Hydrangea is a bushy plant with beautiful big flowers and lush green foliage. Sometimes, for a number of reasons, hydrangea leaves dry out. This development of events upsets and makes both amateur and experienced gardeners nervous. landscape designer. But don’t despair: having determined the cause, you can choose the right way to solve the problem.

The flower belongs to moisture-loving plants. This applies not only to watering, but also to air humidity. In an arid climate, hydrangea will not be able to survive and delight the eye with those charming flowers for which it is valued.

In addition to changing the color of the flowers, hydrangea has very sensitive leaves. They respond to soil quality and moisture. Leaves may wither, dry out and fall off. What to do if hydrangea leaves dry out? How to save a plant? Read on for answers to these and other questions.

Why do hydrangea leaves dry out?

A common problem is leaves drying out. As a result, it does not develop, withers like a plant and does not produce large luxurious flowers. There are several reasons why this process may occur.

Dry soil

The first reason why hydrangea leaves dry out is overdried roots. The flower loves moist soil and requires adherence to the watering regime. It is also worth considering the time of watering and lighting of the plant. In order to save a hydrangea whose leaves and flowers are drying, water it on time, introduce spraying into the care system and darken the flower a little for a while.

Sloppy transplant

Due to wrong actions the root system is disrupted. Hydrangea may dry out and wither after transplantation, during which the small roots were disturbed. They are the ones responsible for feeding the plant. To avoid problems with leaves and flowers, replant the flower in the spring. Do not destroy the earthen lump, but transfer it to a new one big pot. Choose slightly acidic and loose soil. Deepen the neck of the plant a couple of centimeters, but no more. By observing these conditions, you will not need to save a hydrangea whose leaves are drying.

Excessive soil moisture

Waterlogging of the soil is also one of the reasons for leaf fall. At first glance, a flower that loves moisture cannot dry out due to constant watering. But that's not true. Since the root system, especially the small one, is responsible for feeding the flower, its waterlogging can negatively affect the condition of the foliage. Roots that receive too much moisture simply begin to rot and die. As a result, the leaves do not receive nutrition and fall off.

In order to revive a hydrangea in a pot with diseased roots, carefully remove the plant and cut off the rotten roots. They will brown. Sprinkle the cut areas activated carbon. Replant the flower in new pot, which will be smaller in size than the previous one. You can also cover the flower with a portable compact greenhouse for a week or two. Also consider ventilation in this design.

Low air humidity

It is very difficult for a plant that loves moisture to survive dry air. Therefore, the tips of its leaves begin to dry out, then the entire leaf dries out and falls off. What to do if hydrangea dries out in a dry climate or? IN open ground– spray the plant as often as possible. At night, you can create a small stationary greenhouse for hydrangea. It is easier to revive large-leaved hydrangea, which is grown in a greenhouse. It is recommended to humidify the air using a humidifier. It is also worth ventilating the greenhouse as often as possible.

It is worth noting that hydrangea is a flower sensitive to soil pH. If the soil is within the normal range for the plant, the flowers change color. For example, in neutral soil, hydrangea flowers acquire a beige or white color; acidic soil– red, and in alkaline – blue or violet. If the soil goes beyond the comfortable pH for the flower, it begins to act up and get sick.

Hydrangea leaves wither - reasons and solution

We carefully examine the plant and look for the reason to provide the right help plant.

Excessive moisture

Abundant and frequent watering flower, too high humidity air can also harm hydrangeas and cause damage to the roots and leaves. Accordingly, if the foliage-root system is disrupted, the plant will not be able to form normal flower stalks and delight with abundant color. If a hydrangea in a pot begins to fade, the first thing you need to do is replant it. Change the old one earthen lump, but not completely. Remember that the root system, especially young ones, is very sensitive and can easily be injured. Transfer the plant to new soil and a new pot. Reduce air humidity levels. Ventilate the room as often as possible, but at the same time protect the hydrangea from drafts.

Temperature changes, drafts

Frequent and sudden changes in temperature, the presence of drafts harm this tender plant like hydrangea. Temperature changes (night and day shifts) cause hydrangea leaves to turn black and dry out. To resuscitate a flower, normalize the air temperature. Try to achieve +20-23 degrees. This indicator is considered comfortable for hydrangea. If the leaves are severely wilted, some of them can be cut off.

