An electrolyzer is the name of the device, also called a hydrogen generator. It is a device whose operation is based on the use of the physical and chemical process of water decomposition under the influence of electric current to hydrogen and oxygen. This process is called electrolysis, it has long been known and is studied in high school.

The electrolyzer is one of the most common hydrogen generators.

Description and principle of operation

IN general case A hydrogen generator is a set of metal plates immersed in distilled water. The design is enclosed in a sealed housing with terminals for connecting the power supply and a fitting for gas outlet.

Theoretically, the operation of a hydrogen generator can be represented as follows: an electric current passes between oppositely polarized plates (anode, cathode) immersed in distilled water. In this case, water is split into oxygen and hydrogen. How larger area plates, the greater the current passes through the water and the large quantity gases are released. The plates are connected alternately (+-+-, etc.).

Application area

Due to the fact that the electrolysis process itself involves the use large quantity electricity, the industrial use of electrolysers is significantly limited. It is more economical to use chemical methods to produce hydrogen.

Currently, hydrogen generators are used for:

  • gas welding and gas cutting with hydrogen in jewelry workshops;
  • reducing the toxicity of internal combustion engines (ICE) and increasing their efficiency (efficiency factor);
  • increasing efficiency and reducing the toxicity of liquid fuel boilers.


The few industrial electrolyzers that are used to produce hydrogen and oxygen are manufactured as stationary units. The electrodes in them are connected bipolarly, and their number depends on the method of connection to the network (transformer or transformerless).

Designs of small-sized hydrogen generators, which are produced both domestically and foreign companies and are used to increase the efficiency of internal combustion engines and for other purposes, they are very diverse. In addition there is great amount hand-made structures. You can find a lot of information about them on the Internet.

Considering that the design of the electrolyzer is simple and it is not difficult to make it yourself, we will consider the designs of several similar devices:

  1. The simplest electrolyzer.
  2. Hydrogen generator for auto.

The simplest electrolyzer

In order to make a simple hydrogen generator, enough knowledge of physics and chemistry at the level of high school.

Materials and tools

  • Stainless steel 03Х16Н15М3 size 500x500 mm. Can be used of stainless steel any other brand.

    Important: Ordinary steel in water will corrode. In addition, instead of water, it is possible to use an alkaline electrolyte, which is quite aggressive, especially when electric current passes through it. Under these conditions, ordinary steel will not last long.

  • A transparent polyethylene tube at least 1 m long and 8 mm in diameter.
  • 2 bolts M6x150, washers and nuts.
  • 3 herringbone fittings with an outer diameter of 8 mm.
  • A plastic container with a lid with a capacity of at least 1.5 liters.
  • Filter for cleaning running water(you can use a filter from a washing machine).
  • Water check valve.
  • Silicone sealant.
  • Grinder or hacksaw for metal.
  • Wrenches for M6 bolts.

Manufacturing process

  • We carry out cutting steel sheet so that you get 16 plates of the same size.
  • In one of the corners of each plate you need to drill a hole for an M6 bolt. With the help of this hole, the plates will be fastened together, so the center of the hole in all plates must be on the same axis.
  • In order to properly connect the plates, it is necessary to cut off the corner in each plate, which is located on the side opposite the bolt hole.
  • Install the plates on the bolts one by one according to the diagram, isolating the “+” and “-” plates from each other using a polyethylene tube and washers. At correct installation plates, cut corners will not allow plates of different polarities to contact each other.
  • After installing all the plates, the structure must be tightened with nuts.

    Important: Having completed the assembly, you need to make sure that the different-pole plates are not connected to each other (ring the structure).

  • We fasten the resulting structure into a plastic box using washers and nuts, having previously drilled 2 holes for the “+” and “-“ bolts. To ensure the tightness of the hole, treat it with silicone sealant.
  • We drill holes in the box cover and insert the fittings. The holes must be treated with silicone sealant.
  • It remains to check the performance of the resulting electrolyzer. To do this, fill the container with water up to the mounting bolts and close it with a lid. Then we put a polyethylene hose on one of the fittings and lower it into some container with water. Having connected a power source to the bolts, we observe the appearance of bubbles of released gas. In order to increase the amount of gas released, it is necessary to increase the current passing through the water.
  • After checking the functionality of the device, you need to drain the water and fill the plastic container with alkaline electrolyte. This will allow you to obtain a significantly larger amount of gas released.

