Many housewives are not used to dealing with professional table settings. Therefore, they are unfamiliar with the word “menazhnitsa”. Let's talk, in what cases does this serving item become necessary?

Menagerie: what is it for?

Although the word “melanger” comes from the French “melanger”, which translates as “to mix”, it is needed to perform the opposite functions. What is it used for?

Menazhnitsa is a specific dish, divided by partitions into several sections.

This item is divided into the following types:

  • a vessel of removable sections, the basis for which is a common stand;
  • tiered dish with a sortable base, this is when on different levels small containers are attached.

Each type of dish has its own positive characteristics. Examples of items of this type are stands. To serve hot dishes, a wooden dish or heat-resistant ceramics is used. A 3-section menagerie will save space on a small table.

The stand for this dish is a flat plate or wicker basket with small edges. A salt shaker or glass is a great addition placed in the center. A bowl with a lid protects food from quickly cooling or drying out.

Any sorted stand has several sections, and how to fill them is a personal matter for any housewife.

What can you put in a menagerie?

Depending on the number of compartments, this serving item can be classified in the following areas:

  • 1 section is intended for one dish;
  • if there are 2 compartments, then you can put the main dish and a side dish in them;
  • 3-4 compartments are created for stacking multiple products;
  • 5 compartments serve salads or chopped vegetables;
  • tiered dishes are designed for fruits and cakes.

In the West this item table settings are often found in communal cafeterias, hospitals, prisons, and so on.

In addition, these consumer goods are used not only in everyday atmosphere, but also in restaurants. True, the sections here play a slightly different role than in ordinary life.

In restaurants, each cell is filled not with different salads, but with individual components of one dish, dressing and sauce ingredients. This is a salad maker on a rotating stand, so every visitor to the restaurant can independently mix his own salad the way he wants.

A wooden menu holder has gained great popularity in sushi bars, as thanks to it you can beautifully decorate rolls and sushi in various sections. Types of rolls, ginger, wasabi are placed there and soy sauce is poured.

Cabaret is a certain type of dish that is only non-round in shape. This item is made up of 3 round plates, the outlines of each of which are clearly visible. The cabaret is shaped like a clover leaf.

It is used for serving various types sauce. Salads do not fit in such a dish, but cabaret is perfect for serving different types caviar.

Of course, whether or not to use this item is up to each housewife.

However, it’s a good idea to impress your guests with a beautifully set table using original tableware!

The convenience of menageries has long been appreciated by advanced housewives. For those who don't know what it is, let's explain: we're talking about about an oval dish with quite large diameter, which is divided into several sections by partitions.

Why do you need a menagerie?

Typically, menazhnits (from the French “to mix”) are used as salad bowls. Salad components - vegetables, additives, dressings - are placed in separate sections. You choose any ingredients and mix them into your own, “individual” salad.

There are from two to four compartments in a menagerie, and sometimes more. In dishes with one partition, the main product and one side dish are served. In some cases, storage units consist of several collapsible compartments, which are united by a common stand. Such multifunctional models are ideal for large feasts - their compartments are used as gravy boats or separate salad bowls.

Without a doubt, any housewife will be satisfied with these kitchen utensils, because she will no longer have to run to the table with plates. You can put everything in the kitchen at once and take it out for guests. On top of that, such dishes save space on the table. Moreover, the menu is made with a rotating disk, and each guest has the opportunity to easily turn it towards themselves with the desired side.

If you don’t yet have a menagerie, it’s worth purchasing this useful thing for yourself and as a gift to family or friends. Stylish new product will help diversify your menu, and also provide the opportunity for quick and easy serving.

This is a great hostess gift!

If previously professional utensils and serving utensils were available exclusively to catering establishments, today any housewife can purchase them in stores after trying them in her kitchen. One of these table dishes is menazhnitsa. Those who have visited cafes and restaurants more than once have most likely managed to appreciate its convenience and aesthetic appearance. And for those who still don’t know anything about it, we have prepared a short educational program.

A useful new product for your kitchen

First, let's define the concepts. The term "menazhnitsa" comes from French word“melanger”, which means “to mix”. But this wonderful kitchen device is just the opposite - it prevents several foods from mixing in one plate.

It represents a dish that can have different shape(round, oval, square), and divided into several sections.

Sometimes it can be a large plate in which several small portions are placed.

