Choice modern plumbing in our time, it is so large that when you come to a specialized store, it is easy to get lost in the models and designs of various objects and devices. Therefore, when planning to make repairs in a bathroom, it is best to understand the purpose in advance and arrange the necessary devices and accessories for it in order to immediately assess the possibility of connecting them to the water supply and sewerage system.

The toilet is a necessary plumbing fixture that, during overhaul usually changes in mandatory. There are two main types of toilet designs - the traditional, that is, floor-mounted, and the less common, but rapidly gaining popularity, wall-hung version. An ordinary, familiar and time-tested device is installed on the floor and does not raise doubts among users about its reliability. But when choosing the second option, questions very often arise, and one of them is which wall-hung toilet with installation to choose so that it is reliable and durable.

It should be noted that suspended structure has a number of advantages over traditional toilet. These pronounced advantages include:

  • It becomes possible to completely hide all plumbing communications in a wall or decorative box, which often disrupt the aesthetics of the toilet room.
  • The suspended design will eliminate the need to fix the toilet to the floor.
  • In addition, the floors under the toilet become completely free, and this accordingly entails the following benefits:

— it is possible to install a “warm floor” system over the entire surface of the bathroom floor, without resorting to complex bypass configurations of pipes, cables or heating mats;

— the installation process is greatly simplified ceramic tiles on the entire floor, there is no need for complex cutouts in this fragile material;

- if the tiles are already laid on the floor surface, then you will not need to think about how to fix the floor-standing toilet on top of it without damaging the coating;

— the owners have the opportunity to freely clean all corners of the room, which is very important for maintaining cleanliness in the bathroom;

— the advantage is the compactness of the design, which allows for the maximum rational use of the already small area of ​​the bathroom;

  • Installing a wall-hung toilet means reducing the noise level from draining water, since the tank is built into a wall or box.
  • The system, as a rule, involves two levels of water drainage intensity, which helps to significantly save on water consumption costs.
  • And, of course, the aesthetic side of the issue remains extremely important - wall hung toilets they really look very advantageous.

To make a choice suspended version, it will not be enough to get information about the toilets themselves - you will first need to figure out what the installation is and what it can be.

What is an installation and its design features

An installation is a frame system built into a wall or a decorative box on which all the elements of a wall-hung toilet are fixed, as well as the cistern, valves, water supply and sewer pipes, other devices or mechanisms. Design features include the following:

  • The drain tank installed in the installation is made of plastic, not ceramic. This is done for the reasons that the polymer is always lighter than a ceramic product, which significantly reduces the load on frame system. But the external data of the tank is not taken into account - it will not be visible anyway.
  • The tank designed for this system differs from the usual one in that the drain button is located on its front panel, while in traditional tanks it is located on top of the container.

  • IN suspension system The design of the drain button also differs from a regular tank in that it consists of two sectors, one of which ensures complete drainage of water from the container, and the second - only half or even ⅓ of the total volume. This is especially important in cases where you have to pay for water based on water meter readings.
  • After the complete installation of the structure, only the flush button and the suspended toilet itself will enter the bathroom.
  • There are two ways to attach the installation - only to the wall surface, or to the wall and to the floor. Both mounts are quite reliable and can withstand a weight load of up to four hundred kilograms.
  • Hanging systems can include toilets with various modern shapes and convenient system distribution of water when draining it, which greatly facilitates the maintenance of the bowl, as well as for a long time keeps her "new" appearance.
  • It is very important to know that the dimensions of the niche or box for installing plumbing fixtures must ideally match the parameters of the plumbing elements. Therefore, when planning to purchase such a system, the installation location needs to be measured in advance. There are models equipped with sliding top drains that can be adjusted to the desired width, but in this case the load on the wall will be significantly increased.

Criteria for choosing an installation for a wall-hung toilet

To do right choice installation for a wall-hung toilet, some features must be taken into account:

  • First of all, you need to pay attention to the parameters of the place where you plan to install the system, since these are the parameters you will need to navigate when purchasing the installation. In the event that the right size It was not possible to select a frame, you will have to purchase a model equipped with movable elements that allow you to adjust the frame to the parameters of the niche intended for it.
  • If you plan to purchase a kit immediately with a toilet, then special attention You need to pay attention to its design and workmanship. This element of the overall design is particularly important, and the criteria for its selection will be discussed separately below.
  • By selecting the desired model installation, it is necessary to carefully check its configuration, since in the absence of individual parts it is sometimes impossible to carry out a full installation of the structure. The installation kit may include various details, but it is recommended to purchase a design that has the following elements:

— supporting frame;

— a set of fasteners;

— drain tank;

- tank flush button;

— adapter for flush elbow;

— soundproofing materials.

