Monstera has been growing here for a long time, almost 9 years. At first it was an ordinary flower, less than 1 m in height, the leaves were not very large, and it grew slowly. But then we moved it to the winter garden in our house - a room with large windows to the south and west, there is a lot of sun and space. And the monstera began to grow.

The leaves became increasingly larger in diameter, a new leaf appeared once every 2-3 months. Now medium size sheet 90 x 80 cm. The height of the vine from ground level is 3.5 meters, and if the vine is laid out in a straight line, it will be at least 5 meters.

The pot in which the monstera grows is the largest I could find in our city. It looks more like a large tub, how we transplanted it into this pot is a different story. Let me just say that we transplanted it with four of us, otherwise it would not have worked - it is very large and heavy.

I will note that I take care of the monstera like any other flower - I water it regularly and a couple of times a year my husband brings a stepladder and I wipe the leaves from dust. I NEVER cut off aerial roots; they cannot be touched. When they grow long enough, I simply put them in a pot and they take root. We also have a humidifier running constantly in the winter garden. That's it.

Now comes the fun part. We have Monstera BEARING FRUIT!!!

One fine day SOMETHING appeared. It was not a leaf, but some kind of beige roll that looked like a very large banana.

After a few days it became clear - this is a flower! It opened up and inside it was a lump that looked like a large, shelled ear of corn.

A couple more days passed, the beige flower fell off, but the bump remained.

I started looking for information and found out that this is the fruit of a monstera, and that at home (is it really?!) Monstera does not bear fruit. The fruit ripens within a year and is edible; unripe fruits cannot be eaten; there may be a burn to the mucous membrane; you need to wait until it ripens.

We decided to wait.

Almost a year passed, new leaves appeared, but the fruit still hung. And then one evening I hear a roar, I run up - and the fruit has fallen off! Well, I think it's time.

The green peel was easily peeled off, revealing light flesh underneath.

The fruit is indeed very similar in structure to corn: in the very center there is a hard, inedible core, around it there is light pulp, like corn seeds, and on top there is a green peel. The fruit tastes like pineapple with a slight mango flavor. Very tasty!

Some time after the first fruit fell off, two more flowers and, accordingly, two fruits appeared on the monstera. Then two more. Just recently, literally a month ago, two fruits ripened and we ate them, now two more are ripening.

Here's the story. It seems incredible, but everything is as I described. If you don't believe me, look at the photos.

Monstera(monstera delisiosa).

It turns out that this is the name of a plant that has been living with me for more than two years.
And I called it “Adam’s rib,” as Dona Lucilia, from whom I took the appendage, called it.

The stalk took root quickly and began to grow actively, delighting with beautiful carved leaves. A year later I had to change the pot to a larger, 20-liter one...

And this year the circumstances were such that I forgot about it: it’s standing in my yard, no one takes care of it, no one except the rain waters it...
My MONSTER has dropped its leaves, the remaining leaves have faded...
Well, I think the flower has disappeared... And suddenly it knocks out two buds that don’t look like leaves. “What kind of miracles,” I couldn’t understand...

And we flew to Madeira... for a week.

Funchal greeted us warmly and on the second day we went to the botanical garden.

Imagine my surprise when I saw my “Adam’s rib” there. The sign next to it read:
Monstera deliciosa (in some sources deliciosa is translated as delicacy, but I did not find the exact translation of this word... Portuguese explanatory dictionary translates this word as tasty, giving great pleasure, but certainly not a delicacy... I would translate it as monstera dainty)

This is such an unusual flower.
The speckled white ear in the center is about the size of an ear of corn.
Now imagine the size of this flower!

After flowering, the fruit remains - this is the same cob.
Only when the spathe flower fades does the spadix become green.
The maturation process is very long. They say from 8 to 10 months.

At the same time, the bush has both flowers and fruits.

In the photo on the right you can see a fruit and another one in a withered flower-spread...
And below is an unopened bud.

Well, the next day we went to the central market of Funchal...... and... do you know what they offered us there?

"Filhos dentro" - "filush dentru" - "kids inside", this is what the people call the monstera fruit. People don't bother. Simple and clear. And then - “delicioso” - you can’t even find an exact translation.

And we bought two of these tasty fruits at the market for 2 euros apiece.
It tastes like pineapple... or... banana, no, after all, pineapple is closer...

Don't try to force it out.
I wanted to do this with a knife - it’s useless, it can’t be cleaned... I was “offended” by exotic fruit, wrapped it in a napkin and put it in cellophane bag. And when I took it out of the bag at home, the scales were separate, the fruit was on its own...

A ripe fruit sheds its “scales” on its own, and if it is still closed, you cannot eat it! You can get poisoned.

It’s better to eat with a fork, pricking individual berries, like corn from the cob... delicious.. very, but... it feels like your mouth is filled with thorns or needles... It seemed to me that visible black inclusions were pricking, I think so these are seeds...

It is better not to give it to children, the child may be scared.

We arrived home from Madeira, and my MONSTERA blossomed and the green cobs are already clearly visible. This means there will be fruits. Just have to wait at least six months...

This is what she is, a TASTY MONSTER.

Thank you for visiting.
May you and your loved ones be healthy and happy.
Light, warmth and sunshine into your hearts, homes and souls.
Lyudmila Medvedeva was with you.

To My World

Syn.: monstera dainty, homemade pineapple, magnificent liana, killer plant, attractive monstera.

