This year Russians will buy more kitchen furniture, soft sofas classic design in the middle price segment, and in the summer - children's furniture, representatives of the domestic furniture industry expect. True, they are not yet sure of the stability of demand.

"The number of design bureaus, companies and individual entrepreneurs who develop design projects and manufacture furniture taking into account the customer’s consumer preferences,” says Svetlana Krzhizhanovskaya, vice-president of the Association of Furniture and Woodworking Industry Enterprises. This is especially evident at furniture exhibitions.

Russians will buy furniture taking into account their financial capabilities. “Today there are only two segments - cheap and expensive,” says a representative of one of the furniture factories near Moscow. Those who have money will not skimp on furniture. But for many, updating the furnishings is associated with serious expenses. “What can I say if people even take chests of drawers for six thousand on credit,” he wonders.

In the high price segment, there is a growing demand for individually made furniture to order for country houses, cottages and dachas, notes Krzhizhanovskaya.

In the segment inexpensive furniture Manufacturers are pinning their hopes on several fronts. Kitchens from the Economy Plus segment are selling well and will be in demand, the Nizhny Novgorod furniture factory said. Manufacturers also expect stable sales upholstered furniture. Furniture in the middle price segment of classic design is popular. But the demand for the so-called “modern”, that is, minimalist design with geometric shapes, is changeable.

Regular updating of collections stimulates sales. True, Turkish textile manufacturers are helping to diversify the offer for Russian furniture makers. "A significant segment of upholstered furniture comes in Turkish fabrics. This is now one of our leading collections. Good quality, original design and a competitive price,” they say at the furniture factory.

Another growing segment could be children's furniture. Until recently, this segment was practically absent, says Svetlana Krzhizhanovskaya. "With the implementation of the state program for the construction, repair and re-equipment of schools to eliminate the second shift, domestic enterprises have mastered the production school furniture", notes the expert.

Factories expect demand to increase by summer. Sales of children's furniture are always seasonal

Factories expect demand to increase by summer. Sales of children's furniture are always seasonal. But this year, enterprises expect that the stabilization of the situation in the economy as a whole will boost sales. True, so far the demand is slightly worse than last year. “If a few years ago sales peaked in December and January, now this is not the case,” they say at a furniture factory in the city of Sysert, Sverdlovsk region.

Domestic manufacturers do not have high hopes for other furniture segments to maintain stable sales. Experts Perspectives furniture market are also assessed cautiously. It is difficult to talk about the growth in demand for furniture in Russia, the association notes. It is well known that furniture is purchased solely against the backdrop of growing well-being of the population, but so far there has been no noticeable increase in income. “The number of large purchases that failed several years ago - cars, apartments, renovations - has not yet recovered. Therefore, we cannot say today whether furniture consumption will increase. There is some level of replacement old furniture for a new one, but we shouldn’t expect a big increase in furniture sales yet,” agrees Alexander Bazilevich, communications director of the Romir holding.

On the other hand, official data speaks of an emerging rise in the Russian furniture industry. According to Rosstat, over the past year, compared to 2016, the country produced kitchen tables more by 21.5 percent, kitchen cabinets for the bedroom, dining room and living room - by 22 percent, and other kitchen furniture - by 32 percent. Sofas, sofas, couches with wooden frame released 4.6 percent more.

Demand is also growing. Is it true, Russian enterprises crossing the road foreign companies. From January to November last year (there is no data for the whole year yet), $1.5 billion worth of furniture was imported into Russia. During the same period in 2016, imports amounted to only $1.2 billion. That is, over the year, foreign supplies of furniture increased by 25 percent.

In order to successfully compete with foreign manufacturers, domestic factories must work on the quality, design and promotion of their products. Russian industry is ready to offer a diverse range of furniture of all price groups. But due to the established historical preferences of the buyer, who is confident that imported goods are better, foreign furniture predominates in the high price segment, explains Krzhizhanovskaya. “As a rule, it is no longer such. Individual parts and elements are imported, but the body, assembly, finishing, finishing are carried out in Russia,” the expert points out.

