We, as a rule, do not think about what needs to be done in order to maintain its original purity and functionality. However, over time, even the highest quality surface tends to become dirty and lose its original appearance. Whatever they use, whatever they try in order to clean the oven efficiently. Cleaning oven- not always an easy task; by now, both housewives and manufacturers have come up with a lot various options and cleaning methods. Each method is good in one situation or another, let’s try and discuss how to quickly clean the oven.

Not only an old surface can become covered with grease and soot, but also one that was sparkling clean just recently.

People use the following products to effectively clean the oven:

  1. Soda. This universal product, which is present in every kitchen, will also help in the difficult task of cleaning the oven. old fat. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to dissolve not a large number of soda in one third of a glass of water. This should form a thick mass, which should be applied to the surface to be cleaned and left overnight. Wipe off in the morning. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to add regular salt to the soda in a ratio of 1:4.
  2. Vinegar. It can also be used as a cleaning agent. However, it should be noted that due to the presence of acid in the composition, this cleaning option cannot always be used. For cleansing small dirt A regular 50/50 combination of vinegar and water will do. It is applied to the inner walls and kept at an impressive temperature for 40-45 minutes. Vinegar does an excellent job of removing greasy deposits and quickly gets rid of soot, freeing the oven from old pollution.

  3. Combination of vinegar and soda. If the first two methods turned out to be ineffective, you can combine them. Wash the oven from grease and dissolve the most heavy pollution a mixture of vinegar essence and baking soda. When substances interact chemically with each other, they begin to release carbon dioxide, which enhances the cleansing and dissolving effect. Spray the entire contaminated surface from the inside, sprinkle soda on top. To enhance the effect, let it stand for several hours, after which you should wash the cabinet with a sponge and soda.

  4. Laundry soap- An excellent oven cleaner. It is better to use soap with a high content of fatty acids, this allows you to wash away dirt faster and more efficiently. Grate 50 grams of the product and dissolve it in hot boiling water. After this, place the container under high temperature and leave for an hour. As a rule, after such a procedure, dirt can be easily removed with a sponge. An important advantage This method of cleaning the oven at home is safe, since chemicals are not present in laundry soap as impurities.

  5. Salt. The combination of sodium and chlorine will help to quickly and effectively clean the oven from grease and carbon deposits. To do this, you need to sprinkle salt on the shelves and the bottom of the cabinet and, as in the previous options, turn it on full power temperature regime. After the salt turns golden, turn off the oven and let it cool. Afterwards wash all surfaces warm water and blot with a paper towel.

  6. Lemon. For cleaning all models of ovens Lemon will do acid. There are two ways to use this product. The first method is to treat the internal surfaces with a mixture lemon juice and water. To use the second method, you need to place several slices of lemon in a container of water and add a little dishwashing detergent to it. Set the switch to a temperature of 100 0 C and leave for 35-40 minutes. Remove dirt with a sponge or rag. As you can see, cleaning the oven from old burnt fat is not so difficult.

  7. Ammonia– a good old proven oven cleaner. It comes to the rescue in cases where other methods are powerless. To carry out the cleansing procedure ammonia you will need: 200 ml of ammonia, 1 liter of water, 2 bowls (small and medium), sponge, rubber gloves. First of all, take out the baking sheets and turn the cabinet temperature to 180 degrees. After this, fill the bowls: one with water, the other with ammonia. Next, turn off the device and place the filled dishes inside, wait 40-50 minutes (for old stains it may take all night) and wipe all surfaces with a damp sponge; for greater effect, use soda.

If you don’t know how to clean the oven from old grease, but don’t want to use “grandmother’s recipes,” you can use special detergents and cleaning products. The range of such products is very extensive and is presented in all household chemical stores. The only thing worth remembering is that such products always contain chemicals that are not harmless to human body. Therefore, you should take special care to remove the remains of such mixtures from all surfaces that they have touched. This will help avoid allergic reactions and other unpleasant health consequences.

Self-cleaning ovens

Initially, self-cleaning ovens were only used on professional kitchens , where is regular manual cleaning It was simply impossible due to the need for uninterrupted operation of the equipment. Over time, some manufacturers began to integrate systems self-cleaning ovens in separate models, usually of the highest price segment. By now, this functionality is quite common for most models of modern household appliances.

So, how to clean an oven using special systems?