Monstera deliciosa is a large climbing vine belonging to the Araceae family. Its homeland is Central America. The plant is not used in medical purposes, however, it is cultivated with great success both in various rooms and on personal plots. Monstera is used to create hedges and winter gardens; the plant is often used to decorate shop windows and foyers in theaters and cinemas. Its ripe fruits are an excellent help in the culinary field.

Ask the experts a question

In medicine

Monstera deliciosa is not included in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation and is not used in official medicine Russia. It is known that the plant is not used by other medical practices in certain countries. ABOUT folk use this climbing vine as medicinal plant nothing is known.

Contraindications and side effects

Because monstera is not medicinal plant, no medicinal products are made from it. Accordingly, there are no contraindications to its use.

In cooking

The fruits of Monstera deliciosa are edible only when fully ripe. Unripe fruits contain many calcium oxalate crystals, which cause a burning sensation in the mouth. Fully ripened fruits of Monstera deliciosa have a pineapple-banana flavor and are eaten as a dessert. For example, the fruits are served with a little cream or added to ice cream or fruit salad.

In crop production

Monstera deliciosa, the use of which has not found much popularity in cooking, has a spectacular appearance, due to which it is widely cultivated as a decorative plant. The fact is that Monstera deliciosa is one of the most beautiful deciduous and decorative vines. It is highly valued in indoor floriculture and can serve as an excellent decoration for any interior.

The plant is used for landscaping medium and large cabins, industrial and residential premises. Also, hedges and winter gardens are created from monstera; shop windows and foyers in theaters and cinemas are often decorated with the plant. Particularly large specimens are used to decorate walls, staircase openings, and are also used as single standing plants. Medium-sized specimens are excellent for creating compositions in combination with other indoor plants.


Monstera deliciosa (lat. Monstera deliciosa) is a large vine from the genus Monstera (lat. Monstera), the family Araceae or Aronicaceae (lat. Araceae).

Botanical description

The Monstera deliciosa plant is a fast-growing climbing vine that climbs neighboring trees to a height of 12 m or more. Under natural conditions, monstera can reach a height of up to 40 m, and at home - up to 5 m. Its stems have cylindrical shape and a thickness of 7 to 7.5 cm. They are literally dotted with rough leaf scars and long, tough aerial roots.

Monstera deliciosa has shiny, leathery skin. wide leaves green in color on long straight petioles. Their edges are deeply dissected, and the cuts are elongated or rounded. The leaves of young shoots of Monstera are entire, heart-shaped. Depending on the variety, some Monstera deliciosa leaves may have creamy white or yellow spots.

Monstera deliciosa grows from the nodes of the main stem aerial roots, which are an auxiliary support for the plant. The flower of this vine is a conical spadix of white-cream color. The fruits of Monstera deliciosa are berries. Their length varies from 20 to 30 cm, and width - from 6 to 9 cm. The berries are covered with thick skin and juicy, aromatic pulp.


Monstera deliciosa is native to the rainforests of Central America: Costa Rica, Mexico, Guatemala and Panama. Over time, the plant spread throughout the countries with temperate climate. Various species of this vine can be found in Brazil and on the peninsulas of Mexico and Yucatan.

Currently, Monstera is common both as an indoor plant and as a greenhouse plant. It is worth noting that in countries with a tropical climate (for example, Australia and India), Monstera deliciosa is grown for its edible fruits.

Procurement of raw materials

Since Monstera deliciosa is not a medicinal plant, it is not harvested.

Chemical composition

Vitamin C, thiamine, phosphorus, calcium, as well as proteins, fats, carbohydrates and calories were found in the fruits of Monstera deliciosa. Otherwise chemical composition monstera has not been studied.

Pharmacological properties

Nothing is known about any medicinal properties of Monstera deliciosa. No experiments and clinical trials has not been carried out with this vine. The plant is not used in the pharmaceutical industry of Russia and other countries.

Use in folk medicine

There is no need to talk about any beneficial properties of Monstera deliciosa, since the vine is not used for these purposes. No information on the use of this vine traditional healers No.

Historical background

According to one version, the plant received the name “monstera” because of its enormous size, inspiring fear, like some kind of monster. According to another version, monstera is not a “monster” at all, since its Latin name is translated into Russian as “bizarre”, “amazing”. Monstera is called a delicacy due to its fruits, the taste of which is reminiscent of pineapples. However, such fruits should never be eaten unripe.

There is an opinion among historians that the Brazilian princess Isabella of Braganza, who was the daughter of Emperor Pedro II and became famous for the abolition of slavery in Brazil, doted on the fruits of Monstera deliciosa, considering them the best of all berries known at that time.

Monstera deliciosa, in addition to its decorative properties, contributes to the ionization of air in certain rooms.

At the beginning of the 18th century, urban legends circulated throughout Europe about supposedly giant killer plants found in the wilds of South America. Then many travelers told the whole world that supposedly after such plants attacked a person, all that was left of people and animals were bones, literally pierced by long shoots hanging from the trunks of these killer plants. Over time, these legends received a scientific explanation: travelers mistook the aerial roots of monstera for insidious tentacles. The fact is that, hanging down, the roots could grow through the bones of a person who was once stuck in the thickets.


1. Aroid // Angola - Barzas. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1970. - (Great Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / chief editor A. M. Prokhorov; 1969-1978, vol. 2).

2. Aroids // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg, 1890-1907.

3. Grudzinskaya I. A. The arum family (Araceae) // Plant life. In 6 volumes. T. 6. Flowering plants/ Ed. A. L. Takhtadzhyan. - M.: Education, 1982. - P. 466-493.

4. Monstera // Great Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov. - 3rd ed. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969-1978.

5. Chub V. Mysteries of aroids // Floriculture. - 2008. - No. 3. - P. 58-61.

onstera is a fairly common ornamental plant, but few people know that it also produces fruits with very pleasant taste and pineapple-banana aroma. The fact is that, as an ornamental plant, Monstera is well suited for growing indoors. It tolerates dry air, is shade-tolerant, requires virtually no pruning, and is not damaged in winter at temperatures of 13-15°C. From this point of view, its biggest drawback is large size leaves and the entire plant, which requires appropriate space for its placement. Therefore, a smaller variety of Monstera, which has smooth leaf petioles, is more suitable for rooms.

For successful fruiting of monstera, it is necessary to create conditions of a humid and warm climate plus additional lighting in winter time, i.e. conditions that in ordinary residential and production premises are rare. In addition, it is necessary to create a sufficient feeding area for the plant. However, if a small plant is immediately placed in a large box, the soil will turn sour and the roots may rot. Therefore, timely but frequent transplants are necessary - at least twice a year for the first three years. Monstera at the age of three to five years is replanted once a year, older plants after 2-3 years. The plant itself will tell you about the lack of nutrition - the leaves will become much smaller, and leaf blade will form whole.

At proper care Monstera blooms in 4-5 years. Monstera flowers are collected in a green-yellow spadix, enclosed in a glossy shell, a bract similar to a cream-colored shell. The flowers have no petals or sepals, and on the “cob” you can only see very short stamens and pistils. When ripe, the flower cob turns into a fruit, which is also similar in configuration to an ear of corn, but larger in size.

Even under ideal conditions, fruit ripening occurs after 14 months. Because of this, Monstera is rarely considered to be grown as a fruit plant.

When growing monstera fruits, be careful; unripe fruits contain calcium oxalate crystals (oxalic acid). “Sticking” to the tongue, they cause a strong burning sensation in the larynx. As the fruit ripens, the crystals disappear.

Nutritional value per 100 g of monstera fruit:

  • Fats - 1 g.
  • Proteins - 23 g.
  • Carbohydrates - 32 g.
  • Calcium - 16 g.
  • Thiamine - 0.01 mg.
  • Phosphorus - 10 g.
  • Vitamin C - 60 mg.
  • Calories - 10 g.
  • Monstera fruit can be served as a dessert with a little cream, or added to fruit salad or ice cream.

    Monstera fruit

    • View Best answer
    • Monstera can produce fruits, and they are edible, but not everything is so simple. Only ripened fruits are edible. By eating an unripe fruit, we risk getting a burn to the mucous membrane and digestive system stomach. And to determine the maturity of the fruit, it is enough to press it lightly with your fingers; the covering scales will fall off. The fruit tastes like a cross between pineapple and banana.

      Fruits will begin to form only in an adult plant when certain conditions. In general, it is quite difficult to get Monstera to bear fruit in an apartment. And it takes at least 2 years for the fruit to ripen.

      In our city greenhouse, monsteras constantly produce fruit. In winter, the temperature in the greenhouse stays at twenty degrees. Monstera leaves are about seventy centimeters in diameter, all with holes. They ripen for about thirteen months. High humidity in greenhouses. There are also dwarf monsteras in the greenhouse. They begin to bloom in the third year. The diameter of the leaves will be smaller.

      You were not deceived, Monstera really bears fruit!

      I was shocked when I found out.

      And you know what's most interesting? Not only can its fruits be eaten, but their taste is also similar to pineapple.

      When I found out (and pineapple is my favorite fruit), of course, an “insidious” plan began to ripen in my head to plant an entire monstera plantation in our dacha. However, not everything is so simple.

      After all, if the fruits are unripe, then they can easily cause a burn to the oral cavity.

      In addition, in indoor conditions It is very difficult to make a monstera even bloom, let alone bear fruit.

      Many of my friends, who are real fans of floriculture, have never even had their monsteras bloom. Only one woman had this, and the flowering ended with fruit set, but they never grew to normal. They stopped growing when they were still very small.

      Perhaps, if you set aside a whole greenhouse for the plant, it will bear fruit, but there is simply physically no place in the apartment to place such a vine.

      Purely aesthetically, these fruits look very interesting: green and oblong, they somehow resemble either a cone or an ear of corn. But I would recommend trying them (if you grow them or find them somewhere) only with great caution.

      Monstera deliciosa - review

      My monstera is bearing fruit.

      Monstera has been growing here for a long time, almost 9 years. At first it was an ordinary flower, less than 1 m in height, the leaves were not very large, and it grew slowly. But then we moved it to the winter garden in our house - a room with large windows to the south and west, there is a lot of sun and space. And the monstera began to grow.

      The leaves became increasingly larger in diameter, a new leaf appeared once every 2-3 months. Now the average sheet size is 90 x 80 cm. The height of the vine from ground level is 3.5 meters, and if the vine is laid out in a straight line, it will be at least 5 meters.

      The pot in which the monstera grows is the largest I could find in our city. It looks more like a large tub, how we transplanted it into this pot is a different story. Let me just say that we transplanted it with four of us, otherwise it would not have worked - it is very large and heavy.

      I will note that I take care of the monstera like any other flower - I water it regularly and a couple of times a year my husband brings a stepladder and I wipe the leaves from dust. I NEVER cut off aerial roots; they cannot be touched. When they grow long enough, I simply put them in a pot and they take root. We also have a humidifier running constantly in the winter garden. That's it.

      Now comes the fun part. We have Monstera BEARING FRUIT.

      One fine day SOMETHING appeared. It was not a leaf, but some kind of beige roll that looked like a very large banana.

      I started looking for information and found out that this is the fruit of a monstera, and that at home (is it really?!) Monstera does not bear fruit. The fruit ripens within a year and is edible; unripe fruits cannot be eaten; there may be a burn to the mucous membrane; you need to wait until it ripens.

      Almost a year passed, new leaves appeared, but the fruit still hung. And then one evening I hear a roar, I run up - and the fruit has fallen off! Well, I think it's time.

      The green peel was easily peeled off, revealing light flesh underneath.

      Some time after the first fruit fell off, two more flowers and, accordingly, two fruits appeared on the monstera. Then two more. Just recently, literally a month ago, two fruits ripened and we ate them, now two more are ripening.

      Here's the story. It seems incredible, but everything is as I described. If you don't believe me, look at the photos.

      I suggest you also get acquainted with other representatives of my winter garden:

      1) croton - I have two different types.

      2) fittonia - I really love this “beauty”.

      3) clivia is an amazingly beautiful flowering plant. I have two clivias - they bloom mesmerizingly.

      4) tsikas - I have several of them. The largest is already more than 2 meters in diameter.

      5) Zamioculcas - strict and beautiful flower, also grew to a significant size - 1.5 meters in diameter.

      6) Dracaena Sandera - or my evergreen bouquet.

      And for those who like to grow in open ground, I think it will be interesting to get acquainted with the representatives of my garden. Follow the link below: a whole list of flowers/shrubs/trees from my garden - for every taste.

      Monstera attractive (delicious, delicious)

      Monstera: description and useful properties

      Monstera delicious, Monstera attractive, Monstera delicious(lat. Monstera deliciosa) is a large vine belonging to the Araceae family.

      Origin and distribution of monstera

      Monstera comes from humid tropical and sub tropical forests Guatemala, Costa Rica, Mexico and Panama. However, by now it has spread to almost all countries as an ornamental indoor and greenhouse plant. In tropical countries (Australia and India) it produces edible fruits, for which it is widely cultivated.

      Externally, the plant looks very impressive, so it is widely cultivated as an ornamental. This is truly one of the most beautiful deciduous crops, which is highly valued in floriculture and can serve as an interior decoration for any room. It can very often be found not only in residential, but also in domestic, industrial and other premises, in winter gardens, on shop windows, in the lobbies of hotels, clubs and cinemas. She looks good as lonely standing plant, but small specimens are perfectly placed in compositions with other indoor and greenhouse crops.

      Biological description of monstera

      The monstera vine is fast-growing and herbaceous, growing quite quickly. Capable of spreading through trees to a height of 9 meters and even higher. The stems of the vine are cylindrical, have a thickness of 6.25 to 7.5 centimeters, are seated with highly dissected leaves, and numerous long, hard aerial roots emerge from below. The surface of the leaves is leathery. The leaves are oval-heart-shaped and attached to the trunk on straight, long petioles. The leaves can be up to 90 centimeters long.

      Description of monstera fruits

      IN favorable conditions Monstera attractive (Monstera deliciosa, Monstera delightful) produces fruits - berries, 20 to 30 centimeters long, 5 to 8.75 centimeters wide, covered on top with a thick peel, and inside having juicy and aromatic pulp.

      The consistency of the pulp of ripe fruits is similar to that of a banana. Ripe fruits have a taste reminiscent of a mixture of pineapple and banana flavors. They are used in fresh like dessert. Unripe fruits are not tasty and are not eaten, as they contain a lot of oxalic acid salts (potassium and calcium oxalates) and can cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose, followed by swelling. The first stage of fruit ripening can be determined by the rising scales and the appearance of a strong aroma. But full ripening takes quite a long time until all segments of the inedible peel fall off and the white, juicy pulp is completely exposed.

      Interesting. that the fruit can be eaten gradually by cutting off mature sections of the fruit directly from the tree and thereby allowing the rest of the fruit to ripen.

      Monstera - care, cultivation, pruning, planting. Monstera diseases. Monstera photo.

      All posts dedicated to the Monstera plant

      Planting a monstera flower

      Further care

      Method of fertilizing monstera.

      Monstera, like most indoor plants, needs food and it is desirable that this food be varied. There are several ways to prepare fertilizer at home. One of these methods is to take 1 tablet activated carbon and dilute it in 1 liter of water, add 1 teaspoon of ash and leave for 1 day. We water the monstera with this infusion once every two weeks and store the infusion in the refrigerator.

      Shiny monstera leaves.

      When caring for monstera, gardeners often encounter a problem - dullness of the color of the leaves. Of course, this can be dealt with using special ready funds, but you can prepare such a remedy yourself. Take 250 ml. beer, better than live beer, and dilute it with water one to one, wipe the leaves every three days. The result is always shiny and healthy leaves, naturally with comprehensive care.

      Big advantages of monstera

      A year ago I bought a monstera, half a meter tall with three leaves. And now she is such a beauty to me! It's all about care. Here are a few of my rules for caring for monstera:

  1. Monstera needs to be planted in large pots or tubs.
  2. You need to dig crushed banana peels into the ground.
  3. Monstera's aerial roots need to be directed into the ground.
  4. Loves watering, spraying, light.

To make monstera leaves look beautiful, I wipe them with a swab dipped in vegetable oil.

Monstera and pots.

This is how, through error, you come to the conclusion that large pots indoor flowers not needed.

Monstera is a rather whimsical plant. In winter, for its good existence, you need to maintain the room temperature at about 10-14 degrees. Most gardeners mistakenly believe that monstera loves shade and place it in the most dark corners, this opinion is wrong. Monstera does not tolerate bright colors sun rays, but prefers bright, diffused light.

  • Florist's blog polet
  • Growing monstera from seeds.

    In one of my blogs, I described how I managed to make a monstera bloom. After flowering, I did not remove its spadix fruit. This fruit remained on the flower for approximately six months. I read in the book that the monstera fruit can be edible, but still I did not dare to eat it. After staying on the flower for six months, the fruit fell off on its own and I discovered that the seeds had ripened there. The fruit itself looked like a cross between a banana and a pineapple. In shape it resembles a banana, only green, and it looks like a pineapple because it is all divided into small honeycombs, like a pineapple. It was in these honeycombs that there were seeds. I planted them in the usual soil ornamental plants. And within a few weeks sprouts appeared. All this time, until the sprouts appear, keep the seeds under the film. I moved the sprouts closer to the light and my flower began to grow very quickly young plant monsters.

    • Florist's blog vera

    Little monstera - what is the correct name?

    One day, by chance, I came across a small cutting of a plant that looked very much like a miniature monstera. The person who gave me this cutting called the plant a fleurodendron. I want to know if this is true?
    The leaves of this vine are no larger than the palm of your hand; the number of holes, like those of Monstera, depends on the degree of illumination, but even with maximum illumination, the holes never reach the edge of the leaf.
    Here's a photo:

    Saving the monstera

    Our monstera has grown to a very large sizes, and I gave it to my husband for his office. But it was very hot and sunny there. Monstera began to die. I had to urgently take him home and start resuscitation.
    Firstly, I cut off completely dry leaves. I placed it in a corner, away from the radiators, but with enough light. I placed a vase with water near the pot; Monstera simply needs humid air. Sprayed daily. I wiped each leaf once a week. And most importantly abundant watering In summer and winter, the soil should not dry out. Aerial roots must be directed to the ground and then rooted.

    And our beauty makes us happy again.

    Save - help - the monstera is drying up.

    I read what they write here about the monster, it seems unpretentious plant and is growing rapidly. - doesn’t look like ours at all 🙁

    We've had her for three years now. Immediately put in big pot with suitable land. I really wanted her to grow big. And it grows very slowly, 2-3 leaves per year. Moreover, during the same time, 2-3 sheets also dry.

    This is how she lives with us.

    This summer I was stupid to take it out onto the balcony - it didn’t seem to be that hot, but the leaves got scorched in one day :)
    After that it’s really hard for her. Photo 🙁

    fresh, lemon-cucumber bite of medium-ripe fruit. Ripens well at room temperature. Ripe and overripe Antillean cucumber combines the taste of melon, cucumber, and banana. The exotic crust is not peeled off; cut into slices lengthwise or crosswise and suck out the juicy pulp along with the unripe seeds. The pulp of the Antillean cucumber is saturated with B vitamins and vitamin C. Kiwano melon is refreshing and has a tonic effect. Wild horned cucumber fruits are bitter because they contain saponin.

    The exotic fruit is used to decorate cocktails, desserts, and cakes. Capsule drops can float freely on the surface of the drink. If you cut the exotic horned fruit crosswise, you get a decorative glass, the contents of which are complemented with whipped cream, cookies, pieces of ripe mango... The Kiwano Melon fruit is 12 cm long, weighs 300 grams.

    This close relative broccoli and cauliflower. If you love cabbage, then you will definitely love this fantastic vegetable. In addition, this amazing vegetable is literally packed with antioxidants.

    Romanescu, or Romanesque broccoli, cauliflower. Designers and 3D artists admire its exotic, fractal-like shapes. Cabbage buds grow in a logarithmic spiral. The first mention of Romanescu cabbage came from Italy in the 16th century.

    Romaine broccoli has the most subtle flavor that cabbage can have. Romanescu is not crumbly, tastier than broccoli, sweetish with a nutty, rather than sulfuric, flavor. A fresh head of romanesca cabbage should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days. Since cabbage is hard, the head of cabbage is cut into pieces with a serrated knife.

    A casserole is prepared with pieces of romanesca cabbage and served with bechamel sauce and Roquefort cheese. Romanescu cabbage is rich in antioxidant carotenoids and vitamin C.

    This exotic vegetable is easy to grow for those who have experience growing broccoli, since the agricultural technology is identical.

    Buddha's hand

    Exotic citron "Buddha's Hand" is called "fu shou" in China, "bushukon" in Japan, "Laiamau Yari", "Jerek tangan", "Laiamau lingtang kerat" in Malaysia, "Dhiruk tangan" in Indonesia, "som-mu" in Thailand, “Phat-thu” in Vietnam. The fragrant exotic fruit is divided into several lobes, similar to rings, with a small amount of pulp and undeveloped seeds; there are also varieties without seeds.

    Citron is an ancient citrus native to Western India, Western Asia, and the Mediterranean. It is not widely used in cultivation and cultivation, since the bushes freeze slightly at -3 ° C. With a tree height of up to 3 m, the fruits reach a length of up to 40 cm and up to 28 in diameter. All parts of the plant are fragrant. The large white or purple flowers are just as showy as the fruit.

    Perennial plant of the rue family, genus Citrus. The variety of Citron is represented by varieties. Other names: ‘Corsican’ Corsican lemon, ‘Diamond’ Sicilian citron, ‘Ethrog’ Israeli spindle-shaped citron, and, finally, fingers (or hand) of Buddha.

    Gardeners in England who specialize in exotic plants, Buddha's Hand Citron is grown in greenhouses.

    In India, several varieties of citron of the exotic “Hand of Buddha” shape are cultivated. ‘Bajoura’ is a miniature juicy fruit with a thin skin. ‘Changura’- wild variety with small, rough fruits without pulp. ‘Madhankri’ or ‘Madhkunkur’ is a large fruit with sweetish pulp. ‘Turunj’ is a large fruit with a thick skin, white interior and edible sweet, but poor in juice. The fruits of wild 'Chhangura' are pickled in India. The exotic lemon is eaten whole and used in refreshing drinks with ice.

    Durian is an evergreen tree with dark leaves and spreading branches, reaching a height of 40 m. Durian fruits are a five-leaf box of ovoid or round shape, its length is 15-30 cm, weight - up to 8 kg. The capsule hangs on a stalk 10-20 cm long. The fruit valves, green on the outside, have a coarse fibrous structure and thick skin; their surface is densely covered with pyramidal 3-7-sided spines. Each of the 5 chambers of the fruit contains one shiny seed, 2 to 6 cm in size, with a color ranging from pale yellow to red-brown. The seed is surrounded by a thick covering (aryllus), which has the consistency of pudding and a color ranging from cream to dark yellow. This edible arillus has a sweet, nutty, cheesy taste and an incomparable aroma. The ripe fruit has a peculiar, very corrosive, sweetish-putrid smell.

    Durian grows in the tropical rain forests of Southeast Asia and is often grown in the Malay Peninsula and Indonesia, less commonly in South India, Sri Lanka, southern Thailand, Indochina and the southern Philippines. The species is also cultivated in East Africa, very rarely in Latin and South America.

    Durian fruits contain vitamins B, C, carotene (provitamin A), microelements - iron, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur; nicotinic acid, antioxidants, amino acids, etc.

    The uniqueness of this fruit is that it contains a large amount of organic sulfur. It is because of volatile sulfur compounds that this exotic fruit has an unpleasant odor. Durian is the only one in the world edible fruit, which contains organic sulfur.

    Characteristic bad smell The flavor of durian is due to the presence of indole, a chemical compound with an unpleasant odor, which, however, when diluted strongly, gives a delicate jasmine note. Indole is very bactericidal and extremely beneficial, so eating durian helps restore the health of sick people and animals.

    In the twenties of the twentieth century, a pharmacological drug appeared in pharmacies, tablets called “Dur-India”, it was offered as a constant use for three months. These tablets contained durian and a rare variety of Indian onion, rich in vitamin E. A course of such a drug ensured that concentrated vital energy entered the body, bringing strength and tirelessness to the body, and clarity and youthfulness to the spirit.

    But perhaps the most wonderful property This amazing plant is its ability to increase potency.

    A decoction of durian leaves and roots is used as an antipyretic, and the pulp as an anthelmintic. The juice of the leaves is applied to the head of a feverish patient. Therapeutic baths with durian leaves is prescribed for a bile spill, and a decoction of the leaves and fruits is applied to the inflamed skin. The ash of the burnt bark is used after childbirth. Durian leaves contain hydroxytryptamine and mustard oil.

    In the West, durian enjoys great scientific interest. Studies have shown that it has a wide spectrum nutrients, has no equal in the content of antioxidants, vitamins, proteins, amino acids, essential fatty acids (EFA), organic sulfur. It is the presence of volatile sulfur compounds that gives durian its specific smell. The healing properties of bioactive sulfur can hardly be overestimated. Durian is the only edible fruit in nature with a high content of organic sulfur!

    Biologically active sulfur is easily absorbed and is part of proteins and some hormones such as insulin in the body, thereby ensuring blood sugar balance. Sulfur is an essential part of important antioxidant molecules that fight aging in the body. It is also involved in the removal of waste and many biochemical reactions in the cell.

    Durian contains an excellent range of minerals, including potassium, calcium, magnesium and zinc. It's vital important elements for the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous, immune and other body systems.

    Monstera (Monstera deliciosa)
    Monstera grows in many homes. In nature, this plant produces tasty fruits. The ripe core of monstera fruit, despite the unpleasant pungent odor, is tasty and tastes like pineapple.

    Family Araceae. Homeland East India and South America. Monstera is beautiful evergreen related to lianas leading an epiphytic lifestyle. This is one of the most common indoor plants. The most common type of indoor plant grown is - Monstera deliciosa, which has several varieties. Young leaves are entire, become perforated with age, and then completely split.

    Monstera deliciosa variegata- has leaves with cream or white stripes or spots, sometimes taking on marbling.

    Monstera oblique (unequal-sided) Monstera obliqua - a more compact type of monstera, has asymmetrical leaves with oblong holes, and not split, like the delicacy. It also forms a set aerial roots and needs support.

    Monstera is a very unpretentious plant and grows quickly, occupying an area of ​​about 2 square meters in a room after 3-4 years. m. Therefore, Monstera would be more suitable for growing in offices or other spacious rooms such as a foyer or hall. As the monstera grows, it needs support; a tube with moss is best suited for this.

    Do not place the monstera in the aisle, as the feathery leaves may be injured or torn if touched. Monstera also does not tolerate cold drafts - this causes black spots to appear on the leaves. brown spots or the leaves turn yellow.

    Numerous aerial roots also need to be tied up, directed into the ground or to a support, but not cut off.

    There are so many myths and conjectures associated with this beautiful plant. Some say that monstera is energy vampire, others - that it is terribly poisonous, others, for some reason known to them, endowed the monster with the property of “bringing misfortune to the house.” Some simply strongly recommend: “If there is a monstera in your house, get rid of it immediately!”

    It even becomes a little offensive for this beautiful and essentially innocent plant. Do not rush to send your monstera into exile if you have one. All the horrors that are told about her are nothing more than a myth. If you ask any such “storyteller” where he got this information from, most likely you will not get an intelligible answer to your question. But you will have the opportunity to listen to another story in the series: “My grandmother also had this happen three days before her death.” They say, “a friend (neighbor...employee) bought a monstera, and she started having troubles.” The husband suddenly started drinking (the fact that the husband had been drinking for twenty years before the monstera appeared in the house is tactfully kept silent), the grandfather died (the fact that the grandfather was already nearly a hundred years old is also not taken into account). It's all Monstera's fault!

    What is the reason for so many myths about negative impact monsters?

    This beautiful liana comes from the tropical forests of America. The plant got its name from English word- “monster”. IN natural conditions creeping stems reach a thickness of seventeen to twenty centimeters in diameter and are covered with tufts of fibrous aerial roots. In the evening hours, the view really turns out to be quite scary, and especially when the intertwined stems form dense thickets. An impressive sight, especially in the evening twilight, when it is almost dark in the thickets, but the sun has not yet gone to rest. Thick, intricately curved stems look like huge snakes. And the hanging roots make one think of some kind of fantastic monsters.

    The second reason is the conditions natural habitat Monstera blooms, and after flowering it bears fruits. These fruits look appetizing, but tasting them is strictly not recommended. It’s not fatal, but, as those who have had the good fortune (or misfortune) to try it describe the feeling, “it feels like a thousand needles are stuck into your tongue at once.” I only had the chance to see a fruiting monstera once. I must say that the fruit looks quite edible, which makes me think: “Shouldn’t I try it...” After some thought, I finally decided that it would be better to make do with an ordinary pineapple.

    In recent decades, various esoteric teachings have become fashionable, and at every step you can hear stories about energy vampirism. Moreover, some zealous adherents of esotericism attribute vampire properties to indoor plants. They did not ignore the monstera, and even the graceful beauties of orchids found themselves out of favor. The reason for this is the presence of aerial roots in these plants. If this were true, the poor American Indians and inhabitants of tropical countries would have died out long ago from energy exhaustion. Indeed, in the tropics, many plants, vines and even trees have aerial roots. Wise nature endowed them with this property so that in dry seasons the plants could take moisture from the air.

    So the monstera doesn’t need your energy. But she will really like the humid air and spraying.

    In Southeast Asian countries, Monstera is considered a plant that brings good luck and health. In Thailand and Laos, if there is a seriously ill person in the house, a pot of monstera is placed in the room. It is planted at the entrance to the house as a talisman. It is believed that she is the guardian of the house and brings health and prosperity to the residents.

    Monstera also has the ability to predict the weather. Green barometer! Before a thunderstorm or rain begins, droplets of water appear on its leaves. Beautiful large leaves Monsteras enrich the indoor air with oxygen and decorate the interior of the house with their appearance.

    When you hear another story about a monster, don’t rush to get rid of it. This beautiful and unpretentious plant will delight you for many years and give you good mood, decorating your home with its carved green leaves on cloudy autumn days.

    Few people know that the North American banana Paw-paw (prairie banana) exists. This banana grows in the southeast of America. Outwardly, it is very similar to an ordinary banana, only slightly shorter and has a more aromatic smell.

    "Poor man's banana", also known as "prairie banana" or Paw-Paw. This is Asimina triloba.
    It is believed that the name Paw-Paw may be a corruption of the Spanish word papaya - by association appearance asimina fruits with these fruits. Historical documents have been preserved that mention that asimina fruits were George Washington’s favorite dessert; these trees also grew in the garden of Thomas Jefferson in Monticello.

    In recent years, interest in asimina has been increasing, because this tree is disease-resistant and does not require the use of pesticides to grow it. Asimina fruits contain a lot of protein; it is a delicate and nutritious fruit that has not received well-deserved fame and wide distribution due to its poor suitability for transportation.

    This is the only plant of the Annonaceae family that does not live in tropical zones. Trees growing in the north have deciduous foliage, while those growing in more southern latitudes have evergreen foliage. The height of asimina ranges from two to twelve meters. The branches of asimina are red-brown in color, quite strong, the bark is brown, smooth when young, and as it grows it becomes covered with shallow cracks and a spotted gray pattern. When kneaded, asimina leaves emit a rather pungent odor.

    Asimina flowers smell unpleasant. They are collected in clusters of 6-8 flowers, however, single flowers are also found. Asimina flowers are quite large - up to 6 cm in diameter with six sepals and six petals. Flowers first have white, but as they grow older, their color gradually changes, gradually becoming red-brown; Having reached full color, the flowers fall off. Asimina produce pollination blow flies and carrion beetles, which are attracted by the nasty smell. During the flowering period on large plantations, asimins to attract the largest number Rotten meat is specially laid out for insects.

    Asimina fruits are very similar to small plump bananas, which, like flowers, change color as they ripen, turning from green, first yellowish, and then brown. The fruits fully ripen by autumn, they are very juicy and taste, depending on the area where the tree grew, like bananas or mangoes.

    dragon fruit
    Dragon fruit or pitaya is a very sweet and tasty fruit with white flesh strewn with small edible seeds, like kiwi. Many who have visited Thailand have already “tasted” pitaya. Currently, this fruit is rapidly gaining popularity in the Western world. It is possible that it will soon appear on our shelves.

    Star Fruit

    The homeland of carambola is Southeast Asia. There, this exotic fruit is eaten in the same way as we eat apples or cucumbers. And its taste is something between an apple, gooseberry and cucumber. In Europe, carambola is also quite popular due to its unusual shape. The fact is that this yellow-green ribbed fruit has a star shape in cross section. Therefore, carambola is also called star fruit. It is enough to cut it crosswise, and the decoration for any table is ready.

    Carambola has a sweet and sour refreshing taste and contains a lot of liquid, so it is an excellent thirst quencher.

    IN different countries carambola has different names, among them “carom”, “starfruit”, “gherkin”, “fifth corner” and “star apple”. This fruit grows in India and Ghana. Indonesia, Polynesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and other countries. Carambola is also grown in the south of America, in Florida and the Hawaiian Islands. It is brought to Russia from Brazil, Israel and Thailand.

    One of the advantages of starfruit is its low calorie content., per 100 g of fruit there are only 34-35 kcal. The fruits contain quite a lot of calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, magnesium and potassium. It also contains a lot of vitamin C, thiamine, riboflavin, beta-carotene and pantothenic acid. Not much is known about the benefits of carambola for human health. However, the composition of the fruit speaks for itself - it is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals.

    In Asia, carambola is used for weak immunity and vitamin deficiency., headaches, fever, colic and constipation. There is quite a lot of oxalic acid in starfruit. It is, of course, also useful for humans, but people with kidney or digestive system diseases should not get carried away with this fruit. But in Sri Lanka, for example, people very successfully use the acid contained in carambola to remove stains from clothes. Starfruit is also used to polish copper and brass.

    How to choose the right carambola

    Asians value most of all not quite ripe sour fruits, the narrow ribs of which are clearly separated. But lovers of sweet fruits need to look for light yellow or yellow-green carambola, which has fleshy side ribs and a dark brown stripe on them. These fruits have very little sourness, and their smell is a bit like jasmine flowers. It is almost impossible to describe the taste of carambola; some compare it with cucumber and gooseberries, others with grapes and plums, and some clearly feel the taste of orange and apple. Of course, the best thing is to try this amazing fruit and find something of your own in its taste. Unfortunately, in Russian stores you cannot find starfruit that has ripened completely on the tree. Like many other fruits, it is picked and sent to us still unripe, but it ripens on the way. But otherwise the carambola simply cannot be delivered. But it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.

    How to eat carambola

    We already know that star fruit can be used to garnish salads, smoothies or ice cream and that it is delicious on its own. However, these are not all its advantages. In different countries, this fruit is used to prepare a variety of dishes. Carambola will give the most ordinary food a mysterious exotic taste and aroma. In Sri Lanka, carambola is eaten raw, directly with the peel. But the Chinese love to cook fish with starfruit. In Hawaii, they make a delicious sorbet by mixing carambola and lemon juice and adding gelatin to it. In general, carambola juice can be added to cocktails, mixed with orange, pineapple or mango juice.

    You can make a sauce with carambola, which goes perfectly with meat.. To prepare it, you need to mix chopped starfruit with horseradish, celery, vinegar and spices. Or you can top the pieces of stew with thin slices of carambola. She will at the same time give unusual taste dish and decorate it.

    Unripe carambola is used as a vegetable. You can stew it with other vegetables and get a delicious stew. It is also pickled and salted. All kinds of purees, puddings, jellies, juices and other dishes are made from sweet fruits. In South Asia, sour carambola flowers are also used as food, adding them to salads.

    goat beard
    goat beard (aka salsify, aka salsiphy, aka oat root, aka winter asparagus) is a herbaceous plant, Tragopogon porrifolius, which is bred in the Mediterranean for its edible thick white roots with a delicate, pleasant, subtle oyster flavor. Very popular in Europe and the southern USA. Because of its pungent taste, reminiscent of oysters, it is sometimes called an “oyster plant.”

    Typically used as an additive to a variety of dishes, from soups to stews.

    Like all root vegetables the root goat beard You can boil it and make puree from it.

    Vegetarians in the 19th century even made so-called “mock-oyster soup” from it. Young salsify root is eaten raw in many European countries (especially Italy, Spain and Greece), and is also used as a filling for porridge and added to soups. Meadow salsify (goatsbeard, meadow salsify) is a related plant of the species T. Pratensis, common in meadows and forest clearings of Europe and acclimatized in North America. The sweetish juicy leaves, flowers and roots of this species are quite suitable for salads, soups and side dishes. True, the term black salsify in English refers to a completely different plant with edible roots- scorzonera.

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      THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

      • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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          What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

    • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):