Heating a home in winter cold results in serious costs. Do you want to learn how to save? I propose to compare several popular varieties heating equipment, evaluate their efficiency and figure out how you can reduce heating overhead costs.

Direct comparison by cost per kilowatt hour

Let's find out what the price of a kilowatt-hour of heat will be when using different sources of thermal energy.

Here are the approximate prices at the time of writing (January 2017):

  1. Main gas- 0.7 rub.;
  2. Dry firewood- 0.9-1.2 rubles;
  3. Pellets- 1.4-1.5 rubles;
  4. Coal- 1.5-1.6 rubles;
  5. Propane from a gas holder- 2.3-2.5 rubles;
  6. Propane from cylinders- 2.8-3.0 rubles;
  7. Diesel fuel- 3.2-3.6 rubles;
  8. Electricity- 4.0-5.0 rub.

The cost of a kilowatt-hour of heat in each region will be different, since it depends on local prices and utility tariffs. For example, in Sevastopol, where I live, electricity is 40% cheaper than in Moscow (up to 600 kWh per month - 2.96 rubles / kWh versus 5.38), and pellets are twice as expensive (15,000 rubles per ton against 7000).

The conclusions are absolutely obvious. The undisputed leader Main gas is the cheapest.

How to economically heat a house in his absence?

At a distance from gas mains, it is most profitable to heat with wood. They are followed closely by pellets and coal.

Cheaper, even cheaper

Comrades, choosing a heat source is not our whole task. The same source can be used in different ways, and some of them will be noticeably more economical than others. I'll tell you about several solutions that will allow you to significantly reduce your heating costs.

Facade insulation

Any heating systems simply compensate for heat loss through the building envelope, windows and ventilation. Losses through walls account for up to 35% of the total, through the roof and windows - 25% each, through the floor - up to 15%.

There are many ways to insulate country house; I will describe only a few of the most popular.

Foam coat(fastening with cement glue and dowels - “fungi” of foam sheets with their subsequent puttying on the reinforcing mesh).

Mineral wool fur coat(the insulation scheme is the same, but with a different heat-insulating material- glued with mats mineral wool). It compares favorably with foam plastic due to its minimal fire hazard.

Insulated ventilated facade. Mineral wool is attached to the walls and covered with a windproof membrane, and on top of it - metal or plastic lining, mounted on a frame made of galvanized profile or bar.

Insulated screed. She lays on concrete slab ceilings or boardwalk on top of a layer of dense foam or polystyrene foam.

Insulated ceiling wooden beams . The insulation is placed in the gap between the beams, on top of the bottom hem or laid on cranial bars flooring

From above it can only be covered with waterproofing (in a cold attic) or with a floor along the joists (on a residential floor or a used attic).

Bulk insulation. Gaps between beams or slab floor filled with 20 - 30 centimeters of expanded clay or metallurgical slag.

Energy saving windows. Glass with the finest metal coating is opaque in infrared spectrum and reflects thermal radiation towards the heated room.

Roof insulation. Mineral wool or polystyrene foam is placed in the spaces between the rafters and covered with a vapor barrier.

The roof of my attic is insulated with two materials - a 50-mm layer of mineral wool and polystyrene foam of the same thickness. Attic area of ​​60 m2 with panoramic energy-saving windows In 26 square meters, to maintain a comfortable +20C in it, at -20 on the street there is enough thermal power of 4 kilowatts.

How do we save?: by reducing heat loss, which the heating system must compensate for.

Savings amount: insulation coefficients used in thermal engineering calculations vary from 0.6 to 4. The difference between extreme scenarios (a house with an external foam coat and energy-saving windows on the one hand and an uninsulated warehouse with walls made of corrugated sheets on the other) is more than 6 times. This is how much heating costs can be reduced through insulation.

Condensing gas boiler

Condensing gases are the most economical boilers for heating a private house.

How they work: The boiler has two heat exchangers. One of them takes heat from the combustion products of the main gas. The second serves for them. The condensate is discharged into the sewer through a drainage pipe.

Reference: the main products of combustion of hydrocarbons are carbon dioxide and water.

How do we save?: by using the total heat of combustion, including the heat of condensation of water vapor. As you know, the evaporation of water requires energy consumption. When steam condenses, this energy is released and in our case is utilized by a heat exchanger.

Savings amount: 11 - 13%. Taking into account the heat of combustion of gas, this allows marketers to declare an incredible efficiency of 107% for condensing boilers. Of course, 100% is taken to be the heat of combustion of gas without taking into account the condensation of water vapor.

Pyrolysis boiler

Already economical heating with wood can be made even more economical when using a pyrolysis boiler. As a bonus, the owner receives an increase in the interval between kindlings from 2-4 to 10-12 hours.

How it works: V pyrolysis boiler(gas generator) fuel combustion is divided into two stages. Initially, firewood smolders with limited access to air and high temperature. During the pyrolysis process, only a small amount of ash remains, and the bulk of the fuel is converted into CO ( carbon monoxide) and volatile hydrocarbons.

