Kitchen Tricks for the test.

1. Always add diluted potato starch– rolls and pies will be fluffy and soft even the next day.
Main condition delicious pies- fluffy, well-risen dough: flour for the dough must be sifted: foreign impurities are removed from it, and it is enriched with air oxygen
2. To any dough (except for dumplings, puff pastry, choux, shortbread), that is, dough for pies, pancakes, bread, pancakes, always add “zhmenyu” (about a heaping tablespoon) of semolina to half a liter of liquid. The nuns taught: “Previously, the highest quality bread was made from semolina. It did not dry out for a long time and was lush. Now there is no grit. Now add some semolina and you will always have good baked goods.” This advice is so priceless.
3. In addition to milk, add half a glass of mineral water to the dough. Dilute a teaspoon of soda in half a glass of water and lightly quench it with citric acid or vinegar.
The baking really turns out great. Even the rest the next day, lush.
4. There should be no draft in the room where the dough is cut: it contributes to the formation of a very dense crust on the pie.
5. When kneading yeast dough, all ingredients should be warm or at room temperature; foods from the refrigerator will slow down the rise of the dough
6. For yeast products, the liquid should always be heated to 30-35ºС, since yeast fungi in a liquid that has a lower or high temperature, lose their activity
7. When you knead the dough, your hands should be dry.

8. Before putting the product in the oven, let it rise for 15-20 minutes. Allow the dough to proof completely before baking. If the proofing is not complete, it does not rise well and the pies do not bake for a long time.
9. Bake pies on a baking sheet over medium heat so that the filling does not dry out.
10. It is best to add unmelted butter to the dough (yeast and unleavened butter), since melted butter worsens the structure of the dough.
11. Pies made with milk are more tasty and aromatic, the crust after baking is shiny with a beautiful color.
12. Yeast for dough should be fresh, with a pleasant alcoholic smell. Test the yeast in advance. To do this, prepare a small portion of the dough and sprinkle with a layer of flour. If no cracks appear after 30 minutes, then the quality of the yeast is poor.
13. If there is excess sugar in the dough, the pies quickly “brown” and even burn. Fermentation of yeast dough slows down, and the pies turn out less fluffy
14. Fats, softened to the thickness of sour cream, are added at the end of kneading the dough or when kneading it, this improves the fermentation of the dough
15. To make the finished pies more tender and crumbly, put only yolks in the dough
16. Tall pies are baked over low heat so that they cook evenly.
17. Fats, softened to the thickness of sour cream, are added at the end of kneading the dough or when kneading it, this improves the fermentation of the dough
18. To make the finished pies more tender and crumbly, add only yolks to the dough.
19. The dough for a pie baked on a baking sheet is rolled out as thin as possible so that the taste of the filling can be clearly felt.
20. To keep the bottom of the pie dry, lightly sprinkle the bottom layer of the pie with starch, and then add the filling.
21. Neither the dough nor the dough should be allowed to rest, as this causes a deterioration in the quality of the dough. 3 hours is enough, but be sure to keep it warm.
22. Yeast dough pies can be greased with milk and, if desired, sprinkled with salt, poppy seeds, and caraway seeds.
23. Covered pies are brushed with beaten egg, milk, and sugar water before baking. Thanks to this, an appetizing gloss appears on the finished cake. The best shine is obtained when lubricated with yolks.
24. Pies that are sprinkled with powdered sugar are also greased with butter - it gives them a pleasant aroma.
25. Pies brushed with egg white acquire a shiny golden brown crust during baking.
26. The more fat and less liquid in the dough, the more crumbly the products are.
27. If you add soda to the dough, the cake will turn out to be darker in color with an unpleasant odor.
28. Thin dough easy to roll out by wrapping the rolling pin in a clean linen rag
29. If the dough is too wet, place a piece of parchment paper on it and roll it straight through the paper.
30. Pies from shortcrust pastry should be removed from molds when cooled.
31. Before adding raisins to the dough, they need to be rolled in flour.
32. Salt is always added to flour only when the dough has already fermented
33. The more fat and less liquid in the dough, the more crumbly the products are.
34. If the dough has already risen and you don’t have time to put it in the oven, cover the dough with well-moistened paper, first shaking off the water.
35. The more fat and less liquid in the dough, the more crumbly the products turn out.
36. It’s better not to cut a hot pie. But if this is necessary, you need to heat the knife in hot water, quickly wipe and cut.
37. If the cake does not come off the baking sheet, separate it from the baking sheet with a thread.

Determining the freshness of eggs!

If you doubt the freshness of the eggs, pour about 10 cm of water into the container and lower them there. Fresh eggs will remain on the bottom. If only one end of the egg rises, then they need to be used first.