After the appearance of such a new product, convenient idea airlines immediately adopted it, thus using it to serve dishes according to the “ Buffet" This significantly saved space and time for serving/changing dishes. Later, such useful utensils migrated to catering establishments, and soon into the kitchens of ordinary housewives.

Initially, it was intended for salads, each component of which was laid out in a separate section, and the sauce was poured inside. They were supposed to have this appearance when served, and during the meal all the products were mixed, which is what the meaning of the French term is connected with.

There are usually four sections in this version. But there are plates divided into two and even ten parts.

The main materials for making menagerie are porcelain and glass, but it can also be plastic, wood, ceramics and even metal.

It is worth purchasing such utensils for those who want to create special style on festive table, because its individual parts, made in different color scheme, look very original. And options with decorative author's painting will be an excellent gift for any celebration.

What to put?

Possible product compositions depend on the number of sections:

  • two – main dish and side dish;
  • three - four - cuts and snacks;
  • five - six - salad components or vegetables with sauce.

There are also tiered options on which you can beautifully arrange desserts.

It’s definitely worth buying this serving item if you like to experiment and surprise your family and friends with unusual and beautiful snacks, each of which will take a separate, worthy place and will retain its appetizing appearance.

Menazhnitsa is a plate divided by partitions into several sections, or a dish filled with small, low salad bowls.

The shape, size and number of cells are limited only by the manufacturer’s imagination. In some models the role of a stand is played wooden boards or metal trays with handles. Sectional dishes are used to serve the table with salads, appetizers, sauces, slices, and dried fruits. This presentation looks impressive and helps to significantly save space.

Popular types of menazhnits and their purpose

The main purpose of the mixing bowl is to prevent mixing of products. Being next to each other, the appetizers taste beautifully, but the taste of each remains unchanged, and the sauces and juices of one salad do not spoil the appearance of the one located next to it.

Sectional serving dishes

Big solid A menu in the form of a dish divided into shaped sections looks impressive in the center of the table, even if it is filled with simple snacks. Sectional dishes are round, oval, rectangular.

The cells are made of the same shape and size or different, which allows you to correctly arrange snacks taking into account the volume. The number of cells is from two to ten or more. As a rule, the sections are shallow; they are convenient to use for cold cuts, cheeses, fish, fresh and pickled vegetables.

Shallow trays are made of glass, porcelain, ceramics, and crystal. Some manufacturers include dishes in expanded dinner sets. But more often they are sold separately.

Salad bowls from several sections

One-piece menagerie for serving salads deeper. They consist of several salad bowls, bowls or vases combined into one dish. Often the design is complemented by a functional handle that helps bring snacks to the table.

Salad bowls differ from dishes and plates by their curly edges and unusual shapes. Round salad bowls are made in the shape of flowers with petals, oval ones are made in the shape of a chain of rosettes, and triangular ones are made of hearts. The choice is huge!

Sectional salad bowls with containers look interesting different sizes. Combining volumes helps to dose salads according to needs. For example, a delicacy - less, and another - more.

Salad bowls are also presented as separate items on a common stand. It's convenient to combine treats and play with table settings.

Prefabricated menageries on stands

Composite menageries on a stand are convenient because they can be used not only as a set, but also separately. Each outlet or salad bowl is an independent dish. If there is no space on the table for a tray, salad bowls can be placed without a stand in different places. Composite menu dishes are also suitable for portioned dishes - each guest takes a snack or dessert from a stand in a mini-plate and places it in front of him.

On the platter, all segments complement each other perfectly. In some models the figures are simple, in others they are more intricate. The end result is always something single figure.

It is difficult to cover the variety of products in this segment. The following can serve as a stand for salad bowls:

  • large plates made of the same material (crystal, glass, porcelain, earthenware);
  • openwork trays made of metals - stainless steel, cupronickel, silver, bronze;
  • trays with handles made of glass, metal, wood;
  • wooden stands - smooth, with recesses, with handles for carrying;
  • wicker baskets - from natural material and polymers;
  • forms and slabs made of stone and ceramics;
  • rotating dishes on legs.

Rotating menu holders are convenient because each guest can easily turn the desired snack towards themselves without lifting the dishes from the table. If the set consists of rotating dish on a leg and portioned salad bowls, then the stand, if necessary, can be used independently for cake or desserts.

Why do you need a cover?