If your beauty does not bloom, and you still do not lose hope of contemplating these lovely bouquets of flowers, give your hydrangeas a period of rest. This means that it is necessary to reduce the temperature to +10-13 degrees.

In this case, it is necessary to reduce it to a minimum - just make sure that the flower does not dry out. Also, during the dormant period, the plant must be hidden in a dark and secluded place. In just a couple of weeks, small flower stalks will appear on the hydrangea, which will delight you with beautiful and lush flowers.

Heavy and dense soil

Pay attention to the consistency of the soil in which you plant the flower. Hydrangea needs loose, light and at the same time - nutritious soil. Heavy and dense soil will retain moisture and, as a result, the flower will not be able to feed and “breathe” normally.

Please note that garden hydrangea is especially picky about the composition of the soil. In addition to the incorrect density of the earth, the level and balance of micro- and macroelements is also important for it. Violating these wishes of the flower - garden hydrangea The leaves may begin to wither and then fall off.

Why do hydrangea leaves turn yellow?

Dry hydrangea leaves are sometimes accompanied by yellow or black spots. Besides not proper care and the fact that yellow leaves spoil appearance, they may be a sign of a disease in the plant:

Why do hydrangea leaves curl?

A separate problem when growing hydrangea is leaf curling. For some gardeners, this question remains open. As practice shows, there are 2 reasons for this flower behavior: pest damage (aphids, mites) and viral infection.

First, to understand the reason why hydrangea leaves curl, inspect the plant and rule out the presence of pests. To do this, examine the sheets with inside. If you find unwanted guests, start destroying them with drugs.

If the flower turns out to be clean, it means that the reason for the curling lies in a viral infection of the plant. In this case, the struggle for healthy plant should be aimed at restoring his immunity.

By following all the rules for caring for such a whimsical flower, it will very quickly delight you with luxurious flowers!

Let's help the plant - video

However, sometimes gardeners have to deal with the fact that hydrangea leaves turn yellow. Why does this problem arise and how to behave correctly when you find yellow leaves on a hydrangea? Read about this in this article.

Reasons for yellowing of hydrangea leaves

Yellow leaves on hydrangea can appear for several reasons.

1. Excess moisture. Hydrangeas are actually moisture-loving plants, but even they lose their attractiveness with too much water. If hydrangea is overwatered, the leaves on its stems will turn yellow and begin to dry out.

2. Hydrangea - heat-loving flower. Planting it in areas exposed to drafts will lead to the appearance of yellow leaves and rapid withering of the plant.

3. Many novice gardeners do not understand why hydrangea leaves turn yellow. It seems like care it is correct, and the watering is timely, and the place for planting is chosen correctly, but the leaves of the flower are still withered and ugly. The reason for this can be found in the lack of fertilizers. Perhaps there is simply not enough in the soil nutrients and it needs to be fertilized a little.

4. Yellow leaves of hydrangea can also appear due to abundant flowering. This plant prefers diffused color, and the flowering process can be regulated with the help of fertilizers. So, if the soil under hydrangeas is oversaturated with nitrogen, then they will have few inflorescences, but green leaves- on the contrary, a lot.

5. To find out for sure why the hydrangea turns yellow, you need to check the flower for diseases. Yellowing of the foliage of this flower can be caused by powdery mildew. When it appears, a grayish coating in the form of spots is visible on the leaves.

6. Ring spot can also cause yellowing of hydrangea leaves. This virus causes light spots to appear on the young leaves of the flower. Sometimes deformation of the sheet plate occurs.

7. Another reason why hydrangea yellow leaves, ascochyta spotting becomes. It causes premature death of foliage.

What to do if the hydrangea leaves begin to turn yellow?

What to do if hydrangea leaves turn yellow? This is a question that many gardeners who are faced with this problem ask themselves. The method of combating yellowing of foliage must be chosen in accordance with its cause. If the main negative factor is waterlogging, then it is necessary to reduce the number of waterings.

