Touching and fragile garden daisies perfectly decorate the front garden.

They, like little suns, cheerfully wink at each other and give joy to the gardener.

Unpretentious and undemanding flowers have long won the hearts of not only beginners, but also experienced flower lovers.

What's hiding under the guise? garden chamomile? It turns out that by this concept, flower growers mean various plants, the flowers of which resemble it in appearance.

All varieties of garden chamomile belong to the Asteraceae (Asteraceae) family. They are easily recognized by their petals and the middle eye.

In the flower beds you can find flowers of various colors.

Let's get to know them better.

Garden daisies, photos and names

Cornflower (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum)

The classic chamomile with a yellow center and white petals is primarily classified as. It is popularly known under such names as milky chrysanthemum, gigantic chamomile, golden flower and popovnik.

The most common types of garden daisies in cultivation are the common daisy. It grows in height up to 60–70 cm, and the inflorescences are 6–7 cm in diameter. It blooms for 2 months, starting from the beginning of June. And its large-flowered form Nivyanik is the largest.

There are more than a dozen varieties that differ in the size of the flower and the shape of the petals.

  • The Crazy Daisy variety has double lush flowers with a diameter of 10 cm. They reach a height of 90 cm. It blooms in July.
  • "Snow Lady" Differs in snow-white color, diameter simple flower reaches 17 cm. Unfortunately, the variety does not tolerate winter cold, is susceptible to freezing, so it is often grown as an annual.
  • The largest variety of cornflower “Wirral supreme” grows up to 90 cm in height. It blooms from July to September with white double flowers, the center is yellowish. Winter-hardy plant, unpretentious.

The flowers of the Real Neat variety look interesting - the bushes reach 45 cm in height, and the flowers have unusual white tubular petals that bifurcate at the ends and create a grooved edge. The bush looks very original at the time of flowering.

Pyrethrum (Pyrethrum roseum Adam)

It has small flowers of various colors - white, pink, scarlet and crimson.

With red flowers, the pyrethrum species is known as Caucasian chamomile;

with pink ones like Persian.

It differs from the cornflower in the structure of its leaves; they are fern-like.

This garden chamomile has varieties with simple and double flowers, differing in color.

  • Popular variety Robinson. tall plant(up to 80 cm) has large carmine or pink flowers with a diameter of 12 cm. It blooms from mid-June and delights with flowers throughout the month. The variety is winter-hardy and tolerates light partial shade.
  • Paradise. It is distinguished by slightly corrugated petals, the color range from white, pink to crimson.
  • The hybrid “Terry pink” grows up to 50 cm. The flowers are 5–6 cm in diameter, densely double, pink-crimson in color.

Pyrethrum parthenifolium aureum looks great in borders, easily recognizable by the color of its leaves. They have a yellow-golden color. Breeders also worked with this species and developed several varieties that will become a real decoration of the garden.

  • “Golden ball” - the entire bush is strewn with small (3–4 cm) yellow, double, spherical flowers. This low-growing plant reaches only 20–25 cm in height, but looks great in borders or edging a flower bed.
  • 'Carlos' is a low-growing plant with fragrant white flowers. The lower petals are slightly longer than the rest and frame the flower in a “skirt”.
  • The Snow Globe variety is distinguished by larger, white, spherical flowers.


Or, in other words, a goat. An early flowering plant, the yellow flowers of which decorate the flowerbed from early May to June. And although the genus includes 36 species, only three species are popular in floriculture.

Doronicum Caucasian, reaching a height of 50 cm, with large flowers. They have a dark yellow head and an orange disc.

Doronicum roadis - is distinguished by a high peduncle up to 140 cm and a large yellow inflorescence up to 12 cm. It blooms in mid-May. Flowering duration is 1 month. One minus is that it quickly loses its decorative effect; the leaves begin to die off by the end of June.

Doronicum orientalis is a shade-tolerant flower; large flowers bloom on erect stems 30–50 cm high yellow flowers up to 8 cm in diameter.

Flowering continues from mid-May to mid-June. However, after flowering, like the road plant, it quickly loses its decorative effect due to the dying off of the leaves. That's why experienced flower growers It is recommended to plant them in the background.

Anthemis (Anthemis tinctoria)

Another variety of garden daisies, otherwise known as navel daisies.

The flowers have a rich yellow color, up to 5 cm in diameter. The plant grows in length to a maximum of 30 cm. It branches well, the gray-green leaves are slightly pubescent.

Flowers tolerate the July heat well. They are distinguished by long and abundant flowering, blooming from mid-June. They reproduce by self-sowing.

When most of us hear the word “chamomile,” we imagine a flower with yellow center and a corolla of narrow white petals.

But botanists call this flower leucanthemum, or popovka (Chrysanthemum). But they call chamomile (Matricaria) plants with strongly dissected leaves, like dill, and small white flowers with a yellow center (among them there are several types of medicinal chamomile).

Cornflower (Leucanthemum)

All plants of the Asteraceae family have inflorescences similar in structure, but there are also plants from completely different families with inflorescences that are also similar to daisies.

In order not to guess whether this is a chamomile in front of us or some other flower, let's try to consider this variety of chamomile-like flowers.

Marigold, or calendula ( Calendula), - wonderful orange “daisies” with a specific aroma, 5-6 cm in diameter, sometimes with a dark center. Since ancient times, they have grown in gardens calendula officinalis (Calendula officinalis) as an annual medicinal plant, later it became ornamental. Propagates well by self-sowing. Many varieties of yellow, orange, apricot, even pink color; low and high, but they are usually terry

Marigold, or calendula officinalis (Calendula officinalis)

Pyrethrums (Pyrethrum) there are perennial plants, less often annual plants. Very popular pyrethrum pink (Pyrethrum roseum, Chrisanthemum coccineum) - ancestor modern varieties, united under the name hybrid pyrethrum (Pyrethrum hybridum).