Easy Clean Technology

The most common technology for cleaning ovens, based on the use of a special coating of smooth enamel during the production process, which is absolutely resistant to dirt and does not absorb it. In order to activate this system, you need to fill a special hole in the electric oven with a small amount of water, add a little detergent (specially designed for this purpose) and turn on the device at temperature 100 0 C

for 30-35 minutes. Having completed all these procedures, you need to use a sponge to collect all the dirt that will settle to the bottom during this cleaning process, and wipe everything with a dry cloth or napkin.

How Easy Clean technology works

Catalytic purification Provided only and not from all manufacturers. Cleaning starts automatically when it reaches electric model temperatures of 140 degrees.

The method is based on the use of a special coating containing oxidizing agents that cause the sorbent to absorb water, carbon and organic compounds. In this case, no carbon deposits are formed.

On the one side, catalytic purification oven seems ideal option, and on the other hand, a number of nuances should be taken into account:

  • and the grates will have to be washed by hand anyway;
  • if you use milk and sweet foods when cooking, the efficiency of the system will sharply decrease;
  • coatings have a limited service life of 5-6 years;
  • Some of the accumulated soot will have to be removed yourself.

Pyrolytic cleaning

In the wind electrical cabinet The technology of hard pyrolysis mode has been implemented. To do this you need to click special button, while the temperature rises up to 500 degrees. With such an extreme cleaning system for electric ovens, the door must be closed, so it is blocked by the system itself. The use of pyrolysis will forever close the question of how to clean the oven from carbon deposits, turning all fats into ash literally this word. You will not worry about the possibility that food may burn; any dirt and residue will be cleaned perfectly.

However, it should be taken into account that electricity costs will increase slightly, in addition, the purification process itself is accompanied by a strong and quite unpleasant smell, to eliminate which is required.

EcoClean system

This oven cleaner is based on the use of a high-quality coating. The electric oven cleaning system starts working at a temperature from 270 degrees. Absolutely all types of dirt easily turn into plaque, and in addition, almost all odors disappear. This ability of EcoClean is associated with the use of microscopic ceramic self-healing balls during heat treatment, which ideally dissolve any type of contaminant.

Not all manufacturers present models with such a progressive system, and the price of those that exist is quite high. We tried to give regarding the choice of cleaning method for such an element of household appliances as an oven. As you can see, you can use both the simplest manual sanitation options and built-in methods that allow you to clean the oven with virtually no participation from you. In the first case, you need to prevent dirt from eating into the surface and carry out cleaning as regularly as possible; in the second, you need to choose the right cleaning system that is best suited for you.

If you are wondering how to clean your oven, it means that it is quite dirty. Perhaps food has burned in the oven, a thick coating of grease has formed, or you simply haven’t washed it in a while. One way or another, this issue needs to be resolved, and we will now describe ways to thoroughly wash it inside and out.

Some cleaning products have difficulty removing even fresh stains, let alone burnt-on grease. Another drawback of many chemical substances- their smell. Even after thorough rinsing cold water, it continues to spread throughout the house, and to some extent affects the smell of food. What to do and what method to use to quickly deal with a thick, unaesthetic, bad-smelling film of dirt?

Reaction of vinegar and soda

This is perhaps the easiest way to wash off a layer of burnt fat and soot. It is necessary to dilute table vinegar in warm water and wipe all internal and external walls with this solution. The surface must be well moistened so that the vinegar water slightly soaks the dirt.

Use the amount of vinegar at your discretion. Typically, 9% table vinegar is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2.

Then you need to take a damp sponge and pour soda on it. Use this soda to wipe the surface after using vinegar. There are two cleaning methods:

  1. vinegar eats away fat;
  2. soda mechanically removes dirt and softens water and makes cleaning more effective.

At the end, everything is washed off with warm water and in this way you get rid of the soot that remains after previous preparations.

An absolutely safe method from an environmental point of view can quickly deal with fresh contamination. And in order to wash off the stubborn oxidized film of fat with its help, you will have to rub it thoroughly with a brush.

Homemade detergent

You can make this with your own hands detergent, which helps get rid of soot.

  • Grate 20-30 g laundry soap and transfer it to a small bowl.
  • Add 1 large spoon of salt to the soap.
  • Pour a little vinegar into the mixture so that when stirred, a thick substance is obtained. You can add a spoonful of water.

This mixture is what we need to wash our oven with. It cleans dirt no worse than store-bought powders and pastes. You can apply foam and leave it for a while for more effective action, and then wipe the oven with a brush, cloth or sponge.


A good helper in deciding how to clean the inside of the oven is citric or acetic acid. Everything happens extremely simply.

