How many necessary things people simply throw into landfills, not understanding the value of some things. Take at least the old ones car tires- from them you can make a wonderfully beautiful flower bed with your own hands, this was written about in the article ““.

Today in the store you can find a large assortment of greenhouses for your homestead, but their prices are not the most affordable. Not every gardener can afford such luxury.

Nowadays a lot of people change wooden frames new houses are made of plastic. Old frames are usually thrown into a landfill, not realizing what a valuable building material they are! From the old ones window frames you can easily make an excellent greenhouse for your site with your own hands. In terms of its qualities, it will be in no way inferior to store-bought polycarbonate ones. In this article we will tell you, how to make a greenhouse from frames with your own hands.

The greenhouse is very useful tool For successful cultivation vegetables Seedlings can be planted in a greenhouse when conditions outside have not yet become stable. warm temperature air. Glass in old wooden frames will help maintain the correct air temperature and lighting conditions. Windows that are built into frames can serve as ventilation. The construction of such a structure is not very difficult and cheap; it is important to know the steps of the work and have the material at hand.

Greenhouse made of frames: stages of construction

Before starting construction of a greenhouse, you need to measure the frames that you have available. The fact is that they are often different from each other. Then you need to think carefully about the option for installing the frames that will be the most optimal. To do this, you will need to adjust all the frames. The easiest option is to take frames of the same height and width.

By measuring the width of the frames, you will need to determine how wide the greenhouse will be. Be sure to draw a drawing or at least a diagram of the future greenhouse, this will greatly simplify your work in the future. In the drawing it would be desirable to indicate the place for the entrance, as well as the location of the beds and passages inside. Usually, they proceed from the following calculation: the beds are made 1 meter wide, and the passage is 80-100 centimeters.

Selecting a location

You need to take a very responsible approach to choosing the location of the greenhouse. You need to choose a large, flat piece of land that is well lit sunlight. It should be taken into account that the place is well protected from strong winds in order to protect the future greenhouse from possible drafts.

Shouldn't be nearby big trees And tall buildings, as this will create shading. The greenhouse at the selected location is placed in such a way that it is located from north to south.

Now a few words about the soil. It is best to choose a site with loose soil so that it’s not close groundwater and the ground was relatively dry. Even soil with a small layer of sand is acceptable.

Construction of the foundation

Building a foundation for a greenhouse is very simple, since a greenhouse is a very light structure.

For example, you can dig a shallow trench around the perimeter of the greenhouse and fill it with concrete. This foundation is very reliable and will serve you for a long time.

Or you can buy a metal foundation in the store. It is installed only under the very supporting pillars.

The foundation must be level so that everything is level.

Preparing frames for the greenhouse

Before installing the greenhouse, you must first prepare the frames. All unnecessary parts must be removed from all frames: hinges, handles, etc. Then, using a skin, remove old layer paints. This is necessary in order to new layer lay down straight. Painting frames is necessary to prevent premature rotting of wooden frames.

Frames can also be processed special means, which repels rodents.

Frame making

For the future greenhouse you need to make a wooden frame. It is done very simply, according to the drawing. A timber is taken and sawn to the required length.

The bars are attached to each other using nails or screws.

Installation of window frames to the frame

To attach the frames to the frame itself, it is best to use self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws. This does not mean that they are more reliable than nails. However, when you hammer in nails, there is a chance of breaking the glass.

After installation, you will have several gaps left that will need to be sealed. polyurethane foam. This way there will be no drafts in the greenhouse.

Greenhouse roof

It is best to make the greenhouse roof a ridge. This will ensure best stock water. It is better not to use frames for the roof. A lightweight material, such as polycarbonate, is suitable for these purposes. It will not cost much for the roof of the greenhouse.

You can cover the roof with several layers of film.

The roof must be made in such a way as to ensure unimpeded flow of water.

After building the greenhouse, all that remains is to equip it inside - build beds, shelves, racks, etc.

Drawings and diagrams of other greenhouse options

As an example, we will provide several drawings and diagrams of greenhouses made from window frames. You can take it already finished project and do it according to it.

DIY greenhouse

Construction of a greenhouse step by step photo

And this trash will also be useful for making a greenhouse. These bricks are very suitable for the foundation.

We will use these frames to make the greenhouse.

Let's make the foundation.