  • It is very important to take into account the method of installation of the structure, since sometimes it will be necessary to purchase additional fasteners for the overall kit.
  • It must be remembered that for some models it is very difficult to find a replacement - it is also better to think about this factor in advance by studying customer reviews. If one of the necessary parts is not included in the factory package, then it is better to immediately select it and purchase it along with the installation, otherwise it would be wiser to refuse such a purchase altogether. You should not rely on the seller’s words that the items missing from the kit can be easily found anywhere else. It is absolutely illogical - if it is not in the assortment of the store that sells the installation, then it is unlikely to be picked up in other retail outlets.
  • It is important to decide which wall the structure will be attached to. If it is a permanent wall, then the installation is carried out using anchor bolts. If they are not included in the kit, they will have to be purchased separately.
  • In some cases, although the flush button is included in the kit, it is possible to choose a different model that you like better based on its design or the presence of one or two keys on its panel. Which button is better to choose will depend on the buyer’s preferences, but double buttons will help save on water consumption.

Main types of installations for wall-hung toilets

The installation for a wall-hung toilet can be one of three types of design. How they work is worth understanding in more detail.

  • The block installation consists of a plastic tank enclosed in a durable metal reinforcement frame. This system is supplied with fasteners for installing the toilet. The block design is most often completely built into the wall, and is used not only for wall-hung, but also for floor-standing toilets.

The best option for its installation location would be ready niche in the room of a combined bathroom or a separate toilet. Quite often used as a niche back wall toilet room, which is then closed with a decorative plasterboard partition.

This type of structure is mounted exclusively on the main wall of the room.

TO positive aspects block installation can be attributed to it affordable price.

  • The frame structure of the installation is a metal frame with high strength and reliability. Its installation can be carried out on the wall, at four points, or on the wall and on the floor.

The obvious advantages of this type include the fact that it can be installed on any wall of any design. The frame must be equipped with elements for securing the toilet, a drainage system and sewer outlets.

Such a frame can be mounted on a straight section of the wall or in the corner of the room. In addition, the design is suitable not only for hanging a toilet, but also for a washbasin, as well as a bidet.

  • Corner frame installations are used if you plan to install a toilet (bidet, sink) in the corner of the room in order to save space. They are mounted on the wall or on the wall and on the floor. Their design is quite reliable and stable, but the price for such frames is usually much higher than for the two previous fastening systems.

Review of installation models for wall-hung toilets

When choosing an installation system for installation in a specific location, you need to take it into account design features. It should be remembered that the frame will be completely hidden in the wall or behind a partition, so there will be no constant free access to it. And this, in turn, means that it is best to immediately purchase a high-quality product and reliably install it, so as not to return to this issue again.

The table below shows examples of installations for wall-hung toilets. We selected exactly those models that have earned high marks both among plumbing installers and among consumers who have tested this equipment in practice. However, as you can see, there are practically no 100% ideal products. Below the table a more detailed analysis of these models will be given.

Model name, country of originItems included in the kitType of designRating on a 10-point systemApproximate price, rubles (April 2016)
"Cersanit DELFI Leon",

- installation;
- wall-hung toilet;
- drain button;
- fastenings.
Framework8 7500÷7800
"GROHE Rapid SL"

- installation;
- fastening elements;
- tank;
- button for draining.
Frame height 1130 mm.
Framework10 11500÷14600

- installation;
- flush button with two keys;
- soundproofing gasket;
- tank with dual flush;
- fastening elements;
- pipes with rubber cuffs for connection to the toilet.
The height of the structure is 1120 mm.
Framework10 12000÷12700
Geberit Duofix UP320

- installation;
- a button designed for double flushing.
The height of the structure is 1120 mm.
Framework10 12300÷14500
"Wisa 8050"

- installation;
- wall-hung toilet;
- cistern;
- toilet seat;
- flush button;
- fastening elements;
- soundproofing pad.
Construction height 1180÷1380 mm.
Framework8 22000÷28800
Jika Zeta
Czech Republic

- installation;
- wall-hung oval toilet;
- tank with dual flush;
- double flush button;
- fastening elements;
- seat and cover with microlift.
Framework7 11000÷12500
"Roca Debba A34H998000",

- installation;
- tank with dual flush;
- wall-hung square toilet;
- seat and cover with microlift;
- fastening elements.
Framework9 17900÷19800

And now - the promised reviews, both positive and critical, from those consumers who have already tried these models in their bathroom.

  • "Cersanit DELFI Leon"— installation with a wall-hung toilet, made in Poland. It has a very affordable price compared to other manufacturers, whose kit does not even include a toilet. The model belongs to economy class products, but despite this, it has quite positive reviews.

Consumers had no complaints about the quality of fasteners and plastic elements. Problems may arise if the tank mechanism breaks down, components for which cannot be found, and you will have to completely replace this element with a new one.

From the reviews about this design, one can highlight its advantages and disadvantages:.

