Ventilation and airing in the kitchen have great importance Therefore, in good civilized kitchens, hoods are installed above the stove. Along with this, the task arises - to calculate at what height to hang the hood so that it works as usefully as possible and does not spoil appearance premises.


There are some rules and recommendations related to the safety and efficiency of the hood. On the one hand, it should absorb odors as much as possible, and on the other hand, the distance between it and the stove should not interfere with the housewife’s work and create a fire hazard. We invite you to look at the table for installation standards for hoods.

The height range is not random. Choosing precise level, you will start from three factors:

  • extraction power;
  • design, room configuration;
  • the height of a person who most often stands at the stove.

At your own discretion, you can slightly increase the installation height, but you cannot reduce it.

Firstly, it will make it difficult to work at the stove; the cook will constantly hit his head, and it will be inconvenient for him to look into the pots. Secondly, the hood can become very hot, and in some cases there is a risk of soot deposited on the filter catching fire.

The instructions usually indicate what the distance from the stove to the hood should be, which greatly simplifies the choice. In addition, if a specialist deals with this issue, he will advise you on how best to install the entire system, including the location of the outlet and air duct.

When choosing a hood, it is necessary to take into account that manufacturers in most cases indicate technical passport ideal parameters at which free air flows through the blades air flow. In reality, the operating efficiency will be less due to the resistance of the filters (for recirculation units) or the insufficient cross-section of the ventilation ducts (in the case of installing exhaust-type systems). In the first case, it will be enough to calculate the productivity using the classical formula P=Qx12, where Q is the volume of the kitchen in cubic meters, and the number 12 corresponds to the recommended air exchange per hour and increase the resulting value by 30-40%.

If a household appliance operates in exhaust mode, then calculating its performance based on the volume of the room will not be entirely correct. The fact is that no matter how large the kitchen is, the hood will only allow a certain amount of air through it - it all depends on the pressure created, as well as the cross-section and configuration of the ventilation duct. According to the existing SNiP, exhaust lines have a cross-section of no more than 150x150 mm, which means that if you need to remove 500 cubic meters air, then the exhaust unit must create a pressure of at least 8 Pa. If we take into account the complex configuration of ventilation shafts, as well as obstacles in the form of broken bricks that fell during construction, protruding mortar build-ups and thresholds at the junction of reinforced concrete blocks, then the channel capacity will decrease by more than 10-20%.

You can calculate the parameters of the hood using special formulas (the method can easily be found on the Internet), or use a graph of the dependence of productivity on the pressure of the unit and the cross-section of the exhaust duct. One such diagram is shown below.

When choosing a hood based on performance, you should rely on the maximum pressure indicators and the cross-section of the ventilation duct

Installation features

Measure the distance between the hood and the hob from the very bottom edge of the hood to the burners. It should be secured strictly according to the level, since there will be no possibility to adjust the position in the future.

Before hanging the hood, you need to pay attention to two more important issues related to the choice of location. Care must be taken to vent gases into the ventilation shaft and connect the device to the power supply. In this regard, the location of all communications must be accurately indicated on the kitchen plan.

If you are entering new apartment or do major renovation, then you need to draw up a plan taking into account the installation of all electrical appliances in the house, including hoods. If we're talking about Just about replacing some equipment in the kitchen, you will have to adapt to the current circumstances.

Expert opinion

The idea that the hood should provide 12 times the air exchange in the kitchen can be considered very controversial. I would like to remind you that this unit is an element of local ventilation and for servicing everything kitchen area is not intended in any way - for these purposes the housing is equipped with a general building ventilation system. Such a misconception often leads to the purchase of a noisier and more expensive high-power system, whereas with the removal of smoke and steam from kitchen stove A much less productive unit can cope.

Another equally common mistake is installing an exhaust air duct into a ventilation shaft. Firstly, the section and hydraulic resistance general house channels supply and exhaust ventilation will allow removing no more than 250-300 m 3 /hour, so the lion's share of productivity may remain unclaimed. Secondly, excessive pressure in the riser will create inconvenience in the apartments located above.

