Phenomenon electromagnetic induction used primarily to convert mechanical energy into energy electric current. For this purpose they are used generators alternating current (induction generators).

The simplest alternating current generator is a wire frame rotating uniformly with angular velocity w=const in a uniform magnetic field with induction IN(Fig. 4.5). Magnetic induction flux penetrating a frame with an area S, is equal

When the frame rotates uniformly, the rotation angle , where is the rotation frequency. Then

According to the law of electromagnetic induction, the EMF induced in the frame of its rotation is

If you connect a load (electricity consumer) to the frame clamps using a brush-contact device, then alternating current will flow through it.
For industrial production electricity for power stations are used synchronous generators(turbogenerators, if the station is thermal or nuclear, and hydrogenerators, if the station is hydraulic). The stationary part of a synchronous generator is called stator, and rotating – rotor(Fig. 4.6). The generator rotor has a winding direct current(excitation winding) and is a powerful electromagnet. Direct current supplied to the field winding through a brush-contact apparatus magnetizes the rotor, and an electromagnet with north and south poles is formed.
There are three alternating current windings located on the generator stator, which are shifted relative to each other by 120 0 and are connected to each other according to a specific connection circuit.
When the excited rotor rotates with the help of a steam or hydraulic turbine, its poles pass under the stator windings, and an electromotive force varying according to a harmonic law is induced in them. Next, the generator according to a certain scheme electrical network connects to power consumption nodes.
If you transfer electricity from station generators to consumers via power lines directly (at the generator voltage, which is relatively low), then large losses of energy and voltage will occur in the network (pay attention to the ratios , ). Therefore, to transport electricity economically, it is necessary to reduce the current strength. But since the transmitted power remains unchanged, the voltage must increase by the same amount as the current decreases.
The electricity consumer, in turn, needs to reduce the voltage to the required level. Electrical devices in which the voltage increases or decreases by a given number of times are called transformers. The operation of a transformer is also based on the law of electromagnetic induction.

Let's consider the principle of operation of a two-winding transformer (Fig. 4.7). When alternating current passes through the primary winding, an alternating magnetic field with induction appears around it IN, whose flow is also variable . The transformer core serves to direct the magnetic flux (the magnetic resistance of the air is high). An alternating magnetic flux, closed through the core, induces an alternating EMF in each of the windings:

Then In powerful transformers, the coil resistances are very small, so the voltages at the terminals of the primary and secondary windings are approximately equal to the EMF:

Where k – transformation ratio. At k1 () transformer is downward.
When connected to the secondary winding of a load transformer, current will flow in it. With an increase in electricity consumption, according to the law of conservation of energy, the energy supplied by the station’s generators should increase, i.e.


This means that by increasing the voltage using a transformer k times, it is possible to reduce the current strength in the circuit by the same number of times (at the same time, Joule losses decrease by k 2 once).

Brief conclusions

  1. The phenomenon of the occurrence of EMF in a closed conducting circuit located in an alternating magnetic field is called electromagnetic induction.

2. According to the law of electromagnetic induction, the induced emf in a closed conducting circuit is numerically equal and opposite in sign to the rate of change of the magnetic flux through the surface bounded by this circuit:

The minus sign reflects Lenz's rule: with any change in the magnetic flux through a closed conducting loop, a induced current in such a direction that its magnetic field counteracts changes in the external magnetic flux.

The essence of the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction lies not so much in the appearance of an induction current, but in the appearance of a vortex electric field. Vortex electric field generated by variables magnetic field. Unlike electrostatic field the vortex electric field is not potential; its field lines are always closed, like the magnetic field lines.


An alternating magnetic field excited by a changing current creates an electric field in the surrounding space, which in turn excites a magnetic field, etc. Mutually generating each other, these fields form a single alternating electromagnetic field - an electromagnetic wave. Having arisen in the place where there is a current-carrying wire, the electromagnetic field propagates through space at the speed of light -300,000 km/s.


In the frequency spectrum different places occupy radio waves, light, x-rays and other electromagnetic radiation. They are usually characterized by continuously coupled electric and magnetic fields.


Currently, a magnetic field is understood as special form matter consisting of charged particles. In modern physics, beams of charged particles are used to penetrate deep into atoms in order to study them. The force with which a magnetic field acts on a moving charged particle is called the Lorentz force.