These “daisies” are distinguished by large (7-8 cm in diameter) inflorescences of white, pink, red, crimson with a yellow center, rising above rosettes of large beautiful pinnately dissected leaves. They bloom in June-July.

There are varieties Brenda- deep pink, E. M. Robinson- pale pink, Bressingham Red- raspberry, Kelway's Ylorious- scarlet. They reproduce well by dividing bushes. Effective in groups, can be used in arrangements.

The golden leaf form is often grown for borders. feverfew(Pyrethrum parthenium, chrysanthemum parthenium, Matricaria eximia) - a perennial cultivated as an annual. The bush is compact, highly branched, 15-20 cm high, with deeply cut yellow-green leaves.

Flower baskets are small (2-3 cm in diameter), collected in corymbose inflorescences, reed flowers are white, tubular flowers are yellow. It has a strong specific odor. Propagates well by seeds and cuttings. Self-seeding is observed.


Chamomile (Anthemis) also resembles chamomile. Cultivate dyeing navel (Anthemis tinctoria) - abundantly branching perennial up to 70 cm high.

The leaves are large, pinnately dissected, bluish-green, with pubescence. Inflorescences are yellow baskets up to 4 cm in diameter. Blooms in June-July. After flowering, short pruning is required to restore the decorative appearance of the bushes. The whole plant has a peculiar smell. The navel is propagated by dividing the bush and seeds. Looks good in mixed plantings.

To the family rudbeckia (Rudbeckia) includes perennial, less often annual, herbaceous plants. The inflorescences are large, up to 15 cm in diameter, in yellow-orange-brown tones. You can often find seeds on sale rudbeckia pilosa(Rudbeckia hirta) - annual or biennial plant with stiffly pubescent stems and entire ovate hairy leaves. Inflorescences up to 10 cm in diameter.

The reed flowers are golden-yellow, tubular - small, brown, on a high receptacle. In the variety Marmalade(height 60 cm) beautiful wide pointed reed flowers and dark tubular ones. Golden-yellow inflorescences with a dark center, resembling a star, on a high peduncle (up to 60 cm) in the variety Meine Freude. Wonderful dwarf variety Toto 20-30 cm high with rounded bright yellow marginal flowers and a dark center. Available garden form this type - beautiful rudbeckia, or two-color ( R.h. var. pulcherima, syn. Rudbeckia bicolor) - a plant up to 60 cm high, inflorescences vary in size and color. The center is made of brown tubular flowers, and the ligulates are yellow-red-brown.

Ursinia (Ursinia) - another cute, graceful, but unfamiliar annual “daisy”. In culture, the most popular is Ursinia umbilicalis, or dill ( Ursinia anthemoides), - a strongly branching bush 25-50 cm high.

Orange inflorescences-baskets (up to 5 cm in diameter) with a dark center and concentric red streaks at the base of the reed flowers look impressive against the background of strongly dissected leaves, like those of dill. Blooms profusely from June to September. The flowers do not close in cloudy weather. Loves sun and sandy soil. Can be used as ground cover. There are other species: beautiful ursinia ( Ursinia speciosa) with yellow tubular flowers and light golden reed flowers (in the Albida variety they are almost white); very small dwarf ursinia (Ursinia pygmea) 8-15 cm high with numerous small orange inflorescences.

Asters gave the name to the entire family, but botanists classify mainly perennial herbaceous plants in the genus of asters, and the familiar asters that bloom at the end of summer are generally called Chinese callistephus (Callistephus chinensis).

Callistephus chinensis, Autumn aster (Callistephus chinensis)

This flower has been so modified by breeders that it is difficult to find varieties with inflorescences similar to chamomile. But they still exist, for example, the Margarita variety: the centers are yellow, and the outer flowers are white, blue, pink in different shades. They look very good in a bouquet. While admiring them, not everyone recognizes callistephus in these flowers. There are several dwarf varieties: Waldersee 20-30 cm high with flat non-double inflorescences up to 3 cm in diameter; Edelweiss with a taller bush (up to 35 cm) and reed flowers up to 3 cm long. The Pepito variety is wonderful with low cone-shaped bushes and baskets located as if in the same plane.

The most commonly grown true asters are:

Alpine aster (Aster alpinus) is a plant that blooms in late May - mid-June. On strong stems 25-30 cm high there are single baskets with a diameter of up to 5 cm. Reed flowers are purple, lilac, blue, white, tubular (in the center) - yellow. There are varieties: Alba (reed flowers are white), Goliath (large, light purple), Dunkle Shenet (dark purple), Rosea (pink), Glory (blue), Superbus (lilac - blue);
Italian aster (Aster amellus) forms hemispherical bushes up to 60 cm high, completely covered with daisies 3-4 cm in diameter, collected in 8-10 pieces in loose corymbose inflorescences. Reed flowers are lilac-violet, tubular flowers are yellow. Blooms from late July to October. Looks good in group plantings. There are many varieties in cultivation with inflorescences of various shades of pink, blue, and purple;
The low-growing bush aster (Aster dumosus) is very good for borders. Strongly branched ball bushes 20-50 cm high are beautiful even without flowers, and when they bloom in August-October they are simply magnificent. There are varieties of different heights and different colors;
The tall (1.5 m) Aster novi-belgii blooms at the same time as the shrubby ones. The bushes branch in the upper part and end in paniculate inflorescences, sometimes numbering up to 200 baskets with a diameter of up to 4 cm;
The New England or American aster (Aster novae-angliae) blooms later than everyone else, from September until frost. The bushes reach a height of 2 m. People call these flowers octobrins. Their strong stems are crowned with paniculate inflorescences. Baskets with a diameter of 3-4 cm, tubular flowers in them are not only yellow, but also reddish and purple. Good for planting in the back rows of flower beds. Their late blooms add great beauty to the garden in the fall.