The third fact, which causes a lot of controversy, is the influence of the hood power on the installation height. It would seem that the lower the unit’s performance, the lower it needs to be installed (of course, strictly following the recommendations for the lower limit of placement). Of course, these judgments are not without rational grain, but the effectiveness household appliance depends to a large extent on correct selection its size, as well as compliance with actual operating conditions. Practice shows that the installation height should be such that the vertical deviation of the external dimensions of the stove and hood is within 5-10 degrees. For the minimum permissible installation height, this corresponds to 10-15 cm horizontally.

When choosing a hood, it is necessary to take into account both the height at which it will be installed and the dimensions of the kitchen stove.

Hood configuration

When choosing a hood, be sure to pay attention to its size and power. It must completely cover the hob, then the work will be effective. For very tall people, you can opt for a model made at an angle. In this case, it will be more convenient for you to approach the stove.

You probably noticed that the height of the hood is above gas stove more than electric. This is due to the fact that on gas burners a living flame burns. Soot deposited on the hood filters can ignite if the device is hung too low. The distance above the electric stove can be reduced, since it is less fire hazardous.

The installation height can be adjusted depending on how the installation is performed. There is a special classification of hoods according to the type of installation:

  • dome and fireplace hoods are attached to the wall;
  • the island is fixed to the ceiling;
  • corner is mounted in the corner of the kitchen;
  • flat – top part fixed in a hanging cabinet, and back side to Wall;
  • built-in – installation is carried out entirely in a hanging cabinet.

If the size of your kitchen is small, then we can recommend installing a flat or built-in model. They fit well into any room and are powerful enough to eliminate kitchen smells. In addition, many flat models have an extendable bottom panel, which allows you to increase the operating area of ​​the device.

When you decide to purchase a hood, we recommend measuring the width of your stove, checking the area of ​​the kitchen and the height of the ceilings. You also need to take into account how many people live in the apartment, how often you cook food at home, and whether anyone in the family smokes. Knowing all these parameters, you can choose optimal model, and then easily determine the height at which it should be hung.

Housewives cook up to 90% of all dishes on kitchen stoves. This creative and routine process is accompanied by the release of steam, pleasant (and sometimes not so pleasant) aromas, fine particles fat and harmful products, formed during the combustion process. All this saturates the surrounding space, and primarily the air in the kitchen. Without ventilation device there is no way around this, but what should be the distance from the stove to the hood to ensure cleanliness in small room?
Reply to this actual question you can find in today's article.

Optimal height values ​​for different units

The installation height of the hood above the tile is determined taking into account 2 components - the type of hob and the design features of the location of the equipment for specific cuisine. It is necessary to understand that the height is never “tied” to the size of the air intake, components or type of device.

The only exception to the rule is kitchens with low ceilings, where it is not possible to maintain the recommended distance between the hob and the hood.

note! Experts recommend adjusting the installation height of the fence structure within 10 cm of the nominal design value.

Read also:

Horizontal solutions

It is possible to determine exactly at what height to install the hood only if you have information about the type of stove used. Based on this, the distance between the inflow and exhaust is selected. This type of equipment is installed taking into account a number of parameters (type of hob, performance of the intake unit, etc.).

The relationship between human height and device installation height

But what distance is considered optimal in terms of safety and efficiency?

The standard for each device is different, but there are accepted standards that are primarily advisory in nature:

  • the distance between the hood and the gas stove burners is from 65 to 85 cm;
  • minimum value of distance from hob electric type– 60 cm, and maximum – 80 cm.

The specified data is valid only for devices fixed strictly horizontally.

Video on installing a horizontal type unit

Installing a hood with your own hands. YASAMMOGU-TV

Inclined units

Unit inclined type

When installing inclined models, it is extremely important that the distance between the stove and the hood corresponds to the following values:

  • from 35 to 45 cm when working with an electric stove;
  • from 55 to 65 cm – for gas burners.

In conditions real kitchen It is customary to install ventilation units where operation will be not only efficient, but also convenient for the owner. The distances indicated above are experimentally established values ​​confirmed by years of practice. You can calculate them yourself, you just have to take into account a number of variables:

  • kitchen area;
  • planning features of the premises;
  • approximate area of ​​the cooking surface;
  • performance and type of hood;
  • growth of family members, housewives.

note! The exhaust unit is quite simply mounted above the electric stove, so the height can be increased without much difficulty, if necessary. But lowering equipment below the minimum level is strictly prohibited.

