Stretch ceilings made of PVC film gained wide popularity among customers within a few years after their appearance on the market. They allow you to create a perfectly flat ceiling space, hide all the shortcomings of the base floor and visually transform the room. Hundreds of colors and dozens of texture solutions available in the range vinyl sheets, allow you to use them in interiors of different styles. If you plan to professionally install structures using such materials, you definitely need to suspended ceilings.

From this article you will learn why experts recommend using equipment of this particular brand, and also get acquainted with the main characteristics of such guns, their advantages and disadvantages.

Why are heat guns needed?

If you decide to open own business on installation tensile structures, but are just starting to get acquainted with this unique finish, you should know that the installation of such ceilings is carried out in two ways.

Fig. 1. Heat gun for installing suspended ceilings

  1. No preheating. The cold method is used to install only.
  2. With room heating. This procedure is necessary to install a vinyl ceiling. The fact is that cold film is not highly elastic, so it is almost impossible to stretch it onto a profile frame.

So, you need to buy a “Master” gas gun for suspended ceilings (or equipment from another company) so that during the installation process you can heat the PVC film and make it elastic. The gun blows warm air, which gradually softens the canvas, allowing it to be stretched to the required size and inserted into the profile without any problems. After the material cools, it will shrink a little. This is what allows you to create a perfectly flat, evenly stretched surface without defects or sagging.

Fig.2. Installation of a stretch ceiling using a heat gun

Important to know!

You should work with a heat gun very carefully so as not to overheat the film and melt it. The maximum heating temperature should be 60-65ºС. You should also make sure that there are no living plants, decorative elements or furniture in the room that could be damaged by high temperatures.

Basic requirements for heat guns

First of all, let's figure out why specialists today use gas guns for suspended ceilings, and not, for example, diesel or electric ones. And the reason lies in the convenience of such equipment. Electric analogues, as a rule, have too low efficiency. Therefore, heating the room to the desired temperature requires much more time and energy consumption. In addition, it is quite difficult to heat PVC film evenly with such equipment.

Fig.3. Electric heat gun

Heat guns running on diesel fuel heat the air very well and quickly. However, combustion of fuel leads to the formation of exhaust gases in the room, which are hazardous to health. Such equipment is more suitable for working on outdoors. Based on this, experts recommend buying a gas heat gun"Master" for suspended ceilings.

Fig.4. Diesel heat gun

In addition to guns of this brand, modern market offers wide range equipment of different brands, which differ in cost and performance characteristics. When choosing such a technique, several important factors should be taken into account.

  • The effectiveness of the gun. Different models have a certain power and, accordingly, are designed to heat rooms of a particular area. If you do not plan to install vinyl ceilings in large rooms with an area of ​​more than 10 m², you can limit yourself to a 6 kW gas gun. To install ceilings in a room whose area exceeds 50 m², you will need equipment with a power of more than 30 kW.
  • Safety. Professional craftsmen Those involved in the installation of suspended ceilings must take care of the safety of their work. They must be sure that during the process of heating the PVC film, the gas equipment will not catch fire or explode. Therefore, experts prefer to use guns powered by gas.
  • Availability of a security system. This is an important component that ensures that electrical elements the guns will not fail due to voltage surges, gas will be supplied in optimal portions, and the equipment will operate stably.
  • Ease of use. Heavy and too massive gas guns for suspended ceilings are inconvenient to use. You should select equipment that will be easy to hold and carry from place to place.

Pay attention!

The more powerful gas gun, the higher its weight. If you need to heat a large room, for ease of operation it is recommended to use several guns with a lower power rather than one powerful model.

Master heat guns are the best equipment for suspended ceilings!

Specialists of the Asta M company, who have been providing high-quality services for installing suspended ceilings for more than 10 years, recommend purchasing a Master gas gun to heat the room. Over the years of work, we have tested the equipment in real conditions different manufacturers, and made sure that it is the “Master” models that most fully meet all the requirements.