Entering the afterburning chamber, superheated combustible gases are mixed with fresh air supplied through the injectors. At the same time, they ignite and burn completely. The boiler output is the notorious CO2 and H2O.

How do we save?: due to complete combustion of fuel (and, accordingly, maximum efficiency) while limiting thermal power. In a classic solid fuel boiler, a blower damper (often equipped with a thermostat) is used to regulate power. With limited air flow, some of the fuel literally flies out into the chimney - gaseous hydrocarbons do not have time to burn out in the firebox.

Savings amount: up to 30%. This is exactly how much the efficiency of a classic boiler drops when fuel is incompletely burned.

Solid fuel boiler and heat accumulator

How to save on heating using solid fuel and a classic boiler?

Install a heat accumulator into the gap in the heating circuit.

How it works: a heat accumulator is a large thermally insulated container with pipes for connection to several heating circuits. It is used, as you can easily guess from the name, to store heat.

A tank with a volume of 3000 liters, when heating water from 40 to 80 degrees, will accumulate 175 kWh of thermal energy, which is enough to heat a house of 90 square meters during the day.

The heat accumulator closes two heating circuits with forced circulation:

  1. The first connects it to the heating boiler;
  2. The second unites the tank with heating devices.

How do we save?: due to the operation of the boiler at rated power and with maximum efficiency. The resulting heat is stored in a heat accumulator and used to heat the house over the next few hours.

As a bonus, the owner will receive more rare heating of the boiler - depending on the volume of the tank and the area of ​​the house, from once every 12 hours to once a day.

Savings amount: the same 10 - 30% that is lost when operating a classic solid fuel boiler with forcedly limited power.

Electric boiler and heat accumulator

How to make electric heating cheaper?

Bundle from an electric boiler, two-tariff meter and the heat accumulator we are already familiar with will allow us to heat the house relatively cheaply.

How it works:

  • In this case, the buffer tank also closes two circuits that unite it with the boiler and heating devices;
  • At night, the boiler turns on on a timer and heats the water in the tank;
  • During the day, the accumulated heat maintains a comfortable temperature in the house.

How we save: due to electricity consumption during the cheaper night tariff.

Savings amount: I will give Moscow prices. If at a single-rate tariff you will have to pay 5.38 rubles per kilowatt-hour of electricity, then at a two-rate tariff at night the same kilowatt-hour will cost 1.64 rubles. Savings - 70%.

Warm floor

Underfloor heating can be implemented in several ways:

  • Pipe laying with coolant in an insulated screed;

  • Laying the heating cable in a layer of tile adhesive under the tiles;
  • Film heaters under parquet, laminate or linoleum.

Regardless of what types of fuel are used for heating, heated floors are positioned as economical heating.

How do we save?: by reducing the average temperature inside the house. For convection heating with radiators or wall convectors+22°C at floor level will be +27 - +30 at the ceiling. The average temperature is 25 – 26°C.

Do you often walk on the ceiling or rest on it? Me neither. Gravity, you know.

The obvious conclusion is that heating the air under the ceiling is absolutely useless. It only leads to an increase in thermal energy leaks through the roof or ceiling: the heat flow is directly proportional to the temperature difference on both sides of the building envelope.

In the case of a heated floor, when it is heated to +22, the ceiling will be +16. Average temperature - +19. By reducing the average temperature, we reduce heat loss.

Savings amount: depends on the weather outside. Jokes aside. At 0C outside, reducing the air temperature in the house from 25 to 19 will save 24%, and at -10 - only 15%.

Infrared heating

Heating your home with electricity can be made cheaper by using infrared heaters. They may be:

  • Devices with a high-temperature heating coil in a quartz tube;
  • Film heaters installed for finishing walls or imitating paintings, photographs, wall panels, etc.;

  • Glass, ceramic or metal panels.

The key difference between IR heaters and convection heaters is directly implied by their name: most of the heat is transferred environment not through direct contact with air, but through thermal radiation.

How do we save?: by placing such a device under the ceiling, we will force it to heat the floor and the furniture standing on it. They, in turn, will begin to give off heat to the air in the lower part of the heated volume. As a result, we get an analogue of a heated floor, but at much lower costs.

The temperature distribution is the same as in the case of heated floors.

Moreover, the devices can be easily installed with your own hands after finishing finishing. When installing a heated floor, you will have to at least remove the finishing coating.

Since IR radiation will heat not only the floor, but also all people in the room, comfortable temperature will decrease even more than when using a heated floor - to 14-15 degrees.

Savings amount: at 0C outside, reducing the average indoor temperature from 25 to 15 degrees will save 40%.

Solar collectors

While solar panels are designed to generate electricity, solar collectors are used to heat water. The collector can be flat or tubular; the best models of these devices utilize up to 85% of solar heat.

The main problem with these devices is that they only work during daylight hours. Not only that: the amount of heat produced by the collector varies depending on weather conditions. That is why solar heat is used only as an additional source of energy for heating.

To accumulate thermal energy in heating systems with solar collectors, our old friend is used - a heat accumulator.

How do we save?: due to the utilization of absolutely free thermal radiation from the Sun.