This is how the greenhouse turned out.

Greenhouse made from frames video

With the arrival of spring, every owner summer cottage facing the choice of buying or building a greenhouse for seedlings. Stores offer the most various options, ranging from simple arched structures made of arcs coated with agrofibre to complex structures made of polycarbonate. But the goal of any summer resident is to grow a crop with at the lowest cost, therefore, on sites you can increasingly see greenhouses built from old window frames. Fortunately, wooden ones have been replaced modern windows from PVC profile and frames that have served their useful life are dismantled.

Advantages and disadvantages of window frames as a material for greenhouse construction

Prefabricated greenhouses and greenhouses offered by stores are easily installed according to the diagrams supplied with them. But if you have a sufficient number of old window frames and minimal construction skills, almost anyone who knows how to hold a hammer and use a screwdriver can build a greenhouse.

Like any material, frames have their advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of window frames

  1. This material has the following advantages: Availability of material and its low cost
  2. . Old frames can be obtained when dismantling and replacing windows for free or for a small price if you purchase them from an organization engaged in this work. The possibility of constructing a greenhouse in a relatively short time
  3. . The frames are easily mounted on a pre-prepared foundation. Long service life. At proper preparation
  4. frames and constant care for them, a greenhouse can last about 10 years. Not required special tools
  5. and devices. To install a greenhouse, all you need is a hammer, a screwdriver and a building level. Installation on different kinds
  6. foundation. Depending on the weight of the frames, a strip or column foundation can be poured to build a greenhouse, but you can get by with a simple strapping.
  7. Possibility of combination with other materials. A frame greenhouse can have a roof made of polycarbonate, film or other suitable covering.

Plastic, metal-plastic and aluminum frames will last longer, but the cost of the greenhouse will be significantly higher.

Disadvantages of the material

The disadvantages include:

  1. Difficulty in preparing frames for installation. Requires thorough cleaning old paint, antiseptic treatment and fine painting.
  2. Required ongoing care. During operation, gaps may appear between the frames that will need to be sealed.
  3. The fragility of glass. If the foundation subsides or is hit, the glass may crack and will need to be replaced.
  4. Limitations on service life. Depending on the material from which the frames are made and their proper processing, a greenhouse can last for several years.

Frames can be painted in one color to finished building looked more aesthetically pleasing.

Preparatory work: dimensions, diagram, drawing

How much time will be spent on installing the greenhouse largely depends on how correctly the preliminary calculations are made and the installation diagram is drawn up. In this case, there will be no need to urgently purchase missing material or make adjustments directly on the site.

Choosing a location for installation

One of the most important factors when building a greenhouse - choosing a location. Depends on future harvest. It should be level and well lit throughout the day, located away from buildings and trees, and not be in a low area so that water does not stagnate. The greenhouse should be located in the direction from north to south. Based on the site plan and the location of trees and buildings, you can select the installation location and determine the permissible dimensions of the future greenhouse. After this, it is worth starting a more detailed study.

Preliminary calculations, drawing

Determine the exact number of frames available, write down their size. It's best if they are the same. This will avoid additional height adjustments. After this, you can draw up a diagram according to which the installation will be carried out. This will help determine the installation sequence and mark the location for doors and windows.

Depending on the exact size of the frames, necessary adjustments should be made. If you need to increase the height of the walls, the windows can be positioned horizontally, attaching them above the main frames.

Depending on the weight of the frames, you should decide on the type of foundation on which the greenhouse will be installed. If you plan to do gardening quite long term, it is better to install the greenhouse on strip or columnar foundations. If it is planned for 1–2 years, a base made of timber, previously insulated with roofing felt or treated with an antiseptic, will be sufficient.

The roof in a greenhouse can be either single-pitched, gable or arched. This largely depends on the material from which they decided to make it. It could be arched roof made of polycarbonate or a structure made of frames covered with polyethylene film.

Roofs made from glazed window frames are less common. If the slope is insufficient, there is a possibility that in a snowy winter the glass may break under the weight of the snow.

You should first draw up a detailed drawing of the roof and consider mounting options.

When constructing greenhouses, wooden frames are most often used. They are affordable and with the right preliminary preparation can last a long time. Before installation, you need to carefully inspect all frames, putting aside those that have defects. If they become numb during use, they will show signs of rotting - flaking paint, darkened wood color, change in structure. Frames with high degree damage should not be used during installation.

