply scheme for the side screens increases the reliability of operation at a low water level in the upper drum and increases the circulation rate.

Screen pipes of DKVR steam boilers are made of 512.5 mm steel.

In boilers with a long upper drum, the screen pipes are welded to the screen collectors and rolled into the upper drum.

The pitch of the side screens for all DKVR boilers is 80 mm, the pitch of the rear and front screens is 80-130 mm.

The boiler tube bundles are made of seamless bent steel pipes with a diameter of 512.5 mm.

The ends of the boiling pipes of steam boilers of the DKVR type are attached to the lower and upper drums using rolling.

Circulation in the boiling pipes occurs due to the rapid evaporation of water in the front rows of pipes, because they are located closer to the firebox and are washed by hotter gases than the rear ones, as a result of which in the rear pipes located at the outlet of gases from the boiler the water is flowing not up, but down.

In order to prevent the flame from being drawn into the convective beam and to reduce entrainment losses (from mechanical incomplete combustion of fuel), the combustion chamber is divided by a partition into two parts: the firebox and the combustion chamber. The boiler partitions are designed in such a way that the flue gases wash the pipes with a cross current, which promotes heat transfer in the convective beam.

Table 1. Initial data

In addition to the specified parameters, the boiler unit DKVR - 2.5-13GM has the following characteristics:

table 2




Excess air coefficient in combustion chamber

Velocity of gases in a convective beam

Combustion chamber volume

Visible thermal stress of the combustion mirror

Radiation heating surface area

Temperature of gases at the outlet of the combustion chamber

Gas temperature behind the boiler

Water Economizer Heating Surface Area

Temperature of gases behind the economizer

Boiler design resistance

Grate area

Fuel consumption

Calculated boiler efficiency

1 Material balance of the combustion process

Table 1.1 - Fuel characteristics (Volynskoye GR)

In accordance with the data in Table 1.1, we calculate:

1. Theoretical amount of air required for complete combustion:

Vє B = 0.0889 (C p + 0.375 S p f + k) + 0.265 H p - 0.0333 O p;

Vє В = 0.0889 (55.5 + 0.375 · 2,6) + 0,265· 3,7 - 0,0333· 7.5 = 5.75 m 3 /kg;

2. Theoretical volume of nitrogen in combustion products:

Vє N = 0.79Vє in + 0.8;

Vє N = 5.75+ 0.8 · = 4.55 m 3 /kg;

3. Theoretical volume of water vapor:

Vє N O =0.111 · 3,7+0,0124· 10+0,0161· 5.75 = 0.62728 m 3 /kg;

4. Theoretical volume of triatomic gases:

V RO = = 1.0538 m 3 /kg;

Based on the table values, we accept the coefficient of excess air at the exit from the furnace t = H = 1.6. We select the values ​​of air suction according to table 3-4:

D 1kp = 0.05; D 2kp = 0.1; D eq = 0.1.

The excess air coefficient in front of each heating surface after the combustion chamber is calculated by adding to the corresponding air suctions, i.e.

The average coefficient of excess air in the heating surface flue is determined as

Actual volume of water vapor

V H O = Vє H O +0.0161 (-1) Vє V, m 3 /kg;

Total volume of combustion products

V G =V RO + Vє N + Vє N O + (-1) Vє V, m 3 /kg;

Volume fraction of triatomic gases

Volume fraction of water vapor

Total volume fraction

We substitute the given values ​​into the above formulas and enter all the calculation results into Table 1.2.

Table 1.2

Vє B = 5.75 m 3 /kg; Vє N 2 = 4.55 m 3 /kg; V RO = 1.0538 m 3 /kg; Vє N O = 0.62728 m 3 /kg

Calculated value

Enthalpy flue gases is defined as

where is the enthalpy of the theoretical volume of combustion products, which are a mixture of gases at temperature, is defined as

Accordingly, the enthalpy of 1 kg of triatomic gases, nitrogen and water vapor;

Temperature of combustion products;

The excess air coefficient after each heating surface after the combustion chamber is calculated by adding to the corresponding air suctions, i.e.

The enthalpy of the theoretical quantity of air required for combustion is given by

We substitute the given values ​​into the above formulas and enter all the calculation results into Table 1.3.

Table 1.3


We will display all calculated values ​​of the dependence of temperature on enthalpy in the I-T diagram:

Rice. 1 - I-and diagram

2. Boiler heat balance

When calculating a boiler unit, a heat balance is drawn up to determine the efficiency. gross and estimated fuel consumption. To find the values ​​of these quantities, we will compile a summary table 2.1, where we will enter all the parameters and formulas necessary to determine them.

Table 2.1

N 0 p/p

Determined value



Source of definition

Estimated available heat

Lower working heat of combustion of fuel

Table Design characteristics of some solid and liquid fuels

Physical heat of air

Q fw

Heat value of fuel

Table Dependence of the heat capacity of air on temperature

Heat loss from mechanical incomplete combustion

Table Design characteristics of layer fireboxes with pneumomechanical spreaders and a fixed grate

Heat loss from chemical underburning

Characteristics of the boiler unit

Heat loss with flue gases

Flue gas enthalpy

By flue gas temperature °C according to the diagram

Excess air coefficient in flue gases

Enthalpy of cold air

3. Calculation of heat transfer in the combustion chamber

When calculating the combustion chamber, the temperature of the combustion products at the exit from the combustion chamber and specific loads are determined grate and combustion volume with known values ​​of the volume of the combustion chamber, the degree of its shielding and area beam-receiving surfaces heating, as well as design characteristics screen pipes and convective surfaces heating (pipe diameter, distance between pipe axes s 1 and between rows s 2). We summarize the calculation in Table 3.1, where we find all the necessary characteristics of the combustion chamber.

Table 3.1

N 0 p/p

Determined value



Source of definition

Geometric characteristics of the combustion chamber

Combustion chamber volume

Geometric characteristics

According to the drawing and from the application

Surface area of ​​the combustion chamber and afterburning chamber

Temperature of combustion products at the furnace outlet

Let's ask in advance

Enthalpy of combustion products at the exit from the furnace

According to the temperature of combustion products at the exit from the furnace from the diagram

Heat release in the combustion chamber

Average thermal efficiency coefficient of screens

Screen angle

According to the nomogram, depending on the shape and mutual distribution. tel,

located in radiant heat exchange. together

Effective thickness of the radiating layer

Beam attenuation coefficient

Coefficient of attenuation of rays by triatomic gases

Volume fraction of water vapor

Table 1.2

Partial pressure of triatomic gases

Pressure in the combustion chamber of the boiler unit

Accepted for units operating without pressurization

Total volume fraction of triatomic gases

Table 1.2

Temperature of combustion products at the furnace outlet

Since the obtained value of the actual temperature at the outlet of the furnace °C according to formula 12 of Table 3.1 differs from the accepted value of 800 °C by less than 100 °C, we consider the calculation of the combustion chamber complete.

4. Calculation of heat transfer in convective heating surfaces When calculating convective heating surfaces, the heat balance equation and the heat transfer equation are used. The calculation is performed for 1 kg of fuel burned at normal conditions. We summarize the calculation in Tables 4.1.1 and 4.2.1, where we find all the necessary characteristics of convective heating surfaces. Table 4.1.1 Thermal calculation of the first convective beam

N 0 p/p

Determined value



Source of definition

Geometric characteristics of the 1st convective beam

Heating surface area

Convection beam heating surface area

From the characteristics of the boiler unit

According to drawing

Number of pipes located in the 1st convective bundle

According to drawing

According to drawing

According to drawing

Relative longitudinal

Relative lateral pitch

Pipe outer diameter

According to drawing

The actual temperature of the combustion products after the 1st convective beam is determined graphically using the graph below: Fig. 4.1.1 - Graphic definition design temperature combustion products after the 1st convective beam From the figure we found = 510 o C. Because is included in the range, then the calculation of the 1st convective beam is considered completed. Table 4.2.1 Thermal calculation of the second convective beam

N 0 p/p

Determined value



Source of definition

Geometric characteristics of the 2nd convective beam

Heating surface area

Convection beam heating surface area

From the characteristics of the boiler unit

Total number of pipes located in the flue

According to drawing

Number of pipes located in the 1st convective bundle

According to drawing

Boiler pipe spacing along the length of the boiler

According to drawing

Spacing of boiler pipes along the width of the boiler

According to drawing

Relative longitudinal

Relative lateral pitch

Pipe outer diameter

According to drawing

Live cross-section for the passage of combustion products

Flue size in design cross-section

According to drawing

The actual temperature of the combustion products after the 2nd convective beam is determined graphically using the graph below: Rice. 4.2.1. Graphic determination of the calculated temperature of combustion products after the 2nd convective beam. From the figure we found = 380 o S. Because is included in the range, then the calculation of the 2nd convective beam is considered complete. 5 . Thermal calculation of a water economizer

