What can you grow on the farm? There are no clear recommendations in this regard. In fact, there is so much choice that, as they say, there would be room. Here is a list of plants that can be seen at the discount:

  • decorative flowering annuals and perennials
  • primroses and bulbous
  • conifers
  • spices
  • vegetables

Yes, oddly enough, vegetables are not a hindrance to a beautiful landscape design. The main thing is to choose spectacular crops. And now more details.

Decorative flowering plants

Most gardeners choose plants for flowering among perennials. What you need to pay attention to when choosing them:

1. Do not plant a ridge only. Otherwise, voids will form in the flower garden over time, because... some species begin to fade immediately after flowering. Therefore, perennials must be diluted annual plants, blooming almost all summer. Or give preference to late-blooming perennials, which bloom longer than others.

2. So that the discount makes you happy early spring until late autumn, also take into account the timing and duration of flowering. It’s good when the flowers bloom on it at different times.

Plants most often used in flower gardens: marigold, poppy, mallow, aster, nasturtium, petunia, pansies, zinnias, border dahlias, gillyflower, rudbeckia, coreopsis and others.

Primroses and bulbous

So that your discount is colorful from early spring bright colors, do not forget about primroses, including. While most flowers are just thinking about starting to grow, these harbingers of spring are already in full bloom: narcissus, tulip, hyacinth, violet,.

Coniferous plants

The most beautiful and brightest in flower beds are, of course, summer gardens. But, unfortunately, it is impossible to prolong their flowering, and in due time they wither. And voids form on the edge. To fill them, dwarf coniferous plants are often used: dwarf pine and others. give the discount some sophistication.


You have a small area and you are torn between two images: “Beautiful” or “Practical”? The solution is simple, like everything ingenious - to combine “beautifulness” with practicality.

You can add to the flowers in the discount herbs. Or create a composition exclusively from them - they both look beautiful and are beneficial for you.

As in the case of ornamental flowering plants, the main ones in the composition should be biennials and perennials, for example: thyme, lemon balm, catnip, aniseed, purple coneflower, mint. And every year you can plant annual herbs at the base: sage, santolina, fennel, etc. Just don’t forget to leave room for them when planting the main herbs.


Various vegetables that traditionally grow in the beds will also come in handy. But a raised bed is also a garden bed, right? Even if it's floral. Therefore, along with flowers, you can safely plant vegetable crops.

The most spectacular crops: ornamental cabbage, lovage, leaf salads, various bows, curly parsley, bush dill, decorative hot peppers, celery, many varieties of physalis, Swiss chard. And zucchini is very good to use as accents that set the rhythm.

If you want your rabatka to bloom most of the year, we advise you to choose plants with different terms flowering, and in the process of selection, simultaneously compile a table of their flowering. For example, which species will bloom in March-April, which in May, which in June-July, etc.

It is desirable that among the flowering plants there are also so-called “background” plants: cereals, decorative deciduous plants (Funkia,) or conifers. In between waves of flowering, they will perform the main decorative function.

So, no matter what plants you choose for your garden, the main thing is that they match each other in color and have similar growing conditions. And don’t choose too many - 2-3, maximum 6 types are enough.

Seeds or seedlings?

This question worries many novice gardeners. What is better to choose for planting in a flower garden: seeds, seedlings, rhizomes or already flowering seedlings? A video will help you understand this issue. It lasts 30 minutes, but be sure to watch to the end, there is a lot of useful information for beginners.

Sometimes choosing plants can take more than one hour, so be patient, have a cup of tea with cookies and combine business with pleasure. Easy and quick choice for you!

People who have their own garden plots and summer cottages are the lucky ones who can afford to organize their leisure time outdoors, growing flowers, creating magnificent flower beds. Thanks to various flower beds, our plots and city flower beds look festive. Flower beds have different types.

All gardeners started somewhere, wanting to decorate their garden with their own hands. It all depends on what area the gardener will need to decorate. Will it be a long garden or, if there is not enough space, then the gardener will arrange it near the window.

The most important thing here is that if a gardener creates his first flowerbed, he should not choose too complex variations or plant plants that are not adapted to a particular region. After all, the care and cultivation of such tender plants will take a lot of time, but we need to not only take care of the compositions all the time, but also enjoy them appearance, contemplating them, sitting in the gazebo in the evenings.

It is necessary to take types and varieties of flowers that have been adapted in the region and do not require special care. You can take three types of flowers in one flower bed or plant one type of plant, but take four or five different shades.

Since flower beds, no matter what they are, should attract attention, flowers with for a long time blooms that replace each other and bloom until the first frost.

This is a fairly simple, but also original flowerbed that even a beginner in floriculture can recreate. Here main secret is to choose the right flowers and think through the watering system, so as not to subsequently disturb the structure of the ridge.

A ridge is a flower bed that is located along a path or lawn. Flowers are planted in a special way, forming a dense variegated carpet flowering plants. As a rule, they are used with short stature and compact shape.

There are different discounts:

  • single-tier;
  • multi-tiered;
  • monochrome.


In such discounts, flowers of the same type and height are used, but different in color. They are planted quite densely, creating flowering carpets.

With the help of such a flower bed you can decorate lawns and paths along the building. What if you let a vine run through the building? wild grapes, then the flowerbed will take on a finished and beautiful look.

Multi-tiered discount

Here flowers of different heights and colors are used, they are planted according to the principle of a round flower bed. In the center, taller flowers are planted, which decrease in growth to a minimum towards the edge. This type is planted only on one side of the path, and in the background perennials will look good, the background of which will be created by coniferous plantings.


There are contrasting discounts and monochrome ones. Monochrome is when flowers are selected in two or three tones of one color range.

The shape of the ridge is selected and marked on the soil. After which the soil in this place is treated with herbicides to get rid of most of the weeds that will spoil the appearance of the flowerbed. After which you need to enter mineral fertilizers, corresponding to the type of flowers planted in the future and carry out mandatory digging of the soil.

After that, the surface of the earth is leveled with a rake and watered with a hose with a sprayer so as not to wash away areas of the earth. Now you can start planting seedlings or necessary seeds colors. When planting flowers, you should not leave too long distances between bushes or rows, as they will look like bald spots.

If you have time, it is better to prepare the soil for the ridge in the fall, so that in the spring you can only start planting flower seedlings.

Actually creating various discounts is not difficult, the main thing is to draw a plan and start implementing it. And don't forget to take care of her. Carry out watering, weeding, loosening in a timely manner to provide oxygen access to the root system of the plant. In the second half of autumn, remove all annual flowers and prepare perennials for winter period contents - dig it up for cleaning in the basement or cover it with spruce branches.

All flower beds create some troubles in caring for them, but these are very pleasant and easy troubles that bring joy to the gardener. Flower beds not only decorate the entrance to the home and the driveway, but also decorate unsightly places that are quite often found in the garden.

You need to start by defining what a discount is. The name comes from German word"bed". Elongated rectangular shape flowerbeds with clear lines are called ridges. Although, the accuracy of the lines is not a prerequisite.

A long flowering strip of a ridge, separately resembling a bed, can run along a hedge or fence.
Most often, such a colorful flower bed, embedded directly in, is used in landscape design geometric style plot.

The design of the rabatka in this case involves the use of rhythm and repetitions not only of certain shades, but also shapes (the elements of the rabatka, repeated at least 8 times, will add clarity to the visual perception of the rhythm).

Having an unlimited amount of patience, desire and time in stock, making a discount on your own is quite possible.

  1. First, you need to draw a diagram future landing. Flowers in a discount can be arranged in the form of intricate patterns or in even rows, or all attention can be focused on the combination of shades of flowers and leaves.

  2. The width of the ridge flower bed directly depends on the capabilities of the garden area. So, in a small area, the width of the “vegetable garden” with flowers may not exceed half a meter. And in conditions of large space, the ridge stretches in width up to 4 meters.

  3. If you plan to make the ridge very long, then you should slightly break its monotony with small flower beds or tapeworms (single plants) planted every 5 meters.

  4. Avoiding stagnation of water in a very wide flower garden is ideal flat surface soil, you can form small elevations in the center.