Frames with minor defects may last for some time. When drawing up a drawing, you need to take this point into account and, if replacement is not possible, provide for installation in such a way that the areas with defects are located in the upper part, near the roof itself. This way they will be less exposed to moisture and will increase their service life.

When preparing for installation you must:

  1. Remove all unnecessary hinges and handles from the frames.
  2. Using sandpaper or a sander, remove layers of old paint down to the base.
  3. To protect against rotting and damage by pests, treat the frames with an antiseptic.
  4. Remove the glass so that it is not damaged during installation if assembly is carried out using nails and a hammer.
  5. Fix the windows that will be used in a convenient way so that they do not open during the greenhouse assembly process.
  6. Vents that are not planned to be opened should be sealed with nails or sealant.

Calculation of the required amount of material

We make all preliminary calculations based on the previously drawn up drawing. You need to calculate the number of frames depending on the size. At standard size frame 1200x900 mm, the length of the greenhouse will be a multiple of 90 cm, and the height will be 120 cm + foundation height + roof height. Taking into account the fact that optimal width The beds are 1 m, and the distance between them varies from 40 to 60 cm, the most convenient width of the greenhouse will be 2.7 m, i.e. 3 frames. If the windows are larger, two frames may be sufficient.

Hinged windows have big sizes and a significantly smaller number of them will be required.

If there are few frames, you can make a greenhouse with a pitched roof by attaching it to a house or other building on the south side.

Besides required quantity frames, you will need:

  1. Entrance door. You can use standard balcony door, if necessary, shortening it, or you can make it yourself according to the size of the opening.
  2. Bars for building a frame. For a small greenhouse you will need 4 bars of length equal to the height of the building. If planned long design, support beams can be used to strengthen it.
  3. Foundation materials. For strip formwork, you will need formwork material - posts and boards, a mixture of concrete, crushed stone and cement, reinforcement or large stones. For an ordinary wooden foundation, you will need a beam 15x15 cm long, equal to the perimeter of the greenhouse, and roofing felt for waterproofing.
  4. Anchor bolts, screws.
  5. Wooden bars for rafters. Depending on the type of roof, their number will vary significantly. The largest quantity will be required for gable roof.
  6. Roofing material. This can be polycarbonate with a thickness of at least 6 mm or polyethylene film.

Tools required for work

During the installation of a greenhouse you will need:

  • cord and pegs;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • a circular saw;
  • building level;
  • drills of various diameters;
  • square;
  • roulette;
  • shovel;
  • polyurethane foam.

Detailed instructions for making a greenhouse

When constructing almost any greenhouse, the main steps are:

  1. Marking the installation site. Using pegs and a cord, we mark the place where the greenhouse will be installed. If a strip foundation is planned, we determine the width of the formwork and, by marking it, dig a trench about 40 cm deep.

    For a strip greenhouse you need to dig a trench

  2. Construction of the foundation. For strip foundation We install formwork from boards. We strengthen their rows with pegs and place reinforcement or large stones inside. Then we fill the channels with pre-prepared cement mortar. Drying time is about 5 days. Only after this can you begin further work.

    Pouring is done into pre-prepared formwork

  3. To set the corners columnar foundation you can use a metal pipe, brick, gas silicate blocks. The timber crown is mounted at the installation site. The bars are fastened with metal corners, and a rod is driven into the ground at the corners for reliable fixation. To prevent rotting, paving slabs or other material can be placed in the corners and in the center of each side of the base.
  4. Making beds. Before installing the frame, it will be convenient to make beds and design paths between them. Depending on the location of the entrance to the greenhouse and their number, there may be different options for the location of the beds.

    When arranging a greenhouse, it is important to position the beds correctly

    5. There are many types of path design. It could be paving stones, paving slabs, brick or stone, which are laid in a pre-prepared trench 10–15 cm deep with a sand cushion 5–7 cm high. Alternative option- backfill path made of sand and gravel.