IN industrial boilers, operating at a steam pressure of up to 2.6 MPa and a steam capacity of up to 20 t/h, with developed convective surfaces, are often limited to installing only a cast-iron water economizer. For the boiler unit DKVR - 2.5-13GM, a water economizer of type EP-2-94 with VTI system pipes 2 m long is used. The characteristics of the pipes are given in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1 Table 5.2

N 0 p/p

Determined value



Source of definition

Thermal perception of water economizer

Enthalpy of gases before the economizer

According to the temperature of combustion products after the 2nd convective beam from the diagram = = 380°C

Enthalpy of gases after economizer

Based on flue gas temperature °C from the diagram

The amount of air suction in the economizer

Enthalpy of theoretical volume of air

Table 2.1

The economizer layout will look like this: Fig. 5.1. Economizer layout 6. Checking the heat balance When checking the heat balance, its discrepancy is determined, which should not exceed: So we can consider the calculation made correct. 7. Aerodynamic calculation of a boiler unit

The purpose of the aerodynamic calculation of a boiler installation is to select the necessary draft machines based on the determination of the draft and blowing systems and the pressure difference in the gas and air paths. For determining total pressure Let's find the resistance of transversely washed pipe bundles and local resistances, the calculation results of which will be entered in Table 7.1.

Table 7.1

N 0 p/p

Determined value



Source of definition

Resistance of cross-flushed bundles of smooth and finned tubes

Resistance of transversely washed bundles of smooth pipes of the 1st convective bundle

Estimated gas velocity

Average gas temperature in the 1st convective bundle


Reynolds number

According to the table, depending on = 686.55°C

Density of the flowing medium

Average mass composition of flue gases

Characteristics of flue gases

Resistance of transversely washed bundles of smooth pipes of the 2nd convective bundle

Estimated gas velocity

Average gas temperature in the 2nd convective beam

Resistance coefficient of a smooth-tube corridor bundle

Resistance coefficient related to one beam row

Reynolds number

Kinematic viscosity coefficient

According to the table, depending on = 445°C

Number of rows of pipes according to the depth of the bundle

According to the drawing of the boiler unit

Density of the flowing medium

Resistance of cross-flushed finned tube bundles of a water economizer

Resistance of one row of a corridor bundle of finned tubes

Correction for the equivalent diameter of the compressed cross section of the beam

According to schedule depending on

Correction for pipe length

According to schedule depending on

Correction for coefficient

According to schedule depending on

Correction for the number of rows of pipes


Number of rows of pipes according to the depth of the bundle

In our case

Resistance one row of corridors pipe bundle according to schedule

According to the schedule depending on = 7.95 m/s u = 257.5 OWITH

Estimated gas velocity

Defined above in table. 5.2 (formula 5)

Average gas temperature in water economizer

Defined previously

Local resistance

1st turn resistance

Estimated gas velocity

Density of the flowing medium

2nd and 3rd turn resistance

Estimated gas velocity

Local resistance coefficient

Density of the flowing medium

4th and 5th turn resistance

Estimated gas velocity

Local resistance coefficient

Accepted depending on the angle of rotation, in in this case 180

Density of the flowing medium

6th and 7th turn resistance

Estimated gas velocity

Local resistance coefficient

Accepted depending on the angle of rotation, in this case 180

Density of the flowing medium

8th Turn Resistance

Estimated gas velocity

Local resistance coefficient

Accepted depending on the angle of rotation, in this case 90

Density of the flowing medium

Furnace vacuum

We accept in the range of 20-30 Pa

Total resistance

8 . Selection of draft devices We select draft devices depending on the type of boiler, in our case DKVR - 2.5-13 (Table 8.19): Table 8.1 List of sources used 1 Esterkin R.I. Boiler installations. Coursework and diploma design. - M.: Energoatom - publishing house, 1989. 2 Aerodynamic calculation of boiler plants (standard method) / Ed. S.I. Močana. - L.: Energy, 1977. 3 Migutsky E.G. Boiler installations of industrial enterprises. Toolkit to implementation course project- M.: BNTU, 2007. 4 Roddatis K.F. Handbook of low-capacity boiler installations. - M.: Energoatomizdat, 1989. Posted on Similar documents

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DKVR boilers are double-drum, vertical-water-tube boilers designed to produce saturated or slightly superheated steam used for the technological needs of industrial enterprises, heating, ventilation and hot water supply systems.

The main technical characteristics of the DKVR-2.5-13GM boiler are given in the table.

RUB 1,550,000

Model specifications Boiler DKVR-2.5-13GM
Steam capacity, t/h2,5
Working pressure (excess) of steam at the outlet, MPa (kg/cm²)1,3 (13)
Temperature of superheated steam at the outlet, ˚С194
Temperature feed water, WITH100
Estimated efficiency (gas), %88
Estimated efficiency (fuel oil), %85
Estimated fuel consumption (gas), m³/h187
Estimated fuel consumption (fuel oil), m³/h177
Calculated heating surface of screens, m²16,7
Calculated beam heating surface, m²58
Total heating surface of the boiler, m²74,7
Superheater heating surface-
Boiler water volume, m³3,92
Boiler steam volume, m³1,5
Total number of convective bundle tubes, pcs.220
Dimensions of transportable unit, LxWxH, mm4180x2100x3983
Layout dimensions, LxWxH, mm5913x4300x5120
Boiler length, mm4120
Boiler width, mm3200
Boiler height (to the upper drum fitting), mm4343
Weight of transportable boiler block, kg4925
Boiler weight in the factory delivery volume, kg6890
Basic equipment assembled/looseBoiler block/placer, stairs, platforms, burner GMG-1.5 - 2 pcs.
Additional equipment:.
Smoke exhausterDN-9-1000
Box No. 1(Fittings for boiler DKVR-2.5-13GM)
Box No. 2(Safety devices for boiler DKVR-2.5-13GM)


The boilers have a shielded combustion chamber and a developed convective bundle of bent pipes. To eliminate the flame being drawn into the bundle and reduce losses with entrainment and chemical underburning, the combustion chamber of the DKVR-2.5-13GM boiler is divided by a fireclay partition into two parts: the combustion chamber itself and the afterburning chamber. A fireclay partition is also installed between the first and second rows of pipes in the boiler bundle of all boilers, separating the bundle from the afterburning chamber.

Inside the boiler bundle there is a cast-iron partition, which divides it into the first and second gas ducts and ensures a horizontal reversal of gases in the bundles during transverse flushing of the pipes.

The inlet of gases from the furnace into the afterburning chamber and the outlet of gases from the boiler are asymmetrical. If there is a superheater, some of the boiler pipes are not installed; steam superheaters are located in the first gas duct after the second or third rows of boiling pipes.

Water enters the pipes of the side screens simultaneously from the upper and lower drums, which increases the reliability of the boiler at low water levels and reduces sludge deposits in the upper drum. The boilers have two drums: the upper one is long and the lower one is short. The side screen pipes are flared in the upper drum. The lower ends of the screen pipes are welded to the collectors. Convective bundles of boilers are formed by vertical pipes flared in the upper and lower drums. In the water space of the upper drum there is one supply pipe and a continuous blowing fitting, in the lower drum there is a perforated pipe for periodic blowing. Additional pipes were introduced into the lower drum to heat the boiler with steam during lighting. For inspection of drums and installation of devices in them, as well as for cleaning pipes with rollers, there are oval holes on the bottoms measuring 325X400 mm.

Drums with an internal diameter of 1000 mm for a pressure of 1.3 and 2.3 MPa (13 and 23 kgf/cm2) are made of steel 09G2S GOST 19281 and have a wall thickness of 14 and 20 mm, respectively. Drums with an internal diameter of 960 mm for a pressure of 39 MPa (39 kgf/cm 2) are made of steel 20K GOST 5520 and have a wall thickness of 40 mm. Screens and boiler bundles of boilers are made of seamless steel pipes Ф 51 x 2.5 mm with a wall thickness of 2.5 mm. Pipe bends are made with a radius of 400 mm, at which cleaning the inner surface of the pipes with rollers is not difficult. The side screen pipes are installed with a pitch of 80 mm.