Useful tips in the kitchen.
♦ You can’t let the coffee boil: the taste and aroma will disappear.
If you still overlooked it, immediately remove the coffee pot from the heat and pour a few drops of cold water into it.
♦ Pour a tablespoon of vinegar into the water in which the rice is cooked - and the rice will become snow-white and crumbly.
♦ The most delicious dishes are those that use mixed minced meat: meat with raw potatoes, carrots, meat broth, canned corn, mustard.
♦ If you add a little milk to the sour cream, it will not curdle in the gravy.
♦ After chopping the cabbage for the filling, first pour boiling water over it and then pour cold water over it for a minute.
Squeeze thoroughly and fry in a frying pan.
Then the cabbage will not lose color or turn brown.
♦ A pinch of salt added to coffee before the end of brewing gives the drink a special taste and aroma.
♦ 2 lumps of sugar, previously dissolved in a small amount of vinegar, can replace white wine in the sauce.
♦ Uneviscerated poultry has a longer shelf life than gutted poultry.
♦ To make the rice white and crumbly, be sure to pour it into boiling salted water, adding a few drops lemon juice or citric acid dissolved in water.
Do not cover the container in which the rice is cooked.
♦ Sausages will taste better if you do not boil them, but cover them with mustard and fry them in sunflower oil over low heat
♦ To make it easier to remove the film from the liver, dip your fingers in salt.
♦ Boiled meat will be more tasty and juicy if it is not dipped in cold water, but in boiling water and at the same time cook in large pieces, not in pieces.
♦ To protect open tomato paste To prevent mold, apply a little dry mustard to the lid.
♦ To preserve taste, aroma and color fresh berries When cooking jelly, do not boil the juice squeezed from the berries.
Boil only the squeezed berries covered in water and add sugar and starch to the resulting syrup.
Pour the juice into the finished jelly when it is removed from the heat.
♦ Beets take a very long time to cook - 3-3.5 hours.
Or you can cook it for only an hour, then remove it from the heat and put it under running cold water for 10 minutes. The beets will be ready.
♦ Carrots can be preserved for several months if you spray them with an aqueous infusion of dry onion peels.
♦ To make pickled cucumbers crunchy, add amaranth leaves to the jars.
♦ The vinaigrette will become thin and pleasant taste, if you pour 1 tbsp into it. milk and add 1 tsp. Sahara.
♦ It is advisable to store all products in a dark place.
Straight lines are especially harmful Sun rays fats - they will quickly go rancid.
Due to the fat content, halva, mayonnaise, and chocolate are afraid of light.
When exposed to light, vitamins in milk and many foods are quickly destroyed.
♦ You can easily and simply replace mayonnaise with sour cream by adding the mashed yolk of a hard-boiled egg and a teaspoon of mustard.
♦ Soaking in vinegar, kvass, sour milk, cucumber, cabbage or beet brine - reliable way do tough meat soft.
♦ If you put a slice of carrot or lemon under the lid of a jar of mustard or on a cut of sausage, both products will retain their freshness for a long time.
♦ Lemons keep well in dry sand.
They must be laid so that they do not touch each other.

18 culinary secrets that housewives usually collect over the years.

1. To make the scrambled eggs fluffy, you can add two tablespoons of cold water to one glass of eggs and beat well.
2. Instead of yeast, you can add a little cognac to the dough. At the same time, the dough will become more aromatic and the baked goods will taste better.
3. The egg white will whip into a fluffy foam faster if you cool it first and add a few drops of lemon juice or a little citric acid. With the yolk they do the opposite - it loves heat and sugar.
4. To fry or bake meat with a golden crust, it must be coated with honey;
5. The onion will lose its bitterness and will be much tastier if, after cutting it, you put it in a colander and pour boiling water over it.
6. The liver will be soft if you sprinkle it with sugar before frying.
7. To prevent eggs from bursting during cooking, they must be washed in cold water beforehand.
8. To prevent the milk from burning during cooking, rinse the pan with cold water and cook over medium heat.
9. Vegetables are peeled or washed immediately before being put into the soup.
10. So that the carrot has good taste it should be cooked for 5-10 minutes. Carrots, like other vegetables, are boiled in good fire and salt at the end of cooking.
11. To make the rice crumbly, it must be soaked in cold water for 30 minutes before cooking.
12. To prevent the salt in the dish from becoming moist, add a few grains of rice to it.
13. To prevent the rice from overcooking, you can fry it a little, but keep in mind that in this case it will not increase in size much.
14. To prevent the milk from running away, you need to throw a piece of sugar in there and cover, stirring every 3-4 minutes.
15. To make the rice transparent, you need to immerse it in boiling water for 5 minutes.
16. To prevent rice or pasta from sticking together during cooking, you need to add a little sunflower or olive oil or rinse in a colander with cold water after cooking.
17. Wilted dill and parsley will become fresh again. if you put them in water slightly diluted with vinegar.
18. If you want to receive delicious vegetables When cooking, you need to put them in water after the water boils. If you want the broth to be tasty, you need to start cooking the vegetables in cold water.
How to best use spices and herbs.

Saffron and basil greens will add bright colors to the dish.

Cinnamon Before using, you need to dry it a little on the stove and then crush it with sugar.

Cardamom To use, you need to peel the white shell and then crush it with sugar.

Thyme Gives dishes a peppery-spicy taste with a hint of camphor. It should be consumed in small quantities with stewed and fried meat dishes, beans, peppers and eggplants. Excellent preservation when dried. It is added to various baked meat and fish dishes, as well as to marinades and even sweet crème brûlée: thyme gives it a special piquant taste

Savory garden is best added during cooking. Pairs well with bean, cabbage and potato dishes, as well as when canning cucumbers.

Basil. Basil leaves are added at the very last moment. Store in oil, vinegar or fresh frozen. Basil is included in almost all vegetable dishes both Mediterranean and any southern cuisine: It is impossible to imagine any sauce or salad without it. Basil is also served with all types of pasta, poultry dishes, eggs and some types of fish. It is often combined with onions, garlic and tarragon. Dishes containing a lot of basil are best seasoned with olive oil.

Garlic for seasoning, it must be used carefully, as it interrupts the characteristic taste and smell of the dish.
It is better to add finely chopped garlic to food 3-4 minutes before serving, when the heat is already off.

Horseradish can be passed through a meat grinder if it is finely chopped first.
Horseradish can be easily grated if left in cold water overnight.

Sorrel easily replaced with nettle or spinach with the addition of citric acid.

Store dried. Preference should be given to common parsley, since it has more strong aroma. Parsley is perhaps the most popular of garden herbs, as it goes well with almost all dishes: salads, meat, poultry, vegetables and... butter. Parsley can be rinsed not with cold water, but with warm water. This will make it even more flavorful.
Parsley, celery and dill are best cut rather than chopped; Chopped greens quickly release and lose aromatic substances.
Parsley, dill and mint stay fresh for several days in dry weather if they are placed in a tightly sealed dry container.
Wilted dill, celery and parsley will become fresh again if you put them in water with vinegar for an hour.

Melissa lemon is used in fresh for cooking vegetable salads, vegetable sauces and soups.

If what you have in front of you is not dry, but fresh, spicy vegetables and herbs, then before you start processing them, you need to wash them thoroughly. They are cut quickly and only on a porcelain board, which preserves their juice and aroma.
For vegetable sauces, vegetables are cooked first, and spices are added only at the end of cooking. In this order, the sauce will retain its taste and will be more aromatic.
Vinegar, tomato juice and puree, and citric acid added at the end of cooking as they slow down the cooking.
Pairs with fish dishes, fresh cucumbers and boiled asparagus. Seeds and herbs are usually dried for the winter, although the herbs can also be frozen, pickled or pickled in vinegar.
Store in the freezer in winter. It's fragile and graceful plant goes well with all herbs and vegetables. It gives a unique taste fermented milk products and an egg dish.
Laurel berries are inedible. The leaves are dried without allowing them to darken, otherwise they may lose their aroma. Laurel leaves freshen the air in the house and flavor dishes. Laurel is necessarily included in the spices used in the preparation of stews (no more than one or two leaves). When preparing soft-boiled eggs, try throwing one bay leaf into boiling water - and the eggs will suddenly become more flavorful.
Canned in vinegar or oil, or stored in the freezer. A sprig of tarragon placed inside the chicken gives a unique taste to the meat. Tarragon in vinegar or added to a bouquet herbs when pickling cucumbers, it significantly improves them taste qualities. But tarragon has such a strong odor that it can drown out the aroma of other herbs and spices.
Store dried or frozen. Mint gives an extraordinary fresh taste salads from cucumbers, tomatoes, fruits. The British consider mint an excellent seasoning for roast lamb. Crushed mint added to mayonnaise adds a special taste to shrimp and crayfish dishes.
Store dried. Wherever they add rosemary, which has a persistent fragrant aroma! It is good in any spicy mixture. If you cover the bottom of the pan with rosemary, you can cook small fish without adding fat. It will become much more fragrant. Rosemary also adds flavor to any fruit salad.
Useful little things for the housewife

Previously, when I baked an open-faced pie with fruit or berry filling, the juice would run away during baking and burn on the baking sheet. Now I have found a way out: I stick several pasta with a hole vertically into the filling. The boiling juice rises through these tubes, but does not pour out of the pie. Remove pasta from the finished pie.
Do you need the meat to be quickly fried and stewed, and also to be soft? What are we doing? Rub a piece of meat with soda and put it in the refrigerator for several hours. Before cooking, I soak the meat in running water, remove the remaining soda so that it is gone. Even an old oxen can be mistaken for veal in this way
I recommend washing fruits and vegetables in soda water– baking soda will reach places where water cannot.
You can get rid of the unpleasant acidity of berries and fruits by adding a pinch of soda per 1 kg.
To neutralize acid plaque and prevent tooth decay, it is not necessary to use chewing gum. Rinse your mouth after eating with 1 teaspoon of baking soda added to a glass of water.
Baking soda removes odors very well.
H toby in rice cerealn there are bugs , put some metal bottle caps in it.

Sometimes you consider some things to be the most ordinary , but it turns out that others don’t even suspect about them.

To begin with, here is an idea on how you can decorate muffins, cupcakes with chocolate frosting, or just chocolate ones.

Cover our delicacy with a piece of lace, pour powdered sugar into a strainer and shake it a little over it. Then carefully remove the lace and you get this pattern.

Whole Lemon It lasts for a very long time if you put it in a glass jar, fill it with cold water, press it down with something so that it is completely covered, and put it in the refrigerator. You just need to change the water more often.

Tested: it lasts for months without losing its taste, smell, or juiciness.

*** Many people know how difficult it is to coat a layer of cheese in a salad or casserole with mayonnaise, although there is one little trick - wet your hands with cold water and press the cheese a little. The slightly moistened cheese will now be easy to spread without disturbing the layer.

*** Everyone knows how difficult it is to beautifully and evenly arrange a layered portioned salad on a flat plate. You can do it quickly and easily. We take an ordinary clean plastic bottle, the diameter is your choice. We cut off the top and bottom and get a straight pipe. We put it on a plate, place the food, coat the layers with mayonnaise and with a light, slightly twisting movement, pull the pipe up. Salad ready!

*** Not culinary advice, but very relevant for every housewife. Surely each of us received burns while cooking. I advise you to always keep the most ordinary soap in the kitchen (it doesn’t matter whether it’s toilet or laundry soap, as long as it’s not liquid). And if, God forbid, you suddenly get burned, quickly lather the burn area. Do not wash it off for 20 minutes, you can lather it several times. Then rinse carefully with cool water. Usually only slight redness of the skin remains. But even if you are badly burned, there will still be no blister, and the burn will heal very quickly. Believe me, this method has saved me many times!

*** If you cook dishes with garlic and don’t want a mind-blowing smell coming from you the next day, you need to remove the green sprout from the garlic cloves, which is located in the middle of the clove. I assure you, no dog will smell garlic from you the next day.

Also, so as not to dry out, I peeled the garlic, removed all the cores and put it in a jar. When I cook, I take out the right amount of garlic.

*** If you leave the tails while peeling the onions (from the side of the feathers, not the roots), then it is convenient to cut the onion by holding these same tails. And then you can simply throw them away. This way the onion slips less when slicing.

Even when finely chopping onions, it is better not to cut the onion to the end, then it will not spread after it needs to be cut across.

*** To prevent the fish from slipping out of your hands when cleaning, sprinkle it with table salt.

*** Delicious baked milk can be obtained if the boiled milk is immediately poured into a clean, rinsed hot water thermos and leave in it for 6-7 hours.

Instead of an energy drink, go to the pharmacy.

1. Eleutherococcus tincture - 30 rubles at any pharmacy, enough for 4 sessions (on average). Take according to instructions.

2. Ginseng granules (the price is also about 30 rubles). 5 pieces in the mouth, if you need to be alert for three hours, 10 pieces are enough for 5 hours, from 15 to 20 - so that the brain starts up “after yesterday”.

3. Green tea + 1 slice of lemon + 1 teaspoon of honey. It invigorates well. Enough for 2 hours. At the same time he removes nervous tension. It helps very well before exams, important interviews, etc.

TO How to make baking powder for dough at home.

With leaving:

Baking soda - 4.8 g

Citric acid - 3.0g

Flour - 12.2g

These weight ratios are chosen so that the soda completely reacts with the acid and an unpleasant soapy taste does not appear in the baked goods. Of course, it’s difficult to measure everything down to the milligram at home, so I’ll allow myself to round the values ​​and use a measuring spoon instead of scales. You will get a little more soda, but this does not upset me, since my baking almost always contains products containing either lactic or fruit acids (kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, whey, buttermilk, honey, fruit and vegetable purees). These acids will react with the “extra soda”, and it will not be felt.


N pour 12 teaspoons of flour into a clean and completely dry jar. (I have a measuring spoon from a bread machine). Flour is added for ease of dosing the baking powder. Manufacturers sometimes use potato starch instead, thereby increasing the shelf life of the product. Let me emphasize once again that the jar must be dry, otherwise the subsequent components will react immediately without getting into the dough.

Measure out 5 teaspoons of baking soda.

Add 3 teaspoons of citric acid.

If you plan to use it for a long time, put a piece of sugar in the jar to eliminate moisture. It's better to sign the jar.

TO How to use baking powder:

R baking powder and baking soda are interchangeable

1 - 1.5 tsp baking powder = 0.5 tsp soda.

Typically, baking powder is mixed with flour. If flour is added several times, then the baking powder is mixed with the last portion.

In addition, there are recipes that suggest using ammonium carbonate (sodium salt of ammonium acid). It can be replaced with soda. By the way, this salt is also used to prepare baking powder industrially. Apparently it can be bought separately.

Methods for extinguishing soda.

First method (classic):

N and scoop up soda from the tip of a tablespoon. Add a couple of drops of acetic acid and a few milliliters of water. The reaction between a salt of a weak acid and a strong acid begins, sodium acetate, water and carbon dioxide(which loosens). As soon as gas evolution has stopped, add the contents of the spoon to the dough, quickly stir and bake or fry. You need to stir well, otherwise the product will rise unevenly. The question arises: why does the dough loosen if the reaction ends in the spoon? The fact is that this reaction is endothermic, that is, it occurs with the consumption of heat. At a certain point, the mixture cools and the reaction stops. During heat treatment, the reaction resumes and goes to the end, loosening our dough.

In the second way:

TO The salt is added to the liquid, soda is added to the last portion of flour. All this is mixed and into the oven. The reaction begins immediately in the test. The good thing about this method is that soda and vinegar can be mixed well with the baking ingredients in advance, and the product will rise evenly. Some indicate that less soda and acid are needed to achieve results. I wonder how much soda a person eats in a lifetime and is it worth saving on it?

Finally, I’ll still write this magic formula that lifts our baking and our mood (since I dug up the organics textbook with such difficulty).

NaHCO3 + CH3COOH = CH3COONа + H2O +CO2 - Q

Little tricks like baking and storing pancakes.

1) Liquid should be added hot to pancake batter to increase the stickiness of the flour.
2) To make the pancakes tasty and beautiful, let the sifted flour sit for a while, do not use it immediately.
3) Salt and sugar should be added exactly according to the recipe. Over-salted dough does not ferment well, and the pancake turns out pale. Excess sugar makes the dough hard.
4) If pancake flour is diluted in salted water, there will be no lumps in the dough.
5) The frying pan for frying pancakes should first be sprinkled with salt, then wiped with a napkin, only after that add oil and dough.
6) It is convenient to fry pancakes in 2 frying pans when the third one is on low heat. You need to put pancakes in it and grease with heated butter. It is advisable to turn the stack over from time to time, then by the time the last pancake is ready, the first one will not have time to cool down.
7) If the pancake breaks when turning over, you need to add flour and an egg to the dough.
8) Pancakes freeze perfectly, stacked and then placed in freezer bags and plastic film.
9) To warm up the pancakes, cover the stack with foil and place in a preheated oven at 140 degrees. to the upper level for 10-15 minutes.

... Very often it is not possible to eat all the baked pancakes at once. And the next day they are no longer so tasty and fresh. In order to give freshness to yesterday's pancakes, you need to sprinkle a little sugar on one side (the inside) of each pancake, roll it into four, place it on a lightly greased baking tray (mold) or covered with baking paper and leave for 4-5 minutes. into an oven preheated to high. Be careful not to burn. The result is delicious, crispy, caramel-like pancakes on your table! Even tastier than freshly baked.

Pancakes in a bottle (note to the hostess).

You can make pancake batter right in a plastic bottle! And it’s very convenient to pour into a frying pan + less dirty dishes!

Let's take any (preferably 1.5-liter) plastic bottle and a standard set for pancakes:

2 eggs,

10 heaped tablespoons of flour,

3 tablespoons sugar,

Half a teaspoon of salt

3 tablespoons vegetable oil

600 grams of milk

Or any of your favorite pancake recipes.

Insert a funnel into the bottle and add flour, sugar, salt, pour in eggs, vegetable oil and milk and screw on the lid.

And now dance by skipping and shaking the bottle. The bottle is very convenient for stirring the dough!

You can, of course, stir the dough in a cup and then pour it into the bottle through a funnel (but then you have to wash more dishes).

Drizzle oil into the frying pan. We pour the dough from the bottle. Pour the batter into the pan and bake pancakes.

Ready! And you don’t have to fry all the dough at once, put the bottle of dough in the refrigerator and prepare delicious hot pancakes for breakfast in the morning!

Little tricks for cooking fish.

1. Before processing the fish, place it in a bowl with water, if the fish sinks it is fresh, if not, then refuse cooking of this product.
2. To eliminate strong odor When frying fish, put one potato, peeled and cut into slices, in vegetable oil.
3. Fish broth is salted at the very beginning of cooking.
4. Before cutting, salted fish is poured with cold water so that it swells slightly - then it will be easier to clean.
5. To prevent the fish from falling apart when frying, it must be cut and salted 15 minutes before cooking.
6. Heavily salted fish is soaked in cold water for 4-6 hours. Change the water every 1-2 hours. It is not recommended to store soaked fish.
7. The insides of fish (not large ones) can be removed without cutting the belly. To do this, you need to make a deep cut near the gills, cut the spine and remove the head along with the entrails.
8. When frying fish, add a little salt to the hot oil, then the fish will get a crispy crust.
9. In order for the fish to be properly cleaned of scales, it must be immersed in boiling water, and then put in warm water with the addition of vinegar.
10. The skin of fish can be easily removed if you first spray it with vinegar.
11. If the herring is too salty, it needs to be soaked in tea or milk.
12. To ensure that the fish is well browned, you need to dry it with a towel before frying.
13. Scales are easier to remove if you start cleaning the fish from the dorsal fin to the belly and tail.
14. Sea fish It will be more tender if you sprinkle it with sugar 30-40 minutes before frying.
15. Small and cut into pieces fish are placed in boiling water so that it does not overcook.
16. When cooking, frozen fish can only be placed in cold water.
17. It is not recommended to boil lamprey, bream, eel and carp - the broth from them turns out to be bitter.
18. Large fish When cooking, place in cold water, and when it boils, add water as needed.
19. All fish dishes should not be cooked at high boils. At the beginning of boiling, you should reduce the heat and continue cooking at a low boil, which can be seen from the barely noticeable, but not stopping, movement of the liquid.
20. When cleaning slippery fish, you can dip your fingers in salt - this will make the work easier.
21. The easiest way to clean fish is with a regular grater under a gentle stream of cold water. Clean the fish in the direction from the tail to the head.
22. To determine the readiness of boiled fish, you need to stick a match into it. If the match easily enters the pulp, the dish is ready.
23. You need to fry fish in a small amount of fat; it is best to use a mixture of vegetable and butter; don’t put the pieces tightly together, otherwise it won’t work out delicious crust from all sides.
24. If there is boiled or Fried fish, you can store it in the cold for no longer than 1-2 days and be sure to boil the boiled fish in fish broth or water before serving, and fry the fried fish additionally - each piece on both sides.
25. Granular caviar will not dry out for a long time if you pour a thin layer on top of a jar of caviar vegetable oil and close tightly.
26. The key to a flavorful fish broth is the presence of several types of fish in it.


Is it possible to determine by appearance salted herring, what will it taste like? Can! Herring with a thick back will be especially good.

Usually, purchased herring is transferred from tin cans into glass containers, fill them with the existing brine and place them in the refrigerator. As a rule, this brine is not enough to cover all the fish, and the herring “rusts”. To avoid this trouble, prepare a special filling for the herring. Boil regular beer along with black peppercorns and bay leaves and cool. Now pour the beer into a jar of herring, pour a thin layer of vegetable oil on top and cover the jar with parchment. This method was known in ancient times.

Soaking herring not only removes excess salt. It makes the fish much tastier, more tender and softer. Therefore, even lightly salted herring needs to be soaked for about forty minutes, an hour. And there is no need to talk about salty and strongly salted. Soak it in water, milk or strong cold tea.

What is better to soak in, milk or strong tea? If the herring is caught with tender, loose flesh, tea is more suitable: the tannins contained in tea will give such pulp density. But milk, on the contrary, would make it flabby, too soft. But herring with a more dense consistency is for milk.


You need to take a teaspoon of egg white, pour it into a glass of wine, beat with a mixer and pour this cocktail back into the bottle. After a week, the egg white will bind the sediment, then the upper layers can simply be poured, and the lower layers can be filtered through two layers of gauze.

There is a simple one, but the right way. Take a piece of low-grade paper that absorbs moisture well. Drop some honey on it. If it spreads over the paper, forming wet spots, and even seeps through it, this is the “wrong” honey.

Sometimes honey is adulterated with starch, and this is easy to recognize. Put some honey in a glass and pour boiling water over it. After this, add a few drops of iodine. If the composition turns blue, it is fake honey.

And distinguishing honey from molasses is easy. Place a spoonful of honey on your tongue: good honey will melt, filling your mouth with aroma, and molasses will lie in a lump and taste like “Korovka” candy.


The egg is cracked. Pour a little vinegar into the water and the white will not leak out;

It is better to cut raw vegetables and fruits on a plastic board, because... it does not absorb juice;

If the curd is very sour, mix it with equal amount fresh milk and leave overnight. Then place this mass in canvas bag, tie it and place it on a plate, pressing it down with a press. When the milk drains, the curd will become tender and the excess acid will disappear.

parched walnuts can be refreshed. To do this, without breaking the shells, you need to put them in lightly salted water for several days. Since the shell of nuts is porous, water will certainly penetrate inside and, to a certain extent, restore the former qualities of the kernel;

Coffee beans that have been stored for a long time lose their aroma. It can be restored by placing the grains in cold water for an hour and a half. Immediately after this, you need to dry them in the oven;

Keep in boiling water for five minutes - the zest will lose its bitterness.

No need to scald. Put the nuts in enamel dishes, pour boiling water over it and leave under a tight lid for 15-20 minutes. Then drain the water. Now the nut can be easily split even with the tip of a knife.


In order to determine required amount vinegar to obtain the marinade or pour the required concentration, we use the following calculation:
V x C / K = L (l),

where: V – total amount of marinade or filling, (l);
C – required concentration of marinade or filling, (percentage);
K – concentration of vinegar, (percentage).
For example, how much 9 percent vinegar do you need to take to prepare 3 liters of 2 percent concentration?
L = 3 x 2 / 9 = 0.67 (l)
Therefore, it is necessary to take about 700 g (0.67 l) of vinegar and, diluting it with water, bring the volume to 3 l.

To prevent mealworms, Place a few unpeeled cloves of garlic in the grocery bag.
The flour needs to be sifted from time to time. It would be useful to put several tin lids without enamel in the flour.

Cereals and starch should be stored in jars with a ground-in lid (not plastic), putting several gauze bags with salt in them.