ATTENTION: When operating an electrolyzer, it is necessary to remember that the process of splitting water into oxygen and hydrogen is explosive. Therefore it is necessary to comply certain rules safety precautions.

Hydrogen generator for car

The electrolysis process in an automobile electrolyzer is carried out using a special catalyst. When the device operates, oxyhydrogen (Brown's gas) is released, which has the formula NHO. Next, the gas enters the combustion chamber through the engine air supply system, where it mixes with fuel and burns. As a result, the octane number of the fuel-air mixture increases, which promotes more complete combustion of fuel.

Design of modern electrolysers

Brown Gas Generator includes:

  • the electrolyzer itself;
  • container for circulation.

The entire gas production process is controlled:

  • current modulator;
  • an optimizer that controls the ratio of Brown gas and the fuel-air mixture.

Types of catalysts

There are several types of catalysts, including:

  • Cylindrical– their design is not much different from the design of the simplest hydrogen generator and it is quite possible to make it yourself. They are characterized by low productivity (up to 0.7 liters of gas per minute) and a primitive control circuit.
  • With separate cells– the most efficient design with a capacity of over 2 liters of gas per minute. Is different high efficiency and is installed on vehicles with continuous operation.
  • With open plates (dry)– capacity up to 2.1 liters of gas per minute. The design provides additional cooling of the device in harsh conditions operation.

All processes occurring in the hydrogen generator are carried out automatically and operate in accordance with a special program embedded in the vehicle’s computer control system.


The use of modern electrolyzers in a car allows you to:

  • save up to 50% fuel;
  • reduce exhaust toxicity;
  • reduce engine temperature;
  • increase traction and power of the power unit;
  • increase engine life.

Operating principle of a hydrogen generator

Security measures

Electrolysis plants are devices increased danger. Therefore, during their manufacture, installation and operation, it is necessary to strictly observe both general and special safety measures.

Among the special requirements, the most important are:

  1. The formation of explosive concentrations of a mixture of oxygen with hydrogen or air is not allowed.
  2. The operation of hydrogen generators is not allowed if the liquid level is not visible in its inspection window.
  3. By doing repair work it is necessary to ensure the complete absence of hydrogen at the end point of the system.
  4. It is not permitted to use open flames, electric heating devices or portable lamps with a voltage of more than 12 V near electrolyzers.
  5. When working with electrolyte, you must use special clothing, gloves and goggles.

  1. Experts do not recommend making automobile hydrogen generators yourself. This is motivated by the fact that an automobile electrolyzer is a rather complex and unsafe device, the manufacture of which requires the use of special materials and reagents.
  2. At self-installation In a self-made electrolyzer car, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of gas entering the combustion chamber of the fuel-air mixture when the engine is turned off. When the engine is turned off in mandatory The hydrogen generator must automatically disconnect from the vehicle's power supply.
  3. At self-production car electrolyzer, do not forget to equip it with a special water valve - a bubbler. Its use will significantly increase the safety of vehicle operation.

One of the most convenient and practical ways to obtain hydrogen and its further, reasonable use is a hydrogen generator, the so-called hydrogen burner. But producing hydrogen at home is quite dangerous occupation Therefore, listen to the advice described.

Homemade hydrogen generator:

The basis of a hydrogen burner is a hydrogen generator, which is a kind of container with water and stainless steel plates. Construction and detailed description hydrogen generator is possible without special effort found on other sites, so I won't waste typing characters on this. I want to convey very important subtleties that will be very useful to you if you are planning to make a hydrogen burner with your own hands.

Figure No. 1 – Structural scheme hydrogen burner

The essence of a hydrogen burner is to produce hydrogen by electrolysis of water. You must understand that you cannot pour anything into the electrolyzer (a container with water and electrodes), I recommend using distilled water, but I have read that for more efficient electrolysis they add more caustic soda(I don’t know the proportions).