The screen chambers are made of pipes with a diameter of 219 mm with a wall thickness of 8 mm for boilers at a pressure of 1.3 MPa and 10 mm for a pressure of 2.3 MPa. To remove sludge deposits in the boilers, there are end hatches on the lower chambers of the screens; for periodic purging of the chambers there are fittings Ф 32 x 3 mm. Superheaters of boilers of the DKVR type, located in the first gas duct along the gas flow, are unified in profile for boilers of the same pressure and differ for boilers of different capacities only in the number of parallel coils. The superheaters are assembled from pipes with a diameter of 32 mm with a wall thickness of 3 mm, made of carbon steel 10. The chambers are made of pipes with a diameter of 133 mm with a wall thickness of 6 mm. The inlet ends of the superheater pipes are flared in the upper drum, the outlet ends are welded to the superheated steam chamber. The coils are spaced by cast iron combs. Single-pass steam superheaters provide superheated steam with parameters corresponding to GOST 3619-76 without the use of desuperheaters. The superheated steam chamber is attached to the upper drum; one support of this camera is fixed, and the other is movable. To be able to dismantle the superheater during repairs through side wall the outer tubes of the bundle in the area of ​​the superheater are located in increments of 150 mm, and the coils are located in uneven increments of 60 and 90 mm.

The boilers have the following circulation scheme: feed water enters the upper drum through two feed lines, from where it enters the lower drum through weakly heated convection beam pipes. The screens are powered by unheated pipes from the upper and lower drums. The steam-water mixture from the screens and lifting pipes of the bundle enters the upper drum.

The boiler separation device consists of packages of louvers and perforated sheets, ensuring steam quality in accordance with GOST 20995-75: the salt content of boiler water is up to 3000 mg/l for boilers without superheaters and up to 1500 mg/l for boilers with superheaters.

Separation devices of DKVR boilers are designed for rated operating pressure and a capacity of 150% of the nominal. As pressure decreases, steam quality may deteriorate.

In boilers without superheaters, the separation devices are located closer to the front of the boiler, in boilers with steam superheaters - at the rear of the drum.

DKVR boilers are equipped with stationary blowing devices with blowing pipes made of X25T or 1X18N12T steel. For blowing, saturated or superheated steam is used with a pressure in front of the nozzles of 0.7-1.7 MPa (7-17 kgf/cm2), compressed air can also be used.

Cleaning of screens and pipe bundles from ash deposits can also be carried out through blowing hatches using hand-held portable blowing devices.

The following fittings are installed on DKVR type boilers: safety valves, pressure gauges and three-way valves for them; level indicator frames with glass and locking devices level indicators; shut-off valves and check valves for boiler supply; shut-off valves for purging drums, screen chambers, power regulator and superheater; shut-off valves for saturated steam extraction (for boilers without superheaters); shut-off valves for extracting superheated steam (for boilers with superheaters); valves for draining water from the lower drum; shut-off valves on the chemical input line; Valves for steam sampling.

To service the gas ducts, a cast iron fitting is installed on the boilers. Numerous tests and long-term operating experience of a large number of DKVR boilers have confirmed their reliable operation at reduced temperatures compared to nominal pressure. The minimum permissible pressure (absolute) for the DKVR-2.5-13GM boiler is 0.7 MPa (7 kgf/cm2). At lower pressures, the humidity of the steam produced by boilers increases significantly, and when sulfur fuels are burned (Spr >0.2%), low-temperature corrosion is observed.

With a decrease in operating pressure, the efficiency of the boiler unit does not decrease, which is confirmed by comparative thermal calculations of boilers at nominal and reduced pressure. In boiler houses designed to produce saturated steam in the absence of strict requirements for its quality, the steam production of DKVR boilers at a pressure reduced to 0.7 MPa can be taken the same as at a pressure of 1.3 MPa (13 kgf/cm2). If the heat-using equipment connected to the boiler has a maximum operating pressure less than the above values, additional safety valves should be installed on it to protect this equipment. The boiler elements are designed for an operating pressure of 1.3 MPa (13 kgf/cm2), their safety is ensured by safety valves installed on the boiler.

When operating at reduced pressure, safety valves on the boiler and additional safety valves installed on heat-using equipment must be adjusted to the actual operating pressure.

With a decrease in pressure in boilers to 0.7 MPa, the equipment of boilers with economizers does not change, since in this case the underheating of water in feed economizers to the steam saturation temperature in the boiler is more than 20 ° C, which meets the requirements of Rostekhnadzor rules.

To complete the DKVR-2.5-13GM boiler when burning gas and fuel oil, two-zone vortex gas-oil burners of the GMG type are used (2 burners per boiler).

DKVR type boilers operating on fuel oil are equipped with cast iron economizers, when using only natural gas Steel economizers can be used to complete boilers.

Boilers with a capacity of 2.5 t/h are made in a low configuration and can be supplied in the form of one transportable block (without lining and insulation), or “in bulk” (assemblies, parts, packages, bundles). Masonry materials are not included in the delivery set.

Steam boiler DKVR-2.5-13 GM is a vertical water-tube boiler with a shielded combustion chamber and a boiler beam, which are made according to design diagram"D". Distinctive feature This scheme is the lateral location of the convective part of the boiler relative to the combustion chamber.

Basic equipment in bulk Boiler in bulk, stairs and platforms, burners GMG-1.5 - 2 pcs.
Basic kit assembled Boiler block, stairs and platforms, GMG-1.5 burners - 2 pcs.
Additional equipment Economizer BVES-I-2 or Cast iron economizer EB-2-94
Fan VDN-8m-1500
Smoke exhauster DN-9m-1000
Water indicators and fittings for the DKVR-2.5-13GM boiler

The design of the DKVR-2.5-13 GM boiler includes a shielded combustion chamber and a developed boiler bundle consisting of bent pipes. Combustion chamber of the boiler DKVR-2.5; DKVr-4; DKVR-6.5 is divided by a fireclay partition into two parts: its own firebox and an afterburning chamber. Thanks to this, the dragging of the flame into the beam is eliminated and losses due to entrainment and chemical underburning are reduced. A fireclay partition is also installed between the first and second row of tubes of the boiler bundle of all boilers, separating the bundle from the afterburning chamber. Inside the boiler bundle there is a cast-iron partition that divides the bundle into the first and second gas ducts and ensures a horizontal reversal of gases in the bundle during transverse flow of the pipes.

If a superheater is present, some of the boiler pipes are not installed; steam superheaters are located in the first gas duct after the second or third rows of boiling pipes. The boilers have two drums - upper (long) and lower (short) - and a pipe system. For inspection of drums and installation of devices in them, as well as for cleaning pipes with rollers, there are oval holes on the bottoms measuring 325x400 mm.

The boiler drums DKVR-2.5-13 GM, operating pressure 1.4 or 2.4 MPa, are made of steel 16GS, 09G2S, wall thickness 13 or 20 mm, respectively. Control product quality, is ensured through the provision of ultrasound diagnostics welds drum A passport is issued for the DKVR-2.5 13 GM boiler and a boiler number is assigned. All primary documentation for components (drums, pipe system, screen chamber, pipe fittings), certificates and permits for use issued by the boiler are entered into the boiler passport. Federal service on environmental, technological and nuclear supervision" with the application of ultrasonic inspection reports.

Screen and boiler bundles of the DKVR-2.5 13 GM boiler are made of seamless steel pipes Ø 51 mm, wall 2.5 mm. To remove sludge, the boilers have end hatches on the lower chambers of the screens; for periodic purging of the chambers there are fittings Ø 32x3 mm.

The superheaters of DKVR boilers, located in the first gas duct along the gas flow, are unified in profile for boilers of the same pressure and differ for boilers of different capacities only in the number of parallel coils. Superheaters - single-pass steam - provide the production of superheated steam without the use of desuperheaters. The superheated steam chamber is attached to the upper drum; one support of this chamber is made fixed, and the other - movable.

The DKVR-2.5 13 GM boiler has the following circulation scheme: feed water enters the upper drum through two feed lines, from where it enters the lower drum through weakly heated pipes of the convective bundle. The screens are powered by unheated pipes from the upper and lower drums. The front screen of the DKVR-10 boiler is fed with water from the sink pipes of the upper drum, the rear screen - from the sink pipes of the lower drum. The steam-water mixture from the screens and lifting pipes of the bundle enters the upper drum. All boilers in the upper drum are equipped with an intra-drum steam separation device to produce steam.

The DKVR 2.5 13 GM steam boiler, which can be supplied in one transportable unit and disassembled, has a welded support frame made of rolled steel. The DKVR-10-13 GM steam boiler does not have a support frame.

The fixed, rigidly fixed point of the boiler is the front support of the lower drum. The remaining supports of the lower drum and side screen chambers are sliding. The cameras of the front and rear screens are attached with brackets to the blower frame. The side screen cameras are attached to the support frame. The boiler is equipped with instrumentation and necessary fittings. The following fittings are installed on the DKVR-2.5-13 GM steam boiler: safety valves; pressure gauges and three-way valves for them; level indicator frames with Klinger glasses and level indicator locking devices; shut-off valves, control and

check valves

Numerous tests and long-term operating experience of a large number of DKVR boilers have confirmed their reliable operation at a lower pressure than the nominal pressure. The minimum permissible pressure (absolute) in the DKVr-2.5 13 GM boiler is 0.7 MPa (7 kgf/cm2). At lower pressures, the humidity of the steam produced by boilers increases significantly, and when sulfur fuels are burned (Spr > 0.2%), low-temperature corrosion is observed. With a decrease in operating pressure, the efficiency of the boiler unit does not decrease, which is confirmed by comparative thermal calculations of boilers at nominal and reduced pressure. The boiler elements are designed for an operating pressure of 1.4 MPa (14 kgf/cm2), the safety of their operation is ensured by safety valves installed on the boiler.