Flow meters - counters

The method is based on the application of Faraday's law for a conductor in a magnetic field: in a flow of electrically conductive liquid moving in a magnetic field, an EMF is induced, proportional to the flow speed, converted by the electronic part into an electrical analogue/digital signal.

DC generator

In generator mode, the machine's armature rotates under the influence of an external torque. Between the stator poles there is a constant magnetic flux that penetrates the armature. The conductors of the armature winding move in a magnetic field and, therefore, an EMF is induced in them, the direction of which can be determined by the rule " right hand"In this case, a positive potential arises on one brush relative to the second. If a load is connected to the generator terminals, then current will flow through it.


Transformers are widely used in transmission electrical energy over long distances, its distribution between receivers, as well as in various rectifying, amplifying, signaling and other devices.

Energy conversion in a transformer is carried out by an alternating magnetic field. The transformer is a core made of thin steel plates insulated from one another, on which two and sometimes more windings (coils) are placed. insulated wire. The winding to which the source of alternating current electrical energy is connected is called the primary winding, the remaining windings are called secondary.

If the secondary winding of a transformer has three times more turns wound than the primary winding, then the magnetic field created in the core by the primary winding, crossing the turns of the secondary winding, will create three times the voltage in it.

By using a transformer with a reverse turns ratio, you can just as easily obtain a reduced voltage.

Since the discovery of the fact that any current generates a magnetic field (Ørsted, 1820), numerous attempts have been made to cause the opposite phenomenon - to excite a current in a loop (in a closed circuit) using a magnetic field. This problem was solved by Faraday, who discovered it in 1831. phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.

The phenomenon is as follows: when the flux of magnetic induction changes through the area limited by any conducting circuit, an electric current arises in this circuit. This current is called induction current. In this case, the phenomenon is completely independent of the method of changing the flux of magnetic induction.

The magnetic induction flux Ф is determined by the relation:

Ф = B·S·cosα , (1)

where B is the magnetic field induction, [B] = T; S – surface area limited by the contour, [S] = m2; α is the angle formed by the normal to the plane of the contour with the direction of the vector magnetic field induction, [α] = rad; [F] = Wb.

As can be seen from relation (1), the induction current can be excited either by changing the magnitude of the magnetic field induction - B, or by changing the geometric shape of the circuit, i.e. area, or by changing its position in space, i.e. changing the angle α.

Lenz (1833) established general rule to determine the direction of the induction current: the current induced in the circuit is in such a direction that its own magnetic field compensates for the change in the flux of magnetic induction through the plane of the circuit, which caused this induced current. This rule is a consequence of the law of conservation of energy and is confirmed by experiments. The magnitude of the electromotive force of induction ξ i equal to the rate of change of magnetic induction flux, taken with a minus sign:

This expression is called Faraday's law. The minus sign mathematically expresses Lenz's rule.

From Faraday's law, we can define the unit of magnetic induction flux - Weber: if the magnetic induction flux through the area limited by the circuit changes by 1 Wb in 1 second, then an emf equal to 1 V is induced in the circuit.

In the case of the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, the transformation of some types of energy into others takes place. When the contour geometry changes (for example, from a square to a circle), mechanical energy is converted into the energy of electrical induction current. In turn, the energy of the electric current is converted into heat, heating the conductor that forms the circuit.

What is the nature of induced emf?

The induced emf is caused by the Lorentz force if the m-field is stationary (Fig. 3) and is caused by the vortex electric field resulting from the changing m-field (Fig. 4). Vortex el. the field is no different from the electrostatic field electric charges by its effect on electric charge at a given point in space. But in its structure, i.e. in general, these fields differ sharply from each other. An electrostatic field has “field sources” - electric charges. Its lines of tension are not closed. In this field, the work done to move a charge between two fixed points depends only on the position of these points, but not on the shape of the path. Electrical field um. induction (vortex field) has no sources. The intensity lines of this field are closed like the m-field lines. Closed loop work is not 0.

We already know that an electric current moving through a conductor creates a magnetic field around it. Based on this phenomenon, man invented and widely uses a wide variety of electromagnets. But the question arises: if electric charges, when moving, cause the appearance of a magnetic field, doesn’t this also work vice versa?

That is, can a magnetic field cause the occurrence of an electric current in a conductor? In 1831, Michael Faraday established that in a closed conducting circuit electrical circuit When the magnetic field changes, an electric current occurs. Such a current is called an induction current, and the phenomenon of the occurrence of a current in a closed conducting circuit when the magnetic field penetrating this circuit changes is called electromagnetic induction.