Alpine aster (Aster alpinus)

Arctotis, a herbaceous perennial grown as an annual plant, also resembles chamomile in flowers. It has single large baskets with a diameter of 5-8 cm on long, strong peduncles. The marginal reed flowers are light in color, the tubular flowers are dark blue. The shape of the inflorescences is very reminiscent of gerbera.

The most popular is arctotis large, or stoechadifolia (Arctotis grandis, Arctotis stoechadifolia) - wonderful silver-white daisies with a blue center, with gray-pubescent leaves. There is a variety called Shamakhan Queen with large inflorescences. New hybrids various types combined into a group - hybrid arctotis (Arctotis hybridus). Reed flowers are yellow, orange, red, lilac, white, tubular - brown-violet or purple. The diameter of the inflorescences is up to 10 cm, the height of plants is up to 70 cm. Arctotis easily reproduces by seeds, they love the sun and warmth.


Brachicome iberidifolia is a little-known annual plant, very graceful, low-growing, with leaves cut into narrow lobes. The bushes are covered with numerous small delicate daisies with a diameter of 3-3.5 cm, similar to daisies. Reed flowers are blue, lilac, violet, white, tubular - blue or almost black. Varieties of brachycoma iberisolifolia: Vinta Splender (tubular white flowers), Ash Splender (dense purple), Vrechi Blue (blue), Swan Lake (mixture). These delicate plants look good in containers or at the edge of a flower garden.


In buzulnik, the marginal flowers have the shape of tongues. They are mostly yellow, orange, and the tubular ones are yellow or brown. These are large perennial rhizomatous plants with large leaves, collected in a basal rosette. Toothed buzulnik (Ligularia dentata) has baskets with a diameter of 7-8 cm collected in paniculate inflorescences on peduncles up to 1 m high. The Desdemona variety has lilac-brown leaves below, the flowers are orange, the Othello variety has tangerine-orange, and the Samma Gold has golden-yellow flowers. Wilson's bush (Ligularia wilsoniana) reaches a height of 1.5 m, baskets with a diameter of up to 2.5 cm are collected in very beautiful, powerful spike-shaped inflorescences. Buzulniks are good for single plantings among the lawn.

Buzulnik, Ligularia, or Ligularia

Another original “chamomile” is Venidium. In its large baskets (up to 10 cm in diameter) at the base of each reed flower there is white or orange color purple-black streaks stand out, and the convex center consists of black tubular flowers. The most widespread species are lush Venidium (Venidium fastuosum) - a herbaceous annual plant 60-70 cm high, densely covered with white hairs.


It is very similar to Venidium gatsaniya, only its reed flowers are wider, and at their base there are not streaks, but spots similar to the “eyes” of a peacock feather. The most common is Gazania hybrida, a perennial plant grown as an annual plant. The colors are very bright, elegant, and there are a variety of color combinations. Gatsania is propagated by seeds; it grows relatively slowly; it is advisable to grow it in seedlings. Planted in a group in a flower garden, gatsaniya is very pleasing to the eye.


© Zanchetta Fabio

The dahlia is a flower that is well known to us, and among dahlias there are also inflorescences similar in shape to daisies. These are dwarf non-double dahlias, commonly called Jolly Guys, with wide white, yellow, orange, red, pink, crimson reed flowers around a yellow center. Good for flower beds and ridges. For group plantings, we can recommend the tall (90 cm) variety Heart of Danko with bright red inflorescences with a diameter of 12-13 cm.

Dahlia (Dahlia)

One of the largest daisies is, of course, the gerbera, the diameter of its inflorescences exceeds 15 cm. Numerous varieties are grown that originate from Jameson's gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii). The plant is perennial, light- and heat-loving. In the south of Russia it overwinters in open ground, blooms from spring to late autumn. IN middle lane It blooms less profusely and does not overwinter in open ground. For the winter, gerberas need to be dug up like dahlias and stored in a cool, dry (4-5 °C) place, preferably without clearing them of soil (or sand).


Dimorphotheca is one of the best ground cover annual plants. It forms beautiful mats with bright, wide-open inflorescences sparkling in the sun (it’s just a pity that they close in cloudy weather). The hybrid dimorphotheca (Dimorphotheca hybridum) with inflorescences with a diameter of 6-7 cm is widespread. The reed flowers are shiny, white, yellow, apricot, orange in color with dark tubular flowers in the center. There are varieties Tetra Goliath with orange inflorescences up to 10 cm in diameter, reminiscent of gerbera, Tetra Polarstern with large white inflorescences with a purple center (they appear porcelain). It reproduces well by seeds (it is recommended to sow them directly into the ground in early May).


Doronicum is the earliest chamomile in the garden. The basket-like inflorescences, 6-10 cm in diameter, are entirely golden yellow. It is a frost-resistant rhizomatous perennial. The most common is the eastern or Caucasian doronicum (Doronicum orientale, Doronicum caucasicum), 30-50 cm high. For alpine slides The low (15 cm) variety Gold Dwarf is good, blooming earlier than everyone else. At the end of May, a taller (up to 80 cm) species blooms - Doronicum plantagineum. This species has a large-flowered form with stems up to 1.5 m high and inflorescences up to 10 cm in diameter. Doronicums are spectacular in group planting against a background of shrubs.