With a decrease in pressure in boilers to 0.7 MPa, the equipment of boilers with economizers does not change, since in this case the underheating of water in feed economizers to the steam saturation temperature in the boiler is more than 20 ° C, which meets the requirements of the Gosgortekhnadzor rules.

In the DKVR-2.5 13 GM boiler, when burning gas and fuel oil, two-zone vortex gas and oil burners of the GMG type are used (2 burners per boiler).

DKVR type boilers operating on fuel oil are equipped with cast iron economizers; when using only natural gas, steel economizers can be used to complete the boilers.

Index Meaning
Boiler type Steam
Type of design fuel Gas, Liquid fuel
Steam capacity, t/h 2,5
Operating (excess) coolant pressure at the outlet, MPa (kgf/cm) 1,3(13,0)
Steam outlet temperature, °C sat. 194
Feedwater temperature, °C 100
Estimated efficiency ( fuel gas), % 88
Estimated efficiency (liquid fuel), % 85
Estimated fuel consumption (gas fuel), kg/h (m3/h - for gas and liquid fuel) 187
Estimated fuel consumption (liquid fuel), kg/h (m3/h - for gas and liquid fuel) 177
Dimensions of transportable unit, LxBxH, mm 4180x2100x3983
Layout dimensions, LxBxH, mm 5913x4300x5120
Weight of the boiler without firebox (transportable boiler block), kg **4924,5 (4712)
Weight of the boiler without firebox (in the scope of factory delivery), kg 6886

Solid fuel steam boiler DKVR-2.5-13S is a two-drum, vertical water-tube boiler designed to produce saturated steam by burning hard and brown coal for the technological needs of industrial enterprises, heating, ventilation and hot water supply systems.

Explanation of the name of the boiler DKVR-2.5-13 S:
DKVR – boiler type (reconstructed double-drum water-tube boiler), 2.5 – steam output (t/h), 13 – absolute steam pressure (kgf/cm2), C – method of fuel combustion (layer combustion).

Price of the boiler assembly: 2,000,100 rubles

Bulk boiler price: 1,767,600 rubles

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Technical characteristics of the steam boiler DKVR-2.5-13S: No. Indicator name Value
1 Layout drawing number 00.8002.103
2 Boiler type Steam
3 Type of design fuel Hard and brown coal
4 Steam production, t/h 2.5
5 Operating (excess) coolant pressure at the outlet, MPa (kgf/cm2) 1,3 (13,0)
6 Steam outlet temperature, °C intense 194
7 Feedwater temperature, °C 100
8 Estimated efficiency, % 83
9 Estimated efficiency (2), % 80
10 Estimated fuel consumption, kg/h 284
11 Estimated fuel consumption (2), kg/h 565
12 Dimensions of transportable unit, LxBxH, mm 4180x 2100x 3983
13 Layout dimensions, LxBxH, mm 5810x 4300x 5120
14 Weight of transportable boiler block, kg 4925
15 Type of delivery Assembled or in bulk
Design and principle of operation of the DKVR-2.5-13S boiler

DKVR boilers are double-drum, vertical water-tube boilers with a shielded combustion chamber and a developed convective bundle of bent pipes. The combustion chamber of boilers with a capacity of up to 10 t/h inclusive is divided by a brick wall into the combustion chamber itself and the afterburning chamber, which allows increasing the efficiency of the boiler by reducing chemical underburning. The inlet of gases from the furnace into the afterburning chamber and the outlet of gases from the boiler are asymmetrical.

By installing one fireclay partition separating the afterburning chamber from the bundle and one cast iron partition forming two gas ducts, a horizontal reversal of gases is created in the bundles during transverse washing of the pipes. In boilers with a superheater, the pipes are placed in the first flue on the left side of the boiler.

Boiler drums for a pressure of 13 kgf/cm 2 are made of steel 16GS GOST 5520-69 and have an internal diameter of 1000 mm with a wall thickness of 13 mm. For inspection of drums and devices located in them, as well as for cleaning pipes, there are manholes on the rear bottoms; DKVR-6.5 and 10 boilers with a long drum also have a hole on the front bottom of the upper drum. In these boilers, with a pitch of screen pipes of 80 mm, the walls of the upper drum are well cooled by the flows of steam-water mixture coming out of the pipes of the side screens and the outer pipes of the convective beam, which was confirmed by special studies of the temperature of the drum wall at various drops in the water level, as well as long-term practice of operating several thousand boilers On the upper part of the upper drum, pipes are welded for installing safety valves, the main steam valve or gate valve, valves for sampling steam, and extracting steam for auxiliary needs (blowing).

There is a feed pipe in the water space of the upper drum, and separation devices in the steam volume. The lower drum contains a perforated pipe for purging, a device for heating the drum during lighting (for boilers with a capacity of 6.5 t/h and above) and a fitting for draining water. To monitor the water level in the upper drum, two level indicators are installed. On the front bottom of the upper drum there are two fittings D=32x3 mm for selecting water level pulses for automation. Screens and convection beams are made of seamless steel pipes D=51x2.5 mm. The side screens of all boilers have a pitch of 80 mm; the pitch of the rear and front screens is 80-130 mm.

Descent and steam exhaust pipes are welded to both the collectors and the drums (or to the fittings on the drums). When feeding the screens from the lower drum, to prevent sludge from entering them, the ends of the downpipes are brought out into top part drum The fireclay partition separating the afterburning chamber from the beam rests on a cast-iron support placed on the lower drum. The cast-iron partition between the first and second gas ducts is assembled with bolts from separate plates with preliminary coating of the joints with special putty or laying an asbestos cord impregnated liquid glass. The installation of this partition must be done very carefully, since if there are gaps, there may be a flow of gases from one flue to another in addition to the pipe bundle, which will lead to an increase in the temperature of the flue gases. The partition has a hole for the passage of a pipe from a stationary blower.

Screens and beams can be cleaned through hatches on the side walls using hand-held portable blowers at a steam pressure of no higher than 7-10 kgf/cm 2 .

The platforms are located in places necessary for servicing the boiler fittings and fittings.

Main boiler sites:

  • side platform for servicing water indicators;
  • side platform for servicing safety valves and shut-off valves on the boiler drum;
  • site on back wall boiler to maintain access to the upper drum during boiler repairs.
Stairs lead to the side landings, and a vertical ladder leads to the rear landing.

DKVR boilers can be manufactured in both light and heavy lining. The materials used for lining boilers and their approximate quantities are indicated in the table:

Materials for lining DKVR-2.5-13S boilers: Name Light lining Heavy lining
Brick ШБ-5 3500 pcs. 3500 pcs.
Red brick 1000 pcs. 9000 pcs.
Mertel 700 kg 700 kg
Fireclay powder 500 kg 1 t
Mineral wool (heat resistant) 1 t -
Cement 150 kg 450 kg
Asbestos sheet 6-8 mm 40 pcs. 40 pcs.
Cord asbestos D=20-30 mm 2 bays. 2 bays.
Liquid glass 50 kg 50 kg
Quarry clay - 1 t
Sand (expanded clay) - (0.5 t) 2.5 t (0.5 t)
Rolled metal (sheet 1.5-2 mm) 0.8 t -
Corner 50-63 150 m -
Channel 10-12 60 m -
Electrodes d=4-5 mm 40 kg -

When installing boilers in heavy lining, the walls are made with a thickness of 510 mm (two bricks) with the exception of the rear wall, which has a thickness of 380 mm (1.5 bricks). To reduce suction, the rear wall should be covered on the outside with a layer of plaster 20 mm thick. The heavy lining consists mainly of red brick. From fireclay bricks 125 mm thick walls facing the firebox are laid out in shielded areas and part of the walls in the area of ​​the first flue of the convective beam.

Preparing the DKVR boiler for operation
    Before lighting the boiler, you must carefully check:
  • water supply in the deaerator, serviceability of feed pumps and the presence of the required pressure in the feed line, power supply to automation panels and actuators;
  • the serviceability of the firebox and gas ducts, the absence of foreign objects in them. After inspecting the gas ducts, close the hatches and manholes tightly.
  • Preparing for kindling fuel devices produce according to the instructions of the furnace manufacturer:
  • the integrity of the protective lining of the drums, the presence and thickness of asbestos sheet in explosive safety devices;
  • the correct position and absence of jamming of the blower pipe, which should turn freely and easily by the flywheel. The nozzles must be installed so that their axes are symmetrical with respect to the gap between the rows convection pipes, the location of which is checked by shining through the hatches in the side walls of the lining;
  • serviceability of instrumentation, fittings, feeding devices, smoke exhausters and fans.

