Most people who start a dacha understand perfectly well that it should be not only a place to work and grow crops, but also a corner where you can take a break from the noisy city and enjoy beautiful views nature and site.

Almost every amateur gardener is well aware that one of the foundations of landscape design of a summer cottage is flowers. At the same time, you need to understand that beautiful blooming flower beds Of course, you can do it yourself. However, in doing so, you need to be guided by certain recommendations and principles. Otherwise, you risk getting just a motley set of colors, which will be quite tasteless and dull.

Let's see how best to create certain compositions, and also consider the main varieties of perennial and annual flowers for the garden with names in photos and pictures.

Flower garden design

It must be said that the owners of the plots prefer flowers for their dachas that do not require movement, are unpretentious to the weather, not only in May, June, July and August, but also in early spring. However, even before this, you will need to understand several important things, including such as choosing the right and suitable place for flower beds and flower beds, so that different plants fit each other well in design. Now let's look at the main types of flower beds that you can choose for the summer cottage and garden.

By the way! Arches made on the site are also a very successful option for a flower garden.

Beautiful country flower beds

If we consider the types of flower beds for flowers in the country, then among the most common of them are the following:

  • Diamond-shaped.
  • Round (the most common).
  • Figured, the shape of which often depends on the surrounding topography.
  • Strict square.

If we consider the height of the flower beds, then I would like to mention, first of all, flat and raised above the ground. Moreover, they do not rise by that much: a maximum of 0.2 meters. Along the edges of such flower beds can be additionally decorated using certain finishing materials, including silicate and ceramic bricks, natural stone, sidewalk curbs.

Original multi-level mixborder

Mixborder specialists in landscape design and planning are called special types flower beds in which several flowers and other plants of different heights are used. Traditionally, it is customary to arrange mixborders against the background of some flat structural or decorative element, be it a brick fence or a plank fence.

Such flower beds may change somewhat throughout the season, since one flowering plants new ones are gradually coming. The planting scheme for such flower beds can include both perennials and annuals. Moreover, decoration can be done using a combination of these two types of colors.


If we talk about lawn-type flower beds, it should be noted that they are, at first glance, a somewhat unorganized planting. It rather resembles a forest clearing or a small area of ​​natural meadow. On the other hand, the beauty of a lawn flower garden lies precisely in its natural beauty. Great for lovers wildflowers(cornflowers, white and red clovers, immortelle, forget-me-nots, poppies, daisies). The peculiarity of such a flower bed is that all these flowers are very unpretentious and require practically no care.

Flower arches

The basis in such cases is special artificial structures made of wood or metal. As a rule, you need to plant Various types climbing plants. Examples include: climbing rose, decorative beans, clematis, ivy, virgin grapes and so on.


This type of flower garden is a special strip of flowers, usually not wide (from 30 cm to one and a half meters). They can be placed along paths and parking lots, along the perimeter of the house (along the blind area) or next to the terrace. As a rule, when decorating a ridge, annuals are used, which form peculiar stripes. Shades can be used either contrasting or complementing each other. The height of plants can be either small or medium.

Perennial flowers for the garden

When thinking about what flowers to plant in the garden, consider this option. According to their growth, these flowers are divided into three main categories: low-growing, medium-growing and tall. Let's briefly look at each of them.


Unpretentious perennial flowers for the garden include several popular species. This is, first of all, large-flowered flax, oak sage, cinquefoil, soft mantle, gypsophila paniculata, geranium, gentian, dwarf phlox and some others. They do not require strict daily care and can be safely recommended for planting in a summer cottage. They can be used when arranging flower beds or mixborders.

Medium height

If we talk about the growth of such plants, then it is, as a rule, 0.3-0.8 meters. They are quite universal, and such a significant difference in size makes them suitable for almost all types of flower beds.

Noting the names of medium-sized flowers for the garden, I would like to highlight the following types:

  • Day-lily.
  • Rhodiola rosea.
  • Yarrow.
  • Astilbe.
  • Monarda double.
  • Cornflower.
  • Paniculate Phlox.
  • Peony (choose later varieties).


This group of perennial flowers for the garden includes several of the most popular names. Their height starts from 80 centimeters, which, on the one hand, somewhat limits the possibilities of their planting, and on the other hand, on the contrary, makes them more unique compared to their lower counterparts. Popular types:

  • Tricyrtis purple beauty.
  • Stock rose.
  • Helenium hybrid.
  • Vasilisnik.
  • Veronica longifolia.
  • Willow sunflower.