If you do not maintain the established distance and hang the unit too low, there is a high probability that the device will operate under constant heating conditions. And this is fraught with premature failure faithful assistant. In addition, if the hood is installed too low above the electric stove, it will simply be inconvenient to use.

Video on installing an inclined type unit

Installation (installation) of a KRONA inclined hood in the kitchen. Complete process.

Based on decades of practical operation, experts have formed own recommendations regarding the height at which to hang the hood. There are unspoken rules for units placed above the base gas burner. They are indicated in the user instructions or installation recommendations that are attached to each model of the exhaust unit.

Here are just a few examples:

  1. 1. Products from Bosch are traditionally considered to be among the highest quality on the market. The average power of the units is 650 m3/h. It is better to hang a hood of the specified capacity at a distance of 65 cm from the surface of the burners.
  2. 2. Solutions produced by the Shindo brand are characterized by reliability and availability. For the most part we are talking about horizontal device medium power. The average productivity of the devices is 450-500 m3/h. The kitchen hood is mounted at a height of 75 cm above the electric stove. Above open flame The device must not be located on the burner.
  3. 3. Products of the domestic brand Saturn cannot boast of high power, but at the same time, a productivity of 240-300 m3/h will be enough for the average housewife. The recommended distance to the hood is 75-80 cm from the burner.

Which products to buy and from which brand is up to you to decide, but in terms of installation height, the units are almost identical. It should be noted that the distance from the surface of the gas stove to the hood is determined according to a number of important requirements:

  • ease of use;
  • leveling the likelihood of spontaneous combustion (especially if there are tables with other household devices nearby);
  • effective intake of dirty air over the stove or stove.

Taking into account the listed requirements, it can be argued that the safest and most acceptable distance from the hob to the hood is within 70-90 cm.


Before purchasing an exhaust hood, we recommend that you check the dimensions of the stove (in particular its width), the height of the ceilings and the total area of ​​the kitchen. Then, you should decide on the number of family members, the intensity and frequency of food preparation. The specified data will allow you to more competently select the optimal unit. And the hood height is indicated in the instructions for each specific model. With certain skills, installing it yourself will not be difficult.

Many people today are interested in how to install a hood over a gas stove.

The modern kitchen is cluttered with all kinds of items household appliances. Not a single person these days can imagine life without a refrigerator, microwave, stove, etc. mandatory elements This also applies to the hood. Finding out how to install it will be useful for everyone.

Why do you need a hood?

First, let’s find out why a stove hood is needed in principle. Let’s say right away that the absence of this attribute in the kitchen can lead to a number of unpleasant moments. The mere fact is that smoke and steam will accumulate in this room, and then all this will lead to gradual destruction facing materials, is no longer good. In addition, the cooking procedure on the stove will go much better if a reliable device absorbs unnecessary fumes or removes them outside.


As a rule, there are several types of hoods for installation:

  • Fireplace type;
  • Built-in;
  • Filtering;
  • Air intake;
  • Ostrovny;
  • Corner;
  • Wario and so on.

In addition, exhaust systems for stoves also differ in filters:

  • Hoods with a metal filter are also called grease traps. Their installation is carried out only if the kitchen is equipped with a shaft for ventilation, since otherwise installation above the stove is useless. Such devices absorb unpleasant fumes and fumes much better if equipped with aluminum filters;
  • Hoods with carbon filter installed as a separate attribute (not necessarily directly above the stove). They eliminate perfectly bad smell and are air recirculators.

As you can see, some hoods are capable of cleaning a room by dispersing air with evaporation, passing it through a filter, and then returning it back. Other units, equipped with a metal filter, completely draw in air without filtering and exhaust it outside.

Recently they began to produce universal models, performing both output and filtering at the same time. The owner chooses the most comfortable mode for him and adjusts it manually.

In some apartments it is not possible to connect the hood to the ventilation (labor-intensive process of connection and installation, unaesthetic final result and other reasons). Then you have to limit yourself to the recirculation mode, when the unit only filters the air above the stove.