    To design the paths, small trenches are pre-dug

    6. Sand or gravel is poured into a trench 5–10 cm high. It is permissible to use wood mulch or straw at your discretion.

    Paths can be mulched with sawdust, straw or other material

    7. Installation of the frame and fastening frames to it. We cover the foundation with strips of roofing felt and, using anchors, install beams for the lower frame on top of the roofing felt. For structural strength, we connect these elements together with steel corners. After this, we make markings for installing vertical supports. Using steel corners, checking the accuracy of the vertical lines using a level, we fasten the corner posts, and then, if necessary, install intermediate ones.

    The greenhouse frame is prepared for installation of frames

    8. Using bars, we make temporary fixation so that the racks do not bend from their own weight. After installing all vertical elements We attach the upper frame to the racks using corners - it will not allow the elements to tilt under their own weight. Only after the final installation of the frame do we remove the temporary supports. Can be used as stands metal pipes, buried in the soil. To attach the frames to the frame, it is best to use self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws. This will eliminate the possibility of damage to the glass. It is optimal to attach the frames directly to the timber in the holes that are already in the frames.

    Frame mounting points can be sealed with foam

    9. After completing the installation, the gaps that have formed between the racks and frames must be sealed with polyurethane foam. This will prevent drafts and cold air from entering the greenhouse.

    The gaps between the frames and the frame are sealed with polyurethane foam

    10. Construction of the roof. The frame of a gable roof consists of two vertical posts of gables, a ridge and rafter legs on both sides of him. First of all, the racks are installed, then the beam is thrown from one rack to another - it will act as a ridge. The rafters are attached to it.

Old wooden windows you don't always have to throw it away if you have it own dacha, and you are gardening. They may well be useful in order to independently make a good and inexpensive greenhouse or greenhouse for growing seedlings and various vegetable crops, will a great alternative expensive stationary greenhouses, which are sold in specialized companies. Building greenhouses from window frames with your own hands will cost much less than buying ready-made structures.

Window frames as a material for a greenhouse: pros and cons

Old windows perfectly transmit light, which is necessary for plants, and they also have high level strength, so a greenhouse made of them can withstand any type of precipitation.

Wood is a strong and stable material that is perfect for constructing greenhouses. And if new wooden structures are very expensive, then greenhouses made from old unnecessary window frames will cost mere pennies.

Old window frames for greenhouse construction

Greenhouses made from old windows have many advantages:

  • All windows and vents open, which ensures constant ventilation of the room;
  • Allows you to build a stationary, non-demountable or dismountable structure in a short period of time;
  • You can grow vegetables, fruits and flowers all year round;
  • Has excellent thermal insulation qualities;
  • Allows you to enter the room artificial lighting and heating.

The only drawback is that it is often very difficult to find a sufficient number of frames of the same size to make the structure even and aesthetically attractive.

The difficulty of selection increases the construction time of the greenhouse.

Preparation for construction: diagrams, drawings and dimensions

Preparatory work begins with the selection of the required number of identical window frames. If they are completely different, then you will have to show all your skills and abilities in the field of architectural engineering and take measurements of each window separately, and then, having written everything down on paper, try to draw up a diagram - a drawing on paper.

Drawing of a greenhouse made from old window frames without a roof

This is the only way you can assemble not only a durable and reliable, but also an aesthetically attractive greenhouse, which is very important for creating the exterior of the whole personal plot. In addition, if you assemble a structure from windows different sizes, you won't be able to achieve correct geometry, and therefore complete tightness of the room. Also, you will not be able to make a smooth and practical pitched roof.

Selecting a location

The location for building a greenhouse is very important point, since its future functionality depends on this. It is best to place the greenhouse on a flat area, well lit from all sides by the sun. But it is also important that the area is protected from strong winds, and didn’t stand nearby tall buildings and trees, which will create large and unnecessary shady areas for plants.

The greenhouse should be positioned in such a way that its longitudinal side is located from the north to the south.

Selecting a location for building a greenhouse from old windows

Soil selection

The ground under the greenhouse must be completely dry and clean. It is optimal when there is a sandy layer of soil under the chernozem. Since window frames with glass are quite heavy, the soil must be dense and well compacted. Especially if our structure is erected without a solid foundation.

If you have clay terrain, then it will need to be well prepared. To do this, you need to make a blind area from medium gravel, and then make sand cushion about 10 centimeters thick, on which good fertile soil is poured.

It is very important to take into account the presence of groundwater, which should be at a depth of more than one and a half meters. Soil with a high level of humidity is not suitable for building a heavy greenhouse from window frames.