For all modern housewives kitchen - one of the most important rooms in the house where they spend a lot of time. For them it's real workplace, which needs to be equipped to suit your own needs.

How you want your kitchen to be cozy, comfortable and very functional! Turns out, comfort and maximum convenience can be done with your own hands, let's apply a little imagination and patience.

Little things for the kitchen

Unfortunately, most modern apartments, especially those built several decades ago, cannot boast of large spacious kitchens, so housewives have to resort to various tricks to save space.

Cabinets under the sink usually do not have several shelves, but All detergents and cleaning products may not fit. To save space and not install additional shelves, you can, for example, attach top part locker metal pipe.

IN in this case used old bathroom curtain bar And. You can easily hang cleaning products in spray bottles on the pipe.

Magnets Can be used to store knives or scissors. Convenience lies in the fact that the knives are easy to get at any time.

Rubber gloves and rags for dusting and cleaning can be equipped with hooks or loops and hung to dry in the cabinet under the sink on the inside of the door. The same can be done with brushes.

Often you may encounter the problem of how to store more aesthetically. plastic bags . Usually the bags are placed in one large bag and stored that way, but you can sew something like this from fabric long pouch. It will look original and not spoil the comfort.

Use for hanging towels ordinary wooden clothespins. To do this you need to glue them to the wall. This way of holding towels will look very original and will save you from buying hooks and drilling holes for them.

Storing spices in the kitchen

Important attributes of any kitchen are spices and various bulk substances, like sugar, salt, cereals, which are always important for cooking. Not only do you need to store them correctly, but you also need to place them in such a way that they are always easy to take out and put back in place. Here are some tips on how to what is the best way to store spices.

Spices placed in identical jars or bottles, then they don’t have to be hidden somewhere in closets. You can install shelves at the edge of the table.

Another option: display jars of spices directly above the work surface on special adapted shelves. Then the spices will always be at hand.

If you can find a set of spice bottles that... have special lids in order to hang them on the crossbar, then the spices can be placed next to other kitchen accessories:

Spices in jars on a magnet. If you have the opportunity to find similar jars that are equipped with magnets, then using steel sheet they can be stored attached to the kitchen cabinet door.

However, you can buy ordinary plastic jars and glue flat ones to their bottom magnetic plates.

In order to do magnetic jars With your own hands, you will need a magnetic sheet, jars (preferably plastic) with tight lids, scissors, a pencil, glue and plain paper.

1) Using a pencil, trace the bottom of the jar on a piece of magnetic paper.

2) Cut out as many circles along the contour as you have available jars.

3) Glue the magnets to the bottom of the jars and let them dry thoroughly.

4) Cut strips of paper from paper for inscriptions.

5) Glue strips of paper onto the lid.

6) Label the names of the spices that you will store in jars.

7) In order to keep the magnetic jars vertical, you should also have magnetic board.

Original idea of ​​use magnetic caps, which are attached to the side of the refrigerator. Instead of regular magnets, you can keep spice jar magnets on the surface of your refrigerator.

Another option for storing spices is two-story round coasters . They will save a lot of space in cabinets:

By the way, spice storage shelves You can make it yourself using plywood and nails.

Spices can be stored in special drawers which are made to order for maximum savings places:

The original way storage of spices - in jars, the lids of which screwed from the bottom of the shelf. When getting spices, you will have to unscrew the jars from the nailed lids.

Storing vegetables in the kitchen

Some types of vegetables do not need to be stored in the refrigerator or on the balcony. Moreover, in winter period It can be very cold, so vegetables are often moved into a warm place to keep them from freezing. It is most convenient to store vegetables in the kitchen in special drawers.

If space allows, you can place vegetables in baskets and baskets in drawers. The baskets can be removed at any time.

It should be remembered that Not all vegetables store well in warm conditions, so don't do too much large cabinets and store large quantities of vegetables. It is better to leave several kilograms of potatoes or onions for storage, and buy new ones as the reserves are depleted. Vegetables can also be placed in wooden boxes or baskets with lids.

Interesting idea for storing vegetables bags on strings hanging on the wall. The only problem is that you will have to wash the bags often, especially if you store potatoes, beets and other root vegetables in them. Bags can be sewn from linen or cotton fabric, which in color harmonizes with the design of the kitchen.

They will look original baskets, hung directly on the walls, where you can place vegetables or fruits. These baskets will act as functional design details.

Storing dishes in the kitchen

There is usually a lot in the kitchen bulk dishes, without which cooking is impossible. In addition to plates and cups, here you will need to store pots, pans, cauldrons and much more. To save a little space and fit everything in, you can use the following tips:

One of the most convenient ways storage metal utensils, or rather flatter frying pans, ladles, and so on - this means hanging them on the wall. Along the perimeter of the kitchen you can attach pipe with hooks, on which pans and other utensils are hung.

If you have enough space in your kitchen and high ceilings, you can hang the dishes directly above the table, attaching them to the ceiling special design for this. The only disadvantage of this solution is that the pots will hang over your head all the time.

If the “everything in plain sight” design doesn’t suit you, then the dishes will have to be hidden in special lockers designed for it, which are part of the furniture.

Or like this:

This option is suitable for those who have enough space in the kitchen:

DIY kitchen crafts

To make your kitchen more comfortable, you can decorate it various handmade crafts, which will always please the eye, and will also act as your faithful assistants. Here are some interesting DIY kitchen accessories ideas.

Clothespins, decorated with inscriptions and bows, can be glued to the wall to hold towels or oven mitts.

Kitchen apron from old jeans and scraps of cotton fabric. Why throw away old things? Everything will come in handy on the farm!

Knitted hats for a teapot(can be made from an old hat). Such a hat will allow you to retain heat well, and the tea in the kettle will brew faster.

Original oven mitts for hot pots. They can be made in any shape and any color. The most beautiful ones will decorate the kitchen.

Multicolored knitted cup coaster.

DIY kitchen mitts

Some fabric accessories that are useful in every kitchen can be easily made for yourself, or given to loved ones as a gift. A very necessary thing in the kitchen is potholder for hot dishes . We offer you several options for making this accessory.

Option 1 (mitten):

For work we will need:

- Multi-colored fabric scraps: 2 scraps for the outside, 2 scraps for the inside, 2 scraps for the lining soft material. All these trimmings must be at least 35 by 20 centimeters in size.

Strip of fabric for finishing the bottom of the glove: 8 by 45 centimeters


Iron and ironing board

Needle and thread

Sewing machine

- Scissors

Let's get started:

1) Prepare rectangular patterns and fold them one on top of the other in the required order: inner pattern, lining, outer pattern. Don't forget that after you sew the edges, the mitten will be inside out. This is only the first half of the mitten, so you should make the same blank for the second half. Iron them.

2) Pin all layers together with a few pins in the center. Sew these layers on the machine in both directions, to make squares. Do the same with the second side.

3) Use ready-made template or your own palm to cut out the mitten. Don't forget to leave room for stitching.

4) Make the second half of the mitten, attaching the first finished half to the pattern.

5) Sew both halves, stitching along the edge, turn right side out and iron them.

6) Prepare a strip of fabric to trim the edge. Fold it 4 times as shown in the photo.

7) Secure the strip to the edge of the mitten using pins.

8) Sew the strip to the edge of the mitten using sewing machine. The pot mitten is ready. If desired, you can sew a loop onto it so that it can be hung on a hook.

Option 2 (square):

For work we will need:

- Scraps of multi-colored fabric of one or two types (if you want different material on both sides). Patterns for the front and back side potholders should be 20 by 25 centimeters. 2 pieces of lining of the same size.

Strip of fabric for loop: 8 by 15 centimeters


Iron and ironing board

Needle and thread

Sewing machine

- Scissors

Let's get started:

1) Do it again sandwich made from fabric scraps, while placing the soft lining up. Make two of these

2) Prepare a strip for the loop.

3) Sew two tack pieces on three sides lining up so that you can turn it out later.

4) Sew the strip for the loop on the inside together with another layer of material, then turn it over to the other side and iron it.

5 and 6) Turn the potholder out outside, iron it, insert a loop and sew the fourth side on a typewriter.

7) You can make several of these potholders in different colors.

DIY cutlery pockets

Cutlery does not have to be stored in drawers or in special stands. They can be placed in original homemade pockets, which will also act as design details.

For work we will need:

- Scraps of multi-colored fabric of one or more types. (Dimensions depend on the size of the boards)

Thin wooden planks

Braid for decoration

Stapler for wood

Sewing machine

- Scissors

Let's get started:

1) Cut out the pattern from the fabric, leaving a little on the edge for mounting on a board. Process one of the edges, which will be on top, using a machine.

2) Attach the fabric to the board using a stapler on three sides, folding the edges.

3) From above, go over the edges with a stapler again.

4) To hide the staples, stick a strip of matching color ribbon. If you make three of these accessories, they can hold forks, spoons and knives separately.

DIY pillows for stools

Small chairs and stools in the kitchen take on a completely different look if you make them soft seats and pillows. Sitting on such chairs will be much more comfortable. One easy way to make a seat is to use soft cloth felt.

How can you tell if eggs are fresh, return bubbles to champagne, or prevent bananas from turning black? All this knowledge and skills come with experience, and you need to spend more than one year studying kitchen to understand all the secrets of this skill.

"So simple!" I made a selection of tricks especially for you that will save your energy, money and patience. Use them for your health!

Culinary tricks

  1. How long to store cheese.
    In case you didn't know, cheese can be frozen. To keep it for a long time, put it in a vacuum bag and put it in the freezer. The day before you need the cheese, place it in the refrigerator. This trick works great with soft cheeses.
  2. Replace cream with yogurt.
    Use yogurt instead of cream in dishes that don't need to be cooked, because the yogurt may harden during cooking. If you are going to bake the dish, use whole milk or mix it with yogurt in a 50/50 ratio.
  3. To keep vegetables fresh for a long time.
    There is one little trick - put paper towels at the bottom of the vegetable drawer. They will absorb excess moisture, and the vegetables will stay fresh longer.
  4. How to return bubbles to champagne.
    If the sparkling wine is exhausted, do not rush to throw it away. Just add a few twists to it.
  5. Stop transferring lemons.
    If you only need a few drops of lemon juice, don't cut the whole lemon - it will spoil faster. Just pierce the fruit with a skewer and squeeze out a few drops.
  6. How to keep greens fresh.
    Pack bunches of greenery into vacuum bags and put them in freezer. You can also use glass jars as packaging, but in this case the greens must be chopped. They can be stored this way for about a month.
  7. Rid mushrooms of mucus.
    Simply wrap the mushrooms in paper towels before placing them in the refrigerator.
  8. To prevent bananas from browning.
    Keep them in a bunch until you are ready to eat them because individually they go bad much faster.
  9. How to determine the freshness of eggs.
    To do this, they need to be placed in a glass of water. Fresh eggs sink, but old ones float.
  10. How to Refresh Stale Muffins.
    Sprinkle them with water, put them in a paper bag and put them in the oven for a couple of minutes. The steam will quickly restore freshness to the muffins.
  11. To prevent hard cheese from drying out.
    Lubricate the cut with butter or margarine, so you can keep the moisture inside.
  12. To keep vegetables crispy.
    If the radishes, celery and carrots are no longer crunchy, place them in ice water along with a piece of raw potato.
  13. To prevent the cookies from hardening.
    It is better to store different types of cookies separately so that they do not transfer moisture to each other and lose their quality.
  14. So that the salt remains crumbly.
    Add some rice to the salt shaker. This will prevent the salt from hardening as it will remove excess moisture.
  15. How to purify honey.
    Honey is the only product that does not spoil. If it gets a little sugary or cloudy, heat it in the microwave for 30 seconds at low power.
  16. To preserve the aroma of the oil.
    Don't be afraid to stock up on butter for several months ahead, as you can store it in the refrigerator for about six months. But in order for it to retain its aroma, it must be placed in an airtight container.
  17. To prevent bacteria from appearing in dairy products.
    To do this, you need to store cottage cheese and sour cream in vacuum containers, this will prevent mold from appearing on the products.
  18. To remove insects.
    Place in a container with flour, pasta or rice Bay leaf. This way bugs will definitely not appear there.