Dorotheanthus - Dorothea flower, a low-growing succulent perennial plant grown as an annual plant. Large variegated inflorescences open wide in the sun and can lay claim to the title of the brightest annual. They look good among stones on an alpine hill and as large spots on the border. The most commonly sold seeds are Dorotheanthus bellidiformis or Mesembryanthemum cristallinum. The small, fleshy leaves and stems of this plant are covered with shiny glandular hairs, giving the appearance of crystal grass. The inflorescences come in a wide variety of colors with a dark center. The varieties offered by the NK Corporation are interesting: with sparkling white flowers (Rock Crystal), with purple flowers (Amethyst), with yellow reed flowers and red tubular flowers (Marmalade). They reproduce well by seeds, but they must be sown early (late February - early March). You can take the queen cells indoors for the winter and make cuttings in the spring. When sowing and cuttings, avoid overmoistening. This plant blooms very profusely and for a long time, this is its advantage.

Dorotheanthus bellidiformis

The daisy is, of course, basically a chamomile. Seeds of wild small perennial daisy (Bellis perennis) are appearing on sale - it is good for lawns. Among the non-double ones one can name the cultivar groups of small daisies Lilliput and Montrose.

Daisies can be propagated by seeds and by dividing the bushes. They are used for lawns, borders, and grown on balconies and in pots.

Perennial daisy (Bellis perennis)

Small petal is a rhizomatous herbaceous plant similar to perennial asters. Its “daisies” are distinguished by very narrow petals.

Common small petals (Erigeron speciosus) up to 70 cm high with purple inflorescences up to 4 cm in diameter and its hybrids with larger inflorescences and reed flowers of pink and lilac color.

Blooms in June. Less common is the orange small petal (Erigeron aurantiacus) - a plant 20-25 cm high with orange inflorescences, blooming in June-July.

For alpine hills, the pointed small petal (Erygeron mucro-natus) up to 20 cm high is suitable. The bush grows well with the help of underground shoots and fills the cracks between stones.

As they age, the basket inflorescences turn from white to deep pink, which gives the whole curtain a special charm.

In the middle zone, this species does not overwinter well, but it can be grown as an annual plant as a border plant. Looks good in hanging vases.

All small petals are sun-loving and reproduce well by seeds and by dividing the bush. Widely used for various flower beds and for cutting.

Small Petal (Erigeron)

Aug 25, 2016 Galinka

08 Jul 2016

They have a classic image - a yellow center, like a button, framed by narrow long petals, similar to rays diverging from the sun. In fact, a chamomile flower is a complex inflorescence called a basket. The yellow center of the basket consists of small tubular flowers, and along the edge there are long reed flowers, what we take for petals. In the old days these were beautiful wild flowers with a yellow button framed by snow-white petals, they were called “navels,” and later the word “daisies” appeared from Latin name and came into use. There were other names for these flowers - popovnik, sunflower, whitehead, bachelorette, chamomile, witch.

Types of daisy flowers many, botanists easily distinguish them by individual characteristics. To decorate your garden and flower beds, you can choose several types of daisies. The most expressive and largest are the white chamomile inflorescences of the cornflower.

In the wild it can be seen in fields and forest edges. There are many decorative varieties of cornflower that are widely used in culture. This perennial plant is grown in one place for 4-5 years, then the overgrown rhizome should be divided and replanted.

Nivyanik blooms for a long time from July to August. At the tops of strong stems, 60-100 cm high, inflorescences of daisies are formed, up to 15 cm in diameter. Simple varieties of daisies have one or two rows of white petals around a yellow button. Semi double daisies have a lush frame of petals around the center, and terry varieties the yellow center is not visible at all.

Nielberry is a light-loving flower, so this plant needs to be grown in a sunny place; even in a slight shade, it will be bad for Nielberry to bloom. Before planting this plant, the soil must be dug deeply, fertilized with humus and complex mineral fertilizer. The cornflower loves fertile, well-cultivated loose soil, does not tolerate low, marshy areas. Niwberry is drought-resistant, but during the formation of inflorescences and flowering it needs regular watering in dry weather. After flowering, the nevberry stems are cut off unless the seeds need to be collected. For the winter, the plant can be covered with dry leaves and stems, but early spring the shelter must be removed.

Nivyanik propagates well by seeds, dividing rhizomes and rooting cuttings. Plant seeds can be sown from spring to mid-summer so that young plants have time to get stronger by winter. The seedlings will bloom in the second year.

Large white daisies are beautiful in themselves, flowering bush Daisies look great on the lawn. White daisies will go well with blue bells, cornflowers, and delphinium.

Daisies can be not only white, but also bright. Colors come in all shades from pink to dark cherry daisy flowers, pink pyrethrum and red pyrethrum, these flowers are also called Persian daisies.

A perennial plant with stems 40-70 cm high and pinnately dissected leaves. The central part of pyrethrum flowers is always yellow, and the edge flowers - petals are pink, purple, dark cherry. Pyrethrum flowers are slightly smaller in size than nevus, up to 6-7 cm in diameter.

There is another popular species in floriculture - feverfew. This annual plant behaves like a perennial, as it reproduces well by self-sowing. Fallen seeds sprout in autumn and early spring, and branched leafy stems develop by summer. One plant forms a real bouquet of small white daisies, 2-3 cm wide. Pyrethrum has several varieties with flowers of different shapes. Double pyrethrum daisies or those with modified tubular flowers in the center that look like buttons look beautiful. Pyrethrum pyrethrum flowers are mostly white with a yellow center.