There are two types of lids - one common for the entire sectional plate or small individual ones for each container. Lids protect food from drying out, foreign odors, insects. The large lid can be removed before serving.

Ceramic and porcelain personalized bowls with lids are used for hot dishes instead of pots or cocotte makers. Portion dishes are placed on the table closed. Sometimes lids are provided only for some cells, for example, for the central one for sauce.

Tiered salad bowls to save space

Multi-tiered models are worth mentioning separately. Essentially this is bookcases, each tier of which is divided into several sections. Even a two-tier snack rack can hold more snacks than a single rack while taking up the same amount of counter space. And if this is a pyramid of three, four or five floors, draw your own conclusions.

For the convenience of guests, deep salad bowls are placed in a herringbone shape. The upper plate is always smaller in diameter than the lower one. Menagerie slides are suitable for festive table setting and for everyday use in a small kitchen.

Portion plate

Separately, it is necessary to highlight portioned plates with several sections, used for main courses and desserts. Essentially, this is an ordinary plate separated by partitions, the height of which is equal to the height of the sides or slightly less. In such dishes, as a rule, there are two or three sections of the same or different sizes.

In a menazhnitsa-type plate, it is convenient to serve main courses with side dishes and salads, sauces, and vegetables. The products do not mix and look beautiful. Sectional plates can also be used for table setting sausages, cheese, pickles. They are not only round, but also oval, like .

The same line includes children's dishes with interesting design. For example, in the form of cars, animal faces, flowers. Unbreakable materials are suitable for babies. Table plates can be glass, glass-ceramic, porcelain, earthenware.

When choosing a plate, consider its compatibility with microwave. Meat racks are suitable for heating food in the microwave made of plastic, glass and glass ceramics, as well as some types of earthenware, but without metals in decoration.

Review of manufacturing materials

Menazhnitsa is a typical serving utensil, so the same materials are used for production as for other plates and salad bowls: glass, ceramics, stainless steel, plastic. The choice of materials depends on the purpose of the sectional plate.

Menazhnitsy from glass in the form of plates for second courses, they are suitable for serving cold cuts, cheeses, canapés, and tartlets. Small plates are good for appetizers such as olives, marinades, and vegetables. Products made from transparent glass can be combined with almost any tableware.

White glass-ceramic menazhniki are very practical - the material is durable, resistant to temperature changes and exposure detergents. Plate white- classic. If you make it a habit to buy white dinnerware, you won't have to search for a long time to find the right item.

Tableware ceramic affordable. The variety of ceramic menageries in stores cannot be covered in any review. Here are massive sets of salad bowls in a retro spirit, and square four-section plates, and original options with complex segmentation for various snacks and sauces.

The most elegant ceramic tableware - porcelain. U famous manufacturers There are extensive collections of porcelain, which include all kinds of porcelain dishes for appetizers and in the form of plates for main courses.

From natural wood make sectional plates. These are convenient for serving nuts, crackers, cheeses, and baked goods. Wooden racks are made using industrial and handicraft methods. They are coated with oil or varnish to last a long time.

Alternative to wood - high quality plastic with imitation wood. Plastic salad bowls are also made in other color solutions. There is also a travel option in this segment - containers with partitions and lids. These are convenient to carry lunch to work or put leftovers in the refrigerator at home.

Options for using sectional dishes

A selection of photographs with serving options will help you figure out why you need a menagerie on the table and what can be served in this functional dish.

Chips and ketchup are an easy way to fill a sectioned salad bowl for a party. This presentation is the most regular products will help out if guests show up without warning.

A round container with removable sections is filled with pickles. Inexpensive snacks from the home cellar look like restaurant dishes. Imagine how much space regular salad bowls would take up.

Light snacks for a quick fix in a triple pressed wood bowl. Wooden crafts can be used for sweets, cookies, bagels.

Assorted dried fruits - bright summer sun on a stand. Each fruit is separate, and such a serving takes up the space of one plate.

Vegetable appetizer for a light dinner in a glass bowl. Transparent glass dissolves in space. The minimalist design looks good next to any dishes.

Examples of interesting models

To choose a tableware, compare the options you like with the available dishes. If there is nothing suitable in style, buy glass or crystal. There will probably be glasses or glasses on the table that will complement the salad bowl or plate.

Set of four porcelain sections on wooden stand with a carrying handle, suitable for serving gourmet salads, olives, olives. You can serve nuts, crackers, and dried fish fines with beer. The volume of one heart salad bowl is 120 ml. There is a similar model with apple-shaped sections.

A ceramic menagerie with five removable sections with lids on a rotating stand is more than functional. In such dishes you can serve several dishes at once. The material used and the presence of an individual lid for each container allows you to serve hot snacks and salads. The central container is ideal for sauces, sour cream, ketchup.

Another ceramic model, but here the sections are low, so they are suitable for serving appetizers, cuts and sauces. The components are placed on a plastic rotating stand.

Original square porcelain sectional plate with a foot. The design is applied under glaze, so it will remain as bright and clear for a long time.

A faience plate with three sections with gilding on the edge is suitable for salads, vegetables or cold cuts. It’s good to have two or three such menazhnits, they will take less space than ordinary salad bowls, but they will look much more interesting.

Assembled glass model on a metal tray with handles. An almost universal option for any appetizers and sauces.

The two-tier menagerie is compact, so it’s worth considering this option for your home. Wooden holder convenient and reliable.

Triple salad bowl with gilded handle and decor. Deep and roomy hearts are convenient for salads.

Browse online stores to see even more interesting tableware and be sure to find something beautiful for yourself.

As a gift, it is better to buy a menagerie on a tray or platter. This option is more functional, which means that the dishes will not end up on the mezzanine or in the far corner of the cabinet.

Menazhnitsa is a dish that is divided into sections with partitions. Surely everyone remembers from American films about how schoolchildren receive food in canteens in dishes with compartments. This is an example of a menagerie.
Its size can be quite large, since such dishes are used to serve salads. All ingredients used must be mixed after, and not only them.

The shape of the menazhnits can be anything– they are found oval, square, round; may resemble several bowls connected in one row; can be folding, since each compartment is a separate bowl in its own stand.

The menu holder can also have a handle to increase its own mobility or rotate so that everyone can reach the dish in it.

In the end, there is even tiered menageries, which perfectly save space on the table. Therefore, you can choose any design of this kitchen utensil. There are quite a lot of menagerie different forms and flowers.

You can fill the compartments of the storage trays with anything, this is at the discretion of the hostess. True, there are several rules depending on the number of sections.

If there are two of them, it is better to put meat or fish with a side dish there. If there are three or four compartments, then such a tray is perfect for serving snacks or cold cuts.

In the case where there are five sections, you can fill them with salad ingredients, as well as various kinds sauces.

Tiered trays are suitable for desserts, especially cookies or cakes. It is equally important to choose products of the same type.

Speaking of a tiered dish, food should be placed in such a way as to visually increase not the diameter of the dish, but its height. Brighter and larger ones are better placed on the lower tiers.

You may ask what other dishes can be served in such dishes, because not only meat, sauces or cuts will look interesting in it.

You can approach it a little unconventionally and place tomatoes in the menu, which are stuffed with one or even several types of salads.

You can decorate the dish with parsley, lettuce or other leaves of your choice. Place it around the stuffed tomatoes.

If your dish has a section in the middle, you can also decorate it in an interesting way and thereby give the dish an unusual appearance.

Let your imagination run wild here. Ladybug from cherry tomatoes, fungus from an egg and the same tomato, radish flowers, delicately cut lemon slices - all this will add novelty to the dish and make it original.

Of course, the price of the dish will depend not only on the functionality of the dish, but also on the material from which it is made.

Such dishes are made from glass, porcelain, ceramics, metal, plastic and even wood. A bowl made of wood or heat-resistant ceramics is used to serve hot food.

Some dishes also come with a lid that prevents hot food from cooling down quickly.

An interesting fact is that at first the racks were exclusively plastic and were used only in fast foods and eateries.

But then their practicality was appreciated, and gradually these dishes began to appear in cafes and even restaurants. Of course, gradually the menagerie began to be made of porcelain and durable glass.

This kitchen utensils appreciated for its practicality. It can replace a tray, a salad bowl, appetizer dishes and much more.

A menagerie with a twisted leg looks very nice on the table. And if it is also made of porcelain, silver-plated metal or crystal, then your table will look more sophisticated.

You just need to make sure that all the dishes are in the same style, otherwise you risk making the table setting look funny rather than beautiful.

This dish could be a good gift for relatives or friends. Moreover, not only menazhniki are becoming popular, but also other dishes of a similar type, for example portion pans.

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