Basically for construction stationary greenhouse From old windows, any old frames with glass will suit us, and the main thing is that they should be the same as possible. We choose windows with intact frames (not eaten away by bugs and fungi), as well as intact glass, so that you don’t have to buy new ones, since they are not cheap.

Selecting window frames for greenhouse construction

It is necessary to twist all excess from the window frames. metal elements: hinges, handles, latches, etc. Then completely clean the window frames from old peeling paint and sand with abrasive paper or special grinder. We also recommend treating wooden frames with an antiseptic substance that protects them from mice, rats, dampness and various insects.

If you want to attach frames to wooden frame using nails, the glass will have to be removed so as not to break it. And if you use ordinary screws, then there is no need to remove the glass. But at the same time, it is necessary to close all the windows so that they do not slam during operation. It is recommended to make the height of the greenhouse walls no lower than 1 meter 80 centimeters.

Calculation of the required amount of material and tools

In order to calculate required amount additional material you need to know the height and width of the windows. Depending on this, it is necessary to buy timber for constructing the frame, slats for creating sheathing and other materials.

It is also necessary to measure the width of all existing windows in order to have an idea of ​​how long the future greenhouse will be. In order to calculate the width, we recommend drawing up a drawing on which all passages and locations of the beds will be indicated in advance. Mostly, dacha owners make beds at least 1 meter wide. The width of the passage between them should be such that a small garden cart can be easily transported along it. Usually the width of the passage is also 1 meter, but it can be more or less depending on the wishes of the greenhouse owner and his ideas.

For work we will need tools and materials such as:

  • Hammer;
  • Nails;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Screws or self-tapping screws;
  • Abrasive paper or sanding machine;
  • Metal corners and plates;
  • Polyethylene film;
  • Boards - thickness 4 5 cm;
  • Wooden beam 10x10 cm;
  • Wood paint;
  • Ruberoid;
  • Bitumen mastic and antiseptics;
  • Sealant and construction foam.

Step-by-step instructions with photos for building a greenhouse with a pitched roof and without a foundation

Since the window frames and glass are quite heavy, we cannot do without a foundation completely. Another thing is that we will not make it solid: concrete, stone or brick. We will simply make a base from a thick wooden beam, on which we will place our greenhouse.

  1. First, you need to dig a narrow trench, about 15 cm deep, around the entire perimeter of the future greenhouse frame and fill it with small crushed stone. Compact everything well (you just need to pour water on the crushed stone and walk on it a little).
  2. We put roofing felt on this crushed stone in two layers, and this is mandatory. You can take another one waterproofing material, but roofing felt is more economical.
  3. We place a timber approximately 10x10 cm in size on the roofing material along the entire perimeter of the structure. Before this, we process the timber from below bitumen mastic. This will increase its service life.

    Timber base for a greenhouse

  4. We connect the timber at all corners from the inside with metal corners, and on the outside with iron plates.
  5. When the so-called foundation is ready, we begin to build the frame for the future greenhouse. We will make it from boards about 4 thick 5 centimeters. From these we need to make the upper and lower trim.

    Frame for a greenhouse from old windows

  6. To do this, in the corners, as well as every 2.5 or 3 meters, we install vertical racks along the length of all sides. The installation pitch of the racks must be calculated depending on the width of the window frames. Wherein bottom row It is better to make it from two rows of boards so that the height of the structure is much greater.
  7. From above, all the racks must be connected in general design by using wooden beam thinner, for example 4x4 cm. It is the vertical posts that are the main volume of the frame.

    Upper framing device

  8. We also fasten the entire frame together with iron corners and self-tapping screws so that the greenhouse made from old windows is as strong and rigid as possible.
  9. We attach the prepared window frames to the vertical posts using self-tapping screws, and blow out the resulting cracks with regular foam. Also, the frames must be secured with inside, nailing support bars to them.

    Fastening the window frame to the frame with nails

  10. If your window frames are too “low”, then you will have to make a two-tier frame, which will allow you to attach the frames to it not only vertically, but also horizontally. It would be good if we could find a sufficient number of single-leaf windows, with the help of which we would “raise” our greenhouse to the required height.

    Greenhouse with two rows of old window frames to “raise” the walls

  11. If you also make a pitched roof from window frames, then you should make a frame for the roof with a certain angle of inclination, since the glass in the window frames may not withstand large quantity snow.
  12. For pitched roof we make the rear pillars much lower to achieve the required roof angle.

