Reading time: 5 minutes

Camel wool blanket – perfect solution to provide comfortable sleep. This is a traditional material that has been tested for centuries and in harsh conditions. Why it is valued and what to look for when purchasing - let’s take a closer look.

It could be:

  • with open wool (woven or fur);
  • with closed, when the filler is in a fabric cover (quilted, cassette or carostep).
Basic unique properties camel hair is hidden in every hair, or rather, in its emptiness. In the middle of each is air. Inner surface fibers can easily absorb moisture, and their outer side has water-repellent properties.

For closed type products need to be returned Special attention on the composition of the cover fabric, which must be, firstly, natural, and secondly, durable.

The most popular are satin, teak and silk - these fabrics also have hygroscopicity, the ability to thermoregulate, and breathability, due to which they maintain the properties and characteristics of the blanket, rather than extinguish them.


  • thermoregulation

Camel wool has exceptional heat-regulating properties.

The camel's habitat is characterized by huge temperature changes, so its wool is unique and does not lose this property in a blanket - in cold weather it warms and retains heat, and in hot weather it protects from overheating and gives off the necessary coolness.

  • breathability

Due to their structure, the products allow air to pass through perfectly, have “breathable” properties and provide good air exchange.

  • wear resistance

It is believed that the average service life of these blankets is 7-9 years. However, this is a minimum; there are families in which they serve for decades, passed down from generation to generation.

  • hygroscopicity

During a night's sleep, we release about half a liter of moisture. Therefore, it is necessary that the bedding absorbs it while remaining dry. Camel fabric can absorb up to 30% of its own weight in moisture.

  • ease

Each fiber is hollow inside, making it very light.

For example, the weight of a woven blanket (plaid) measuring 180x200 cm is only 1300 grams. , quilted all-season blanket 170x200 cm – 2000 g. For comparison, similar products from sheep wool will weigh 2600 and 4000 g. respectively.

  • healing properties

The therapeutic effect is as follows

  • enhances tissue nutrition, improves metabolism;
  • neutralizes toxins produced by the body;
  • has a rejuvenating effect on skin, increases skin firmness and elasticity;
  • helps relieve inflammatory processes in the body;
  • protects against the effects of electromagnetic fields;
  • helps relieve pain from arthritis, radiculitis and osteochondrosis;
  • improves the functioning of the circulatory system, enhancing blood microcirculation.


  • may cause allergic reactions
There is information that camel wool is hypoallergenic. This is not entirely true. An allergic reaction to the wool itself is quite rare. But the lanolin contained in it is an allergen. It is also loved by various microorganisms, whose waste products can cause a reaction.

In addition, you may have an allergic reaction to the chemicals used in dry cleaning.

So people prone to allergies or suffering from bronchial asthma should use these products with great caution. It may well be suitable, which is considered safe even for people with bronchial asthma. But it is advisable to refuse.

  • quite difficult to care for

If washing is allowed, hand washing is preferable; it requires the use of special products. Must be protected from moths.

However, with proper care, this disadvantage is compensated by the practicality and durability of the blanket.

Manufacturers and price review

A high-quality camel blanket cannot be cheap.

On Pricing is influenced by the following parameters:

  • quality and quantity of raw materials

It is heterogeneous - it consists of guard hair and downy undercoat. Both wool and down are used, which are separated by hand. But the latter is more valuable. By international standards, Mongolian Bactrian fluff is considered to be of the highest quality.

The most valuable is the down of young non-working camels (Baby camel) for its special softness and lightness. Camel down blankets belong to the elite category, their cost starts from 10,000 rubles.

Wool is cheaper than down, because... it is rougher, heavier and tougher. Products made from it will cost 3000-7000 rubles.

Price 2000-3000 rubles with indication on the label “wool – 100%” - most likely you are looking at a filler made from a mixture of camel and sheep raw materials. A good manufacturer will indicate the percentage, and it will most likely be 40x60 or 50x50. Blanket heavier with mixed filler, more voluminous, but cheaper and still natural.

Cheaper than 1,500 rubles - option with thermally bonded filler. This is a homogeneous fabric, to obtain which the wool is passed through a hot roller, where it is glued together using synthetic fiber. The percentage of camel component in such a filler is directly proportional to the price finished product.