Remember! Such plants can be used for flower beds, as well as for flower beds.

The use of perennials in a summer cottage is justified for many reasons. One of them is that setting up a beautiful, well-formed flower garden, especially a mixed border, can take a lot of time. Often we're talking about about several years. Therefore, perennial plants will come in handy precisely for such cases.

Rules for caring for country flowers

Despite the fact that the majority country flowers do not require the same amount of care as more finicky garden plants; their cultivation requires following certain rules. In addition, it is advisable to pay attention to reviews and advice from experienced gardeners.

In most gardens or summer cottages flowers grow that bloom twice a season. So, such plants need to be pruned after the first flowering. You need to trim the stem at a height of 0.1 meters, if we are talking about lupine, Lychnis chalcedony, larkspur, catcat, leopard, terry cornflower, sage, balsam tansy. The only exception is the small petal. This plant is pruned by 1/3 and then fertilized.

An interesting feature is possessed by those plants whose flowers and leaves can reach large sizes, and, accordingly, have considerable weight. Such plants need to be supported with supports. As a rule, a rod made of metal, wood, or even bamboo from an old fishing rod can act as a support. For creating additional support The stem of the flower is tied to a rod. To do this you will need a piece of ordinary rope.

Bushy plants that like to grow wide also need special structures that could act as additional support. To do this you can:

  1. Make a frame from wooden boards small section.
  2. Drive in several small posts and tie them with strong cords.
  3. Use special supports that can be purchased at the appropriate supply store for summer residents and gardeners.

It is necessary to pay special attention to solving such problems as pruning old, dry or wilted leaves and other parts of the flower. If the plant has already faded, it must be trimmed or completely removed when weeding the flower garden. Not only does this make the flowerbed ugly, but it also takes away, to one degree or another, the strength and energy of the plant, which could be used for its restoration or subsequent flowering.

When thinking about care, we often would like to know which flowers are the most unpretentious in garden conditions and suburban area. So, among the many flowers for the garden, we can highlight the following:

  • Annuals. Sylvia, calendula, petunia.
  • Perennial, shadow lovers: tulips, ferns, snowdrops, clematis, lilies of the valley, kirkazon, tenacious.
  • Perennials that prefer sun: bellflower, mallow, lupine, lily, carnation, peony.

As we have already noted, very an important condition for maintaining and planting certain country flowers is their unpretentiousness. It is this circumstance that should be taken into account before choosing which flowers to plant at the dacha, since landscaping a dacha plot is not so simple, and one would not want all the work to be wasted.

It so happens that in some publications, especially in specialized magazines, from time to time it may “slip” Hiden advertisment one or another newfangled variety. This is done in order to increase the sale of flower seeds of certain varieties. Perhaps they look attractive. However, given the difficult conditions, as well as the lack of opportunity for regular care for flowers in the country, buying such seeds or already ready seedlings is not always justified.

What to choose for the garden: perennials or annuals?

Click to enlarge the picture:

Both subgroups of colors have certain advantages. It cannot be said that some of them are better, and some, on the contrary, worse. Simply, they are designed for slightly different tasks.

So, if we are talking about annual plants, then we can definitely say: in those cases when the flowerbed needs to be decorated as soon as possible so that the first results become visible, then it is definitely necessary to make a choice in favor of planting annuals. The first of them begin to bloom a little more than a month after planting. The flowering cycle of many of these plants is quite long, and they will delight you from spring until the time when the first frost occurs.

On a note! It is worth noting that the flowering period of a significant number of perennials is usually very short.

Don’t forget about the advantage of annuals for the garden, as the opportunity to experiment a little. The fact is that sometimes a flowerbed may not work out the first time, especially for inexperienced gardeners. But there is no need to be upset: it helps to gain valuable experience. In addition, already this same year you can plant new flowers, which will most likely be more successful.

Speaking about the advantages of annual flowers, we must not forget about the advantages of perennials. Of course, their growth and formation is not as fast as in annual plants. In addition, they usually require more careful care. On the other hand, having grown such a plant once and caring for it properly, you can enjoy its beauty for several years.

Remember! In addition, we must not forget that you will be forced to sow annual flowers every year.

Annual flowers for a long flowering period

Let's analyze the most popular of the wide list of annuals that grow in summer cottages.