Operating costs - 0 rubles, 0 kopecks.

Savings amount: in central Russia on a clear day with square meter the surface of the collector can remove a kilowatt of heat. With a daylight hours of 8 hours, the theoretical maximum amount of thermal energy received from an area of ​​1 m2 is 8 kWh. A battery of collectors with an area of ​​60 m2 is capable of generating 8 * 60 = 240 kWh per day.

Even one collector with an area of ​​2 m2, generating 8 kilowatt-hours of heat per day, will reduce the cost of electric heating with a heating element boiler by 800 - 1000 rubles per month.

This is all in theory.

In practice, the picture is not so bleak:

  1. On a cloudy winter day, the collector power drops to 100 watts per square;

  1. Devices with a total area of ​​60 m2 will cost 600-700 thousand rubles at current prices. Solar heat is cheap at the operating stage, but not when purchasing equipment.

An interesting fact: several years ago the European energy industry set a course for solar collectors and other alternative sources heat. In particular, in Cyprus the total area of ​​sewers is 800 m2 per 1000 population. In Russia - 0.2 m2 per 1000 people.

Heating with heat pumps

Heat pumps They run on electricity and, despite this, are a source of very cheap heat.

How is this possible?

Let's study the duty cycle.

  1. The compressor compresses freon gas. With excess pressure, it turns into liquid and heats up;
  2. The heat exchanger removes excess heat from our hot guy. It is recycled to heat the air in the house (directly or through a coolant);
  3. At the expansion valve, the refrigerant pressure drops sharply and it evaporates. In this case, the freon temperature instantly drops by several tens of degrees;
  4. In the external heat exchanger, the refrigerant gas is heated by the external environment;
  5. The heated gas is compressed by a compressor - and the cycle repeats.

The outside environment can be much colder than the air inside the house. The main thing is that the freon is even colder when passing through the heat exchanger.

What kind of media can serve as a source of heat?

  • Street air. Best models air heat pumps are capable of heating a house at -25 outside;

  • Priming. Its temperature is deeper than the freezing level all year round above zero. Heat exchangers can be immersed in wells or placed in trenches;

When laying horizontally, the area allocated for the collector should be three times greater than the area to be heated.

  • Water. The heat exchanger is placed in a non-freezing reservoir (preferably flowing). The heat source can also be groundwater: they are taken from the well and, after cooling, are discharged into a second, drainage well.

How do we save?: due to the fact that for every kilowatt consumed by the compressor, the pump pumps 3-6 kilowatts of heat into the house. This feature reduces the cost per kilowatt-hour of energy to the level of a wood-burning boiler - with incomparable ease of use. The heat pump can operate autonomously, without any maintenance, indefinitely.

Savings amount: compared to a direct heating device - the same 3-6 times. The exact value depends on:

  1. Outdoor heat exchanger temperatures. The colder the environment, the less heat can be taken from it;
  2. Internal heat exchanger temperatures. As it increases, the heat transfer of the pump per kilowatt of power decreases.

This is why underfloor heating or low-temperature radiator heating is usually used with heat pumps.

The main source of heat in my home is inverter air conditioners, a type of air source heat pump. A useful area of ​​154 square meters is heated by 4 devices with a total peak thermal power of 14 kW, consuming from 1.2 to 4 kW depending on outside temperature. Heating needs require about 1,500 kWh of electricity per month.


I sincerely hope that my recommendations and experience will help the reader choose an economical and affordable heating scheme. As always, the video in this article will give you additional information. I look forward to your comments. Good luck, comrades!

Heating a country house with electricity is a generally available, but very expensive solution to the problem of heating a home. However, relatively cheap heating methods still exist. Therefore, in this article we will consider both typical and alternative electric heating technologies.

Standard electric heaters work with standard coolants - water or oil.

Well, the principle of such work is implemented as follows:

  • Electrical energy heats up the refractory heating element.
  • The heated element increases the temperature of the coolant.
  • The heated coolant circulates through the system due to natural or forced convection. And gives its energy to the heated space.

Moreover, natural convection is ensured by the difference in the density of hot and cold media, and forced circulation of the coolant is possible only if special pumps or fans are used.

The following heating devices operate on the basis of this design scheme:

  • Oil radiators , the heating element of which transfers energy to the coolant (oil) circulating through the internal space of the housing in a natural way. Next, the heated oil transfers heat to the housing, which heats the air in the room. Full heating country house Of course, you can’t build such a heater with electricity, but small room You can heat the apartment
  • Electric boilers , the heating element of which transmits energy to a plurality of radiators connected to the heating device by a special pipeline. The coolant (usually water, less often oil) circulates through the pipes, transmitting energy from the heating element to the radiator body, which heats the surrounding space. Moreover, circulation in the system is ensured by a special pump.

In a word, all of the above-mentioned heating devices operate according to an indirect heating scheme, when energy is transmitted not into space, but into a coolant that releases heat into the heated space.

Economical heating with electricity: alternative options

All alternative solutions involve direct heating of the heated space, due to the transfer of energy directly into the heated environment.