After checking the serviceability of the fittings, make sure that the purge valves of the boiler, screens, remote cyclones (for boilers with two-stage evaporation) and the economizer are tightly closed, and the superheater purge valve (if any) on the superheated steam manifold is open, the drain valves of the economizer and boiler are closed, boiler and economizer pressure gauges in working position, i.e. pressure gauge tubes are connected three-way valves with the medium in the drum and economizer, the water indicator glasses are on, the steam and water valves (taps) are open, and the purge valves are closed. The main steam shut-off valve and the steam valve for auxiliary needs are closed, the economizer vents are open. To release air from the boiler, open the steam sampling valve on the drum and at the sample cooler.

Fill the boiler with water at a temperature not lower than +5 0 C to the lowest mark of the water indicator glass. When filling the boiler, check the tightness of the hatches, flange connections, and the tightness of the fittings. If leaks appear in hatches or flanges, tighten them; if the leak is not eliminated, stop powering the boiler, drain the water and change the gaskets. After the water rises to the lower level of the water indicator glass, stop powering the boiler and check whether the water level in the glass is maintained. If it drops, you need to identify the cause, eliminate it, and then refill the boiler to the lowest level.

If the water level in the boiler rises while the feed valve is closed, which indicates that it is leaking, it is necessary to close the valve upstream. If the feed valve is significantly leaking, it is necessary to replace it with a serviceable one before starting the boiler. Check by switching on the serviceability of the main and emergency lighting, gas equipment of the boiler and the ignition protection device, fuel oil economy, correct assembly of burner nozzles.

The temperature of the fuel oil in front of the nozzle should be within 110-130 0 C. If the boiler is started after repairs, during which the boiler drums were opened, then before closing them, make sure that there is no dirt, rust, scale and foreign objects. Before installing new gaskets, thoroughly clean the abutment planes from remnants of old gaskets; When assembling, lubricate the gaskets and bolts with a mixture of graphite powder and oil to prevent burning. After inspection, rinse the boiler by filling it with water and draining it (water consumption and rinsing duration depend on the degree of contamination of the boiler).

Fire up the boiler

The boiler should be lit only if there is an order written in the shift log by the head (manager) of the boiler room or his deputy. The order must indicate the duration of filling the boiler with water and its temperature. It is advisable to fire boilers operating on solid fuel using natural draft. In this case, air is supplied through the doors of the front wall due to vacuum in the firebox. Boilers burning fuel oil and gas must be fired with the smoke exhauster and blower fan running, which are turned on with the guide vanes closed. Then open the guide vanes slightly. Ventilate the firebox for 5-10 minutes. After finishing ventilation, close the blower fan guide vane.

These boilers allow for quick lighting. The total duration of lighting a boiler in a cold state is about three hours. In this case, the heating and heating of the boiler before the pressure starts to rise must take at least 1.5 hours. The process of kindling and caring for the firebox should be carried out in accordance with the instructions for inspecting the combustion device. When steam appears during the kindling process, through the open valve at the sampling cooler, after displacing air from the upper boiler drum, it is necessary to close the valve of the sampling steam line on the boiler drum. From this point on, it is necessary to carefully monitor the pressure gauge reading and the water level in the water indicator glasses and, at a steam pressure of 0.05-0.1 MPa (0.5-1.0 kgf/cm2) using the pressure gauge, blow through the water indicator glasses and the siphon tube of the pressure gauge .

When blowing water indicator glasses:

  • open the purge valve - the glass is purged with steam and water;
  • close the water tap - steam is blown through the glass;
  • open the water tap, close the steam tap - the water pipe is blown out;
  • open the steam valve and close the purge valve. The water in the glass should rise quickly and fluctuate slightly at the water level mark in the boiler. If the level rises slowly, the water tap needs to be vented again.

From the beginning of kindling, for uniform heating, it is necessary to periodically blow through the lower drum. Blowing the boiler and subsequent replenishment will also replace the water in the economizer. It is necessary to monitor the temperature of the water, preventing it from boiling in the economizer. For boilers with steam superheaters, from the beginning of firing, it is necessary to open the superheater purge valve, which closes after connecting the boiler to the boiler room steam line. Monitor the increase in pressure in the boiler, adjusting the amount of fuel and air supplied in accordance with regime card boiler If hatches and flange connections were opened during a shutdown, then when the pressure in the boiler increases to 0.3 MPa (3 kgf/cm2), the nuts of the bolts of the corresponding connections should be tightened. At high pressure pair tightening of nuts and manholes is strictly PROHIBITED. Pull-ups are only allowed to be done by normal wrench in the presence of the person in charge of the boiler room. It is prohibited to blow on heating surfaces while lighting the boiler.

Putting the boiler into operation

The boiler is put into operation in accordance with the requirements of the production instructions. Before putting the boiler into operation, it is necessary to:

  • checking the proper operation of safety valves, water indicating devices, pressure gauges and feeding devices;
  • checking the readings of reduced level indicators using direct-acting level indicators;
  • checking and switching on security automation and automatic control equipment;
  • boiler purging.

It is prohibited to put into operation boilers with faulty fittings, feeding devices, safety automation and emergency protection and alarm systems.

When the pressure rises to 0.7-0.8 MPa (7-8 kgf/cm2) for boilers with a working pressure of 1.3 MPa (13 kgf/cm2), it is necessary to warm up the main steam line from the boiler to the collection manifold, for which :

  • fully open the drain valve at the end of the steam line of the collecting manifold and the bypass of the condensate trap;
  • slowly open the main steam shut-off valve on the boiler;
  • as the steam line warms up, gradually increase the opening value of the main steam shut-off valve on the boiler; By the end of the main steam line warming up, the steam shut-off valve on the boiler must be completely open.

When warming up, monitor the serviceability of the steam line, compensators, supports and hangers, as well as the uniform movement of the steam line. If vibration or sudden shocks occur, stop warming up until the defects are eliminated. When the boiler is connected to a steam line that is in operation, the pressure in the boiler must be equal to or slightly lower (not more than 0.05 MPa (0.5 kgf/cm2)) the pressure in the steam line. As the boiler load increases, the superheater blowdown decreases.

Stopping the boiler

Stopping the boiler in all cases, except for an emergency stop, should be carried out only upon receipt of a written order from the administration.

When stopping the boiler you must:

  • maintain the water level in the boiler above the average operating position;
  • stop supplying fuel to the firebox;
  • blow out the water indicator glasses;
  • turn off the phosphate input, stop continuous blowing;
  • disconnect the boiler from the steam lines after combustion in the furnace has completely stopped and steam extraction has stopped, and if there is a superheater, open the purge.
If, after disconnecting the boiler from the steam line, the pressure in the boiler increases, the blowing of the superheater boiler should be increased; it is also allowed to blow out the boiler and fill it with water.

When stopping a boiler operating on solid fuel, you should:

  • Having partially covered the draft and blast gates, burn out the remaining fuel on the grate. Do not add fresh fuel to the burning fuel or fill it with water.
  • turn on the fan and close the damper behind the boiler;
  • clean the firebox and bunkers;
  • turn off the smoke exhauster, close the smoke damper, combustion and ash doors (with a mechanical firebox, completely stop the draft after the grate has cooled).

When stopping a boiler operating on gas, stop the gas supply and then the air supply; after all burners are turned off, the boiler gas pipeline must be disconnected from the common main, the purge plug at the outlet must be open, and the firebox, gas ducts and air ducts must be ventilated. When stopping a boiler running on fuel oil, close the fuel oil supply, stop the supply of steam or air to the nozzle (for steam or air sawing); Turn off individual injectors sequentially, reducing blast and draft. After this, ventilate the firebox and flues.

After stopping the fuel supply, it is necessary to blow out the water indicator glasses, turn off the phosphate input and stop continuous blowing, disconnecting the boiler from the main steam line and the auxiliary line, it is necessary to recharge it until top level on the glass, and then stop supplying water to it. In the future, as the level drops, periodically recharge the boiler. The water level in the drum must be monitored as long as there is pressure in the boiler. Cool the boiler slowly due to natural cooling: keep doors, peepholes, and hatches closed. If the boiler is stopped for repairs, after 3-4 hours you can open the doors and manholes of the gas ducts and the gate behind the boiler. The driver (stoker) can leave the boiler only when the pressure in it drops to zero, making sure that the pressure does not rise within 0.5 hours (due to the heat accumulated by the lining).