In the baking tray that you usually put in the oven, you need to pour water and add vinegar to the water. Instead of vinegar, you can squeeze two lemons or cut the lemons into slices and leave them in water.

Place the baking sheet in the oven and turn it on at 100° or more. When water boils, the acid evaporates with it and is especially effective on grease, burnt food and hardened resin, which is very difficult to clean.

In this method, the main thing is to prevent the water from boiling away. If necessary, add it.

Let the water boil for a few minutes, then turn off the oven and wait until it cools down. At the last stage, simply wipe the inner walls and pour out the water from the pan. By the way, it will also be cleaned in this way.

A few more remedies

If you've ever seen the action soda ash, then you know how well it cleans almost any surface. In this regard, we recommend trying to use it as a remedy for oven deposits. Using soda ash, you can perfectly clean the handle, door, glass of the oven and its insides.

Mustard and ammonia work well with fat. Dry mustard is diluted in water until a thick, homogeneous mass is formed and applied to all elements that need to be washed. Leave it on for a while and then wash it off. You can sprinkle a little dry powder on a damp sponge and rub it onto the stains.

Ammonia is diluted in water and liquid dishwashing detergent is added to the same water. This mixture dissolves fat and eliminates old unpleasant food odors.

The traditional question is: how much ammonia do you need? In most cases, it is poured onto the eye, approximately a large tablespoon per glass.

Or maybe chemistry?

Despite the fact that we criticized chemistry at the beginning of the article, there are some remedies that are very effective. All these are gels, sprays, cleaning powders and pastes, displayed in a huge number on the shelves, presented by large specialized companies. You have probably heard about the products “Shumanit”, “Sif”, about liquids from the companies “Amway” and “Faberlic”, or maybe you have already used them.

Their cost, however, is more than regular soda or vinegar. So, choose for yourself what to use: an expensive gel in a bottle that effortlessly helps get rid of carbon deposits, or acetic acid from the nightstand, bought for pennies.

To reduce the unpleasant consequences of cooking, we recommend using baking sleeves. It is also advisable to wash the baking tray and arc oven completely on the same day that you cook something in it. Then it will be much easier to deal with pollution.

Video: ways to clean the oven from carbon deposits and grease

Oh that delicious smell delicious dishes that are cooked in the oven... We all love when the divine aroma of food fills our home. And we get upset if instead we smell a disgusting burning smell. And this is what happens when the oven is covered with grease and soot. Dealing with such pollution is not easy, but it is possible. There are several effective ways.

Cleaning the oven with household chemicals

There are plenty of chemicals in stores that are designed specifically for cleaning ovens. The brands “Amway”, “Shumanit”, “Frosch”, “Comet” have proven themselves well. But you need to remember that these products are aggressive and must be washed off surfaces very carefully. In addition, many of them leave behind a smell. Therefore it is better to use traditional methods, and resort to chemicals in extreme cases. And yet, if you are not bothered by the shortcomings of “chemistry”, then here...

...Step-by-step instructions for cleaning the oven with special products:

  1. Wear rubber gloves to prevent the skin of your hands from being damaged by chemicals.
  2. Pour warm water into a basin and dissolve a little cleaning agent in it (the exact amount is usually indicated on the packaging).
  3. Remove all removable elements (baking tray, wire rack, etc.) and immerse in a container with cleaning solution.
  4. Apply the cleaning agent to a sponge and rub all surfaces of the oven, with the exception of the heating elements.
  5. Turn on the oven for 15 minutes and wait until the fat becomes soft.
  6. Turn off the oven and remove dirt with a cloth or sponge.

Using this method, you can get rid of carbon deposits even if the oven has not been washed for several years.

How to wash an electric oven

An electric oven is most effectively cleaned with a special paste consisting of Comet or Pemolux, dishwashing liquid, you can also add citric acid. Take the components in equal proportions. Apply the resulting mixture to all surfaces of the oven, door, baking sheet and shelves using a sponge. After 40-60 minutes (depending on the level of contamination), rinse off the paste and thoroughly wash the oven, then wipe dry.

Eliminate chemical odors

First, you need to ventilate the oven well, leaving it open overnight. The next morning, pour water into a bowl and dissolve 3-4 tablets in it activated carbon. Place this solution in the oven and boil there. After 30 minutes of boiling, the smell of “chemistry” should disappear. After this, you need to rinse the oven surfaces again.