That is, the following scheme of work is assumed:

  • Electrical energy heats up the heating element.
  • The heater transfers energy to the air or surrounding objects.

Moreover, circulation is necessary only when the air is heated. And as in the case described above, it can be natural (thermal convection) and forced (using a fan).

Alternative electric heating schemes are implemented by the following heating devices:

  • Electric convectors, the heating element of which heats the air itself. That is, the heated medium itself acts as a coolant, as a result of which the efficiency of the entire heating system increases.
  • Infrared heaters transform electrical energy into thermal radiation, with the help of which they heat not the air, but surrounding objects, walls and even the human body.

That is, in this case there is a direct transfer of energy, which eliminates energy losses at the stage of heating the coolant.

Optimal heating systems for a private house with electricity

All of the above design options heating devices They use either a direct or indirect heating scheme.

Moreover, by comparing “direct” and “indirect” types of electric heating, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • In terms of cost-effectiveness of the solution, the alternative direct heating scheme certainly wins. It is characterized by minimal heat losses, because the energy from the heating element is transmitted into the heated space without a coolant intermediary.
  • In terms of accessibility of the solution, of course, it wins traditional scheme indirectly heating. You can buy an oil radiator and install it in your room today. And the electric boiler is integrated into a standard water heating system, mounted directly above gas or solid fuel equipment.
  • Almost all “heater” options are questionable regarding the effectiveness of the solution. Oil cooler - heats only small rooms. Electric boiler - has a very low efficiency. Infrared heaters are expensive and are mounted under the floor covering or behind wall panels. In the end, the most efficient heating Electricity in a private home can only be achieved using a convector. It is cheap, easy to install and has relatively high efficiency(in this indicator, the convector loses only to the infrared heater).

Therefore, further in the text we will look at how to arrange independent heating private home with electricity using thermal convectors that heat the air itself. This information will be useful to all homeowners looking for a worthy replacement for a gas or solid fuel boiler.

Electric heating of a house with a convector: calculation and arrangement

A typical convector consists of the following parts and assemblies:

  • An aluminum or steel body, in the upper part of which there are exhaust slots (for the release of heated air), and in the lower part there is a supply pipe (for the intake of cold air).
  • Heating element – tungsten helix, mounted in a ceramic pipe. The heater is installed in the inner part of the housing. It heats up to 600 degrees Celsius, increasing the air temperature in the convector housing.
  • Circulation unit - a fan mounted in the supply pipe (in the lower part of the housing). This unit enhances natural (thermal) convection, accelerating the process of warming up the room. Moreover, the fan can be used only at the initial stage, switching to natural convection as the room heats up.
  • Control unit - this element monitors the temperature in the heated zone and controls the operation of the heating element. Moreover, the control can be either mechanical (based on a timer that turns heating elements on and off) or electronic (based on a temperature sensor, the signals of which are read by a microcircuit).

Such a design scheme assumes next order convector installation:

  • Under the window (or in any other place) a bracket is mounted on the supporting surface (wall), securing it with self-tapping screws or dowels. Moreover, converter electric heating in wooden house involves special measures to protect the load-bearing surface - in this case, a heat-insulating gasket is installed between the wall and the bracket, protecting the wood from contact with heated parts.
  • Next, a separate three-core cable with a core cross-section of 2.5 mm2 is connected to the attachment point. Moreover, the cable is connected to a separate device protective shutdown(RCD), to the free contacts of which the converter itself is connected.
  • Temperature sensors are placed at some distance from both the converter itself and the window.

The number and power of convectors is determined according to the following scheme:

  • First, we calculate the volume of the heated room. To do this, you need to multiply the area by the height of the ceiling. That is, with an area of ​​32 m2 and a ceiling height of 2.5 m, the volume of the heated room will be 80 m3.
  • Next, we convert the volume into watts - a unit of power. To do this, you need to multiply the cubic capacity of the room by 30-50 watts - the power factor, the value of which depends on the degree of insulation of the house. And if we use average indicators, then to heat 80 m3 you need to consume 3.2 kW of electricity.
  • Knowing the energy intensity of the heating process, you can calculate both the power and the number of convectors. For example, to heat 80 m3 of space, 2-3 convectors with a power of 1.5 kW/hour are needed. Or 3-4 heaters with a power of 1 kW.

Moreover, the above calculations can be performed for the total area of ​​the entire house (or apartment) and for each room separately.

Long gone are the days when the only way The private house was heated by a wood stove. Modern technologies and materials make it possible to choose a heating method from a variety of existing ones, but experts unanimously say that in the future, electric heating of a private home will be a priority. Everyone knows that mineral reserves are far from endless and the time will come when we will have to completely abandon gas and switch to a cleaner energy source - electricity.

Electric heating systems have a lot of undeniable advantages, and often this may simply be the only affordable way heating

It is very important to think over the electric heating project at the stage of building a house, since in the future the installation of equipment in already finished premises may lead to the need for rework, and, as a result, additional costs. Accurate thermal calculations must be made taking into account SNiP standards. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in increased energy costs.