It is prohibited to drain water from the boiler without the order of the person in charge of the boiler room. Drain the water only after the pressure drops to zero, the water temperature drops to 70-80 0 C and the masonry cools down. Descent slowly and with the safety valve raised. Before placing the boiler for dry preservation, all internal surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned of deposits. The boiler is securely disconnected from all pipelines using plugs. Dry the internal surfaces of the boiler by passing hot air through it. At the same time, open the drain valve on the superheated steam collector (to remove the remaining water in it) and the safety valve on the drum (to remove water vapor).

Emergency stop of the DKVR boiler

In emergency cases, maintenance personnel are obliged to immediately stop the boiler and report this to the head (manager) of the boiler room or the person replacing him in cases provided for by the Rules (the reasons for the emergency stop of the boiler must be recorded in the shift log).

The boiler must be stopped immediately in the following cases:

  • when screen or convective pipes rupture;
  • upon refusal of all nutritional devices;
  • when all water indicating devices fail;
  • in case of failure of the safety valves;
  • if the steam line or the steam valve on it is damaged;
  • if the pressure gauge is damaged and it is impossible to replace it;
  • when water is released from the water indicator glass, i.e. lack of level in it;
  • when the boiler is overfilled with water, if the water level has risen above the upper edge of the water indicator glass;
  • if the pressure in the boiler rises above normal and continues to rise, despite a decrease in draft and blast and increased feeding of the boiler;
  • in case of a crack in the lining that threatens a collapse;
  • when burning entrainment or soot in flues;
  • if the boiler operation is noticed strange phenomena(noise, blows, knocking);
  • if there is an immediate threat to the boiler from a fire in the premises;
  • in case of explosions in the combustion chamber or gas ducts;
  • in case of damage to gas pipelines or gas fittings;
  • when there is a power outage.

The boiler is stopped quickly: the supply of fuel and air to the firebox is stopped and the heat is removed from the firebox (with solid fuel). When the furnace operation is stopped, it is necessary to slightly open the superheater purge and disconnect the boiler from the steam line. Maintain a slight vacuum in the firebox until the masonry cools.

In the event of an emergency stop of the boiler, you must:

  • stop the supply of fuel and air, sharply reduce traction;
  • remove burning fuel from the firebox as quickly as possible; in exceptional cases, if it is impossible to do this, fill the burning fuel with water;
  • after combustion in the firebox stops, open the smoke damper for a while;
  • disconnect the boiler from the main steam line;
  • release steam through raised safety valves, except in cases of over-watering of the boiler or termination of all feeding devices.

If the boiler stops after losing water, refilling the boiler with water is strictly prohibited.

When the water level in the boiler drops below the lower indicator and the pressure in the boiler and supply line is normal, you must:

  • blow through the water indicator glasses and make sure their readings are correct;
  • check the operation of the feed pump and, if it malfunctions, turn on the backup feed pump;
  • close the continuous blowdown valve and check the tightness of all boiler blowdown valves;
  • check for leaks in seams, pipes, hatches.

If the water level in the boiler rises above the upper indicator and the pressure in the boiler and supply line is normal, blow out the water indicator glasses and make sure their readings are correct; identify the cause of the increase in level and eliminate it.

If the water level, despite the measures taken, continues to rise, then it is necessary:

  • stop eating;
  • carefully open the purge valves of the lower drum, monitor the water level and, after it decreases, close the purge valves;
  • open the drain of the superheater and the main steam line.

If the water level has gone beyond the upper edge of the water indicator glass, then you should:

  • stop the fuel supply, stop the fans and the smoke exhauster (close the damper behind the boiler);
  • Blow out the boiler, watch for the level to appear in the glass.

When a level appears in the glass, stop blowing, turn on the fuel supply, smoke exhauster and fan; find out the reason for the overwatering of the boiler and write it down in the log.

When water boils (foams) in the boiler, which is detected by sharp fluctuations in the level or a rise in the level above the upper edge of the water indicator glass with a simultaneous sharp decrease in the temperature of the superheated steam, it is necessary:

  • stop the fuel supply, stop the fan and smoke exhauster (close the damper behind the boiler);
  • open the boiler purge and the superheater drain;
  • stop the introduction of phosphates and other chemicals, if they were being carried out at that time;
  • take samples of boiler water and then act as directed by the shift supervisor.

Boiling of water can occur:

  • with a sharp increase in steam consumption and a decrease in pressure in the boiler;
  • increasing the salt content or alkalinity of boiler water;
  • supplying large quantities of chemicals to the boiler.
Boiling can be accompanied by “throws” of water and foam into the steam pipeline and superheater, steaming of fittings, hydraulic shocks and piercing of gaskets in flanges.

When convective or screen pipes rupture, it can be detected by the following phenomena:

  • noise of flowing steam-water mixture in the firebox and flues;
  • emission of flames or cans through combustion holes(doors, hatches, peepholes);
  • lowering the level in the water indicator glass;
  • pressure drop in the boiler.

If a convective or screen pipe ruptures, accompanied by a decrease in the level in the water indicator glass:

  • stop the fuel supply, stop the fans;
  • if the level in the water indicator glasses remains visible, then start the backup feed pump, turn off the power supply and switch to manual control; if the water level goes beyond the lower edge of the water indicator glass, stop feeding;
  • close the steam shut-off valves on the boiler and the main steam line and open the drain valve of the main steam line;
  • Stop the smoke exhauster after the main amount of steam leaves the boiler.

If the superheater pipes are damaged, the following is observed:

  • the noise of steam coming out of the pipe in the area of ​​the superheater flue;
  • knocking out gases and steam through leaks in the lining.

If the superheater pipes are damaged, stop the boiler for repairs.

If the lining is damaged:

  • bricks fall out;
  • the casing and frame of the boiler or furnace heat up;
  • air suction increases due to leaks in the lining.
If damage to the lining is caused by heating of the middle beam of the support frame in DKVR-2.5 boilers; 4 and 6.5 and the load-bearing frame for DKVr-10 boilers; 20, then the boiler should be stopped.

When the boiler stops due to soot fire or fuel carryover in the economizer, steam superheater or flue ducts, immediately stop the supply of fuel and air to the furnace, stop draft, stop smoke exhausters and fans and completely close the air and gas dampers. If possible, fill the flue with steam and ventilate the firebox after combustion has stopped. In the event of a fire in the boiler room, personnel must immediately call the fire department and take all measures to extinguish it, without stopping monitoring the boiler. If a fire threatens the boilers and it is impossible to extinguish it quickly, stop the boilers in an emergency, intensively feeding them with water and releasing steam into the atmosphere (outside the room).

Transportation of the DKVR boiler Delivery of DKVR boilers is carried out assembled in a transportable block on a support frame without lining and plating or “in bulk”. When boilers are delivered in bulk, small units and parts are packaged in a box, and larger ones are collected in separate bags or bundles. Boilers can be transported by rail, road and water transport. Transportation by railway carried out on open platforms. To transport boilers by road, trailers of appropriate load capacity are used, having the necessary conditions for secure fastening of blocks. There are special load brackets on the boiler block for slinging and rigging. Slinging onto other parts of the boiler is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.

Steam boiler DKVR-2.5-13 GM is a vertical water-tube steam boiler with a shielded combustion chamber and a boiler beam, made according to the design diagram “D”, characteristic feature which is the lateral location of the convective part of the boiler relative to the combustion chamber.

Explanation of the name of the boiler DKVR-2.5-13 GM:
DKVR - boiler type (reconstructed double-drum water-tube boiler), 2.5 - steam output (t/h), 13 - absolute steam pressure (kgf/cm2), GM - boiler for burning gaseous fuel / liquid fuel (diesel and heating household fuel , fuel oil, oil).

Price of the boiler assembly: 1,790,100 rubles

Bulk boiler price: 1,581,200 rubles

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Technical characteristics of the steam boiler DKVR-2.5-13GM: No. Indicator name Value
1 Layout drawing number 00.8022.101
2 Boiler type Steam
3 Type of design fuel Gas, liquid fuel
4 Steam production, t/h 2.5
5 Operating (excess) coolant pressure at the outlet, MPa (kgf/cm2) 1,3 (13,0)
6 Steam outlet temperature, °C intense 194
7 Feedwater temperature, °C 100
8 Estimated efficiency, % 88
9 Estimated efficiency (2), % 85
10 Estimated fuel consumption, kg/h 187
11 Estimated fuel consumption (2), kg/h 177
12 Dimensions of transportable unit, LxBxH, mm 4180x 2100x 3983
13 Layout dimensions, LxBxH, mm 5913x 4300x 5120
14 Type of delivery Assembled or in bulk
Design and principle of operation of the DKVR-2.5-13GM boiler

DKVR boilers are double-drum, vertical water-tube boilers with a shielded combustion chamber and a developed convective bundle of bent pipes. The combustion chamber of boilers with a capacity of up to 10 t/h inclusive is divided by a brick wall into the combustion chamber itself and the afterburning chamber, which allows increasing the efficiency of the boiler by reducing chemical underburning. The inlet of gases from the furnace into the afterburning chamber and the outlet of gases from the boiler are asymmetrical.

By installing one fireclay partition separating the afterburning chamber from the bundle and one cast iron partition forming two gas ducts, a horizontal reversal of gases is created in the bundles during transverse washing of the pipes. In boilers with a superheater, the pipes are placed in the first flue on the left side of the boiler.

Boiler drums for a pressure of 13 kgf/cm 2 are made of steel 16GS GOST 5520-69 and have an internal diameter of 1000 mm with a thickness of 13 mm. For inspection of drums and devices located in them, as well as for cleaning pipes, there are manholes on the rear bottoms; DKVR-6.5 and 10 boilers with a long drum also have a hole on the front bottom of the upper drum. In these boilers, with a pitch of screen pipes of 80 mm, the walls of the upper drum are well cooled by the flows of steam-water mixture coming out of the pipes of the side screens and the outer pipes of the convective beam, which was confirmed by special studies of the temperature of the drum wall at various drops in the water level, as well as long-term practice of operating several thousand boilers On the upper part of the upper drum, pipes are welded for installing safety valves, the main steam valve or gate valve, valves for sampling steam, and extracting steam for auxiliary needs (blowing).

There is a feed pipe in the water space of the upper drum, and separation devices in the steam volume. The lower drum contains a perforated pipe for purging, a device for heating the drum during lighting (for boilers with a capacity of 6.5 t/h and above) and a fitting for draining water. To monitor the water level in the upper drum, two level indicators are installed. On the front bottom of the upper drum there are two fittings D=32x3 mm for selecting water level pulses for automation. Screens and convection beams are made of seamless steel pipes D=51x2.5 mm. The side screens of all boilers have a pitch of 80 mm; the pitch of the rear and front screens is 80-130 mm.

Descent and steam exhaust pipes are welded to both the collectors and the drums (or to the fittings on the drums). When feeding the screens from the lower drum, to prevent sludge from entering them, the ends of the downpipes are brought to the upper part of the drum. The fireclay partition separating the afterburning chamber from the beam rests on a cast-iron support placed on the lower drum. The cast-iron partition between the first and second gas ducts is assembled with bolts from separate plates with preliminary coating of the joints with a special putty or laying an asbestos cord impregnated with liquid glass. The installation of this partition must be done very carefully, since if there are gaps, there may be a flow of gases from one flue to another in addition to the pipe bundle, which will lead to an increase in the temperature of the flue gases. The partition has a hole for the passage of a pipe from a stationary blower.

Screens and beams can be cleaned through hatches on the side walls using hand-held portable blowers at a steam pressure of no higher than 7-10 kgf/cm 2 .

The platforms are located in places necessary for servicing the boiler fittings and fittings.

Main boiler sites:

  • side platform for servicing water indicators;
  • side platform for servicing safety valves and shut-off valves on the boiler drum;
  • platform on the rear wall of the boiler for maintaining access to the upper drum during boiler repairs.
Stairs lead to the side landings, and a vertical ladder leads to the rear landing.

DKVR boilers can be manufactured in both light and heavy lining. The materials used for lining boilers and their approximate quantities are indicated in the table:

Materials for lining boilers DKVR-2.5-13GM: Name Light lining Heavy lining
Brick ШБ-5 5000 pcs. 5000 pcs.
Red brick 1000 pcs. 9000 pcs.
Mertel 700 kg 700 kg
Fireclay powder 500 kg 1 t
Mineral wool (heat resistant) 1 t -
Cement 150 kg 450 kg
Asbestos sheet 6-8 mm 40 pcs. 40 pcs.
Cord asbestos D=20-30 mm 2 bays. 2 bays.
Liquid glass 50 kg 50 kg
Quarry clay - 1 t
Sand (expanded clay) - (0.5 t) 2.5 t (0.5 t)
Rolled metal (sheet 1.5-2 mm) 0.8 t -
Corner 50-63 150 m -
Channel 10-12 60 m -
Electrodes d=4-5 mm 40 kg -

When installing boilers in heavy lining, the walls are made with a thickness of 510 mm (two bricks) with the exception of the rear wall, which has a thickness of 380 mm (1.5 bricks). To reduce suction, the rear wall should be covered on the outside with a layer of plaster 20 mm thick. The heavy lining consists mainly of red brick. Fireclay bricks are used to lay 125 mm thick walls facing the firebox in shielded areas and part of the walls in the area of ​​the first flue of the convective beam.

Preparing the DKVR boiler for operation
    Before lighting the boiler, you must carefully check:
  • water supply in the deaerator, serviceability of feed pumps and the presence of the required pressure in the feed line, power supply to automation panels and actuators;
  • serviceability of the combustion chamber and gas ducts, absence of foreign objects in them. After inspecting the gas ducts, close the hatches and manholes tightly.
  • Prepare for lighting fuel devices according to the manufacturer’s instructions:
  • the integrity of the protective lining of the drums, the presence and thickness of asbestos sheet in explosive safety devices;
  • the correct position and absence of jamming of the blower pipe, which should turn freely and easily by the flywheel. The nozzles must be installed so that their axes are symmetrical with respect to the gap between the rows of convective pipes, the location of which is checked by looking through the hatches in the side walls of the lining;
  • serviceability of instrumentation, fittings, feeding devices, smoke exhausters and fans.

After checking the serviceability of the fittings, make sure that the purge valves of the boiler, screens, remote cyclones (for boilers with two-stage evaporation) and the economizer are tightly closed, and the superheater purge valve (if any) on the superheated steam manifold is open, the economizer and boiler drain valves are closed, boiler and economizer pressure gauges are in working position, i.e., pressure gauge tubes are connected by three-way valves to the medium in the drum and economizer, water indicator glasses are turned on, steam and water valves (taps) are open, and purge valves are closed. The main steam shut-off valve and the steam valve for auxiliary needs are closed, the economizer vents are open. To release air from the boiler, open the steam sampling valve on the drum and at the sample cooler.

Fill the boiler with water at a temperature not lower than +5 0 C to the lowest mark of the water indicator glass. When filling the boiler, check the tightness of the hatches, flange connections, and the tightness of the fittings. If leaks appear in hatches or flanges, tighten them; if the leak is not eliminated, stop powering the boiler, drain the water and change the gaskets. After the water rises to the lower level of the water indicator glass, stop powering the boiler and check whether the water level in the glass is maintained. If it drops, you need to identify the cause, eliminate it, and then refill the boiler to the lowest level.

If the water level in the boiler rises while the feed valve is closed, which indicates that it is leaking, it is necessary to close the valve upstream. If the feed valve is significantly leaking, it is necessary to replace it with a serviceable one before starting the boiler. Check by switching on the serviceability of the main and emergency lighting, the gas equipment of the boiler and the ignition protection device, the fuel oil system, and the correct assembly of the burner nozzles.

The temperature of the fuel oil in front of the nozzle should be within 110-130 0 C. If the boiler is started after repairs, during which the boiler drums were opened, then before closing them, make sure that there is no dirt, rust, scale and foreign objects. Before installing new gaskets, thoroughly clean the abutment planes from remnants of old gaskets; When assembling, lubricate the gaskets and bolts with a mixture of graphite powder and oil to prevent burning. After inspection, rinse the boiler by filling it with water and draining it (water consumption and rinsing duration depend on the degree of contamination of the boiler).

Fire up the boiler

The boiler should be lit only if there is an order written in the shift log by the head (manager) of the boiler room or his deputy. The order must indicate the duration of filling the boiler with water and its temperature. Boilers burning fuel oil and gas must be fired with the smoke exhauster and blower fan running, which are turned on with the guide vanes closed. Then open the guide vanes slightly. Ventilate the firebox for 5-10 minutes. After finishing ventilation, close the blower fan guide vane.

When blowing water indicator glasses:

  • open the purge valve - the glass is purged with steam and water;
  • close the water tap - steam is blown through the glass;
  • open the water tap, close the steam tap - the water pipe is blown out;
  • open the steam valve and close the purge valve. The water in the glass should rise quickly and fluctuate slightly at the water level mark in the boiler. If the level rises slowly, the water tap needs to be vented again.
Putting the boiler into operation

The boiler is put into operation in accordance with the requirements of the production instructions. Before putting the boiler into operation, it is necessary to:

  • checking the proper operation of safety valves, water indicating devices, pressure gauges and feeding devices;
  • checking the readings of reduced level indicators using direct-acting level indicators;
  • checking and switching on security automation and automatic control equipment;
  • boiler purging.

It is prohibited to put into operation boilers with faulty fittings, feeding devices, safety automation and emergency protection and alarm systems.

