The appearance of this plant is not very presentable, but it deserves the title of one of the strangest representatives of the flora. Velvichia amazing has only two leaves and a very strong stem with roots. As they grow, the leaf plates gradually take on the appearance of some kind of fairy-tale character with a shaggy mane. The growth of the trunk is directed more broadly than upward, and mature plant It amazes with its size: up to two meters high and up to eight meters wide. The amazing Velvichia lives from four hundred to one and a half thousand years. She can survive without water for up to five years. This plant has a very pleasant taste and is consumed both raw and baked. For taste qualities Velvichia amazing is also called in another way - desert onion.

A plant such as the Venus flytrap is known to many due to its unique traps and carnivorous nature. Its leaves close with the help of a complex interrelation of their turgor, elastic fibers and growth. When the leaf is open, its edges are turned outward, when closed - inward, forming a chamber from which the hairs prevent getting out. Irritation of these hairs sets calcium ions in motion and forms an electrical impulse that spreads over the entire surface and midline leaf. If the victim is unable to get out immediately, its throwing stimulates the internal cells of the leaf, causing them to grow. This leads to the fact that the edges close tightly, forming a kind of “stomach” where the digestive process starts. It is catalyzed by enzymes secreted in the lobed glands. Digestion usually takes ten days, during which time all that remains of the victim is an empty chitinous shell. And the trap is again ready to catch unwary insects. Over the course of its life, it captures about three victims.

The largest and most unusual flower in the world is Rafflesia Arnolda. If you want to really surprise your family and friends, plant this giant in your garden. The plant belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family, it reaches ninety centimeters in diameter and can weigh up to ten kilograms. It is not recommended to place a flower in a room because of its very unpleasant putrid odor, which attracts pollinating insects. The bud ripens for several months, but the flowering itself lasts only a couple of days. Numerous seeds are dispersed by both large mammals (this may include elephants carrying crushed berries on their feet) and insects such as ants.

Another curiosity of the flora is the dancing Desmodium. It is able to slowly rotate the stipules located on each leaf. The movement occurs as a result of changes in the level of turgor in the cells located at the junction of the leaf axis and the petioles of the stipules. Desmodium blooms with small brownish-yellow flowers; it is extremely thermophilic and requires year-round warm maintenance. Loves acidic soil, but grows well in neutral soils. Constant moisture of the substrate should be maintained, avoiding drying out. In winter, you can water after the soil has dried out a little. Desmodium needs strong diffused light, but direct light is contraindicated. solar lighting which may cause burns.

Very similar to a greenish-brown ball or a round cactus without needles. This small succulent forms almost perfect shape ball. It is a rare species endemic to the Northern Cape. Uncontrolled export of the plant provoked the extinction of Euphorbia obese in natural conditions. Today the succulent is under national and international protection. legislative framework. The plant, along with other succulent milkweeds, is included in the Annex of the Convention governing international trade in endangered wild flora and fauna. Therefore, any plant transported across the border must have the appropriate permit. Without documentation, you can transport seeds, pollen and seedlings of plants grown indoors.

“Corpse flower” is another name for Amorphophallus titanica because of the disgusting smell of rotten eggs or fish. The flower is much taller than a human. Japanese chefs often use its tubers, adding them to various dishes. In addition, it is ground into flour, from which noodles and special gelatin are made, necessary for making tofu. Amorphophallus is also used in medicine. It is used to produce products for diabetics. The plant lives for forty years, blooming only three or four times.

Baobab, also known as bottle tree. This word is the general name of a genus that includes 8 species of trees, distributed in Australia, the African continent and Madagascar. The name of the plant was given for a reason - after all, it can store up to three hundred liters of water. Is it any wonder then that the lifespan of a baobab tree often reaches half a millennium?

Eighth place will be given to Dracaena cinnabar or dragon tree. As an ancient Indian legend says, on the island of Socotra, which is washed by the Arabian Sea, a ruthless dragon ruled, killing elephants and savoring their blood. But it so happened that the old, but still mighty elephant managed to fall on the monster and crush it. The blood of animals mixed and nourished the earth, where they grew strange plants, who called dracaena, which means “female dragon.”