Pros and cons of heating your home with electricity

Electric heating of a private house has the following advantages:

Simplicity and ease of installation

For self-installation No expensive tools or special knowledge are required. All equipment is small in size and can be installed quickly and at minimal cost.

All devices are easily transported and moved to different rooms. A separate boiler room and chimney are also not required.


Electrical systems do not form carbon monoxide, combustion products are completely absent. No harmful emissions are released even if the system breaks down or is disassembled.

Low initial costs

No preparation required project documentation with the invitation of special services. No permits are needed.

Reliability and quietness

Electric heating does not require regular maintenance by specialists. All installations operate absolutely silently, since the system does not have a fan or circulation pump.

Easy to use

There are no elements in the system that could quickly fail. There is no need to constantly monitor sensors and fuel levels.

System control unit.

High level of efficiency

Allows for quick heating private house even at the most severe frosts. Electric heating is always equipped with a special system that makes it possible to regulate the temperature in each individual room, which can significantly save financial costs during the heating season.

Disadvantages of work

The main disadvantage of electric heating is considered high consumption electricity. In some areas, energy prices are quite high, so this method may simply not be profitable.

The second disadvantage is energy dependence. If the electricity is turned off for any reason, heating the room will become impossible.

Using a generator.

Have you decided to heat your house with electricity? It is necessary to take into account the condition and power of the electrical wiring. For a large private house, a three-phase power supply may be needed. You will need to find out exactly how much power is allocated to the house and what part of the allocated power can be used for heating.

Options for electric heating of a private house

Currently on construction market There are many heating devices powered by electricity. Electric heating can operate either directly or with the help of a circulating coolant - antifreeze, oil or water.

Oil radiators

This type of heating has been known for a very long time, and it still retains its popularity. These are mobile units, often on wheels, that operate directly from electrical outlet. The efficiency of such devices is 100%, since electrical energy is converted into thermal energy directly, without any transmission devices.

By using oil cooler You can heat a small room, but this method certainly won’t work for a whole house.

This is a fairly popular and effective heating method that can maintain an optimal balance of humidity in the room without burning oxygen. Excellent technical specifications and a wide range of powers allows the use of electric convectors for heating both a small room and a large private house.

The basis of the convector is a heating element - a converter of electrical energy into heat. The operating principle is based on air convection. Cold air enters through the slots in the lower part of the body of the heating device; inside the device, the air is heated by the heating element and exits through the slots in the upper part of the body.

The heating electric convector itself is enclosed in a metal casing, which has an aesthetic appearance and easily fits into any interior. The convector can be floor-standing, but most often the choice is made in favor of wall device. The convector can operate either separately or in a system, under the control of one temperature regulator.

Air conditioners operating in heating mode can also be classified as electric heating devices. Experts believe that this type of heating is the most economical, since electricity costs are fully covered by the heat generated. In addition, costs can be reduced through adjustments.

But this type of heating has many disadvantages, and the most important of them is the technical complexity of maintenance. In addition, air conditioners have a high initial cost, and in the event of a breakdown, calling a specialist will bring additional financial costs.

Infrared heating

Infrared (film) heating can be called an innovative, but confidently gaining popularity way of heating a private home. Such heating is quite economical in use, but expensive in terms of equipment and installation costs.

The operating principle of infrared heating is as follows: the heat emanating from the heating element is uniformly radiated by the heater onto the surfaces of nearby objects, and they, in turn, give off heat to the air.

Infrared heaters consume little energy and avoid irrational temperature distribution, since both zonal and spot heating can be performed. After turning off the equipment, objects retain and release heat for a long time. Installation and dismantling of the equipment is very simple and can be easily done independently.

The placement of heaters is limited only by your imagination. They can be located on the floor, behind a hanger, on the ceiling, but not at the level of a person’s head.

Please remember that IR emitters heat up solid objects.

Warm floor system

Such a system can serve as both the main type of heating and additional. The principle of operation of the system is that the heat from the heated floor is evenly distributed to the ceiling. Heating sections consist of a single-core or double-core cable covered with a floor covering on top. The thermostat can be built-in, surface-mounted or programmable.

The advantages of this method include long term service life - up to 80 years, as well as ease of maintenance and environmental friendliness.

But heated floors are not resistant to mechanical damage, and the repair of such a system is accompanied by the dismantling of the floor covering, which leads to additional financial costs. In order to determine the location of cable damage, special equipment will be required.

Subject to availability basic knowledge and skills, the “warm home” system can be made with your own hands.

Infrared heated floor

Heating a house with electricity using infrared heated floors can be assessed as an economical and quite effective, but rarely used means.

Infrared heated floors are not afraid of power surges and do not fail even if partially damaged. The equipment can be installed under any floor covering except parquet.

Infrared rays are capable of heating only solid objects, therefore, while warming the floor, the element itself does not heat up. Flooring gives off its heat to the air, which, through convection, spreads throughout the room.

Having basic skills in working with electricity, installing and connecting such a floor with your own hands will not be difficult.

Heating with electric boiler

Electric heating of a private home is most often carried out using electric boiler, in which it is heated coolant liquid. They're standing electric boilers relatively cheap, do-it-yourself installation does not present any difficulties.

Electric boilers are divided into three types according to heating method:

  • heating elements;
  • electrode;
  • induction

A heating element electric boiler can be classified as traditional, in which the liquid is heated by all the usual heating elements. The heating element heats up from electricity, transfers its heat to the coolant, which, in turn, carries it through the pipeline system to the radiators installed in the rooms.

System elements.

The boiler is easy to install and is equipped with a thermostat capable of maintaining the set temperature. Power consumption can be adjusted by turning off a certain number of heating elements.

The disadvantages of a heating element boiler include the accumulated scale on the heating element, which can quickly damage the boiler, especially if the water is hard. Therefore, sometimes you have to use various means against lime.

Electrode boiler

An electrode electric boiler, instead of a heating element, is equipped with an electrode that acts on free ions in the water, resulting in heat. This design is unique in its safety, as it is completely immune to coolant leakage. If there is no water, the device simply stops working.

This method of heating the coolant does not provoke limescale deposits, but the electrodes tend to gradually deteriorate, and then they need to be changed. In addition, only water can be used as a coolant - non-freezing liquid cannot be used. The water itself must have resistivity a certain value, which is quite difficult to measure independently.

"Insides" of an induction boiler.

An induction electric boiler consists of a radiator and a pipeline through which the coolant circulates. The emitter produces an electromagnetic field that interacts with the metal. Electricity creates vortex flows, which, in turn, transfer energy to the coolant. There is no heating element.

An induction boiler is easy to install and maintain, does not contain wearing parts, scale forms in it in minimal quantities, and is effective for heating large rooms. The coolant can be oil, water or antifreeze.

Making an induction boiler with your own hands is not difficult, and the cost will be much cheaper than a purchased one.

A significant disadvantage can be considered the rather large dimensions and high price, compared to heating elements and electrode boilers. In addition, in the event of mechanical damage to the integrity of the circuit, the boiler will fail due to a dangerous increase in temperature. In this case, the device must be equipped with a sensor that turns off the boiler if there is no water in it.


Almost all popular methods of heating a country house with electricity were considered. Each method has many advantages - this includes the absence of the need for a fuel supply, environmental friendliness, safety, noiselessness and ease of operation. But given that electricity is currently not cheap, expect special economic effect no need to. Therefore it is worth special attention pay attention to the insulation of a private house to reduce heat loss to a minimum.

Year-round comfortable conditions life cannot be ensured if you do not take care of heating your home. Home owners are experimenting with various systems, selecting equipment from optimal parameters, study what is included in heating a country house, options and prices. IN lately Electric heating is gaining popularity, the most economical, without a boiler.

The general availability of such a system is due to the widespread use of electrical networks and the popularity of differentiated payment for electricity. An installed special electricity meter will allow you to competently manage the available resource.

Variety of electrical systems

The most economical electric heating for a private home is selected based on the options for its operation, as well as the cost of materials and consumables.

Warm electric floors - price from 800 rub./sq.m.

You can install such an economical heating system for a private home yourself. This approach will significantly reduce the cost of the result. Heaters in this situation are materials such as electric mats, heating cables, and infrared heat emitters. Some of them can be laid even without pouring concrete screed on top of the heater. If installation is carried out at the stage of building a house, then this approach will significantly reduce the cost of installing heaters. By applying the settings, optimal output parameters are set, which will increase the efficiency of the system and extend the service life economical electric heating private house.

When arranging electrical heated floors(cable, mats or IR), special attention must be paid to thermal insulation to prevent heat loss.

For heating mats and infrared heaters foil heat-reflecting insulation is used, for cable - with a metallized backing. It is prohibited to use foil coverings in the cable system, as this will lead to a short circuit.

Heating boilers - price from 27,000 rubles.

Don't write them off completely. They can operate using electric heating systems. With their help, you can use hot water supply, since many of the models operate on the dual-circuit principle. Economical heating a private home can be achieved with them due to a high degree of reliability, increased productivity and efficiency. In addition, manufacturers care about their efficiency. This indicator in some premium brands it is already at an acceptable level. Calculations for power requirements are preliminarily performed. This way you can determine the required amount that will need to be spent on the boiler. In addition, the total cost of the piping includes pipes, pump, etc.

Heat pumps - from €1000

When determining by price which electric heating is the most economical without a boiler, you should pay attention to the use of heat pumps. They consume a small amount of electricity and use air, water or soil for heat exchange (the option depends on the model of the device). Savings compared to gas appliances up to 50%. Due to the operation of such a pump, it is possible to convert 1 kW of electrical energy into 3-4 kW of thermal energy.

VIDEO: Heat pump in the house

The process occurs due to heat exchange with the selected medium. There is a special refrigerant inside the pump, which extracts heat to a set temperature of -15/-20 0 C. When the air in the room warms up to 25 0 C, such pumps can automatically switch to air conditioning mode.