Pyrethrum is an unpretentious and undemanding plant. Pyrethrum will bloom well only in a sunny place; it prefers fertile, loose soil, does not tolerate waterlogging and stagnant water, and often damps out in low places.

Pyrethrum blooms begin in mid-June and continue until August. It is easy to propagate pyrethrum by sowing seeds directly into the ground in the spring. After 3-4 years, it is recommended to divide the pyrethrum bush and replant it in a new place. Bright pyrethrum flowers look good in mixed flower beds next to bluebells, yarrow and oriental poppy.

Fluffy flowers - small petal daisies popularly called girlish eyelashes. These flowers have many thin marginal flowers around a yellow central part that look like thick, lush petals. In flower beds, the beautiful small petals are most often grown. This perennial plant is native to North America. From the rhizome grow many straight branched stems up to 70 cm high. At the ends of the branches, medium-sized inflorescences bloom - baskets with a yellow center and light lilac petals. The small petal blooms for about a month in mid-summer. U hybrid varieties small petals, the color of the marginal flowers in inflorescences is purple, blue, pink and white.

Frost-resistant, winters well without shelter. It blooms and develops best in a sunny place with fertile, loose soil, although it can tolerate slight shading and poor soil. After flowering, the stems of the plant are trimmed, forming a small, squat bush so that it looks decorative in the flower garden. It is recommended to divide and replant the small petals after 5-6 years. Replanting should be done in early spring or late summer after flowering. The plant is easily propagated by seeds and rooting of green cuttings. The small petals will be an excellent companion to the slender and lush inflorescences of liatris and speedwell.

Yellow daisies They emit warmth and light like little suns; these are the associations that arise when you see calendula flowers. They are yellow-orange in color, the central part may have a dark brown tint.

- annual plant, these flowers are widely used in folk medicine. The plant forms a branched, erect stem with oval leaves. Calendula greens are covered with glandular, hard hairs, so they feel sticky to the touch. At the end of each shoot a basket inflorescence is formed - a yellow chamomile. There are decorative varieties of calendula with flowers of different shapes and colors.

Growing calendula is easy; this plant can reproduce by self-sowing. Ripe seeds, falling into the ground, will overwinter and germinate in early spring, and in early summer young plants will already open their first flowers. Calendula will continue to bloom all summer, as the plant constantly produces new shoots with inflorescences.

Calendula loves sunny areas with fertile, loose soil. This plant has antiseptic properties. Next to calendula, other plants are less affected by fungal diseases, for example, blackleg. Calendula also repels pests - ticks, thrips, butterflies. Bright yellow calendula daisies in the flower garden will combine beautifully with blue flowers sage, lavender, delphinium and ageratum.

Offers many types of flowers very similar to daisies. The most popular flowers in gardening are annual or Chinese aster , it has large, spectacular inflorescences similar to large daisies. They are more similar to daisies simple varieties annual asters, they have a large yellow center of small ribbed flowers and one or two rows of long marginal flowers, which can be white, pink, red, or purple. The inflorescences of annual asters are very large, can be up to 15 cm in diameter. On the branched, erect stem of the aster, each shoot ends in a lush flower.

Annual asters are grown from seeds, sown in early spring directly into the ground or into seedlings in boxes. Plants grown through seedlings bloom earlier, however, those grown in the fresh air are more hardened and resistant to disease.

But our modest daisies, along with snow-white birches and red rowan trees, have always been and remain the soul of our people.

Well what summer cottage plot can we do without daisies? How can you do without their modest and refined beauty, without sparkling radiance and severity.

Looking at them, it seems that this sun is entangled in snow-white petals, and you really want to hold it.

Chamomile is unique plant, a flower resembling the sun (yellow disk and petals spreading out to the sides), the roots of which extend back centuries.

Not a single representative of the flora is inscribed in folklore as brightly and originally as this touching and modest creature of living nature.

It’s unlikely that anyone can boast of such a bouquet useful properties like her, the queen of the field pharmacy.

What explains such incredible popularity of an ordinary, at first glance, flower with a rather primitive appearance?

Is it easy to grow in your garden and is it difficult to care for?

Is this golden crown of nature such a brilliant reputation?

What secrets does chamomile keep and how old is it really? I will try to answer all these questions in the following story.

Let's start with history

Chamomile - “romana”, or why was chamomile used to be called a navel?

The chamomile was destined to become a symbol of Russian nature many centuries ago.

In the medical literature of that time, the plant was referred to as “Romanov flower.” And with Greek language Leucanthemum (chamomile) means "white flower".

The origins of the plant's name extend back to ancient Egyptian medicine.

Even before our era, chamomile was widely used as a medicine for female diseases. Then it was called queen cell.

To get its modern name, chamomile has come a very long way. The Russian people loved and revered the snow-white flower with a thin stem.

He was affectionately called the sunflower, bachelorette party, belyushka, daughter-in-law, little witch, forest maryasha, matryonka, nivyanika, white flower.

But the most original name the chamomile had a navel - because of the yellow navel in the center of the inflorescence. By folk beliefs, daisies are little suns that connect holy petal roads, or umbrellas for steppe gnomes, who hid under them in inclement weather.

Russian girls used daisies to tell fortunes and threw wreaths of white flowers into the water, making wishes.

In Rus', chamomile was one of the seven sacred plants (for reference: willow, hazel, oak, hops, weeping and mistletoe).

After the penetration of medieval medical literature into Rus', the plant began to be called “Romanova” grass (from the Latin “romana” is translated as “Roman”).

The Poles were the first to call it that way in the 16th century: Romanova grass, Romanova flower.

As a result of Slavic changes, a diminutive form was formed from the word “romana” and the result was chamomile.

This plant is one of the few that is well known to every Russian-speaking person.

And there is another legend about chamomile. In ancient times, there lived a young man in love named Roman, and one fine day he brought an unknown flower to his beloved Mary.

The flower emanated such tenderness that the girl really liked it. Maria, of course, asked where her beloved got such a flower.

Roman said that he saw the flower in a dream, and when he woke up, it was lying next to him.

The girl suggested calling the unusual flower daisy and begged the guy to bring her a whole bouquet of such flowers.

Roman wandered around for quite some time. white light until he entered the kingdom of Dreams. In response to his request, the Tsar invited Roman to stay in his kingdom forever, and for this his beloved would receive a whole field of flowers.

Of course, in order to please his girlfriend, Roman gave his consent.... Maria waited a long time for her beloved.

But, one morning waking up and seeing a vast field of daisies outside the window, she realized that he would never return.

Isn't it a beautiful legend?

A modest flower or the queen of the sun: a bioportrait of a chamomile

Chamomile belongs to the perennial flowering plants of the Asteraceae or Multiflora family.

Her genus has over two dozen different representatives.

The leaves and stem are lush green. The inflorescences look like single hemispherical baskets with a diameter of 3-9 cm, which are located at the ends of the branches and are united into a corymbose inflorescence.

The baskets consist of white ligulate marginal flowers and yellow central tubular flowers. The petals are smooth, thin, elongated, located in the first row.

The fruit resembles an elongated black and white achene, very small (for reference: 20 thousand flower fruits weigh only 1 gram).

The leaves can be elongated or pinnately dissected with thin lobes, decorated with ornaments.

Blooms from May to the end of August. Pollinated by wasps and bees. The plant is widely used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.

The smell is weak, but characteristically sweet and refined. They have a fast growth rate.

Chamomile is the trump card of a home medicine cabinet. Healing properties of the plant

The beneficial properties of chamomile were described by Avicenna in the “Canon of Medical Science”.

The scientist believed that “the warmth of this flower is similar to the warmth of an animal.”

Chamomile for a hundred diseases - this name has been given to more than one book published by modern authors.

This radiant flower is very useful plant for the body. Chamomile has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, astringent, soothing, disinfectant, choleretic, and diaphoretic properties.

Chamomile owes this set of healing qualities to its rich composition of vitamins, organic acids (isovaleric, ascorbic, salicylic, nicotinic, phenolcarbonic), trace elements, proteins, steroids, gum, flavonoids, bitterness, coumarins, mucus, essential oils, in particular, chamazulene, polyacetylene compounds, phytohormones, polysaccharides and other substances.

Apiin and apigenin released from the flower have effective antispasmodic properties, while chamazulene, which is part of the essential oils, has anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, regenerating, local anesthetic, and anti-burn properties.

For reference: chamazulene disintegrates during boiling, so it is recommended to use chamomile in infusions rather than in decoctions.

All these unique qualities determined wide range indications for the use of chamomile.

Most often it is used to treat colitis, headaches, stomach diseases and intestinal tract, kidneys, respiratory organs, dyspepsia, burns and skin inflammations, women's diseases, neuroses, infections, diseases of the genitourinary system.

Chamomile tea helps you calm down, fall asleep faster, and neutralizes the effects of caffeine and nicotine.

Chamomile is the most active participant in all recipes traditional medicine. There is no house in which there would not be a box of dried grass, tea bag, tinctures, elixirs, cosmetics that contain chamomile.

It is widely used in medicine, cosmetics, even in cooking.

For reference: everything is useful in moderation. Abuse of chamomile infusion can cause headaches, weakness and poisoning.

Chamomile is used internally and most often externally - in the form of lotions and baths.

For reference: It is contraindicated to make compresses from plants for the eyelids.

The benefits of chamomile have been noted in Tibetan medicine. Here it is a miracle component of an anti-aging product.

Monks drink a special infusion from the flower for several days in the morning and at night. The procedure is repeated every five years.

The French treat the digestive organs with chamomile, which is not surprising, because not every stomach can withstand the test of frogs and oysters.

Bulgarian, Polish and Czech doctors have accumulated extensive experience in the treatment of women's diseases.

Likes or dislikes or cosmetics in a natural bottle

The cosmetic properties of the Queen of the Meadows are simply amazing.

Even ancient beauties actively used tinctures from the flower to whiten skin and rinse hair.

By the way, modern blondes are well aware of how silky, soft and golden their hair becomes after washing with chamomile infusion.

Chamomile contains the secrets of magical skin transformation. This is due to its unique chemical composition.

If the plant were patented, many cosmetics companies would pay millions to use the flower as the main brand of the line they sell.

Chamomile is a common component of preparations intended for the care of nails, hair, and skin.

It is included in almost all creams, masks, peelings, tonics, lotions, scrubs, and baby care products.

  • Sesquiterpene creates a film that protects the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation.
  • Caprylic acid relaxes muscles and soothes the skin.
  • Flavonoids rejuvenate the skin by controlling the production of collagen and elastin fibers in cells.
  • Coumarin regenerates obsolete cells and renews them, eliminating microdamage, acne and other skin defects.
  • Sitosterol effectively affects subcutaneous microcirculation and increases access of oxygen and nutrients to skin cells.
  • Kholin saturates the skin with vitamins.

All these components improve appearance face, tighten the skin, make it elastic and velvety, and make a woman beautiful and desirable.

Such different daisies

There are over 350 species of daisies growing on our green planet, a third of this number is in our country.

With the advent of new original varieties, the snow-white beauty is gaining phenomenal popularity among flower growers.


Very often, chamomile is mistaken for other flowers whose petals look similar to it. For example, such as: pyrethrum or Persian chamomile, helipterum or Austrian chamomile, arctotis, doronicum or yellow chamomile and others.

Real chamomile - pharmaceutical, or matricaria - good famous plant, widely used in medicine.

However decorative qualities useful flower not very suitable for decorating rockeries and bouquets.

Chamomile, the petals of which every girl plucked in childhood, wondering whether she would like or dislike her betrothed, is known in scientific circles as leucanthemum, or common cornflower.

Its petals are white and different types Daisies vary in shape, size of inflorescences and arrangement of petals.

Variety "Sunny Side Up"

Sunny Side Up - one of the most luxurious varieties of cornflower. Its petals, with a base of small parts in the form of curls, have perfectly rounded ends, arranged in 2 rows around a yellow core.

This variety does well in well-drained soil and sunny locations. In especially dry times it blooms long and profusely.

Variety "Fiona Cog Hill"

Fiona Coghill - a variety characterized by thick terry and a huge amount petals in an inflorescence. So huge that they block access to the core, and insects cannot pollinate them.

Therefore, the flower propagates artificially - by dividing the bush. The diameter of the pheona flower is up to 7 cm, and the height is up to 60 cm.

Variety "Crazy Daisy"

Crazy Daizy, or Crazy Daisy, forms a powerful and tall bush, the flowers are quite large - their diameter is 8 cm. The petals, arranged in several rows, look very shaggy, which actually justifies the name of the variety. Propagated by seeds.

Giant chamomile - the most spectacular representative of the common cornflower. It has a powerful stem that reaches 80 cm, flowers in diameter - from 15 cm.

The bush must be replanted once every 2 years, since as the bush thickens, the stem becomes thinner and the flowers become smaller.

Nivyanik Kuril Suitable for growing in rock gardens. It has low-growing bushes (up to 20 cm in height) and small flowers (up to 8 cm in diameter).

Grows well on sandy and rocky surfaces. The flowering period begins in July.

Winner is one of the most decorative varieties. Its height is 1 meter, and the diameter of large snow-white flowers is 13 cm. The name characterizes the flower’s attitude towards pests: it is not afraid of them and grows in one place for up to seven years.

Alaska - another “harm-resistant” variety. The flowers (15 cm in diameter) have two-row petals and reach a height of 60 cm.

Desi Avalanche - an excellent representative of the cornflower with large double flowers.

All of the above varieties of daisies are the brightest and most stable representatives of the common cornflower.

They are loved by flower growers all over the world.

Secrets of successful landing

Rich Russian folklore has also dubbed our chamomile a star.

According to the known folk superstition, daisies bloom at the sites of falling stars or meteorite fragments, if we speak in the language of the residents of Baikonur.

Perhaps this romantic legend also has its own common sense.

However, modern plant breeders offer scientific and proven methods for planting to beginners.

Time and place for landing

If you decide to grow chamomile from seeds, then it is best to do this through seedlings. The most favorable time for planting seeds is at the beginning of March. Seeds sprout quite quickly.

By May, the seedlings will have become stronger and can be moved into open ground.

Young plants bloom in the second year. Sowing seeds can also be done in the fall before winter directly into the garden bed.

The flower is also planted by dividing the bush. And this process should also be scheduled for spring. And if you properly insulate the transplanted plants, you can plant the cuttings in the fall.

It is not surprising that chamomile is suitable for planting in sunny places. She is not afraid of even bright rays from dawn to dusk.

A good place is a guarantee that the chamomile flowers will be large and bright.

Lack of sun provokes the growth of small and weak flowers.

The distance between seedlings should not be small (40-60 cm), since after two years the bushes will grow and begin to interfere with each other.


Although chamomile is one of the most unpretentious flowers, choosing low-nutrient soil will not do it any good.

The plant will become lush and beautiful if it grows in loose and well-fertilized soil.

Chamomile prefers light sandy loam or loamy soils with a slightly alkaline or neutral reaction. They do not like stagnant water, so drainage is necessary in wet areas.

Landing technique

Planting chamomile couldn't be easier. The plant takes root instantly and does not need special care, even in the first days of landing.

However, it is technically important to take into account all the nuances.

The first is land preparation. It is necessary to dig holes in a 30 by 40 cm format and remove weeds and lumps from there. The bottom should be covered with peat and fallen leaves.

The second is planting chamomile in the garden. The flower is carefully moved into the hole and sprinkled with earth, which will need to be crushed at the end.

The third is watering: moderate and warm water.

The first days will be the most difficult for the plant: it will hurt, its leaves will droop, and its head will droop.

Only two days will pass and the situation will change: the leaves will rise and the chamomile will begin to grow.

After 12-14 days, the flower will need to be fed.


Maiden daisy

Caring for growing daisies is not difficult.

First of all, this is timely watering, especially in hot weather and drought. It is very important not to let the soil dry out during the growing season and flowering.

But it is equally important not to overwater, which can lead to the onset of root rot and other bad diseases.

To maintain the required humidity, it is very useful to mulch the daisy plantings.

Chamomile also responds well to fertilizing, both organic and mineral. We apply fertilizers in the spring, when leaves and shoots grow, then in the summer - at the beginning of flowering.

Immediately after the chamomile bushes have faded, we will feed the plant again using phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. They will help our beauties have a good winter.

To extend the flowering period, it is necessary to cut out faded flower shoots in a timely manner.

Don't forget about weeding and loosening.

Chamomile bushes grow very quickly and, if they are grown in one place for a long time, we will begin to notice that the middle of the bush gradually dies. The periphery grows and the bush loses its attractiveness.

Therefore, it is necessary to replant them regularly (every 3-4 years).

One, chamomile, two, chamomile... Subtleties of reproduction

Let's get acquainted with the most common methods of chamomile propagation.

Dividing the bush

It is better to plan the division of the bush in the spring. The bush is dug up and divided with a shovel.

Each part is planted in a separate hole, covered with earth and watered abundantly. After 2 days the plant will gain strength and begin to grow.

With this method, the plant produces large flowers by the end of summer.

Propagation by cuttings

This method is not for beginner gardeners. Although it is not complicated in technology, the survival rate with it is extremely low.

Cuttings 10-12 cm long from a chamomile bush are cut before buds appear on it.

A hole is made at the end of the cutting for faster rooting. It is then placed in a container of water.

Within a week, small white roots should appear. The water is changed every 2 days.

At least three roots, 3-4 cm each, should grow.

The cuttings are planted in open ground.

Propagation by seeds

Germination rate with this method is high. Seeds are collected in autumn from dry brown buds.

Stored all winter. They are planted in mid-May.

The seeds are planted in pots, which are covered with cellophane and placed in a sunny place.

When sprouts appear, the bag must be removed. The presence of 4-5 leaves will indicate the plant’s ability to be transplanted into the ground.

“The daisies hid...”: diseases and pests

The most dangerous pests for chamomile are aphids, star-winged flies, thrips, and wireworms.

It is easy to get rid of the fly by destroying all the weeds in the flower garden.

Aphids and thrips that feed on plant sap will die from the action of special biological agents.

Wireworms are caught using traps. Pieces of vegetables are placed in the soil, covered with a board on top and after a couple of days the insects that have accumulated on it are destroyed.

And although growing a plant like chamomile is a fairly simple process, like any other flower, it can get sick.

The plant is susceptible powdery mildew, rust, fusarium, gray rot. Timely and proper care will relieve chamomile from all infections.

If you don’t have chamomile in your garden yet, be sure to plant this dear flower.

It will delight you with its appearance, and caring for this unpretentious plant will give you great pleasure.

Now let’s relax a little and watch a short video with a cheerful and uplifting song about daisies.

See you soon, dear readers!

Pyrethrum will decorate any garden plot. Flowers require minimal care and will delight the gardener with magnificent blooms for many years. The plant also has the name Caucasian or Persian flower. Despite the climate of the country of origin, pyrethrum grows and blooms well in other climates. During the adaptation time, which is about 200 years, pink daisy began to feel good even in hot and dry areas.

A related flower is red pyrethrum, which is quite often confused with the Persian species.

They are similar because they have large inflorescences and rich red or bright pink petals (unlike ordinary daisies, which have white petals).

Breeders have worked on pyrethrum, so many varieties are now being bred.

U pink plant straight stem, it does not grow higher than 150 cm (average length is 70 cm). The leaves look like dissected feathers and have different sizes. They become narrower towards the stem. Chamomile inflorescences grow up to 6 cm in diameter. Flowers can be reed or tubular. Pyrethrum begins to bloom in June or August and continues to delight gardeners with bright inflorescences for another 2 months.

Chamomile: growing and care (video)

Care for pyrethrum and osteospermum

In order for the chamomile to bloom as long as possible, fading elements are removed. Then a bush with a loose foliage system is formed. The plant needs to be divided and replanted, then it for a long time will not lose its attractive appearance. Below, pyrethrum has a branched rhizome, similar to nodes.

The inflorescences look excellent not only in the garden, but also in a bouquet. Due to its beauty, Persian chamomile is also in demand in floristry. Not only ordinary pyrethrums are popular. Osteospermum is quite common. The bright purple inflorescences first appeared in South Africa. Annuals are characterized by abundant and long flowering, which begins in late summer and ends in October. Lilac coloring looks great in bouquets and garden areas.

The following types of pyrethrum and osteospermum are distinguished:

  • red pyrethrum (Caucasian);
  • pink pyrethrums(Persian);
  • Bambe (osteospermum with white petals, they gradually become lilac);
  • Zulu (yellow inflorescences);
  • Congo (purple inflorescences with pink tint), etc.

Pyrethrum should be planted in well-lit areas, and osteospermum in slightly darkened areas. In the shade the plant will stretch up to 150 cm.

Growing conditions

Lilac osteospermums and bright pink pyrethrums are not particularly demanding when it comes to planting soil. Nevertheless, compost or sand (preferably river sand) must be added to clay soil. Flowers will not grow long enough in heavily moist soil. It is impossible to cover pyrethrum in winter, as the roots will be blocked in the lower part. But you can replant daisies at any time. To do this, they are dug up so that the soil does not fall off from the rhizome. The top of the plant should always be protected from cold winds.

It is recommended to propagate pyrethrum and osteospermum by dividing bushes or seeds. This can be done once every 4 years. Flowers should be planted at a distance of at least 30-35 cm, with regular watering. Planting takes place in May, and for several days the grower must protect the plant from bright sunlight. If you make sure that the soil for planting is moist, the seeds will germinate well. During the first year after planting, pyrethrum forms rosettes of the foliage system. Already next year the gardener will be able to contemplate pink or purple inflorescences.

Thus, with minimal proper care, the plant will begin to bloom quickly and will bloom for a long time. It will decorate both the garden plot and the composition in the bouquet. Bright pyrethrums and osteospermums are the best option for the garden plot.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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