The positive aspects of the Cersanit DELFI Leon model include:

— reliability — for some users it works uninterruptedly for 5–7 years;

affordable price set.

Disadvantages of the product:

— sometimes the drain button gets stuck;

— the mounting studs are 240 mm long, so they are not suitable for all walls;

— it is almost impossible to find replacement parts;

— adapters made of plastic come to the collapsible frame.

  • GROHE Rapid SL (38750001)- This kit is made in Germany. It does not include a toilet, so when purchasing it, you need to calculate certain costs for this accessory, since it is advisable to select and buy it at the same time as installation. However, despite this drawback, there are more positive reviews about this product than negative ones.

The design has a powerful, reliable frame frame with high-quality anti-corrosion coating. The installation is attached to the floor and walls. In order not to run into a fake, it is recommended to carefully study the design details - they should be marked with the GROHE logo.

high quality execution;

— durability and reliability;

— ease of installation;

— manufacturer’s warranty – 5 years.

Design disadvantages:

— no toilet included;

- quite high cost;

— there are counterfeits of this model on the market.

  • "TECE" (9.400.005) made in Germany also deserves positive feedback not only from users, but also from specialists.

Design advantages:

— the tank is filled with water absolutely silently;

— soft movement of the flush buttons;

— easy to find components in case of breakdown;

— easy access to all structural elements;

Only one factor can be attributed to conditional disadvantages - this is enough high price, also taking into account the fact that the toilet is not included in the package.

  • Geberit Duofix UP320 Made in Switzerland. The installation is good because it can be installed in areas of the bathroom where other models are not suitable, for example, when pipes running behind the toilet interfere with installation. This is made possible by the fact that the kit includes powerful mounting pins 500 mm long.

The advantages of this product include:

— high-quality assembly;

— reliability of the design;

— ease of installation;

— the ability to find spare parts;

— warranty from the manufacturer — 10 years.

It was not possible to formulate any obvious shortcomings, with the exception of the high price.

  • Visa 8050— this Dutch-made installation is reliable and stable in operation. The frame of the system frame is powerful and heavy, so it is quite difficult to attach it to wall and floor surfaces, but if it is installed efficiently, then absolutely no problems will arise during operation.

"Pros" of the design:

— the kit includes a toilet with a lid equipped with a microlift.

— high-quality and reliable assembly;

- except direct, produced corner option installations;

— height adjustment is possible, which is very convenient when setting up the structure.

"Disadvantages" of the model:

- quite high price;

- enough complex installation, which is further aggravated by the lack of accessible instructions included in the kit;

— access to service elements is difficult;

- It is very difficult to find spare parts in the event of an unexpected breakdown.

  • "Jika Zeta" Czech-made product has “polar” reviews, and if we summarize them, we can conclude that a lot depends on the quality of installation of the structure, but there are approximately equal numbers of enthusiastic and critical comments.

Advantages of such an installation:

— the system is fully equipped, that is, the presence of a toilet;

— structural strength;

— quick filling of the tank;

- affordable price.

Disadvantages of the model:

— leaks along the mounting bolts (may appear due to poor-quality installation);

— it is noted that the drain button sometimes gets stuck;

- the kit includes low-quality gaskets - it is better to immediately replace them with others;

— there are complaints about the poor quality of flushing.

When purchasing this installation model, you must choose a product made in the Czech Republic - only in this case can you get a high-quality product.

  • "Roca Debba" A34H998000 » made in Spain. Just like other models, it has positive and negative reviews, which also directly depend on the installation of the system and, of course, on the originality of production. To avoid purchasing a counterfeit of this design, it is recommended to very carefully check the documents that the seller must have. The system can be produced not only in Spain, but also in other European countries, for example, in Germany or Poland, but there are also Chinese parties.

So, the positive aspects of users of this system include:

- aesthetic appearance;

comfortable seat;

— high-quality and quiet water drainage;

— flush intensity is regulated by a double button;

— the design is easy to clean;

— the toilet does not spray water.

The disadvantages include the following:

plastic fastenings microlifts (if installed in the structure) quickly fail, so it is better to choose models with metal elements;

— cracking of the plastic cover was noted.

As a result of all of the above, the conclusion suggests itself that before purchasing an installation, especially one that comes immediately complete with a toilet, it is best to first familiarize yourself with information about it on the Internet, study reviews from users who have already convinced own experience as specific model, learned about her characteristic “illnesses”.

If you purchase an installation without a toilet, you should find out in advance how to choose the right one.

Wall hung toilets

Criteria for choosing a wall-hung toilet

Wall-hung and wall-hung toilets are attached to the installation. As mentioned above, the wall-hung model does not touch the floor, while the attached model is mounted on the floor close to the wall. You should not trust the general opinion that toilets are universal in design, as they can have different variations.

To decide on the choice of this structural element, you need to rely on the following criteria.

  • It is better, of course, to purchase the installation complete with a toilet - then you can avoid the search completely suitable model the last one. In the same case, if you have to buy these elements separately, you need to make sure that they are exactly compatible.
  • Next, you need to pay attention to the material and shape of the bowl. Toilets can be made of ceramics, metal, glass, polymers, artificial stone etc.

However, most often they still meet and choose ceramic products, which are traditional and more familiar due to their qualities. Ceramic toilets are easy to maintain and are resistant to any chemicals, and are also quite durable.

  • A high-quality toilet made of ceramics has a fairly large mass. It is by this criterion that it can be distinguished from Chinese products, the material of which is porous and therefore much lighter. Toilets from an eastern manufacturer are not very durable, so they will not last long term, a fine or large network of microcracks may appear on its coating over time. Therefore, you should not be deluded by the low price, since soon enough you will have to replace a low-quality product, which means new costs will follow.
  • The shape of the toilet is selected depending on the user's preference, design design bathrooms and amenities. The toilet must not only be of high quality and reliable in mounting, but also be comfortable, therefore, when choosing a bowl, you should sit on it in the store before purchasing it.
  • The surface of the toilet bowl must be perfectly flat and not have any deformations in the form of protrusions or depressions, otherwise the seat and lid will not fit tightly to it. This means that under load they will sag in one direction or the other, which will lead to rapid failure.

It is not difficult to check the evenness of the surfaces - you just need to place a regular wooden ruler on the rim in different places in turn and make sure that there should be no gaps between the ruler and the surface of the toilet bowl. If a loose fit is detected, it is recommended to discard the product, otherwise this flaw will subsequently bring a lot of trouble and unnecessary costs.

  • It is very important to pay attention to the toilet flushing system, since the ease of use and quality of cleaning the bowl will depend on it. In older models, the water supply hole was always located in the upper rear part of the bowl, and flushing was carried out in one stream. IN modern products The design with circular, cascade or shower flush has proven itself well. In such devices, water is supplied to the toilet from several holes located under different angles around the entire perimeter of the top of the toilet. In this case, the water rinses the entire inner surface of the bowl, moving in a spiral.

  • The internal design of the toilet bowl may have configuration features that prevent water splashing. However, in some cases, such shapes somewhat interfere with the effective emptying of the bowl.

If the design has an “anti-splash” feature, then the drain hole is located in the front of the bowl, or has a platform or shelf that prevents the rapid flow of water.

Review of wall-hung toilet models

Now, knowing what design a wall-hung toilet can have, you can consider several budget and luxury models.

Model name, country of origin, illustrationItems included in the kit. Brief description modelsPrice level, rub. (April 2016)
"SANITA Attica-lux",

This version of the wall-hung toilet Russian production It has an affordable price and has a unique shape.
The design includes an “anti-splash” system - an inclined half-shelf that prevents splashes.
The kit includes a seat with a semi-oval-shaped cover, made of duroplast, resistant to mechanical damage. It has an antibacterial coating that prevents the growth of bacteria. Duroplast does not lose its original color over time and is resistant to detergents.
The lid is produced in two versions - with and without a microlift, and is fixed to the toilet using metal fastenings, which are more aesthetically pleasing and reliable than plastic options.
The toilet is made of porcelain and has a dirt-repellent coating, so dirt and water do not linger on its surface.
Toilet dimensions - 590×345×385 mm (L×W×H).
Manufacturer's warranty - 5 years.
It should be noted that this toilet model is not inferior in design and construction, and in some ways even surpasses some foreign analogues.
"Cersanit Malmo"

"Cersanit Malmo" is a wall-hung toilet made in Poland.
It has an original design and looks quite aesthetically pleasing in the interior.
The product is made of earthenware and equipped with a Duroplast seat on which a micro-lift is installed, ensuring smooth closing of the lid.
The seat is covered with an antibacterial composition containing silver ions, which prevents the growth of bacteria and ensures the proper level of hygiene and safety.
The body is decorated with side glass inserts with an internal pattern imitating the structure of wood.
Inner surface The toilet bowl is covered with a dirt-repellent coating, which does not allow dirt and water to linger on the walls.
The toilet has dimensions of 365×580×360 mm (W×D×H) and will fit perfectly into any large bathroom or combined bathroom.
6800 -13800
"Villeroy&Boch 6604 10 Subway",

"Villeroy&Boch 6604 10 Subway" - this model is a bestseller because it has excellent characteristics and famous German quality.
Product characteristics:
- the wall-hung oval toilet bowl has dimensions of 355x480 mm;
- anti-splash system;
- horizontal drain;
- silent filling of the tank;
- protective coating"ceramicplus";
- circular drain;
- material for making the bowl - sanitary porcelain;
- there is no shelf in the toilet, so a direct drain is formed;
- fixed on the installation;
- inspection window through a removable drain button panel;
- fastenings are hidden.
Toilets have modern style, the manufacturer's warranty period for porcelain products is 25 years, for plastic components - 1 year.
10000 ÷ 16500
"Hatria Fusion Q48 YXJ7",

“Hatria Fusion Q48 YXJ7” is an Italian model of a wall-hung toilet, made of earthenware.
Equipped with a seat and cover made of polyester, with a microlift system.
The dimensions of the toilet are 355x480x350 mm. (W×D×H).
There is no shelf in the toilet bowl, but there is an anti-splash system and the water outlet is horizontal.
Manufacturer's warranty - one year.
"Geberit 4-vp4 aquaclean 8000",

"Geberit 4-vp4 aquaclean 8000" is a wall-hung shower toilet that does not require any toilet paper.
Brief characteristics of this device:
- power consumption - 1000 W;
- rated voltage- 220V;
- current frequency - 50Hz;
- range hydraulic pressure- 1÷10 bar;
- water consumption - 1.4÷5.5 l/m;
- volumetric air flow - 10 m³/h;
- supply water temperature – 37 ˚С;
- boiler volume - 1.8 l;
- power consumption in heating mode - 5 W/h;
- maximum load on the device is 150 kg.
Considering the high cost of such a device, it is worth mentioning additionally about the other capabilities of this model of shower toilet:
- the design is equipped with a remote control remote control, allowing you to control the flush remotely;
- it is possible to install separate programs for 3÷4 users, in addition to the main function, the possibility of rinsing using a special product.
- with one press of the device control keys, a jet is supplied and removed unpleasant odors, and blow drying is done automatically.
- the fitting with the bidet tip extends to a user-selected length and produces a stream of water for washing at body temperature.
- water pressure can be adjusted according to individual preferences.
- upon completion of using the bidet function, the hair dryer nozzle extends and performs comfortable drying using warm air.
- the seat cover is equipped with a microlift, which ensures its smooth lowering.
- the material of manufacture and the shape of the seat ensures complete comfort upon landing.
- the lid is fixed on chrome-plated steel hinges that hold it firmly.
- the design provides for self-cleaning of water supply nozzles. Before we start water procedures, they are automatically washed. After completing the procedures, the nozzles are also washed special means and rinse clean water.
- the toilet has a special dirt- and water-repellent coating, thanks to which drops and dirt roll down the surfaces of the walls without stopping.
- The device is equipped infrared sensor, which determines the presence of the user.
195000 ÷250000

If you purchased one of the toilet models with installation, you should not immediately begin installing it yourself - you should realistically assess your capabilities and existing skills. It is better to entrust the installation to an experienced technician who has recommendations, since a “would-be plumber” is capable of ruining his improper work even the most reliable and high-quality model installations and toilet. This is the only way to ensure that leaks, stuck buttons and other unpleasant moments are avoided, which many users often unfairly attribute to manufacturer defects.

Video - The correct height of a wall-hung toilet

Video - Which toilet to choose

Where is everyone? How is he holding up? Can he stand me? What if it breaks? We constantly receive such a waterfall of questions from clients who for the first time see a wall-hung toilet or a large washbasin, which is mounted on a seemingly flimsy false wall or plasterboard partition. Plumbing installation- an installation system that allows you to install a sink, toilet, bidet and urinal almost anywhere in the bathroom, regardless of the type of walls. The term “installation” comes from the English installation, which means “built-in, installed inside.” This engineering solution for the bathroom allows you to hide pipes, connections, wiring and other “technical stuff” behind a false wall. Only a neat space will be visible, for example, with a toilet and a flush button. Bathroom installations provide large selection solutions in installing sanitaryware, saving space in small apartments. It is not surprising that such systems are becoming more common, because they have so many advantages!

Aesthetic, hygienic, practical

Modular installations provide more options for plumbing installation. For example, the toilet can be located in any part of the bathroom, regardless of the exit. And there is no need to worry about the mandatory slope, since the frame design implies individual adjustment in height.

Installations allow you to hide all pipes and valves behind a false wall, so the room looks visually more spacious, and the plumbing itself looks lighter and more harmonious in the interior. Many of our customers choose hanging sanitaryware for installation in installations. In practice, this solution makes cleaning the bathroom easier and faster because... the floor remains free and much easier to clean. Besides floor tiles placed without breaks, the integrity of the ornament is not violated, as happens during installation floor-standing toilet. The installation simplifies the installation of plumbing fixtures and makes it possible to lay heated floors over the entire bathroom area without cutting and adjusting the thermal elements.

If you are annoyed by a noisy toilet or the sound of water filling, installation and hidden installation provides almost silent flushing, because the tank in this case is hidden behind the wall. And sewer and water pipes can be covered with additional insulating materials, and this will not spoil the design of the bathroom because all the pipes are hidden.