    Shed roof made of window frames

  13. If you do not want to make a roof from window frames, then you can simply install a sheathing of wooden slats and stretch the plastic film. You can secure it to the frame using nails or a furniture stapler. This will be much simpler and easier, since the film can be removed for the winter so that a lot of snow does not accumulate on it.

    Construction of a roof from old window frames made of reinforced film

  14. After the frames are screwed to the frame, it is necessary to insert the windows, secure them with glazing beads and lubricate the edges with sealant to prevent air movement inside the room.
  15. Hooks or latches are screwed or nailed to the windows that will subsequently open. The rest can simply be nailed in and sealed with sealant.
  16. We install doors. If the end of the greenhouse where the door will be installed is very narrow, then there is no point in installing window frames there at all. Maybe just the space between door frame and cover the frame with thick plastic film.
  17. We make the door frame from timber. The door can be used as a regular interior door with or without glass. If dimensions allow, the door can also be made of high window frames.

Finishing: what color to paint and how to complement the structure

Window frames that have been cleared of old paint must be treated with various antiseptic and antifungal agents and, if desired, can be primed with a special wood primer. This is done to increase the service life of the “old wood”. Although I would like to note that old wooden frames have enough good quality, since in Soviet times everything was done “conscientiously.”

Then you can simply paint them with any paint you like, but usually choose the classic one White color. If you are a great esthete, you can fork out the money and open all the frames with varnish. Such a greenhouse will look simply gorgeous.

The finishing touches exterior decoration- installation of handles on the windows that will open to ventilate the greenhouse and on the doors.

Floor construction

Inside the finished greenhouse we pour a layer fertile soil and arrange the beds at our own discretion.

There are also other options, but they are more expensive.

Video: how to build a greenhouse from old window frames with your own hands

Based on our article, it cannot be said that a greenhouse from old window frames can be built in one day and costs nothing. But if you compare it with expensive factory stationary models, then it is no worse in its technical characteristics and the functions performed, and if you do everything as expected and put all your efforts into building a really good structure, then it will serve you for more than one year. Such a greenhouse will not only allow you to grow your favorite vegetables and fruits, but will also become an integral part of your garden plot.

Only financial resources and thinking allow a summer resident to create certain structures on his site. After all, as a rule, we try to create everything with our own hands. Today we can talk about creating structures such as greenhouses, and they will be made from old window frames. This is the most a budget option of all the possible ones that can exist. And you don’t have to look for materials, since old windows can be found everywhere.

Where can I get window frames? It’s very simple: windows in a neighboring house or even an apartment, in a kindergarten, or in a school can be changed. Don't waste your chance: you need to take the frames to your garage. At the same time, you will even be grateful for the fact that construction garbage(which are the frames) will be removed from the site.

But only availability building materials will not solve the problem. You need to know how to properly make a greenhouse from frames for.

The basis of the greenhouse: choosing a suitable foundation

It is worth noting that a foundation must be laid for the greenhouse. Without it, the structure will collapse. The weight of the frames will be so great that over time the greenhouse will simply sag.

The highest quality and most reliable material is brick. However, the material is quite expensive. But with long-term use it pays off perfectly. At excess moisture the stone may be destroyed.

Natural stone is also expensive, but will be able to withstand the strongest greenhouse structures. Natural stone can also withstand the most humid environments, which makes it possible to give advantages in use to this particular material.

Wooden foundation

Wood is also a very durable material, but after five years you will have to replace the wooden foundation, which will begin to crumble under the influence of moisture and temperature changes.

Experts assure that the most the best option- this is concrete. Such a foundation can last as long as possible. Of course, you can use absolutely any construction option. It all depends on what financial resources you have.

Frame of the structure

It is worth noting that the greenhouse itself, made from window frames, is already quite durable. You just need to strengthen it and mount it correctly. In order for the frame to be strong, it must be firmly strengthened with the base. Window frames are simply connected to each other on the base using corners, screws, studs and other fastening materials. Each person determines for himself what materials to use for fastening. It all depends on the budget.