Product data

Pay attention to the composition indicated on the sew-in label. When using a natural component, it must be indicated “camel wool - 100%”. If it is simply written “camel”, then the manufacturer is hiding from you exactly how much wool there is and what type of wool it will be (most likely, it will be a thermally bonded type of filler).
The manufacturer, who has nothing to hide, will provide complete information about himself, the composition of the filler, the fabric of the cover, and the care of the product on a sewn-in label that will retain the information for a long time. Pay attention to the quality of workmanship and packaging. This can say a lot.

  • blanket assembly method and cover material

In descending order of price: cassette, carostep-quilted and silk-satin-teak, respectively.

  • manufacturer

Fame, positive reviews and the long history of the manufacturer always increases not only the prestige of the product, but also its value.

Some well-established companies: Billerbeck (Germany), Irisette (Germany), Jork&Larsen A/S (Denmark), Dargez (Russia).

Colors of open wool products are not very diverse. This is due to the fact that camel hair cannot be dyed, so all colors are the natural color of the animal. The color range is from white to dark brown (beige, cream, light brown, brick - 14 shades in total). The color depends on the age and breed of the camel. Most appreciated White color, since all camel cubs up to one year old have a white color, and it is their wool that is characterized by the highest quality.

Despite the apparent monotony, it is these warm and calm natural tones that have the most beneficial effect on the body, as evidenced by numerous reviews of people who have been using this product for many years.

How to use it correctly - with or without a duvet cover?

For everyday use, a duvet cover is definitely a must. It performs a protective function, protecting against dust and contamination various kinds. In addition, it is more hygienic - we wash bed linen much more often than the blanket itself. However, the therapeutic effect is stronger if the skin is in direct contact with the fur. Therefore, if you are the owner of a woven or fur product and want to conduct a “camel therapy” session, then it is more advisable to remove the duvet cover during the session to ensure direct skin contact with the open product.

Look for a blanket for yourself

In order for the blanket to serve for a long time without losing its positive properties, it is important to follow simple rules care:
  • washing is allowed, ideally by hand, but machine washing in a gentle mode is also allowed. Maximum permissible temperature water – 30 degrees C;
  • it's better to wash by special means containing lanolin;
  • squeeze gently and carefully, without squeezing tightly or twisting;
  • dry after washing in horizontal position in a well-ventilated area;
  • bed linen, in particular duvet covers, should be made of natural fabrics with good hygroscopicity and breathability;
  • it is necessary to ventilate the blanket at least twice a year, preferably fresh air, but protect from exposure to direct sunlight;
  • store in a well-ventilated area in a cotton bag, separate from other bedding.

Video review of camel down blanket Tailak ()

Woolen blankets made from camel hair have been valued since time immemorial. In Rus', such a thing was equated to gold, it was passed on by inheritance. And the king Louis XIV had more than a hundred similar blankets. Why have they not lost their popularity today? The thing is that nothing better has yet been invented.

Types of blankets

Camel wool filling.

You can sleep sweetly under a blanket made of camel wool at any time of the year, be it winter, summer or off-season.

The textile industry is ready to offer a choice of lightweight, regular or all-season options. A lightweight, thin blanket, such as a camel wool blanket, is perfect for summer. In winter, use the regular model. And all-season products are a two-layer construction with the possibility of turning into a single-layer, which is why they can be used at any time of the year.

Based on the manufacturing method, blankets are divided into woven and quilted. Let's look at what each of them is.

  • Woven. Open model produced on weaving equipment. Products can be either light or heavy. Weight and softness depend on the quality of the wool. In adult camels it is rough, while in young camels it is softer. The fur of small camels is often used to make small blankets. A woven blanket made of camel wool is also used for purely decorative purposes.
  • Quilted. Closed model with filler in a case.

The material from adult camels is prickly. To prevent the wool from pricking, it is covered with a fabric cover and stitched over the entire area. The advantage of such options is a wide choice color range final product.

Models also differ in the type of firmware and filler distribution. They can be:

  • quilted;
  • cassette;
  • Kara-steppe.


The quilted option is the most inexpensive of those listed, but has a number of disadvantages. These include weak fixation of the filler, as well as uneven distribution, which over time leads to the formation of lumps. With this method, the stitching is done in parallel lines at a great distance from each other.

The cassette type is more expensive than the previous one. The cover is stitched in the longitudinal and transverse directions, forming cells (cassettes). The advantage of this type of assembly is the high-quality fixation of the filler.

Karostep stitching is a patterned stitch over the entire surface. This option, like the cassette version, holds the filler well, but after a certain time the hairs begin to break through the seams.

Advantages and disadvantages

The camel blanket has virtually no flaws and is considered a leader in its category. It is practical and durable. The warranty on a product with such a filler is more than 10 years, but in reality it can last much longer.


  • able to retain heat;
  • lung;
  • hygroscopic;
  • antistatic;
  • wear-resistant;
  • breathable;
  • retains its shape;
  • easy to care for;
  • useful for the prevention and treatment of various diseases.


  • allergenic;
  • attractive to house moths and dust mites;
  • expensive.

Which is better - a blanket made of camel or sheep wool?

If you are faced with a choice of which model to buy, made from sheep or camel wool, then weigh their pros and cons. This will help you purchase the best option that will serve faithfully for many years.

The advantages and disadvantages of a blanket made of camel material are discussed above. But when purchasing an item made of sheep wool, you will need to consider the following.


  • warm;
  • does not change the original shape;
  • It's inexpensive.


  • twice as heavy as camel down;
  • Washing is not recommended;
  • Due to the specific smell, regular dry cleaning is required.

What is better, camel wool or sheep wool? As can be seen from the quality and practical characteristics, sheep material loses. Even though it is cheaper, a blanket filled with camel hair is still preferable.

To understand which blanket is better to buy - camel or bamboo, you will also need to consider the main characteristics of these products:

Which material is preferable - bamboo or camel hair? Qualitative characteristics each of them is good in its own way. However, those with allergies should opt for the bamboo option.

Camel and bamboo blanket.

How to choose?

How to choose a camel wool blanket that will last for years without losing its original properties? There are a number of parameters that you should pay attention to:

  • degree of heat;
  • density;
  • method of fixing the filler;
  • cover fabric;
  • type of filler;
  • workmanship.

Heat is indicated on the labels in the form of dots and there can be from one to five of them. The warmest is indicated by five dots. Another indicator of heat is the density of the material. For cold rooms in winter, products with a maximum density of 900 g/m2 are suitable. The summer blanket has a density of 160–180 g/m2.

Most reliable way fixation of the filler is considered to be cassette.

The fabric of the cover should be made of cotton materials such as teak, satin, cambric, calico, percale or twill. The listed fabrics are light, durable and breathable. For the manufacture of expensive models material obtained from eucalyptus fibers is often used.

The filler can be made from the fur of both young camels and adult camels, as well as from their down. The composition of the filler is indicated as a percentage on the label.

Signs of a quality product also include:

  • uniform distribution of filler (for closed models);
  • uniform texture (for open type);
  • processing of edges (covering with bias tape or overlock stitching);
  • evenness of seams;
  • density of the cover.

How to protect yourself from counterfeiting?

Good blankets have always been appreciated and expensive. Therefore, very often there are sellers who try to make money on goods that use in great demand, “slipping” more cheap, usually sheep or synthetic filler, instead of the declared one.

Let's look at the difference between a fake and a quality item:

  1. By weight. Camel material is much lighter than sheep material.
  2. In terms of hardness. Natural raw materials are soft, while synthetic ones are rough and hard.
  3. By color. Wool is difficult to dye, and therefore high-quality products are produced in brown and beige colors.
  4. By smell. Material made from sheep will have a specific smell, while a synthetic product will have no smell at all.
  5. To the touch. Sheep material is drier and resembles felt.
  6. By burning. If you set fire to camel hair, it will not burn, but melt and smell like a burnt feather.

Main Dimensions

Common sizes:

One and a half:

  • 140x205 cm;
  • 145x205 cm;
  • 150x210 cm;
  • 155x215 cm;
  • 160x220 cm.


  • 172x205 cm;
  • 175x205 cm;
  • 180x210 cm;
  • 200x220 cm;
  • 240x220 cm.


  • 110x140 cm;
  • 100x135 cm;
  • 100x140 cm;
  • 100x150 cm.

European standard:

  • 155x215 cm;
  • 172x205 cm.

Main manufacturers

Popular and proven Russian manufacturers:

  • HitTex;
  • OL-tex;
  • Elf;
  • AlViTek;
  • Karakum;
  • VulTex;
  • Aelita;
  • Trinity Worsted Factory.