The more technical elements we hide from view, the more opportunities we will have to bring them into the interior. original solutions. In this sense, wall-hung sinks, toilets, and bidets help realize the designer’s plans for working with space. Agree, no one complains about the “limitation” of imagination due to the fact that they got rid of open water pipes and sewers in modern houses and apartments. Although interiors in such an industrial spirit are possible. Of course, built-in plumbing has more advantages than traditional ones.

Main types of installations

Connecting a diesel power plant is a rather complex process consisting of several stages. The reliability of the equipment directly depends on the quality of commissioning work. This also affects the service life of the generator. Therefore, such work should only be carried out by experienced specialists.

Services for installation and connection of diesel power plants are provided by the Energoalliance company. When carrying out work, our specialists take into account the following factors:

    equipment operating conditions;

    fulfillment conditions repair work And maintenance;

    compliance of the premises with technical, fire and other standards that must be followed during the installation and operation of the power plant;

    the noise level emanating from the operating unit (it should not exceed the maximum permissible values).

Sequence of work

The equipment should be connected in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. It must be installed in a dry, illuminated room with good ventilation. The room must have doors that can be opened from the outside. Its area must be sufficient to accommodate the power plant.

Installation is carried out in the following order:

    After delivery, the unit is unpacked and placed with the radiator facing the window of the room. It should be placed on a foundation cushion.

    The diesel generator is securely fixed to the foundation. Fastening is carried out using anchor bolts.

    Then shock absorbers are installed. They allow you to reduce vibrations during installation work.

    Before the device is connected to the network, it is necessary to install an exhaust gas removal system. They must exit at a height of at least 3 m. The exhaust pipe is led to the street.

    When all installation work is completed, you need to fill the generator with diesel fuel, add engine oil and coolant. Then the unit is connected to the network and the first start-up is performed.

Before connecting the device, if necessary, general construction and electrical installation work. After installation is complete, the device is tested and configured. Employees of the organization must be instructed about the rules for its operation.

Every day, wall-hung toilets are becoming more and more in demand. And, obviously, not in vain, because such sanitary ware has an unusual design that gives the room lightness and helps save space in bathrooms with a small area. However, it is quite difficult to install such a device correctly. A successful result largely depends on how wisely the installation system is selected and installed. This is the foundation on which the entire structure rests.

Installation system: what is it?

First, let's figure out what the installation system is for

The device consists of a metal frame, thanks to which all hanging elements are securely attached. Mounting system allows you to hide all existing communications behind a false wall, that is, only a neatly installed toilet with a flush button located on the wall will be visible.

Pros and cons

The toilet installation system has the following advantages:

Thanks to hidden pipes and the tank gives the plumbing fixtures an attractive appearance;

Has higher quality fittings;

Saves space in the toilet room and visually increases the space;

Has good sound insulation;

Ensures hygiene (the floor under the toilet is easy to clean);

Hanging models can be installed at an optimally comfortable and convenient height for a person.

The disadvantages of the design include:

Relatively high cost;

More complex installation;

Replacing the system requires dismantling the exterior trim.


The design is suspended or consists of several elements. The installation system is based on a durable steel frame equipped with retractable rods that allow you to adjust the height and install it on the floor or foundation.

In addition, it is equipped with a flush key and a drain tank hidden installation, adapter for flush elbow, sound insulation and a set of mounting fasteners.

When choosing an installation, please note that the delivery package is not always complete. Therefore, if necessary, it is necessary to purchase the missing elements.

Types of systems

The construction market offers 2 types of installations: frame and block.

The choice of one system or another depends on where the main load of the structure will fall.

Frame installation systems are considered more complex and are used for installing wall-hung toilets on hollow plasterboard partitions. This design is more reliable and has everything necessary to secure the plumbing and itself. Frame systems are placed on the floor or foundation.

Installation is carried out using fasteners that securely fix the structure to the floor and wall. But still the main load falls on the lower base.

The frame structure has legs that allow you to adjust the height. It can even be installed in a corner.

Block systems are simpler. This design allows the installation of both wall-hung and floor-mounted toilets. IN in this case fastening is carried out only on main walls using anchors, which bear the main load. Block installation systems are cheaper, but require brick lining.

Flush key: location and appearance

A required element is the flush button. She is plastic panel. In addition to its main purpose, the key serves as an inspection hatch. Even before purchasing, it is important to decide on its location, since the flush installation system must fully comply with the design of the selected device.

The control key can be either single or double. Using the second option, you can regulate water consumption, which allows you to spend it moderately.

Based on technical characteristics, the flush can be:

With double flush (economical and normal);

With a stop-flush system (pressing the button again stops the flow of water);

Contactless (react to movement or obstacles using infrared sensors).

How to choose the right model

First of all, when choosing, you should take into account the reputation of the manufacturer. Self-respecting companies provide at least a 10-year warranty on plumbing products. And she
applies not only to the installation system, but also to all parts: gaskets, seals, pipes and tank. Good manufacturer continues to produce components even after the model is discontinued. In addition, well-known companies have authorized service centers that provide warranty service.

In stores you can purchase installation systems both complete with a toilet and separately. In the latter case, you should make sure that the installation fully corresponds to the sanitary product.

Manufacturers and price

Cost and quality depend on the manufacturer and performance characteristics. Of course, you will have to fork out money for a well-promoted brand, but you will get a truly high-quality and durable product.

The products of such well-known companies as Cersanit, Roca, Alcaplast, Geberit and Ideal Standard are in greatest demand. The system has won high praise and love from consumers German manufacturer has long been famous for the quality and reliability of plumbing products and guarantees the installation’s ability to hold a load of up to 400 kg.


The installation system requires ideal correct installation, because the reliability and service life of the equipment directly depends on it. In addition, the structure will be buried behind a false wall, making it difficult to reach. Therefore, manufacturers pay special attention to each coupling and gasket, which, accordingly, is reflected in the cost of the system.

Installation is carried out in the following sequence:

1. Installation of the structure.
First, precise markings are made indicating all the fasteners and holes are made for them using a hammer drill. Afterwards, the installation is installed with the obligatory alignment of the metal structure vertically and horizontally, as well as its final fastening.

2. Connection of the water supply and sewerage system.
For this purpose, plastic fixing clamps are used that secure the pipes of the cistern and sewer system. It is important that all parts are securely and tightly connected. This will avoid leakage.

3. Installation of the toilet.
To do this, it is necessary to precisely adjust the connecting pipes between the installation and the toilet. Such non-standard elements come complete with the toilet. Drain pipe is mounted in a special recess.

4. Exterior finishing.
After installation work, the structure requires the construction of a false panel. To do this, a frame is constructed from a metal profile, which is subsequently covered with moisture-resistant plasterboard. Upon completion of the work, the structure is decorated with finishing material.

Popularity is growing at a rapid pace. They are valued for their convenience, practicality and presentable appearance. However, installing installation systems requires experience and a competent approach. Therefore, to install the structure, it is still better to turn to professionals.

Our idea of ​​" good repair in the bathroom and toilet" are changing very rapidly. A few years ago they were figuring out which toilet was better - a compact one or one with a separate tank; today they install wall-hung toilets and other plumbing fixtures and argue about which toilet installation is better.

What is a toilet installation and what are they?

IN lately Wall-hung toilets and bidets are increasingly being installed. The structure on which they are mounted is called an installation. In addition to the weight of the plumbing bowl, the installation also holds sewer and water pipes, and some models also hold a water tank. The tank is made of polymer, access to it is limited, since it is then covered with tiles or other exterior decoration. After installation, only adjustment is possible with access through the drain button. It is for this reason that it is better to choose this type of plumbing fixtures good quality- if there are problems, you will have to redo everything - knock down the finish, change the tank, then do everything anew, and this is far from cheap.

There are two types of installations: block and frame. Block ones can otherwise be called attached - they are attached to the main wall (pictured below). That is, their installation requires a wall with sufficient bearing capacity.

Frame installations can be attached to the floor or to the wall, and may have only two attachment points to the floor. They differ in that they do not require reliable wall- their frame is more massive and necessarily rests on the floor. The frame installation for the toilet can even be installed in a plasterboard wall.

Regardless of the type, the process of installing a toilet installation is a messy business, so work must begin before finishing the walls in the bathroom or toilet. The frame installation for the toilet is generally installed at the stage of creating the partition or mounted in a prepared niche.

What to look for when choosing

Installations under the toilet are sold both complete with the bowl and separately. It’s easier, of course, to buy everything in a set. Then all sizes will exactly match. If you already have a bowl, you will need to look at the dimensions of the frame and the distance between the fasteners - it should coincide with the mounting holes in the toilet.

It is very useful if the frame has the ability to be adjusted in height - you can set the bowl to the level you need. Pay attention also to the type of painting. Best option- powder painting. It is reliable, creates a tough, durable film that adheres well to metal. All other types of paint hold up worse.

Installation dimensions Grohe Rapid Sl (Germany)

When choosing an installation for a toilet, you should pay attention to the equipment. Usually, fastening elements come along with the frame - for hanging the toilet, fittings for fixing sewer and water pipes. Some companies also include a tank and a drain button as standard. The drain, by the way, can be dual-mode. It is more economical, since when you press the large button, 6-9 liters are drained, and the small one - only 3-4 liters of water. It’s good if the drain is adjustable - the volume of flushed water can be adjusted to the specific shape of the toilet.

Which type is better?

Which type of installation for toilet and bidet is better? The frame structure is considered more reliable - it usually uses thicker metal, but it also costs more. In any case, when choosing a frame for a wall-hung toilet, pay attention to the strength of the structure - it should not wobble, its elements should not sag. Inspect welds and the quality of painting - there should not be even small flaws.