Note! But in this case, you will need to know that this mode is most effective on certain installed hoods with carbon filter.

Productivity or efficiency

As a rule, models of exhaust systems are capable of pumping different quantities air (200-1200 cubic meters per hour). But the top rating of hoods is not the model that is more powerful, but the one capable of pumping air at a speed of 500 m3/hour.

The fact is that to calculate efficiency, you need to multiply the volume of the room by 10, and then multiply the result by 1.3. This will give the final performance of the unit, which, carrying out filtration in medium mode (without “overexerting” and without creating excessive noise), will provide excellent purification. This will be the highest efficiency.

Attention ! The passport for a hood model that simultaneously operates in 2 modes usually indicates the power in the mode of removing fumes into the shaft. This means that filtration through another mode will be 40 percent weaker, since its loss when passing through the filter is inevitable.

Among modern hoods There are no such devices that would not make any noise after installation above the stove. This, of course, does not mean that perfect option with the required performance and with the least noise is impossible.

Note! So, the quietest of installed systems The hood is equipped with a motor sitting in a plastic box with soundproofing properties. The unit does not come into contact with the body at all, as it is protected by special gaskets. And still - 36 dB of noise cannot be avoided.

When choosing a range hood system for your kitchen, you should try to find a model with flawlessly functioning controls. Modifications with “pseudo-sensory” control are considered the most rational. Their microphones are perfectly protected from clogging. Network surges are not as bad for such hoods as for expensive options with touch control.

Installing a hood through a cabinet

The process of installing a hood over a gas stove depends on several things. The type of this kitchen attribute, the location of the shaft, the filtration method and much more are taken into account.

Installation of an anti-return mechanism (clacker)

Let's first consider how to install a firecracker:

  • It is recommended to start by making a firecracker over the stove. Galvanized iron or just tin (aluminum is an ideal option) are quite suitable for this.

Note! If you don’t want to tinker, you can purchase a ready-made firecracker sold in stores. This element must be installed in front of the shaft itself.

  • For maximum convenience, it is advisable to place the case on a cabinet that hangs above the stove.

Advice ! Initially, the housing is installed quickly. After installing the cabinet, all cracks must be sealed with foam, and the cabinet is firmly glued. This eliminates the possibility of resonance.

  • We do not install the firecracker body the first time. First you need to mark the locations of the holes by attaching the product. The cabinet is removable for convenience, and the desired shape is ensured inside.

Advice ! To make it easy to cut the required shape in the cabinet, you must first drill a few holes, and then insert a jigsaw into one of them and start cutting.

  • Be sure to make holes in the internal shelves of the cabinet, if any, for the air duct.

Note! Also, don’t forget to make a hole in the top wall, keeping the required margin.

Air duct

We do the following:

  • We insert the sheet into the holes made, giving it a square shape at the top of the cabinet;
  • We cut it with a small margin, be sure to cut the corners and bend them outward;
  • We attach the corrugated cabinet to the wall. We treat all joints and cracks with silicone so that the power of the system does not decrease;
  • We fix the product on the cabinet;
  • Now we attach the hood to the cabinet, screwing it tightly;
  • We place the sheet on the hood, securing it with a clamp;
  • We connect the air duct to the shaft, integrating both elements with a universal connector, as shown in the photo;

Advice ! When installing ventilation, you should try to minimize pipe bends as much as possible.

In this way, good traction will be ensured, because a large number of turning the pipe reduces power. She is lost by almost 10 percent .

Standard installation

Not all owners agree to hang a cabinet above the stove, considering it impractical. Indeed, such accessories quickly deteriorate from steam and high humidity, although they provide the hood with an aesthetic appearance.

Note! In addition, most wall cabinets are narrow, and this does not allow the installation of wide hoods in them.

So, to install the exhaust system, do the following:

  • We make a rectangular frame from the corners. It will act as reliable support for the body;
  • Instead of clamps securing the case to the wall, you can use special self-tapping screws;

  • We connect the current to the hood.

Attention ! When connecting, do not forget to take into account the grounding moment, so that when the fans rotate, possible voltage is diverted to the side.

Important points

When installing the hood, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • The standard installation height of the hood above the gas stove should be average. In other words, it should be set neither too low nor too high.

Note! As for the exact dimensions, there is no way to indicate them, since it depends on the specific room, the size of the gas stove and the type of hood. Nevertheless, an approximate height can be given - 750 mm above the slab at least.

  • It is important to regularly monitor your hood filters. If this is not done, then they will fail, and this will lead to damage to the unit itself;
  • It is also recommended to wash filters frequently to remove grease, otherwise a large amount of accumulated substance can lead to fire;
  • The exhaust system should be the same size as the stove, but not wider than it;
  • The hood must be installed in a constant position relative to the cooking area.

Note! The fact is that if the hood is offset in relation to the stove even slightly, this will have an extremely negative effect: the steam will not come out effectively enough.

  • It is also necessary to ensure that the hood is equipped independent system power supply It is advisable to prepare a special socket.

Note! You must also remember to ensure that the hood is grounded to ensure safe operation of the unit.

  • During installation, safety precautions must be observed. If possible, it is better to ask loved one to protect you when securing the hood.

Let us remind you that the hood must be cleaned at least 1-2 times a year to remove fumes. This will eliminate the risk of fire. Now, knowing how to install a hood over a stove, you can save a lot on the services of specialists. Good luck with your work!

If the kitchen has a gas stove, it is necessary to place a hood above it. In addition to eliminating fumes and food odors, the air also needs to be purified from harmful substances, which are formed as a result of combustion. To ensure safe and comfortable work, the installation of a hood for a gas stove must be carried out taking into account certain conditions.

To pick up good hood for a gas stove, you need to understand their types and operating principles. Exhaust equipment cleans the air in the kitchen from impurities and fumes that appear during the cooking process. It also eliminates odors and freshens the air.

According to the method of cleaning air masses, exhaust systems are divided into two main types - exhaust and recirculation.


This type is also called flow-through, since the principle of operation is based on the flow of air through the air duct. Without a ventilation system, such hoods cannot be installed. The device draws dirty air through the air intake and exhausts it outside, replacing it with fresh air.


In such devices, air masses pass through filters and, after cleaning, are returned to the room. These devices do not need to be connected to communications, which ensures ease of installation. However, this method of operation requires increased power and increases the cleaning time.

Many hoods operate in two modes at once, which increases the efficiency of air purification. Such devices are more productive, but also noisier.

Types by type of installation

The hood above a gas stove can be:

  1. Built-in.
  2. Hanging (flat).
  3. Dome type.


Such devices are usually mounted in cabinets kitchen furniture. They fit any decor, since from the outside you can only see narrow panel. Convenient option- telescopic devices that extend during operation and then retract.

Their advantage is that in the extended position the working area of ​​the device increases significantly. This allows you to clean the room more effectively.

  • Advantages of built-in devices:
  • compactness;
  • simplicity of design;

ease of care.


These models have a flat shape. They are also quite compact and take up little space in the kitchen. Well suited for small kitchens. Basically, such devices operate in recirculation mode. These are simple, inexpensive devices.

Dome Dome ones are also called fireplace ones. These exhaust hoods are larger and more powerful than the previous two types. IN classic design

they look like a wide pipe ending in a dome. They are mainly equipped with two air filtration systems.

  1. These devices take up quite a lot of space, so it is advisable to install them in large rooms. Fireplace hoods are:
  2. Wall-mounted - mounted on the wall above the stove.
  3. Corner - used when the hob is located in the corner. Island - used on large kitchens

, where the slab is brought to the island complex.

  • Fireplace appliances are very popular due to many advantages over other models:
  • high performance;
  • design;
  • large model range;

many additional features. Manufacturers provide such models with good functional parts. Such exhaust systems have several programs, different useful features , atmospheric pollution and filter sensors. They effectively purify the air in the kitchen and in. adjoining rooms

The only drawback of such devices is the high price.

The use of exhaust equipment with a gas stove is due to certain features. Before installing the device, you need to calculate optimal distance on which it can be hung. The installation height of the hood for gas stoves differs from this parameter for electric hobs.

