Hello, dear readers! A niche in the wall looks not just stylish, but truly fashionable and even exclusive, especially since there are a great many variations of niches - rectangular, narrow, wide, vertical, horizontal, etc. But still, the most popular niche is the traditional arrow shape, which in its own way appearance resembles a small closed window with a rounded top part. What is a niche for, how to make it, and what can be stored in it, we will answer all these questions in this article.

What is a niche in the wall and what is it for?

In essence, a niche is a recess in a wall, traditionally vertical rectangular shape with a domed vault. Nowadays, it is quite common to find more sophisticated forms of niches in the form of a month, flowers, horizontal or vertical arrangement, strict forms or more non-standard ones. Such a structure serves as a kind of shelf for decorative items: vases, figurines; also, colored lighting is often placed in a niche, hanging Wall Light, paintings or photo frames. Thus, it turns out that the niche performs more decorative role, introducing new stylish notes into the interior design, while depending on the preferences of the owners, this structure with installed shelves can be functionally useful, because here you can arrange disks, books, put a landline telephone, put away remote controls for equipment, etc. Thanks to such a niche, you can add something new to your interior design, which will allow you to get away from the same, boring layout. In addition, if the owners wish, this element of the interior will help hide unflattering batteries, which is an undeniable advantage.

Niche in the wall photo

➳ Horizontal niche.

Such an addition the premises will be suitable modern interiors, they are often located in the bedroom and hallway. In the case of the bedroom, they are used as shelves for storing various small items; in the corridor they play more of a decorative role, so colored lighting is often installed in them. Also in the hallway, such a niche can serve as an excellent shelf for keys and cell phones.

➳ Vertical niche.

Such niches are suitable for rooms with high level ceilings, it also perfectly solves the problem with an empty wall. Often this interior element is decorated with stucco, stone or mosaic. Such niches can have not only a semicircular arch, but also strict rectangular shapes. Accordingly, semicircular outlines are more suitable classic interior, and strict lines will fit perfectly into modern style interior

What to put in a wall niche.

You can put anything you want, the main thing is that the installed objects fit into the interior design. So, what to put in a wall niche:

  1. Flower pot;
  2. Hang the flowerpot;
  3. Attach the photo frame;
  4. To hang a picture;
  5. Figurines;
  6. Vase;
  7. Household appliances;
  8. Use as a shelf for remote controls;
  9. Hang a mirror;
  10. Install an aquarium;
  11. Order hand painting;
  12. Create a false window;
  13. Install decorative fireplace;
  14. Decorate with mosaics;
  15. Decorate with stained glass.

How to place niches in the wall.

Several asymmetrically located niches on one wall will bring a dose of dynamics and modern superiority to the interior. For example, one rectangular niche will be located in the center of the wall, four others different sizes on the edges of it.

Geometrically correctly located niches will give the room greater accuracy. So you can arrange the niches in two rows, three niches in a row. By the way, the niche itself should be combined with the shade of the main wall, but at the same time clearly stand out, that is, be darker or lighter.

A niche with a semicircular arch can be placed in the center of the wall; if it is large in size, then it is better to have one. But three such niches are also in fashion small sizes, located in one horizontal row.

A long vertical niche, almost from floor to ceiling, located between two windows, looks great.

Before installing niches, you should determine exactly where this or that furniture will be located, so that in the future it (the niche) does not interfere with the desired location of the closet, bed, sofa, etc.

Ideally, the niche should be located on an empty wall that you would like

And they create sales pages to talk about their product and increase the audience of buyers, and some even use the network as their only sales channel. If the options for promoting a cosmetics store or flower boutique are more or less clear, as is the buyer’s profile, then problems may arise in the process of working with an online store that sells fountain pens.

will inevitably arise next questions: Who might be interested in such pens? How to maintain pages in and is it worth doing it at all? Where to find buyers? In order not to waste money and time on useless attempts, it is better to study in advance how to promote in narrow and complex niches and build your work plan based on the recommendations of people with experience.

What are “narrow” and “complex” niches? How to identify them?

Looking at the most popular users around the world, you can see that the majority of the audience is interested in entertainment content and news. Users of all ages enjoy spending time on sites with funny pictures, short stories, send links to jokes to their friends and throw them in their in social networks. About 5% of users will want to go to a site that talks about achievements in the world of nuclear physics, if this topic initially interests them. However, administrators of such sites also want to attract and develop the resource. In this case, it becomes obvious that they are working in narrow niche and must focus on a specific circle of readers, which is unlikely to be expanded.