It turns out that plants can be shy, like, for example, the shy mimosa. Its leaves are very sensitive, therefore they have the peculiarity of folding and falling in the dark, from the slightest touch or any other irritating signs. Who would have known that flowers have such deep sensuality?

Selaginella squamosum is called the resurrection flower. She is also known as the Rose of Jericho. The flower's popularity is influenced by its peculiarity - Selaginella is able to survive after it has almost completely dried out. IN natural environment habitat in dry weather, it rolls its stems into a ball and opens only after the rain has passed.

Amazing things are nearby! It would seem that everything around us is so familiar and ordinary that there are very few things around that can capture the human imagination. In fact, the master Nature painted many pictures with a magic brush and created countless beautiful creations, scattering them chaotically across all corners of the planet.

Therefore, anywhere in the world there is always the opportunity to witness a miracle - fantastic and extraordinary. Amazing animals and plants delight, delight and make people talk about themselves.

Eucalyptus is one of the tallest plants on the planet

The most tall tree Australia's evergreen skyscraper, reaching a height of 100 meters, is eucalyptus. This strange giant, rivaling in size the American sequoia, deserves attention only for its impressive height. The growth rate of this beauty outpaces the growth of bark on its trunks, which often hangs on mature trees in the form of rags. Only in the first year of life young tree reaches 2-2.5 meters in height. Its leaves are turned parallel to the falling rays of the sun, so the eucalyptus forest is always light and comfortable for the life of other plants. During droughts characteristic of the local climate, the tree is forced to shed its leaves to save itself.

Eucalyptus rainbow - an unusual creation of Mother Nature

The rainbow eucalyptus stands out against the background of the varieties of its tall fellows - unusually, it is painted in all the colors of the rainbow.

This variegated plant is often mistaken for an abstract creation by an artist. IN at a young age Eucalyptus bark is green; over the years it darkens, becoming saturated with blue, purple, burgundy and orange hues, the alternation of which creates a special festive pattern. The unusual coloring was the reason for growing these trees in decorative purposes, although their natural qualities also deserve special attention. They are not tolerated by pests, these beauties practically do not get sick. You can find amazing plants in the Philippine Islands, Papua New Guinea or Indonesia.

Gidnora - African carnivorous predator

Lithops (“living stones”) are also representatives of the flora of hot Africa and the most amazing plants in the world. Outwardly, they resemble cobblestones with a diameter of about 5 centimeters, which is an unusual way of camouflage in the sultry desert sands.

The plant has two fleshy leaves and a short trunk, which smoothly turns into a root and goes deep underground in search of moisture. In the autumn period, the silent “stone” picture is enlivened by yellow, white, pink flowers, stand out with bright tassels.

Bloody tooth

On planet Earth, next to the beautiful representatives of the flora, there are such amazing plants of the world that you should beware of in order to avoid possible negative consequences. For example, the deceptively pretty mushroom is the bloody tooth.

Externally similar to a delicious dessert or strawberry-flavored chewing gum, it is extremely poisonous. Droplets of red liquid on the velvety white surface resemble blood, although in reality the plant itself produces this secretion through its pores. The fungus feeds on soil juices and insects attracted by a cunning bait - that same blood-red liquid. Thanks to the bright veins, the mushroom, whose height is 2-3 centimeters, is clearly visible against the background of foliage and dry needles.

Dancing tree

There are amazing plants in tropical Asia; one of them is Desmodium rotatum (aka “telegraph plant”). Reaching a height of 1.2 meters, with elliptical leaves and small flowers collected in brushes, it can dance. This bewitching action, causing joy and surprise, occurs under the influence of sunlight.

The lateral leaves begin to move along a certain trajectory, with their tips describing a complete ellipse in half a minute. The rotation is jerky and reminiscent of transmitted messages, which is what gave the flower its second name. At night, the plant sleeps, gaining strength for the next charming dance.

Amazing plants - candy trees

Every child's dream is an unlimited number of sweets and delicacies, and even on tree branches! - turns out to be reality. Like other most amazing plants in the world, with fruits of a bizarrely oblong shape that taste like caramels, as if they came from a fairyland. Popularly it is called candy, and among botanists it is called sweet govenia.