My electrolyzer is assembled from stainless steel plates, rubber gaskets, and two thick plexiglass plates, and outwardly it all looks like this:

Figure No. 2 – Electrolyzer

The electrolyzer must be filled exactly halfway with water to comply with safety precautions; monitor the liquid level, as it changes as it decreases. electrical parameters and the intensity of hydrogen release!

But before you spend a lot of time and materials on assembling the electrolyzer, take care of the power supply for it. My electrolyser, for example, consumes about 6A current at a voltage of 8V.

Metal plates (electrodes) are connected using a thick layer soldered to them. copper wire, and fat copper wires(about 4mm section).

Figure No. 3 - How to connect the wires

You must also understand that everything must be tightly connected and well insulated, short circuiting of the plates and sparks are unacceptable!!!

Figure No. 4 - Insulation of plates

In fact there are a lot various kinds electrolyzer designs, so I don’t want to focus your attention on it, although it is the most basic and labor-intensive part for a hydrogen burner, in itself it is not very important (any design of it will suit you).

When working with a hydrogen torch, you should:

If you are planning to make a hydrogen burner, then be careful! Hydrogen is very explosive!!! When assembling and operating a hydrogen torch, there are many vital details. Pay attention to my advice - I actually did this and I know what I’m saying.

In homemade hydrogen burner The hydrogen pressure must be consistent, and protection against reverse explosion, good tightness and insulation!

The fact is that when working with a hydrogen torch, you use a power supply for electrolysis. And while it is turned on, hydrogen is released at approximately the same intensity (as work progresses, it may drop, as water evaporates and the current density between the electrode plates changes), so do not start working without first familiarizing yourself with the burner design.

How to use a hydrogen torch correctly:

First and foremost, always work within the means personal protection(be sure to wear a protective shield or goggles on your face), secondly, follow the rules fire safety. Thirdly, monitor the water level in the electrolyzer and the intensity of the flame.

You don’t need to ignite the flame right away, let the hydrogen displace the remaining oxygen (for me this takes about ten minutes, depending on the intensity of the release and the volume of the vessels with a water seal and fuse A, B, Fig. 1)

Be sure to keep a container of water near you - you will need it to put out the burner flame when you finish your work. To do this, you just need to point the tip of the needle with the flame under the water and thereby cut off the oxygen to the fire. ALWAYS PUT OUT THE FLAME FIRST AND THEN TURN OFF THE POWER TO THE GENERATOR - OTHERWISE AN EXPLOSION IS IMMEDIATE.

Water seal and fuse:

Pay your attention to figure No. 1 - there are two containers there (I labeled them A and B), and a needle from disposable syringe(B), all this is connected by tubes from IVs.

You need to pour water into the first container (A), this is a water seal. It is necessary so that the explosion does not reach the electrolyzer (if it explodes, it will be like a fragmentation grenade).

Figure No. 5 – Water seal

Please note that there are two connectors in the water seal cover (I adapted all this from medical dropper), both of them are hermetically glued into the lid using epoxy glue. One tube is long, through which hydrogen from the generator should flow under the water, gurgle, and through the second hole go through the tube to the fuse (B).

Figure No. 6 – Fuse

You can pour both water (for greater reliability) and alcohol (alcohol vapor increases the combustion temperature of the flame) into a container with a fuse.

The fuse itself is made like this: You need to make a hole in the lid with a diameter of 15 mm, and holes for the screws.

Figure No. 7 - What the holes in the lid look like

You will also need two thick washers (if necessary, you need to expand the inner diameter of the washer using a round file), two plumbing gaskets and chocolate foil or an ordinary balloon.

Figure No. 8 – Sketch of a safety valve

It is assembled quite simply; you need to drill four coaxial holes in the iron washers, lid and gaskets. First you need to solder the bolts to the top washer; this can easily be done using a powerful soldering iron and active flux.

Figure No. 9 – Washer with screws
Figure No. 10 – Screws soldered to the washer

After you have soldered the screws you need to put one on the washer rubber gasket and your valve itself. I used a thin elastic band from the bursting balloon(this is much more convenient than putting on thin foil), although foil also fits quite well, at least when I tested my hydrogen burner for explosiveness, there was foil in the valve.

Figure No. 11 – Putting on the gasket and protective elastic band

Then we put on the second gasket and you can insert the protection into the holes made in the cover.

Figure No. 12 – Finished valve
Figure No. 13 – Protection elements

The second washer and nuts are needed to tightly and firmly fix the protection by tightening the nuts (look at Figure No. 6).

Please understand and take note that safety rules must not be neglected, especially when working with explosive gases. And such a simple device can save you from unpleasant surprises. The defense works according to the principle “where it’s thin, it breaks”, it knocks out with an explosion protective film(foil or rubber band), and the explosive force does not go into the electrolyzer, and the water seal also prevents this. Take my word for it, if the electrolyzer explodes, you won’t think it’s enough :)!!!

Figure No. 14 – Explosion

It should be understood that an emergency situation is inevitable. The fact is that the flame burns at the outlet of the nozzle (for which a needle from a disposable syringe is quite suitable) only because gas pressure is created (the pressure is agreed upon).

Figure No. 15 – Nozzle from a syringe, on a pedestal

For example, you are working with your burner and the light goes out, believe me! You will not have time to jump away from the burner, the flame will instantly go back through the tube and the explosion of the protective valve will thunder (it is needed so that it explodes and not the electrolyzer) - this is quite normal when the burner is homemade - be vigilant and careful, stay away from the hydrogen burner and wear personal protective equipment!

Personally, I’m not very enthusiastic about the hydrogen burner, I tried to make it only because I already had a ready-made electrolyzer. Firstly, it is very dangerous, and secondly, it is not very effective (I’m talking about my hydrogen burner and not about burners in general) and it was not possible to melt what I wanted with it. And therefore, if you came up with the idea of ​​​​making this type of burner, ask yourself a completely rational question, “is it worth it,” since assembling an electrolyzer from scratch is quite a troublesome task, and you also need a powerful power supply so that it is enough to match the hydrogen pressure and diameter of the outlet nozzle. Therefore, “if only it was”, I don’t recommend you do it, but only if you really need it.

From television screens we are told that the amount of oil is rapidly decreasing, and soon gasoline cars will become a thing of the distant past. But this is not entirely true.

Indeed, the number of proven oil reserves is not very large. Depending on the degree of consumption, they can last for a period of 50 to 200 years. But these statistics do not take into account still undiscovered oil production sites.

In reality, there is more than enough oil on our planet. Another question is that the complexity of its extraction is constantly increasing, which means the price is also increasing. Moreover, one cannot write off environmental factor. Exhaust gases greatly pollute the environment and something needs to be done about it.

Modern science has created many alternative energy sources, right down to the nuclear fission engine in your cars. But most of these technologies are still concepts with no real application. At least that was the case until recently.

Every year, machine-building companies produce more and more machines powered by alternative sources nutrition. One of the most effective solutions in this context is a hydrogen engine from the Toyota brand. It allows you to completely forget about gasoline, making the car environmentally friendly and cheap transport.

Hydrogen engines

Types of hydrogen engines and their descriptions

Science is constantly evolving. New concepts are being invented every day. But only the best of them come to life. Currently, there are only two types of hydrogen engines that can be cost-effective and efficient.

The first type of hydrogen engine runs on fuel cells. Unfortunately, hydrogen engines of this type still have a high cost. The fact is that the design contains expensive materials like platinum.

The second type includes hydrogen internal combustion engines. The operating principle of such devices is very similar to propane models. That is why they are often reconfigured to run on hydrogen. Unfortunately, the efficiency of such devices is an order of magnitude lower than those operating on fuel cells.

On this moment It’s hard to say which of the two hydrogen engine technologies will win. Each has its own pros and cons. In any case, work in this direction does not stop. Therefore, it is quite possible that by 2030 a car with a hydrogen engine can be bought at any car dealership.

Principle of operation

The hydrogen engine operates on the principle of electrolysis. This process occurs in water under the influence of a special catalyst. As a result, hydrogen is released. Its chemical formula is as follows - NHO. The gas does not have explosive properties.

Important! Inside special containers, the gas is mixed with the fuel-air mixture.

