Callisia– perennial herbaceous plant family Comlinaceae. The homeland of callisia is Central and South America.

Of the 12 plant species included in the Callisia genus, only 5 are grown at home:

  1. Elegant;
  2. Tehuantepec;
  3. Scaphoid;
  4. Creeping;
  5. Fragrant.

Indoor views

Callisia eleganta (graceful)- a plant reaching 30-40 cm in height, creeping shoots. The leaves are dark green, with silvery-white stripes on the upper side, with a purple tint below. They are oval in shape and pointed at the ends. Stems and leaves are pubescent. It blooms with white flowers, which are located at the tips of the shoots.

Callisia Tehuantepec It is similar to the elegant one, but its leaves do not have silvery-white stripes. Its flowers are bright pink.

Callisia navicularis- a plant with succulent leaves on short stems, green on top and brownish-purple below. The shape of the leaves resembles a boat, they reach 2 cm in length and 1.5 cm in width. When the plant is grown under bright sun, the leaves become reddish.

Callisia creeping– a plant reaching a height of 10 cm grows very quickly. The stems are thin, creeping, with small green leaves, up to 2 cm long. On the upper side of the leaves, purple specks are barely noticeable; on the lower side, the leaves have a burgundy tint.

Callisia fragrant or “golden mustache”. In indoor conditions, the plant reaches a height of 1-1.5 m. It has 2 types of shoots: erect and horizontal. In the first, the leaves are developed normally, reaching 20-30 cm in length and 5-6 cm in width. The second are curly shoots (whiskers), consisting of joints with leaf panicles (underdeveloped leaves) at the end. Flowering occurs at the end of winter; this rarely happens in indoor conditions. The flowers are small and inconspicuous.

Widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of various diseases. Its horizontal shoots, which have reached a sufficient degree of maturity (when the internodes acquire a purple tint), act as medicinal raw materials.


Callisia grows well in bright, diffused light; navicular can tolerate direct rays of the sun. For normal development it is necessary to provide 8-10 hours of daylight; with a lack of lighting, the leaves become pale, the distance between them increases, as the shoots stretch.

Does not tolerate temperature changes. In summer it needs to be provided with about 20-25 °C, and in winter within 15-20 °C.

Water with soft, settled water, abundantly in summer and moderately in winter. It is not advisable to allow it to dry out earthen coma. Frequent spraying is required. The elegant one needs to be sprayed with a small sprayer, since the leaves have pubescence.

In the warm season, the plant must be fed with mineral fertilizers ("Uniflor-rost") once every 10 days.


When air humidity is below 60%, it can also be affected. To combat them, you need to wash the leaves with water, soap solution. If there is a lot, then it is better to use (agravertine, vermitek, inta-vir).


The plant ages quite quickly, the lower part of the stem becomes bare, so it is necessary to trim the shoots once every 2-3 years for rejuvenation or pinch them annually.

With insufficient moisture, the tips of the leaves become dry. Timely watering and spraying of the plant is necessary.

At excessive watering and stagnation of water in the pot, the stems and roots can rot. If this happens, then it is necessary to remove the rotten parts of the plant, and the surviving parts should be transplanted into new ground. In this case, all cuts must be treated with crushed coal.


Callisia is mainly propagated by apical cuttings. Cuttings consisting of 2 joints are rooted in water or light nutritious soil under a glass cover. Roots appear quickly, after 7-10 days.

Callisia can also be propagated by rooting long horizontal shoots. When these shoots touch the ground, they begin to develop roots. To make the rooting process faster, part of the shoot can be sprinkled with earth. After rooting, the shoots can be cut off from the mother plant and transplanted to a permanent place.

The soil for planting should consist of turf and leaf soil, humus, peat and sand (in equal quantities). Good drainage must be ensured.


Since callisia quickly grows and loses its decorative effect, it is advisable not to replant it, but to rejuvenate it by rooting apical cuttings or lateral shoots.

Some indoor plants are especially popular among gardeners. This is often explained by their decorative qualities or unpretentiousness. But many hobbyists also grow crops that can be used not only to decorate a room, but also to benefit the body. Just one of the well-known medicinal plants is the golden mustache, which is also known under the name fragrant callisia. Let us clarify what kind of care it needs at home, and also give a photo of the flower.

Callisia is a member of the Commelinaceae family. There are twelve varieties of this culture in total, but fragrant callisia is usually grown at home. It came to us from the tropics of Central and South America.

Features of caring for fragrant callisia


This plant is quite light-loving, but at the same time it categorically does not tolerate direct rays of the sun hitting its delicate leaves. Fragrant callisia can easily grow in lightly shaded conditions; many gardeners place it in bright rooms at a sufficient distance from the window. It is worth noting that with a lack of light such indoor pet may noticeably lose in decorativeness. In this case, the callisia leaves become paler, and the shoots begin to stretch and become bare.

This plant grows well in offices and large premises. It is important for him that the room is well ventilated and maintains a large volume of air. In the hot season, it is quite possible to place the plant on the balcony.

Most often, callisia is grown on the windowsill of Western or east windows. On southern windows, the flower needs shading. The plant is also often grown as a hanging plant, placed in hanging baskets or wall planters.