First of all, let's look at zinnias, which also have an alternative, popular name— majors. They have a characteristic thick stem. Zinnias are known, among other things, for their excellent immunity, which makes it immune to many diseases. In addition, they are resistant to drought conditions, so nothing bad will happen if you water no more than once every 7 days. However, if possible, it is still better to water them regularly. A wide range of colors will delight lovers of variety in colors.


One of the favorites of all our summer residents is marigolds. Their beauty is easily explained due to the variety of shades: from yellow to terracotta and even brown. They are often planted along borders, making a kind of “path”. They do well both with frequent rain and with infrequent watering.

Be careful not to plant marigolds in shady areas as this may result in lack of color. Try to provide the flower bed with marigolds with a sufficient amount sun rays.


The variety of shapes and beautiful appearance makes you immediately fall in love with petunia. At the same time, it is not as forgiving as marigolds or zinnias in terms of resistance to dry weather. So, if you are unable to provide your petunias with regular watering, it is better to refrain from planting this flower.

Of course, there are other annuals for the garden. However, their list is truly huge, and it is simply impossible to consider even a small part of them in one article. Therefore, we have mentioned only the most common of them.

Common Perennials

The most popular among all types of perennial flowers in the country are peonies and dahlias. There are various ideas on how to decorate your garden with these noble plants.

By the way! Any specialized online store offers a huge selection of any flower seeds.

Reproduction of the mentioned perennial peonies is carried out using tubers. The flowering period begins in July. The color range, on the one hand, is not very wide, but on the other, it is simply chic, since it includes such rich colors as pink, burgundy and white. Outside the flowering period, the bush itself can also perform decorative functions.

As for dahlias, they bloom later, starting in late August and early September. Common colors: yellow, purple, red and white.

Clematis are also an excellent choice. They can additionally decorate a fence, arch or. Their small flowers will decorate any cottage. They bloom from June to October.

What you need to know about bulbous flowers

Almost all bulbous flowers are perennials. One of them is crocus. Already in March it begins to appear from under the melting snow. As a rule, flowering begins simultaneously with the appearance of the first leaves. On the other hand, it cannot be said that crocus has a long flowering period.

Remember! Most bulbous perennials have a short flowering period.

An absolute hit among flowers propagated using bulbs are tulips. When compared with crocuses, it should be noted that tulips are a little more picky about the conditions of care. But with its widest color scheme they can fascinate literally anyone.

In addition to unpretentious crocuses, as well as slightly more capricious, but beautiful tulips, you need to remember about other perennial bulbous flowers, which have long become a kind of “classic” in dachas. We are talking, first of all, about hyacinths, lilies and daffodils. Moreover, in addition to the fact that they are all a real decoration for any country flower garden, all such flowers have a wonderful aroma.

Growing flowers in flowerpots

Some examples of flowers with names and photos are presented here (click to enlarge):

Flowers placed in flowerpots are not always a substitute for more traditional flower beds. Hanging pots or flowerpots can perfectly complement flower beds that are more familiar to us. They can become a particularly interesting option in cases where there is not much free space on a summer cottage for arranging flower beds. Flowerpots of various shapes are, among other things, very practical solution. In addition, for a change general composition you will only need to replace one or two pots or swap them around. What flowers can be planted in flowerpots at the dacha?

The first thing that comes to mind is geranium. Moreover, it is enough unpretentious flower is a lush pelargonium. Also worthy of attention are double and semi-double asters, which, by the way, love plenty of sun.

Often those flowers that seem to be more common in flower beds can be grown in flowerpots. An example would be dahlias or pansies, as well as some varieties of violets and asters. They can be used to decorate a place next to a bench, next to a porch, near a terrace. For greater convenience, it is sometimes customary to place flowerpots on stands, especially when it comes to voluminous and bushy types of flowers. Other examples (photos are clickable):

A dacha is not only about working in the garden, but also about relaxing in a picturesque garden. Any novice gardener can create a flower garden, but it is important that the flowers really decorated the area, and did not make it overly motley and tasteless. Flowers not only need to be planted, but they also need to be cared for throughout the entire summer season. We choose the most good views plants and learn to create flower arrangements in the country.

Designing a flower garden

Before planting plants, you need to decide on the features landscape design of the site, choose a place for flower beds, select flower garden components that are in harmony with each other.