The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction

The name “electromagnetic” itself consists of two parts: “electro” and “magnetic”. Electrical and magnetic phenomena are inextricably linked with each other. And if electric charges, moving, change the magnetic field around them, then the magnetic field, changing, will inevitably force the electric charges to move, forming an electric current.

In this case, it is the changing magnetic field that causes the generation of electric current. A constant magnetic field will not cause the movement of electric charges, and accordingly, no induced current will be generated. A more detailed examination of the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, the derivation of formulas and the law of electromagnetic induction refers to the ninth grade course.

Application of electromagnetic induction

In this article we will talk about the use of electromagnetic induction. The operation of many motors and current generators is based on the use of the laws of electromagnetic induction. The principle of their operation is quite simple to understand.

A change in the magnetic field can be caused, for example, by moving a magnet. Therefore, if you move a magnet inside a closed circuit by any external influence, then a current will arise in this circuit. This way you can create a current generator.

If, on the contrary, you pass current from a third-party source through the circuit, then the magnet located inside the circuit will begin to move under the influence of the magnetic field formed by the electric current. This way you can assemble an electric motor.

The current generators described above convert mechanical energy into electrical energy in power plants. Mechanical energy is the energy of coal, diesel fuel, wind, water and so on. Electricity travels through wires to consumers and is converted back into mechanical energy in electric motors.

Electric motors of vacuum cleaners, hair dryers, mixers, coolers, electric meat grinders and other numerous devices that we use every day are based on the use of electromagnetic induction and magnetic forces. There is no need to talk about the use of these same phenomena in industry; it is clear that it is everywhere.


in the discipline "Physics"

Topic: “Discovery of the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction”


Student of group 13103/1

Saint Petersburg

2. Faraday's experiments. 3

3. Practical use phenomena of electromagnetic induction. 9

4. List of used literature... 12

Electromagnetic induction is the phenomenon of the occurrence of electric current in closed loop when the magnetic flux passing through it changes. Electromagnetic induction was discovered by Michael Faraday on August 29, 1831. He discovered that the electromotive force arising in a closed conducting circuit is proportional to the rate of change of the magnetic flux through the surface bounded by this circuit. The magnitude of the electromotive force (EMF) does not depend on what is causing the flux change - a change in the magnetic field itself or the movement of the circuit (or part of it) in the magnetic field. The electric current caused by this emf is called induced current.

In 1820, Hans Christian Oersted showed that an electric current flowing through a circuit causes a magnetic needle to deflect. If electric current generates magnetism, then the appearance of electric current must be associated with magnetism. This thought captured the English scientist M. Faraday. “Convert magnetism into electricity,” he wrote in his diary in 1822.

Michael Faraday

Michael Faraday (1791-1867) was born in London, in one of its poorest parts. His father was a blacksmith, and his mother was the daughter of a tenant farmer. When Faraday reached school age, he was sent to elementary school. The course Faraday took here was very narrow and was limited only to learning to read, write and begin to count.

A few steps from the house in which the Faraday family lived, there was a bookshop, which was also a bookbinding establishment. This is where Faraday ended up after completing his course primary school, when the question arose about choosing a profession for him. Michael was only 13 years old at this time. Already in adolescence When Faraday was just beginning his self-education, he sought to rely exclusively on facts and verify the reports of others with his own experiences.

These aspirations dominated him all his life as the main features of his scientific activity. Physical and chemical experiments Faraday began to do this as a boy at his first acquaintance with physics and chemistry. One day Michael attended one of the lectures of Humphry Davy, the great English physicist. Faraday made a detailed note of the lecture, bound it and sent it to Davy. He was so impressed that he invited Faraday to work with him as a secretary. Soon Davy went on a trip to Europe and took Faraday with him. Over the course of two years, they visited the largest European universities.

Returning to London in 1815, Faraday began working as an assistant in one of the laboratories of the Royal Institution in London. At that time it was one of the best physics laboratories in the world. From 1816 to 1818 Faraday published a number of small notes and short memoirs on chemistry. Faraday's first work on physics dates back to 1818.

Based on the experiences of his predecessors and combining several own experiences, by September 1821, Michael had published The History of the Advances of Electromagnetism. Already at this time, he formed a completely correct concept of the essence of the phenomenon of deflection of a magnetic needle under the influence of current.