When the pressure rises to 0.7-0.8 MPa (7-8 kgf/cm2) for boilers with a working pressure of 1.3 MPa (13 kgf/cm2), it is necessary to warm up the main steam line from the boiler to the collection manifold, for which :

  • fully open the drain valve at the end of the steam line of the collecting manifold and the bypass of the condensate trap;
  • slowly open the main steam shut-off valve on the boiler;
  • as the steam line warms up, gradually increase the opening value of the main steam shut-off valve on the boiler; By the end of the main steam line warming up, the steam shut-off valve on the boiler must be completely open.

When warming up, monitor the serviceability of the steam line, compensators, supports and hangers, as well as the uniform movement of the steam line. If vibration or sudden shocks occur, stop warming up until the defects are eliminated. When the boiler is connected to a steam line that is in operation, the pressure in the boiler must be equal to or slightly lower (not more than 0.05 MPa (0.5 kgf/cm2)) the pressure in the steam line. As the boiler load increases, the superheater blowdown decreases.

Stopping the boiler

Stopping the boiler in all cases, except for an emergency stop, should be carried out only upon receipt of a written order from the administration.

When stopping the boiler you must:

  • maintain the water level in the boiler above the average operating position;
  • blow out the water indicator glasses;
  • turn off the phosphate input, stop continuous blowing;
  • disconnect the boiler from the steam lines after combustion has completely stopped and steam extraction has stopped, and if there is a superheater, open the purge.
If, after disconnecting the boiler from the steam line, the pressure in the boiler increases, the blowing of the superheater boiler should be increased; it is also allowed to blow out the boiler and fill it with water.

When stopping a boiler operating on gas, stop the gas supply and then the air supply; after all burners are turned off, the boiler gas pipeline must be disconnected from the common main, the purge plug at the outlet must be open, and the firebox, gas ducts and air ducts must be ventilated. When stopping a boiler running on fuel oil, close the fuel oil supply, stop the supply of steam or air to the nozzle (for steam or air sawing); Turn off individual injectors sequentially, reducing blast and draft. After this, ventilate the firebox and flues.

After stopping the fuel supply, it is necessary to blow out the water indicator glasses, turn off the phosphate input and stop continuous blowing by disconnecting the boiler from the main steam line and the auxiliary line, it is necessary to feed it to the highest level on the glass, and then stop supplying water to it. In the future, as the level drops, periodically recharge the boiler. The water level in the drum must be monitored as long as there is pressure in the boiler. Cool the boiler slowly due to natural cooling: keep doors, peepholes, and hatches closed. If the boiler is stopped for repairs, after 3-4 hours you can open the doors and manholes of the gas ducts and the gate behind the boiler. The driver (stoker) can leave the boiler only when the pressure in it drops to zero, making sure that the pressure does not rise within 0.5 hours (due to the heat accumulated by the lining).

It is prohibited to drain water from the boiler without the order of the person in charge of the boiler room. Drain the water only after the pressure drops to zero, the water temperature drops to 70-80 0 C and the masonry cools down. Descent slowly and with the safety valve raised. Before placing the boiler for dry preservation, all internal surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned of deposits. The boiler is securely disconnected from all pipelines using plugs. Dry the internal surfaces of the boiler by passing hot air through it. At the same time, open the drain valve on the superheated steam collector (to remove the remaining water in it) and the safety valve on the drum (to remove water vapor).

Emergency stop of the DKVR boiler

In emergency cases, maintenance personnel are obliged to immediately stop the boiler and report this to the head (manager) of the boiler room or the person replacing him in cases provided for by the Rules (the reasons for the emergency stop of the boiler must be recorded in the shift log).

The boiler must be stopped immediately in the following cases:

  • when screen or convective pipes rupture;
  • upon refusal of all nutritional devices;
  • when all water indicating devices fail;
  • in case of failure of the safety valves;
  • if the steam line or the steam valve on it is damaged;
  • if the pressure gauge is damaged and it is impossible to replace it;
  • when water is released from the water indicator glass, i.e. lack of level in it;
  • when the boiler is overfilled with water, if the water level has risen above the upper edge of the water indicator glass;
  • if the pressure in the boiler rises above normal and continues to rise, despite a decrease in draft and blast and increased feeding of the boiler;
  • in case of a crack in the lining that threatens a collapse;
  • when burning entrainment or soot in flues;
  • if strange phenomena are noticed in the operation of the boiler (noise, impacts, knocking);
  • if there is an immediate threat to the boiler from a fire in the premises;
  • in case of explosions in the combustion chamber or gas ducts;
  • in case of damage to gas pipelines or gas fittings;
  • when there is a power outage.

In the event of an emergency stop of the boiler, you must:

  • stop the supply of fuel and air, sharply reduce traction;
  • after combustion in the firebox stops, open the smoke damper for a while;
  • disconnect the boiler from the main steam line;
  • release steam through raised safety valves, except in cases of over-watering of the boiler or termination of all feeding devices.

If the boiler stops after losing water, refilling the boiler with water is strictly prohibited.

When the water level in the boiler drops below the lower indicator and the pressure in the boiler and supply line is normal, you must:

  • blow through the water indicator glasses and make sure their readings are correct;
  • check the operation of the feed pump and, if it malfunctions, turn on the backup feed pump;
  • close the continuous blowdown valve and check the tightness of all boiler blowdown valves;
  • check for leaks in seams, pipes, hatches.

If the water level in the boiler rises above the upper indicator and the pressure in the boiler and supply line is normal, blow out the water indicator glasses and make sure their readings are correct; identify the cause of the increase in level and eliminate it.

If the water level, despite the measures taken, continues to rise, then it is necessary:

  • stop eating;
  • carefully open the purge valves of the lower drum, monitor the water level and, after it decreases, close the purge valves;
  • open the drain of the superheater and the main steam line.

If the water level has gone beyond the upper edge of the water indicator glass, then you should:

  • stop the fuel supply, stop the fans and the smoke exhauster (close the damper behind the boiler);
  • Blow out the boiler, watch for the level to appear in the glass.

When a level appears in the glass, stop blowing, turn on the fuel supply, smoke exhauster and fan; find out the reason for the overwatering of the boiler and write it down in the log.

When water boils (foams) in the boiler, which is detected by sharp fluctuations in the level or a rise in the level above the upper edge of the water indicator glass with a simultaneous sharp decrease in the temperature of the superheated steam, it is necessary:

  • stop the fuel supply, stop the fan and smoke exhauster (close the damper behind the boiler);
  • open the boiler purge and the superheater drain;
  • stop the introduction of phosphates and other chemicals, if they were being carried out at that time;
  • take samples of boiler water and then act as directed by the shift supervisor.

Boiling of water can occur:

  • with a sharp increase in steam consumption and a decrease in pressure in the boiler;
  • increasing the salt content or alkalinity of boiler water;
  • supplying large quantities of chemicals to the boiler.
Boiling can be accompanied by “throws” of water and foam into the steam pipeline and superheater, steaming of fittings, hydraulic shocks and piercing of gaskets in flanges.

When convective or screen pipes rupture, it can be detected by the following phenomena:

  • noise of flowing steam-water mixture in the firebox and flues;
  • ejection of flames or cans through combustion openings (doors, hatches, peepholes);
  • lowering the level in the water indicator glass;
  • pressure drop in the boiler.

If a convective or screen pipe ruptures, accompanied by a decrease in the level in the water indicator glass:

  • stop the fuel supply, stop the fans;
  • if the level in the water indicator glasses remains visible, then start the backup feed pump, turn off the power supply and switch to manual control; if the water level goes beyond the lower edge of the water indicator glass, stop feeding;
  • close the steam shut-off valves on the boiler and the main steam line and open the drain valve of the main steam line;
  • Stop the smoke exhauster after the main amount of steam leaves the boiler.

If the superheater pipes are damaged, the following is observed:

  • the noise of steam coming out of the pipe in the area of ​​the superheater flue;
  • knocking out gases and steam through leaks in the lining.

If the superheater pipes are damaged, stop the boiler for repairs.

If the lining is damaged:

  • bricks fall out;
  • the casing and frame of the boiler or furnace heat up;
  • air suction increases due to leaks in the lining.
If damage to the lining is caused by heating of the middle beam of the support frame in DKVR-2.5 boilers; 4 and 6.5 and the load-bearing frame for DKVr-10 boilers; 20, then the boiler should be stopped. Transportation of the DKVR boiler Delivery of DKVR boilers is carried out assembled in a transportable block on a support frame without lining and plating or “in bulk”. When boilers are delivered in bulk, small units and parts are packaged in a box, and larger ones are collected in separate bags or bundles. Boilers can be transported by rail, road and water transport. Transportation by rail is carried out on open platforms. To transport boilers by road, trailers of appropriate load capacity are used, which have the necessary conditions for reliable fastening of the blocks. There are special load brackets on the boiler block for slinging and rigging. Slinging onto other parts of the boiler is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.

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