In the first case, the distance of the air intake from the hob should be greater. This is explained by the fact that the gas stove operates with an open flame. To exclude the possibility of fire in parts of the hood, the permissible distance limit between these devices has been calculated.

The instructions for the exhaust equipment specify established standards distances above gas and electric stoves. They must not be neglected to avoid a dangerous situation.

The minimum acceptable limits are:

  • 75 centimeters from work surface direct exhaust to a gas stove;
  • 55 centimeters from the bottom edge of the inclined hood to the gas stove;
  • 65 centimeters from the direct exhaust air intake to the electric stove;
  • 45 centimeters to the electric stove from the bottom of the inclined hood.

The maximum distance of the exhaust hood above the gas stove can be 85-90 centimeters. With more high location vapors and impurities will be less well captured by the air intake and air purification will become less effective. Also, when calculating the optimal position of the hood, you need to take into account factors such as the height of users and the dimensions of the device.

User growth

The device must be installed so that the owner can easily reach its control panel. On the other hand, you need to make sure that the protruding parts of the device do not interfere with cooking. In this regard, inclined hoods are convenient. They can be hung in such a way that they will effectively absorb dirt and will not interfere with food preparation.

Equipment width

The apparatus should be equal to or slightly wider than hob. If the width of the exhaust device is smaller than the stove, the device will not be able to capture all harmful fumes.

Hoods are released standard sizes according to the width of the slabs: 30, 45, 50, 60, 80, 90, 100 and 120 centimeters. Common sizes are 50, 60, 90 and 120. There are also round models, in the passport of which the diameter of the working part is indicated.

When the size of the hood matches the width of the hob, it is better not to mount the device too high so that the fumes are drawn in well. If the width of the exhaust equipment is larger than the slab, then it can be installed a little higher. For gas stoves with a width of 60 cm, it is recommended to select hoods with a working surface size of 90 cm. This will ensure high-quality air purification in the kitchen.

Always read the instructions before use. Do not disregard the safe installation rules recommended by the manufacturer. Before buying a device, calculate at what height you are going to mount it.

When using gas stoves, it is necessary to clean the kitchen atmosphere from combustion products, and exhaust device simply vital. The height of the kitchen hood above the gas stove determines the degree of efficiency of the system and is the most important parameter in ensuring clean air.

Lack of air purification leads to discomfort and constant intoxication of the body. Hood installed on wrong height above a gas stove can also make its presence useless, or complicate the cooking process. Optimizing the installation of equipment will create the necessary comfort for the kitchen owner.

IN general case, kitchen hood is a design that provides forced intake of contaminated air in order to clean it from various fumes, products of incomplete combustion of gas, smoke components, suspended impurities and odors that form above the stove during cooking. Exhaust systems contain a housing, an air intake, a set of filters and electrical ventilation elements.

According to the principle of operation, hoods are divided into two main types:

  1. The flow type device is based on the forced removal of contaminated air into ventilation system at home, i.e. outside the kitchen. This system ensures almost complete removal of contaminants from the premises within a short time, but requires an influx of fresh air mass from outside.
  2. The circulation type of hood does not remove air from the room, but cleans it by passing the contaminated air through a filter system and then returning it to the kitchen. The main advantage of this type is the absence of additional highways; and the disadvantage is an increase in the time for complete air purification.

Classification of hoods

The design of the installation determines the location of the hood in the kitchen and the conditions for its installation. Based installation features, It is customary to distinguish between the following types of devices:

  • the suspension system usually has flat view and is fixed at the bottom of a shelf or wall cabinet directly above the stove;
  • the built-in type is a hood, the body of which is located inside a cabinet or dome above the stove;
  • the wall-mounted version of the hood is fixed to the wall surface above the gas stove;
  • the corner type is designed so that the hood can be hung in the corner of the room if the stove is moved to the end of the wall;
  • The island variety is needed in large kitchens, where it is necessary to hang the hood from the ceiling in the center of the room.

Based on the design and shape of the air intake, three main types can be distinguished: flat horizontal, vertical and dome-shaped installations. U flat designs the bottom surface is rectangular blinds; sometimes limited by a low side. They must be hung horizontally above the stove at a certain height. Available in widths of 50 and 70 cm. Vertical design provides for an inclined arrangement of a rectangular hood, close to the vertical direction. In the upper part, it is possible to make a guide visor.