In the photo, fragrant callisia

Temperature Requirements

Callisia is a fairly heat-loving crop. She is able to develop well throughout the year in an ordinary apartment. In the cold season, she feels great at temperatures from thirteen to seventeen degrees, and in the summer - from twenty to twenty-five degrees.

Callisia is not very demanding on soil moisture. But when caring for flowers, readers of Popular About Health should still make sure that the soil in a pot with such a plant does not dry out too much. With a lack of moisture, the plant becomes less decorative and may even get sick. It is best to water as the top layer of soil in the pot dries.

In the cold season (if the plant overwinters in a cool place), it is worth watering less frequently. But you still can’t overdry the soil.


Since callisia came to us from the tropics, sufficient air humidity is very important for it. Ideally, it should reach seventy percent. Thus, at home, flowers need systematic spraying. But such procedures must be carried out carefully, using the smallest spray. After all, if droplets remain on the leaves of the plant, the flower may suffer. You can also spray the air around the plant and place it on a tray with wet expanded clay - this will also help increase air humidity.


Callisia, like other indoor plants, needs periodic feeding. Fertilizers are used during the active growth stage, from approximately March to October. For fertilizing, it is usually recommended to use complex mineral fertilizers.


Many callisia lovers believe that there is no point in replanting such a plant, since it is much easier to raise a new pet. Indeed, with age, such a crop begins to lose leaves and become bare. However, this is not such a fast process, so the plant remains attractive and decorative for a long time.

Young plants can be transferred to a new pot and new soil mixture annually, and slightly larger crops - at intervals of a year or two.

For replanting callisia at home, fragrant soil can be prepared on your own. For this purpose, you need to combine equal parts of peat, leaf soil, humus, sand and turf. You can also combine equal parts of compost and leaf soil, as well as sand. Optimal acidity soil mixture - about 5-5.5 pH. The organization of sufficient drainage is extremely important - a layer of broken shards or expanded clay should be placed on the bottom of the pot.


To maintain the decorative appearance of the plant and prevent exposure of the shoots, it is worth carrying out short rejuvenating pruning of callisia. It can be done once every two to three years. It would also be a good idea to systematically pinch out the shoots.

Possible diseases and pests

Callisia may suffer from an attack by thrips or red spider mite. Having detected symptoms of pests, it is necessary to spray the pet with a systemic insecticide, and then cover the plant plastic bag for a couple of days.

Pest damage can be prevented by daily spraying and maintaining sufficient air humidity.

Callisia is a very useful and rather unpretentious indoor plant that can decorate any home.

Origin. USA, Argentina.

Description. Callisia flower - very decorative cascading, low-growing herbaceous perennial with many small green, fleshy leaves on creeping stems. Over time, the plant forms dense clumps. In some species the lower part leaf blades It is colored purple, and in autumn and winter the leaves turn dark purple. The flowers are white, sometimes fragrant. Grown for attractive foliage, flowers are inconspicuous. There are varieties with striped leaves.


Golden mustache or fragrant callisia- Callisia fragrans

The golden mustache doesn't look as attractive as decorative types, however is valuable medicinal plant and is capable of purifying indoor air from harmful substances. Creeping perennial herbaceous evergreen with oblong-elliptical, pointed leaves up to 25 cm long and up to 5 cm wide. Drooping stems grow up to 90 cm in length. Leaves are glossy green, good lighting acquire a reddish-purple hue. The flowers are white, fragrant, with three oblong petals, and are short-lived.

Callisia navicular or Tradescantia navicularis - Callisia navicularis

A miniature perennial evergreen succulent with abundantly branching, intricately curved stems. Thanks to its leaves, it has an extremely unusual appearance - the leaves are pink, burgundy or green, depending on the lighting and the plant variety, heart-shaped, sessile, emerging from the stems alternately, opposite each other. The flowers are small but attractive, pink, with 3 rounded petals and long yellow stamens.

Height. It grows quickly and can reach a height of 10 cm. The drooping stems of the plant grow up to 40 - 90 cm.

Callisia care

Temperature conditions . Moderately warm content. The ideal temperature is around 18 °C. When kept in more warm conditions it is necessary to increase the frequency of watering and air humidity. IN winter time When the plant is resting, it should be placed in a cooler place with a temperature of 10 - 15 ° C.

Lighting. Well-lit location without direct sunlight during the day. The sun can hit the plant only in the morning and evening hours. In partial shade, the leaves lose their attractive color.

Callisia at home . Regularly pinch out the tips of young shoots to maintain the plant's compact shape. If pruning is not carried out, the plant will look untidy. Promptly remove leaves that are too green, which also spoil the appearance of the plant.

Substrate. Well drained and nutrient soil based on peat with the addition of coarse sand and perlite.

Top dressing. Every two weeks during the period of active growth, feed with standard liquid fertilizers. During the dormant period, feeding is stopped.

Purpose. Well suited for growing in hanging baskets when her long stems hanging over the edge of the pot.

Flowering time.The flowers are usually inconspicuous and appear in the summer.

Humidity . It is worth remembering that the higher the temperature, the higher the air humidity should be. Place the plant pot on a tray of damp gravel, use a room humidifier, or regularly mist the foliage with soft water at room temperature.

