Hyacinth, one of the most fragrant and pleasing flowers to the eye. By itself it's street flower and therefore, at home it is possible to do forcing (in nature this concept does not exist, these are conditions artificially created by man). At this moment, when this operation and the flowering itself will be carried out, it will be possible to call indoor period.

For flower lovers to make the indoor period last longer, they need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. The very first and most important rule is strong and healthy bulbs. When selecting bulbs, you should pay attention to their diameter. They should feel firm and large to the touch.
  2. Before forcing, the bulbs must go through a dormant period of three or more months.
  3. The bulb cannot be completely placed in a pot and covered with soil.
  4. Drainage is required at the bottom of the flower pot.
  5. Watering should be done strictly from the pan.

And now about these rules in more detail.

Dormant period and bulb selection

After the bulbs have been dug out of the ground, well dried and kept in a cool place all the time, they can be taken out for new year holidays In addition to poinsettia, hyacinth was fragrant in the house and delighted with its beauty.

The bulbs must be thoroughly checked before planting. They should be elastic and show no signs of disease. Their diameter can be 5 or more centimeters. If the bulb is smaller, this means that the plant is still young and not ready for forcing. Most likely, such a bulb will probably not produce a flower, or if it does, it will not be beautiful.

Beginning flower growers should remember that each variety has its own forcing period. Varieties for early forcing give their color in December, medium forcing – January, February. When forced late, it blooms from March to April.

Preparation and planting

Growing hyacinths is a fascinating and labor-intensive activity. This requires patience and desire. First of all, you need to know that forcing is not a natural phenomenon, but artificially created by man. During this procedure, the bulb is greatly depleted and so artificial cultivation on next year she's no good. After forcing, the bulb is always transplanted into open ground and left there for two to three years. Thus, the hyacinth gains strength.

What is needed for planting:

  1. Special small pot
  2. Garden trowel
  3. Drainage
  4. Sand
  5. Earth mixture

At the bottom of the pot in which you plan to plant hyacinths, place a small layer of expanded clay or sand, if desired. Then an earthen mixture of peat and sand is poured. Using a garden spatula, a hole is made into which the bulb is inserted and sprinkled with earthen mixture on top. After the bulb is placed, it is buried in drops, but not completely, otherwise during forcing it may rot or get sick. Sometimes the ground is sprinkled with a layer of sand about 2 centimeters on top. After planting in the ground, the forcing process begins.


Caring for hyacinth is simple. But to obtain a fragrant peduncle, you must follow the rules of growing at home.

After planting, hyacinths should be placed in a cool room and observed temperature regime(5 - 9 degrees Celsius). If you have a cellar or basement flowers can be placed there. For those who have space in the refrigerator, hyacinth can be placed there, but only in the vegetable storage compartment. For hyacinths, you need to create conditions as similar as possible to those in the garden in the fall. For a complete autumn picture, it is best to cover the plants with a black bag. Hyacinth care during this period is minimal.

Within 6 - 9 weeks it is necessary to check the soil; it should be moist. Under such conditions the plant will begin active growth. As soon as the first shoots appear on the flower, and they are approximately 5 centimeters, the flower should be moved to a cooler place. Among flower growers, this time is called artificial spring. Hyacinths are placed in a room where the temperature is 10 - 13 degrees Celsius and it is dark. Immediately bring hyacinth into warm room it will be stressful for it, and it may die or the flower stalks will be of poor quality. The flower must be in this room until the buds appear. As soon as the first buds appeared, proper care stipulates that the hyacinth must be brought into a room where there are no drafts, in which the temperature will not rise above 20 degrees.

Proper care of hyacinth

Growing and caring for hyacinths at home is simple but painstaking, but the result exceeds all expectations.

After the start of flowering, hyacinth will smell fragrant at home for about two weeks. Then, unfortunately, the flowers will begin to fade.

While the flowers are blooming, you need to add to the watering once every three days. liquid fertilizer for flowering plants. Flowers love care and constant watering. Water must be added to the pan, so the bulb will receive moisture and will not rot. Due to the fact that at home it is often not possible to observe required humidity, so hyacinths should be watered every day.

After the hyacinths have faded, watering should be reduced to a minimum and then stopped. Then, when all the leaves dry out, cut them off and transplant the bulb onto personal plot for two to three years, and then dig it up again in the spring and give it a period of rest for growing and caring for at home.

Caring for fragrant plants can be extended if you select varieties that will delight you with their flowering in turn. Then you can create a miniature garden at home.

Hyacinth is a perennial bulbous plant popularly known as rain flower.