Traditional methods of cleaning the oven - using improvised means

Chemicals are not the most environmentally friendly way to deal with grease and carbon deposits. To get rid of any remaining product completely, you need to rinse all surfaces several dozen times. If this is not done, the chemicals will penetrate into the food through evaporation. Therefore, you can use safe traditional methods cleaning the oven. They are no less effective and often more affordable than purchased products.

Baking soda is the easiest option.

Soda can be used to clean not only the surfaces of the oven, but also the glass door. In addition to the fact that the oven will be cleaned of grease and carbon deposits, the unpleasant burning smell will also disappear.

First you need to carefully wipe all surfaces of the oven with a damp sponge. Then sprinkle them thoroughly with soda - it sticks well to wet surfaces. Leave the oven for an hour. After this time, carbon deposits can be easily removed with a damp sponge or rag.

Lemon juice and citric acid

Option one:

  1. Squeeze lemon juice into a glass of water and add the same amount of water (or dissolve citric acid in a small amount of water);
  2. Soak a cloth in this liquid and wipe all surfaces of the oven with it;
  3. Leave the solution for at least half an hour;
  4. Rinse the oven thoroughly with a damp cloth.

Option two:

The solution is prepared in the same way, only in in this case it is poured into a spray bottle. After spraying, you need to wait again for 30-40 minutes and then wipe the surfaces with a cloth.

Option three:

  1. Fill a heatproof bowl halfway with water, add some dishwashing liquid and a lemon, cut into small slices;
  2. Place the container in the oven and heat to 150 degrees, after half an hour turn off the oven;
  3. When the oven has cooled down a little (after 10 minutes), the softened carbon deposits can be easily removed with a damp sponge or cloth.

In addition to keeping the oven clean, the burning smell will also disappear.


Table vinegar is also an acid that effectively removes dirt in the oven. Clean the oven as follows:

  1. Soak a sponge in vinegar;
  2. Remove all removable elements from the oven;
  3. Treat with a sponge soaked in vinegar first. internal surfaces, and then – removable elements;
  4. After a few hours, wash off the vinegar with a damp sponge.

Vinegar and soda

A short chemistry lesson: when soda and table vinegar hydrogen is released, which greatly facilitates the removal of old soot.


  1. Wipe the interior surfaces of the oven with vinegar;
  2. Moisten the sponge with water;
  3. Sprinkle it with soda and apply it to the greasy walls;
  4. Spray the oven door with baking soda;
  5. In a few hours, a mixture of soda and vinegar will destroy the carbon deposits, and the oven can be wiped with a hard sponge.

If the grease has not completely dissolved and is difficult to clean, you should sprinkle the sponge with soda and rub the surfaces well.

Vinegar, soda and citric acid

The above means can be successfully combined with each other:

  1. Preheat the oven to 100 degrees and leave at this temperature for 15 minutes. At this time, make a mixture of 100 ml vinegar, 1 tbsp. l. baking soda and 1 package of citric acid.
  2. Treat the surfaces of the oven with the resulting mixture, with the exception of the heating elements.
  3. After 15 minutes, thoroughly wash the oven.

Ammonia - for advanced cases

These products can easily remove old grease and carbon deposits that have accumulated over several years.

First option Using ammonia means soaking a rag in ammonia and thoroughly treating all surfaces. You need to leave the oven in this state overnight and wash thoroughly with water in the morning.

Second option:

  1. Pour a little water into one heat-resistant bowl and ammonia into another;
  2. Preheat the oven to 100 degrees and place a container of water in it, wait until the water boils;
  3. Turn off the oven and place a bowl of water on the bottom shelf, and ammonia on the top shelf;
  4. Close the oven and leave overnight;
  5. In the morning, mix water, ammonia and dishwashing liquid, treat the oven surfaces and rinse with water.

Steam (for delicate surfaces)

Ovens with enameled coating It is better to clean it with steam, since many other means can damage the material.


  1. First you need to pour a few glasses of water into the pan (it should not overflow over the edges);
  2. Add a little washing liquid to the water (a few drops are enough);
  3. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees and leave for 30 minutes, then turn off.
  4. When the surfaces have cooled slightly, clean the oven with a damp cloth.


You can also clean the oven with regular rock salt:

  1. Sprinkle shelves and surfaces with salt;
  2. Preheat the oven until the salt turns golden;
  3. Clean the oven with a cloth soaked in dish detergent.