Soil moisture . Water abundantly, however, the top layer of soil should be slightly dried before the next watering. Always remove excess water from the tray. During the dormant period, the frequency of watering is reduced.

Transfer. Depending on the species, the frequency of transplantation of callisia varies. Plants with striped leaves often do not require replanting at all, since upon reaching the age of 2 years the plants lose their attractiveness and must be replaced with new ones. Fast-growing species are transplanted every year in spring into larger pots.

Reproduction. Callisia is a close relative of Tradescantia and is also propagated by cuttings taken in the spring. Cut cuttings 5 ​​- 10 cm long and remove from them lower leaves. Root in a damp mixture of peat and sand or in a simple glass of water. For rooting, you can use powdered growth hormones. Cover young plants with a clear plastic cover or glass to maintain humidity and place in a warm location in partial shade. Rooting takes 2 - 3 weeks.

Pests and diseases . The tips of the leaves turn brown and dry out when there is insufficient air humidity. Rotting due to waterlogging and stagnation of water, especially in the autumn-winter period. The most common pests are aphids and red spider mites.

Note. With age, callisia stems often become bare at the bottom and this plant is replaced with a new one. Some types of callisia cause allergic reactions in pets.


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golden mustache

Other names: Callisia fragrant, corn, homemade ginseng, Venus hair, Golden hair, live hair, Callisia graceful, wicker plant, spider plant, basket flower.
Family: Commelinaceae
Homeland: Central and South America, Mexico.
Bloom: in indoor conditions it is relatively rare.
Height: fast.
Light: bright diffused.
Temperature: in spring and summer 20-25°C, in winter - 15-20°C, not lower than 14°C.
Watering: abundant in spring– in summer, moderate in winter.
Humidity: increased.
Feeding: weekly, from April to September, comprehensive mineral fertilizer.
Rest period: weakly expressed.
Transfer: It is advisable to renew the plant from cuttings.
Reproduction: cuttings.
Features of care: In summer you can take it out into the fresh air
Golden mustache, or Callisia Loefl, belongs to the Commelinaceae family, which has about 50 genera and 500 plant species, of which the most famous is Tradescantia. The homeland of callisia is South America.

The genus name comes from Greek words kalos - beautiful and lis - lily. This - perennial herbs with creeping, less often erect stems.
Tibetan monks are very fond of callisia, because it grows well in the bright cells of the monastery, where there is no heat, drafts or temperature changes, and the mountain air is clean and constantly humid. Even in ancient times, monks noticed that in the rooms where callisia is grown, book manuscripts, piles of fabric, wool and leather are well stored and do not mold. The phytoncides released by the plant cleanse the air of pathogenic microflora. In the monasteries they learned to obtain medicines from the shoots - infusions, tinctures and ointments. Since there were no modern medicines in those days, the plant was worth its weight in gold and was considered sacred, shrouded in secrets and legends.
Thanks to the phenomenal healing properties that made the Golden Mustache famous throughout the planet, a real aura of magic arose around this nondescript indoor plant. Many people have already discovered the path to health with the help of the Golden Mustache. Its other names: fragrant callisia (lat. Callisia Fragrance), corn, homemade ginseng, Venus hair, Golden hair, living hair, graceful callisia, wicker plant, spider plant, basket flower.
IN indoor floriculture callisia is grown as a hanging or ground cover plant for warm and bright rooms, for more than 100 years. This is a plant with two types of shoots: erect and horizontal. The former resemble young corn in appearance, have normally developed leaves 20-30 cm long and 5-6 cm wide. With good care, the golden mustache sometimes blooms. Small flowers(less than 1 centimeter in diameter) are collected in paniculate inflorescences.
Small size allows callisia to be grown in wide areas ceramic vases, in compositions with others, more tall plants monochromatic colors. It is best to keep the plant in a spacious room with fresh air (the kitchen with its constant aromas and a smoky room are not suitable); in the warm season - on the balcony, terrace, etc.
A very popular plant - fragrant callisia (golden mustache) - not so ornamental plant, like other callisias, it is most often grown as a medicinal plant.


Elegant callisia (Callisia elegans Alexander ex H. E. Moore). Synonym: K. Gentla various. elegant (Callisia gentlei Matuda var elegans.). A miniature plant with creeping, geniculate, ascending stems. Callisia elegans differs from Tradescantia in having a juicier and stronger stem. Cultivated for its beautifully colored leaves - velvety dark green with bright silver stripes along the veins, ovate or elongated-ovate in shape. Leaves 3-6 cm long are located on the shoot in 2 rows. The leaves are violet-green or purple underneath. The entire plant is velvety-pubescent.
Fragrant callisia (Callisia fragrans (Lindl.) Woodson) - the botanical name of a plant that has many popular names - golden (or Far Eastern, Chinese, Japanese) mustache, living hair, homemade ginseng; It is also called “corn”, since the plant looks like young corn. It has uniform, rather large leaves (20-30 cm long and 5-6 cm wide) with a characteristic shine. It differs more from previous species of the family strong odor and the fact that in bright light its leaves can turn pink.
The plant reaches a height of 70-120 cm. The stems are quite thick; in adult plants there are two types: shortened vertical (fleshy) with a large rosette of leaves and horizontal (long, tubular) with leaves arranged in a spiral to capture new area.
The plant throws out liana-like horizontal shoots (“whiskers” consisting of “joints”) after reaching maturity; is formed at their ends leaf rosette. The plant reproduces by these same rosettes. The apical part is cut off into two “joints” below the rosette and placed in water until roots form.
Callisia navicularis (Ortgies) D. R. Hunt. Synonym: Tradescantia navicularis Ortgies. A succulent plant with succulent, boat-shaped leaves. IN sunny weather they take on a reddish tint. Only shortened shoots with leaves tiledly arranged one above the other look beautiful. But others are regularly formed - elongated shoots with leaves spaced at a considerable distance from each other (they grow in different directions and take root). Unlike callisia elegans, this species requires a lot of sun and infrequent watering, especially in winter.
Creeping callisia (Callisia repens (Jacq.) L.). dwarf plant with miniature leaves, barely reaching 0.5-2 cm. Upon careful examination, purple specks are noticeable on the leaves. Thin stems bear two rows of leaves. The plant grows very quickly, forming a continuous low green cover.

Plant care

Golden mustache is a completely unpretentious plant; it can easily be grown in the most ordinary city apartment.
A wide, spacious pot is best suited as a growing container.
Recently, hanging balls from hanging plants. They can be given any (but not too complex) shape and can be used to decorate a somewhat shaded corner of a balcony or window. Make a strong, large-mesh wire frame with a hook for hanging. Place a layer of damp sphagnum inside (it is needed so that the planting substrate does not spill out of the mold). If you think that the sphagnum will not hold up, strengthen the walls with nylon or some kind of fabric mesh. Fill the sphagnum bag from the inside with moist substrate. If you used nylon, make holes in it for the cuttings.
Plant cuttings or rooted young plants of creeping callisia in sphagnum on all sides.
Sprinkle the ball with cuttings well with water. For the first few days, you can wrap your workpiece in polyethylene to create the best conditions rooting. Hang it in diffused light for 3-4 days. Remove the plastic and leave in low light for another day. Spray generously. If not everything has taken root, add fresh planting material.
Caring for a living sculpture consists of regular watering of the substrate (you just need to think about water drainage) and spraying. In order for callisias to grow evenly, it is often necessary to turn them with different sides towards the light source.


Old shoots at the base become bare, so it is advisable not to replant the plants, but to renew (rejuvenate) them from apical cuttings. From time to time, as the shoots grow (at any time of the year), the plant is rejuvenated using cuttings. Cuttings (apical and stem from a horizontal shoot) are planted several in a pot or, better yet, in a bowl with a nutrient mixture. The shoot can be taken only if the shoot has grown at least 12 “joints”.
The top should be cut 2 “joints” below the leaf panicle, in the middle of the third “joint”. It is better to root under a plastic cap. Cuttings take root completely in 2-3 weeks.


Callisia relatively unpretentious plant, however, compared to its close relatives - Tradescantia, Zebrina and Setcreasia - it needs warmer content. Range optimal temperature during spring-summer 20-25C, in winter - 15-20°C, not lower than 14C. The plant does not like sudden drops in temperature.


Callisia loves bright, diffused light. It is better to keep the plant in a bright or semi-shaded place (windows facing west or east). The brightness of the color of callisia leaves is directly dependent on the light intensity. Callisia scaphoid tolerates direct sunlight; if there is not enough light, it can get sick.


In summer, callisia should be watered abundantly, with soft, settled water, as the top layer of the substrate dries; in winter, watering should be moderate. Callisia is unpretentious, but overdrying the earthen coma can lead to the death of the plant. K. navicularis is watered more moderately in winter than other species of the genus.


Callisia prefers high humidity air. This requires regular and fairly frequent spraying. Callisia eleganta is sprayed carefully with a fine spray to avoid deterioration in the appearance of the leaves.

Top dressing

Once the plant has developed a good root system, it can begin to be fed with liquid fertilizers.
Callisia is fed weekly, from April to September, with complex mineral fertilizer.


Callisia sometimes blooms indoors. Small white flowers in sessile paired curls on the tops of the shoots are fragrant (the smell is subtle, very delicate, pleasant and fresh, reminiscent of lily of the valley or hyacinth), but not very decorative. Plants bloom in early summer, but rather reluctantly in indoor conditions.


Every year in the spring. The soil is slightly acidic, mixture: 1 part turf, 1 part leaf, 1 part humus, 1 part peat soil and 1 part sand. Callisias grow quite quickly - the shoots become longer, the leaves become sparser and paler. Therefore, the plant is rejuvenated - the apical cuttings are cut and rooted.


Callisia is propagated by root shoots, as well as leaf and stem cuttings. Callisia usually blooms in its second year.
At home, the plant is propagated in three ways:
1st method. The cuttings are immersed 3/4 in water. After 7-10 days, when the roots appear, the plants are planted in the soil. Cuttings take root faster when a growth stimulator - epin - is added to the water.
2nd method. The cuttings are planted in the soil, sprayed generously with water, covered plastic film or plastic caps. Pots with plants are placed in a place with diffused lighting. After 3-4 days, the film is removed, and the plants are abundantly watered and sprayed. After a day, the plants are moved to a place with normal lighting and continue to be watered and sprayed abundantly for 3-4 days.
3rd method involves rooting horizontal lateral shoots directly on the stems in the soil. This propagation method can be used when growing callisia in wide areas. large pots, in greenhouses or in beds under film.
The stem of the plant is tied to a support, and the side shoots are evenly placed along the bed and sprinkled with soil. After a few days, they are cut off from the mother plant and replanted.


The soil for planting plants is humus (pH 5.5-6.5). It can consist of turf and deciduous soil with the addition of humus, peat and sand (taken in equal quantities) or humus, turf soil and sand (which should make up about a third of the total soil). The bottom of the planting containers provides good drainage.
You can add crushed raw egg shells to the substrate, calcium contained in eggshells slowly passes through the soil, thereby enriching it. But the shells of raw eggs also deoxidize the soil, thereby changing its pH from acidic or neutral to an alkaline reaction. Therefore, if your water has an excess of salts, then in order to avoid an alkaline reaction of the soil, it is better not to add raw egg shells to the substrate.

Possible difficulties

The plant grows quickly - this is a natural process for it. Therefore, it is rejuvenated by simply re-rooting the tops of the shoots.


Damaged by: thrips, spider mites.

Medicinal properties of callisia

From indoor plants Most of us know, perhaps, only two that have medicinal properties - aloe and Kalanchoe. But it turns out that there are many more such plants in nature.
The healing properties of the golden mustache have long been used in folk medicine, and in recent years are increasingly being studied by specialists from Canada, the USA and Russia. Research has shown that the plant contains copper, nickel, iron, chromium, as well as flavonoids and phytosterols - biologically active substances, thanks to which the golden mustache has antitumor, antispasmodic, antioxidant and diuretic and healing healing properties.
According to some reports, the fragrant callisia plant releases phytoncides into the air, which have antiseptic properties. A number of authors advise placing the plant at night at the head of a sleeping person - this will relieve nightmares (but in the morning we must not forget to move the plant to a bright place so that the plant does not die from lack of lighting).
Golden mustache is an excellent remedy for strengthening the immune system. Preparations from callisia fragrant (golden mustache) are widely used in folk medicine and are used in the treatment of many diseases. The juice of the plant has high wound-healing properties and heals well. skin diseases, lichens, ulcers and much, much more (about using this homemade ginseng Quite a lot of literature has now been published in folk medicine).
It is believed that the plant acquires healing properties after at least 9 full-fledged “joints” of brownish-purple color are formed on the vine-like shoots.
Leaves of the golden mustache can be chewed, applied to wounds, sore spots, bruises, lichens, scars and new growths on the skin. The cut heals in 20-30 hours. The leaves of the plant can be added to salads seasoned with sunflower oil. To do this, you need to trim (do not tear off!) the lower leaves.
Golden mustache is effective for hemorrhagic diathesis, allergic diseases, hemorrhages in the retina, disruption of capillaries, metabolism, diseases endocrine system, prostatitis, rheumatism, nephritis, hypertension, measles, scarlet fever, typhus and many others.
External use of preparations made from golden mustache promotes the healing of wounds, burns, trophic ulcers, and frostbite.
It is good to keep two or three pots of flowers next to the bed of an asthmatic, a pulmonary patient, or a child with weak lungs. The plant disinfects the air and releases phytoncides that are beneficial for the lungs.
In addition, there are many cases of recovery from alcohol and nicotine addiction after taking callisia drugs.


Allergy: infusion or decoction of golden mustache is drunk for seven days, 1 des.l. three times a day an hour before meals. After a week's break, the course can be repeated by reducing the dosage of the drug (1 tsp).
Arthritis: Make a compress twice a day: a bandage folded in several layers is moistened with tincture and applied to the sore spot for 1.5-2 hours. You can use golden mustache oil to massage sore joints.
Atherosclerosis: 35 joints of the plant are crushed, poured into a dark glass container with 1.5 liters of 70% alcohol and left for two weeks in a cool, dark place. In 1 des.l. tinctures add 1 tbsp. unrefined sunflower oil, shake and drink immediately. Drink three times a day for 20 minutes. before meals according to the following scheme: 10 days of intake, break - 5 days; again 10 days of admission, a break - 10 days and the next 10 days of admission.
Bronchitis: at the beginning of the disease, to separate viscous sputum from a dry cough, drink a warm decoction of golden mustache, 1 des.l. three times a day for 40 minutes. before meals. Treatment is carried out throughout the entire acute period of the disease. Also, for acute bronchitis, compresses from fresh leaves. They are crushed, doused with boiling water, and wrapped in gauze. The compress is placed on the chest for 15-20 minutes. At chronic bronchitis as an expectorant, 300 g of honey is mixed with 0.5 tbsp. water, add crushed golden mustache leaf and keep on low heat for an hour. Cool, mix, store in a cool, dark place. Eat 1 tbsp. twice a day for 40 minutes. before meals. For acute bronchitis, you can drink an infusion of golden mustache, mixed with honey in equal parts - 1 des.l. three times a day for 40 minutes. before meals.
Ointment: leaves and stems are crushed, ground, mixed with cream, Vaseline or fat 2:3. Used to treat bruises, frostbite, trophic ulcers and various skin diseases, for rubbing for arthritis and arthrosis.
Oil: crushed plant shoots or cake after squeezing the juice are dried, crushed, poured olive oil and insist for three weeks. Strain and store in a dark glass container in a cool place. Used for the treatment of skin diseases, all types of massage, rubbing in the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis.
Infusion: use plant leaves 20 cm long. One leaf is poured into 1 liter of boiling water in a glass or ceramic container and left for 24 hours. Used to treat pancreatitis, liver diseases and gastrointestinal tract.
Tincture: 30-50 knees of the plant are crushed and 1 liter of vodka is poured into a glass container. Leave for 7-15 days in a dark place, shaking daily. After the tincture acquires a dark lilac color, it is filtered and poured into a dark glassware and store in a cool place.
Decoction: All green parts of the plant are used. Leaves and stems are crushed and poured cold water V enamel dishes, bring to a boil (but do not boil) and leave for 6-7 hours. Then filter and store in a cool place in a dark glass container. Used to treat diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, remove toxins from the body and prevent colds, in the treatment of allergies and skin diseases.
For sore throat: take 1 tsp. honey, pour lemon juice, add a pinch of ground red pepper. Mix well and leave for a while. Then add 1 tbsp. l. golden mustache juice. You should drink the product in one dose 2-3 times a day until the pain completely disappears.
For hypertension: crush several leaves of golden mustache and fill it with medical alcohol in a ratio of 1:2. Infuse for 9 days in a cool, dark place. Then pour 1.5 tbsp into a glass container. l. tinctures, add 2 tbsp. l. unrefined sunflower oil, close the lid tightly, shake vigorously for several minutes and immediately drink in one gulp. The mixture should not infuse. Take on an empty stomach 20 minutes before. before meals 3 times a day. They take the medicine for 10 days, then take a five-day break and repeat the course.

But it should be remembered that there is no panacea in the world, and not a single medication or folk remedy can guarantee complete recovery from the disease. That is why folk recipes should be treated with caution, and treatment with any medicinal plant, including golden mustache, should only be started after consultation with your doctor.

The golden mustache plant got its name due to the characteristic structure of the jointed flexible stem, twisted in a dashing manner, in the manner of a mustache. For the same reason, the herb is also called “living hair” or “Callisia graceica”, but in folk medicine, it has been used since ancient times in medicinal purposes plant, more often found under the name “domestic ginseng”. The medicinal properties of golden mustache and contraindications to its use are the topic of today’s article.

Chemical composition of the plant

The first place in the medicinal properties of golden mustache is occupied by powerful antioxidants, represented in the composition of the substance by a group of flavonols. The uniqueness of these pigment-forming elements lies in their extreme “survivability”. Flavonols do not lose their ability to influence the cellular metabolism of the body even after drying, alcoholization or heat treatment of the green mass of the plant.

The actions of flavonols in the human body are mainly aimed at improving hematopoietic functions. Antioxidants regulate blood fluidity, preventing thrombus formation, maintain vascular tone, and promote the formation of a sufficient number of red blood cells. The effectiveness of flavonols does not depend on the parallel presence of other biologically active elements in the body, but significantly affects their absorption by the body, enhancing their effect several times.

Another important part chemical formula golden mustache are phytohormones that act on the epidermis and subcutaneous muscle layer in the same way as natural estrogen. Namely, constantly stimulating cellular renewal and pushing out waste biological material beyond the framework of the subcutaneous tissue.

The effect of antioxidants in the composition of golden mustache on the human body would be incomplete without the support of vitamins:

  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • B vitamins, namely: B2 (riboflavin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B12 (cyanocobalamin);
  • nicotinic acid (vitamin PP).

The most valuable macro- and microelements found in the green mass of a plant include chromium, chlorine and copper ions.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

Based only on how many different options for preparing the golden mustache exist in the folk piggy bank, we can draw a conclusion about the breadth of the range of uses of the plant. In fact, this is one of the rare herbal remedies that are prescribed by specialists alternative medicine not only as support during the main therapy, but also as an independent element of treatment tactics.

An example of such a use of the golden mustache is the treatment of bronchial asthma. Both fresh plant juice and an alcohol tincture or decoction are used as a drug that affects increased bronchial secretion. Already in short time continuous course, a patient suffering from a dry cough begins to cough up sputum profusely and the attacks become much less frequent until they go away completely.

To others a shining example The full use of homemade ginseng is to get rid of dermatological problems - open damage to the skin due to injury or damage to the epidermis with dermatitis of varying degrees of severity. Since disinfection is considered one of the main healing properties of callisia, treatment of skin diseases is achieved through complete sanitation of the affected area. Deprived of a comfortable nutrient environment, the bacteria that form the destructive process quickly die, and the skin is restored as a result.

Comments by herbalists regarding the use of extracts and tinctures of golden mustache name the following diseases for which the plant has a strong healing effect:

  • inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • digestive disorders;
  • dysfunction of the respiratory system;
  • weakened vascular tone;
  • prevention of the development of atherosclerosis;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • increased excitability and sleep disturbances;
  • tumor development;
  • allergies;
  • chronic swelling associated with impaired renal function.

Contraindications for golden mustache and medicinal properties plants are sometimes in close opposition. Thus, traditional healers often recommend drinking homemade ginseng tincture to treat prostatitis, but in case of prostate adenoma, taking the drug is prohibited. Also, decoctions and tinctures are prescribed to patients with chronic diseases kidneys and gall bladder, however, in the acute course of the same pathologies, the course is stopped until the acute condition is completely relieved.

In addition to strict contraindications to the golden mustache, there are also a number of relative ones: pregnancy and breastfeeding, the age of the child under 12 years.

Preparation of alcohol medicinal tincture

The widespread use of tincture of golden mustache with vodka is due to its versatility of use and the fact that once prepared, a bottle of the product lasts for a long time. For alcohol tincture, the range of contraindications is slightly higher than for aqueous solutions- the drug should not be taken orally until the age of 18; it should be taken with great caution in case of cardiovascular pathologies and diseases of the digestive tract.

Recipes for golden mustache with vodka:

  • From the lashes of the plant, 15 articular phalanges are cut, finely chopped with a sharp knife and poured into a 700 ml dark glass bottle. The green slurry is topped with 0.5 liters of vodka or high-quality alcohol, diluted with distilled water to 40% strength, and the closed bottle is put away in a shaded place for 14 days. Every two days the vessel is shaken well. After 2 weeks, the alcoholic liquid is filtered and placed in the same bottle in the refrigerator door.
  • Cut 25 joints from the golden mustache lashes and take the same amount, by weight, of intact leaves of the plant. All the greens are crushed and placed in a 1.5-liter jar, into which 2 bottles of vodka are then poured. After 2 weeks of infusion in a shaded place (with occasional shaking), the liquid is filtered and poured into dark glass bottles (it is convenient to use bottles of antitussive syrups).

The shelf life of hermetically sealed bottles of golden mustache tinctures with alcohol is practically unlimited, but since it is not easy to achieve true tightness at home, it is optimal to store the bottle for no more than five years. All this time the medicine will retain beneficial properties plants and meet their purpose.

Using alcohol tincture

Oral medicine made from golden mustache with vodka is used for diseases of the heart and blood vessels (in a non-acute form), deterioration of blood clotting, pulmonary and bronchial pathologies, sleep disorders and obsessive states. In the absence of obvious health problems, the tincture is drunk for general strengthening of the body in the off-season.

Take the drug according to one of the following regimens:

  • Short course. Dissolve 30 drops of tincture in half a glass of water and drink the solution morning and evening for 10 days. Then there is a break for a similar period and the course is resumed.
  • Long course. Add 10 drops of the product to half a glass of water and drink the solution in the morning on an empty stomach. By adding a drop of tincture every day to the previous volume, the number is increased to 30, and starting from the next day, they begin to reduce the number of drops to the original 10. Thus, the entire course will take only 42 days. After a month, the entire cycle can be repeated.

For the treatment of joint and dermatological diseases, the use of golden mustache in vodka is not limited to taking the drug orally. The undiluted alcoholic extract is used for warming rubbing or applied to problem area compresses made from several layers of gauze soaked in liquid.

Preparation of ointment

The scope of application of the golden mustache ointment is somewhat wider than that of the tincture, because the substance, softened by the base fat composition, acts much more gently and allows the product to be used even for the external treatment of skin pathologies in children. The product can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than one month, so large volumes of the product should not be prepared.

How to prepare homemade ginseng ointment:

  • 1 tbsp is extracted from finely chopped lashes and leafy mass of the plant. a spoonful of juice;
  • into a small, clean glass jar (from baby food or cosmetic cream) spread 2 tbsp. spoons of any fat base to choose from: white Vaseline or baby cream;
  • pour a teaspoon of almond, grape, olive or sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • at the end, golden mustache juice is poured into the mixture and everything is fine, mixed until smooth.

The ointment is used to treat the skin for allergic rashes, eczema or psoriasis. It is used for better healing of cuts and abrasions, for resolving bruises and surgical sutures, treating bedsores and trophic ulcers.

Balm for blocking the development of tumors

A special balm for the treatment of progressive tumor formations is made using ready-made vodka tincture with golden mustache. The use of the drug is not limited to diagnosed oncological diseases and can be carried out as a prophylaxis in case of an alarming predisposition to cancer or to prevent relapses.

The balm is prepared in this way - 30 ml of vodka tincture is poured into a clean glass jar and 40 ml of cold-pressed natural sunflower oil is added there. The product is thoroughly shaken and drunk “in one breath.”

The above amount of medicine is calculated for one serving, taken three times a day, half an hour before the main meal. The entire course is 45 days and is taken according to a simple scheme - three ten-day approaches with a five-day break between them. Then a pause is made for 10-14 days, after which the entire course is repeated again. The number of cycles, according to reviews of those cured, can be unlimited. Therapy continues until the disease stops progressing and there is a positive trend toward cure.

Water infusions

For people who do not tolerate ethyl derivatives well or have contraindications to the use of tinctures with golden mustache in alcohol, it is recommended to prepare aqueous infusions with a short shelf life (up to 48 hours). For such infusions, only long vines of plants with at least 10 knees or medium, intact leaves are used.

Methods for preparing aqueous solutions:

  • Large leaf Wash homemade ginseng (or 5-7 knees of whip), tear it with your hands and pour three glasses of boiling water in a regular jar. After a day of infusion, the solution should be filtered and drunk as directed.
  • Chop the golden mustache leaf with a knife, place it in a thermos and brew 1 liter of boiling water. After 6 hours, the hot liquid is filtered into a bottle or jar and used.

The infusion is drunk to relieve symptoms of food or seasonal allergies, to reduce blood glucose levels in diabetes, and to prevent respiratory diseases. Based on the reviews of traditional healers about the golden mustache, we can conclude that a two-week course of drinking the infusion in the fall and spring helps maintain health during the cold season and prevent vitamin starvation with the onset of warmer weather.


All parts of homemade ginseng, except the root system, are involved in the heat treatment process. The size of the leaves used in the recipe should reach 17 centimeters or more, and the optimal length of the lashes is based on the number of knees in the stem - there should be at least 12 of them.

The healing properties of the golden mustache are best revealed when gradually heated, therefore one of general principles preparations healing decoctions is soaking the raw materials in cold water followed by boiling. The recipes for preparing decoctions with this plant are approximately the same. In all recipes, instead of ordinary water, you can use ionized water charged with silver particles:

  • Wash a large sheet of golden mustache and blot the moisture with a paper napkin. Finely chopped greens are placed in a saucepan with intact enamel, pour 4 cups of cold boiled water and bring to a boil over low heat. After 10 minutes of simmering under the lid, the boiling mixture is removed from the stove and slowly cooled for 4 hours. The finished medicine is filtered, poured into a jar and used for its intended purpose.
  • The middle leaf of the plant along with 3-4 phalanges of the mustache is crushed as finely as possible, poured with a liter of water and the solution is slowly brought to a boil, then the heat is immediately turned off. After infusing for five hours in a warm place, the broth is poured through several layers of gauze into a glass jar.
  • 25 phalanges of homemade ginseng tendrils, cut into small pieces, fill with two liters cold water and simmer slowly for 15 minutes, covered. The broth is infused overnight, and in the morning it is filtered into a jar and put in a cool place.

Warm decoctions of golden mustache are drunk for diseases of the genitourinary system (not complicated by the formation of stones) and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Some nutritionists recommend drinking medicinal callisia decoctions before sitting on strict diets- this is done in order to remove excess toxins from the body and prevent the occurrence of gastritis and peptic ulcers, which often accompany the process of losing weight.

Use of the plant in facial care

In order to cope with pigmentation on the skin, reduce inflammation during acne or reduce the intensity of sebum secretion, it is enough to use a ready-made vodka tincture on a golden mustache. Cotton pad, soaked in alcohol, wipe the face 3-4 times a day, and as a preventive measure or after mechanical cleaning faces - morning and evening.

It is very important not to dry out the skin, so for combination or normal type of epidermis, a tincture of 40% alcohol is not suitable. If you use another form remedy with a golden mustache is not possible, then the tincture is diluted with distilled water 1:1 or 1:2.

Here are a few recipes for universal beauty products that will help cope with common problems familiar to many women:

  • Nourishing “mask of youth” - mix half the yolk chicken egg, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fresh juice from golden mustache leaves, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of liquid honey, and 1 teaspoon each of sesame and grape oil. The mask is distributed with a brush in several stages, allowing each layer to dry for 5-7 minutes. In total, apply from three to five layers, then leave the mask for another 7 minutes and wash off with a large volume of water.
  • Moisturizing toner for dry skin. Combine 2 teaspoons each of strawberry juice and callisia juice and add the mixture to a bottle with 150 ml of still mineral water. Pour 1 tsp there. glycerin. Each time before wiping the face, the bottle is shaken, and after the procedure it is put in the refrigerator door, where it can be stored for 10 to 14 days.
  • Soothing cream. In a separate jar you need to mix 2 tbsp. spoons of inexpensive cream based on sea buckthorn extract or tea tree and pour in a tablespoon of golden mustache juice. Mix everything until smooth and use it as a regular cream twice a day.

For dry, hypersensitive or irritated skin, water infusions or decoctions with homemade ginseng are better suited. They are convenient to wash, wipe your face or apply to problem areas in the form of warm compresses.

Use for diabetes mellitus

Recommending to use the power of the golden mustache to alleviate the condition of diabetes, herbalists for some reason persistently point to a certain stage of plant development - on the largest vines of callisia there should be exactly nine knees of saturated violet shade. How appropriate are these tips? necessary conditions to cure a serious illness, it is difficult to test. However many years of experience herbal medicine has so many positive examples of getting rid of complex pathologies that most patients, finding themselves hostage to a sugar disease, do not hesitate to take into account all the nuances of the requirements of alternative medicine.

Here's how to prepare a decoction that helps regulate plasma glucose levels in type 1 and type 2 diabetes:

  • a full glass of finely chopped leaves and joints of the plant is placed in an enamel pan and poured with two liters of cool raw water;
  • the solution is heated until boiling, then simmered over low heat for about 7 minutes and immediately removed for six hours of infusion;
  • After the required period, the broth is filtered and poured into a dark glass container.

You need to drink the healing drink in 30-day courses, repeated 3 times a year according to the following scheme: a third of a glass of decoction 20 minutes before all main meals.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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