Foreign companies:

  • GOBI (Mongolia);
  • Billerbeck (Germany - Ukraine).

The GOBI brand is known all over the world. The company produces only 100% natural products. If you want to buy the best blanket made of camel hair or down, then you can safely choose this brand. And in general, try to choose a blanket whose wool is collected from Mongolian camels.

Price range

How much a product in this category costs depends on its following characteristics:

  • filler quality;
  • density;
  • size;
  • forms;
  • manufacturer.

If you buy products famous brands, then you will have to pay a decent price. You should know that a natural and high-quality item cannot be cheap. Therefore, do not buy goods on promotions or sales.

Approximate price range:

  • from 1,500 rub. - on a children's bed;
  • from 4,000-7,000 rub. - for a single bed;
  • from 10,000 rub. - the same size, but made in Mongolia;
  • from 11,000 rub. - luxury products.

In most cases, price is an indicator of quality. And if they try to sell you by any means cheap goods, then pass by. The product will probably be of poor quality.

How to care?

Changing an expensive item is often problematic. Let's look at tips on how to care for a camel wool blanket so that it lasts as long as possible:

  • Use a duvet cover to prevent stains.
  • Ventilate regularly.
  • Remove stains locally with special products containing lanolin.
  • Periodically take the product to dry cleaning.
  • Store the item in a cotton bag.
  • Follow the directions for use on the label.

These tips will help you avoid unscheduled washing, which does not have the best effect on the condition of the garment.

How to wash?

For hand wash blankets made of camel hair at home you need:

  1. Fill the bath with water (t about 30 o C).
  2. Add a special detergent.
  3. Soak the blanket for several hours.
  4. Wash, lightly wrinkling it.
  5. Drain dirty water and fill the bathtub clean.
  6. Rinse well.
  7. Hang to drain water, folded in several layers.
  8. Squeeze carefully.
  9. Air dry.

Is it machine washable?

IN washing machine You can only wash a small blanket or blanket. Large items will not fit in the drum or may overload it. Some recommendations:

  • To washing machine not broken, choose gentle mode.
  • Set the temperature to no more than 30 o C.
  • Add a little detergent so as not to repeat rinsing.
  • Do not wring out, otherwise the item may lose its shape.

It’s hard to say which blanket is better to choose. Each model has its own advantages. So the choice is yours.

Just a few decades ago, during a time of total shortage, it was impossible to buy blankets made of camel wool in free sale, many kilometers of queues stood behind them, they were bought by appointment and even passed on by inheritance.

Now everything is much simpler: on the Internet there are a sufficient number of sites where you can purchase the necessary bedding for any price category, but it’s better to contact the manufacturer - this is a guarantee High Quality and a wide selection of products.

Camel wool blankets - pros and cons

  • Blankets made from camel wool have a number of compelling advantages that enable them to take a leading position in the extensive family of bedding:
  • Wear resistance and long term operation. The service life is about 15 years, although in practice the blanket successfully copes with its duties without loss of aesthetic characteristics for at least 25-30 years, subject to proper care.
  • Lightweight and antistatic properties. Natural camel wool does not accumulate static electricity. Its weight with the same volume is half that of bird fluff.
  • High hygroscopicity rates. Camel wool perfectly absorbs moisture without retaining it.
  • Good thermal conductivity. Wool retains heat perfectly; in terms of thermal insulation characteristics, it is only slightly inferior to bird down.
  • Therapeutic effect. Lanolin, which is contained in large quantities in camel wool, remains in it even after multi-stage processing. Animal wax has a positive effect on the health of the human body.
  • Elasticity. Wool blankets and rugs, even after numerous washes, do not lose their original shape.

With a lot of advantages, such bedding also has disadvantages. These include the following:

Natural fibers can cause allergies, but it is possible to minimize the risk of allergic reactions. You just need to air the product regularly and periodically (once a year) dry clean it.

High price. Manufactured using natural wool camel samples cannot be cheap.

Before wide range advantages and disadvantages of products are simply lost.

How to choose the right camel wool blanket?

The key points to pay attention to when choosing the ideal option for yourself or your family are multifaceted:

  • First you need to decide on the optimal type. There are only two of them: a product with open pile or closed pile (quilt). The second option, due to the soft texture of the case and the variety of colors and styles, is the most preferable. The woolen pile, which has a hard texture, will not create discomfort during use.
  • Case material. You should definitely pay attention to this parameter if you choose a quilted pattern. The cover must be made of natural fabric of dense weaving with uniform coloring.