Useful tips

Thanks to these useful tips and tricks you can cook your favorite dishes much faster.

You can learn these and other cooking secrets here.

1. A piece of butter placed on the cut side of the onion will help keep it fresh in the refrigerator for several days.

2. To prevent the avocado from browning, place it in a container along with a quarter of the onion.

3. If you place the hard coconut in a heated oven for 10-15 minutes, it will be easier to open it.

Drill a hole in the shell and pour out the liquid, then place in the oven for 10-15 minutes at 200°C. The shell will crack and this will help release the pulp.

4. If you wrap bananas correctly, they will retain their freshness for a longer period.

Wrap the stems of a bunch of bananas cling film, and they will stay fresh 3-4 days longer than usual.

5. Make two holes in a disposable bowl to make a lid for the mixer.

This will help avoid mess when you make, for example, a pie.

Potatoes or eggplant will absorb excess salt if you leave them for 10 minutes.

7. Place spinach or lettuce in a container lined with paper towels to remove excess moisture.

This way the greens will last twice as long as usual and will not become covered in mucus.

8. If you bought stemmed lettuce, submerge it in a container of water and cover with a plastic bag.

Water will prevent the lettuce leaves from drying out and spoiling.

9. If you don't have chocolate chips, make some using a chocolate bar and a vegetable peeler.

10. Place chicken breast in a mixer. If you install low speed, That you can quickly grind it, while your hands remain clean.

11. If a cereal box has been left open and the cereal has become stale, place it in a hot oven for a few minutes to crisp it up again.

Spread the cereal on baking paper at 190°C for 5-10 minutes.

12. Place an egg in a glass or bowl of water to see if it is fresh.

If the egg sinks and remains on its side, it is fresh. If it sinks but remains in vertical position, it’s old, but it can still be used (for baking, for example). If it floats, throw it away.

13. To prevent mushrooms from losing their taste and aroma, clean them with a damp paper towel or soft brush.

Do not wash mushrooms under running water. Since mushrooms are porous, they can quickly lose their texture and flavor.

14. Use a little vinegar to remove greasy spots on pots and pans.

Pour some vinegar and water into a saucepan and wait until the mixture boils. Turn off the heat and leave the mixture to cool, then wash the pan with a sponge and detergent. You will see how easily the fat comes off.

15. How to quickly melt cheese?

Place a piece of cheese on top of the cooked meat and add a little water to the pan. Cover with a lid and the steam will melt the cheese in a few seconds.

16. Use a jar of Nutella or nut butter as a breakfast utensil.

Place some leftover nut butter or jam in a jar oatmeal, add milk, stir and breakfast is ready!

17. Spray on cutting board or a knife juice the lime before chopping the onion.

Thanks to the reaction between the onion and the lime, you will be able to chop onions without crying.

18. Cut the watermelon into strips and use chopsticks to make it easier to eat.

19. Use two plates to quickly chop the cherry tomatoes.

Small kitchen big problems, many will agree with this statement. Despite the comfort and general practicality, the kitchen small size still causes more discomfort than benefit: you constantly bump into something, trip over someone, pots and plates have to huddle in a tiny cabinet with a menacing creaking sound, and it’s not even worth talking about order while cooking... However, in fact, your small (but proud) kitchen is fraught with many unrealized opportunities, and today we will tell you how you can unlock its potential!

1. Variety of shelves

Shelves - this is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about how to place more of everything in a small kitchen. You shouldn’t limit yourself to the shelves in your cabinets; you probably have many items that you wouldn’t be ashamed to put on display, for example, beautiful jars of tea, boxes of cookies, and so on. By the way, it is not at all necessary to store exactly what is written on them.

It would also be a good idea to install multifunctional shelves that can be thoroughly filled with dishes and other utensils using hooks and other additional hanging elements. Of course, you should take into account the fragility of the items: if you decide to place shelves up to the ceiling, place items that you do not use very often at the top. Be sure to make sure not to block the operation of the hood.

2. Roller blinds

Roller shutters are a great idea not only for storing dishes, but also for creating additional shelves. It is most convenient to place them directly above the sink or hob: this way all the necessary items will be at hand and will not take up work surface.

Roller shutters can also be used on the side surface kitchen furniture, for example, for storing pans or lids. This will significantly free up space inside your cabinets.

3. Magnetic tape

A great idea for storing knives and small jars! Magnetic tape can be located in any corner of your kitchen, even the most inconvenient at first glance.

You will no longer lose a single jar you need. – you just need to equip the bottom of each of them with a magnet and they will be securely fastened. You can store medicines or even boxes of lollipops in the same way.

4. Perforated panel

A good solution for a very small kitchen, which nevertheless has a lot various items. The perforated panel is suitable for storing almost anything: thanks to the small holes, it is easy to secure objects on it using hooks.

The panel can be located on the wall next to the sink, in place kitchen apron or just on any free wall. Depending on the size, it can even become an impromptu cabinet for storing dishes.

5. Window sill

Window sill in a small kitchen – an unusually functional item, so don’t rush to force it flower pots or store unnecessary things there. First of all, it can be turned into a countertop and a sink can be placed in it, especially if the window sill is wide enough.

A wide protruding window sill can also replace a full one dinner table if you have a small family, for example, and there is a dining room for a large dinner. This option can also become a workplace; we wrote more about creating a workplace in an apartment

6. Corner sofa

A sofa in the kitchen is always a very cozy solution, because it’s so nice to sip tea with buns, sitting with all the amenities. It can also become an excellent storage unit in a small kitchen: inside the corner you will hide not only preparations for the winter, but also place dishes there, as well as all the necessary kitchen items.

Give preference to models with reclining seats: it is much more convenient and practical than trying to pull out the drawers every time.

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