Having achieved this success, Faraday left his studies in the field of electricity for ten years, devoting himself to the study of a number of subjects of a different kind. In 1823, Faraday made one of the most important discoveries in the field of physics - he was the first to liquefy gas, and at the same time established a simple but effective method for converting gases into liquid. In 1824, Faraday made several discoveries in the field of physics. Among other things, he established the fact that light affects the color of glass, changing it. IN next year Faraday again turned from physics to chemistry, and the result of his work in this area was the discovery of gasoline and sulfur-naphthalene acid.

In 1831, Faraday published a treatise “On a Special Kind of Optical Illusion,” which served as the basis for an excellent and curious optical projectile called the “chromotrope.” In the same year, another treatise by the scientist, “On Vibrating Plates,” was published. Many of these works could in themselves immortalize the name of their author. But the most important of Faraday's scientific works are his studies in the field of electromagnetism and electrical induction.

Faraday's experiments

Obsessed with ideas about the inextricable connection and interaction of the forces of nature, Faraday tried to prove that just as Ampere could create magnets with the help of electricity, so it was possible to create electricity with the help of magnets.

His logic was simple: mechanical work easily turns into heat; on the contrary, heat can be converted into mechanical work (say, in a steam engine). In general, among the forces of nature, the following relationship most often occurs: if A gives birth to B, then B gives birth to A.

If Ampere obtained magnets with the help of electricity, then, apparently, it is possible to “obtain electricity from ordinary magnetism.” Arago and Ampère set themselves the same task in Paris, and Colladon in Geneva.

Strictly speaking, an important branch of physics that treats the phenomena of electromagnetism and inductive electricity, and which is currently of such enormous importance for technology, was created by Faraday out of nothing. By the time Faraday finally devoted himself to research in the field of electricity, it was established that when under ordinary conditions The presence of an electrified body is enough for its influence to excite electricity in any other body. At the same time, it was known that a wire through which current passes and which also represents an electrified body does not have any effect on other wires placed nearby.

What caused this exception? This is the question that interested Faraday and the solution of which led him to the most important discoveries in the field of induction electricity. Faraday carried out many experiments and kept pedantic notes. He devotes a paragraph to each small study in his laboratory notes (published in London in full in 1931 under the title “Faraday’s Diary”). Faraday’s ability to work is evidenced by the fact that the last paragraph of the “Diary” is marked with the number 16041. Faraday’s brilliant skill as an experimenter, obsession, and clear philosophical position could not but be rewarded, but it took eleven long years to wait for the result.

Apart from his intuitive conviction in the universal connection of phenomena, nothing actually supported him in his search for “electricity from magnetism.” Moreover, like his teacher Davy, he relied more on his experiences than on mental constructs. Davy taught him:

– A good experiment is more valuable than the profundity of a genius like Newton.

And yet, it was Faraday who was destined for great discoveries. A great realist, he spontaneously broke the empiricist shackles that Davy had once imposed on him, and at those moments a great insight dawned on him - he acquired the ability to make the deepest generalizations.

The first glimmer of luck appeared only on August 29, 1831. On this day, Faraday was testing a simple device in the laboratory: an iron ring with a diameter of about six inches, wrapped in two pieces of insulated wire. When Faraday connected a battery to the terminals of one winding, his assistant, artillery sergeant Andersen, saw the needle of the galvanometer connected to the other winding twitch.

It twitched and calmed down, although the direct current continued to flow through the first winding. Faraday carefully examined all the details of this simple installation - everything was in order.

But the galvanometer needle stubbornly stood at zero. Out of frustration, Faraday decided to turn off the current, and then a miracle happened - while opening the circuit, the galvanometer needle swung again and froze at zero again!

The galvanometer, remaining completely calm during the entire passage of current, begins to oscillate when the circuit itself is closed and when it is opened. It turned out that at the moment when a current is passed into the first wire, and also when this transmission stops, a current is also excited in the second wire, which in the first case has the opposite direction to the first current and the same with it in the second case and lasts only one instant.

It was here that Ampere’s great ideas - the connection between electric current and magnetism - were revealed to Faraday in all their clarity. After all, the first winding into which he supplied current immediately became a magnet. If we consider it like a magnet, then the experiment on August 29 showed that magnetism seems to give birth to electricity. Only two things remained strange in this case: why did the surge of electricity when the electromagnet was turned on quickly fade away? And moreover, why does the splash appear when the magnet is turned off?

The next day, August 30, a new series of experiments. The effect is clearly expressed, but nevertheless completely incomprehensible.

Faraday senses that a discovery is somewhere nearby.

“Now I am again studying electromagnetism and I think that I have hit upon a successful thing, but I cannot yet confirm this. It may very well be that after all my labors I will end up with seaweed instead of fish.”

By the next morning, September 24, Faraday had prepared a lot various devices, in which the main elements were no longer windings with electric current, but permanent magnets. And the effect also existed! The arrow deviated and immediately rushed to the spot. This slight movement occurred at the most unexpected manipulations with a magnet, sometimes, it seemed, by accident.

The next experiment is October 1st. Faraday decides to go back to the very beginning - to two windings: one with current, the other connected to the galvanometer. The difference with the first experiment is the absence of a steel ring - core. The splash is almost unnoticeable. The result is trivial. It is clear that a magnet without a core is much weaker than a magnet with a core. Therefore, the effect is less pronounced.

Faraday is disappointed. For two weeks he does not go near the devices, thinking about the reasons for the failure.

“I took a cylindrical magnetic bar (3/4 inch in diameter and 8 1/4 inches long) and inserted one end of it into the spiral of copper wire(220 feet long) connected to a galvanometer. Then I fast movement pushed the magnet inside the spiral to its entire length, and the galvanometer needle experienced a push. Then I just as quickly pulled the magnet out of the spiral, and the arrow swung again, but in the opposite direction. These swings of the needle were repeated every time the magnet was pushed or pushed out.”

The secret is in the movement of the magnet! The impulse of electricity is determined not by the position of the magnet, but by the movement!

This means that “an electric wave arises only when a magnet moves, and not due to the properties inherent in it at rest.”

Rice. 2. Faraday's experiment with a coil

This idea is incredibly fruitful. If the movement of a magnet relative to a conductor creates electricity, then apparently the movement of a conductor relative to a magnet should generate electricity! Moreover, this “electric wave” will not disappear as long as the mutual movement of the conductor and magnet continues. This means that it is possible to create an electric current generator that can operate for as long as desired, as long as the mutual movement of the wire and magnet continues!

On October 28, Faraday installed a rotating copper disk between the poles of a horseshoe magnet, from which, using sliding contacts (one on the axis, the other on the periphery of the disk), it was possible to remove electrical voltage. It was the first electrical generator created by human hands. Thus, a new source of electrical energy was found, in addition to the previously known ones (friction and chemical processes), is induction, and the new kind This energy is inductive electricity.

Experiments similar to Faraday's, as already mentioned, were carried out in France and Switzerland. Professor Colladon of the Academy of Geneva was a sophisticated experimenter (he, for example, made precise measurements of the speed of sound in water on Lake Geneva). Perhaps, fearing the shaking of the instruments, he, like Faraday, removed the galvanometer from the rest of the installation if possible. Many argued that Colladon observed the same fleeting movements of the needle as Faraday, but, expecting a more stable, long-lasting effect, did not attach due importance to these “random” bursts...

Indeed, the opinion of most scientists of that time was that the reverse effect of “creating electricity from magnetism” should apparently have the same stationary character as the “direct” effect - “formation of magnetism” due to electric current. The unexpected "fleetingness" of this effect confused many, including Colladon, and these many paid for their prejudice.

Continuing his experiments, Faraday further discovered that simply bringing a wire twisted into a closed curve close to another through which a galvanic current flows is sufficient to excite an inductive current in the neutral wire in the direction opposite to the galvanic current, and that removing the neutral wire again excites an inductive current in it. the current is already in the same direction as the galvanic current flowing along a stationary wire, and that, finally, these inductive currents are excited only during the approach and removal of the wire to the conductor of the galvanic current, and without this movement the currents are not excited, no matter how close the wires are to each other .

Thus, a new phenomenon was discovered, similar to the above-described phenomenon of induction when the galvanic current closes and stops. These discoveries in turn gave rise to new ones. If it is possible to cause an inductive current by short-circuiting and stopping the galvanic current, then wouldn’t the same result be obtained by magnetizing and demagnetizing iron?

The work of Oersted and Ampere had already established the relationship between magnetism and electricity. It was known that iron becomes a magnet when an insulated wire is wound around it and a galvanic current passes through it, and that the magnetic properties of this iron cease as soon as the current stops.