Place and soil for growing hyacinths

Choose a site for growing hyacinths that is well-lit and windless. You can plant it near shrubs or trees, but keep in mind that in the spring sunlight hyacinths will be enough, but if the proximity is too close nutrients- a question, since trees and bushes will pull them towards themselves. The area for hyacinths may have a slight slope so that the water does not stagnate on it, otherwise this may contribute to the occurrence of fungal diseases and rotting of the bulbs. Depth groundwater should not be less than 50-60 cm to the soil surface. Otherwise, or expanded clay drainage.

The soil for hyacinths needs light, permeable soil, with a good supply of nutrients. Fresh or slightly rotted manure is not suitable for fertilizing. Acidic soil requires up to a pH of 6.5. Add river sand and peat to dense clay soil.

2 months before planting hyacinths in open ground (for the middle zone this is the end of September - beginning of November), prepare the soil, this is required in order to prevent the roots from breaking off during possible subsidence of the soil. Under digging (40 cm), add humus per 1 square meter. m 10-15 kg, peat, sand, 60-80 g superphosphate, 30 g potassium sulfate (replacement 200 g wood ash), 15 g magnesium sulfate (replacement of 250 g dolomite flour). If the soil is sandy, then increase the amount of potassium-magnesium fertilizers by 1.5 times. Nitrogen fertilizers apply in the spring. If humus or peat was not added when digging, then add it directly into the hole when planting.

More early boarding hyacinths will provoke growth, due to which they will not survive the winter. With more late boarding hyacinths in open ground, the area must first be covered with leaves and protected from rain, and after planting the shelter must be returned. For planting, select medium-sized bulbs; flower stalks will be more resistant to weather changes.

Large hyacinth bulbs (diameter about 5 cm) are planted to a depth of 15-18 cm from the bottom to the soil surface, at a distance of 15-20 cm in a row. Smaller bulbs are planted smaller and denser. Make holes or grooves and cover the bottom river sand layer about 5 cm. Press the bulbs into it, cover with sand, then until the end with soil. This planting is ideal for hyacinth, since in this case the sand acts as drainage, which will prevent the bulbs from rotting due to waterlogging and protect against infection. Plant in moist soil or water the plantings if the soil is dry.

If you plan to grow hyacinths in open ground in large quantities, then we recommend landing on raised beds(15-20 cm) for easy care of hyacinths (easy to install shelter, quick warming of the soil in spring, protection from waterlogging and support for soil aeration). Make rows at a distance of 20-25 cm, plant the bulbs at a distance of at least three times the diameter of the bulb.

You can cover hyacinths in the garden before frost with dry peat, sawdust, spruce branches, and humus. In early spring, remove the cover, as flower sprouts appear very early.

For hyacinths, fertilizing is one of the main components when growing. In the spring, when most of the hyacinth sprouts appear in the open ground, apply mineral fertilizers(per 1 sq. m. 20 g of ammonium nitrate, 15 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium chloride). When the buds begin to appear, add 1 sq. m 20 g of ammonium nitrate, 40 g of superphosphate and 20-30 g of potassium chloride. Apply the third fertilizing at the end of flowering (40 g of superphosphate and potassium chloride per 1 sq. m, without ammonium nitrate). After each fertilizing, loosen the soil.

When fertilizers are applied in dry form, they are embedded in the soil, and when in liquid form, the hyacinths are first watered and the dose of fertilizers is reduced.

Hyacinth care

Hyacinths prefer clean, weed-free soil around them. Regularly loosen the soil, starting from the appearance of sprouts, to ensure the plant's air regime is maintained.

Hyacinths need to be watered abundantly to a depth of 15-20 cm, but not often. Monitor soil moisture, especially during budding.

You can grow hyacinths in pots in a trench, extending the flowering period.

The aroma of hyacinths can be heard already in mid-April, it is at this time that the flowers begin to bloom their inflorescences. If hyacinths are planted in a sunny area, they will bloom very quickly in a warm spring. If you plant hyacinths in a slightly shaded place, the flowering will last a little longer. You can grow hyacinths in pots and regulate the flowering period yourself.

Usually containers are used for planting flowers: pots, tubs, bowls, boxes, etc. All these containers with flowering plants can be displayed on the windowsill, and in the spring, flower beds can be installed in the foreground of the garden, decorating “artificially” your country landscape. will perfectly decorate any container, even a basket.