Lawn-type flower garden. Create on site blooming carpet– sow a specific piece of lawn wildflowers. In such a clearing you can have wonderful picnics, and besides, such a flower garden does not even need to be watered. Suitable flowers include daisies, cornflowers, clover, poppies and others.

Flower garden discount. This is a narrow (0.2-1.5 m) strip of flowers that looks great if placed along garden path or around terraces. Several types of low-growing annual flowers are planted in horizontal stripes, alternating colors. You can make a simple ornament or add medium-sized plants.


Flowerbeds can be of various shapes - traditional round, solid square, elegant diamond-shaped or even complex figured. In addition to standard low flower beds, you can make raised ones - 10-15 cm, decorating them around the perimeter with a plastic border, wood, brick, stone.


An ordinary wooden arch or a modest gazebo can be decorated and enlivened with the help of vines. Choose virgin grapes, clematis, tree-like Kampsis, climbing rose or climbing annuals - decorative beans or peas.


This is a wide (up to 4 m) strip of flowers, where plants of different heights are used. For such a flower garden you need a background, it will look good mixborder near a brick wall or plank fence. The appearance of such a flower garden changes throughout the season - first some plants bloom, then they fade and are replaced by others. Such a flower garden can consist of perennials, annuals, or a combination of both.

Perennial flowers for the garden

Advice! Creating a balanced and thoughtful mixborder takes a lot of time, so the use of perennial flowers in this case is quite rational. Perennials can also be successfully chosen as filling flower beds or garden beds.

Tall. Pay attention to the stock rose - this is a plant about 1.5 meters tall with inflorescences resembling peonies. Their color ranges from soft pink to deep burgundy. Tricyrtis Purpul Beauty is similar to a lily or orchid and blooms from early July to mid-autumn. The spotted sapling is interesting in that it changes the shade of its purple flowers throughout the season. No less spectacular can be basilisk, willow sunflower, hybrid helenium, and longleaf speedwell.

Medium height. These are plants with a height of 30-80 cm, which are suitable for many types of flower beds. Daylily varieties are easy to care for and incredibly tender, and yarrow will delight you lush flowering throughout the entire summer season. Rhodiola rosea is an original plant with succulent leaves that will become the highlight of your garden. Use late-flowering varieties of peony, paniculata phlox, astilbe, cornflower, double monarda.

short. Pansies, an unpretentious, charming plant, can complement a mixborder or create an elegant flowerbed. Dwarf forms of phlox, gentian, soft mantle, large-flowered flax, gypsophila paniculata, oak sage, geranium, bloodroot are bright and beautiful perennial flowers that can be safely planted in the country.

Caring for garden flowers

Growing garden flowers is not a difficult task, but it is still worth reading a few basic tips.

  • Remove wilted plants and plant parts regularly. When watering or weeding a flower bed, pull out and cut off everything that has already bloomed. Wilted flowers turn into buds or fruits that require strength to ripen, which slows down the appearance of other flowers on the plant. And externally, your flower garden will look more aesthetically pleasing without “dead” flowers.

  • Some plants bloom twice a year if they are pruned after the first bloom. The cut must be made at a height of about 10 cm from the ground for flowers such as: larkspur, lupine, terry cornflower, sage, catcat, leotard, balsam tansy, lychnis chalcedony. But it is recommended to cut the small petals by only a third, and after cutting, fertilize the plant.

  • Plants with large leaves and flowers need support. Wooden, bamboo, or metal poles driven into the ground, to which the plant stem is tied with a garden cord, are suitable. Some flowers grow in width, they also need additional devices. Stick several poles around the flower and stretch the cords horizontally. You can use special support rings with adjustable diameter, which are sold in gardening stores.

For those who prefer to spend a minimum of time at work, we suggest using unpretentious flowers as garden decoration. These are perennial shade-loving snowdrops, tulips, lilies of the valley, fern, tenacious, clematis, kirkazon, sun-loving perennials - mallow, bell, lily, lupine, peony, carnation, as well as annual flowers - petunia, calendula, salvia and others.

A video selection will help you appreciate the beauty of perennial unpretentious flowers - choose the most amazing plants in your opinion and create floral masterpieces at your dacha.