Based on this, Faraday came up with this kind of experiment: two insulated wires were wound around an iron ring; with one wire wrapped around one half of the ring, and the other around the other. Current from a galvanic battery was passed through one wire, and the ends of the other were connected to a galvanometer. And so, when the current closed or stopped and when, consequently, the iron ring was magnetized or demagnetized, the galvanometer needle quickly oscillated and then quickly stopped, that is, the same instantaneous inductive currents were excited in the neutral wire - this time: already under the influence of magnetism.

Rice. 3. Faraday's experiment with an iron ring

Thus, here for the first time magnetism was converted into electricity. Having received these results, Faraday decided to diversify his experiments. Instead of an iron ring, he began to use an iron strip. Instead of exciting magnetism in iron by galvanic current, he magnetized the iron by touching it to a permanent steel magnet. The result was the same: in the wire that wrapped around the iron, a current was always excited at the moment of magnetization and demagnetization of the iron. Then Faraday introduced a steel magnet into the wire spiral - the approach and removal of the latter caused induced currents in the wire. In a word, magnetism, in the sense of exciting induction currents, acted in exactly the same way as galvanic current.

At that time, physicists were intensely interested in one thing mysterious phenomenon, discovered in 1824 by Arago and found no explanation, despite the fact that such outstanding scientists of the time as Arago himself, Ampère, Poisson, Babage and Herschel were strenuously searching for this explanation. The point was as follows. A magnetic needle, hanging freely, quickly comes to rest if a circle of non-magnetic metal is placed under it; if then the circle is brought into rotational movement, the magnetic needle begins to move behind it.

IN calm state it was impossible to discover the slightest attraction or repulsion between the circle and the arrow, while the same circle, in motion, pulled behind it not only a light arrow, but also a heavy magnet. This truly miraculous phenomenon seemed to the scientists of that time a mysterious mystery, something beyond the limits of the natural. Faraday, based on the above data, made the assumption that a circle of non-magnetic metal, under the influence of a magnet, during rotation is run around by inductive currents, which affect the magnetic needle and drag it along the magnet. And indeed, by introducing the edge of a circle between the poles of a large horseshoe magnet and connecting the center and edge of the circle with a galvanometer with a wire, Faraday obtained a constant electric current when the circle rotated.

Following this, Faraday focused on another phenomenon that was then arousing general curiosity. As you know, if you sprinkle iron filings on a magnet, they are grouped into certain lines, called magnetic curves. Faraday, drawing attention to this phenomenon, gave the basis in 1831 to magnetic curves the name “lines of magnetic force,” which then came into general use. The study of these “lines” led Faraday to a new discovery; it turned out that in order to excite induced currents, the approach and removal of the source from magnetic pole optional. To excite currents, it is enough to cross the lines of magnetic force in a known manner.

Rice. 4. “Magnetic Force Lines”

Further work Faraday's efforts in the mentioned direction acquired, from a contemporary point of view, the character of something absolutely miraculous. At the beginning of 1832, he demonstrated a device in which inductive currents were excited without the help of a magnet or galvanic current. The device consisted of an iron strip placed in a wire coil. This device, under ordinary conditions, did not give the slightest sign of the appearance of currents in it; but as soon as it was given a direction corresponding to the direction of the magnetic needle, a current was excited in the wire.

Then Faraday gave the position of the magnetic needle to one coil and then introduced an iron strip into it: the current was again excited. The reason that caused the current in these cases was earthly magnetism, which caused inductive currents like an ordinary magnet or galvanic current. To more clearly show and prove this, Faraday undertook another experiment, which fully confirmed his considerations.

He reasoned that if a circle of non-magnetic metal, such as copper, rotating in a position in which it intersects the lines of magnetic force of an adjacent magnet, produces an inductive current, then the same circle, rotating in the absence of a magnet, but in a position in which the circle will cross the lines of earthly magnetism, must also give an inductive current. And indeed, a copper circle rotated in a horizontal plane produced an inductive current that produced a noticeable deflection of the galvanometer needle. Faraday ended his series of studies in the field of electrical induction with the discovery, made in 1835, of the “inductive influence of current on itself.”

He found out that when a galvanic current is closed or opened, instantaneous inductive currents are excited in the wire itself, which serves as a conductor for this current.