Fig.5. Heat guns "Master"

Heat guns from this manufacturer have the following advantages:

  • high-quality thermal insulation of the outer casing;
  • simple design and excellent maintainability;
  • possibility of adjusting thermal power;
  • reliable system protecting the electric motor from overheating;
  • powder coating of the case, which ensures its wear resistance;
  • presence of an overheating thermostat;
  • work on propane and butane;
  • availability of special safety valve, stopping the fuel supply when the power supply is turned off;
  • minimal electricity consumption (needed only to ignite the burner and operate the fan);
  • economical gas consumption;
  • operation from safe polymer-composite cylinders, which are equipped with explosion protection, are lightweight and have a window with a fuel level indicator.

Fig.6. Gas gun Master BLP 33 M

Today you can buy “Master” gas guns for suspended ceilings, which have different capacities. Most often, craftsmen choose the BLP 33 M model, thermal power which is 33 kW. It allows you to effectively heat rooms with a fairly large area, because its productivity is 1000 m3/h. At the same time, the gun is lightweight and has dimensions convenient for transportation and operation. Such equipment consumes about 2 liters of liquefied gas per hour. The sophisticated protection system of this model ensures its reliability and long term service, and also guarantees work safety.

If earlier no one could admit that the installation of a “hot” ceiling would be carried out by a non-professional, today every amateur self-repair can afford to install PVC sheets with his own hands. All you need to do this is skill, courage and a heat gun. Read on to learn more about the types of heat guns!

Various methods of finishing the ceiling have taught us that a fairly large arsenal of funds is needed in order to make a truly worthy repair that would not cause complaints even from the most experienced businessmen. However, the need for a heat gun to install a stretch ceiling causes misunderstanding among many: why does a ceiling need a gun?

Why a heat gun is required to stretch PVC film:

  • PVC fabric is incredibly durable and can stretch under the influence of heavy weights, even at room temperature. However, it is unrealistic to stretch the canvas onto a baguette with your bare hands. In order for the fabric to become pliable and viscous, it must be heated to sufficient temperature. high temperature.
  • When the canvas is heated to 60 o C, it is ready for work, but in order to avoid an incident and the canvas does not cool back down, the heat gun must work throughout the installation, maintaining a temperature of 40-50 o C for comfortable work with a convenient material.

Without a heat gun, working with PVC sheets is not possible. Only high temperature allows workers to stretch PVC onto the baguette.

What type of gun is needed for suspended ceilings?

The choice of guns for stretching the ceiling is not great. But all 3 options have their own characteristics. If you decide to install a suspended ceiling, then you should first decide whether you are going to buy a gun or rent it. For each case, the recommendations will be different.

Which gun is better to choose for installing a stretch ceiling:

  1. If you decide to rent a gun, then the best option there will be a gas gun. However, you should be careful of an accident. Choose trusted companies that use only new, working equipment, since gas appliances games are bad! Renting such a gun will be relatively inexpensive, and the speed of its operation will pleasantly surprise you.
  2. If you are thinking of purchasing a heating device forever, then it is recommended to purchase an electric gun. This model has a significant advantage in the form of its multifunctionality. An electric heat gun can change modes, which allows it to heat the air up to 70 o C, and also work at partial capacity to heat garages, warehouses, and even for emergency heating of residential premises.

If you are afraid of an accident, then your fears are not unfounded! Gas is a very dangerous thing that will not spare anyone in the event of an accident. Explosions when working with gas equipment are not uncommon.

Gas gun for suspended ceilings

Despite concerns and warnings about gas, many workers and even non-professionals use gas guns when stretching fabric.

Advantages of gas heat guns:

  • Autonomy. The main advantage gas gun is its autonomy from the power supply network. Often you have to work in rooms where electricity has not yet been installed, so having a gun that works without the use of any stationary energy sources is very convenient.
  • The gas gun is almost silent.
  • The cost of a gas gun is lower than that of an electric one. The additional expense is only for fuel.
  • The gas gun has high performance. The speed of its operation will allow installation of the ceiling without downtime and loss of time.
  • Environmental friendliness. Gas guns do not release any gas during operation. harmful substances. Therefore, its use is completely safe.

To prevent the use of a gas gun from leading to disastrous consequences, carefully follow the instructions. Gas cylinder is a potential source of danger.

Electric gun for suspended ceilings

An electric gun is safer for human life than a gas gun. Moreover, she has wide range applications. Why don’t builders so often choose such a unit for their work?

Reasons why many people refuse to use an electric gun:

  1. Network dependency. Often workers have to work in unfinished premises, so they need a device that would not constrain them in the nature of their work.
  2. High power consumption. For living conditions ceiling tension electric guns are rejected by buyers due to the fact that the energy consumption of such a gun is simply incredible. Not only can this cost incredible sums for electricity, but also the power supply systems located in apartments are not always able to withstand such high levels of performance.
  3. To heat a large room, sometimes the power of one device is not enough. Therefore, to fully work with an electric gun, you will need 2 devices.

If you are not afraid of losing significant sums on electricity supply, then purchasing an electric gun will be beneficial for you.

Stretch ceiling without a gun: we stretch the ceiling ourselves

Modern technology has reached the point that even PVC can be stretched without the use of a heat gun!

What ceilings can be stretched without the use of thermal equipment:

  • Textile. Fabric ceilings are traditionally installed using the cold method. This option is not so bad. Fabric ceilings are very beautiful, durable and you can install them yourself without resorting to using a heat gun.
  • Modern development has given us Cool Stretch seamless PVC ceilings, which can be stretched using the cold method. Such a ceiling will have all the same properties as a regular PVC sheet, but will cost a little more and is much easier to install.

How to install suspended ceilings without gas (video)

If you need to heat a large room of 200 m2, for example, from gas silicate block, then the power of the gun should be about 20 kW. This calculation is necessary in order to determine whether the power of your device is enough for you or not. Well, if you are far from such technologies and calculations, then call a team of specialists or do the installation yourself without using a heat gun.

Stretch ceilings are one of the most common ways to decorate any room. It is distinguished by high performance properties and long service life. In this case, you can get any design, including spectacular ones. multi-level ceilings. If you choose polyvinyl chloride fabric as your preferred material, you will have to get a heat gun.

Attention! Today it is possible to rent this equipment. This will save money and not buy a heat gun if you do not plan to install suspended ceilings from PVC sheets on a regular basis.

What is it and why is it necessary?

A gas gun is equipment without which installation of a stretch ceiling made of polyvinyl chloride fabric is impossible. It involves heating the room and heating the material itself to a temperature of at least 65 degrees. Only thermal device, the energy source of which is liquefied gas.

This equipment is large in size. Every person has the rest of the tools at home. If not, they are easy to purchase. Before you buy or rent a heat gun, let’s figure out why it is needed.

PVC canvas is smaller in size than the area of ​​the room. This was done specifically to ensure even tension. The film increases in size when it is heated to a temperature of 65 degrees. As it cools, it gradually shrinks to its usual dimensions and stretches in the room.

At the moment when the film is stretched, you need to have time to fix it in the baguettes. If you couldn't do this, don't be upset. Repeat the algorithm again. Important point- become correct measurements. The error should not exceed 0.5 cm, as this will lead to installation difficulties.

What is the design of the gun?

There are two popular types of guns. These are gas and electric. The latter is just beginning to be in demand, so it’s unlikely to be rented. If you plan to install it with its help, you will have to purchase equipment from a specialized store.

A gas-powered device is considered a traditional option for long periods of time indoors. Models may differ in power and size, but their design is typical. It is represented by the following components:

  • Gas cylinder.
  • Electrical component.
  • Hose providing gas supply.
  • Guns.

The “insides” of the gun themselves are of interest. They define performance characteristics, including heating speed, safety of the work process.