The period for planting hyacinths in pots in a trench is the same as for planting in open ground, i.e. approximately the month of October. Dig a trench on open area so that in winter sun rays hit him as much as possible. Length and

the width of the trench depends on the size and number of containers, but the depth should be such that there is another 15 cm from the top edge of the containers to the ground surface. Having planted hyacinth bulbs in a pot, wrap it with something to protect the pot from dirt and hypothermia (even newspapers).
Place the hyacinth pots in the trench, lay down a layer of fallen leaves, cover with soil and lay down a layer of leaves again. This way you will protect the bulbs from the cold.

The plant’s homeland is the warm shores of the Mediterranean and the lands of the Middle East, which is why it blooms in temperate zones even at the end of winter. Accustomed to certain climatic conditions, hyacinth does not change its habits even in our latitudes, which are less affectionate for it.

When properly managed, hyacinth makes us happy exotic beauty And early spring, and on Christmas, and on the magical days of the New Year. Bright ears of fragrant inflorescences flash on the windowsills like a cheerful rainbow, filling the house with a delightful aroma. How to achieve success, what does a plant need, and what are the rules for caring for it?

What kind of flower is this

IN middle lane, for cultural breeding they choose eastern view plants. His hybrid forms They take root well in our latitudes, not only on the windowsills of apartments, but also in summer cottages, under the open sky. The photo of hyacinth clearly shows its juicy, multi-faceted, cob-shaped inflorescences. They can reach a length of 40 cm, but more often there are cobs 20-30 cm long. The leaves form a grooved shape, are colored in a rich green, 15-20 cm high with a width of only 1-1.5 cm.

The natural color of the plant's inflorescences is blue, but the bred varieties provide a riot of colors, ranging in all shades of yellow to pink, red, purple, and even black. They all exude a thick sweet aroma.

How to properly care for hyacinth

The flower belongs to bulbous plants and has about 30 species. However, some scientists are inclined to consider the plant monotypic, creating in one form different shapes and varieties. It was brought to Europe in the 16th century from the countries of Asia Minor. The hyacinth bulb is perennial; it does not form replacement bulbs, like a tulip, and therefore requires special treatment. The new-forming parts of the flower are renewal buds, which are formed annually in the same bulb. The long process of care begins with the bulb.

Forcing the bulb

To successfully bring the plant to flowering, you need to choose large, at least 5-6 cm, bulbs.

Advice: If the seed is taken from open ground and not in a store, then it should be dug up at the end of June, after flowering has completed. The bulb is allowed to rest until September and only after that they begin preparing for a new revival.

So, the hyacinth has faded, what to do with the bulb? It must be planted in soil made from a mixture of earth and sand, having previously laid a drainage layer on the bottom of the pot. Press the body of the bulb bottom down and cover with soil. When planting, make sure that the bulbs do not touch each other or the walls of the pot. Then the plant is removed to a dark and cold room. At home, a refrigerator is used for this. The plant should spend 2 months in this mode.

Important: when the bulb is in the refrigerator, do not dry out the soil, moisten it regularly, otherwise the flower will not wake up.

As soon as you notice that the flower has sprouted shoots 2-2.5 cm high, it’s time to move it to a higher location. warm place, with a temperature of 10-12 degrees. Wait for the buds to appear and transfer your treasure to the windowsill. Please note that by planting a bulb in September, you will receive the first flowers by the New Year, and planting in October will give results by March 8th. Now let's look at how to care for the flower further.


For a mature plant, a temperature of +20 degrees is considered comfortable. It does not like drafts and does not tolerate proximity to heating radiators. Choose a place where your handsome man will be cool and not windy. When planting and caring for hyacinths in open ground, place the plants under the protection of shrubs to protect them from drafts.


An adult plant needs optimal mode lighting. It is photophilous, but it is better to use when caring for hyacinth artificial lighting than exposing it to direct sunlight. In the garden, the plant should be slightly shaded with the help of neighboring flowers or shrubs.


In care, the main thing is to choose the right soil composition. The flower loves permeable, well-fertilized soils, without acidification. When growing plants in open spaces acidic soils it is necessary to lime, and add sand and peat to clayey ones. For your home, just buy a universal flower mixture.

Attention! Do not fertilize the plant with fresh, slightly decomposed manure. Such feeding will lead to burning of the bulb.


For summer cottage the landing mode is changing. What to do after hyacinths bloom if they grow in your garden?

    • First you need to prepare the area. Work begins in August to allow the soil to settle and prevent the roots of the plant from breaking off.
    • The soil is dug up to a depth of at least 40 cm.
    • Then fertilizer is applied. Humus or rotted manure is taken at the rate of 10-15 kg per square meter soil. Peat, sand and mineral fertilizers (superphosphate) are added, calculating a portion of 60-80 g per square meter.

  • Planting begins at the end of September or early October. Early dates plantings can cause the plant to grow in winter and it will die.
  • If planting occurred at the end of October - beginning of November, the plant must be well insulated and covered with film from snow and cold rain.
  • For flowerbed planting, when a lot of planting material is taken, the soil must be raised by 15-20 cm. Such a rise will provide good aeration in the spring, and the soil will warm up faster.

Care after flowering

If you don’t know when to dig up this beauty after flowering, take note: the most preferable time is the end of June - the beginning of July. In the garden and at home, you need to dig the bulb out of the ground, wash it, dry it, separate the bulblets, if any, and store them. Then proceed to their forcing, described above.


In flower propagation, bulbs, bulb scales and children are used. If the task is to develop a new variety, take the seeds of the plant, which, as a rule, do not inherit the characteristics of the mother flower. The process of growing from seeds is very complex and quite expensive, so it is better to use the first three methods for your home and garden.

    1. The simplest solution is to wait until the babies appear at the central bulb. However, when you dig up the hyacinths after flowering, you will find 2, maybe 3 or 4 babies there, no more. If you want to get a lot of children from a plant, you should interrupt its flowering so that it directs its forces to reproduction.
    2. Cutting out the bottom also helps speed up the formation of young bulbs. This must be done very carefully so as not to cause dangerous damage to the parent bulb. Use a teaspoon with the tip pointed. Having cut the bottom, remove the bases of the scale-like leaves and plant the bulb in soil mixture, placing it cut side up. Maintain the temperature at +20 degrees for two months, until new bulbs form. Children appear on sections of scale-like leaves.

  1. If you doubt the success of the previous method, simply cut the bottom of the onion several times. The depth of the cuts is 0.5 cm. 4 or 2 cuts are sufficient, depending on the size of the planting material. Place the onion with the cuts in a dry, warm place for a day, at a temperature of 20 degrees, then transfer it to a prepared container with soil and wait for the babies to form.

Important: do not forget to treat sections of scale-like leaves and cuts with a fungicide to prevent their disease.

Diseases and pests

The first step towards illness may be bad planting material. Carefully cull the bulbs, mercilessly parting with diseased and damaged ones.

A characteristic disease of adult plants is yellow bacterial rot. It affects the plant bulbs, turning their tissues into shapeless mucus with a rather specific odor. The rotting process cannot be stopped, so all infected bulbs must be destroyed.

If the inflorescence falls out of the rosette of leaves, it means that you have flooded the flower. Excess moisture provokes an increase in root pressure, the inflorescence weakens and falls off.

In order to avoid such troubles as stunting, curvature of leaves and peduncles, it is necessary to mandatory Treat both the soil and the bulbs before planting.

Yellowed leaves of a flower indicate a low amount of moisture and light. Move the plant to a brighter place and restore normal watering.

The best varieties for home and garden

The main difference between all varieties of hyacinth is the color of the inflorescence. Most gardeners choose a plant based on it. Flowers can be double or regular. In our latitudes, an oriental type of flower is grown, and the best varieties recognized:

    • White Festival and White Pearl with snow-white cobs;

    • Blue Festival and Delft Blue with inflorescences colored in amazing blue Gzhel;

    • Woodstock, which produces stunning burgundy flowers;

  • Jan Bos will delight you with red and pink lights, and Pink Pearl will decorate the garden with bright pink blooms.

When choosing varieties, think about what you want to see in your garden or on the windowsill. For a large-scale composition, make organic combinations, and home windowsill and one blooming hyacinth gives birth to an amazing symphony of beauty.

If you are not afraid of complex care, then you will become the owner amazing flower. It got its name from the god Apollo, who immortalized in it the name of his lover, killed by the god of the west wind Zephyr. That's how, from a drop of blood of a beautiful young man came into the world charming flower, which won the hearts of millions.

Home interior plants come in a variety of shapes and colors. But some horticultural crops can also be grown in room conditions. Hyacinth at home in a pot can be used as a forcing plant certain dates, or may be imprisoned for permanent “place of residence.” Sometimes the impossible is possible and snowdrops can bloom in winter. You can find out how to plant and grow hyacinth at home in a pot in this article.

Hyacinths are among the most beautiful spring flowers that we may encounter in our gardens. However, not everyone knows that these same plants can be easily prepared and brought to flowering in our homes. This will surprise your guests beautiful flowers hyacinths on your windowsill, which in decorative pot or container look even better than on ours spring garden. In addition, such bulbs can be brought to flowering even in winter, when you can only dream of greenery in the garden. Find out how to do this in this article.

How to plant hyacinth at home - the subtleties of the process

Before planting hyacinth at home, you need to decide on its future purpose. flower culture. The process of bringing a bulb to flower at home in a pot in a house is called “forcing” (this is one of the methods used in gardening aimed at accelerated flowering ornamental plants). Year after year, this procedure is becoming more and more popular, especially among block residents who do not have their own gardens and would also like to bring a little spring into their lives. Speaking about the intricacies of the process in a nutshell, this procedure involves cooling the bulb and then raising it to a higher high temperatures where they will begin to bloom. Due to the location of the roots at a lower temperature, it goes through all the same processes as in winter time, while their growth and placement in a container, after a period of dormancy, stimulates plant growth and flowering.

So let's start preparing the onion. If you want to have hyacinths blooming in January-February, then the whole process must begin in September-early October. It is then that we choose a healthy, unbruised and fairly large onion, which we place in a dark and cool place. The temperature should not exceed 9-10 degrees, but at the same time should not be below 6 degrees. The most best place is the basement, where in addition to the appropriate temperature, as a rule, there is also favorable air humidity. So, after approximately 10 weeks, small, white roots should gradually appear from stored bulbs. This is exactly the period when we should start planting our flowers.

How to grow hyacinth at home for long-term flowering?

Unfortunately, the above method of forcing allows you to get only short-term flowering. After which the bulb needs to be transplanted into open ground. There it will gain strength and will be ready to delight again with active flowering when forced at home only after 2-3 years. How to grow hyacinth at home long flowering without transplanting or cutting? This will require landing in nutrient soil in special containers.

Containers for hyacinths can be absolutely anything. Both small pots in which only one plant blooms, and wide and flat dishes in which we can plant several at the same time, which during flowering will resemble a mini spring flowering plant, look beautiful. Very in a modern way It is also possible to grow bulbs in glass, transparent vessels, which are filled with water instead of soil, where, in addition to the flower itself, its long, white roots are also a decoration.

If you decide to grow hyacinths in containers, you should install them in place with a large number Sveta. The temperature should not be very high - no higher than 20 degrees. After flowering, it is necessary to remove the dry parts of the plant, but still leave it in the container until all the above-ground parts dry out. Only then can we take them out and store them in a cool, dark place until the fall, and plant them in the garden in the fall. Or rather, it should not be the case that the same roots are used several times in a row.

In addition to hyacinths, we can bring many other plants to flower in a similar way. The most common are tulips, crocuses and daffodils, but other onion plants are also found. Such compositions can be found in many places very early in spring. garden stores and supermarkets.

The main thing is to create favorable conditions for this.

Let's consider what you need to know in order for a hyacinth to bloom in a pot, and what kind of care at home this will require.

Description of the flower

Hyacinth belongs to the asparagus family. It is a pointed tube from which a dense green inflorescence appears. The leaves gradually open, and the inflorescence gains color. The peduncle can grow up to 30 cm, while it is densely covered with small flowers, which are collected in brushes. On average, up to 30 flowers open on one stem, which emit a strong aroma.

Did you know? Latin name plants- Hyacinthus. The name comes from the name of the hero of Greek mythology- a beautiful young man named Hyakynthos, with whom the sun god Apollo was in love. One day, during a discus throwing practice, the jealous god of the West Wind, Zephyr, who was also in love with Hyakynthos, mortally wounded the young man. At the site of the shed blood of Hyakinthos, a charming flower grew, which Apollo named in honor of his dead loved one.

The color of hyacinth may vary. Today, varieties have been bred with simple and sufficient large flowers, besides, there are double and even multi-colored flowers. After flowering ends, all ground leaves die off. A new peduncle will grow from a young bud that appears on the old bulb.

Hyacinths are flowers that do not require special knowledge and skills to plant and care for, but at home every little detail is important.

Growing conditions

A flowering plant needs to be fed twice a month with compounds to stimulate flowering.

Care after flowering

Many who have become the owner of such a flower are interested in what to do with the hyacinth in a pot after flowering. To preserve its life, cut off the flower stalks and stop applying fertilizers. During this time, the mother bulb is restored and daughter bulbs are formed.

Important! Hyacinths can be grown in vases with water. The ideal container is one that resembles hourglass. Pour into the lower part until it narrows. rainwater and place the onion on top so that it barely touches the water.

After all aboveground part completely dry, the hyacinth is taken out of the ground, cleared of leaves and dried for 3 days. At the end of this time, the children are separated and the old bulb is planted on garden plot, and small bulbs in new pots.

Breeding rules

Hyacinth reproduces by bulbs that grow from the mother bulb. In a year, from one to 4 children are formed, you can also artificially increase their number. To do this, cut and incise the bottom.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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