Fragrant berries, the taste of which is strongly reminiscent of barberries, can be eaten directly from the branches, so it is not surprising that they serve as the basis for jams and preserves, juices and tinctures, compotes and syrups. Wine made from the fruits of the candy tree has healing properties, providing beneficial influence on the body. In Tibet, goveniya was considered a cure for all diseases; this plant has been valued in Babylon and India since ancient times. In Rus', since the 17th century, it was grown specifically in apothecary gardens on the orders of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Eating fruits helps not only to enjoy a pleasant taste, but also to overcome anemia, prevent blood clots, slow down oxidative processes, restore the elasticity of blood vessels, remove toxins from the body and revive damaged cells. Along with the mass useful properties The meal, strewn with bright red “lollipops,” is incredibly beautiful. In spring it is huge tree covered with golden inflorescences spreading amazing aroma, autumn allows you to fully enjoy the colorful foliage of the plant. It is not for nothing that it adequately represents the amazing plants of Russia.

The most famous mega-water lily

Victoria Amazonis is the world's largest water lily and the most popular greenhouse crop. Its leaves reach a diameter of 2.5 m and can support a weight of up to 50 kilograms. The outer surface of the plant is green and covered with a waxy coating that repels excess moisture.

The lower part is purplish-red in color and is equipped with a network of spine-studded ribs that protect against herbivorous fish and accumulate air bubbles for retention on the water surface. During the season, the water lily is capable of producing about 50 leaves, which grow and occupy a significant surface of the reservoir. This negatively affects the growth of other representatives of the flora due to the lack sunlight. Victoria Amazonian flowers are located under water and bloom for 2-3 days once a year. This happens exclusively at night over water surface; with the onset of dawn, the flowers return to the underwater kingdom. When open, the buds reach a diameter of 20-30 centimeters. On the first day, the petals are white, on the second - pink, on the third, the flowers become dark crimson or purple. The plant, which received its name in honor of Victoria, Queen of England, is common in the Amazon River basin in Brazil and is found in the waters of Guyana, which flow into the Caribbean Sea. In natural natural conditions it can live up to 5 years.

Our planet is home to 300,000 plants, so it's not surprising that sometimes you can find some truly bizarre and unique plants.

We all know roses, tulips and other commonly grown flowers, but did you know that there are rare orchids, which look like the faces of monkeys, like dancing girls, or like flying ducks? Have you heard about a plant that eats mice? What about plants that smell like dead flesh or feces? In fact, the plant kingdom is very diverse and exciting, with thousands of stunning plant species that you've most likely never even heard of.

To show you how diverse and unique the flora of our planet can be, in this list we will tell you about the most bizarre and unique plants in the world. From oddly shaped orchids and "living rocks" to snapdragons, Darth Vader's flower and evil insectivorous plants that can digest small animals, we present you the strangest and most unusual plants on the planet.

25. Prayer bow (Crab´s eye)

Prayer beetle is a slender, climbing perennial plant that twines around trees, bushes and hedges. This plant is endemic to almost all the tropics and is best known for its seeds, which are used as beads and also in percussion instruments. It is worth remembering that these seeds are poisonous due to the fact that they contain Abrin.

24. Lithops karasmontana from the Karas Mountains

"Lithops karasmontana" (whose name translates as living stone from the Karas Mountains) is a species of flowering plant in the Aizoaceae family, endemic to Namibia and southern Africa. This unique looking plant escapes attacks from herbivores by mimicking rock formations. When these plants are not in flower, they are almost indistinguishable from rocks.

23. White Egret flower

Orchids are a species of orchid endemic to China, Japan, Korea and Russia. The flower resembles a white dove, but should not be confused with the white fringed orchid "Platanthera praeclara", which is a North American species.

22. Rafflesia Arnolda (Corpse flower)

Rafflesia Arnolda, endemic tropical forests Sumatra and Borneo, is notable for being the largest separate flower on Earth (1 meter in diameter). Scientific name This plant is Rafflesia arnoldii. The flower exudes a very strong stench, reminiscent of the smell of decaying flesh, which is why it is also called the corpse flower.

21. Orchid “Dracula benedictii”

"Dracula benedictii" is rare species orchids, found in the central and western Cordillera ranges of Colombia. This monkey-faced orchid was named after Benedict Roezl, the famous bohemian collector who discovered it.