A niche that is unattractive at first glance is considered difficult, but only partly.

The disadvantages of this option include difficult promotion, and the advantages include the lack of competition in the market. If a promoter builds the right strategy, he will be successful and good sales(or increase in site traffic, depending on the purpose of the work).

In addition, popular niches can also be called complex, in which the competition, on the contrary, is too high and it seems impossible to break through a number of monster resources that invest significant amounts of money in promotion.

You can identify a number of signs of a complex niche in order to accurately determine whether a site belongs to it:

  • There is huge competition in the niche;
  • The main search traffic is taken by large players that are well known to users (chain stores or popular services);
  • We have to promote a complex product that not everyone is familiar with potential buyers or which cannot be described in a nutshell (for example, mutual funds);
  • The final product is very expensive and is available to selected users (for example, VIP holidays on ski resort);
  • Users initially treat services or products with doubt (the site of a fortune teller, a business coach unknown to the general audience);
  • The niche is narrow, the number of requests in which the product name appears is zero;
  • The product itself is boring and it’s impossible to beat it in a standard way. Why not create a white brick account on Instagram?

If the above describes the subject of the work, there is no need to despair. Many ways have been invented to work effectively in a complex niche and fulfill your plans, gaining a permanent audience.

How to attract traffic

The more users visit the site, read articles or look at products, the higher the chance to promote the brand and secure stable demand for the products. In addition, popular sites occupy better positions in search results, which is also important for further promotion.

Using Low Frequency Queries

It will be difficult for any site to compete with the giants of the area. For example, it will not be so easy to offer services for issuing an MTPL policy, but if you expand the request and attach an additional “tail” to it, there is a chance to get to the TOP for low-frequency requests.

Experts do not call for abandoning services that help select keys, but they ask that more attention be paid to a thorough human study of the market. In other words, you need to get to know the site’s potential audience and try to understand what information they will look for on the Internet and how exactly they will do it.

For example, people may be looking for answers to the questions “How to check the quality of a brick,” but such a query may not appear in the Wordstat results at all. There is no need to refuse the request, because it is quite logical, which means it can be used for promotion purposes.

If a promoter is afraid to act based on his intuition, you can work with numbers and enter long requests into services like the one mentioned above. Such work will take quite a lot of time, but by changing the forms of the word, you can collect a good database of low-frequency queries and work with it further.

How to order advertising correctly

The type of advertising is selected depending on the topic of the project (site). It is recommended to place the main emphasis on contextual advertising, as well as promotion on social networks. The first option is ideal if you need to promote rather boring and specialized products, for example, Construction Materials. If a user is looking for where to buy concrete, he will definitely consider promotional offers in search of the most profitable option. At the same time, he is unlikely to look for concrete sellers on VKontakte or Instagram.

And vice versa, if the product is easy to advertise in thematic groups, you can attract attention on social networks by ordering posts in popular communities or ads configured within the network itself. If the company has the opportunity to arrange promotions with gifts or give good discount, you definitely need to do this.

How to promote on social networks

Any social media promotion specialist will tell you that there is no universal method adjust . Each company must choose its own path - communicate informally or leave only information about promotions and official news in the group, hold competitions or refuse this type of incentive, find potential clients on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or focus on the development of Vkontakte.

It has been proven that interesting products related to the fashion and beauty industries are easier to promote with photographs on Instagram, while the services of lawyers and economists can be offered in “” or “”, making the first announcements in large thematic groups and gradually moving towards yourself an audience. Here you need to build on the topic and portrait of your potential client.

Guest blogging: what is it and what is it for?

If you need to quickly talk about something new, you can leave thematic comments and posts on other, more popular resources, and indicate a link to the “newbie”. This promotion strategy was very popular in 2004-2007, but even now you can find followers of this solution. For guest blogging to bear fruit, it is more profitable to agree on publications in advance in order to be sure that it will not be corrected (the link is removed) or completely removed from the site.

How to create a useful resource

The easiest way to fill a thematic website is to hire a specialist who will write really useful articles for interested users. For example, if on the site construction company simple and competent instructions will be posted on the selection of building materials, carrying out small repair work, after some time, traffic will go to these pages even without special promotion.

