The simplest climate network of a private house consists of a heating boiler, heating radiators and pipes connecting these elements into a closed ring through which the coolant circulates. However, the heating systems of multi-storey buildings are designed completely differently, which must be taken into account when repairing or modernizing its component located in the apartment. Otherwise, problems with neighbors and the housing office cannot be avoided.

Heating arrangement diagram with central coolant supply

House distribution center

Heating system in apartment building begins with shut-off valves, which are installed on the pipe connecting the pipelines in the basement with the supply and discharge heat mains (instructions established by SNiP 41-01-2003).

This point is very important for housing and communal services workers and the organization supplying heat.
It is through this valve that the delimitation of their powers is carried out: the organization providing heating services is responsible for the safety and operability of external communications; the housing office or condominiums should worry about the serviceability of the internal ones.

On the picture - elevator unit heating

After the shut-off valve there is various equipment necessary to ensure the circulation of coolant and hot water throughout the apartments located on all floors of the building. Its list and description are given in the table.

Distribution unit detail Description
Hot water supply pipes Immediately after the tap that shuts off the coolant supply, pipes are installed to connect to the hot water supply pipes. There may be one or two inserts (for a one-pipe or two-pipe circuit, respectively). In the latter case, the pipes are connected to each other by a jumper, thanks to which it is ensured constant pressure and water circulation in hot water pipes and heated towel rails installed in bathrooms.
Heating elevator This is the main element of the climate network, without which the heating system multi-storey building cannot exist with a centralized coolant supply. It consists of a nozzle and a bell that create increased pressure. Thanks to it, the liquid reaches the top (in the attic). In addition, there may be a suction here, which draws the coolant coming from the return into the repeated cycle.
Valves They are used to isolate the heating circuit of apartments from the general piping system. In winter, for obvious reasons, they are open; in summer they are closed.
Drain fittings It is installed in the lower parts of the pipeline and serves to discharge coolant into summer period or if necessary to repair elements heating network located in the house.
Connecting pipeline with shut-off valves In the lower part heating system a pipe is installed connecting the heating system to the supply pipes cold water. It is necessary for filling heating radiators in the summer in order to prevent the formation of corrosion in the batteries.

The heating system of an apartment building is adjusted by changing the diameter of the heating elevator nozzle. By closing and opening the corresponding valve, the housing and communal services worker accelerates or slows down the circulation of the coolant in the heating system, due to which the temperature in the radiators changes.

Supply and discharge pipelines

Next important element heating systems of apartment buildings - risers that supply water to each floor of the house and remove the cooled coolant that has flowed through the radiators installed in the dwellings.

There are two main schemes:

  1. The coolant is supplied through one pipe and removed through another. These main risers, located at different ends of the house, are connected on each floor by jumpers through which liquid flows, getting into all the radiators along the way. This is how the heating system of an old 5-story apartment building is organized.

Such a scheme was subsequently abandoned, as it makes it difficult full reset coolant. When pipes or radiators in an apartment become airy, it is very difficult to remove all the water from horizontal sections of pipelines.

  1. Water is supplied to the attic through a vertical pipe, after which it goes down, flowing from battery to battery, starting from the top floor and ending with the bottom.

Both of these water distribution schemes have one significant drawback - the connecting jumper located in the attic or technical floor.
It is necessary to vent air through the air valve, but it leads to quite significant heat loss, which reduces the efficiency of the climate system as a whole.

Considering that the technical levels of apartment buildings (attics and basements) are not heated, there is a danger of the coolant freezing in the event of a heating system failure.

To avoid this, the following are provided: design features heating risers:

  1. Slope of horizontal lintels. If the difference in pipeline heights stipulated by SNiP is correctly observed, during the descent of the coolant, all the liquid in the pipes leaves and the formation of ice, which can rupture the pipes and radiators, is completely eliminated.
  2. Heating of technical floors. Although heating radiators are not provided in the attic and basement, the pipes themselves, despite the glass wool or mineral fiber covering them, still heat the air, so the coolant after emergency stop The heating will not cool down immediately.
  3. Great inertia. The upper and lower jumpers of the risers are pipes that are quite large in diameter (more than 50 mm). Their cooling after the heat supply is stopped does not occur immediately. Thanks to this, the water in them does not have time to freeze.