The workflow for using a heat gun, which helps to warm up the PVC fabric for further stretching

By appearance the gun resembles a cylinder made of steel, which is coated with enamel, which guarantees resistance to heat. The following components are located inside:

  1. Blower fan.
  2. A piezoelectric element that acts as an ignition device.
  3. Burner.
  4. A supply valve that controls gas flow.
  5. There are grilles in the front and rear parts that protect the equipment from various objects getting inside.

Often there is no cylinder included. You will have to purchase it yourself. This is explained by the fact that the cylinder belongs to the gas industry.

Main advantages and disadvantages of heat guns

Each type of heat gun has advantages and disadvantages. In addition to devices running on gas or electricity, you can also find diesel models. However, they are not in demand in residential premises. They are distinguished by their impressive dimensions and ability to highlight large quantity combustion products, which requires the installation of a chimney.

Devices operating from the mains are safe to operate, but their power is limited. If you managed to find and purchase a powerful unit, then it will only work from a 380-volt network. Distinctive features become large weight and size.

Gas guns are considered universal options for working in any room. They are distinguished by advantages, including:

  1. Small dimensions and weight.
  2. Impressive thermal power.
  3. Autonomy of work.
  4. Relative cleanliness during operation.
  5. High heating rate.
  6. Convenient operation in any conditions, including the absence of current.

The only drawback is the need for a cylinder for liquefied gas indoors. However, if you act carefully and follow safety recommendations, difficulties are eliminated.

How does the device work?

To get started, familiarize yourself with how the device works. Initially open shut-off valve. It is responsible for blocking the gas supply. After this, the wizard performs the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Using a piezoelectric element, ignite the gas.
  2. Warm up gas burner for some time.
  3. After this, increase the gas supply.
  4. Turn on the fan.

This is where the preparation ends. Now direct the flow warm air onto polyvinyl chloride fabric. It is heated to a temperature of 65 degrees and after that they begin to stretch and fix it with a baguette.

The specific choice of the preferred gun model is based on a number of factors. These include the type of room where installation is planned, your own skills and abilities to install ceilings. If you don’t know how to choose the right equipment, you should seek help from specialists.

A heat gun for suspended ceilings is needed for tensioning work. Without this, installation is impossible. To understand the intricacies, check out the video. It will illustrate the main models and variations, suggest right choice. As a result, you will choose your preferred option and install the ceiling yourself.

Increasingly, apartment owners are choosing to decorate the ceiling with stretch fabrics. And this is not at all surprising, because such decoration gives the room a special atmosphere, elegance and sophistication. If previously only wealthy people could afford this type of decoration, today it has become available to almost everyone. Moreover, today many people undertake to install ceiling panels on their own, not only fabric, but also film models, which require a heat gun. The types of heat guns will be discussed in this article.

Why is a heat gun necessary?

Today there are many types of finishing, each of which requires special materials, tools, equipment, and, of course, certain knowledge and skills. However, many still do not understand why a heat gun is needed for a stretch ceiling?

Let’s say right away that the gun is only necessary for tensioning film ceilings, and for the following reasons:

  • PVC fabric is incredibly durable. It can stretch without compromising its integrity even at room temperature, if it is exposed to heavy weights. However, just like that, without first stretching the canvas, it is unrealistic to stretch it onto a baguette. In order for the ceiling film to become soft and pliable, it must be heated to a sufficiently high temperature.
  • When the canvas warms up to 60°C, it can be installed. However, in order to avoid cooling of the canvas, the heat gun must warm the room throughout the installation. It is necessary to maintain a temperature of +40+50°C.

Thus, it is obvious that without a heat gun it will not be possible to stretch the PVC sheet; this requires high temperature.

Types of guns

Selecting guns suitable for installation stretch fabrics small, but each option has its own characteristics. If you decide to install a suspended ceiling yourself, then first of all you need to decide whether to buy a gun or rent it? Below we will describe the features of each device, and you decide which is more acceptable to you.

So, to install a stretch ceiling you can use gas and electric models. Let's take a closer look at the features of each of them:

  • More economical option is a gas gun. However, when working with this device, you must strictly follow safety precautions in order to protect yourself from an accident. If you rent, choose reliable, proven companies that provide new, working equipment. Rent gas equipment is relatively low, and the heating rate is much higher than that of analogues.
  • The electric gun is attractive because it is completely safe, no more dangerous than a hair dryer. In addition, this equipment is multifunctional: you can change the temperature and regulate the degree of heating, which can be maximum +70°C. This equipment can also work at half capacity, for example, to heat garages or to quickly warm up a living room. It won’t be able to heat constantly, since it consumes too much electricity, but when you need to heat the room quickly, this is the best option.

Attention! Many people are afraid to use gas equipment and this fear is not unfounded! When working with gas, you must strictly follow safety precautions! Otherwise, the gas will not spare anyone. An explosion during unprofessional work with gas equipment is not at all uncommon.

Gas heat gun

Despite the existing danger, a gas gun for suspended ceilings is used most often. Moreover, these days even non-professionals take on such work. If you have working equipment and you know how to use it, the installation process will go quickly and without any trouble.

Advantages of gas heat guns:

  • Autonomy. Its use does not require electricity, which allows installation in rooms where wiring has not yet been carried out. This equipment does not require any source of energy other than gas.
  • Quiet operation.
  • The cost of such equipment is significantly lower than that of its electrical counterpart. In addition, there are only expenses for the gas itself, but they are not commensurate with electricity consumption.
  • Higher performance. It heats up the canvas and the room itself very quickly, which allows for quick installation.
  • Environmental friendliness. Gas guns do not emit any harmful substances during operation, therefore in this regard they are absolutely safe.

As you can see, such equipment has many advantages, but you need to work with it carefully! If you have never worked with gas equipment before, you should definitely go through detailed instructions, and under no circumstances violate the instructions.

Electric gun

In terms of explosion hazard, the electric gun is absolutely safe. It is no more difficult to use than any construction hair dryer. Why is this equipment not widely used?

Let's look at the reasons for refusing to use an electric gun:

  • Dependence on the availability of electricity in the room. Of course, you can use a generator for this, but this is an additional inconvenience and expense. Often repairs are carried out in rooms where wiring has not yet been carried out, and an electric gun can be used to in this case it won't work out.
  • High power consumption. Firstly, high electricity consumption takes a toll on your wallet, and secondly, not every wiring is able to withstand such loads and simply burns out.
  • If you need to heat a large room to install the canvas, then one gun is not enough, and using two is not always possible due to the load on the electrical wiring.

In a word, if you are terrified of an explosion of gas equipment and are ready to sacrifice your electricity bill, then, of course, use electric models. But keep in mind that now there are enough practically safe gas guns, however, you need to know how to handle them. There is another option - to invite professionals, and they will do everything quickly and efficiently.

Installing a ceiling without a gun

Having read the nuances of installing suspended ceilings, many people wonder: is it possible to install the canvas without a gun? And it really can be done! But only seamless fabric ceilings are suitable for this installation.

Fabric panels are traditionally installed using the cold method. In this case, it is recommended to lightly spray the canvas with water from a spray bottle and stretch it onto the baguette while wet. After drying, it will smooth out and become perfectly even, taut like a drum. Ceilings made of fabric are not only very beautiful, but also environmentally friendly, since fabric is a more porous material in its structure, allowing air to pass through. Installation of such canvases is extremely simple and accessible to anyone. A fastening baguette, self-tapping screws, and other parts necessary for installation are usually included with the canvas. No equipment like heat guns is required.

Seamless PVC ceilings are installed using the same principle. They have all the properties of classic film ceilings, but are a little more expensive. However, the difference in price immediately pays off in that there is no need to invite a team of installers and spend extra money, because everything can be done yourself.

In conclusion

  1. To install film stretch ceilings, you need a heat gun, since you can only stretch the film onto a baguette by preheating the material.
  2. For these purposes, gas and electric guns are used, each of which has its own pros and cons.
  3. Gas models are more practical and economical, but you need to be able to handle them correctly, otherwise there is a risk of explosion.
  4. An electric gun is absolutely safe, but it depends on the availability of electricity in the house, consumes too much energy and puts serious stress on the wiring.
  5. You can install the material, but only fabric and seamless models.

Stretch ceilings are one of the most common types ceiling decoration, used for registration home interior. Installation of such a structure takes a minimum of time and does not entail the formation of a large amount of dirt and debris, but it does require special equipment.

The main tool for installing a stretch ceiling is a heat gun

Thus, for uniform tension of the canvas, a heat gun for suspended ceilings is used, which warms up the room to 45° and heats PVC film up to 65°. This article will tell you about the types, characteristics and features of the use of heat guns.

Types of heat guns

These units differ in the type of energy source that powers their operation. For PVC installation the following types of devices are used:

  • electrical;
  • gas;
  • diesel

Now a little more about each of them.

The electric gun has a simple design and is easy to use. Such equipment for suspended ceilings resembles a regular hair dryer, but with larger dimensions and power. Electric heaters are installed inside the device, through which the fan drives air currents. With the help of this unit it is possible to achieve the necessary temperature regime in a short period of time. For a room up to 40 m2, one device is usually enough; if the area is larger, two or more devices are used.

Gas heat gun for stretch ceiling

A gas heat gun is relatively inexpensive and has high efficiency. Most models have the same structure and include the following elements in their design:

  • gas cylinder;
  • cannon;
  • a hose through which gas enters the unit;
  • electrical part.

Heating occurs according to the following principle: a fan sucks in cold air, driving it through a burner, which burns the gas coming from the cylinder. Considering that the room is heated using open flame, and when the gun operates, oxygen is burned, you need to take care of room ventilation in advance.

Diesel guns are similar in operating principle to gas guns, only diesel fuel is used instead of gas. Such units can emit odors and also burn oxygen, so when using them indoors, a suitable high-quality ventilation. Diesel devices have high efficiency, but due to the specifics of their application, they are often used for other purposes, rather than for installing a suspended ceiling.

Gun selection

When considering the characteristics of the above devices, a quite reasonable question may arise: which system is best to choose? Here everything depends not only on the parameters of the device, but also on the conditions under which the installation will be carried out.

When choosing a device, it is worth taking into account the area of ​​the room, the type and design of the ceiling, the timing of the work, etc.

A gas gun for suspended ceilings is a universal option. She is able to work in any conditions and has good efficiency. But on the other hand, working with gas is always associated with increased danger, and the device itself is quite heavy.

Electrical devices only require an open outlet, are lighter in weight and are much more mobile in terms of moving from place to place. But they are also less reliable, since electronics are often more susceptible to failure than other systems.

Diesel appliances are most appropriate to use on large construction sites, where main criterion– productivity, and comfort is the tenth thing.

Safety and rules for working with a heat gun

When working with the heating unit, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Before starting the device, you must remove from the room all objects that may be damaged as a result of high temperatures (carpets, house plants, household appliances etc.).
  2. Remove items from the floor that can ignite from open flame (paper, rags).
  3. When working with a heating unit, you need to have on hand powder fire extinguisher, which is suitable for extinguishing liquid flammable materials, gaseous substances, electrical equipment, as well as solid substances (wood, paper, etc.).
  4. If a gas gun is used, gas cylinders should be protected from heat, as they can explode if overheated.

Using a heat gun to stretch a ceiling

For high-quality ceiling stretching, a certain temperature is needed. The room in which they are held installation work, should be heated to 40-45°C. PVC film is straightened and fixed in base angle marked by the manufacturer.

The air is heated simultaneously with the installation of the canvas, fixing it in a checkerboard pattern - from corner to corner. If wrinkles form near the fastening profile, they are removed by heating the required area, smoothing it with your hand. The fabric is finally stretched after the gun has stopped operating and the air in the room has completely cooled.

Based on the above, we can conclude that installing a ceiling is not an easy task, requiring special, expensive equipment, which requires certain skills to operate. Therefore, it is best to entrust this matter to specialists.

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