  • The density of the product is an important criterion. A thinner one will give life-giving coolness in the summer, and a denser one will perfectly warm you in the winter and in the off-season.
  • Product quality. Before you buy a blanket, carefully inspect it from all sides. The edges must be carefully processed, and the texture of the filler must be uniform.

It is quite possible that our advice will help you choose the ideal option for yourself.

A blanket is one of the main bedroom accessories, a well-known attribute of a good, long and comfortable sleep. Traditionally, this product is made from wool and down, but in modern era Most accessories of this kind are made from synthetic fibers.

What criteria should you use to choose a blanket?

Modern stores delight customers with a huge assortment of a wide variety of bedding accessories. They don’t ignore blankets either. What should you pay attention to, which blanket is better to buy, and what parameters should you simply ignore?

  • Filler. All sleeping accessories of this type are divided into two large groups - made of natural material or artificial synthetic fibers. Lovers of the classics will no doubt appreciate down or wool - warm, pleasant to the touch, and having many other advantages. Its main disadvantage is the price, the impossibility of full washing, as well as difficult care along with high allergenicity. Synthetic-based products are significantly different from each other, have a number of advantages and disadvantages, and at the same time act as a reasonable alternative to the standard classics;
  • Size. Size is important. The blanket must be selected strictly according to the size of the bed, naturally taking into account your own preferences and dimensions. Modern standards suggest the possibility of purchasing one-, one-and-a-half- and double-bed options, or individual order for sewing products of non-standard size;
  • Case. The fabric of the blanket cover should not only be pleasant to the touch, but also be easy to remove and wash, and be dense enough to hold the filling if necessary. The domestic market offers covers mainly made of silk, jacquard, knitwear, satin and calico;
  • Thermal insulation. Modern high-quality products are equipped with markings indicating the degree of thermal insulation of blankets in the form of suns or levels. If they are absent, then you can adhere to the general data - the warmest are predominantly thick synthetic and light down products;
  • Hypoallergenic. Down and wool are contraindicated for allergy sufferers, and the best option synthetics and bamboo are used.

Popular fillers - pros and cons

Don't buy a pig in a poke! Be sure to carefully study the product, analyzing it according to the above criteria. First of all, pay attention to the filling - the basis of any blanket, and we will tell you below which filling is best to buy.

Bird fluff

The most commonly used filler is goose down. Traditional version of animal origin, high-quality structure, but high price. The long service life of this type of product has become possible thanks to modern technologies for processing the source material; in general, we can say that bird fluff is good filler for a blanket.

Pros of a bird down blanket:

  • Good thermal insulation properties along with high-quality thermoregulation;
  • Air permeability. Such products create a good microclimate due to the possibility of air circulation;
  • Persistent form. Blankets made from bird down are quite elastic, do not wrinkle, and hold their shape well;
  • Light weight. A down blanket is the lightest among all possible options;
  • Durability. Modern products this type can last up to two decades;
  • Antistatic effect. Down filling is not subject to static electricity.

Disadvantages of bird down filler:

  • Price. Goose down duvets are among the most expensive;
  • Poor moisture exchange. While allowing air to pass through well, down simultaneously retains a significant portion of moisture, which leads to gradual dampening of the product;
  • Potential allergenicity. In such products there is a very high probability of dust mites settling in the structure of the filler;
  • Special care. Down duvets are essential special conditions storage and regular treatment against ticks.

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Sheep wool blanket

A fairly popular natural filler, which clearly outperforms bird fluff due to its lower cost, but at the same time has additional disadvantages.

Pros of sheep wool blankets:

  • Good heat capacity. Sheep wool warms well, retains heat for a long time, and in a number of countries it is used as a preventive measure for muscle atony and osteochondrosis;
  • Air exchange. Like bird down, this filler creates optimal conditions for microcirculation of air masses;
  • Balanced moisture exchange. A blanket made of sheep wool absorbs and releases moisture well, remaining dry a long period time;
  • Antistatic effect. The material is not susceptible to static electricity;
  • Low cost. Blankets with such filling are available to the general public and are cheaper not only than bird down, but also some synthetic-based products.