If hydrangea leaves turn yellow due to constant drafts, the plant must be replanted in a sunny and windless place. If hydrangea In this way it reacts to a lack of nutrients in the soil, you need to fertilize the plant.

In cases where main reason yellowing of the leaves is caused by diseases and pests, it is necessary to treat the flower with special fungicidal preparations (for example, spray the hydrangea with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture).

Hydrangea leaves may turn yellow due to a lack of iron in the soil. In this case, it is necessary to restore the acidity of the soil using a solution of vinegar essence (in 10 liters clean water dissolves 1 tsp. essences). Instead of vinegar, citric or oxalic acid can be used.

Experts recommend eliminating iron deficiency in the soil using a special ferovit solution. It is also advisable to feed the hydrangea with microelements, since their deficiency can also cause yellowing and premature wilting of the leaves.

Hydrangea is a fairly popular plant with large leaves and lush inflorescences. It is grown in the form garden shrub or indoor tree. Hortensia does not claim the title capricious plant, however, knowing the basic rules for maintaining and caring for it is extremely important.

Causes of leaf blanching and chlorosis

The most common mistakes in hydrangea agricultural practices are:

  • Alkaline soil;
  • Lack of mineral elements;
  • Damage by pathogenic bacteria;
  • Attacks garden pests.

The main reason that green leaves become lighter is a decrease in the quality of the soil and a malnutrition of the plant. A sufficient level of soil acidity for hydrangea ranges from pH 4.0 to 6.5. It is very important to maintain this indicator at a normal level so that the plant is decorated not only with inflorescence buds, but also with healthy green leaves.

When the acidity level changes above pH 6.5, the soil becomes overly alkaline and there is a high likelihood of chlorosis.

A distinctive feature of this phenomenon is that the main part of the leaves turns pale and becomes light green, while the veins retain their previous color. If it was not possible to avoid the appearance of chlorosis, it is necessary to restore the acid-base balance of the soil as quickly as possible.

Checking the acidity level of the substrate at home is not difficult.

To check the soil reaction you will need:

  • Litmus paper;
  • Container with water;
  • Sample of soil from under a bush.

This analysis is carried out using litmus paper, which can be purchased at a specialized flower shop. To carry out the test, you need to moisten a handful of soil with distilled water and attach a strip of paper to it.

Its red color indicates high acidity of the soil, a manifestation blue will indicate the neutral ground level. If the paper turns yellow, the substrate is slightly acidic, and a medium acidic medium will show a stripe in pink. The appearance of a green-blue tint indicates a pH level close to neutral.

It is necessary to make emergency adjustments, if the test result shows that the soil is not acidic enough, urgent action must be taken. To do this, just add ¼ teaspoon citric acid into a bucket of water prepared for irrigation. You can also acidify the soil by adding a coniferous layer to the soil, or using ammonium sulfate or ferrous sulfate for this purpose.

Violation of the mineral balance in the soil

A lack or excess of minerals in the soil can also cause hydrangea leaves to turn white. Most often, the plant suffers from a lack of iron or nitrogen.

To prevent their deficiency, from the end of spring, the soil is fed twice a month with fertilizers containing these elements. Stop feeding this way by mid-summer. During the same period, the degree of watering of the hydrangea is also reduced.

Excessive addition of humus to the soil or watering the plant with hard lime water can also contribute to the appearance of a white tint in the color of the leaves.

Diseases of garden hydrangea

Another reason why hydrangeas appeared pale leaves may be caused by powdery mildew. In fact, when such an infection occurs, the hydrangea leaves not only turn white, but become covered with a white coating.

More often powdery mildew appears when there is excessive moisture in the soil and air.

First of all it is affected upper part leaves and stem. What to do if powdery plaque? First of all, protect the healthy part of the plant - pinch off damaged leaves and treat the bush with fungicides.

Such products as “Alirin-B”, “Topaz”, “Chistotsvet” are suitable. It is necessary to select a fungicide solution according to the degree of complexity of the hydrangea damage. If the appearance of “powdery mildew” is detected at an early stage, it is sufficient to thoroughly wash the infected leaves on both sides several times with a mixture of soap and copper sulfate.

To prepare the solution you will need:

  • Warm water – 10 l;
  • Copper sulfate – 15 g;
  • Laundry soap – 150 gr.