  5. According to many landscape designers, flower beds made from flowers of one type (single-colored and multi-colored) look much more elegant than compositions from several plants.

  6. To make the plantings look neat, you don’t need to plant too much in the garden. different varieties. A discount, demonstrating all the charm of the floristic world, risks turning out to be chaotic. Five various types There will be enough plants to decorate a double-sided or one-sided flower bed.

One-sided flower beds located along paths, fences and buildings must be planted as close to the wall as possible. In this case, tall plants should be correctly placed in the background, and lower green plants should be placed in the foreground. And be sure to coordinate the color of the facade or fence with the shade of the plants. For example, light flowers will play better in contrast with a dark background, and plants with red, burgundy and orange buds will “sing” perfectly with a wall designed in a cold color scheme.

When planting flowers, you need to make sure that there are no unsightly voids between the “neighbors” that open up to bare soil. A flower garden that looks like a ladder will remain pleasing to the eye for a long time if the plants in it differ in the timing and duration of flowering.

Plants for the garden with sufficient height can be selected from flowering or deciduous species. Of the conifers, preference is most often given to junipers or spruces. But the low ones beautiful flowering plants most often formed by lilies, roses, phlox, calendula, irises, carnations and many other spectacular decorative species.

Double-sided discounts are:

  • single-tiered, with flowers of the same height;
  • two-tiered, with tall plants placed in the middle of the composition, surrounded by short plants.

Double-sided flower beds are usually located in the central location of the site, which can be clearly viewed from all sides.

Two-sided work in the country is also good because it, filled with perennial plants, is absolutely unpretentious in care. Correctly selected varieties with continuous flowering will delight the eye with a riot of colors for more than one season.

Without a doubt, flower beds look most impressive when the plants on them are collected in bright color spots or contrasting parallel stripes.

  • To add extra brightness to tall flowers or shrubs, plant in early spring tulips, daffodils or snowdrops in the flower garden. And when they fade, dig them up and plant annuals in their place (for example, petunias, marigolds, poppies, antirrinum, impomea and others).

  • Subtropical plants in the garden require special care. Godetius and Chinese cloves(which always look truly exotic in such a flower garden) can be replaced with the familiar bindweed, asters, impatiens and calendulas.

  • When placing the central emphasis on flowers of rich colors (salvia or ageratum), make sure that the rest of the plants have a more modest color scheme (peonies, daisies, irises, delphiniums, roses, etc.).

  • If you plan to create a discount based on flowers of one type, then the best ones to cope with this task are: daisies, asters, chrysanthemums, lilies, dahlias, irises, peonies, phlox and daylilies.

  • But from marigolds, verbenas, lobelias, sedums and hostas, it is best to build a complex pattern in the garden bed.

  • When designing flower beds, one cannot help but think about decorative greenery. It will be appropriate where flowers with beautiful buds do not have their beautiful leaves.

  • You can trust, for example, kochia to keep the rhythm in the flowerbed, the haircut of which has been given the shape of a ball or decorative bush, blooming from the first months of spring until frost. These plants, planted with a certain repetition along the entire length of the flowerbed, will maintain a visual rhythm regardless of the flowering of other flowers in the garden.

  • To prevent the flower garden from looking sloppy and not well-groomed, be sure to plant new plants in place of faded flowers.

  • A ridge of annuals looks very attractive with some varieties of vegetables and aromatic plants. So, chard, hot pepper, physalis, as well as lemon balm, mint, thyme and oregano will combine business with pleasure well.

The outer edges of the ridge are decorated either with ground cover plant species, or with flat stone, crushed stone, colored gravel or tiles.


Based on the above, it becomes clear that a beautiful flower bed is available to any gardener; the main thing is to choose the right design strategy and not to overdo it with combinations of annual and perennial plants. There should be harmony in everything.

In general, for many people the word rabatka is something new, strange and incomprehensible. Landscape designers aware, but ordinary users like you and me are not. Let's figure out what a rabatka is and how it can help you improve your territory. The transformation of a dull cottage into a flower kingdom begins right now!

Let's get to know the discount girl

In essence, we are talking about a flower garden, but with its own characteristics. It differs from other flower beds in shape, as it is a long bed. It is rectangular and comes from the Middle Ages. By the way, in those days flower discounts were decorated patios, served as a pharmacist's bed.

Rabatka - long bed

To make it clearer, let's talk about proportions. Perfect option– 1:3, although in reality such a norm is rarely maintained. What are these numbers, you ask. It's about about rows of plants. A small discount consists of 3 rows, large ones - about five. If you strictly follow the design idea, a seemingly small floral ribbon can unfold up to 10 meters.

Work at the dacha is always solemn and beautiful. All elements are repeated in the form of groups or stripes. By the way, this is what distinguishes them from mixborders.

So, let's summarize

  • We are talking about a long flower bed in the form of a strip.
  • Its width varies from 0.5 to 3 meters.
  • As a rule, the flowerbed is placed near the path.
  • Capable of becoming worthy decoration unsightly foundation.

Mixborder, discount... What's the difference?

Let's take a closer look at the key differences. Not because we want to. First of all, the answer to this question really matters to readers. Secondly, even experienced summer residents These two concepts are often confused. Common features there really is. Both flower beds are used to design paths; they are narrow and long. But there is still a fundamental difference.

Mixborder scheme
  • Which looks stricter and has clearer lines? Of course, we are talking about a discount.
  • What counts as an element regular style? Discounts again. usually used in . Because they look smooth and disheveled, there are no clear lines as such. This makes mixborders similar to the natural environment.
  • Who is older? And again the flower garden starting with the letter “R” wins. She decorated the luxurious gardens of the royal nobility back in the Middle Ages. And only when the mixing of styles began, plantings of ridges turned into mixborders.
  • What other characteristics apply to discounts? It blooms almost continuously, the geometry is clear, there are a lot of bright colors. Naturally, maintenance is more difficult - there should be no weeds or accidentally formed voids.

The difference between a rabatka and a mixborder

5 types of discounts

Do you want to build a ridge at your dacha? Really want to? We will definitely go through all stages of disembarkation. But first, let’s decide which type is suitable for your site. Indeed, despite the inherent severity and solemnity of the flower garden, variations still exist.


Everything is simple, everything is clear. A classic flower garden that can be planted along the foundation or fence. Characteristics: the closer to the wall, the better, preferably 2 tiers (upper and lower), combination with the background of the site.

Work along the fence

This variety can consist of either one or two tiers. In the first case, the height of the stripes will be the same. But two-tiered flower beds consist of tall plants in the center and stunted at the edges. Double-sided designs are more suitable for central placement. A ridge planted in the middle will divide the area into several zones.

Two-tier discount


On summer cottage not one, but several tracks? Between them you can plant the very flower garden we are talking about today.


It differs from other options in that it allows tall plants to be planted in front of short ones.


Only a sufficiently long flower bed, consisting of several parts at once, can claim the role of an intermittent ridge. The largest, tallest flowers are planted between them as a separator.

There are a lot of discount options

Also, depending on the color scheme, the flower garden can be contrasting and monochrome. In the first case, catchy and rich colors are used, which harmoniously alternate with each other. When it comes to a monochrome garden, plants of the same color, but in different shades, are planted.

Options for discounts in design (video)

General principles of discount formation

  1. It is advisable to plant a flower garden in an area with a perfectly flat or almost flat surface.
  2. The planting must fit into overall design personal plot as harmonious as possible.
  3. For contrasting compositions we buy 2 colors, for monochromatic compositions we take 2-3 shades of the same color. We use conifers as background plants.
  4. Plants are selected based on climatic features your region and soil type. By the way, the flowers themselves can be annuals or perennials.
  5. We always remember that representatives of the flora have different heights. Some plants should not obscure others.
  6. In order for the clearing to constantly please you with an attractive appearance, it is important to correctly calculate the flowering time. As you know, bulbous plants can delight you in early spring, while perennials bloom much later.
  7. A few words about planting density. We recommend sticking to the principle of 18 sprouts per one square meter. 50% of them are short, another 50% are medium and tall. There should be no gaps between them.

Workbeds are used for various purposes. They can become a worthy decoration of hedges, paths garden plot, it is beneficial to transform a fence or delimit a lawn. There are often cases when a ridge is used as a separate independent flower bed or zone delimiter.

Thus, in landscape design, ridges perform many useful tasks:

  • If you plant such a flower bed along a path or path, you can create a “living” border effect.
  • A ridge separating the zones will help smooth out the boundaries of a particular area.
  • A ridge made in the form of a flower bed is a chic decoration for any area.

Viola along the path

We create a ridge on the site

A short summary. You and I found out what types of flower beds exist, what they are, what principles to follow when forming a flower garden. What to do next?

And we start by remembering our school drawing lessons. We take a piece of paper in our hands and draw a diagram of the arrangement of flowers. It is important to decide in advance where and what flowers you would like to plant. This will help achieve the desired effect.

Plants are arranged in the format geometric shapes: circles, stripes, squares. The dimensions directly depend on the area of ​​the land. First we distribute the “soloists”, as shown in the diagram, move on to the background and support, and finish with the undersized ones for effective filling.

Discount scheme

It is possible that you will wonder: which plants are best to use, annuals or perennials? A flower garden made from annuals looks amazing, it seems light and airy. These tend to grow, while annual representatives of the flora maintain clear forms throughout the season.

Don't want to deal with annuals every year? In this case, your choice will be a perennial plant.

More about choosing plants

When constructing a high ridge, we advise you to pay attention to plants such as dwarf spruce, juniper and asters, as well as marigolds. As for low flower beds, most often daffodils and lupins, chrysanthemums, tulips, irises, and yarrows are planted in them.

Surprisingly, some gardeners do not hesitate to plant even. For example, parsley, beets or hot peppers with physalis. And it’s worth noting that they look very good!

Do not forget that all plant colors should be in harmony with each other. This is especially important if you plan to create a border with contrasting colors. In this case, we recommend combining yellow with purple, orange with blue, and white with red. Background plants will help structure the composition. Coniferous perennials, spicy crops, and cereals can cope with the task.

Contrast discount

Step-by-step arrangement of the ridge

So, you have carefully planned everything, selected necessary plants and place. You can start working!

  1. The tools you will need are a shovel, a rake, and a watering can. We also stock up fertile soil(can be collected in the forest and mixed with fertilizer) and for planting, with pegs, rope and bricks with boards (they will go to the border).
  2. Let's start drawing again, but this time on the ground. Pegs with a long rope are used to mark boundaries.
  3. Using a shovel, remove upper layer land. You shouldn’t dive to great depths – 15 cm will be quite enough. The edges of the groove are lined with curb material.
  4. The prepared site is filled with fertile soil. Don't try to make the surface perfectly flat. In the center of such a flower garden, water will begin to stagnate after rains. So you can pour several “piles” in the middle, above the main layer.
  5. Flowers are planted according to the diagram that was drawn on a piece of paper. It may be tempting to plant the plants quite close to each other - after all, they are still so small. Don't give in to temptation. Over time, the empty space will quickly fill with leaves and flowers, and too dense plantings will not allow flowers to develop normally.
  6. After planting, water the sprouts and leave them for a week. They need time to recover from “stress.”

How to care for your rabatka?

The main range of work has been successfully completed. All that is required of you is to water the flower garden on time and weed it, like a regular flower bed. Naturally, do not forget about feeding.

When autumn comes, annual plants are removed from the territory, perennial plants are pruned. To protect root system from severe frosts, it is recommended to wrap them tightly. The flowers that you decide to leave for the winter are also inspected. Diseased ones are removed, healthy ones are left for the winter or replanted.

Basically, that's all that can be said about care. As you can see, there is nothing complicated, be it a ridge of perennials along the path or classic version from annuals. Summer in our country is relatively short. Two to three months before it starts, you can start filling the garden with bright colors. In the off-season, cold winter you will admire bright, juicy photographs. Among them will be your discount: lush, solemn and unusual!

Works along the path (video)

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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