Herbs are healers. All herbs are healers - oregano, and St. John's wort, and lungwort, and strawberries, and blueberries, and lingonberries and blueberries. Celandine, wormwood, viburnum, flax, calendula, nettle. The forest dwellers know where to find these herbs. This is what they are going to tell us about now.

Linden. It's beautiful deciduous tree with dark bark and spreading crown. The flowers of this tree are ancient folk remedy, used for colds. Part used. Flowers with bracts, buds, leaves, bark, seeds. Collection time: flowers and leaves - in June August, buds in spring, bark early spring or late autumn.

Ledum. The name comes from the word “bagulit” - to poison. It grows in swamps and has an intoxicating smell. Ledum leaves are used in medicine. Helps with coughs as an expectorant. Part used. Grass (stems, leaves, flowers). Collection time. August - September.

Yarrow. Popularly called soldier's grass. And indeed: it is hardy, brave, and is not afraid of heat, frost, or bad soil. It stops bleeding and heals wounds. Its other name is “Achilles' grass.” Part used. Grass (stems, leaves, flowers). Collection time. May August.

Nettle. It is both a weed and a medicine at the same time. His ancient name from the word “coprina” - silk. Fiber was obtained from its stems for the production of fabrics (Andersen “Wild Swans”). This plant can stop bleeding and saturate our body with vitamins. Part used. Leaves and roots with rhizomes. Collection time. Leaves are collected in June-August, roots in late autumn.

St. John's wort. In Rus' it was considered “an herb for ninety-nine diseases.” By royal decree, the plant was transported from Siberia to Moscow. However, in vain - there is a lot of it in our forest. The people endowed her with " terrible force“They said that she mows down the beast left and right. Hence the name. Apply: grass (stems, leaves, flowers) and leaves. Collection time. June July.

Birch leaves. There is no tree more beautiful than the birch. Birch means light, white. As it turned out, she is not only a beauty, but also an excellent doctor. Birch leaves help relieve swelling of cardiovascular and renal origin. Apply: buds and leaves. Collection time: March, April.

Peppermint leaves. Mint is widely used in folk medicine. Increases appetite, improves digestion, stops stomach cramps and colic, and has a calming, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. An infusion of the herb is used as an appetite stimulant, as well as for coughing, choking, and headaches. Part used. Grass (stems, leaves, flowers). Collection time. June September.

Pine buds. Conifer with red-brown bark. Height up to 40 m. A decoction of the buds is taken for bronchitis, rheumatism, and especially as an antiscorbutic agent. Kidney decoction is used for metabolic disorders accompanied by various skin diseases. The vapors from the bud decoction are an anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and a cough reliever. Part used. Needles, young shoots - buds. Collection time. Buds are collected in spring, needles in June.

Chamomile flowers. Chamomile differs from non-odorous chamomile by its strong aromatic odor. The plant is widely used in folk medicine. Water infusion - as an analgesic, soothing, stomach pain. Infusion - for gargling and washing purulent wounds, ulcers and abscesses. When washing blonde hair, chamomile infusion gives it a beautiful golden color. Part used. Flower baskets (flowers). Collection time. May August.

Plants are distributed throughout to the globe. Over vast areas they form forests, steppes, and meadows. They even grow on rocks and in shifting sands.

Plants enrich the air with oxygen, which is needed for breathing by people and animals, making it cleaner and fresher. That's why plants are called Green lungs of the Earth.

No matter where they grow up, they always need sunlight, heat, air, water and soil.

The science that studies plants is called BOTANY.

There are a huge variety of plants on earth.

But there are also plants that are similar in structure.

To make it more convenient to study plants, botanists divided them into groups according to certain characteristics:

  • plant structure (presence of roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits)
  • features of life (habitat)

Most plants have root– this is the part of the plant that is in the ground. The roots of the plants hold on so as not to fall. The root also absorbs water from the ground. It's similar to how we drink juice through a straw.

Plants come in a variety of varieties. For example, trees: they have one common feature- this is a tree trunk (or several trunks) on which the crown, that is, branches and foliage, rests. Trees live a long time and grow very tall - even much taller storey building.

There are still bushes. The bushes do not have a trunk, but rather several branches that extend from the root. Bushes usually grow no higher than the 2nd floor and do not live as long as trees.

There are still grass. The grass has neither trunks nor branches. Instead, the grass has stems from which leaves emerge. Almost all grasses have new stems every year. Grass is smaller in size than bushes.

In addition to trees, bushes and grass, there is also moss. Mosses grow in damp places. Mosses are short-growing, they lack roots and flowers, and the stems and leaves are poorly distinguishable.

Plants exist not only on land, but also under water. Plants that live under water are called algae- This lower plants. Their body is not divided into stem, root and leaves.


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The world of plants Completed by teacher GBOU SOSHIm.E.M. Zelenova SP preschool educational institution "Zhuravlenok" Tarasova Tatyana Vladimirovna Why plants shed their leaves. In autumn, the leaves turn yellow, fall off and cover the ground with a soft carpet. Plants shed leaves to preserve water reserves in their bodies. Any plant needs water; in summer, plants receive it from the soil, and in winter, they use accumulated reserves. How do plant seeds travel? Seeds travel by clinging to animal fur. Thistle fruits have special hooks for this purpose. Some seeds travel by air. Maple seeds have blades like a helicopter, and dandelion seeds have little parachutes. A coconut can float across the sea for a long time until the waves throw it ashore. And a new palm tree grows there. What plants are dangerous to humans? Among known to man There are about 10 thousand poisonous plants. Roots, leaves, and fruits can be poisonous. Some plants cannot even be picked up: when touched poisonous juice can penetrate the skin into the blood and cause poisoning. The bright fruits of honeysuckle, the so-called wolfberry. Remember that dangerous plants bright and attractive, but you can’t touch them. What could be more beautiful than lily of the valley? But its berries and roots contain toxic substances. How do plants sleep? Most plants go to sleep at night. When the sun disappears below the horizon and its rays disappear, the flowers of the plants close. My biggest “dormouse” is wood sorrel. Oxalis grows in the forest. At night, not only do her flowers close, but her leaves also curl into a tube. What is baobab? The baobab tree grows in Africa. It has a very thick trunk - its width is 9 meters. An entire bus or truck with a trailer can hide behind such a trunk. Many animals like baobab fruits, but monkeys especially like to feast on them. Why iron wood that's what they called it? An iron tree grows in the mountains near the Caspian Sea. Its wood is so strong that it can be compared to iron. When an ax hits such a tree, it becomes dull, leaving only barely noticeable nicks on the trunk. Very durable things are made from this wood. Are watermelons bitter? Those watermelons that grow in the Asian part of our country are distinguished by their sweet, juicy pulp, which you probably love. But in the deserts of Africa, a watermelon that looks exactly the same can taste bitter. Maybe that's why Africans don't really like watermelons. What kind of wood are pies made from? The cycad, growing in hot countries, is very similar to the palm tree. But inside its trunk it contains a surprise - sago grains, reminiscent in taste rice porridge. For the holiday, local residents bake pies from this tree. Sago grains are ground into flour using special stone graters. It was once possible to bake 1000 pies from a large cycad. What is chocolate made from? The chocolate tree grows in Mexico. The fruits of the tree ripen on the sides of the trunk, each containing 20 to 30 seeds, which produce chocolate. From Mexico, the chocolate tree came to Europe, where it was called cocoa, which means “divine drink.” How to bake breadfruit bread? Breadfruit grows in Asia and looks like an oak tree. Local residents love and appreciate this tree very much. Stay hungry next to breadfruit impossible. Its pineapple-like fruit is pierced and left overnight. By morning, the pulp of the fruit begins to ferment and you can bake bread from it. One tree can feed a family of 4-5 people. Which plant has roots in the air? Lianas growing in the jungle have long surprised travelers with their unusual appearance. Roots grow in the air all over them long stem and hang down to the ground like ropes. Having reached the ground, they burrow and provide the vines with water and food. Due to the numerous vines, the jungle is considered impenetrable. What is sequoia famous for? The sequoia tree grows in America. This a real giant, because from its crown you can easily look onto the roof of a 30-story building. Of course, if there is a daredevil who decides to climb a tree 112 meters high! Similar giants are also found among Australian eucalyptus trees. Why horse chestnut called a traffic light? A traffic light in the city gives signals to drivers and pedestrians. Traffic lights are also found in nature. The color of chestnut petals serves as a kind of traffic light for bees and butterflies. Yellow invites for nectar, and red warns that the flower will soon wither. Does sausage grow on a tree? A resident of the African state of Uganda would be surprised by this question. After all, in those parts, collecting sausage from trees is a common thing. True, the fruits of the sausage tree cannot be eaten, although they resemble real sausage. Local residents make yellow paint from them. They say it is very durable. Thank you for your attention!

Introduce children to medicinal plants, rules of collection, storage and their application in medicinal purposes. Introduce children to medicinal plants, collection rules, storage and their use for medicinal purposes. Develop environmental thinking in the process of research activities, creative imagination. Develop environmental thinking in the process of research activities and creative imagination. Expand children's vocabulary and form grammatical structure of speech. Expand children's vocabulary and form grammatical structure of speech. To cultivate a caring attitude towards medicinal plants, the ability to preserve and use them correctly, a desire to learn by appearance, description and models. To cultivate a caring attitude towards medicinal plants, the ability to preserve and use them correctly, the desire to recognize by appearance, description and models

Types of activities of GCD, Observation excursions Artistic creativity Familiarization with the rules for collecting and storing medicinal plants Conversations, situational conversation Generalization of ideas about nature Classification of ideas about nature

A lot of medicinal plants grow in our native land; they can be found in the forest, field, meadow, and reservoirs. These are such as: chamomile, oregano, St. John's wort, coltsfoot, burdock, thyme, valerian and many others. Everywhere people, animals, birds can find help from nature. You just need to study them, know them, love them, and be able to use them. A lot of medicinal plants grow in our native land; they can be found in the forest, field, meadow, and reservoirs. These are such as: chamomile, oregano, St. John's wort, coltsfoot, burdock, thyme, valerian and many others. Everywhere people, animals, birds can find help from nature. You just need to study them, know them, love them, and be able to use them. Poor appetite - dandelion root Poor appetite - dandelion root Sick stomach - yarrow, Sick stomach - yarrow, Cold - oregano, chamomile, calendula. Colds – oregano, chamomile, calendula. Wound on hand - nettle, plantain. Wound on hand - nettle, plantain. Sore throat - mother - and - stepmother, chamomile. Sore throat - mother - and - stepmother, chamomile. Leg burn – St. John's wort. Leg burn – St. John's wort. The spots on the body are celandine. The spots on the body are celandine. Every disease has its own medicinal herb, we live in a world of drugs. Every disease has its own medicinal herb, we live in a world of drugs

On the immediate educational activities During observations and on excursions, the teacher reveals to children the diversity and beauty of the surrounding world, introduces them to the various properties and qualities of medicinal plants, and forms basic concepts about the plant world. A more active assimilation of knowledge is facilitated by the emotional attitude of children to what the teacher is talking about. Experience shows that in older preschool age children without special effort acquire knowledge of medicinal herbs of our region. An open NOD “Doctor Travkin” was held with them, which was held in an accessible, exciting way, at which the children showed good knowledge about the medicinal plants of our region. GCD consists of three parts. During direct educational activities during observations and on excursions, the teacher reveals to children the diversity and beauty of the surrounding world, introduces the various properties and qualities of medicinal plants, and forms basic concepts about the plant world. A more active assimilation of knowledge is facilitated by the emotional attitude of children to what the teacher is talking about. Experience shows that in older preschool age children without much effort acquire knowledge of the medicinal herbs of our region. An open NOD “Doctor Travkin” was held with them, which was held in an accessible, exciting way, at which the children showed good knowledge about the medicinal plants of our region. GCD consists of three parts: 1 part - conversation (story, excursion, observation, viewing of paintings). Part 1 - conversation (story, excursion, observation, viewing of paintings). Part 2 – environmental game, didactic game. Part 2 – environmental game, didactic game. Part 3 – experimental activities. Observations during a walk were also used, where children became acquainted with medicinal plants. We went on an excursion to the forest with the children. Part 3 – experimental activities. Observations during a walk were also used, where children became acquainted with medicinal plants. We went on an excursion to the forest with our children

Try to collect small bouquets, they are easier to create beautiful composition . Remember well that only the most beautiful, intact, large plants will have healthy offspring. Please leave them to nature. Try to collect small bouquets, it is easier to create a beautiful composition from them. Remember well that only the most beautiful, intact, large plants will have healthy offspring. Please leave them to nature. Be careful with unfamiliar plants. To be safe, it is better not to taste plants unknown to you. Be careful with unfamiliar plants. To be safe, it is better not to taste plants unknown to you. Remember: familiar plants such as St. John's wort and celandine can be poisonous. In the forest you can come across plants that, if handled carelessly, can harm you (scratch, burn) - nettle, rose hips, thistle. Remember: familiar plants such as St. John's wort and celandine can be poisonous. In the forest you can come across plants that, if handled carelessly, can harm you (scratch, burn) - nettle, rose hips, thistle. You need to know that only adults prepare medicinal plants, and children can only help them. You need to know that only adults prepare medicinal plants, and children can only help them. Try to collect small bouquets, it is easier to create a beautiful composition from them. Remember well that only the most beautiful, intact, large plants will have healthy offspring. Please leave them to nature. Try to collect small bouquets, it is easier to create a beautiful composition from them. Remember well that only the most beautiful, intact, large plants will have healthy offspring. Please leave them to nature. Be careful with unfamiliar plants. To be safe, it is better not to taste plants unknown to you. Be careful with unfamiliar plants. To be safe, it is better not to taste plants unknown to you. Remember: familiar plants such as St. John's wort and celandine can be poisonous. In the forest you can come across plants that, if handled carelessly, can harm you (scratch, burn) - nettle, rose hips, thistle. Remember: familiar plants such as St. John's wort and celandine can be poisonous. In the forest you can come across plants that, if handled carelessly, can harm you (scratch, burn) - nettle, rose hips, thistle. You need to know that only adults prepare medicinal plants, and children can only help them. You need to know that only adults prepare medicinal plants, and children can only help them

A child in older preschool age should be able to compare and generalize. In such classes, preschool children’s speech, their thinking, creative abilities, and speech culture are improved. Priority in communication is given to difficult memorization, but to understanding and assessing what is happening. The teacher uses different methods learning: conversation, story, observation, viewing pictures, using the necessary methodological literature, reading fiction, didactic games. A child in older preschool age should be able to compare and generalize. In such classes, preschool children’s speech, their thinking, creative abilities, and speech culture are improved. Priority in communication is given to difficult memorization, but to understanding and assessing what is happening. The teacher uses different teaching methods: conversation, story, observation, looking at pictures, uses the necessary methodological literature, reading fiction, didactic games

Native nature- this is a powerful source from which a person draws his first knowledge and impressions. Children early begin to notice an interest in the living objects around them. little child looks into the world with wide open eyes and notices everything. Nature attracts the attention of children; by getting to know it, children discover new world: they try to touch everything with their hands, smell it, examine it, if possible, taste it. It is very important that the adults around the child themselves love nature and try to instill this love in children. The natural world is rich and diverse and our task is to teach children to recognize and be able to use these gifts of nature. One such gift is the medicinal herbs of our region. The best pharmacy is nature. Native nature is a powerful source from which a person draws his first knowledge and impressions. Children early begin to notice an interest in the living objects around them. A small child looks into the world with wide open eyes and notices everything. Nature attracts the attention of children; as they get acquainted with it, children discover a new world for themselves: they try to touch everything with their hands, smell it, examine it, and, if possible, taste it. It is very important that the adults around the child themselves love nature and try to instill this love in children. The natural world is rich and diverse and our task is to teach children to recognize and be able to use these gifts of nature. One such gift is the medicinal herbs of our region. The best pharmacy is nature

The educational value of nature is difficult to overestimate. Communication with nature has a positive effect on a person, makes him kinder, softer, and awakens the best feelings in him. The role of the nature of raising children is especially great. Respect for nature native land we educate children from the very beginning early age. In the summer, the children and I plant irises in the plots, and the children learn so many interesting things by observing and caring for them. I try to teach children not only to care for them, but also to show attention and kindness to them. In our preschool institution On the basis of acquired knowledge, preschool children develop such qualities as a realistic understanding of nature, curiosity, the ability to observe, think logically, and have an aesthetic attitude towards all living things. Nature attracts the attention of children, but the main thing is not observation; the main thing is to instill a caring attitude towards nature from an early age. It is very important that the adults around the child themselves love nature and try to instill this love in children

I must bow over the flowers, not to pick or cut them, but to see their kind faces and show them a kind face. S.Vurgun. Nature has given people an amazing flora. Trees, herbs, flowers, medicinal plants - they all protect, heal and maintain our health, but we must not forget the rules for handling them.

Flowers and herbs. Flowers and herbs grow in the meadows. They grow in the meadows and take care of our health. They take care of our health. They contain vitamins and medicine too, They contain vitamins and medicine too, From all diseases Herb will help us From all diseases Herb will help us From herbs, flowers - Infusions and decoctions, From herbs, flowers - Infusions and decoctions, Syrups, ointments We value it for good reason . Syrups, ointments We value them for a reason. God's gift Both the grass and the flower! God's gift Both the grass and the flower! God's gift and you appreciate it, my friend! God's gift and you appreciate it, my friend! I worked on the topic “Introducing older preschoolers to the medicinal herbs of our region. When working with children, I often used visual materials, methodological literature, and albums. Conducted conversations, classes, observations, excursions. We went to the forest with the children. We played educational games. Together with the children, we planted a vegetable garden in the window. They planted a vegetable garden on the site. Together with the children, we planted flowers at the discounts. I worked on the topic “Introducing older preschoolers to the medicinal herbs of our region. When working with children, I often used visual materials, methodological literature, and albums. Conducted conversations, classes, observations, excursions. We went to the forest with the children. We played educational games. Together with the children, we planted a vegetable garden in the window. They planted a vegetable garden on the site. Together with the children, we planted flowers at the discounts. A lot of work I discussed this topic with my parents. At stands for parents and in mobile folders I placed articles, recommendations, tips about medicinal herbs. I did a lot of work on this topic with my parents. I placed articles, recommendations, and tips about medicinal herbs on stands for parents and in mobile folders.

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Today we will talk about herbs. It is enough to go out onto the green lawn in front of the house or go into the forest, and you will find yourself in the land of herbs! Sometimes you don’t notice them, but they are beautiful, fragrant and healthy. There are so many of them around us and they are all different!

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What is grass? Grass is a small plant with a soft and thin stem. If there is a lot different herbs grows nearby on the edge of the forest, in a clearing or in a meadow, then they are called a beautiful word"forbs". Herbs are similar to trees in that they both have a root, a stem or trunk, leaves, flowers and seeds. They differ in height and thin soft stem.

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On the lawns and meadows there will be a lot of thick herbs, honey herbs, fresh herbs, spicy herbs, herbs golden from the sun. Trees grow for many years, but grasses do not live long. Perennials are no more than 5 years old, and annuals are only 1 year old.

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Yellow dandelions are scattering gold coins on the green river meadows, and the round heads of clover are turning pink. clover

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daisies How cute you are, daisy! Your blouse is white! Golden collar, You look at us with kindness!

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Willow-tea The pink brushes of fireweed are blazing brightly and beautifully, A playful wind flies in and shakes the lush inflorescences. He carries Their thick, alluring aroma across the forest clearings. The bees that woke up early in the morning are flying for sweet nectar.

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Tell us, bindweed, how you were able to climb onto the high fence of our large garden? I tried, I worked, I wrapped myself around the fence, I rose higher and higher, Higher than the plum trees, higher than the cherries, I wrapped myself entirely around the fence And opened my flowers!

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No wonder it is called burning. After a nettle bite, red spots remain on the body; they cause unpleasant itching and burning. Having examined the leaf, you can notice very small hairs, which look like tiny bottles full of caustic liquid - formic acid. At the top of the bottles is a fragile head. At the slightest touch, the head breaks off, the sharp edges of the hair pierce the skin, and a caustic liquid enters the wound.

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wormwood Wormwood has a modest outfit: Silvery-gray leaves and scarlet clusters of inflorescences on its stems do not burn. But when I walk between the fields (the earth blows with moisture, warmth) I don’t know anything dearer than simple grass- wormwood!

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The plantain by the road tramples our feet together. Plantain loves to grow along roads, which is why it got its name. Cars are rushing, people are walking, people are stepping on plantain leaves, but he doesn’t care! The hard leaves and elastic stem immediately straighten, remaining fresh and green. plantain

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This herb is popularly called field ashberry, or wild ashberry. Tansy is used in the treatment of diseases. tansy Gently quiet radiance of pre-autumn beauty. In Tansy's golden robe lush bushes. It seems that Tansy emits an even, soft light and illuminates the surroundings, If there is no sun in the sky.

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fern Fern has large carved leaves that look like the feathers of strange birds. They grow on long petioles. Several leaves emerge from one low stem. In autumn the leaves die off, and in spring new young leaves appear. Ferns are similar to other herbs in that they have a root, a stem, and leaves. It has no flowers, no inflorescences, no seeds.

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mint I know, kids love mint candies. They make your mouth slightly sour, refreshing and cooling! Mint is widely used in food industry, it is added to sweets and chewing gum. Mint is a real storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. Vitamin tea, decoctions, tinctures, and medicines are prepared from the leaves.

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lungwort Didn't have time to get off white snow, An early bold shoot has appeared, And its flowers are all different, Purple, blue, light blue, red, They change color, following the fashion They show off in cold weather. The flowers are fragrant, contain a lot of nectar, bloom in the forest, and are very fond of oak forests.

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burdock (burdock) Thickets of burdock can be found in the meadow, in the vegetable garden, in roadside ditches and in courtyards near houses. How good our burdock is today! Yesterday it was dull, dusty, The rain washed it, it swollen all over, It became tight, shiny and green.

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St. John's wort In the old days, this medicine was called “the herb for 99 diseases.” It is used as a hemostatic agent. It heals wounds, kills germs, and stops suppuration and inflammation. Leaves contain essential oils, vitamins E and C. It has an excellent coloring agent.

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The birch tree is turning green, the May wind is blowing, on the lawn a slender poppy is turning red among the grasses. Next to him is his neighbor – Fiery Crimson. Another poppy has a mauve color. Like a colorful scarf, poppies are multicolored, and the breeze sways bright inflorescences.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):