Garden pest attack

Insects such as spider mites, aphids, meadow bugs, and slugs also threaten hydrangeas by changing the color of the leaves due to the absorption of plant sap by pests. It is important to inspect the flower bed as often as possible and at the first sign of insects to use preparations to kill them.
For leaf damage spider mite indicates the presence of small yellow spots. Fungicides sold in specialized stores will help cope with this problem. retail outlets. If pests are detected in a timely manner, more gentle methods are used - treating the leaves with a solution of mineral oil or soap.

When hydrangea is infested with aphids, a slight yellowish discoloration most often appears. upper leaves bush. It is also important not to miss the initial stage of infection and thoroughly treat the leaves with a soap solution on both sides. In case of mass leaf disease, solutions such as “Akarin”, “Tobacco dust” or “Fitoverm” are used.

Methods to prevent hydrangea leaves from turning yellow

When purchasing hydrangea seedlings, you must carefully examine the leaves; any changes indicate improper metabolism or damage to the bush.

In order to prevent entry large quantity To avoid aggressive ultraviolet rays on the leaves, you should select a semi-shaded area for planting hydrangeas.

When caring for hydrangea, it is important to monitor the level of acidity and moisture in the soil.

Watering is carried out in the summer once every three days with soft water. Weekly watering of one garden hydrangea bush should not contain less than 20 liters of water.

Hydrangea is a moisture-loving plant, but excessive moisture in the flower bed is fraught with the appearance of pests and fungal infections.

In order to prevent the appearance of chlorosis, it is necessary to feed the shrub with iron-containing supplements twice a season. For this purpose, spraying with “Ferovit” or “Antichlorosis” solutions is carried out.

And yet the main methods of prevention mass casualties hydrangea leaves is to periodically inspect the bush and check the acidity level of the soil. Do not forget that in the initial stages of the problem it is easier to deal with the cause of blanching of hydrangea leaves.

Hydrangea - amazing flower, which has about 90 species. However, in order for this plant to please your eyes, you will need to work hard, otherwise the hydrangea leaves will begin to turn yellow, dry out, and the plant itself will die.

Why does hydrangea dry out?

There may be many reasons, including:

  1. Poor watering;
  2. Dry air in the room where hydrangea grows;
  3. Incorrect transplantation;
  4. Incorrect lighting;
  5. Insufficient soil fertilization (reduced acidity);
  6. No foliar spraying;
  7. Incorrect choice of soil for planting.

Hydrangea, leaves are drying, what should I do?

First of all, you need to determine whether the acidity of the soil where the hydrangea grows is correct. The optimal pH for the soil in which hydrangea grows is 4.0-5.5. That's why leaves turn yellow due to lack of necessary acidity.

In this case, water the flower with acidified water (5-7 drops of lemon per liter of water). In the future, use special fertilizers.

Hydrangea generally needs loose soil so that it is easy for air and moisture to penetrate.

Also leaves will turn yellow due to lack of iron and nitrogen. This often happens during active growth(in spring), so don't forget to fertilize.

This should be done starting in February once every two weeks. The plant does not bloom in winter, so root feeding is not needed at this time of year.

Hydrangea, the tips of the leaves are drying.

In this case the reason is or insufficient watering, insufficient foliage spraying, or too dry indoor air where hydrangea grows.

Hydrangea home blooms in spring, the flowering period lasts 1.5-2 months. So that at the moment of flowering the plant pleases you with a riot of flowers, of which there can be from one to seven on one bush, it is necessary water in a timely manner.

Wait for top layer the soil in the pot has dried out and water it again. It is necessary to water with settled warm water, not tough! Hard water can cause illness - chlorosis. The signal will be yellowed leaves with green veins.

Also, do not forget to spray the leaves and flowers with water and maintain humidity in the room. For hydrangea, these two factors must be properly balanced - air is humid, the soil is watered, but do not overdo it, excess moisture is also harmful, the roots will begin to rot.

The main sign of waterlogging is the appearance of black spots with a yellow outline on the leaves..