Today it is the most progressive and economical source of heating a home, in which natural energy converted to heat. At the same time, this is also the most expensive installation method. If we recalculate the cost of installation and piping and the power of the equipment, such an installation can pay for itself only after 5-7 years. Taking into account that. that people live in houses, as a rule, much longer, this method has a right to exist.

Electric convectors and radiators - from 2500 rubles.

These devices are positioned as economical heating for a private home. Their design is based on the principle of natural circulation. warm currents air. A special heater is mounted inside them, which ensures operation of the device at a low output temperature. Its operation is adjusted using a reliable electronic thermostat.

Used in most cases as an auxiliary or temporary device that is not able to compensate for the lack of heat in spacious houses

Infrared heating systems - from 2000 rubles.

Systems whose design uses infrared heating, continue to win their fans. Electricity is also used to operate them. The advantage of such systems is fast heating and relatively low energy consumption. The operating principle is identical sun rays when it is not the air that is heated, but everything solids, located in the radiation path. This creates comfortable conditions in the room, and the air does not dry out. Such heaters operate without a boiler and can remain in working condition for a long time. The maximum temperature value is fixed at the closest distance from the IR heater. The further you move from it, the cooler it becomes.

The disadvantage of some models is the relatively high power of the devices.

Auxiliary procedures

Before you save on heating, you need to take additional measures to increase the temperature in the room. These include various ways insulation of the building. It’s never too late to carry out work, so protect your home from the effects of negative external factors allowed both at the construction stage and after its operation for long period. According to statistics, a house that is not properly insulated loses up to 70% of thermal energy. Just think about it, 70% of the heat goes outside, but you pay for it, and mostly a considerable amount.

Thermal insulation work is carried out in the following areas:

  • foundation;
  • walls inside and outside;
  • roof and attic area;
  • floors and ceilings;
  • door and window openings.

Reliable thermal insulation will significantly reduce the consumption of electricity used for heating, and also ensure the durability of the structure. At the same time, it will be possible to increase the sound insulation of the premises. It is advisable to use proven material from well-known brands, which guarantee security performance characteristics for several decades.

The use of automation in process management, in addition to freeing the homeowner from constant presence near heating systems, will allow rational management of resources during the day. The devices will be able to set the selected algorithm by which it is planned to turn the heating on/off or maintain it at a given value.

Quality devices must record the temperature parameter with high degree accuracy.

Particularly relevant is the function that ensures maintaining a low temperature value, for example, at a level of +17 0 C. This allows you not to overheat the room, not to dry out the air and not to overuse electricity. This mode is set during workdays when no one is in the house.

In heating options for a country house, where price is not decisive, a special device is used - a programmer. Such a sensor with automatic system cares about economical consumption. It maintains the set temperature value, switching between operating modes in a timely manner. In addition to hardware control, it supports manual mode for dialing and resetting parameters.

VIDEO: Another one original way heating a house without gas and electricity

It is better to prepare a sleigh in the summer, just like the heating system of a house or cottage. There is no point in putting off solving this vitally important issue “for later.” After all, the autumn cold can come suddenly, and it is important that the weather does not take you by surprise.

Homeowners who have gas connected to their house, but there are no problems with heating and hot water supply, can close this article and go about their business. This article is for people who want to install the most economical electric heating in their home, but the power allocated to their home (the permitted power limit) is not sufficient to connect several heating appliances and other household appliances. And purchasing additional electrical power from power engineers is not possible due to the unreasonably high cost or the physical lack of excess power due to old transformer substations.

Which electric heating system is the most economical and inexpensive?

By many years of experience we can say that the simplest and most inexpensive way to implement electric heating of a country house or cottage is to use electric heaters convection type - convectors. They have proven themselves to be suitable for heating residential and administrative or commercial spaces. This type of electric heating has a number of important advantages before other electric heating systems and devices. Let's look at just a few of the benefits.

1. The best indicators of efficiency and economy

The operating principle of an electric convector is natural air circulation when warm air, being less dense, rises above the cold one. The air inside the room mixes spontaneously. This achieves good uniformity and speed of heating, and also absence drafts.

Heating elements electric convectors have low mass and thermal inertia, therefore warm up quickly. Unlike, say, radiators filled with oil. Therefore, the efficiency of such a heating device is very high, and power consumption is an order of magnitude less than that consumed by an electric boiler. Almost all the electricity consumed by the convector is converted into heat. And the thermostat allows you to achieve significant energy savings, because the heater does not work constantly, but only when the air temperature drops. Those. cyclically. The cyclic heating switch allows you to use new technology optimizing energy consumption in order to get the most out of the network and not exceed the permitted power. This device will be discussed below (called OEL-820).

2. Best operational safety indicators

Modern convectors contain heating elements that do not heat above 100°C. At the same time, the temperature of the convector body remains below 60°C. Convector does not burn oxygen. And most devices of this type have increased protection against moisture(IP24), so they can be safely installed in bathrooms, bathrooms, dressing rooms, next to the pool, etc. Although, of course, this does not mean that the convector can be watered with water from a hose!