The generator includes an electrolyzer and a reservoir. The current modulator is responsible for the gas generation process. To provide best results An optimizer is installed in injection hydrogen engines. This device is responsible for regulating the ratio of the fuel-air mixture and Brown gas.

Characteristics of catalysts

The catalysts used to create the desired reaction in a hydrogen engine can be three types:

  1. Cylindrical cans. This is the most simple design, running on a rather primitive control system. The productivity of a hydrogen engine operating with this catalyst does not exceed 0.7 liters of gas per minute. Such systems can be used on cars with a hydrogen engine with a volume of up to one and a half liters. Increasing the number of cans allows you to exceed this limit.
  2. Separate cells. It is believed that this type of catalyst is the most effective. The system productivity is more than two liters of gas per minute, the efficiency is maximum.
  3. Open plates or dry catalyst. This system designed for long term work. Productivity ranges from one to two liters of gas per minute. Open location provides the most efficient cooling.

The efficiency of hydrogen engines is increasing every year. Hybrid devices operating on hydrogen and gasoline are now beginning to be put into operation. In turn, designers do not stop looking for the most effective model catalyst providing even greater performance.

DIY hydrogen engine


To create an efficient hydrogen engine for a car with your own hands, you need to start with a generator. Simplest homemade generator- This is a sealed container with liquid into which the electrodes are immersed. For such a device, a 12 V power supply is sufficient.

The fitting is installed on the cover of the structure. It removes a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen. Actually, this is the basis of the generator for a hydrogen engine, which is connected to the internal combustion engine.

To create a full-fledged system, you will also need an additional drive and battery. It is best to use a water filter as a housing, or you can buy special installation. The latter uses cylindrical electrodes increased productivity.

As you can see, isolating the required gas for the reaction is not that difficult. It is much more difficult to produce it in the quantity required for a hydrogen engine. To increase efficiency it is necessary to use copper electrodes. In extreme cases, stainless steel will do.

During the reaction, the current must be applied at different levels. Therefore, you cannot do without an electronic unit. In addition, there must always be a certain amount of water in the tank so that the reaction takes place in normal conditions. The automatic refueling system in a hydrogen engine solves this problem. The intensity of electrolysis ensures a sufficient amount of salt.

Important! If the water is distilled, there will be no electrolysis at all.

To make water for a hydrogen engine, you need to take 10 liters of liquid and add a tablespoon of hydroxide.

Hydrogen engine design

First of all, you need to take care of additional tanks and piping. The hydrogen engine needs a water level sensor, which is installed in the middle of the cover. This will prevent false alarms when moving up and down. It is he who will give the command to the automatic replenishment system when needed.

The pressure sensor plays a special role. It turns on at 40 psi. As soon as the internal pressure reaches 45 psi, the pumping is turned off. If 50 psi is exceeded, the fuse will trip.

The fuse for a hydrogen engine must consist of two parts: an emergency relief valve and a rupture disk. The rupture disc is activated when the pressure reaches 60 psi without causing any harm to the system.

To remove heat, you need to use the coldest candle. Candles with platinum tips are not suitable. Platinum is an excellent catalyst for the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen.

Important! Please pay attention Special attention creating crankcase ventilation for a hydrogen engine.

Electrical part

The 555 timer plays an important role in the electrical circuit of a hydrogen engine. It performs the role pulse generator. Moreover, it can be used to adjust the frequency and width of the pulse.

Important! The timer has three frequency ranges. The resistance of the resistors is within 100 Ohms. The connection occurs in parallel.

The hydrogen engine board must have two 555 pulse timers. The first one must have capacitors larger capacity. The output from leg 3 goes to the second generator. He actually turns it on.

The third output of the second timer of the pulsed hydrogen generator is connected to resistors of 220 and 820 Ohms. The transistor amplifies the current to the desired value. The 1N4007 diode is responsible for its protection. This provides normal work the entire system.


Now the hydrogen engine is no longer a figment of the imagination of scientists, but a very real development that can be done independently. Of course, according to the characteristics similar unit will be inferior to the factory model. But the savings for internal combustion engines will still be noticeable.

Hydrogen engines not only help reduce gasoline consumption, but are also completely safe for environment. That is why already in the first quarter of sales hydrogen car Toyota brands broke all records in Japan.

A hydrogen generator (electrolyzer) is a device that uses light from two processes: physical and chemical.

During operation, under the influence of electric current, water decomposes into oxygen and hydrogen. This process is called electrolysis. The electrolyzer is quite popular among the most known species hydrogen generators.

How the device works

The electrolyzer consists of several metal plates immersed in a sealed container with distilled water.

The housing itself has terminals to connect the power source and there is a sleeve through which gas is discharged.

The operation of the device can be described as follows: an electric current is passed through distilled water between plates with different fields (one has the anode, the other has the cathode), splits it into oxygen and hydrogen.

Depending on the area of ​​the plates, the electric current has its strength; if the area is large, then a lot of current passes through the water and more gas is released. The connection diagram of the plates is alternate, first plus, then minus, and so on.

It is recommended to make electrodes from stainless steel, which does not react with water during the electrolysis process. The main thing is to find stainless steel High Quality. It is better to make the distance between the electrodes small, but so that gas bubbles can easily move between them. It is better to make fasteners from the same metal as the electrodes.

Take into account: Due to the fact that the manufacturing technology is associated with gas, in order to avoid the formation of a spark, it is necessary to make a tight fit of all parts.

In the embodiment under consideration, the device includes 16 plates, they are located from each other within 1 mm.

Due to the fact that the plates have a fairly considerable surface area and thickness, it will be possible to pass through such a device high currents, however, the metal will not heat up. If you measure the capacitance of the electrodes in air, it will be 1nF; this set uses up to 25A in plain tap water.

To assemble a hydrogen generator with your own hands, you can use a food container, since its plastic is heat-resistant. Then you need to lower the electrodes into the container to collect gas with hermetically insulated connectors, a lid and other connections.

If you use a metal container, to avoid short circuit, the electrodes are attached to plastic. Two connectors are installed on both sides of copper and brass fittings (fitting - mount, assemble) to extract gas. Contact connectors and fittings must be firmly secured using silicone sealant.

Compliance with safety measures

The electrolyzer is a high-risk device.

Therefore, during its manufacture, installation and operation, it is imperative to observe both general and special safety measures.

Special measures include the following:

  • the concentration of the mixture of hydrogen and oxygen should be controlled in order to prevent an explosion;
  • if the liquid level is not visible in the inspection window of the hydrogen generator, then it cannot be used;
  • When performing repairs, you need to make sure that there is no hydrogen at the end point of the system;
  • the use of open flames, electric heating devices and portable lamps with a voltage of more than 12 volts near the electrolyser;
  • When working with electrolyte, you should protect yourself by using protective equipment (overall clothing, gloves and goggles).

Qualified craftsmen believe that making homemade hydrogen generators for cars at home is a risky endeavor.

They explain this by the fact that an electrolyzer for a car has a complex and unsafe system of devices.

The manufacture of such units requires the use of special materials and reagents.

Note: In the case of self-installation of an electrolyzer that was made by yourself, it is recommended to strictly exclude the possibility that gas enters the combustion chamber when the engine is turned off. When the engine is turned off, the hydrogen generator must automatically disconnect from the network electrical supply car.

If you still decide to make a car hydrolyzer yourself, you should definitely equip it with a bubbler - this is a special water valve. Using it will significantly increase safety when driving a car.

Heating the house with Brown gas

Hydrogen is the most common chemical element, so it is economically profitable to use it.

For many owners of houses and cottages, the question often arises of how to obtain “clean” and cheap energy for household needs. The answer can be found in innovations such as a water generator for home heating.

Scientists, thanks to their developments, have allowed many to use such a device to produce gas. The installation is capable of generating hydrogen (Brown gas) and this gas will be used to generate energy.

Can you imagine this connection? chemical formula like hho. This gas can be obtained from water using the electrolysis method. There are many examples in life when people want to heat their home with oxyhydrogen. But in order for this type of fuel to gain popularity, you must first learn how to produce it (Brown’s gas) in domestic conditions.

No technology yet hydrogen heating private home, which would be quite reliable.

Watch the video in which an experienced user explains how to make a hydrogen generator with your own hands:

A hydrogen generator (electrolyzer) is a device that uses light from two processes: physical and chemical.

During operation, under the influence of electric current, water decomposes into oxygen and hydrogen. This process is called electrolysis. The electrolyzer is quite popular among the most famous types of hydrogen generators.

How the device works

The electrolyzer consists of several metal plates immersed in a sealed container with distilled water.

The housing itself has terminals to connect the power source and there is a sleeve through which gas is discharged.

The operation of the device can be described as follows: an electric current is passed through distilled water between plates with different fields (one has the anode, the other has the cathode), splits it into oxygen and hydrogen.

Depending on the area of ​​the plates, the electric current has its strength; if the area is large, then a lot of current passes through the water and more gas is released. The connection diagram of the plates is alternate, first plus, then minus, and so on.

It is recommended to make electrodes from stainless steel, which does not react with water during the electrolysis process. The main thing is to find high quality stainless steel. It is better to make the distance between the electrodes small, but so that gas bubbles can easily move between them. It is better to make fasteners from the same metal as the electrodes.

Take into account: Due to the fact that the manufacturing technology is associated with gas, in order to avoid the formation of a spark, it is necessary to make a tight fit of all parts.

In the embodiment under consideration, the device includes 16 plates, they are located from each other within 1 mm.

Due to the fact that the plates have a fairly large surface area and thickness, it will be possible to pass high currents through such a device, but the metal will not heat up. If you measure the capacitance of the electrodes in air, it will be 1nF; this set uses up to 25A in plain tap water.

To assemble a hydrogen generator with your own hands, you can use a food container, since its plastic is heat-resistant. Then you need to lower the electrodes into the container to collect gas with hermetically insulated connectors, a lid and other connections.

If you use a metal container, then to avoid short circuits, the electrodes are attached to plastic. Two connectors are installed on both sides of copper and brass fittings (fitting - mount, assemble) to extract gas. Contact connectors and fittings must be firmly secured using silicone sealant.

Compliance with safety measures

The electrolyzer is a high-risk device.

Therefore, during its manufacture, installation and operation, it is imperative to observe both general and special safety measures.

Special measures include the following:

  • the concentration of the mixture of hydrogen and oxygen should be controlled in order to prevent an explosion;
  • if the liquid level is not visible in the inspection window of the hydrogen generator, then it cannot be used;
  • When performing repairs, you need to make sure that there is no hydrogen at the end point of the system;
  • the use of open fire, electric heating devices and portable lamps with a voltage of more than 12 volts near the electrolyzer is contraindicated;
  • When working with electrolyte, you should protect yourself by using protective equipment (overall clothing, gloves and goggles).

Qualified craftsmen believe that making homemade hydrogen generators for cars at home is a risky endeavor.

They explain this by the fact that an electrolyzer for a car has a complex and unsafe system of devices.

The manufacture of such units requires the use of special materials and reagents.

Note: In the case of self-installation of an electrolyzer that was made by yourself, it is recommended to strictly exclude the possibility that gas enters the combustion chamber when the engine is turned off. When the engine is turned off, the hydrogen generator must automatically disconnect from the vehicle's electrical power supply.

If you still decide to make a car hydrolyzer yourself, you should definitely equip it with a bubbler - this is a special water valve. Using it will significantly increase safety when driving a car.

Heating the house with Brown gas

Hydrogen is the most common chemical element, so it is economically profitable to use it.

For many owners of houses and cottages, the question often arises of how to obtain “clean” and cheap energy for household needs. The answer can be found in innovations such as a water generator for home heating.

Scientists, thanks to their developments, have allowed many to use such a device to produce gas. The installation is capable of generating hydrogen (Brown gas) and this gas will be used to generate energy.

This compound can be represented by a chemical formula like hho. This gas can be obtained from water using the electrolysis method. There are many examples in life when people want to heat their home with oxyhydrogen. But in order for this type of fuel to gain popularity, you must first learn how to produce it (Brown’s gas) in domestic conditions.

There is not yet a technology for hydrogen heating of a private home that would be sufficiently reliable.

Watch the video in which an experienced user explains how to make a hydrogen generator with your own hands:

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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