20. "Nepenthes distillatoria"

A tropical insectivorous plant of the Nepenthes genus called Nepenthes distillatoria, which can be found in Sri Lanka, is famous for its leaves that have developed into deep traps. They serve as a kind of mechanism that allows them to catch prey in a deep cavity filled with digestive fluid. The plant's diet usually consists of insects, but in some cases frogs and even mice were found in them.

19. Psychotria or Hooker's lips

The Prostitute's Lip plant, scientifically known as Psychotria Elata, is a species of flowering plant in the Rubiaceae family. This plant, endemic to parts of Central and South America, appears to have evolved into its current form to attract pollinators, including hummingbirds and butterflies.

18. Euphorbia (Baseball plant)

Endemic to South Africa (particularly the Cape Province), Euphorbia obesum is a subtropical succulent distinguished by its bizarre baseball-like shape. In the wild, the plant is endangered due to overharvesting and poaching, as well as its slow growth.

17. Ballerina orchid

The ballerina orchid is a small, inconspicuous ground orchid with long, narrow flower petals that grows singly or in groups. This type of orchid can only be found in a very small region in southwest Australia. The ballerina orchid is on the verge of extinction. Although this plant can live for many years, it blooms only for two weeks.

15. Salvadoran or Darth Vader flower

The Darth Vader flower, scientifically known as "Aristolochia Salvadorensis", is a species of Aristolochia, a large genus of plants with over 500 species. The plant, which reaches 30 centimeters in height, primarily grows as an annual plant. This means that it only exists for one season.

14. Fiddlehead fern

Fern rachis or fern snails are the rolled shoots of a young fern that are harvested for use as a vegetable. Fern rachis has antioxidant activity, is high in iron and fiber, and is a source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

13. Takka Chantrier (Black bat flower)

Endemic to tropical regions of Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Malaysia and southern China, the Takka Chantrier plant is a species of flowering plant in the Dioscoreaceae family. This plant, which grows in the undergrowth, is especially notable for its unusual black flowers, which are shaped like a bat.

12. Ceropegia haygarthii

"Ceropegia haygarthii" is a strong climbing vine with very small flowers. unusual shape cream and reddish brown. The plant is one of the species of the Kutrov family and grows in Angola, South Africa and Mozambique.

11. Orchid “Dancing Girls” (Impatiens Bequaertii)

What looks like two dancing girls, are actually very rare flowers of the species "Impatiens Bequaertii", one of the 1000 species of the Impatiens genus - flowering plants widely distributed throughout the northern hemisphere and the tropics.

10. Swaddled babies orchid

The Baby in Swaddling Orchid, formally known as Anguola uniflora, is a small anguola native to South America, where it grows at altitudes ranging from 1,400 to 2,500 meters above sea level. The orchid is famous for its large flowers, reminiscent of swaddled babies, which emit a rich aroma.

9. Snapdragon (Skull flower)

Snapdragon (Antirrhinum) is climbing plant, endemic to rocky areas of Europe, USA and North Africa. People were once afraid of it and believed that it had mystical powers due to the resemblance of its dried flowers to skulls.

8. Phalaenopsis (Moth orchid)

First discovered on a small island off the east coast of New Guinea in 1653, Phalaenopsis has a uniform structure that makes it easy to identify. Currently, this type of orchid can be found in the eastern and southeastern regions of Asia.

7. Calceolaria single-flowered (Darwin's slipper)

Calceolaria Uniflora, scientifically known as "Calceolaria Uniflora" is a perennial plant of the genus Calceolaria with flowers of yellow, white and red-brown colors. Calceolaria is a mountain plant that reaches a height of only 10 centimeters. This plant is endemic to the archipelago Tierra del Fuego(Tierra del Fuego), located in the south of South America.

6. Nepenthes rajah

Nepenthes Raja, endemic to parts of Borneo, is an insectivorous plant in the Nepentaceae family. It grows exclusively on serpentine substrates, particularly in areas where groundwater seeps in with loose and constantly moist soil. Due to its very limited and localized growing area, this plant is classified as an endangered species.

5. Strongylodon large (Jade vine)

Strongylodon magnosa, also known as emerald strongylodon, is a species of perennial legume tree strongylodon endemic to the tropical forests of the Philippines. Being a close relative of common legumes, this plant has very long stems that reach 18 meters in length.