So, let's look at the most common types of frame fastenings

Corners and screws are rightfully the most reliable. During the installation of the greenhouse, you will only need to properly install the greenhouse and secure it to the foundation. The parts of the greenhouse are secured with corners and then connected to each other with self-tapping screws. This way it is possible to achieve the maximum degree of stability.

You can also install a greenhouse using wooden nails, as well as bars. This option is even simpler than the previous method of connecting structures. Inside, the frames are connected using small cross-section beams.

There is another way that requires a minimum of time and effort. To do this you will need wire and clamps. Using the wire, you can wind it around the part of the connection and tighten it with pliers. Plastic clamps, which can be bought at a hardware store, are also used for tension.

Installation of a greenhouse from old windows

It must be said that any greenhouse structure can be created from the frames. The only thing is that you need to assemble everything correctly so that the structure lasts a long time. In order for the work to be completed efficiently, all work must be carried out step by step.

The frame and base are the most important parts of the greenhouse during installation. The fasteners must be strong and reliable so that the greenhouse lasts a long time. There may be connections that require welding.

How to cover a greenhouse from frames

Since the frames themselves are heavy, it is not recommended to use glass. In this case, the weight will increase even more. Glass is used when a small greenhouse is being assembled. The best option is to cover the greenhouse with plastic film. For this, a simple sheathing is used on the top of the structure. Once the film is covered over the greenhouse, you can begin to stretch the film.

Once all work is completed, you need to check its quality. If no flaws are found, then you can begin planting various crops. Now you can plant on your site at any time of the year. different cultures, which can only be grown on the site.

How economical a dacha owner is depends not only on how savvy he is and his budget, but also on his ability to make things with his own hands. A greenhouse made from window frames is quite practical, and you will need the most minimum investment, since two issues are being resolved at once: replacing frames in a city apartment and building a greenhouse in suburban area. Let's consider a step-by-step algorithm for building such a device on our own land.


1. Making the foundation

The base of the greenhouse must be made, since wooden frames weigh a fair amount, plus it is necessary to cover the structure; other materials will be added, due to which the weight will be even greater. Accordingly, to ensure that your greenhouse made from window frames does not get damaged or sag over time, you need to install it with your own hands reliably and steadily, for which you will need to build a foundation. There are different materials for laying:

Brick- very reliable, but not very cheap. If installed correctly, it will last quite a long time. But it can also be damaged by constant temperature changes or excessive humidity. At the same time, it is absolutely stable and quite strong, wooden structure It will easily withstand the greenhouse.

Stone- This durable material, but very expensive. You can even install a polycarbonate greenhouse with a metal body on it. Its base is durable and it copes with the impact of various weather conditions. If you take untreated stone, the price of the material will be much less.

Wooden foundation It is distinguished by its durability, it is also stable, but will not last too long. Literally up to eight years and it will have to be replaced. But it is perfect for DIY greenhouses.

Concrete- tape version made from cement. Reliable and durable. Will last for many years.

Based on the above, it is up to you to decide which material for laying the foundation for a greenhouse is acceptable to you. To build a foundation, the soil should not be swampy or too wet, otherwise the greenhouse will sag very soon. Perfect option when there is a layer of sand under the soil layer. If there is none, you need to do the following:

■ Fill the clay with gravel, spread it well, then add sand to a layer height of 15 cm.

■ Check that there is at least one and a half meters of groundwater penetration.

■ To install a strip foundation, you will need to dig a trench up to 50 cm deep. Make formwork. The boards can be wrapped in film to prevent them from “attaching” to the cement. At the bottom, place wire reinforcement or just large enough stones for reinforcement. Next, pour in a mixture made from: cement, crushed stone, concrete.

This must be done in such a way that the voids are completely filled.
Next, you need to remove the boards and waterproof them using bitumen composition, roofing felt and polymer material. If sinuses form along the edges, fill them with moistened sand and compact them. All this will take about three weeks (including complete drying of the foundation). Therefore, count on these deadlines before starting to build a greenhouse.

How to install the frame?

A greenhouse made from old frames is a completely self-sufficient frame that requires correct installation with your own hands, fastenings and coverings (including lathing). To build a reliable greenhouse, the frame must be installed securely. Window frames must be installed on the foundation and securely secured using corners, self-tapping screws, wooden blocks, nails or clamps. Building a greenhouse from old frames with your own hands is generally not difficult at all. The main thing is to stick important rules simplest construction. Plan all the work in advance, think through and write everything out step by step.