In general, the currently used scheme with overhead coolant distribution is quite effective, although it has some operating features:

  1. Putting the heating system into operation is as simple as possible. It is enough to open the shut-off valves that block the access of water and the air valve in the attic. After the pipes are filled with water, the latter is shut off to avoid loss of coolant. This concludes the activities to launch the climate network.
  2. On the contrary, turning off heating and emergency coolant discharge is difficult. You must first find the required pipe on the top floor, turn off the valves there, and then open the tap on the lower section of the riser.
  3. With vertical distribution, heat distribution occurs unevenly (although the price of heating services is the same). The fact is that the upper apartments receive hotter coolant, which warms up the apartment better. To compensate for this, heating radiators with big amount sections.

Heat exchange devices in apartments

If you did not replace heating appliances in a city apartment with your own hands, then its heating is carried out by one of two devices:

  1. Cast iron battery. It has low heat transfer, significant inertia, enormous weight and is not at all aesthetically pleasing. On the other hand, this device can be used with coolant of any quality. Cast iron is practically not subject to corrosion and can last more than 50 years with periodic cleaning of internal deposits.

  1. Steel pipe with heat exchanger plates. This heating device was installed in connection with savings during the construction of houses and does not stand up to any criticism.

Nowadays, bimetallic heating radiators are rightly considered the best option for a heating system with a central coolant supply.

These devices consist of:

  • steel frame through which the coolant flows;
  • aluminum heat exchanger placed on the frame - it increases heat transfer and gives the battery an attractive appearance.

The inside prevents corrosion (unlike all-aluminum heating radiators) and gives the radiator strength, protecting against hydraulic and pneumatic shocks, which are not uncommon for centralized heating systems.

Another positive aspect of using a bimetallic device is high power. This makes it possible to use fewer sections.

The only drawback is the high cost. The heating units described are among the most expensive among all currently existing ones. heating equipment.

If there are control valves at the inlet pipes of your batteries - taps, thermostats, chokes, etc. - you must install a bypass (a jumper between the inlet and outlet pipes of the battery).
Otherwise, the thermostat will control the volume of coolant not only in your battery, but also in all apartments located below, which is unlikely to please your neighbors.

Features of hot water supply systems

The organization that provides heating for apartment buildings also manages the supply of hot water to consumers.

Like climate system, this utility network has some distinctive features:

  1. Heating of hot water and coolant during the heating period is carried out centrally. Most often, the same pipelines are used to supply both fluids. To separate the flow, shut-off valves located in the basement are used.

  1. The hot water supply system may have one or two pipes. The latter scheme is more preferable, as it avoids the overconsumption of water that occurs in a single-pipe system when the tap is opened (each consumer waits until the cooled water drains and hot water begins to flow).
  2. Radiators installed in the bathroom and used for drying towels are often connected to the hot water supply pipeline. This is not a very successful scheme, since the heated towel rail remains hot during summer time, making being in the bathroom uncomfortable.

The solution to this problem is simple.
During repairs or when replacing heating equipment in an apartment, shut-off valves must be installed on the inlet and outlet pipes.
Don't forget to install a bypass.

  1. Because of hot water supplied through heating pipes, it is often turned off in the summer. This is necessary for carrying out preventive work on the main equipment of heating networks.


The heating system of apartment buildings with a centralized coolant supply is fundamentally different from individual climate networks. Unqualified intervention and modernization can not only worsen the quality of heating for neighbors, but also lead to complete obstruction of pipelines.

Therefore, when performing any work, you must strictly follow the prescribed rules or use the services of qualified specialists. More details about engineering networks You can learn about high-rise buildings from the video posted in this article.

Central heating provides heating of apartments in multi-storey buildings V winter season. However, what to do if the price of the services provided by utilities does not correspond to their quality? Many apartment owners decide to disconnect from central heating and switch to autonomous heating. It is possible to do this, but it is quite difficult, since in addition to technical problems you will also encounter bureaucratic factors.

This article discusses central heating in an apartment building. We will study the design of such systems, temperature conditions, and also give recommendations on turning off the system and switching to individual heating.

Central heating system design

Central water heating any apartment building consists of the following elements (listed in order of approximation to the internal contour of the building):

Inside the house itself there are spills - pipes through which the coolant flows to the vertical risers. A typical Soviet heating scheme for a five-story building assumes the presence of lower spills located in the basement of the building. Spills cause risers to diverge and are connected to each other at the top of the house or in the attic.

Connecting risers in the attic is fraught with freezing of the coolant when water circulation stops in winter, to avoid which the pipes must be carefully insulated. Also, air vents are installed in the upper part of the circuit (most often a regular Mayevsky valve is used) to discharge excess air.

In nine-story buildings, on the contrary, the spill is mounted in the attic of the house. Unlike the bottom spill, which has a number of problems when starting heating associated with airing of the risers, the top spill almost instantly distributes water over the risers.

1.1 Indoor heating devices and temperature conditions

Type used heating devices— batteries, depends on the year of construction of the building. Thus, in apartments built during the Soviet era there are two types of radiators:

  • sectional batteries made of cast iron, characterized by heavy weight and effective heat transfer, which can reach 150 W per radiator, disadvantages - unaesthetic appearance, high risk of leaks;
  • steel convectors, which are a metal casing, inside of which there are coils of DU-20 pipes connected by transverse plates (used in the 80-90s).

Installation of central heating systems involves the use of different numbers of radiators on different floors of the house. Thus, during an upper spill, the coolant circulating through the floors loses its temperature and reaches the radiators on the first floor very cool. In order for the heat supply to have sufficient efficiency, heat loss must be compensated for, which is done by increasing the number of sections or the size of the radiators.

Today, water heating systems are equipped with the use of bimetallic radiators. Such structures are made of aluminum, they are quite expensive, but at the same time they have maximum heat transfer - up to 200 W per battery.

The current provisions of SNiP determine the standards for air temperature in the apartment, which must be ensured central heating:

  • bedrooms and living rooms- 20 0 C;
  • corner rooms - 22 0 C;
  • kitchen - 18 0 C;
  • bathroom - 25 0 C.

Also normalized Maximum temperature water in pipes, which should not be higher than 95 degrees. Separate standards are put forward for heating kindergartens - 37 0 C, which is the reason for a significant increase in the size and number of radiators in preschool institutions.

1.2 Remaking central heating in an apartment (video)

2 Is it possible to refuse central heating?

Abandoning central heating is possible, but obtaining the right to turn it off and cut it off will require a lot of effort. Thus, the document required for this “Decision to disconnect from the central heating system” will most likely have to be extorted from utility services through the courts.

Turning off the central heating system and replacing it with individual heating is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. The housing and communal services authorities clarify the availability technical feasibility disconnecting the apartment from central heating. This is where most of the bureaucratic friction will arise, since utilities are extremely reluctant to part with their payers.
  2. Specialists are developing the project individual heating, which is certified by utilities and signed by fire inspection services. The project must contain a full package of documents - from the pipe layout diagram and gas consumption, to technical documentation to the boiler.
  3. If the heat exchanger (boiler) used is connected to a pipeline that discharges combustion products to the facade of the building, you must obtain additional permission from SanEpidemnadzor.
  4. Installation and connection of individual water heating is carried out by a licensed installation organization. The first launch of the system is carried out under the supervision of a representative of gas services.
  5. The heat exchanger is subject to regular maintenance.

Please note that unauthorized disconnection from the central heating center is illegal and threatens with a serious fine and forced return of disrupted communications to their original state.

Replacing the type of heating in an apartment is somewhat different from installing water heating in a private house; let’s look at the main nuances of this process:

  • due to the impossibility of providing natural circulation coolant according to closed loop by other means, in the apartment you will need to use a circulation pump or install a wall-mounted heat exchanger located above the level of the radiators;
  • the installed boiler must have closed chamber combustion and be equipped with all necessary safety systems;
  • maximum water temperature in the system is 95 degrees, maximum pressure is 1 MPa;
  • The wiring must be selected depending on the size and layout of the apartment; the most affordable option for arrangement is single-pipe wiring with parallel insertion of radiators (Leningradka).

In buildings with a top spill, the jumpers between the risers cannot be cut, since structurally they must pass through the apartment on the top floor. The only way- negotiate with the neighbors below and move the jumpers to their apartment, but the likelihood that someone will agree to this is quite low. On the middle and lower floors, things are simpler - you just need to cut off the heating devices and pipes through which they are connected to the riser.

Keep in mind that even after installing individual heating, you will be required to provide the housing and communal services repair team with access to the riser running through your apartment, if necessary.

When designing large-scale heating systems (in particular, calculating the adjustment of the heating system of an apartment building and its full functioning), especially close attention is paid to the external and internal factors of equipment operation. Several heating schemes for central heating have been developed and are successfully used in practice, differing from each other in structure, working fluid parameters and pipe routing patterns in apartment buildings.

What types of heating systems are there for an apartment building?

Depending on the installation of the heat generator or the location of the boiler room:

Heating schemes depending on the parameters of the working fluid:

Based on the piping diagram:

Functioning of the heating system of an apartment building

Autonomous heating systems of a multi-storey residential building perform one function - timely transportation of heated coolant and its adjustment for each consumer. To ensure the possibility of general control of the circuit, a single distribution unit with elements for adjusting the parameters of the coolant, combined with a heat generator, is installed in the house.

An autonomous heating system for a multi-storey building necessarily includes the following units and components:

  1. The pipeline route through which the working fluid is delivered to apartments and premises. As already mentioned, the pipe layout diagram in multi-storey buildings can be single- or double-circuit;
  2. KPiA - control devices and equipment that reflects the parameters of the coolant, regulates its characteristics and takes into account all its changing properties (flow rate, pressure, inflow rate, chemical composition);
  3. A distribution unit that distributes heated coolant through pipe lines.

A practical heating scheme for a residential multi-storey building includes a set of documentation: design, drawings, calculations. All documentation for heating in an apartment building is drawn up by the responsible executive services (design bureaus) in strict accordance with GOST and SNiP. Responsibility for what centralized system the central heating system will be operated correctly is the responsibility of the management company, as well as its repair or complete replacement heating systems in an apartment building.

How does the heating system work in an apartment building?

The normal operation of the heating of an apartment building depends on compliance with the basic parameters of the equipment and coolant - pressure, temperature, wiring diagram. According to accepted standards, the main parameters must be observed within the following limits:

  1. For an apartment building with a height of no more than 5 floors, the pressure in the pipes should not exceed 2-4.0 Atm;
  2. For an apartment building with a height of 9 floors, the pressure in the pipes should not exceed 5-7 Atm;
  3. The temperature range for all heating schemes operating in residential premises is +18 0 C/+22 0 C. The temperature in radiators is at staircase landings and in technical rooms-+15 0 C.

The choice of piping in a five-story or multi-story building depends on the number of floors, the total area of ​​the building, and the thermal output of the heating system, taking into account the quality or availability of thermal insulation of all surfaces. In this case, the difference in pressure between the first and ninth floors should not be more than 10%.

Single-pipe wiring

The most economical option for piping is a single-circuit scheme. A single-pipe circuit works more efficiently in low-rise buildings and with small area heating As a water (rather than steam) heating system, single-pipe wiring began to be used from the early 50s of the last century, in the so-called “Khrushchev buildings”. The coolant in such a distribution flows through several risers to which apartments are connected, while the entrance for all risers is one, which makes installation of the route simple and quick, but uneconomical due to heat losses at the end of the circuit.

Since the return line is physically absent, and its role is played by the working fluid supply pipe, this gives rise to a number of negative aspects in the operation of the system:

  1. The room is heated unevenly, and the temperature in each individual room depends on the distance of the radiator to the point of intake of the working fluid. With this dependence, the temperature on distant batteries will always be lower;
  2. Manual or automatic temperature control on heating devices is impossible, but bypasses can be installed in the Leningradka circuit, which allows you to connect or disconnect additional radiators;
  3. It is difficult to balance a single-pipe heating scheme, since this is only possible when shut-off valves and thermal valves are included in the circuit, which, if the coolant parameters change, can cause a failure of the entire heating system of a three-story or higher building.

In new buildings, the single-pipe scheme has not been implemented for a long time, since it is almost impossible to effectively monitor and account for coolant flow for each apartment. The difficulty lies precisely in the fact that for each apartment in a Khrushchev building there can be up to 5-6 risers, which means that you need to install the same number of water meters or hot water meters.

A correctly drawn up estimate for heating a multi-storey building with a single-pipe system should include not only maintenance costs, but also the modernization of pipelines - the replacement of individual components with more efficient ones.

Two-pipe wiring

This heating scheme is more efficient, since in it the cooled working fluid is taken through a separate pipe - the return pipe. Nominal pipe diameter reverse feed The coolant is selected in the same way as for the supply heating main.

The double-circuit heating system is designed in such a way that the water that has given off heat to the apartment is supplied back to the boiler through a separate pipe, which means it does not mix with the supply and does not take away the temperature from the coolant delivered to the radiators. In the boiler, the cooled working fluid is heated again and sent to the supply pipe of the system. When drawing up a project and during operation of heating, the following features should be taken into account:

  1. You can regulate the temperature and pressure in the heating main in any individual apartment, or in a common heating main. To adjust the system parameters, mixing units are cut into the pipe;
  2. When carrying out repair or maintenance work, the system does not need to be turned off - required areas are cut off by shut-off valves, and the faulty circuit is repaired, while the remaining sections operate and move heat throughout the house. This is both the principle of operation and the advantage two-pipe system in front of the others.

The pressure parameters in the heating pipes in an apartment building depend on the number of floors, but are in the range of 3-5 Atm, which should ensure the delivery of heated water to all floors without exception. In high-rise buildings, intermediate pumping stations can be used to lift the coolant to the top floors. Radiators for any heating systems are selected according to design calculations, and must withstand the required pressure and maintain the specified temperature.

Heating system

The layout of heating pipes in a multi-storey building plays a big role in maintaining the specified parameters of the equipment and working fluid. Thus, the upper distribution of the heating system is more often used in low-rise buildings, lower – in high-rise. The method of coolant delivery - centralized or autonomous - can also affect reliable operation heating in the house.

In most cases, a connection is made to the central heating system. This allows you to reduce the current costs in the estimate for heating a multi-storey building. But in practice the level of quality of such services remains extremely low. Therefore, if there is a choice, preference is given to autonomous heating of a multi-storey building.

Modern new buildings are connected to mini-boiler houses or to centralized heating, and these schemes work so efficiently that it makes no sense to change the connection method to autonomous or another (communal or apartment-by-house). But stand-alone circuit gives preference to apartment-by-apartment or general-house heat distribution. When installing heating in each separate apartment Autonomous (independent) pipe distribution is carried out, a separate boiler is installed in the apartment, control and metering devices are also installed for each apartment separately.

When organizing a common house wiring, it is necessary to build or install a common boiler room with its own specific requirements:

  1. Several boilers must be installed - gas or electric, so that in case of an accident it is possible to duplicate the operation of the system;
  2. Only a double-circuit pipeline route is being carried out, the plan of which is drawn up during the design process. Such a system is regulated for each apartment separately, since the settings can be individual;
  3. A schedule of planned preventative and repair activities is required.

In a communal heating system, heat consumption is monitored and metered apartment by apartment. In practice, this means that a meter is installed on each coolant supply pipe from the main riser.

Centralized heating for an apartment building

If you connect the pipes to the central heating supply, what difference will there be in the wiring diagram? The main working unit of the heat supply circuit is the elevator, which stabilizes the liquid parameters within the specified values. This is necessary due to the long length of heating mains in which heat is lost. The elevator unit normalizes temperature and pressure: for this, in the heating station, the water pressure is increased to 20 Atm, which automatically increases the temperature of the coolant to +120 0 C. But, since such characteristics of the liquid medium for pipes are unacceptable, the elevator normalizes them to acceptable values.

The heating point (elevator unit) also operates in double-circuit circuit heating, and in a single-pipe heating system of an apartment high-rise building. The functions that it will perform with this connection: Reduce the operating pressure of the liquid using an elevator. The cone-shaped valve changes the flow of fluid into the distribution system.


When drawing up a heating project, do not forget that the estimate for installation and connection of centralized heating to an apartment building differs from the costs of organizing autonomous system to a lesser extent.

Initially, the houses of Khrushchev's projects were conceived as temporary, to solve the housing problem. However, to this day, they occupy a fair share of the fund. The main problem of living is the layout of the heating system of the Khrushchev building and its structure. Given natural wear and tear, it often does not fully perform its functions.

Centralized heating scheme for Khrushchev

The houses of this project are characterized by a single-pipe scheme, when the distribution of coolant starts from the upper (5th) floor and ends with the entry of cooled water into the basement. Such heating systems in Khrushchev have one significant drawback - uneven distribution of heat throughout the apartments.

This is due to the alternate passage of the coolant through the floors, i.e. The greatest degree of its heating will be on the 5th, 4th, and on the 1st the amount of heat is not enough to heat the room. In addition, the heating circuit five-story Khrushchev building has the following disadvantages:

  • Poor condition of heating elements. Lime build-up on the inner surface of pipes and batteries leads to a decrease in diameter, and as a result, a decrease in heat transfer;
  • Lack of temperature control system on batteries. Reducing the flow of coolant using devices is impossible, as this will affect hydraulic pressure throughout the entire system. The solution is to install a bypass on each radiator.

To solve these problems, it is necessary to modernize - install modern radiators and pipes. Metal heating devices and pipelines made of polymers have proven themselves to be the best. They have increased heat transfer rates, which helps to heat rooms faster. However, to truly create effective system The heating system in the Khrushchev building needs to be replaced on all floors. If old pipes and radiators are left on the top ones, then the speed of water passage in the system will remain unsatisfactory.

Such modernization can be carried out not only by residents, but also by attracting the resources of the housing office. This organization is obliged to carry out planned replacement of pipelines. They know how the heating system in a Khrushchev building works - the diagram and location of pipelines for a particular house.

Auxiliary heating in Khrushchev

What to do if, even after improving and replacing elements, the temperature in the apartment is far from ideal. The best option is autonomous heating in Khrushchev. However, this is not always possible - installation gas boiler not allowed due to low pressure in the main line or due to inappropriate chimney ducts.

Then they begin to develop alternative ways increase in room temperature. The negative point is that the heating circuit five-story building Khrushchev does not provide for the connection of additional radiators. This can lead to decreased pressure in the pipes and significant heat loss for residents living below. To avoid unpleasant moments, you can perform a number of actions that help save energy in your apartment.

Insulation of external walls of Khrushchev building

It is recommended to install a thermal insulation layer on the external walls. It will help reduce heat losses and will not affect the current state of the heating system in the Khrushchev building. It is also necessary to replace the old ones wooden windows to new ones made of PVC or laminated veneer lumber. Special attention You should pay attention to the thickness of the double-glazed windows. For effective thermal insulation, this parameter must be at least 28 mm.

Warm floor in Khrushchev

This is one of the best mechanisms increase in temperature in the apartment. It can be installed not only in the bathroom and kitchen, but also in living areas. It is best to choose infrared heated floor models, since their installation requires minimum magnification thickness flooring. The heating circuit of the Khrushchev house is not designed to connect a water heated floor. Its installation can lead to improper operation of the entire heating circuit of the house.

Apartment heaters

They can solve the problem with the rate of heating of the air in the apartment and do not affect the operation of the main heating system of apartments in Khrushchev-era buildings. Along with traditional oil and converter-type electric heaters, infrared models have become very popular. They increase the temperature not of the air, but of objects, heating their surface. However, the disadvantage similar devices is an increase financial costs for electricity.

Before connecting the heaters, you need to check the electrical wiring. Often the wire cross-section is not designed for heavy loads. The heating scheme for a five-story Khrushchev building is designed only for water coolant.
Therefore, it is recommended to replace it first, and only after that install powerful electrical appliances.

Autonomous heating systems in Khrushchev: choosing a boiler and correct pipe routing

Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to install individual heating in a Khrushchev-era building. To do this, you need to select a boiler that meets the standards and provide management company developed project. She first gives technical specifications, on the basis of which an autonomous heating system in Khrushchev-era buildings is compiled.

What should you pay attention to when solving this problem? Let's look at the main components autonomous heating in Khrushchev - a boiler, a piping system and radiators.

Heating boiler for Khrushchev

The average area of ​​a two-room apartment in Khrushchev-era buildings does not exceed 60 m2. That's why optimal power gas boiler should be 7-8 kW. The next condition is the type of burner - it must be closed. Since the design of the heating system in the Khrushchev-era building does not include the installation of a boiler, normal air exchange must be ensured for its operation. This is necessary to take air from the street using coaxial chimney. In some cases, it is possible to install drainage systems carbon monoxide into the air ducts of the building. But before this, it is necessary to obtain the approval of the fire service. Often this is precisely the obstacle to installing individual heating in a Khrushchev-era building.

Heating pipes and radiators

For laying the highway it is best to use reinforced pipes made of polypropylene. They are characterized simple installation, affordable price. Their advantages include the possibility hidden installation. It can only be performed on the floor, since gating load-bearing walls forbidden. The heating system in Khrushchev is designed in such a way that the installation location of radiators is most often located under the windows. When designing an autonomous heating system, it is possible to provide for the installation of additional batteries. Most often they are installed in the bathroom.

Project and heating schemes for Khrushchev

When developing a heating scheme for a Khrushchev building, you need to take into account all the nuances. In particular, provision of hot water supply. Therefore, it is best to purchase double-circuit boilers heating.

The requirements for the scheme are no different from the standard ones.

In this case, it is possible to install a water heated floor. For this purpose, the heating scheme of the Khrushchev house provides for the installation of a collector. It will distribute the coolant through the underfloor heating pipelines; the built-in system for mixing hot and cold water flows (two-way valve) will automatically regulate the temperature.

For a minimal increase in floor thickness, it is recommended to use decorative coating, designed for installation directly on water heating pipes. The packaging must be marked accordingly.

In addition to upgrading the autonomous heating installation, you can perform a number of actions, the result of which will lead to a reduction in current operating costs and payment for housing and communal services. Considering the specific layout of the heating system in a Khrushchev building, installing heat meters in an apartment is impractical. This is due to the absence of a central riser, i.e. even for studio apartment you will have to install at least three meters - in the bathroom, kitchen and living room.

The total cost of installing one device can range from 25 to 30 thousand rubles. The way out of this situation is to install a common house meter. It will take into account the amount of thermal energy consumed for the entire building. Fortunately, the centralized scheme characteristic of all types of heating in Khrushchev allows this to be done. As additional function a mode for adjusting the coolant supply depending on the outside temperature may be provided.

For the central heating scheme of a five-story Khrushchev building, you can install a balancing riser. It will perform the functions of uniform distribution of coolant throughout all floors of the house. However, which project is carried out only in agreement with the housing office, since it falls under the category of changing the principle of hot water supply.

The pressure that should be in the heating system of an apartment building is regulated by SNiPs and established standards. When calculating, take into account the diameter of the pipes, types of pipelines and heating devices, distance to the boiler room, and number of floors.

Types of pressure

When talking about pressure in the heating system, we mean 3 types:

  1. Static (manometric). When performing calculations, it is taken equal to 1 atm or 0.1 MPa per 10 m.
  2. Dynamic, occurring when the circulation pump is turned on.
  3. Allowable working, which is the sum of the previous two.

In the first case, this is the pressure force of the coolant in the radiators, shut-off valves, pipes The higher the number of storeys in a building, the more important this indicator becomes. To overcome the rise of the water column, powerful pumps are used.

The second case is the pressure that arises during the movement of fluid in the system. And the operation of the system depends on their sum - the maximum operating pressure safe mode. In a multi-storey building its value reaches 1 MPa.

GOST and SNiP requirements

In modern multi-storey buildings, the heating system is installed based on the requirements of GOST and SNiP. IN regulatory documentation the temperature range that central heating must provide is specified. This is from 20 to 22 degrees C with humidity parameters from 45 to 30%.

To achieve these indicators, it is necessary to calculate all the nuances in the operation of the system during the development of the project. The task of a heating engineer is to ensure a minimum difference in the pressure values ​​of the liquid circulating in the pipes between the lower and top floors home, thereby reducing heat loss.

The actual pressure value is influenced by the following factors:

  • Condition and power of equipment supplying coolant.
  • The diameter of the pipes through which the coolant circulates in the apartment. It happens that, wanting to increase temperature indicators, the owners themselves change their diameter to big side, reducing the overall pressure value.
  • Location of a specific apartment. Ideally, this should not matter, but in reality there is a dependence on the floor, and on the distance from the riser.
  • Degree of pipeline wear and heating devices. If you have old batteries and pipes, you should not expect pressure readings to remain normal. It is better to prevent the occurrence of emergency situations by replacing worn-out heating equipment.

How pressure changes with temperature

Check operating pressure V high-rise building using tubular strain gauges. If, when designing a system, the designers laid down automatic adjustment pressure and its control, then sensors are additionally installed different types. In accordance with the requirements specified in regulatory documents, control is carried out in the most critical areas:

  • at the coolant supply from the source and at the outlet;
  • before the pump, filters, pressure regulators, mud traps and after these elements;
  • at the outlet of the pipeline from the boiler room or thermal power plant, as well as at its entry into the house.

Please note: a 10% difference between the standard operating pressure on the 1st and 9th floor is normal.

Pressure in summer

During the period when the heating is inactive, both the heating network and the heating systems maintain a pressure whose value exceeds the static one. Otherwise, air will enter the system and the pipes will begin to corrode.

The minimum value of this parameter is determined by the height of the building plus a margin of 3 to 5 m.

How to raise blood pressure

Pressure checks in the heating lines of multi-storey buildings are necessary. They allow you to analyze the functionality of the system. A drop in pressure level, even by a small amount, can cause serious failures.

In the presence of centralized heating, the system is most often tested cold water. A pressure drop over 0.5 hours by an amount greater than 0.06 MPa indicates the presence of a gust. If this is not observed, then the system is ready for operation.

Immediately before the start of the heating season, a test is performed with hot water supplied at maximum pressure.

Changes that occur in the heating system of a multi-storey building most often do not depend on the owner of the apartment. Trying to influence blood pressure is a pointless undertaking. The only thing that can be done is to eliminate air jams caused by loose connections or incorrect adjustment of the air release valve.

The presence of a problem is indicated by characteristic noise in the system. This phenomenon is very dangerous for heating appliances and pipes:

  • Relaxation of threads and destruction welded joints during pipeline vibration.
  • Stopping the supply of coolant to individual risers or batteries due to difficulties with de-aerating the system, the impossibility of adjustment, which can lead to its defrosting.
  • A decrease in the efficiency of the system if the coolant does not stop moving completely.

To prevent air from entering the system, it is necessary before testing it in preparation for heating season inspect all connections and taps for water leakage. If you hear a characteristic hissing sound when trial run system, immediately look for leaks and repair them.

Can be applied to joints soap solution and where the seal is broken, bubbles will appear.

Sometimes the pressure drops even after replacing old batteries with new aluminum ones. A thin film appears on the surface of this metal from contact with water. The by-product of the reaction is hydrogen, and due to its compression, the pressure decreases.

In this case, you should not interfere with the operation of the system.- the problem is temporary and goes away on its own over time. This happens exclusively during the first time after installing radiators.

Increase pressure by upper floors high-rise building possible by installing a circulation pump.

Minimum pressure

Based on the condition that the superheated water in the heating system does not boil, the minimum pressure is assumed.

It can be defined as follows:

A margin of approximately 5 m is added to the height of the house (geodesic) to avoid airing, plus another 3 m for the resistance of the heating system inside the house. If the supply pressure is insufficient, then the batteries on the upper floors will remain unheated.

If we take a 5-story building, then the minimum supply pressure should be:

5x3+5+3=23 m = 2.3 ata = 0.23 MPa

Pressure drop

In order for the heating system to perform its functions normally, the pressure drop, which is the difference between its values ​​at the supply and return, must be of a certain and constant value. In numerical terms, it should be in the range from 0.1 to 0.2 MPa.

A downward deviation of the parameter indicates a failure in the circulation of the coolant through the pipes. A fluctuation in the direction of increasing the indicator indicates airing of the heating system.

In any case, you need to look for the reason for the change, otherwise individual elements may fail.

If the pressure drops, then check for leaks: turn off the pump and observe the changes static pressure. If it continues to decrease, then they look for the location of the damage by sequentially removing different sections from the diagram.

If the static pressure does not change, the reason lies in equipment malfunction.

The stability of the operating pressure drop initially depends on the designers, on the hydraulic calculations they performed, and then correct installation highways. The heating of a high-rise building functions normally, the installation of which takes into account the following points:

  • The supply pipeline, with rare exceptions, is located at the top, the return pipeline at the bottom.
  • Spills are made of pipes with a cross-section from 50 to 80 mm, and risers and inlets to batteries - from 20 to 25 mm.
  • In the heating system, regulators are built into the bypass line of the pump or the jumper connecting the supply and return, ensuring that even with sudden changes in pressure, airing will not occur.
  • The heat supply circuit contains shut-off valves.

There are no ideal operating conditions for a heating system. There are always losses that reduce pressure indicators, but still they should not go beyond the regulated limits Building codes and the rules of the Russian Federation SNiP 41-01-2003.

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