4. Skeleton flower

Bifoil, scientifically known as "Diphylleia grayi", is a species of the barberry family (Berberidaceae). This small plant, notable for the white petals that turn when it rains. Once dry, they become white again.

3. Flying duck orchid

The Flying Duck Orchid is a small orchid native to eastern and southern Australia. This land plant produces an amazing flower that resembles a duck in flight. The flower attracts insects such as male sawflies, which pollinate the flower in a process known as pseudocopulation.

2. Meat-red passionflower (Maypop)

Passionflower meat-red, also known as passionflower incarnate, passionflower red and white, passionflower flesh or apricot vine, is a fast-growing perennial vine with climbing stems. The meat-red passionflower is a member of the genus Passionflower and produces large, compound flowers with clearly visible stamens. This is one of the most hardy species passionflower, which is widespread in the southern United States.

1. Starfish flower

The Starfish flower is one of the so-called corpse flowers. It is a strange looking plant that emits a disgusting smell of rotting flesh. Despite the stench, this flower is very popular among gardeners and collectors who appreciate its unusual appearance and bright color.

Some representatives of the plant world of the Earth amaze the imagination with their unusual fruits, sizes, appearance or way of life. This collection contains all the most amazing things about plants found in different parts of our planet.

Incredible flowers

- an interesting plant of the lily family with the largest flower in the world. It is distinguished not only by its incredible size, but also by its aroma, reminiscent of a mixture of the smells of spoiled meat, fish or eggs. During flowering, its temperature reaches 40°C, due to which amorphophalus attracts many pollinating insects. Amorphophalus lives for about 40 years, but blooms only 2-3 times during this time.

- grows in the Peruvian and Bolivian parts of the Alps and has the largest inflorescence: its diameter reaches 2.5 m and height - 12 m. Puya can bloom only once in a lifetime, not earlier than at 150 years of age, shortly after which she dies.

Predators of the plant world

– unusual carnivorous plant with trap leaves, which grows on nitrogen-deficient soils. The activity of traps is associated with the lack of nitrogen, which is necessary for protein synthesis: they attract and digest insects, which are a source of nitrogen. This is one of the few plants that is distinguished by its fast movements: the leaves of the flycatcher slam shut in 0.1 s.

- another insectivorous representative of the flora with traps in the form of jugs that can contain up to 2 liters of water. When an insect falls inside, the flower produces the enzymes necessary for digestion. Not only insects, but also birds, rats and mice sometimes become victims of Nepenthes.

It grows on all continents of the Earth, with the exception of Antarctica, and catches its “victims” using a bubble trap. The bubbles periodically open, suck in insects and water, and then close tightly. This entire process takes thousandths of seconds.

Unusual trees

Often compared to the work of an abstract artist, because its bark is painted with all the colors of the rainbow: young areas are green, but over time the bark darkens and acquires burgundy, orange, purple and blue shades.

– the most ancient plant planet Earth, which appeared 16 million years ago. Ginkgo trees can live up to 2,500 years and grow up to 30m in height, and their leaves are often used to make medicines.

- an unusual desert dwarf tree with only two huge leaves, which, as they grow, are longitudinally divided into ribbons. In some trees their width can reach 1.8 m and length – 8 m.

- one of the longest-livers of the Earth from average duration lifespan is 1000 years, and the age of individual trees can reach 5500 years. With a maximum height of up to 25 m, the diameter of the baobab trunk sometimes grows up to 20 m. It is often inner surface is affected by a fungus, so it collapses, forming a hollow space, which does not prevent the tree from growing and bearing fruit.

Note: in Zimbabwe, in the trunk of a baobab tree, there is a station waiting room that can easily accommodate about 40 people.

Unusual plant fruits

– African iridescent berries blue, which is obtained not due to pigments, but due to the special structure of the peel. Thanks to this, the bright color of the berries does not fade for decades after picking.

It has unusual fruits that resemble the taste of raisins, cloves and sugar. The plant was grown in Russia back in the 17th century. for use in medicinal purposes.

- one of the most exotic fruit trees native to Southeast Asia. The appearance of its fruits with a diameter of 3-6 cm resembles fluffy strawberries.