Preventing the appearance of grease and soot

To avoid dirt on the oven walls, you must follow a simple rule. After cooking, wait until the oven has cooled and wipe all surfaces with a damp cloth or sponge. Don't wait for grease and carbon deposits to stick firmly to your oven. After all, then it will be very difficult to wash it! Also, don't forget to wash the baking sheets. If you are not lazy, your oven will delight you with its neat appearance and cleanliness for a long time.

Household chemicals

To make it easier for you to clean the oven, you need to first warm it up, setting the temperature to about 50 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Remove the shelves so that nothing gets in your way. When processing the oven chemicals Don't forget to wear rubber gloves and open the window. Chemicals have a pungent smell. Do not apply the product to heating elements and a fan, this can ruin the oven. Also try not to fall into

Vinegar and soda

rubber gaskets

in the oven door.

How to clean an oven at home? Spray the contaminated areas and be sure to give the product a chance to work, do not rub ahead of time. Oven gels usually work within 30 minutes. So close it and forget about it for half an hour.

After using the product, you need to thoroughly clean the oven to remove the chemical smell. Do not use the stove for several hours after cleaning.

If you leave the baking soda on for 40 minutes, sprinkle it on the oven glass, it will help remove greasy deposits from the glass cabinet door.

You can also wipe the oven walls with vinegar and sprinkle baking soda on top. The interaction produces hydrogen, which helps remove grease from surfaces.

For greater effectiveness, you can add citric acid to soda and vinegar.

Ammonia and water

For this method you will need two containers.

Preheat the oven to 70 degrees and then turn it off.

How to clean the oven? Fill one bowl with boiling water and place it in the oven on the bottom shelf, and pour ammonia into the other bowl and place it on the top shelf.

Leave both containers in the oven overnight. In the morning, take it out, remove the grates, add it to a bowl with ammonia warm water and dishwashing detergent and wipe the oven with this solution.

To make it easier next time: how to clean the oven from grease

Don't go to extremes and let the fat accumulate for months. For example, immediately after the holidays or the arrival of guests (when the oven is used especially often), place a container of water mixed with dishwashing detergent in the oven, heat it to 100 degrees to soften grease and burnt marks, and then wipe the walls with a sponge. washing dishes.

Try to protect the oven from greasy splashes by using foil or baking paper when preparing fatty foods.

Raise your hands, who loves something baked: meat, fish, pies? Everyone loves it.

What if the oven is covered with a layer of nasty grease and smearing soot? We don't see a single hand. How to clean the oven from old burnt fat? We're willing to bet that many of you are now thinking, “I clean it, but it's still greasy. I heard that stoves are self-cleaning.”

Yes, there are such plates. But civilization reaches our native land only with difficulty, and most of the ovens we have at home do not have this ability. We'll have to use what we have in the kitchen (or what we can buy just across the street). Oddly enough, this should be enough.

Here you need to take into account the type of oven - gas or electric - and mud type:

  • old burnt fat;
  • black soot or soot.

To quickly clean surfaces from burning and grease, use various means for each of these types of dirt. And, of course, do not forget about safety measures.

Remember that any cleaning product works because it happens chemical reaction. Ignoring safety precautions can therefore end very badly.


First of all, remove children and pets from the kitchen. Children poke their noses into every crevice, toxic fumes can harm them, and there’s nothing to say about animals. It’s a sin to poison our smaller defenseless brothers household chemicals.


The kitchen should be well ventilated - you also need to take care of your health. Open the window and better window if the weather permits.

Personal protection

You can be a smart person and think about the beauty of your nails. Any action should be carried out wearing rubber gloves.

For achievement best result, before performing any action, read the instructions to the end and make sure that everything needed to perform the action is available and ready for use.

This is necessary so as not to urgently run to the store for a new sponge when the time comes to wash off the product.

Cleans grease: Yes.

Cleans soot: partially.

As they say, it’s a disaster when the cake maker starts making the boots, and the shoemaker starts baking the pies. If you don’t mind the money, preference, of course, should be given to store-bought chemicals.

It is also more gentle, as it is designed specifically for this type of work, and in some cases it cleans much better.

When wondering how to clean the oven from old grease, avoid products containing acid.

Amway Oven Cleaner

Expensive, but effective. Patented Cleaner household stoves. Fat dissolves almost before your eyes and is well worth the money spent on it. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford it.


Bestseller. A little cheaper than Amway's product, but it cleans just as effectively - housewives couldn't be happier. Sprayed on surfaces with burnt fat. A severe minus is the sharp, nasty smell, which, however, quickly disappears.

"Sillit Bang Antifat"

Cheap and cheerful. And when faced with such means, it’s worth thinking about: is it really possible to overpay for something that is much easier to make yourself from what is in every kitchen?

The composition of such products is suspicious, and in order to wash them off completely, you need to treat the surface with water more than seventy times. You don’t want to eat pies filled with suspicious chemicals, do you?

Cleans grease: Yes.

Cleans soot: partially.

Yes, yes, ordinary salt. Cheap and cheerful. Cleaning the oven with salt at home can be done in two different ways.

First: Cover the surface of the oven with salt and turn on the oven.

Check periodically appearance surface: when the salt turns brown, turn off the oven, let it cool, then wash off the salt that has absorbed the fat. No harmful fumes or unpleasant odors.

Salt method number two consists in placing a pan with aqueous solution salt, the stove turns on and you let the water evaporate for a while.

Twenty minutes is usually enough. After this procedure, fat and soot are also easily washed off.

How to clean the oven from grease and carbon deposits using soap?

Cleans grease: Yes.

Cleans soot: partially.

If you don't have any salt, you can try using laundry soap or dishwashing detergent. The principle is the same - shavings of laundry soap or regular dish detergent are dissolved in a pan of water, and it is placed on the bottom of the oven.

Set the temperature between 100 and 120 degrees and hold for half an hour. This softens the burnt fat.

Cleans grease: partially.

Cleans soot: Yes.

A mixture of soda and vinegar gives a large amount carbon dioxide(this is exactly how they made the first artificially gas-saturated mineral water). Take care of your hands.

There is no point in preserving carbon deposits; we are going to destroy it. You can clean the oven from carbon deposits at home by adding twenty-five grams of laundry soap solution to a mixture of one hundred grams of soda with forty grams of vinegar.

This paste should be placed with a sponge on all surfaces of the oven, including glass, baking tray and rack, and left for a couple of hours, then go over them with a clean, damp sponge. You can then throw away the sponge and admire the shining oven.

There is another method: pour vinegar essence into a spray bottle, spray it on the surface of the oven, and then cover it with soda. In this case, you will have to wait only a quarter of an hour.

Clean the electric oven: Comet paste

Cleans grease: Yes.

Cleans soot: Yes.

To clean an electric oven at home, there is a special cleaning paste. Take citric acid, dishwashing detergent and cleaning powder a la Pemolux, Comet and the like. These components must be mixed in a one to one ratio.

Now, as in the case of the baking soda and vinegar paste, all surfaces must be exposed to the paste. Since the electric oven is more delicate, you should keep it covered with paste for no more than an hour. After the hour is up, you will need plenty of warm water to wash off the paste.

How to easily clean the oven with hydrogen peroxide?

Cleans grease: Yes.

Cleans soot: Yes.

We prepare porridge from hydrogen peroxide (sold at the pharmacy) and a quarter glass of soda. Everything must be mixed well and applied to greasy surfaces.

If you overdid it with volumes and some amount of soda-peroxide porridge remains, you can also clean the grease from the glass and grate. Leave for an hour. Don’t forget to completely remove it with a sponge dipped in soapy water and wipe dry.

Cleans grease: Yes.

Cleans soot: Yes.

A universal method to clean the oven from burnt fat.

Ammonia - a solution of ammonia in water - emits a terrible odor that can be used to revive someone from fainting. Ammonia itself belongs to the group of asphyxiating substances. To use this magical remedy, you will have to purchase a respirator if you value life and health.

You need to open all windows, treat contaminated surfaces with ammonia and leave for four to five hours, then rinse.

After wiping the oven with ammonia, it must be thoroughly rinsed several times until the smell disappears, otherwise ammonia will get into the food. In this case, it is not dangerous, but very unpleasant.

Remove old dirt with baking powder

Cleans grease: Yes.

Cleans soot: No.

Many housewives have this powder in their spice drawer. It is also known under the pseudonym “baking powder” and consists of the same baking soda, ammonium carbonate and potassium tartrate.

Baking powder should be sprinkled on previously treated with water dirty surfaces. Wait two hours and remove lumps of fat with a stiff washcloth. Rinse the surfaces to be cleaned thoroughly.

And finally

After everything is washed and shines with pristine cleanliness, remember that the most The best way Cleaning the oven quickly means not starting it, not waiting for the food to burn. If you carefully wipe the cabinet after each cooking (of course, after waiting until the oven has cooled), it will take much less time and effort to wash the stove, and you will be able to please your family and yourself with delicious dishes more often.

Mother of two children. I'm leading household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try different means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, more fulfilling. I love my family.

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