To choose one or another landing method garden plants, you will not only have to look at beautiful illustrations in specialized catalogs, but also learn about the features of the formation of landscape groups. To plant flowers in the garden as your imagination dictates, good taste is not enough. It is necessary to follow the rules of compatibility, because some crops can suppress others or bloom at the same time, and for the rest of the time your plot will seem empty. Even beautiful and well-groomed plants, chosen in accordance with the natural conditions of the site, will not make a good impression if they are planted in disarray, without taking into account the decorative features of each species. There are several basic ways of planting flowers, and for each type of composition, plants are selected in a special way. The height, shape, flowering time, and development during the summer season are taken into account. You will learn how to plant flowers in the garden correctly and beautifully by reading this material.

Vertical gardening and planting flowers in groups

“Vertical gardening” is usually called decoration with plants. vertical surfaces(building facades, fences, trellises or pergolas).

For such a beautiful planting of flowers, you can use both perennial shrub ornamental leaves (,) and beautifully flowering () vines, and ampelous herbaceous plants. With such landscaping, it is advisable to use supports (wooden, metal, etc.). In a small garden, a group is a composition of herbaceous plants, shrubs, dwarf trees, which, in imitation of nature, has free outlines. In a simple group, plants of one species are used, in a mixed group - two or more.

Plants are selected so that their visible part is consistently decorative.

So that in groups the way it suggests correct agricultural technology plants that lose their beauty after flowering and “legged” (little leafy in the lower part) plants are planted in the middle and background so that the plantings in front hide all the shortcomings.

Planting flowers in flowerbeds and containers

A composition of regular geometric shape - in the form of a circle, square, polygon - is usually intended for all-round viewing. Flowerbeds are placed in the front parts of the garden, for example at the entrance to the house. Therefore, it is important that they attract attention throughout the season.

For planting plants in the garden in a flower bed, preference is usually given to summer flowers that bloom from spring to autumn, sometimes changing the composition: until June 10-15, the flower garden is decorated with bulbs planted in the fall or viola, which is planted in mid-May.
These plants are not afraid of spring frosts. At the beginning of summer, cold-resistant flowers are replaced by heat-loving summer flowers, and flowering continues until autumn.

Containers are used where it is impossible to create permanent flower beds- in areas with hard surfaces, on balconies.

This is a very practical idea for planting flowers to decorate a plot, allowing you to create mobile compositions and change the appearance of the garden at the owner’s discretion. Not all plants are suitable for such plantings.

First of all, we need drought-resistant crops - the soil in a container dries out much faster than in a traditional flower garden. Plants with wide leaves that consume a lot of moisture are not suitable for such plantings. The best choice is compact plants or their varieties that have a beautiful spherical, pillow-shaped, or hanging shape.

As shown in the photo, when planting in a massive container, you can place a fairly large and “legged” plant in the center, decorating its lower part with a “skirt” of lush summer flowers:

Interesting ideas for planting flowers in an array in the garden

Large groups of plants, the length of which exceeds the height multiplied by three, are called arrays. They look completely different from regular groups. The array forms a continuous homogeneous surface at the level of plant height. If these are low flowers, for example, the surface of the array extends close to the ground. If the stems of plants rise to a height of one and a half meters or higher, the beauty of the massif can only be appreciated from an elevation - up close it appears to be a solid wall. An array, like a group, can be composed of several types of crops, but it should be remembered that individual specimens are not visible in such a composition. We do not perceive each plant in particular, but the entire mass of leaves or flowers, so an array made of small groups most often does not make the right impression. Plants of the same species, planted in large “spots,” look better. These photos show how you can plant flowers in the garden in arrays:

Flowers in mixborders and discounts

Another one interesting idea planting flowers on a personal plot is.

It is an elongated flower bed of irregular shape - one of the most common floral design techniques in private gardens. It is very convenient for planting garden flowers, if you need to visually divide an area into parts, outline the contour of a lawn or path, or emphasize the shape of planning elements. It’s easier to master the composition of a mixborder if you imagine it in the form of groups arranged in a chain. According to your plan, the groups can be the same or several types, alternating in a certain order. The selection of plants for a mixborder occurs in the same way as for group plantings. Compact, stable decorative species that do not lose their attractiveness throughout the summer are planted in the foreground; medium-sized and tall plants are planted in the middle and background. Mixborders take up a lot of space on the site, and gardeners usually strive to select an assortment of plants in such a way that from April to September flowering plants are constantly present in the composition.