The most common is the domed variety, designed like a tent over a stove. Such hoods are sold in widths of 50, 60, 70, 90 and 120 cm. The depth of the dome (the height from the bottom of the dome to the hood louvers) is usually 0.5 m. The total height of the tent does not exceed 103 cm.

By design features, in terms of the versatility of installations, the following types are distinguished: stationary, removable and retractable (folding) version. The last type of hood is typical for flow system and provides a retractable air intake, which is introduced into the cooking area only when air purification is needed.

Hood location conditions

The main parameter for the installation location is the distance from the stove to the hood. Before hanging the device, you need to decide at what height to hang the hood. Typically, the recommended installation height for the hood is indicated in the equipment instructions, and these recommendations must be followed. If there are no instructions, optimal height above the gas stove is determined taking into account certain conditions.

The distance between the bottom of the hood and the stove is determined by the following basic conditions:

  • safety determines the minimum permissible distance between an open flame and plastic to prevent spontaneous combustion (safe distance - at least 65-70 cm);
  • the lower limit of lowering the hood is determined by the convenience of the housewife when preparing food - she should have free access to the largest pots;
  • The upper level of height is determined by the ability of the exhaust to draw air from the lower, most polluted layers.

In general, the normal height at which a hood can be hung is considered to be within 70-90 cm. But to optimize the operation of the equipment, this value should be clarified. First of all, the cook should be comfortable, which means taking into account his height. If a person is tall, then the size of the working area should be increased to the maximum, and for this you need a hood with the greatest power.

Influence of hood characteristics

The choice of distance between the hood and the gas stove is significantly influenced by the power (performance) of the equipment and the area of ​​the air intake, as well as the type of its location. Weak hoods with a capacity of 240-300 cubic meters. m/h will have to be hung no higher than 75 cm. Modern powerful installations are capable of cleaning more than 600 cubic meters. m/h, which makes it possible to increase the height of the working area.

To others important parameter are the dimensions of the hood. The width of the hood should not be less than the width of the gas stove, otherwise it will not cover the entire surface of the source of air pollution. Why is such an installation needed? On average, the width of the slab is 60 cm; therefore, hoods measuring 60-70 cm cannot be raised high. To increase the distance, install a device measuring 90 cm.

The solution to the question of what the installation height of the equipment should be is influenced by how the air intake is located - horizontally or at an angle. When placed at an angle, the lower edge of the hood should be lowered below the recommended distance - up to 55 cm.

When choosing a safe distance, you should take into account the fact that the material of the device body practically does not affect this value, since the risk of fire is determined by the deposition of fats, soot and other substances that can ignite from an open fire or overheating of the material on the surface of the air intake. The minimum distance is set based on this condition.

Based on experience in operating hoods, The following height for the bottom surface of the device is recommended:

  • standard 4-burner gas stove – 75-85 cm;
  • gas stove with an inclined hood - bottom line: 55-65 cm;
  • electric stove – 65-75 cm.

Various manufacturers require compliance different conditions installation Metida60W hood from Shindo with a capacity of up to 420 cubic meters. m/h is mounted at a height of 75 cm (at the same time, it is not recommended to use the device above the burner without installed utensils). Bosch DWW09W650 hood with a capacity of up to 650 cubic meters. m/h has a telescopic air intake that can be lowered to a height of 65 cm from the burner. The domestic installation Saturn M60 has a capacity of 245 cubic meters. m/h, it is recommended to hang it at a height of 75 cm, as indicated in the instructions.

Hood installation (photo instructions)

How to install a hood with your own hands (video)


When installing the hood, it is necessary to monitor the coaxiality of the location of the equipment and the stove - displacement of the device relative to the source of pollution will make the choice of the location height incorrect, since the intake will not be able to cover the entire area of ​​pollution.

Hood height above gas stove important factor in ensuring the efficient functioning of equipment. Underestimating the parameter leads to a risk of fire and a decrease in the comfort of servicing the stove; overestimation leads to insufficient air purification.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area
    I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet.