For one book in our publishing house it was necessary to depict orthodox cross. There are many images of crosses in Yandex, but the quality of the picture required that the cross be drawn initially in graphic editor. We tried to draw, but it didn’t work, the proportions weren’t right. Began to search required proportions- it turned out that there are such people. And all the crosses that are made for the needs of the Russian Orthodox Church are made only according to these proportions. And we are talking here not only about the holiness of the Cross, as one of the main symbols of Orthodoxy, but also about its symbolism, clearly linked to proportions. But first things first...

The cross is a symbol of God - our Lord Jesus Christ. For every Orthodox believer, the cross is associated with memories of the Lord’s death throes for the sins of all people from the Fall of Adam and Eve until the end of time. Even if there is no image of the crucifixion on the cross, it is invisibly present there. Therefore, the proportions of the cross are related to the proportions of a person.

Creating living organisms from the simplest to man, the “Creator of all things” used a single matter and the universal proportion of the “golden section” to give shape to living beings. “Gold” is present everywhere: in the form of a mollusk shell, a turnip in the garden, and in the proportions of the crown of creation - man. For example, the ratio of a person's height to the height from the heels to the navel is the same as the ratio of the size from the heels to the navel to the height from the navel to the crown of the head, and the same as the sequential ratio of the sizes of the phalanges of any finger to each other. This universal ratio is 1:0.618.

The proportions of the “golden section” are present in all harmonic phenomena of life; they used to be present in human creations, for example, in classical music (in the culminating “nodes” of works), but these proportions no longer exist in jazz or rock. The same can be said about modern architecture.
God is Perfection, therefore, the symbol of God must be built according to the laws of His creation: in the “golden” proportion. In other words, the proportions of the cross are the division of a straight line segment in the “golden” ratio. The cross must also reflect the history of its origin, as the Three-Part Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord.

Greek (Korsun cross)

Figure 1.

The cross is the tree of life, the guardian of the Universe, therefore, it is no coincidence that many decorative elements of the cross are associated with its origin and have corresponding names: “burrs” in the form of leaves located on the three upper ends of the cross, “branches” - on the main “trunk” above the tsata, “ the sun" and the rays extending from it in the center of the Baroque cross. Analyzing temple crosses, chronologically we can distinguish several main types of crosses known to Russian architects: the Greek equal-pointed cross, its other name is the Korsun cross (Figure 1) , by the name of the city from where Rus' directly adopted the Orthodox Faith; Russian Orthodox eight-pointed cross (Figure 2) ; baroque cross (Figure 3) .

All the types of crosses listed above differ from each other in proportions, number and nature decorative elements. The Greek cross usually fits into a square or rectangle in the "golden ratio", with usually a crossbar dividing the vertical one in half, hence the equilateral cross. Ancient cathedral churches usually had Greek crosses with decorative elements, while the central cross was more elongated vertically. The crosses had tsats at the bottom as a symbol of God’s blessing, which also meant the service of a bishop in a given church. The body of the cross had inserts - metal plates with perforated carvings. The theme of the plots was usually “paradise”: birds and flowers.

Russian eight-pointed cross

Figure 2.

The Russian eight-pointed cross most often fits into a rectangle, the sides of which relate to each other in the “golden ratio”. The cross is ascetic, has no decorative ornaments. It consists of a vertical pillar and three crossbars: the top signifies the tablet on which Pilate made inscriptions in Greek, Roman and Hebrew; the middle one - the arms of our Lord Jesus Christ are spread out on it, embracing the whole world; the lower crossbar marks the place where the Lord's feet were nailed. The lower crossbar is tilted; if you look at the cross from the west, the left part of the crossbar is raised up, and the right part is down. According to the teachings of the Church, at the Last Judgment the righteous will stand right hand the Lord, and sinners on the left, the first to go to heaven, to paradise, and sinners to hell, to hell.

From anthropometrics we know that if the size of a person’s arm span is almost equal to his height, then the size of the middle crossbar of the Russian cross is equal to the vertical size from the middle crossbar to the bottom. Based on this fairly simple and clear position, you can find all the other proportions of the eight-pointed cross. If we take the height of the cross to be 1.0, then its middle crossbar should be equal to 0.618, the distance from the middle crossbar to the bottom will also be equal to 0.618. Let us take the distance from the top crossbar to the top of the cross to be equal to the distance from the bottom crossbar to the base of the cross; if we represent this in numbers, we get: 1) 1.0 - 0.618 = 0.382;
2) 0.382: 2 = 0.191 (see Fig. 2).

Depending on the height of the structure and its visual perception from the ground, vertical elements crosses were stretched out (most often on bell towers, due to their insignificant dimensions of the plan in relation to the height).

Baroque cross

Figure 3.

The Baroque cross arose and became widespread in Russia in the 18th century. Its appearance is associated with the dominant at that time eponymous architectural style. The peculiarity of this style is the “lushness” of forms and the saturation of elements with curvilinear outlines. Although many provincial churches of this period are modest in shape and number of decorative elements, the crosses are “rich”: saturated with elements that have a subtle graceful design and are covered with zealot leaf.

The analysis of baroque crosses allows us to determine their proportions, which were most often used by master baptizers when creating a “standard” cross. The ratio of the height of the Baroque cross to its height to the main crossbar is 1.000: 0.618. The size from the center of the crossbar to the top of the cross is equal to half the span of the cross in the crossbar and is 0.382 of the total height. As in the eight-pointed Russian cross, the size of the main crossbar of the cross without decorative “burrs” is equal to the height from the crosshair to the bottom crossbar - tsata (0.472 times the height of the cross) (see Fig. 3). Crosses with tsats, as mentioned above, were placed only on churches where the bishop served. The division of each large element into smaller components is also carried out in the “golden ratio”, this achieves harmony of the whole and each individual element.

In the process of further analysis of the proportions of the crosses, the dependence of the main dimensions of the crosses on the dimensions of Orthodox churches and chapels, and also, consequently, on their visual perception from the ground was revealed. For example, the following relationship was revealed: the crosses of relatively low chapels are closer to a square or rectangle in the “golden ratio”, and the proportions of the crosses of high-rise bell towers tend to be a double square in height.
The research results obtained were defended at the scientific and methodological council of the department of culture and served as the basis for the author’s practical activities to recreate those destroyed in Soviet era finish Orthodox churches, as well as the design of new cathedrals, churches and chapels. In particular, this is the design of the Cathedral of St. Nicholas of the St. Nicholas Monastery of Pereslavl-Zalessky; the Church of St. George the Victorious PC "Slavich", designing a chapel at the source of the appearance of the icon of the Great Martyr Barbara and the chapel of St. Dmitry Prilutsky in the Pereslavl region; design of the wooden church of St. Tikhon and the New Martyrs of Russia, the stone church of John the Baptist and the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ in Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region.

Thanks to the information about the proportions, we drew the correct footer. Many will say - what’s the problem, take it and redraw it from any sample? However, it is very important in the book to display not the skill of a draftsman (read: designer, decorator), but respect for the Faith, for the tradition in which this Faith lives, and for the culture in which the tradition is reflected.

Information from here.

Grave crosses, which are installed on Christian graves immediately after the funeral of the deceased, are most often made of wood.

Usually them together with others necessary accessories purchased at a funeral store. However, sometimes situations arise when, for example, a store is not available, but a cross is necessary. Alternatively, someone may simply want to make their own crucifix for the grave to express their love for the deceased in a special way.

Of course, this work will require both artistic and special technical skills from a person.

Only their presence will allow you to work fruitfully with the material from which you plan to make the cross. In addition, each stage of the manufacturing process will require its own special tool.

Calculations and model creation

First you need to draw a sketch of a model of the future cross.

At the same time, you will develop a design concept and lay down required dimensions products. They are calculated in accordance with the proportions of the “golden ratio”, characteristic of the ideal human body.

This tradition comes from ancient times. Such was the cross of the Savior on which he was crucified.


If we take the value of 1.618 m as the base height of the cross, then further

the ratios should be as follows:

— the length of the central crossbar will be 1.618 m;

- the distance from it to the top, as well as the length of the top bar will be 0.382 m;

— the top crossbar should be 0.236 m from the middle one;

- from the top to the first short crossbar the distance is calculated at 0.146 m;

- between the lower braid and the base you need to measure 0.5 m.

Only after careful measurements and calculations, as well as subsequent accurate drawing of the sketch, do you begin to create a layout, according to which you can subsequently begin making the cross itself.

Materials for manufacturing

It is necessary to decide what the grave crucifix will be made of. The entire subsequent process of preparation, and then the actual manufacturing of the product, primarily depends on this.

Most popular materials in our case they are wood, metal and stone.

It's easiest to do it yourself wooden cross. To get a correct and beautiful frame of the model, you will need basic carpentry skills.

If you then want to decorate almost finished product thread, you will also need artistic ability. At the very end of the work, the wood must be treated with stain and varnished to protect it from negative impact environment.

Metal is a less malleable material than wood and requires very special skills and approaches.

However, it is no less suitable for artistic treatment. A skilled craftsman is able to produce very beautiful things from it. The most common method of making a metal grave cross is forging.

A wooden cross for a grave is a worthy alternative to conventional tombstones correct forms and sculpted statues. This type of burial design has been used since ancient times. It is believed that it is most correct to install a cross on the grave of a Christian believer. What material to choose from for this element of cemetery decoration and what rules should be followed during installation?

Choosing wood

If you are faced with the need to arrange a final shelter for loved one, you probably want the result of your work to look decent. Many workshops specializing in this offer the manufacture of wooden crosses for graves. Wood looks noble, however, choosing this material for the manufacture of elements and structures under open air, its special characteristics should be taken into account.

Only aspen is not afraid of water and does not rot. However, this breed is not used for making Christian paraphernalia, as it is considered cursed. It was on an aspen tree that Judas hanged himself, and therefore the tree does not have the best reputation in the Orthodox world. Oak is considered one of the most durable species; over the years it becomes stronger and acquires a noble dark shade. Products made from beech, teak, and ash can last approximately 30 years. If you wish, it is not at all difficult to find a wooden cross for a grave made of pine; its undeniable advantage is low cost, but will also lose attractive appearance it is much faster than more expensive analogues.

Wood processing

Without special protection wooden products located on outdoors, can keep their attractive appearance within 5-7 years. Over the years, under the influence of precipitation and temperature changes, the wood rots, darkens, and cracks may appear. Wooden grave crosses are treated with special antiseptics and protective impregnations. However, there is no composition that can completely prevent wood rotting. Even the most expensive and high-quality wooden cross on a grave will have to be replaced after some time. IN best case scenario this period will be 30 years.

Rules for installing grave crosses

Previously, all elements of burial decoration were painted. Today the most popular are crosses made of natural wood, made while maintaining its shade and texture. Such products can have a laconic form or be decorated with carved elements. In the cemetery you can see Christian symbols with additional upper crossbars - these are Old Russian wooden crosses for the grave. A photo of the deceased can also be attached to a tombstone crucifix, sometimes instead they are limited to a plaque with the name and years of life or an icon.

When placing a cross on the grave, do not forget to keep an eye on it. Remember that this is a sacred element of decoration and should always look appropriate. It is useful to treat wood once a year protective composition. The cross should stand straight and point the top straight to the sky. Over time, the crucifix may become askew, in which case it should be carefully adjusted and secured in the correct position.

Good to know before placing a wooden cross on a grave

An Orthodox symbol can be installed at the burial site of a believer. The issue of choosing such a monument for an unbaptized person or someone who has committed a grave sin should be discussed separately with the clergyman. It is not customary to place crosses on the graves of suicides, but today some priests agree to perform funeral services for those who died of their own free will, and bless the installation of Christian monuments at their graves.

What to choose: a traditional monument or a cross? This is a matter of personal taste and faith, but it is increasingly common to see graves containing both. More often, a cross is placed at the head of the deceased, and a monument at the feet. Funeral crucifixes today are made not only from wood; if desired, you can order interesting option made of metal or stone. However, wood products amaze with the variety of shapes and design options and look no less solemn.

The customer can independently choose the size of the wooden cross for the grave; the location of neighboring monuments and the surroundings of the grave as a whole should be taken into account. Standard height crucifixes - 180-200 centimeters, and the length of the crossbars can vary significantly depending on the characteristics of the shape of the product.

Signs, superstitions and instructions of the Church about crosses on the grave.

The symbol of Christ's crucifixion - the cross - has been shrouded in a mysterious shroud of riddles, secrets and superstitions since ancient times. Many of these signs have taken on a religious form since Christianity spread throughout the world, choosing the cross as its symbol.

According to religious dogmas, death is an important, turning point event in the life of every person. Moreover, monks and elders call life a preparation for death, since it is with the end of “earthly affairs” that the soul meets the Lord. Therefore, it is not surprising that so many different religious instructions and instructions are associated with the burial rite. A very important one is the installation of a cross on the grave of a deceased Christian.

The cross is a shrine that is revered and arouses reverence among all Christians. And in this regard, when installing it on the grave, some problems may arise. practical questions, caused by the fear of offending a sacred symbol, thereby incurring divine wrath.

How to install a cross on a grave?

Building on tradition Orthodox Christianity, the grave is positioned so that the head of the deceased is directed to the west and the legs to the east. According to biblical accounts, this is how Jesus was buried.

A tombstone cross is placed at the feet of the deceased, so that at the moment when the soul leaves its final refuge, it can see in front of it the holy symbol of forgiveness and offer prayers before it. Catholic traditions require placing a cross above your head. It is believed that when leaving the earth, the soul kisses the crucifix, expressing its submission and devotion to Christian teaching.

What to do with the old cross?

On the day of the funeral, an ordinary wooden cross is placed on the grave. This is done not only for religious reasons, but also for practical ones: a wooden structure is quite light in weight (compared, for example, with stone tombstones), and therefore its installation will not interfere with the natural subsidence and compaction of the soil at the burial site.

But when the time comes to install a new, permanent headstone, the cross is dismantled and the question arises of what to do with it. It is really impossible to throw away a shrine in the trash, as this is a sign of disrespect. It is recommended to burn a wooden cross as unnecessary. If such a need arises, you should ask the cemetery administration where this can be done. As a rule, each graveyard has places for such needs.

If the cross is well preserved, it can be given to a workshop or even sold. According to clergy, there is nothing forbidden or shameful in installing an old crucifix. In addition, an old tombstone can become the personification of the deceased’s non-covetousness, his meekness and lack of desire for material, earthly goods.

What to do if the cross is askew or has fallen?

Due to bad weather, a tombstone, especially a temporary one made of lightweight material and installed without a solid foundation, can become askew or even fall. If the crucifix is ​​lopsided, it should be corrected, a dense earthen mound should be made and it should be compacted well. The cross should stand straight on the grave.

There are two opinions about fallen crosses, but they agree that this is an unfavorable sign. Some argue that a toppled tombstone can simply be reinstalled, but with a better installation this time. According to others, the fallen cross should be burned and a new one installed in its place. Be that as it may, the Church recommends ordering a prayer service for the repose or lighting a candle if this happened at the grave of your loved one.

Signs and superstitions

Many people associate various superstitions with grave crosses. They cast fortunes on them, remove and damage them, cast love spells and conspiracies. The Orthodox Church disapproves of such rituals; they are called pagan. The Holy Fathers assert that if you notice unkind signs associated with tombstone crosses, as if someone wants to bring trouble upon you, you should not be afraid and take it too seriously. You need to strengthen your faith, go to church, pray, take holy communion, then no misfortunes will be able to touch you or your family.

One way or another, many different signs and religious requirements are associated with crosses. To bury a loved one, thoroughly observing the instructions of the Church, is a laudable, good desire, but if faith lives in the heart and sincere prayers for the deceased come from the depths of the soul, then one should not be afraid to allow small errors related to the installation of a tombstone cross.

A wooden cross is most often placed on a grave. This is done immediately after the coffin with the deceased is lowered into the ground. They are purchased at a funeral store, along with other accessories necessary for a funeral.

However, sometimes there is no such store at the cemetery, and it becomes necessary to make a crucifix for the grave yourself. In order for the cross to comply with all Christian canons, you need to know some data, which will be discussed in our article.

What types of crosses are there?

The Old Russian Orthodox tradition, which is strictly observed today, is customary to use two types of wooden crosses on the grave:

  1. Six-pointed. In this version there is a lower oblique crossbar (it is usually called the “righteous measure”). The whole essence of sinful human nature and the possibility of receiving forgiveness from the Lord is symbolized by its two ends:
  • the lower left end, signifying the sin of unrepentance, is directed towards the crucified one on the left, who blasphemed Jesus and ended up in Hell;
  • the upper right end symbolizes purification after repentance, since it was on this side that the thief who repented and went to Paradise was crucified.
  1. Eight-pointed. There is a shortened upper crossbar located slightly above the long horizontal one. It is generally accepted that this completely replicates the shape of the cross used to crucify Jesus. The upper shortened bar is assigned the role of a tablet, which was written before the execution by order of Pontius Pilate. It read that this was “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.”

We calculate and create a model

First, you should draw a sketch of the future cross, chosen from the two options described above. On it, in addition to design solution, you should display all the dimensions that the finished product will have. To calculate them, it is customary to focus on the proportions of the “golden section”, which reflect the ideally proportioned human body.


The base height of the eight-pointed cross is taken to be 1.618 m. In accordance with this, all other dimensions will look like this:

  • The vertical crossbar is 1.618 m long.
  • The length of the top crossbar is 0.382 m. It is installed at a distance of 0.146 m from the upper end of the vertical crossbar.
  • Next, stepping back another 0.236 m from the center, a crossbar with a size of 1,000 m is mounted.
  • 0.500 m is measured from the lower end and an oblique crossbar is installed.

Only after producing accurate calculations and having drawn the sketch, you can begin to make the layout. Once it is ready and the compliance with all the proportions established by Christian canons has been checked, you can begin making the cross itself.

What materials can be used to make a cross for a grave?

The following materials can be used to make grave crosses:

  • Tree.
  • Metal.
  • Stone.

Wood is the easiest to process and its cost is affordable for almost everyone. True, to make a high-quality cross you will need some carpentry skills. However, even if they are not available, they can be acquired quite quickly, especially since the manufacturing process itself is very simple.

In order for the finished cross to stand for as long as possible on the grave of a loved one, it must be protected from exposure to moisture and direct sun rays. For this purpose, several options can be used, which will be discussed further.

Varnishing a wooden cross

Before applying any type of protection, the surface of the cross must be cleaned and sanded. Only after this can you begin to apply varnish, which should have been intended for outdoor use. That is, it is pre-designed to withstand the effects of moisture, freezing temperatures and direct sunlight.

What are the advantages of using:

  • Varnish applied to a wooden cross allows you to protect it from moisture for a long time.
  • The chemical properties of the varnish allow it to penetrate deeply into the structure of the wood, filling it with oils.
  • The vapor permeability of the varnish allows the wood to breathe, which prevents its damage.
  • The varnished surface is resistant to mechanical stress and abrasion.
  • The varnish is able to provide protection from the harmful effects of sunlight.
  • Pests, fungi and mold cannot penetrate the wood through the varnish.

Negative properties:

  • When varnished, the shade of the wood from which the cross was made changes.
  • It takes quite a long time for the varnish to dry completely.

Using paint

Paints, like varnishes, can have different basis. To paint a wooden cross on a grave, you must use one with an oil base.

The advantages include:

  • High-quality oil-based paint, intended for outdoor use, resists moisture well.
  • The oil coating protects the wood from the development of harmful microorganisms.
  • A well-dried layer of oil paint practically does not react to mechanical impact and is abrasion resistant.
  • Through oil paint UV rays do not penetrate.

Indicators related to minuses:

  • The color of the wooden cross changes greatly, since the base is completely opaque.
  • The structure of the tree is hidden.
  • Over time, the original color of the paint fades under sunlight.

Stain coating

Only those types of stains that are intended for outdoor work are used.

  • Impregnation is an excellent antiseptic.
  • The stain penetrates deeply into the structure of the wood, which helps protect the material from the inside.
  • Prevents the development of mold, fungi and insects.
  • It is very easy to apply and does not take much time to absorb.
  • The stain is formed protective layer on a tree.
  • The composition contains non-evaporating and non-leaching biocides.
  • Maximum preservation of such decorative functions wood, like structure and color.
  • Fragility of the applied layer.

Coatings containing wax

What's good:

  • Provides protection from weather conditions.
  • Does not allow sunlight to pass through.
  • While slightly changing color, it retains the structural features of the tree.
  • There is a wide variety of colors.
  • The surface becomes silky.
  • Repels water.

What's bad:

  • The elasticity of the coating does not provide protection against mechanical stress.

We treat the wooden cross with a colorless coating containing absorbents and UV filters

Positive properties of the coating:

  • Able to protect a wooden cross from sunlight.
  • The structure of the tree is not only preserved, but also complemented by shine.
  • The presence of absorbents and UV filters keeps the product in its original form for a long time.
  • There are no cracks on the surface, it is easily renewed.
  • Prevents pests from entering.

Negative properties of the coating:

  • It takes a long time to dry completely.
  • Requires application in several layers.

Where and how to place a wooden cross on a grave

After completing the manufacturing work, you can proceed to installation. Where should the cross be? The deceased is lowered into the grave so that he is turned to face the east, waiting for the Morning of Eternity, to immediately see the coming of the Savior.

A wooden cross, as a symbol of salvation, is placed at the feet of the buried person. In this case, the crucifix should be turned towards the face of the deceased. In this case, when the Sunday of the Dead comes, he, having risen from the grave, will see a sign signifying the victory of the Lord over the devil.

The opinion of the clergy

The cross is the main one on the grave in which the Orthodox lies. And he should stand at full height, and not, for example, be drawn on a tombstone. The cross is the hope and hope of a Christian. The monument is nothing more than a soulless block; it cannot in any way replace a standing cross.

If you really want to erect a monument, then this should be done in such a way that the cross remains in its place. In this case, the monument can be placed either next to the cross or opposite it, that is, in the heads. If it was not possible to save the cross, then it should be placed on the ground next to the grave.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):