  • Allergenicity. Animal wax in the structure of the filler, as well as dust mites, often present in the blanket, increase the risk of allergic reactions in humans;
  • Short service life. On average, sheep wool blankets last about 4 years, after which they quickly cake and lose their shape;
  • Weight. Products of this kind have a high mass, comparable to their cotton counterparts;
  • Difficult care. Products cannot be washed; only chemical surface cleaning is used with caution.

Advantages and disadvantages of camel wool blankets

This filler came to us from Far East. Blankets based on it are popular in Russia, are relatively inexpensive, last a long time and are an excellent alternative to products made from sheep wool.


  • Heat capacity. Products made from this filler are no less warm than other natural-based products;
  • Air and moisture exchange. Camel wool promotes microcirculation of air masses and moisture at the same time;
  • Persistent form. Blankets made from this material hold their shape perfectly and do not bunch up;
  • Light weight. Products based on filler are light and thin;
  • Antistatic effect. Camel fur is not electrified;
  • Durability. Blankets based on the filling described above last an average of 20 years.


  • Allergenicity. The problem with all natural animal-based fillers is the increased risk of dust mites;
  • Price. The price of a duvet is lower than that of a down duvet, but still high compared to synthetic counterparts;
  • Tactile sensations. Most products are scratchy and can only be used with a thick duvet cover and in a maximally closed cover.

Blankets filled with swan down

Natural swansdown It is not used in modern blanket production due to the extremely high cost of the source material. Instead, a synthetic analogue is used - Thinsulate. Artificial filler has a number of specific properties, and products made from it are ideal for the off-season in the autumn-spring period.

The benefits of swan down:

Cons of a swan down blanket:

  • Electrostaticity. The material accumulates a lot of static;
  • Moisture resistance. Absolutely does not absorb or release moisture;
  • Poor microcirculation. The filler practically does not allow air masses to pass through, which creates a danger of overheating of the body.

Polyester fiber as filler in a blanket

A whole group of latest generation fillers is united by one common designation: polyester fiber. This includes microfiber, comforter, holofiber, silicone fiber and ecofiber. The products described above are slightly different in appearance, but have identical properties.


  • Hypoallergenic. Do not cause allergies and are harmless to health;
  • Elastic shape. There is no caking or rolling, the fillers hold their shape well;
  • Heat capacity. Excellent heat retention due to the special hollow structure;
  • Weight. Little weight products, regardless of the subtype of such artificial filler;
  • Life time. Blankets made from polyester fibers can last 10-15 years.


  • Electrostaticity. Products are susceptible to static charge accumulation;
  • Moisture resistance. There is no microcirculation of moisture - poor absorption and zero liquid return.

Bamboo fiber blankets

A modern type of filler based entirely on plants, obtained by regenerating cellulose from the stems of classic bamboo stems.

Advantages of a bamboo blanket:

  • Hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly. The filler contains no allergens, static electricity, and does not absorb odors;
  • Weight. The weight of the products is higher than that of down, but lower than other synthetic analogues;
  • Air exchange. Ideal microcirculation of air masses;
  • Care. Does not require special care, can be washed even in an automatic machine.

Disadvantages of a bamboo blanket:

  • High thermal conductivity. It retains heat poorly, so it is mainly used for summer blankets;
  • Poor moisture exchange. The material does not absorb moisture well, but at the same time releases it well;
  • Service life. The average service time is about 2 years.

Eucalyptus fiber

One of the most modern types of plant-based filler is produced from eucalyptus stems using the method of cellulose regeneration. Its alternative names are lyocell and tencel..

Blankets based on the material have good thermoregulation, but are quite expensive.


  • Hypoallergenic. Mites cannot grow in the filler; the fibers themselves do not cause allergies;
  • Heat capacity. The material from which the blanket is made is one of the warmest;
  • Form. Tenzel has an elastic soft structure, does not cake or deform;
  • Air and moisture permeability. Lyocell has excellent breathability, antistatic and moisture-exchange properties, which creates the most balanced microcirculation;
  • Care and service life. Eucalyptus fiber blankets do not require special care and serve up to 10-12 years.


  • Great cost. Blankets based on this material are the most expensive;
  • High probability of fake. Due to the high cost, many manufacturers replace some plant fibers with synthetic analogues, which significantly worsens the above-described beneficial features blankets

Cotton blankets

Until recently, cotton filling meant classic cotton wool. Modern technologies changed significantly this type fibers, making it more elastic and durable. Good thermoregulation and low cost are the main parameters of today's cotton.


  • Hypoallergenic. Does not cause allergies, is harmless to the human body and the biosphere;
  • Price. This type of filler is the most accessible and inexpensive;
  • Heat capacity. Cotton blankets are some of the warmest.


  • Large mass. An average blanket with such filling can weigh 2-3 kilograms;
  • Poor moisture exchange. Cotton absorbs liquids well, but does not evaporate them;
  • Life time. The filler deteriorates very quickly and loses its consumer properties, on average it lasts 1 year, maximum 2 seasons.

Hemp fiber

This type of vegetable filler is obtained by processing and squeezing flax. Products based on it have average cost, is universal and has a number of advantages.


  • Antibacterial and hypoallergenic. Hemp fiber does not cause allergies and also does not contain pathogenic microflora;
  • Excellent microcirculation. Blankets based on this material are air and moisture permeable;
  • Life time. The service life of the filler is calculated in decades;
  • Heat capacity. Blankets based on filler provide good warmth and are versatile – they can be used in any season.

Minuses: practically absent, excellent universal balance of price and quality.

Silk blankets

A classic filler of animal origin, known since ancient times. The starting material is obtained through direct reproduction using silkworm larvae.

Ideal for use in the off-season, but at the same time it costs more than synthetic analogues.


  • Hypoallergenic. The only type of natural animal-based filler that does not cause allergic reactions. Pathogenic microorganisms do not settle inside the structure of the material;
  • Antistatic effect. Products based on this filler are not electrified;
  • Life time. Average service life is more than 10 years;
  • Good microcirculation. The structure of the product perfectly allows moisture and air to pass through;
  • Easy care. The product does not require regular washing and is easy to dry and ventilate.


  • Price. The price for such products is one of the highest among blankets of any type;
  • Thermal conductivity. Silk has high thermal conductivity and does not retain heat well in winter.

How to choose the right blanket size?

The blanket is selected based on the size of the bed, as well as the individual dimensions of the client. Modern product sizes include the following types of products:

For adults:

  1. Single and one and a half. Typical sizes are 140 by 205, 145 by 215, 150 by 200 and 160 by 210 centimeters;
  2. Double classic. Standard sizes – 172 by 205, 170 by 200, 175 by 210, 180 by 210 and 180 by 215 centimeters;
  3. Double (European standard). Typical sizes are 200 by 220 and 220 by 240 centimeters;
  4. Non-standard options to order.

For children classic sizes 100 by 140 and 110 by 150 centimeters are considered. For teenagers, the classic one-and-a-half options are suitable.

Duvet covers under blankets are selected with a margin of 5-10 centimeters in width and height.

Method of sewing and finishing a blanket

In addition to all the above criteria, blankets are also divided according to the method of sewing and finishing. Possible options:

  • Cassette assembly. The most popular option. The working fabric of the product consists of sections of a certain shape with filler. The typical cell size is 10 or 15 centimeters along each face. The advantages of the method are protection from deformation and damage to the blanket, a long service life;
  • Unidirectional firmware. Hardware stitching in one plane. The simplest and cheapest, but the least reliable option, since there is no complete fixation of the filler and structure of the product;
  • Karostep. A variation of a quilt with machine decorated processing in several directions to create a beautiful pattern. Beautiful appearance products, better fixation compared to the previous version, but insufficient versatility and reliability compared to the cassette assembly.

How to choose the optimal blanket?

We recommend choosing a blanket that not only matches the size, price tag and color, but also meets modern sanitary and hygienic standards. It is desirable that the selected products are hypoallergenic, hygroscopic, heat-intensive, and also provide good microcirculation of air masses. Don't forget about other nuances:

  • IN summer period during the time and off-season, it is better to choose a blanket based on silk or bamboo filler with high thermal conductivity;
  • In winter, early spring or late autumn, products based on eucalyptus or cotton would be the best option. An alternative is down and wool blankets, but they require additional care;
  • A universal off-season option is linen-based blankets;
  • For children, sick people and pregnant women, select products that are light enough in weight so as not to further overload the body.

Choose a blanket carefully and wisely - you will definitely be lucky!

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