Convectors from leading manufacturers are equipped with a safety system that will turn off the heating if the air inlet or outlet is closed. Therefore, convectors can be used in kindergartens, children's rooms, hospitals, etc.

3.Easy to install and operate

Electric heating convector ready to use immediately after purchase. All that is necessary for its operation is installation on the wall or on special legs, as well as connection to the electrical network. To select the temperature, just set the thermostat to the appropriate temperature value, and then just wipe the dust from the case. Unlike installing a water system, convectors save significant money because they do not require pipes to be laid throughout the house.

4. Low price

The cost of high-quality electric convectors cannot be compared with the cost of a water heating system. Those. If you compare the one-time investments for the purchase of electric convectors and for boilers operating on any type of fuel, including the most economical - main gas, the difference will be colossal.

5. Possibility of gradual expansion of the system

Convectors can be purchased and put into operation gradually, as needed or as funds become available. While water heating requires the purchase of all components at once, which is not cheap.

6. Possibility of using energy-saving automation

Very often the power allocated to a house or cottage is not enough to connect several energy-intensive heating devices. Electric convectors allow the use of additional external automation, for example, the OEL-820 Clusterwin grid load optimizer, which reduces the overall power consumption and allows you to operate them even with insufficient permitted power limits. This is very important for a country house. In addition, the load optimizer does not require installation, but simply plugs into a power outlet, like an adapter. An electric boiler requires a large amount of power supplied, which cannot be reduced.

7. Insensitive to mains voltage fluctuations

Convector heating elements not sensitive to mains voltage deviations, which is often found outside the city. Therefore, they do not require an additional voltage stabilizer.

8. Great design and compactness

Heating using convectors does not require a boiler room. Convectors are small in size and will fit into any interior.

Let us explain point 6 with an example.

Under an agreement with the energy supply company, allocated for the house electrical power is 5 kW. In this case, you need to operate four 1 kW convectors, a 1 kW water heater, and a 1 kW kettle. In total, our electrical appliances consume 6 kW, which exceeds the allocated limit. Consequently, if they are turned on simultaneously, the network will be overloaded and the machine will trip ( circuit breaker)…

However, it is not necessary that all appliances be turned on for heating at the same time. If powerful electrical appliances are conditionally divided into pairs and made so that in each pair one, and only one, electrical appliance can be turned on, then the total power consumption can be significantly reduced and the permitted power limit can be bypassed. For these purposes, the latest automation is used - load optimizers on the electrical grid. For example, .

You can read more about this device and its operation in previous articles.

To connect energy-intensive electrical appliances, we will use three load optimizers on the power grid OEL-820 CLUSTERWIN.

Third floor. One large room is a studio.

When priority convector A is switched on in heating mode, non-priority convector B is switched off. As soon as the temperature in the left zone of the room reaches the set value, convector A will turn off the heating. The operating cycle of non-priority appliance B will begin.

When the temperature in the right zone of the room reaches the set value, convector B will turn off. For some time, depending on the quality of the room’s thermal insulation, both convectors can be turned off. At this time, the temperature in the left zone of the room slowly decreases.

When the temperature drops below the set value, priority convector A will turn on and begin its new operating cycle.

Since in this pair of convectors only one convector can be turned on at any time, the total power consumed by the two convectors will never exceed 1 kW.

The overall consumption and load on the power grid is reduced by 2 times.

Second floor. Two separate rooms.

Convectors on the second floor, connected to the network through load optimizers, operate in exactly the same way as convectors on the third floor. Only each of them heats its own room. At the same time, the total power consumed by two convectors will never exceed 1 kW.

First floor.

The kettle and water heater are also connected to the network via OEL-820. While the kettle is not in use, the water heater operates in accordance with the temperature set on the thermostat. When you turn on the kettle, the water heater automatically turns off while the kettle is operating.

As soon as the water boils and the kettle turns off, the water heater will be connected to the network and continue to operate. It is preferable if the water heater thermostat is electromechanical. This type of water heater is cheaper.

Since out of two electrical appliances one and only one electrical appliance can be turned on, the total power consumption of the kettle and water heater will never exceed 1 kW. Consequently, their consumption and load on the power grid decreases by 2 times!

Conclusion: when operating six electrical appliances with a total power of 6 kW, connected through three load optimizers on the power grid, the total power consumed from the power grid will never exceed 3 kW!

Which of the listed advantages of convectors should be put in first place, and which in last? There is no clear answer to this question. But, the opportunity to choose what is more important in your specific situation- already wonderful!

Which electric convectors to choose?

This is a matter of taste and wallet. It is clear that you should only buy devices famous manufacturers. This is your safety. In addition, the service life of the most inexpensive convectors usually does not exceed 5 years, and convectors, for example, from NOBO, will serve you for 30 years. As they say - feel the difference. And think about whether it’s worth saving on this. If for temporary heating, for a certain period, for example, until gas is turned on, then inexpensive ones are also suitable. In other cases... think for yourself.

Please note for a function such as self-recovery (restart) after a power outage. Normal convectors are not sensitive to power outages. And those that require restarting by a person are not convenient to use and can cause great damage by freezing the house.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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