Rabatki are flower beds stretched out in the form of a strip up to 2.5 m wide. Unlike mixborders, they have a regular geometric shape. In small gardens, such flower beds are usually located near the house - in the most functional and “responsible” part of the garden, where the winding lines of the layout are simply inconvenient for the owners. You pass by them several times a day, they are the first thing that catches the eye of your guests, and therefore the assortment of plants for discounts is selected with special care. As a rule, these are annuals that bloom throughout the season.

It is possible to use stably ornamental perennials with beautiful foliage. Rabatki are often adjacent to recreation areas, terraces, and summer kitchens, since this type of flower garden corresponds to the geometric shape of the buildings. In such places you can place fragrant flowers and herbs, as well as the most interesting views and the varieties in your collection, as they will be the focus here. See how you can beautifully plant flowers in the garden using discounts:

How to plant plants in the garden parterre

Decorative planting of flowers on garden plot in the horizontal plane, usually in front of the facade of the house, is called the ground floor. Unlike, for example, a front garden, the parterre must be commensurate with the scale of the building.

Classic parterres can be made not only from plants, but also from inert materials and water. Lawn, flowers, and shrubs are used as plant material. Inert materials include sand, coal, broken glass, crushed brick, and tiles.

Of course, such intricate, ancient-style parterres are not suitable for every private garden.
Much greater distribution received lawn and meadow parterres. The first are well-groomed “green lawns”, sometimes supplemented by flower beds.

Meadow parterres are just beginning to come into fashion. They are created, as a rule, from annual meadow flowers that self-sow. The most durable are meadow parterres made up of plants that are undemanding to soil conditions on poor nutrients sandy areas, they are less susceptible to weed aggression. Interesting ideas for planting flowers in the garden are shown in these photos:

Planting flowers in hanging baskets

Beautiful planting of flowers in the country in hanging containers is used to decorate gazebos, verandas, terraces, as well as building facades. This effective method landscaping with a lack of free space.

The most drought-resistant plants are selected for planting in hanging baskets. Bright and abundantly flowering hanging crops are most suitable for this purpose: petunia, calibrochia,.

Plants decorating the facades of buildings, especially upper floors, must also be wind-resistant. Cultures with delicate flowers and leaves, such as petunias. In this case, plants with dense or hard foliage are used (which is easy to determine by touch).

How to beautifully plant flowers in a rocky garden

Another interesting idea for planting flowers in the garden is creating a rock garden. Compositions of plants with stones, imitating mountain landscapes, have gained extraordinary popularity in private gardens.

They can be made not only in the form of “slides”, but also on flat areas, giving them a strict geometric or free landscape shape.

Before planting flowers in a rocky garden, you need to arrange the stones beautifully. By selecting rock Having arranged the boulders in a picturesque order, you can think about purchasing plants.

Crops that prefer alkaline soils grow well surrounded by blocks of marble and limestone. If the rock garden is made of granite, quartz, or basalt rocks, conditions with a neutral or acidic soil environment can be created in it. In accordance with this, you can make a choice in favor of certain plants.

A fun garden - how important this is for summer residents who tirelessly improve their plot. And it doesn't matter whether it's huge or small. Main, so that he would not be faceless throughout the summer. Of course, the flowers give it its main beauty. With their help you can achieve a feeling of constant celebration and beauty. But in order for the dacha to always be in bloom, you need to have certain knowledge. And the exciting work of gardening will keep you busy for many years.

Basic rules for continuous flowering of plants throughout the season:

  • selection of perennials with different flowering times;
  • abundance of annuals;
  • the presence of ornamental shrubs, plants with decorative leaves And .


Over the thirty years of my practical experience as an amateur gardener, I have tried many varieties of flowers, constantly changing my “6 acres”.

While still a student, I first came to a summer cottage where my parents had already built a house, and my mother planted gladioli in front of the porch. She didn't have enough time for flowers, so special attention I didn’t give it to them. They somehow grew in different directions, bending from the wind almost to the ground. Having found some sticks and strings, I straightened them and tied them up. I sat on the steps of the porch and admired it. Then it seemed to me that there was nothing more beautiful in the world than these gladioli.

What perennials did I leave so that they would not stop flowering throughout the summer? There are few of them, but they allow the garden to look not boring and blooming throughout the season.

I will list them by flowering month. Keep in mind that my The dacha is located in the north-east of the Moscow region. Your flowering time may be slightly different, offset by a couple of weeks.