Place the frame on the foundation. To secure the components to the foundation with your own hands, use metal corners. They are inexpensive and quite durable. In order to secure it to the base of the greenhouse, you will need: welding, bolts and anchors. After which you can attach the old frames.

Don’t rush, do everything correctly, installing the next element on the foundation, fastening it together with the next one. Then you will be able to make the greenhouse frame with your own hands strong and stable, preventing subsidence into the ground.

Video “How to build a greenhouse from what you have at hand”

This video tells and shows how to make a greenhouse from what you have on hand. Window frames act as walls.

Installation of windows and frames

Since the structure itself will already be quite heavy in weight, it is not worth adding additional weight to it with windows. Nevertheless, some reproduce their greenhouses in this way, but this mainly applies to small structures. The best covering option is polyethylene film.

To arrange it, you need to do easy option sheathing around the perimeter of the top of the greenhouse. Use steel wire, slats or mounting profile. When the sheathing is installed, you can stretch the film. To secure it, use clamps and clamps, and you can also make regular holes for fastening.

Roof installation

When you are just planning to build a greenhouse yourself, think about what kind of roof it will have: single or gable. For example, if there are not enough details, then, of course, you can only do single slope option. He is satisfied with the most in a simple way, the main thing is that the slope is sufficient so that the water can drain without difficulty during and after rain.

The gable roof option is much better, regardless of the material that will be used for its construction. Processed frame blanks are stacked in a standard way, they are nailed down and covered with a ridge (made of wood or plastic) on top. It is important that the surface is sealed, especially at the junctions of glass and wood. Indeed, in the event of leaks, an unfavorable environment may be created inside the greenhouse, for example, mold or plant diseases.

If the walls of the greenhouse are made from old frames, they go well with polycarbonate. For example, if there is a shortage of materials that you will prepare for arranging a roof in a greenhouse, you can use polycarbonate or greenhouse film. Of course, this is not glass, but in terms of properties, the microclimate inside the greenhouse will not become worse if there is another material instead of glass.

To make a good, solid greenhouse, it is not necessary to make drawings, the main thing is to be able to tinker and be a savvy gardener. Upon completion of all work, from laying the foundation to stretching the film, double-check yourself to see how correctly you did everything.

Video “Answers to questions about building a greenhouse from window frames”

In this video you can see a greenhouse made from window frames and hear answers to many questions about the construction.

Beautiful greenhouse for relaxation and gardening

Few people think that a greenhouse can also be used for recreation. Usually its entire area is saved beyond measure in order to grow more seedlings or tomatoes. We offer an alternative - a principled approach to the dacha not only as a place for growing food and flowers, but also as a paradise for your holiday and your whole family.

This greenhouse is clear example how such an idea can be realized with the help of several ideas. By placing a chair, candlesticks inside, and placing decorative elements here and there, you can transform the overall image of the greenhouse. Prepare and wooden box, which can be an excellent stand for books, tea and dessert. After all, in such a greenhouse you will probably want to read books for a long time or even take a short nap, taking out soft pillows from a wooden box on the floor.

In addition, the space around the greenhouse can be completely changed even without significant costs. Old small wheelbarrows and shovels, clay pots, albeit slightly beaten, and even an old footstand sewing machine- everything can be used for decoration. The main thing is that such old things are complemented with decorative ones - flowers, an angel on the window frame, twine tied in a bow. Thus, you organize a whole small exhibition in the name of beauty at your dacha.

There should be room inside for both plant decorations and interior items. For example, vases or candlesticks. Flowers alone are not enough to create a bohemian greenhouse environment like winter garden at an old English mansion. But together they will work like a charm.

In fact, no small thing is completely unnecessary. From it you can create beautiful compositions that will decorate a certain area in the country. Look at the old window frame, to which the owners of this greenhouse just nailed an iron rod folded in the shape of a heart. And instantly it became an art object that reminds either of the story of Romeo and Juliet, or of a small French summer cafe.

Decorating a greenhouse with plants is also worth it in a special way. For example, pairs or trios of plants of the same type, displayed in accordance with some idea in identical pots, will look beautiful.

And so, creating one composition after another, you will be able to fully equip the greenhouse and the area around it beautifully and without unnecessary financial costs.

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