- the nickname of the poisonous plant black sheep, native to North America, earned due to the unusual appearance of the fruit: from a distance it seems that an eerie collection of eyes is collected on the stem.

It has amazingly shaped root vegetables, the shape of which resembles a small person. They are popular in Chinese traditional medicine for the treatment of impotence, angina pectoris, cancer and infectious diseases.

The story about amazing plants can be very long, since unique properties and beauty can be found in many representatives of the earth's flora. Some of them are very close, while others will have to go to the other side of the Earth.

The plant world appeared on the planet long before living organisms began to populate it. Representatives of the flora surround us in everyday life: they delight us with rich greenery, give flowers, give away their delicious and useful fruits, and also provide material for the construction of houses, furniture, etc. There is nothing more familiar than a flower on the windowsill of an apartment or house. But the kingdom of flora is also capable of delighting us with its exotic representatives, which have amazing properties and sometimes even resemble animals. The top 10 contains amazing plants that are recognized as the most original and unusual in flora.

This tree is one of the oldest on earth. Ginkgo witnessed the appearance of the first ancestors of mammals on the planet at a time when it already firmly dominated the earth. Its leaves, judging by excavations and found remains from the Mesozoic era, covered the ground with a continuous carpet, which became thicker every year.

Despite the fact that ginkgo biloba looks like an ordinary one deciduous tree, it is coniferous. The fact is that its needles have grown tightly together and formed a visible resemblance sheet plate, What for a long time misled scientists.

Ginkgo is also unique because it can have an amazing effect on the human brain: it promotes concentration, improves memory, and improves cerebral circulation. This has made ginkgo one of the most effective components of drugs against strokes, hydrocephalus and senile dementia.

Although ginkgo is considered exotic (its homeland is China), its seedlings successfully take root in middle lane, showing all the characteristics of a very stable and amazing unpretentious representative flora.

This is unusual conifer takes 10th place in the hit parade.

Subpolar hemp ranks 9th in the top 10 for its exceptional frost resistance. It owes this property to the fact that during its appearance it was exploring new cold territories. The acquired cold resistance, amazing for the plant world, helped circumpolar hemp calmly survive the Ice Age.

Since severe frosts and icing conditions during the Ice Age created a severe shortage of herbaceous food, mammoths could quickly die out, but they would not long time The abundance of polar hemp saved the day. To confirm this fact, paleontologists still often discover tens of kilograms of its shoots in the huge stomachs of frozen mammoths.

Stability and survival in severe frost conditions is explained by the fact that the cells of this type of hemp contain natural alcohol-containing antifreeze, which performs standard photosynthesis, which is impossible at subzero temperatures.

8th place in the top 10 hit parade amazing plants occupies the most drought-resistant representative of the flora - rose of jericho.

This unusual flower lives in hot deserts and is an annual plant. During dry periods, the rose of Jericho takes the form of a vessel: it raises its leaves upward and collects all the moisture contained in the air in the center of the rosette. When this water becomes too little, the leaves dry out completely. The wind tears off the ground part and carries the plant many tens of kilometers along the hot sands.

If on its way the Jericho rose encounters a body of water or any place with a normal level of humidity for life, the leaves become saturated with moisture and open, allowing the fruits from the center of the flower to spill seeds onto fertile soil, where they will successfully germinate and be able to live.

Because of this intricate mechanism, the desert rose has been able to overcome the conditions of the sultry sands for many millennia.

This herbaceous plant grows in Central Asia. In nature this type herbs are not widespread, but it still became famous thanks to Buddhist monks, who often used bamboo in their rituals.

This representative of the fauna has no root structure and no obvious stem. It develops in dense large rings lying on the ground. Until now, botanists do not know how this grass reproduces.

An amazing property of ring bamboo is that when its ring is lifted from the ground, an “om” can be clearly heard. This talking plant gave rise to superstitious fear among people and confirmed the divine essence of the monks.

Now scientists have established the mechanism for the occurrence of these “conversations”: it consists in a peculiar movement of air capsules inside the rings and their partitions.

Ring bamboo is ranked 7th in the top 10 amazing plants of the world.

Residents of Southeast Asia are extremely lucky: they do not need to buy candy in stores, since in their countries sweets grow right on trees. The real name of the tree that gives people amazing pleasure is Sweet Hovenia.

In appearance it is close to the familiar linden tree. In the spring, during lush flowering, clouds of bees gather around the tree, competing for the delicious nectar with which its flowers are overflowing.

The role of sweets is not the fruits - pea-like dry drupes, but the juicy stalks. The sucrose content in them is very high - almost 50%. Gourmets consider their taste to be one of the most unique in the plant world, reminiscent of dried fruits soaked in rum syrup.

Extract and powder of dried stalks are widely used in cooking as a flavoring additive for confectionery products. Sweet jovenia is prepared from large number drinks, and its wood is used to make musical instruments.

For sweet taste, which Hovenia gives to people, it falls into 6th place in the ranking of amazing plants.

Flower of laughter

The black fruits of the flower are quite small, but eating them causes a violent reaction: a person immediately begins to laugh. Uncontrollable laughter continues for at least half an hour, and sometimes for more than an hour.

After the attack of uncontrollable laughter stops, the exhausted person immediately falls asleep and sleeps soundly for several hours, and after waking up he feels a hangover or discovers memory lapses.

Dentists have adopted this property: Datura extract is used as an anesthetic drug, which helps not to feel toothache and to remain in a good mood during dental treatment.

nettle tree

Not all plants bring fun and laughter; some can be very painful. An amazing nettle or stinging tree grows in New Zealand. Scientists call it Ongaonga.

This tree has a powerful defense mechanism, which saves him from any attempts to cause damage. The trunk has densely arranged needles-spines, at the base of which there are reserves toxic substance from a mixture of histamines and concentrated formic acid. The poison causes a severe allergic reaction, and pain comparable to the simultaneous bite of several wasps.

After contact with the stinging tree, the death of one person was officially recorded; many deaths are reported by unofficial sources and local residents. Large animals - dogs and horses - do not survive burns.

But this plant is not dangerous for all representatives of the fauna: the larvae of the Red Admiral butterfly find it very appetizing and tasty. By eating its foliage, these insects gain weight surprisingly quickly and undergo metamorphosis at an accelerated pace from a larva to a beautiful butterfly.

In 3rd place is the most tall plant planets - sequoia. These trees look down on the crowns of their relatives in dense forests. The giant record holder is currently recognized as a tree growing in California in the Redwood Park. This sequoia was discovered in 2006 and then its height reached 115.5 m. In recent years, it has grown another 2.1 m. According to rough estimates by dendrologists, the age of this specimen is about 800 years.

Sequoia is also the largest plant in terms of volume on the planet. The volume of the largest representative is almost 1.5 km 3 - 1487 m 3. The wood of this tree weighs 1910 tons, which is equal to the mass of 10 blue whales. The trunk circumference of this specimen in the lower layer exceeds 31 m.

Venus flytrap

The Venus flytrap flower looks very unusual. But she didn’t get to 2nd place because appearance, but because of your dietary preferences.

For active growth and reproduction, the flower has adapted to feed on living organisms. Most often they are flying insects. The flycatcher has a specific smell that attracts insects. The flower valves have sensitive hairs that react to touch, after which they quickly close, leaving the victim in the middle of the trap. The plant digests the victim for about 10 days, after which the doors open again in anticipation of new guests.

Not only insects can be food for the Venus flytrap: the same fate befalls caterpillars, snails and slugs, as well as small frogs that crawl into it. When digesting such large prey, a not very pleasant smell comes from the flower. But this does not deter lovers of exotic plants at all, so the flower is becoming an increasingly frequent guest on the windowsills of apartments and houses.

For its amazing feeding habits, the Venus flytrap becomes a silver record holder in the ranking of the 10 most amazing plants in the world.

Championship among the most unusual representatives flora goes to the owner of a huge flower - rafflesia. We are used to smelling flowers and enjoying their aroma, but in this case the situation is completely different.

The flower is most famous for its amazing pungent smell, reminiscent of rotten meat. For humans, it is extremely unpleasant, but for insects that pollinate this flower, this smell is very attractive, it makes them fly to the plant, covering long distances.

The rafflesia flower is the largest on earth: its diameter is about 1 m, so it is rightly considered a giant in the plant world. Due to its impressive size and atypical smell, rafflesia takes 1st place in the top 10 most amazing representatives of the flora of our planet.

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):