Almost 30 years ago my great aunt gave my mother a small root from her garden yellow daylily. To this day he never ceases to amaze us. The bush has grown long ago, has been repeatedly divided, replanted, distributed to neighbors in the country and acquaintances, and continues its long life. beautiful life not only on our site.

IN Lately I bought many different varieties of daylilies, but this one remains my favorite. Unpretentious, hardy, grows on any soil, he is not afraid of either moisture or drought. A real old-timer.


Peonies are considered to be a symbol of well-being and prosperity. Their fragrance and luxurious shape make these flowers one of the most popular perennials in the garden. They grow well in loam and in the sun. Flowering peonies make the garden look like a fairy tale.


I love irises for their unusual beautiful shape and leaves, which add decorativeness to flower beds all summer. They are very love loose, light, moist soils, but they don't really complain organic fertilizers(compost and manure). At the age of 3 years they reach the peak of their flowering.

I advise you not to keep them in one place for more than 7 years. Irises are a real decoration of the garden in June.


Begonias, including hanging ones, although they are considered to be perennial plants, are few people survive more than two years. At one time I was very interested in them, and they “lived” with me for quite a long time. But growing them is troublesome and time-consuming, so I abandoned them. However I will share my experience on how to preserve this beautiful flower longer.

I dug up the flower itself at the end of September and planted it in a pot of soil. So they stood on my veranda until the end of October. Then I cut them off and put them in the basement until February. In February I took it out, watered it, and planted it in the ground after frost, approximately after June 6th. And so every year. As a reward, of course, I received great aesthetic pleasure all summer.



The harmony of the delicate panicles of this flower is transmitted even to the darkest corners of the garden. Loves shade, but grows well in the sun, as if forgetting their original genes. It looks great both in a flowerbed and as a tapeworm, growing into a large bush. It can even grow with close groundwater, but it does not tolerate drought. Therefore her need to be watered abundantly.


It is difficult to give up the plants that our great-grandmothers grew. And now new varieties have appeared with various colors and lush inflorescences and a delicate aroma. Besides, caring for them is simple. They reproduce and grow easily.


White unpretentious chamomile pleases the eye from June until the end of the season. So romantic and traditional family flower. As a rule, a chamomile can “sit” in one place for 5 years, but then it must either be replanted or the bush divided.



Lilies have different flowering periods depending on the variety. They are worthy of a separate article. I will only note that this is a very fastidious plant with increased requirements for protection from wind and soil. Soils should be well drained, without stagnant water, but moist and loose.


A few years ago discovered this amazing flower, walking around VDNKh. It is very tall with huge pink-beetroot inflorescences. Imagine, for example, sedum, but in gigantic size. This will be the window sill. It takes a long time to “climb out” in the spring, but in August it reaches its maximum size and completely reigns in the garden. Highly recommend.


Rose - queen of the garden and blooms all season. But there is a lot of hassle with this “royal princess”.


As a rule, perennials bloom for no more than 2-3 weeks. Therefore, small “dips” in flowering perennial plants always compensated by annuals.

Each season can become different from the other if use different annuals. For example, the “velvet” season using, or the season of petunias with their unique colors, or the season of luxurious begonias.

I love marigolds most of all, especially for their unpretentiousness and diversity. However, it is worth remembering that they react seriously to frost, so they should not be planted in the ground before June. I will also note their special vitality: they grow and bloom on any soil. In addition, they are very resistant to drought.

I appreciate petunia for its delicate scent and variety of colors. Like marigolds, it blooms until late autumn. Does not like to grow on sand and loam. In my opinion, it is quite difficult to grow it from seeds. At least I can't do it. I buy seedlings. To make the bush more lush, I advise you to pinch the top.

Petunia will not tolerate stagnation in the root zone groundwater- this is its peculiarity.

Decorative leaf shrubs, plants and conifers

Don't forget about flowering bushes such as jasmine, hydrangea or spirea, or shrubs with beautiful leaves(silver sucker, derain).

Perhaps, their flowers are beautiful and their leaves are attractive.

Blue and red thujas and variegated varieties of junipers decorate the garden all year round.


I generally care for flowers in general, but sometimes I “conjure” individual flowers individually. General care consists of watering, weeding, fertilizing (before, during and after flowering).

Each summer gardener, relying on his own strengths and resources, creates a cozy garden for himself based on his own experience. This does not require numerous varieties of flowers. Choose your favorite and unpretentious ones that will give you pleasure all summer!

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