Comfort is an integral part of any furniture that surrounds us everywhere. Only some Japanese can sleep on the floor and dine at a miniature table, sitting in the lotus position. We want comfort and beauty around us.

The furniture market is constantly in motion, offering something new every season. Models, colors, finishes, textures change, but demand does not.

What furniture will be ordered in 2016?

Analysts say that there are clear preferences in the furniture market that can be traced from year to year and are constantly changing. 2016 certainly has its record holder for the number of orders.

The kitchen set will become the market leader

During the survey, about 32% of respondents said that they planned to change their kitchen furniture this year. The majority of respondents focused on furniture modern design with the possibility of installing built-in appliances, which allows you to use the space with greater comfort.

Second place will be headed by sliding wardrobes

About 21% of respondents plan to acquire convenient place for storing clothes, shoes and other things. Most potential buyers plan to install a wardrobe in the bedroom and nursery. Moreover, 76% of respondents already have such a closet in the hallway.

Considering that cabinet furniture can occupy up to 60% of the area, a wardrobe saves 2.5 times more space. The design of the wardrobe has many advantages, full list which not everyone is familiar with. But, above all, it is convenience and reliability. A sliding wardrobe can hide communications, beams and columns. Its functionality allows you to use many convenient niches.

Upholstered furniture will be third on the list

13% of respondents want to acquire upholstered furniture. They plan to install it in the living room and bedroom. Preference will be given to functional upholstered furniture and transformable models that save space.

As for the rest of the furniture, another 10% plan to purchase new table(85% are men). 8% of respondents want to replace the furniture in the children's room and 100% of them are women. The surprise was the relatively low demand for furniture for the living room and hallway compared to 2015. Last year she was one of the record holders for the number of orders.

Based on the data obtained, kitchen furniture will be the most in demand, which was to be expected based on the results of 2015. At the same time, the wardrobe is in no hurry to give up its position.

What are the results of 2015?

First place, undoubtedly, went to the wardrobe. For the bedroom, most buyers preferred mirror surfaces and photo printing (about 60%), and for the living room - doors to match the color of the furniture.

Custom kitchens came second. The kitchen set was ordered quite often, giving preference to simple, laconic forms with classic elements. The difference between straight and corner options not significant. The color scheme is not intrusive and calm: blue, gray, beige, brown shades.

Hallway furniture completed the top three. The hallway was ordered not much less often than the kitchen. The main element for this room was the wardrobe, which in 100% of cases was decorated with lighting. Mirrored doors were the leaders.

For the living room they often ordered “slides” - a type of furniture that, when small sizes places a maximum of elements on its area and does not clutter up the space. For the living room they preferred frosted doors or sandblasting.

Children's furniture was ordered least often. We can conclude that they saved money in most cases.

According to statistics, demand on the Russian furniture market is growing every year. This is due to the fact that the average person has begun to pay more attention to the interior of their homes, and the quality of furniture from our manufacturers is becoming better. This is a definite plus, since the consumer has begun to pay attention to quality more attention, giving more and more preference to natural materials.

Why buy new furniture?

When wondering when the demand for purchasing furniture arises, we can identify completely obvious reasons:

  • Moving to a new apartment
  • Replacing old unusable furniture
  • Starting a family
  • Furnishing of new office and other work spaces
  • The arrival of a new family member

At the same time, the leading position is occupied by the need to replace old furniture, which amounts to 39%.

What furniture do you buy most often?

Offers on the furniture market are gaining rapid momentum. As you know, demand increases supply. This means that furniture is a sought-after product today. So what kind of furniture is in most demand?

The leading and competing positions are occupied by cabinet and upholstered furniture. Cabinet still leads, occupying 31.1% of total furniture sales. Upholstered furniture is also in demand and accounts for 23.3%. The third position is occupied by kitchen furniture – 16.1%. Next, with a slight lag, comes bedroom furniture – 14.2%. Well, the last positions are occupied by children's furniture (2.8%), built-in furniture (2.5%) and bathroom furniture (1.8%).