And a little about the manufacturers. The best toilet installations are those made in Germany and Italy. But their plumbing is expensive. The quality of equipment for bathrooms and toilets is made in the Czech Republic and Bulgaria, and the price range for their products is average. The cheapest installations and wall-hung toilets are Chinese, but dealing with them is risky - they can work fine, or they can quickly fail.

Toilet installation installation

Installation begins after the floor has been leveled. If a block type of installation is selected, then the walls must also be leveled. As already mentioned, installation of a block installation is only possible on a wall with good load-bearing capacity. Usually this load-bearing walls, since ordinary partitions can collapse.

First of all, you need to decide where to install the toilet. Depending on the type of installation, you will need to mount it to the floor or wall. It is necessary to connect sewer pipes and water to the proposed installation site. The pipes of these systems must be located in close proximity to the selected installation location.

We fix the frame to the floor

Then we put the frame in the place where it should be, check the verticality and horizontality. Then, with a pencil or marker, we make marks at the fastening points - there are holes in the frame.

Moving the frame along the marks, we drill holes to match the size of the fasteners. When installing in concrete, dowels with hex key heads are usually used. After the holes are made, the frame is put in place, the dowels are inserted and tightened.

We set the required installation height of the toilet bowl

Most toilet installation frames are height adjustable. When choosing, the height is calculated from the level of the finished floor - in fact, from the level of the laid flooring. If there is no coating yet, its thickness must be added to the required height.

To set the height, the frame legs are made adjustable. They are fixed with clamping bolts. To adjust, loosen these bolts (located at the bottom of the frame on the legs), set the desired height, check the horizontalness of the top bar, and then tighten the bolts again.

We attach it to the wall

For wall mounting, special adjustable bolts are included. At one end they are attached to upper corners frames, the second is fixed on the wall (with dowels of a suitable type).

After which the installation for the toilet is placed strictly vertically. A building level is applied to the side posts, rotating the nut on the fastener changes the position of the frame relative to the wall.

The procedure is important, but not complicated. We set everything with maximum accuracy, check it several times in all planes. Everything should be perfectly level. After adjustment, press the movable tongue on the fastener (in the photo it is under the finger). He clamps the screw, the frame is rigidly fixed.

The Groch company also has an additional clamp - a plastic bracket that clamps the thread. We install it near the flag (pictured).

Connection of sewerage and water

The next stage is connecting the pipe mounted on the frame to the sewer outlet. Some kits have factory elbows; if they are not there, you will have to look for a suitable one or install a corrugated plumbing pipe.

Another option is that there is a plastic clamp on the frame into which the sewer pipe is inserted (pictured above). In this case, the cross-section of the pipes is clearly specified.

Cold water is connected to the pipe on the tank. You can use any pipe, but it is important to make the connection reliable. Because use metal-plastic pipes It is not recommended with press fittings - they require periodic tightening, which in this case is problematic. That is, there are not many options left - polypropylene, copper pipe, polyethylene pipes connected by soldering.

We connect the adapter and the entrance to the tank flexible hose. Also choose it carefully, preferably in a good stainless steel braid. Ideally, buy a branded hose.

Finishing work

Since any installation for a toilet requires finishing, the entire installation process is divided into two parts - before finishing and after. The first one is finished, next comes finishing.

Usually the installed frame is covered with plasterboard. The instructions require installing two sheets. First, all the dimensions are transferred to the wall, a profile is mounted along the marked contour, and sheets of drywall are already attached to it.

Before starting work, you need to install the box for the button on the frame. For the period finishing works it will protect the inside from dirt. It is necessary to cut several holes on the sheets: for a button, a sewer outlet and water inlet from the tank, two pins for hanging the toilet bowl. To do this, place the sheet cut to size in place, then trace everything with a pencil. necessary elements. Holes are cut along the drawn contour. Having prepared two sheets, they are installed and attached to the previously mounted frame. After installing the gypsum board, the tiles are laid on the glue.

Installing the button and hanging the bowl

After finishing, the box for the button is cut - its edges should be flush with the tile. The cut off cover exposes two bolt holes. It is on them that the drain button will be held.

Before installation, a hose (if the drain is pneumatic) or a cable (if the drain is mechanical) is connected to the button. Then it is installed in place and tightened with two bolts (in the corners diagonally or as in the photo opposite each other).

Installing the bowl begins with installing the gasket. She is impaled on stiletto heels. We treat the holes for sewerage and water drainage in a circle with plumbing silicone.

For better sealing, the joint is coated with silicone. Having laid the strip, it is immediately leveled, and the excess is immediately erased. It is better to level with something smooth and rounded, for example, the handle of a teaspoon. That's all, you can check your work.

Videos on installing toilet installations from different companies

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):