Did you know? In order for hydrangea to bloom longer, it needs to be planted in a pot. small size and place it on the window on the north or east side of the room. You need to leave 3-4 of the strongest sprouts, and remove the rest of the leaves. After flowering, in July, the hydrangea is pruned. If you don't trim on time, the flower may not bloom next year!

Hydrangea, leaves drying out, reasons.

Another reason why hydrangea leaves dry out is considered to be improper lighting. Hydrangea categorically does not like direct sunlight, so it has no place on the windowsill! It’s better to place it on a table near the window, there’s a lot of light there and the sun won’t burn the leaves of the plant, which will simply darken from direct rays.

Homemade hydrangea, leaves dry after transplanting.

One more important process In caring for hydrangea, replanting is considered, since Improper replanting will result in the leaves and flowers of the plant drying out. Homemade hydrangea It grows for four years, then you plant a new one.

In order to replant hydrangea, take a wide pot, this is because the roots of hydrangea develop horizontally. Place drainage at the bottom of the new pot.

Then dig the flower out of the old pot, do it carefully so as not to damage it root system. Therefore, dig, keeping a ball of earth around the roots.

Hydrangea paniculata is one of the most beautiful ornamental garden plants. It is popular due to its abundant and long flowering. In addition, breeders regularly present to the public even more sophisticated varieties, intended both for planting in the garden and for the home. And this makes the plant even more popular, but it requires proper care. This is the only way the shrub will develop and bloom normally. If the rules are not followed, the hydrangea's leaves may turn yellow and fall off, the plant will begin to dry out, not to mention the fact that there will be no flowering.

Hydrangea paniculata: a brief description

Hydrangea paniculata is a shrub or small tree, although there are quite a few high grades, which can reach a height of 10 m. The homeland of this plant is China and Japan. In Russia, it is found in the wild on Sakhalin. But in general, paniculata hydrangea, along with tree and large-leaved hydrangeas, was cultivated more than 100 years ago. And during this time, more than 25 varieties were bred.

Pay attention! In summer, this shrub produces white, pink, cream and even purple flowers. They can reach a diameter of 15 cm. Characteristic feature This variety is that its inflorescences really resemble panicles in shape, 25-30 cm long, sometimes more. This is how they differ from large leaf hydrangea and its other types. But the rules of agricultural technology for all these plants are almost the same.


Hydrangea is planted in areas where the plant will be in partial shade during the midday hours, otherwise it will disappear. If there is too much sun, the plant will bloom later and produce few flowers. The best option- If sun rays will only fall in the morning and evening.

Hydrangea paniculata loves loamy, well-fertilized soil with a slightly increased acidity. In addition, the plant does not respond well to stagnant water, which is why it is so important to ensure good drainage. Before planting the hydrangea, place a layer of expanded clay or small stones at the bottom of the prepared hole. This drainage layer should help avoid stagnation. It is recommended to mix clay soil with peat and sand before planting, and add soil intended for conifers.

Important! The acidity level of the soil determines the color of the inflorescences. Many experienced gardeners know a way to influence color. If you add 30 g of aluminum sulfate to a bucket of water with each watering from spring to autumn, then white flowers will turn blue and pink flowers will turn purple.

Hydrangea paniculata loves moisture, so not watering often enough can cause its leaves to turn yellow. But you need to remember that you should water it no more than 2 times a week. One adult bush will require up to 3 buckets of water. If it has recently rained, you need to wait a couple of days and even then reduce the amount of watering. It is better to use rainwater or settled water for this.

Watering hydrangea

In the first year, hydrangea will grow well without feeding, so they begin to introduce fertilizers from the second. Fertilize the plant after the first shoots appear, when the buds appear, and for the last time for the year in August to prevent a lack of nutrients caused by flowering. Yellowing leaves may be a result of this deficiency. But there are other reasons, which are presented below.

Pay attention! To find out why the leaves of paniculata hydrangea turn yellow, you must check the flower for the presence of powdery mildew or other diseases.

The main causes of yellowing of paniculata hydrangea and their solutions

As a rule, yellowing of hydrangea paniculata leaves is associated either with improper care, or with a lack of any substances. The main reasons for this phenomenon include:

  • Lack (or, conversely, excess) of light. If the bush grows in dense shade or in an area illuminated by direct sunlight for most of the daylight hours, the leaves will first begin to turn yellow, then turn brown and dry out. Hydrangea needs fairly bright, but diffused light or even partial shade, and direct sunlight leaves burns. At the same time, yellowing caused by a lack of light leads to disruption of plant development. If this is the reason, then the hydrangea will need to be replanted.
  • Over-watering the plant. Although this shrub loves moisture, too much water is harmful to it. In this case, the leaves may turn yellow and fall off. If this has already happened, you first need to reduce the frequency and volume of watering. If everything returns to normal, then that was the reason. Poor watering, when the plant does not have enough water, is just as harmful.
  • Low soil acidity. These plants prefer acidic soil with a pH of 3-6. Alkaline soils cause yellow leaves to appear. It is not necessary to replant such a plant, because you can simply acidify the soil. To do this you need to add freshly squeezed lemon juice into water for irrigation. The recommended proportion is 2-3 drops of juice per 1 liter of liquid. If you don’t have lemon on hand, you can take vinegar essence, but change the proportion - 1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water.
  • Lack of nutrients. Even if initially there were enough such elements in the soil, over time their deficiency may occur. Therefore, hydrangea needs to be fed regularly from early spring to mid-summer. At this time, it is recommended to apply once every 2 weeks mineral fertilizers and once every 4 weeks - organic. Yellowing leaves may indicate that the plant is lacking nitrogen. In this case, you need to use fertilizer with the appropriate composition. Why do the leaves of Hydrangea paniculata turn yellow in June? It may not have enough nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to support flowering. In this case, you will need fertilizers such as kemira flower. And in the fall, experts advise using only potassium-phosphorus fertilizers so that the plant prepares for the dormant period and gains strength for young shoots and flower stalks.

Feeding hydrangea

  • Iron deficiency in the soil. In this case, you can use special solution ferovita.
  • Presence of drafts. Hydrangea loves warmth, it does not like temperature changes and hypothermia - 2 problems that are often combined with the presence of drafts. They can only be solved by transplanting the plant to a windless place.
  • Significant temperature changes. There is no solution here. This is due to the incorrectly chosen variety for the region.
  • Some plant diseases, such as ring spot or powdery mildew.

Indoor hydrangea is adapted for development and flowering indoors, but yellowness may appear on its leaves. The reasons are basically the same as for garden plant- damage to roots during transplantation, lack or excess of moisture, low humidity indoor air. In the latter case, regular spraying should help, this is especially true for summer period. Just like in the garden, the reason here may be a lack of nutrients, because indoor plants also need feeding.

Important! To correct the situation, you need to correctly identify the cause and eliminate it, giving the plant the maximum favorable conditions. Below you will find what you need to do to cope with illnesses.

Septosporia hydrangea

Other factors affecting plant health

One of the most common diseases of paniculata hydrangea is powdery mildew. Not only does it cause the leaves to turn yellow, but a grayish coating appears on their back side. Gradually they become brown or yellow-green. Spots with clearly defined boundaries appear. For such a disease, it is better to use fungicides, for example, phytosporin, topaz. The latter helps even in advanced stages.

Pay attention! There are others fungal diseases hydrangeas, for example, septosporium. But with it the leaves do not turn yellow, but become covered brown spots. This disease is also treated with fungicides.

How to get a profusely flowering plant

For paniculata hydrangea to bloom magnificently and beautifully, fertilizing and watering alone are not enough. Starting at 4 years of age, this plant needs to be pruned to produce larger inflorescences and lush flowering. For old shrubs, rejuvenation is carried out, when part of the shoots is cut off almost completely.

Pruning hydrangea

During pruning, you need to remove diseased and thin branches, especially those growing inside the crown. Remove branches damaged by frost after winter, cutting them back to a healthy area.

Important! Such work is carried out in spring or autumn. Most often, formative and rejuvenating pruning is done on warm days, and in the fall only dried branches and inflorescences are removed so that snow does not accumulate on them in winter to avoid breaking off shoots.

From cut branches with inflorescences you can form beautiful bouquet, but it’s better to admire the flowering of this plant in the garden. And you can achieve this thanks to the recommendations above!

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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