It is necessary to create useful ones, because interested people who come to the site will also be happy to see what services the company provides. To increase the effectiveness of such articles, you can add a little advertising, indicating that the company’s specialists will help answer the question in more detail and are generally ready to solve the problem.

How to promote using video

Creating a YouTube channel- one of the most creative and interesting ways attracting an audience. Before starting work, the site must decide what and who will talk about in the video, where the filming will take place, and what format of videos will attract customers. It is best to make simple, bright and professional sketches on the topic. For example, representatives of a Korean cosmetics website can make a “TOP 10” of the most interesting products and provide links to them under the video.

Videos on narrower topics will also be popular. Many viewers will be interested in seeing how to create a full skirt from tulle, and the management of an online fabric store will be able to demonstrate their products and show what can be made from it. In order for promotion to go faster, it is important to correctly fill out all the points of the video - come up with a title that potential viewers will look for, place tags, select design, music, make a simple editing, publish links to new videos through all available channels - social networks and the website.

What is a fremium product distribution model?

The Site may offer its users to order or download (if we're talking about about a program or application) a trial version of the product in order to familiarize yourself with it and decide on a further purchase. This model works great for online stores of cosmetics and personal care products, home care products, and pet care products. A user who receives small samples or a personal offer with a discount is 70% more willing to order goods and is imbued with respect for the resource.

People willingly tell their friends about promotions, which also allows them to get clients without much effort.

Interviews with experts

If a company has the opportunity to talk to people who are popular in a certain area, it is best to do video interviews. They will be eagerly watched by specialists and people working in a certain niche. The material will attract attention to the site, which means it will bring new users. For example, law firm, on whose pages an interview with a leading Moscow lawyer appears, will take a huge step forward, because they will begin to trust her.

Experts can speak on specific topics or answer questions from users who have previously submitted them to the site. This format of work additionally draws the audience into the process and ensures their interest.

How to Train Your Audience

Many users enjoy participating in webinars and conferences, so it makes sense for thematic sites to involve experts in such events. Agree, many girls will want to learn how to choose the right clothes; it is enough to enlist the support of a specialist in this field and announce the seminar on social networks a few days in advance. New users will definitely appear on the site to watch the broadcast and ask their questions, and then they can make a purchase in your online store.

How to work in other people's communities

To become a leader, you need to daily monitor the changes occurring in the groups of your “colleagues” in the industry. You can agree in advance to post useful articles in your popular groups with a link on the site, or do it like a spy - leaving data in the comments. You can also select the most active users from other people’s communities and make special offers for them to “transfer” them to your group. For example, give a discount on the purchase of a product on the site.

In a difficult economic environment, it is difficult for a business to stand on its feet.What niches for business 2019 relevant today?

Instability, lack of confidence in the future, and massive layoffs force people to look for new employment opportunities.

Many people think about starting their own business. Before starting a business, you need to familiarize yourself with the results marketing analysis market segments.

What to consider when choosing a business niche:

Market need;

Risk level;

Level of competition;

Degree of difficulty;

Required financial investments;


Based on marketing research data, a list of available business niches in Russia has been compiled.

The niche of mobile payments occupies the first place in the business market . Smartphones are in great demand among consumers. Increasingly, they are replacing desktop computers, laptops and tablets. The number of users is growing year by year.

Until recently, mobile payments were the priority business of banks. International companies not related to banking are actively introducing developed products into this niche.

In Russia, the niche of mobile payments is just beginning to be filled. There is a vast field of activity for doing business here – the World Wide Web.

The second place is occupied by the Internet of Things niche. The complexity of innovative developments that make it possible to perform certain operations without human intervention.

Unfilled business niches in 2019

Big Data– consolidation of information services. Quite a wide field of activity. There are several business developments that will occupy this business niche in the near future. Some of them are: custom-made services for the consumer; a fee for a specific service, regardless of the subscription.

Online training courses. This niche has a lot to fill. Demand this method learning is only growing every year.

Internet - sales and delivery of products. In megacities and large regional centers, the demand for this service is increasing. Increasingly, consumers are ordering groceries for home delivery via the Internet.

Application of the latest developments in medicine. Development and implementation of innovative methods in providing medical services to the consumer.

Garbage recycling. One of the most profitable business niches. The need for waste management companies is great. There is a constant shortage in regional budgets Money for the construction of processing plants.

Private energy as an alternative to the state energy system. Providing wind power to the Far North.

What to do for those who do not have large sum initial capital, but wants to change your life for the better? Whichbusiness niches in 2019will they remain relevant?

Accordingly, let’s consider niches that do not require exorbitant financial investments:

1. Business outsourcing. Providing legal and accounting assistance to companies. The services of competent lawyers and accountants are in demand in the labor market. All large quantity managers large companies turns to outsourcing companies for help. Their number is small, but the demand for their services is growing.

To open and develop a business, it is enough to have the Internet and your own professional knowledge.

2.Work on-line. Earning money on the Internet remains in the leading position. IN open access information is provided on the availability of new niches for business 2019 . A large number of niches that are actively being filled, but are unlikely to be completely filled in the near future. New niches are constantly emerging as demand for various services and products arises. Virtually all areas of business have moved to the Internet.

You can start an MLM business. To do this, just register with a network company as a consultant. Marketing plan they are built in such a way that you can earn money in two ways. The first way is to build your structure on the Internet, attracting new people. The second way is to sell the company’s products with a markup. It is possible to combine both methods and earn good money.

You can sell your knowledge and make money from it.

At good knowledge foreign language has the opportunity to perform technical and literary translations.

It is enough to have the desire to work and perseverance.

3.Services to the population:

hairdresser at home or a specialist visiting the client;

repair work;

courier delivery of food products;

car driving training;

tutoring work.

This niche is diverse. A person who has professional skills and knowledge will be able to apply them in creating his own business.

4. Providing assistance to lonely elderly and sick people. This niche is 10% filled. There are too many lonely people who find it difficult to move without outside help. They are ready to pay for the escort service. That is, there is no need to constantly be with them. As the need arises, people call and communicate their request.

In order to start engaging in this activity, it is enough to declare yourself in an advertising offer. Advertisements can be published in free advertising newspapers. Great way– inform your friends and acquaintances about your offer. Most of them have relatives and friends who will need such a service.

5.Opening a private kindergarten . For several years this niche has remained unfilled. First of all, this is due to the construction of new microdistricts in cities. Starting a business will require certain investments, but there is a government subsidy that will provide financial support for initial stage. Required condition To open a private kindergarten, you must have a higher pedagogical education.

6.Making unique things and natural products with your own hands. High-quality beautiful things, created by hand, enjoy in great demand consumers. Soaps and creams containing exclusively natural ingredients are currently very popular. The main thing is that it brings considerable profit.

7.Farm organization. If you have your own house and plot of land, it is possible to open your own business. There are certain difficulties here; there will be no immediate profit. You will have to work hard and a lot. But, more often than not, such a business justifies itself within a couple of years.

There are business niches that are fully occupied. Getting there is problematic. Without large investments and competing advertising campaign competing with “business sharks” is not the best idea.

There is also business niches 2019, which have either lost their relevance or there is no free niche.

What business is it not advisable to start this year? Let's consider irrelevant business niches.

In first place you can put travel business. The current political situation in the world - armed conflicts, terrorist attacks - has caused significant damage to it. Large travel agencies New tourist routes are being developed at an accelerated pace, trying to stay afloat. Small agencies were forced to suspend their business.

In second place are real estate agencies. There are no free niches; there are enough of them in every city. The economic crisis affected them too.

Small private food and departmental stores took third place. The niche is filled.

The only option is to organize a mobile grocery store and travel around remote farms and villages. Big profits don't make money.

Entrepreneurs with small stores are forced to close them. Large retail chains"absorb" them. In addition, consumer purchasing power has decreased. Increased: rent; purchase price; cost of utilities.

Business niches 2019 open to those who are able to navigate the consumer demand market and are ready to invest maximum effort in the development of their business. In order for a business to become profitable and competitive, it is necessary to use marketing policies.

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NICHE y, w. niche f., it. nicchia. 1 . A recess in the wall for placing something in it. (statues, vases, objects home environment and so on.). BAS-1. Nisha - nothing - niche. Sl. 18 44. This church... has depressions (niches), which, they say, were made according to the drawing of Mikel Ange. PE 2 98. // Sl. 18 4 107. The Caliph stopped in front of a niche in which there were emblematic statues of excellent decoration. Bulgarin Omar and enlightenment. // B. 1 481. Every nook and cranny, every niche, every gazebo conveys to memory the story of her antoinette of life. 1831. Mayevsky My century. // RS 1873 9 288. Half-opening, recess, in a wall, in a stove, for a statue, a stand, a bed; depression, ledge, crease. Dahl.

2. M a small room for living (usually a bed and the most necessary things). Each sailor has his own niche, or cabin with a neat bed. 1821. Sumarokov Walk 3 163. The niche where the bed stood was closed with a sliding curtain on gilded rings. Case 1880 4 1 16. his apartment, where there is a niche room without a window, former newlywed residents kept there infant, and now it is fenced off with a curtain, there is a wide and thick floor on the floor. A. Slapovsky Prophetic dream. // Banner 1994 3 17.

3. military These shells are stored in “niches,” that is, recesses covered with fascines and earth in the walls of trenches near batteries. N. E. Brandenburg From zap. artilleryman // SVR Z 57. || Vertrana feels the pleasant languor of sleep, Descends onto the fluff from a woven niche.

4. 1794. Dmitriev Freaky. // D. 1893 29. Any depression formed by smth. MAS-II. Opposite it are ruins inside made of grotesque stone. whose vault is decorated with colored shells. 1825. Zabelin Experiments 2 346. Valeria Konstantinovna gasped when she saw the deep niches of the grotto above the heavy, swaying green water. Kaverin Slanting rain. || ext. In room

5. . In the bodies of jellyfish, ctenophores, fireflies and in siphonophores, crustaceans gnaw out niches and holes, and, having settled in comfort, set off to swim across the ocean, feeding along the way on the walls of a living floating house. B. Sergeev 61. tech.

6. The proportions of the car - the ratio of the cabin and the tail, the height of the cabin above the road, the cutouts of the wheel arches - were worked out at the layout stage. Nizh 1997 2 6. The niches were redone... and removed from the fighter propeller. AIK 1997 23 24. Niche. The term is used in ecology to characterize the position of animals of a given species in a biocenosis, that is, to designate those conditions external environment to which they have adapted

7. . Gee 1968 73.. honey A defect in the mucous membrane or deeper layers of the wall of the stomach or intestines in the form of ulceration, which is filled with a contrast mass during X-ray examination

9. . Krysin 1998. What, in essence, is peptic ulcer disease? - .. called ulcer niche. or simply an ulcer. KhZh 1998 5 15. geol. A depression (of various sizes and origins) on a slope or at the foot of a hill or shore. There are different types: erosional, karst, deflationary, wave-breaking (or abrasion), etc. NES 2000. - Lex. Jan. 1804: niche; Sokolov 1834: n And/ Jan. 1804: niche; Sokolov 1834: n sha; Dal: nish and n

sha; SIZ Exchange: niche 1738, 40s. 18th century Historical Dictionary. Gallicisms of the Russian language. - M.: Dictionary publishing house ETS http://www.ets.ru/pg/r/dict/gall_dict.htm Nikolai Ivanovich Epishkin . 2010 .

[email protected]:

More and more often you can find such an attractive design element as a niche in the wall. Often such a recess is provided for at the design stage of a residential premises. But if the apartment doesn’t have such a new feature, but you really want it to be, then you can make niches in the wall yourself.

How to use a niche in the wall

The purpose of such recessed areas in a room can be very diverse, it all depends on the flight of fancy. Here are some examples of using niches in the interior:

  • arrange an exhibition handmade or collections;
  • organize in it library;
  • stylize a stand for flowerpots;
  • apply as closed cabinet for clothes or linen;
  • store various items or arrange decorative elements;
  • place audio equipment;
  • TV installation;
  • You can make built-in furniture according to individual sketches or photos.

A number of advantages that such a decorative find has make it a very popular element of the interior.

  1. Niches in the wall small apartment- a great way to expand space. Mirrors look great in such a recess, technical communications(batteries, pipes).
  2. Functionality.
  3. A wonderful interior decoration that gives the room a more modern look.

Niche design. General rules

Modern niches in the wall are not just a cavity, but a special space that harmoniously fits into the styling of the room's interior. But still, when designing such a recess, it is necessary to follow some general rules, in particular:

  • Decorative niches are best used as a corrective element in rooms that have layout flaws or technical shortcomings that you want to hide.
  • It is important to maintain proportions. If the need arises, you can adjust the geometry of the room.
  • The color scheme of the recessed area should not be darker than the walls of the room. Otherwise, it will feel like there is a hole in this place. Cavity arches can be coated with paint a shade darker than the base color.
  • When using decorative coatings different textures, it is necessary to monitor their compatibility.
  • You can visually expand the space using mirrors.

A niche in the wall will add special attractiveness and individuality to any room, which is clearly visible in the photo.

A niche in the bedroom is an interesting find

A niche in the bedroom can be located near the window, cabinet, above the bed or anywhere else. The design of such a decorative element can be done in the following ways:

  • a corner without a window is selected in the room where plasterboard partitions are installed;
  • a bed is installed in a fenced-off area (about 6 m2);
  • the walls are being decorated large mirrors or wallpaper of original colors.

Making a niche in the wall bed headboards, but not by the window - perfect solution for a small bedroom. Design ideas are very diverse. The easiest way is to recess the head of the bed into the wall by 20-40 cm. For this option, it is necessary to provide spotlights.

The recessed area may be slightly wider than the bed. This arrangement involves the design of the resulting space for shelves.

IN modern interior fashionable and rational solution - installation folding bed, which, hiding in a niche, looks like a chic wardrobe.

A niche in the wall of the bedroom can serve as a wardrobe or linen closet. To do this, it is enough to install doors on a simple opening, but you can do without them.

A niche in the bedroom interior can also be used for installation TV.

It doesn’t matter where the niche will be located, at the window, door or headboard sleeping place- in any case, she will wonderful decoration interior

Niche - the ideal solution for the bathroom

Making a niche in the wall bathroom– a very justified step. It will solve the problem of cans and bottles with cleaning supplies constantly falling into the water. You can place the recessed area in any part: near the door, shower or sink, the main thing is that it is comfortable for you.

A niche in the bathroom can be used:

  • for the location of the washing machine;
  • as a shelf for detergents and cosmetics (this solution is the most common);
  • as a cabinet for towels and bathrobes;
  • in a niche with doors you can hide, for example, a boiler;
  • why not put it there heated towel rail?

A niche in the wall can be vertical or horizontal. For short walls, a horizontal arrangement is suitable, visually lengthening the wall in the bathroom. And if the niche lining has horizontal stripes, then this is a double win. Vertical niches are best placed on long wall. This option will visually increase the height of the ceilings, and decorative lighting will create an atmosphere of romance in the bathroom.

Making a niche in the bathroom is not difficult, but numerous photos and videos on the Internet on this topic make the task even easier.

  1. One of the most simple options- remove several bricks from the partition, cover the surface, make doors and hide behind them, for example, water meters.
  2. Possible during installation bath screen make a small cavity out of moisture-resistant plasterboard. This is where cleaning supplies or washing powder. You can make doors to hide the contents of the niche behind them.
  3. If bathroom combined with toilet, then the empty space behind the drain barrel is perfect for decorating a recess.
  4. The interior of the personal hygiene room does not have a window and you can decorate it with a false wall made of plasterboard. Its depth, size and number of openings depend on individual preferences.

Advice! A niche in the bathroom wall will look more effective if it is complemented by a variety of lamps, as can be clearly seen from the photos posted on the Internet.

You can build a niche in any room and anywhere: near a window, door, on a free wall, etc. In a modern interior, a niche in the kitchen serves not just to create an unusual composition, but is a functional architectural detail.

First of all, a niche in the wall on kitchen creates extra space. Basics practical use Such an element lies in its use as a shelf, this can be seen from the photo on the Internet. What exactly will be located on it depends on the size and location. Dimensional niches can be used as stands for furniture, TV and other items kitchen appliances. Shelves installed in the opening will allow you to save on furniture. And you can place it on such a device houseplants, dishes, household appliances, decorative objects or paintings.

IN Lately Niche kitchens are especially popular. Her characteristic feature is that it is not separated by walls on all four sides, but is installed directly in the living room. This find is especially relevant for small apartments, as it allows you to save space and visually expand the space.

A niche kitchen is a creative and fashionable solution, as evidenced by photos on the Internet. The advantage of this design is that the cook or housewife can keep an eye on the children while in the kitchen and not be distracted from watching TV or communicating with guests. However, this arrangement also has its drawbacks. Firstly, the smells and sounds from the kitchen spread throughout the entire apartment. Secondly, the living room will lose its attractive appearance, if the kitchen is not constantly maintained in perfect order.

Advice! Planning a niche in the wall must be compared with the arrangement of furniture.

Decorating a niche in a living space is within the capabilities of anyone. You just have to want it, and a newfangled interior design will delight you and your loved ones.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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