Quite logical and adequate statistics, taking into account the needs of a person in a home environment.

How do you buy furniture?

For convenience, the buyer is offered different ways purchasing furniture. Whether it's a purchase finished product, buying custom furniture or purchasing.

Now we will not touch upon the topic of numerous or visual convenience of the finished product. Let us again consider the statistics of domestic consumers.

So, today 84.3% buy furniture in specialized stores. 12.6% of purchases occur through newspaper advertisements and 3.1% order through online stores.

These statistics give a very general result. However, if you specify each piece of furniture, then much of it is made to order. So, if buying a bed is quite satisfactory in ready-made version, then do the more preferable option. Since the kitchen has purely individual needs, which ready-made furniture most often it simply does not satisfy. It is often the wrong size and has the wrong filling. In case of order, they prepare detailed designs through, thanks to which all the nuances will be taken into account, as well as kitchen area, and the headset as a whole.

The same can be said about built-in ones, which initially imply custom manufacturing, since it is unprofitable to produce them ready-made, given different layouts and the area of ​​each dwelling.

Import and domestic furniture?

IN Lately they buy furniture from Russian manufacturers, which is 57%. This is because the quality is increasing and the choice is huge. Domestic furniture factories are ready to compete foreign manufacturers, and product prices are adapted to suit different budgets.

If we talk about accessories, then high-quality ones come from outside Russia, domestic producers There is not much for the production of good accessories. If we divide import manufacturers into three price segments, then the leading positions are occupied by Spain, Germany, and Italy. To the middle price category includes fittings from Poland and Turkey and the lowest - China and Taiwan.

Knowing the statistics of the furniture market will certainly not be superfluous, but the decision to purchase is made by everyone independently. After all, if you need a cabinet for your bathroom, you won’t go buy a sofa just because it occupies a leading position. Or you have a desire in a unique way, you will not run for the standard modular wall only because the majority does so. Start from your desires and needs and fill up one or another segment of the statistics.

The issue of customer demand for furniture is of interest to all manufacturers; this helps to correctly form their product group and increase income. What furniture is in great demand?

Manufacturers and sellers conduct consumer market research and order such research from the relevant companies. Is it possible to determine exactly what customers prefer? This is difficult to do, the market is fluid, consumer tastes and capabilities are changing. Furniture is not an essential item; many people refuse to buy it until better times, look for cheap options, make it themselves, and look for other solutions.

Having studied the forums where the question is asked - what kind of furniture do you prefer, you can come to the conclusion that people’s capabilities and desires do not coincide. For example, to the question: what kind of furniture will you buy: cheap or expensive, many answer that they prefer to collect the required amount and buy high-quality expensive furniture, others note that they simply cannot afford it
Statistical studies show that buyers are most interested in cabinet, upholstered, children's and kitchen furniture; this is what they buy most often. They buy and therefore produce less furniture for the living room. If we consider these indicators as a percentage, then the share of cabinet and upholstered furniture accounts for about 60 percent, but about 30 percent of consumers are interested in bedroom sets and kitchen furniture. The demand for children's furniture and bathroom furniture is increasing.

What kind of furniture was produced the most last year? IN different regions these figures differ significantly.
However, furniture production decreased last year in almost all regions. The situation remains relatively stable in the Moscow, Kostroma regions and Krasnodar region. Here, furniture production in monetary terms showed positive dynamics. The anti-leaders in this list were such regions as Voronezh, Vladimir, Novgorod, Kirov and Rostov region- there was a significant reduction in production volumes.

What kind of furniture is bought domestic or foreign? Previously, the share of imported furniture on the market was about half, but now the situation has changed somewhat and buyers are looking for domestic furniture of acceptable quality. But those who value quality, and price does not matter to them, remain adherents of imported furniture.
Consumers have become more careful when choosing furniture; they especially pay attention to the quality of the fittings, because their service life and comfort depend on this.

Selection of accessories
When purchasing ready-made furniture products the buyer cannot choose accessories, he is forced to trust the manufacturer, and at most he can test it for reliability experimentally. There are quite a lot of hardware manufacturers on the market - these are domestic and foreign companies. The main requirement for fittings is reliability. At the same time, such demands are made by both consumers and furniture factories. After all, the low quality of the fittings used can cause great harm to the business reputation of any company. So, the products of such companies have proven themselves well:

  • Hettich is a German company that produces a wide range of accessories for furniture. Is a frequent participant in various furniture exhibitions, there are many interesting developments that make furniture functional and comfortable.
  • Blum is a famous Austrian manufacturer. On the market for quite a long time, the pride of the company is modern lifting and retractable systems. Blum's new developments often receive various awards in competitions furniture fittings. Innovative developments and the release of products that are needed on the market right now have allowed the company to achieve great success and win the trust of many consumers.
  • AMIG is a company from Italy that produces accessories for professionals and those who value quality. Why is she popular? Professionals appreciated the opportunity not to change the entire mechanism; it is enough to change individual spare parts when they break down.
  • GTV - a Polish manufacturer offers a wide range of good quality front and functional fittings at an affordable price.
  • Boyard - Russian company, is popular among buyers and furniture manufacturers. Success is due affordable price, good quality. In addition, Boyard does not stop there; he constantly offers new models of fittings, for which he uses innovative developments.
  • Valmax - Russian manufacturer facial fittings, supplies the market with high-quality, interesting products.

Where do you buy furniture?
Producing quality furniture is not the key to success. A well-thought-out marketing policy, the ability to correctly present your product and interest potential buyer- the most important component of demand formation.
Furniture is the product that is chosen after a visual inspection. But, at the same time, most buyers’ initial acquaintance with necessary furniture They start by studying Internet offers. Therefore, the presence of a high-quality website where prices for products, assortment, and promotional offers will be indicated is prerequisite successful sales. Additional success is guaranteed by the presence of representative offices of the furniture manufacturer in major cities. By the way, they often look for promotional offers, discounts on furniture, that is, many people have a desire to save money.
Online sales without the opportunity to see the furniture cause distrust among most buyers. Experience shows that buyers are more interested in the cost of a particular model in order to find the most inexpensive option. The order is made when you have already definitely decided on the model and found the best offer in the online store.

According to information:

Furniture is part of the interior and integral element human life. House, kindergarten, school, institute, office, there is none functional room, wherever furniture is present. All people are individual and have different preferences, but the concept of value for money interests everyone.

It used to be a common belief that cheap furniture cannot be of high quality. This was caused by the presence of those that appeared in the "nineties" huge amount underground furniture factories that made their goods from low-quality raw wood. Cheap furniture , purchased from such unfortunate manufacturers, became moldy, shriveled and lost its presentation a few months after purchase. And about functionality drawers and other similar elements could simply be forgotten.

But thanks to great competition, unscrupulous manufacturers have outlived their usefulness. IN modern world Furniture manufacturers are trying their best to prove that quality comes first. And they succeed.

Cheap furniture these days - this is an indicator of the viability of the manufacturing company. This means that the manufacturer purchases material for production in large quantities at a low wholesale cost, and can afford to set the price of furniture lower than that of other manufacturers.

Furniture stores in Kazan follow the laws of quality and offer a wide range of goods according to inexpensive price, which can be divided into groups:

  • kitchen furniture;
  • cabinet furniture;
  • children's furniture;
  • wardrobes and wardrobes;
  • office furniture;
  • retail store equipment;
  • Built in furniture.

To get acquainted with and buy furniture in Kazan, there is no need to visit all the stores big city, suffering in traffic jams and wasting precious time. On the pages of the website of the Furniture Factory "Uyut Furniture" you will quickly find the model you are interested in.

In the era of large production and a huge assortment of furniture, the question spontaneously arises: “What does the buyer want?”

What furniture is in demand?

Based on sociological survey data, conclusions can be drawn about the preferences of Russian furniture buyers.

In the last few years a large number of people buy products manufactured in Russia. This is caused not only by the patriotic mood of buyers, but also by the improved quality of manufactured products. Now the buyer does not divide furniture into “domestic” and “imported”. Over the past four years, the demand for “our” furniture has grown to 70%.

The most popular - wooden furniture. It is natural, beautiful, and can be made to suit any room design. Due to the use of fiberboard, laminated chipboard, chipboard, and MDF in production, this furniture is available to customers with different financial capabilities. Whether it's a wardrobe in the hallway or loft bed for children's room, it will not be difficult for the buyer to choose the required color, size and interior style.

According to statistics, furniture is most often updated in children's rooms - once every 2-3 years. They prefer to change the cabinet after 5 years. Furniture in the bedroom, bathroom and kitchen is replaced after 5-7 years. Built-in furniture is changed less frequently. For example, a wardrobe installed in the hallway can remain in its place for many years.

More often, the motivating factor for changing furniture is a limitation of functionality, for example, children's furniture. The child is growing quickly and what happened yesterday ideal solution, today cannot cope with the required task.

Another common motive for buying new furniture is a complete change of interior. For example, the owner of the premises wants to change classic style for something modern and exclusive.

Based on the results obtained through statistical surveys, it is possible to determine the most purchased types of furniture:

  • Cabinet furniture. It is preferred by 31% of buyers;
  • Upholstered furniture - 23%;
  • Kitchen furniture - 16%;
  • Bedroom furniture - 14%;
  • Furniture for dining areas - 5%;
  • Children's furniture - 3%;
  • Furniture for home office - 3%;
  • Built-in furniture - 3%;
  • Bathroom furniture - 2%.

In addition to the type of furniture, statistics also affect other interests of the buyer.

The answer to the question: “What should you pay attention to when choosing furniture?” the following options became available:

  • on the quality of the material and fittings used;
  • on the price;
  • on external attractiveness;
  • for service;
  • on Additional services(production under right size, choice of color and material).

Where to buy quality furniture cheap and how to determine that it will last a long time?

Where is the best place to buy furniture?

Before any major purchase, especially if you want to buy furniture cheap, a person tries to study the furniture market. To do this, he visits stores, looks at websites, and interviews friends and relatives. And the reviews of the latter most often play a decisive role.

Often, a potential buyer is interested in a number of questions:

  1. Where did you buy the furniture cheaply?
  2. Are you satisfied with the quality of the furniture?
  3. How long did it take to produce or deliver?
  4. Is it possible to make furniture according to own sketches?
  5. Did you like the attitude of the store specialists towards you?

The last question also plays an important role. Modern buyers want polite treatment and a complete answer to their question.

And when the question arises: “Where is high-quality and cheap furniture sold in Kazan?” Most people who bought it refer to Furniture factory"The comfort of furniture."

Choosing a store to buy from is only half the battle. When purchasing furniture, you should pay attention to the nuances that affect the comfort and durability of the furniture.

What should you pay attention to when buying furniture?

Inspecting or designing future design your furniture, imagine it in your home. For example, when purchasing kitchen set you should pay attention to the location of the stove, sink and working area. It is more convenient if the cutting table is located between two other components. And the presence of many drawers and drawers will help to conveniently arrange kitchen utensils and groceries.

When choosing furniture for a children's room, pay attention to the height of the shelves, drawers, and steps. The child should have the opportunity to independently obtain the objects necessary for his creativity and development.

Each buyer has his own wishes and physical parameters. Therefore, you need to choose furniture for yourself.

The next stage of studying the furniture you like is checking the quality. Ideal furniture:

  • Frame. There should be no chips, cracks, or dents on it.
  • Back wall. Careful appearance no protruding hardware.
  • Edge. Glued evenly around the entire perimeter of the sheet. No bubbles or loose pieces.
  • Glass and mirrors. Finished edge. No damage or black spots on the surface.
  • Drawers. Closes smoothly. Nothing cracks or crunches. The boxes do not cling to each other.
  • Accessories.

Durable, inspires confidence. The handles are installed at the same level.

The purchased furniture should please you, create coziness and comfort in your room. Good luck. This article is also available in the following languages: