There are thousands of rivers, lakes and swamps all over the world, the vegetation of which is impressive in its diversity. Moreover, some plants can exist not only above the surface of the water, but also below it. All plants of freshwater bodies of water are unique, but despite the fact that most of them still tend to grow in certain types of bodies of water, there are also varieties that feel great in any fresh water.

An example is the common trefoil, which is a valuable medicinal plant. Its petioles begin to grow directly from the root, with each of them crowned with three large leaves. At the same time, there are no leaves on the stem itself, but its top is crowned with a cluster of small pale pink, almost white flowers, reminiscent of stars in their shape.

The most common plants in freshwater bodies

Plants of fresh water bodies, the names of which are indicated in this article, grow almost everywhere, but have many individual characteristics. As an example, we can cite plants that can be seen almost everywhere where there is fresh water - these are reeds, cattails and reeds.

They like to grow in thickets and have many similar features, due to which they are often confused with each other, although they belong to different families. First of all, these are the stems, which in these plants are tall and straight. In some cases they can even reach 6-9 meters, but this is where their similarity ends. In reeds there are practically no leaves on the stem; in cattails, the leaves begin to twist in a helical manner from the base. In addition, the cattail ear is long and velvety, unlike reeds, which are characterized by a fluffy panicle.

Practical benefits

For plants such as reeds, cattails and reeds, it is characteristic accelerated growth, due to which their number increases so much that they completely capture significant areas of water, gradually emptying them. Largely due to the fact that people from ancient times have adapted plants from fresh water bodies for various economic needs, in particular, for covering roofs, weaving baskets, bags, mats and even ropes, sources fresh water practically never dry out. The remaining plants simply do not have time to absorb all the moisture and dry up the source.

swampy area

In order to find out which plants fresh water characteristic of your area, just carefully study the sources closest to you. For example, the most widespread in swampy areas is that there are more than 1000 various types Worldwide. Nevertheless, the structure of each of them contains similar features, among which is a triangular stem with a dense structure, while long, grooved leaves, pointed towards the end, extend from each face. A similar leaf structure can be observed in most cereal crops.

The second most common plant and the most similar in appearance to sedge is the rush plant. It also grows in swamps, but this grass, unlike sedge, is characterized by a round shape. In addition, due to the fact that the stem of the rush is thinner and branched, the leaves, while maintaining a similar structure, are still much narrower than those of the sedge and, Seeing these two plants side by side, it will be quite difficult to confuse them in the future.

Rivers and lakes

Plants of fresh water bodies, which are characteristic of river and lake areas, are primarily noticeable on the banks. First of all, this is typical for iris flowers, which are similar in appearance to ordinary flowers. garden iris. In addition to them, the no less common weeping grass can grow in the coastal zone, whose purple inflorescences, reminiscent of a spike, immediately catch the eye. Its leaves are similar to willow leaves, but they are characterized by special slits, thanks to which excess moisture, which the plant absorbs, is easily removed outside.

Poisonous representatives

However, it is worth considering that not all plants of fresh water bodies are harmless, because among them there are also poisonous representatives, among which the most common are chastuha and arrowhead. Moreover, the appearance of their leaves is directly related to their habitat. If these plants grow immersed in water, the leaves will resemble ribbons in their shape. If they are located on the surface of the water, they are held on it using an underwater petiole and a special floating plate. In addition, being on the surface, the leaves of the arrowhead take on the shape of arrows and begin to fully live up to their name. Unlike chastuha, which is completely poisonous, people have adapted arrowhead tubers for food.

Plants of freshwater bodies of water, characteristic of swampy areas, are buttercups, which also differ in that they can be either floating or located under water. Moreover, despite the fact that they can also be found in other freshwater sources, all buttercups, without exception, are poisonous plants. The most dangerous to humans are:

  • poisonous buttercup;
  • buttercup pimple - forms abscesses on the skin.

In addition, in the category poisonous plants, which are found in freshwater bodies, can be attributed to one of the most poisonous plants of modern flora - hemlock, which grows exclusively in marshy areas.

The beauty of freshwater plants

Plants of fresh water bodies, photos of which can be seen in this article, continue to amaze with their beauty. For example, having seen it in a pond, few will remain indifferent to its grace. Her flowers are large, large.

Opening at sunrise, they close only at sunset. Among the people, the water lily received several names at once, among which the most famous remain White Lily and water rose. Its leaves, located above the water, are large and large. They are characterized by the presence large quantity air cavities, however, under water leaves her appearance resembles ribbons. Often in freshwater bodies of water you can find an equally beautiful yellow water lily.

Plants and animals of fresh water bodies are unique and need permanent protection. Thanks to constantly changing climatic conditions, some of them are on the verge of extinction, while the rest have significantly reduced their population. The only exception is the amphibious buckwheat, which, when the reservoir dries out, sheds aquatic leaves and grows new ones, characteristic of a land plant.

However, in contrast to the amphibious buckwheat, we can give the example of pondweed, which grows exclusively at great depths and is a favorite place for laying eggs by most fish. It is imported into some imported farms specifically in order to significantly increase the fish population.

A person should try with all his might to maintain the ecological situation of freshwater bodies of water, reducing harmful emissions not only into water sources, but also into the atmosphere, and also, if possible, reduce the population various plants, reducing the moisture content in reservoirs and ultimately leading to their complete drying.

It is known that 2/3 of the surface of our planet is occupied by water spaces. It is not surprising that there were many representatives flora who have mastered the aquatic environment and have unique biological characteristics for this purpose.

Strictly speaking, only a small group of plants that are constantly in the water column are truly aquatic. Some of them are attached to the bottom by roots (hydrophytes), like elodea (Elodea) or urut (Myriophillum). Others, completely devoid of roots, are in a free-floating state (plestophytes) - hornwort (Ceratophyllum), pemphigus (Utricularia).

Deep-sea plants absorb nutrients to a greater extent through the stems than through the roots, so the stems are branched and their surface is greatly increased. This is clearly observed in the examples of hornwort, uruti, and bladderwort.

In some aquatic plants, a clear dimorphism is observed in the structure of the leaves; underwater and floating ones do not resemble each other in any way. This difference is well expressed in floating pondweed (Potamogeton natans) and, especially, cereal pondweed (Potamogeton gramineus)– their underwater leaves are poorly developed. Needing, like other flora, sunlight, many aquatic plants place their main photosynthetic apparatus - leaves - in a floating state on the surface of the water. At the same time, they take root at the bottom and carry the leaves to the surface of the water on long stems, like a water lily (Nimphea) or egg capsule (Nuphar), or they float along with the roots without even touching the ground, such as the frog's watercolor (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae) or marsh turkish (Butomus umbellatus).

The floating leaves of deep-sea plants have one characteristic feature- the stomata on them are located not on the bottom, but on the top side of the leaf - where they come into contact with air, and not with water (water lily, water lily, marsh flower, brazenia). The leaves themselves are thick, leathery, covered with a waxy layer to protect them from excess moisture.

The water lily, or nymphea, is rightfully considered the most luxurious and exquisite plant for a pond. Besides several natural species, there is a wide variety of varieties that decorate for two months water surface with its flowering. The most winter-hardy of them come from the quadrangular water lily, found in our nature all the way to the Arctic Circle, and overwinter under thick ice. Heat-loving varieties obtained with the participation of tropical water lilies, often larger and more interesting in the color of flowers and foliage, require a frost-free room for wintering.

Many aquatic plants used to decorate garden ponds are representatives of the Russian flora - marsh flower, bladderwort, pondweed, bagel, salvinia, telores, turcha, wolfia, duckweed - they are well adapted to our harsh climatic conditions.

The organs of aquatic plants located in an airless environment experience a constant deficiency of oxygen and carbon dioxide necessary for life. In this regard, most of them have loose ventilation tissue (aerenchyma), which compensates for the lack of air exchange. It is present in the thickened petioles of water lilies (Nymphea), and Eichornia (Eichornia) and chilima (Trapa) also acts as a float and promotes their mobility. For the same reason, the stems of many aquatic plants are hollow.

All aquatic plants used today to decorate garden ponds came to us from nature, where they mastered completely different ecological niches - from small puddles and small streams to huge lakes and rivers. Understanding the ecological differences between wet habitats provides clues successful cultivation plants - from choosing a place for planting and soil conditions to principles of care.

Artificially created garden ponds, as a rule, have a controlled inflow and outflow of water. In nature, standing and flowing ponds are created for plants various conditions. Plants with long stems are not found in large lakes due to their great depth, but they grow in small ponds, regardless of depth.

Large leaves are found on plants that live in stagnant or slow-flowing waters, for example, yellow egg capsule (Nuphar lutea), knotweed amphibian (Polygonum amphibium). In flowing bodies of water (rivers, streams, springs), plants must withstand mechanical loads created by the flow, so they usually have medium-sized foliage. Some plants that prefer cold spring water do not take root well in heated garden ponds. And underwater plants of streams and springs, where water near the surface has constant contact with air, do not tolerate the oxygen-poor water of stagnant bodies of water.

The most reliable range of aquatic plants for temperate climate zone is the local natural flora. Among them is the quadrangular water lily (Nymphaea tetragona), bogweed (Nymphoides peltata), amphibious knotweed (Polygonum amphibium), float bagel (Trapa natans), telores aloeides (Stratiotes aloides), salvinia floating (Salvinia natans). They alone may be enough to decorate a pond.

However, more can diversify the flora of a garden pond. heat-loving plants. When acquiring non-winter-hardy species, you need to think about wintering them. Heat-loving hybrid water lilies are placed in a cool basement, covered with sphagnum moss.

Plants such as salvinia aurica can overwinter in an aquarium. (Salvinia auriculata), azolla carolina (Azolla caroliniana), Pistia lamina (Pistia stratiotes), Eichornia pachypodina (Eichhornia crassipes).

It is worth mentioning separately about mini-reservoirs arranged in containers. It is in them that some people most often use exotic plants living in aquariums.

To all those who cannot afford the luxury of having garden pond, even a miniature pond with 3-5 species of plants will bring a lot of joy and become an interesting garden object.

Photo: Maxim Minin, Rita Brilliantova

An ordinary, unremarkable pond can be turned into a picturesque oasis - paradise, attracting the attention of all your friends. Aquatic plants will help you with this artificial pond, which are able to live and develop exclusively in bodies of water. Depending on the depth of growth, they are divided into deep-sea, underwater and floating. We invite you to understand a little about each of these types so that you can confidently know what is right for you.

Luxurious plants for the pond - nymphs

Rooting of these specimens occurs at the bottom of the pond, that is, the roots are in the ground, and leaves and flowers protrude a short distance above the water or lie on its surface. As a rule, deep-sea plants have unusual decorative flowers And wide leaves, which not only decorates the pond, but also creates a shadow on the surface that prevents overheating of the water and the proliferation of unwanted algae in it.

The brightest representatives This group includes nymphs, also known as water lilies or water lilies. Thanks to the work of breeders, there are currently more than 35 species of nymphs. Their beautiful flowers can be different shades of red, yellow, blue, white. Their sizes are also different, depending on the species, ranging from 2.5 cm for the dwarf water lily to 15 cm for the snow-white water lily. There are varieties designed for shallow and deep reservoirs, large and small - all this must be taken into account when purchasing these plants.

Another frequent inhabitant of fresh water bodies are water lilies, which are relatives of nymphs and belong to the same family of water lilies. These aquatic plants for decorative pond, of course, they look simpler than water lilies, but they are also easier to care for. Dark yellow flowers of the egg capsule and its floating flat leaves at suitable conditions will quickly grow and fill most of the surface of the pond. Many varieties of egg capsules allow you to choose plants with flowers from 3 to 8 cm. Dwarf egg capsule is especially popular among owners of artificial reservoirs.

Aponogeton bispica has long been a traditional plant for ponds in the middle zone, with dark green leaves and white flowers that adorn the plant throughout the summer. From a tuber planted at a depth of 30-60 cm from the surface of the water, a stem with snow-white flowers grows. Aquatic plants rarely have an odor, but Aponogeton bispica has one and is reminiscent of the sweet aroma of vanilla.

IN man-made pond Plants such as bogwort and brazenia will look great. A heat-loving lotus can become an incredible decoration for a pond, but, unfortunately, it will not take root in middle lane, since it is an inhabitant exclusively southern regions.

Floating Pond Plants

Unlike deep-sea representatives, floating plants are not anchored by roots in the bottom soil. Their root system is located in the water, where it comes from. nutrients, and a rosette of leaves floats on the surface. These are unique natural filters that purify water from impurities and make it crystal clear.

This is primarily due to the fact that small leaves covering the water surface significantly reduce the amount of light entering deep into the water, and, therefore, make it impossible for blue-green algae to reproduce. Also, thread-like roots pull mineral salts from the water, depriving the algae of nutrition. In addition to the fact that floating plants bring undeniable benefits to the pond, many of them also bloom, giving the pond incredible charm.

Vodokras is exactly such a plant, the beauty of which is already inherent in its name. Its small snow-white flowers with a yellow center will open throughout the summer. For shallow artificial reservoirs, this plant is a godsend, as it is not afraid high temperatures and blooms especially intensively in warm water in hot summer conditions.

Pond decoration with aloe-like leaves - telores

For large ponds located in the shade, another floating plant is more suitable - teloresis with unusual aloe-like leaves. Delicate white flowers complete the decorative look of this unusual plant. If you place the telorez in a deep reservoir, then you will not need to worry about overwintering it - when cold weather sets in, the plant will sink to the bottom, and in the spring it will rise to the surface again.

Plants for an artificial pond - water hyacinths

If you happen to have a polluted body of water that needs to be cleaned quickly, release water hyacinth or eichornia there. Its roots are from high speed capable of processing organic pollutants, which are a kind of food for this plant. Well, its decoration is large flowers, which resemble hyacinth inflorescences, quickly filling the entire reservoir with a motley purple carpet.

Underwater plants

These representatives of aquatic plants are called oxygenators, as they enrich the water in which they live with oxygen. Many underwater species absorb mineral salts through their roots, suppressing the spread of blue-green algae and helping to soften the water. In addition, oxygen generators process fish waste, thus further purifying the water. The most common representatives of this group are: swampweed, urut, turcha, elodea, hornwort.

Underwater plants for a decorative pond - urut

Planting aquatic plants

So, the aquatic plants for the pond have been selected - it’s time to start planting them. If with floating species everything is simple - just release them into a reservoir, where they will take care of themselves, then with plants that take root in the ground, everything is more complicated. They need to be planted. This can be done in two ways: root at the bottom or in a basket filled with soil. If your pond is deep enough and the plants chosen are winter-hardy, then you can plant them directly on the bottom of the pond; in all other cases, planting in baskets is preferable. In this case, when cold weather sets in, you can easily raise the plants to the surface and spend the winter in a cooler climate. warm conditions.

When choosing soil for aquatic plants, it is better to choose heavy loam - this medium is the most suitable. Store-bought mixtures are not suitable for these purposes, as they are too light and not nutritious enough.

Baskets with planted plants should be placed at the bottom of the pond at the rate of no more than two per 1 m2 of area - this way the leaves and flowers will not be crowded in your pond.

It is best to start transforming the pond in the spring - that is when the plants are most likely to take root. In addition, the time for flowering is approaching. Once you see the flowers of luxurious nymphs and charming egg capsules, you will no longer be able to refuse them, because with them your pond will become a real work of landscape art.

Ponds and rivers are not only integral element modern design, but also an obligatory part of the ecological system of reservoirs, necessary to stabilize the balance of the ecosystem. The presence of higher plants that purify the waters of reservoirs is especially important for small-sized and stagnant mini-ponds, as it helps prevent “blooming” and turbidity. Such processes develop especially quickly in warm and sunny weather, and decomposing organic matter, unicellular algae and bacterial flora can create a pond in the yard or on garden plot unsuitable for use. For the purpose of purification in this case, some higher aquatic plants are used that have certain characteristics and characteristics:

  • the foliage of aquatic plants is characterized by a dissected, thread-like shape;
  • the stem part is represented by air-bearing cavities;
  • The root system is rather poorly developed.

Criteria for choosing plants for an artificial pond

If there is an artificial reservoir on the personal territory, it is necessary to take into account the total area and depth, as well as the characteristics of the surrounding landscape. It is advisable to give preference to the most unpretentious species that do not require special care.

  • the ability of decorative culture to survive winter period in a body of water or soil near it;
  • timing and methods of planting, as well as the durability of vegetation;
  • need for care.

If the pond has a main perspective, then the plant composition should be arranged in such a way that vigorous vegetation does not obscure the view of the reservoir. It is better to decorate the recreation area with low-growing or ground cover crops. With a useful area of ​​four square meters, reeds, hogweeds, cattails, reeds, as well as angelica and rhubarb are used.

Too small ponds are decorated with arrowhead, calamus, bracken, daylily and chastuha. The viewing part is decorated with low-growing cinquefoil, bergenia, marigold and watercress. Good result gives a contrast of long-leaved plants: cattail, calamus, daylily and reed and round-leaved water lily, lotus, bergenia and chastuha. semi-aquatic and aquatic flowers are also found. To provide all-season flowering, such crops can be placed in decorative containers.

What plants to choose for a pond (video)

Characteristics of the best plants for a pond

Absolutely all varieties and types of aquatic vegetation are representatives of the flora, capable of growing in the water column of not only natural, but also artificial ponds.

Aquatic floating on the surface

The foliage of such an ornamental crop floats on the surface. A characteristic difference is the lack of attachment of the root system to the soil. Above-water vegetation protects the water surface and thickness from overheating and is used organic compounds, which prevents water from blooming. Floating plants can grow very quickly, so they need to be provided with quality care, including pruning and timely removal of excess shoots.

Growing in special floating baskets gives good results.

Near-water (coastal)

Coastal perennials are also very popular when decorating ponds. In order for the vegetation of the reservoir to look interesting and attractive, the coastal area also needs to be designed accordingly, as a result of which moisture-loving crops planted on the shore will serve as a connecting link.

All sorts of decorative cereal crops look organic and very picturesque on the coastal zone, as well as flowering daylilies and irises, leopards, meadowsweet, loosestrife and valerian. The varieties of ferns look incredibly elegant.

Swamp Important to remember,

that in order to prevent marsh perennials from growing too much, it is necessary to periodically remove the plantings from the floor. Qualitative characteristics

water affects the growth and development of flora, so the reservoir must be cleaned regularly. This category includes swamp forget-me-not, Magellanic sedge, burberry, butterwort, crowberry, vaccinium and swamp violet.


A significant part of such perennials, useful from the point of view of the ecosystem, are in the water, and the flowers are above or below the water. They help prevent water pollution and also serve as food and spawning grounds for fish. Underwater foliage absorbs mineral salts and carbon dioxide. Several plants planted in

spring-summer period

to the bottom of the pond, can significantly improve the appearance and condition of the pond water. deep sea Some deep-sea crops can purify water, and their absence can cause uncontrolled proliferation of algae and bacteria.

Most often, this group of decorative perennials is represented by marsh flower or nymphaeum, water lily, yellow capsule, eichornia, watercolor, hornwort and duckweed.

Planting rules and design features of various types of reservoirs

In reservoirs that are small in volume and size, it is necessary to plant a couple of species of plants of each type, distributing them in small groups:

  • deep-sea and floating vegetation should cover no more than half of the entire water surface;
  • It is important to plant aquatic plants according to their adaptability to certain depth indicators;
  • when planting marsh ornamental crops Drainage is mandatory.

How to care for plants in a pond (video)

The design of reservoirs can consist of a soil or container method of cultivation and planting, carried out in the following sequence:

  • After draining, add ten centimeters of fertile soil substrate, represented by compost, sand and rotted mullein, to the bottom after draining;
  • coastal tall vegetation needs to be planted closer to the shore, and deep-water crops are planted in the central part;
  • the bottom surface should be sprinkled with a five-centimeter layer of medium-grained river sand, serving to protect the root system and soil from erosion.

Heat-loving crops quite often freeze completely in winter, so it is advisable to dig them up and move them to storage. No less popular in our country is container cultivation of aquatic plants, which allows you to move them with the onset of severe cold weather in the cellars:

  • for cultivation, a fairly spacious, lattice-type planting tank is used, which allows the root system to actively reproduce;
  • It is best to use containers that are not brightly colored and will blend in with the surroundings;
  • It is recommended to effectively protect the bottom and walls from washing out the nutrient substrate with burlap, and sprinkle the surface of the soil with gravel.

As a rule, all aquatic vegetation is planted from the last ten days of spring to mid-summer. You need to approach the design very carefully and responsibly.

Appearance reservoir Recommended plants for decoration
Geometric Ponds Common calamus, three-leaved watchwort, coin loosestrife or moneywort, loosestrife or weeping grass, dichromena latifolia, drooping isolepis, calamus or water iris, as well as sedge, syphilitic lobelia, long-leaved buttercup, manna major and marsilea obtuse
deep pond When decorating, vigorous reeds, cattails, reeds, buzulnik and Rogersia are used, as well as low-growing bergenia and funkia or beautifully flowering snake knotweed and marsh iris
Mini-ponds and shallow waters Plants such as calamus, calamus, sedge or manna are characterized by high level unpretentiousness and vitality, therefore they grow well even in conditions of significant fluctuations in water level, and for some time even in its complete absence
Pond with decorative fountain For decoration, you can use water hyacinths, dwarf varieties of water lilies. It is recommended to decorate the coastline with mantle, gravilatum, plantain, cuckoo flower, low-growing irises, crumpled rush or swamp forget-me-nots

Of course, on large bodies of water you can diversify the design and plant a significant number of plants. Spring bloom It opens with cinquefoil, marigold and bergenia, after which water lilies, angelica and hogweed bloom, and the parade of colors is completed by brown-yellow daylilies, marshmallow and angelica. However, even small ponds can look very attractive. Experts advise combining the cultivation of several types of aquatic and terrestrial plants, which allows you to get the most decorative results.

Plants for the pond: varieties (video)

Plants in reservoirs are distributed in groups, depending on the depth of the water.

They grow on the very shore coastal plants: goose foot, forget-me-nots and other herbs.

They grow in small places sedge, cane, reed And cattail With long leaves and a brown velvety cone. This - shallow water plants.





The lower parts of these plants are immersed in water, and the upper parts rise above it.

Reed has a smooth, transparent, durable stem. At the top there is a small spreading panicle. The stems are used as fuel and for weaving bags and mats.

Reed is taller than reeds and has a strong, knotty stem. Its height reaches four meters. At the top of the stem there is a beautiful lush brown panicle. Many animals of the reservoir feed on the shoots and rhizomes of these plants.

The next group of plants are aquatic plants with leaves floating on the surface - white water lilies And yellow egg pods.

The rhizomes of these plants are firmly attached to the muddy bottom; a long petiole stretches from the rhizome - up to five meters. Thick leaf blades are firmly attached to the petiole, so even in strong wind the leaves do not come off or turn over. The water lily flower is located on a long leafless stem; it opens in the morning when the sun warms up, and closes again in the evening. For more deep places dense thickets of pondweed flutter, which are entirely submerged in water.

An interesting plant is pemphigus.

At even greater depths there are seaweed. In addition, they swim freely at different depths small plants. This duckweed, from the abundance of which sometimes the water appears greenish.

All plants of reservoirs are moisture-loving or water-loving.

The life of many animals is connected with water bodies.

On the calm surface of the reservoir you can see long-legged water strider bugs. They glide across the surface of the water in jerks, like on skis. The tips of the water strider's legs are covered with thick hairs and lubricated with a fatty substance. This helps the water strider stay on the surface of the water. The water strider is a predatory insect.

Little ones twirling bugs Good athletes, these bugs either jump into the air or dive deep into the water in pursuit of prey.

At the spinners interesting device eye. They seem to be divided into two parts. Top part The bugs' eyes clearly see prey above, and with the lower part of their eyes these insects see under water.

Swimming beetle- a large black, shiny beetle. It rises from the depths to the surface of the water to take in air. When moving, its paws work like oars. The swimmer is a predator. It often attacks not only insects, but also small fish.

frogs- very useful animals. They eat a lot harmful insects, for example, swimming beetles, which destroy fry and small fish.

Through clear water pond you can see schools of fish swimming rapidly. In the reservoirs of the Perm region (rivers, lakes and ponds), where the water is not heavily polluted, various fish live. This pike, bream, zander, roach, perch, burbot and etc.







The body of fish is adapted to life in water. It is elongated and covered with mucus. This helps the fish move easily. The caudal fin serves as a good rudder, and the other fins maintain the balance of the fish. Fish feed on plants, insects, and predatory fish, such as pike, also eat small fish and frogs.

The fauna of the region's reservoirs has become enriched with beavers and muskrats.



Beaver called a remarkable swimmer and four-legged engineer, a skilled builder for his structures - huts, dams, canals. It has a beautiful dark brown coat, a paddle-shaped tail, and webbed paws. Beavers were brought from the Voronezh Nature Reserve and from Belarus. Brought from the Kurgan fur farm muskrat- water rat. In its lifestyle it resembles a beaver.

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