Russian physicist Emil Khristoforovich Lenz (1804-1861) gave a rule for determining the direction of induction current. “The induction current is always directed in such a way that the magnetic field it creates complicates or inhibits the movement causing induction,” notes A.A. Korobko-Stefanov in his article on electromagnetic induction. - For example, when a coil approaches a magnet, the resulting induced current has such a direction that the magnetic field it creates will be opposite to the magnetic field of the magnet. As a result, repulsive forces arise between the coil and the magnet. Lenz's rule follows from the law of conservation and transformation of energy. If induced currents accelerated the motion that caused them, then work would be created out of nothing. The coil itself, after a slight push, would rush towards the magnet, and at the same time the induction current would release heat in it. In reality, the induced current is created due to the work of bringing the magnet and the coil closer together.

Rice. 5. Lenz's rule

Why does induced current occur? A profound explanation of the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction was given by the English physicist James Clerk Maxwell, the creator of a complete mathematical theory of the electromagnetic field. To better understand the essence of the matter, consider a very simple experiment. Let the coil consist of one turn of wire and be penetrated by an alternating magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the turn. An induced current naturally arises in the coil. Maxwell interpreted this experiment exceptionally boldly and unexpectedly.

When a magnetic field changes in space, according to Maxwell, a process arises for which the presence of a wire coil has no significance. The main thing here is the emergence of closed ring lines electric field, covering a changing magnetic field. Under the influence of the resulting electric field, electrons begin to move, and an electric current arises in the coil. A coil is simply a device that detects an electric field. The essence of the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction is that an alternating magnetic field always generates an electric field with closed circuits in the surrounding space power lines. Such a field is called a vortex field.”

Research in the field of induction produced by terrestrial magnetism gave Faraday the opportunity to express the idea of ​​​​a telegraph back in 1832, which then formed the basis of this invention. In general, the discovery of electromagnetic induction is not without reason considered one of the most outstanding discoveries of the 19th century - the work of millions of electric motors and electric current generators all over the world is based on this phenomenon...

Practical application of the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction

1. Radio broadcasting

An alternating magnetic field excited by a changing current creates an electric field in the surrounding space, which in turn excites a magnetic field, etc. Mutually generating each other, these fields form a single alternating electromagnetic field - an electromagnetic wave. Having arisen in the place where there is a current-carrying wire, the electromagnetic field propagates through space at the speed of light -300,000 km/s.

Rice. 6. Radio

2. Magnetic therapy

Radio waves, light, X-rays and other electromagnetic radiation occupy different places in the frequency spectrum. They are usually characterized by continuously coupled electric and magnetic fields.

3. Synchrophasotrons

Currently, a magnetic field is understood as a special form of matter consisting of charged particles. In modern physics, beams of charged particles are used to penetrate deep into atoms in order to study them. The force with which a magnetic field acts on a moving charged particle is called the Lorentz force.

4. Flow meters

The method is based on the application of Faraday's law for a conductor in a magnetic field: in a flow of electrically conductive liquid moving in a magnetic field, an EMF is induced, proportional to the flow speed, converted by the electronic part into an electrical analogue/digital signal.

5. DC generator

In generator mode, the machine's armature rotates under the influence of an external torque. Between the stator poles there is a constant magnetic flux that penetrates the armature. The conductors of the armature winding move in a magnetic field and, therefore, an EMF is induced in them, the direction of which can be determined by the “right hand” rule. In this case, a positive potential arises on one brush relative to the second. If you connect a load to the generator terminals, current will flow through it.

6. Transformers

Transformers are widely used in transmitting electrical energy over long distances, distributing it between receivers, as well as in various rectifying, amplifying, signaling and other devices.

Energy conversion in a transformer is carried out by an alternating magnetic field. A transformer is a core made of thin steel plates insulated from one another, on which two and sometimes more windings (coils) of insulated wire are placed. The winding to which the source of alternating current electrical energy is connected is called the primary winding, the remaining windings are called secondary.

If the secondary winding of a transformer has three times more turns wound than the primary winding, then the magnetic field created in the core by the primary winding, crossing the turns of the secondary winding, will create three times the voltage in it.

By using a transformer with a reverse turns ratio, you can just as easily obtain a reduced voltage.

List of used literature

1. [Electronic resource]. Electromagnetic induction.


2. [Electronic resource]. Faraday. Discovery of electromagnetic induction.

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3. [Electronic resource]. Discovery of electromagnetic induction.

4. [Electronic resource]. Practical application of the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area
    I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet.