A handshake between two people can truly be much more truthful and informative - even a thousand words.

The habit of shaking hands as a greeting gesture is present in almost all cultures. But if in ancient times the ritual of greeting different nations could differ significantly, now, in the era of globalization of any processes, including cultural ones, we have a universal and fairly standard way to greet another person - a handshake.

But only at first glance - this simple action is typical and does not contain any individuality. In fact, there are a great variety of handshake options. And depending on the situation, the attitude towards the interlocutor and the nature of the situation, each of us chooses one or another way to shake the hand of another person.

Based on the characteristics of the greeting, one can draw conclusions about how the greeting people actually relate to each other, what emotions they experience, and what they intend to do. Many of these hidden signals are unknown not only to outside observers, but also to the participants in the greeting ritual themselves.

And now we will look at all types and characteristics handshakes, which can be very useful in life - and when you try to understand who is in charge among politicians, how your colleagues, boss or relatives treat you.

Hand position during a handshake

The first thing to start with is the position of your hands during a handshake. With a standard handshake, which is neutral in nature, the hands of the participants in the greeting are in the same position. They are perpendicular to the surface of the earth and the degree of angle in the area of ​​the elbow joint for each will be approximately the same.


Such a handshake indicates the neutral attitude of those greeting each other. In any case, the participants in the greeting do not experience any vivid emotions. People who shake hands in this way are prone to compromising, rational behavior (unless their handshake is excessively forceful, but more on that later).

The handshake shown in the figure below has a completely different meaning. One person’s hand is turned down, and the other’s hand, on the contrary, looks up with the open part. These are examples of classic opposite types of behavior. Participant A demonstrates his arrogant attitude towards participant B, which in turn demonstrates a willingness to submit.

On the left is participant B, on the right is participant A

Position participant A often indicates powerful and authoritarian individuals. IN in this case we can say that A shows his authority, his higher social status. This does not always correspond to the actual state of affairs. Rather, what you want. After all, people endowed with power and authority do not often demonstrate it - even with such almost unconscious gestures. So their handshake is often neutral.

This type of handshake often indicates a desire to receive something from your interlocutor. Moreover we're talking about mainly about intangible acquisition. Participant A may be aimed at obtaining confirmation of submission, agreement with some opinion or attitude. Position participant B says otherwise. Such a handshake speaks of demonstrated friendliness, peacefulness, willingness to make concessions, willingness to sacrifice one’s interests and resources for the interests and goals of the interlocutor. People who offer their hand in this way strive to find favor with their greeting partner and are ready to step on the throat of their pride for this. This type of handshake is called a "sycophant handshake." Natural amplifiers of such a sycophantic position are an outstretched arm, a bent back, an ingratiating smile, and bent knees.


Sometimes we have to deal with the fact that we offer our hand for a neutral handshake, and our partner demonstrates participant A's position, trying to drive us deeper under the plinth and force us to give a “sycophant’s handshake.” What to do in such a situation?

The answer lies in the realm of nonverbal communication. You need to take half a step towards your unfriendly interlocutor without breaking hands. This will force the other person to turn their hand back to normal. vertical position. Then you can take a step back and only then stop shaking hands. In this way, your interlocutor will receive a rebuff on an unconscious level, and this will make him treat you more carefully and respectfully. The effect can be enhanced by a “friendly” pat on the shoulder or touching the interlocutor’s arm with your left hand. Typically, after such contact, the unfriendly interlocutor appears discouraged and does not show any signs of authoritarian behavior.


Second hand during a handshake

When shaking hands, it is not only the hand you shake with that matters, but also left hand(if you are right-handed), since it much more accurately expresses the attitude towards the interlocutor.

Let's start from a neutral position. The left arm is relaxed and hangs along the body. There is no point in interpreting anything here. The usual even attitude. You shouldn’t expect anything extraordinary from a person whose left hand is not involved in any way at the moment of the handshake.

If the interlocutor begins to connect his left hand to the handshake process, this indicates that the process begins to carry more emotions and more personal relationships. In such cases, likes and dislikes, hidden and obvious intentions, a desire to show sympathy, provide support, get rid of someone else's presence, or a desire to enter into closer relationships are manifested.


In ordinary communication, the distance at which communication occurs matters. The farther your interlocutor is from you, the more formal and neutral your relationship is. The closer he comes, the warmer feelings he expects. The exception, of course, is the option with a deliberately extremely negative attitude, when we close the distance not out of a desire to hug, but out of a desire to strangle the interlocutor.

In a handshake, the distance remains the same. Especially when we use the left hand in the ritual.

First, let's look at touching the area of ​​the hand. Long distance.

In this case, touching the hand serves as a sign that the interlocutors do not have the closest relationship. Most likely, they are in the nature of one-time social transactions. The interlocutor, touching the hand of another person with his free hand, is not currently in a close relationship with him, they feel a distance.

Now let's look in more detail at various types touches.

1. During a handshake, your interlocutor clasps your hand with his left hand. This situation is called "grip glove".


Although such capture is generally perceived negatively, it nevertheless has a positive meaning. In this way the interlocutor expresses his best disposition. Depending on the strength of the handshake, we can also talk about the delight of the meeting that overwhelms a person. The harder they shake your hand, holding it in a “glove,” the greater the joy they feel from communicating with you. This handshake is often awarded to pop and film stars.

Additional markers confirming this mood are the distance and tilt of the interlocutor’s body.

A long distance speaks of a cautious, one might even say touching, attitude. But if your hand is caught in such a grip, and the interlocutor approaches at a very short distance, this means that some preferences are expected from you: acceptance, relative position, reciprocal signs of attention.

If, after such a handshake, your interlocutor brings his palms folded together to his face, as if covering his lower part, we can say that he is experiencing incredible delight from the meeting.

2. Palm from below

In this case, the interlocutor’s left hand is like a platform on which your hands rest when shaking hands. This situation speaks of an unconscious desire to provide support, help, comfort, and advice. In fact, this gesture demonstrates readiness to help. If you are faced with this position of your hands, you can undoubtedly ask your interlocutor for help - he will help.


3. Palm on top

The palm of your left hand covering your hand from above at the moment of a handshake means an expression of care and concern.


This is almost always true when shaking hands between people of different genders or ages. At the same time, if you observe such a position of the hands during a handshake between two men of approximately the same age and social status, then the situation may have a completely opposite meaning.

Also in this case, you need to pay attention to the context of the situation. If a person puts his palm on top immediately during a handshake, then we are probably talking about expressing deep positive feelings towards the interlocutor. If this gesture is formed as a response to any words or movements that arose during the conversation (and the hands do not break contact), then most likely this indicates an attempt to show one’s ego, a desire to show who is in charge here.

The handshake is done in the manner of equal partners, but there are two nuances that indicate Obama's superiority. 1. With his left hand, Obama pats Yatsenyuk on the shoulder. This is a gesture of invading the personal space of a communication partner. Yatsenyuk is not making similar attempts, which only enhances the effect of Obama's influence. 2. Yatsenyuk’s back is so tense that it seems that he stretched out in front of Obama like a recruit in front of a sergeant. Overall, the photograph demonstrates Yatsenyuk’s tension and his recognition of the higher status of his interlocutor. However, one should not get carried away with interpretations and argue that Yatsenyuk is demonstrating some signs of subordination. There is respect, there is tension in the pose, there is tightness, but there is no subordination in this photo

In addition, such a gesture can also arise as a consequence of a reaction to the unfriendly behavior of the interlocutor or his intrusion into an intimate area.

Is there a difference between the position of the palm from below and from above? Undoubtedly. A person with their palm on the bottom is more likely to provide any help and support you ask for. But the person whose palm is on top usually already understands perfectly well what exactly will be necessary and useful for you at this moment and in this situation. That is, the difference between the placement of the palms reflects the presence or absence of an initiative position. The palm from below is a sign of acceptance of your initiative. The palm on top is a sign of readiness to show your own initiative.

This doesn't always happen. The position of the body can turn this interpretation on its head.

Touching the interlocutor. Close range

A person can touch his interlocutor with his left hand both in the area of ​​the forearm and in the area of ​​the elbow joint. And in some cases, we place our hand on the shoulder or even put our arm around the back of the person we greet.



This is where the laws of distance come into force. The closer to the body of the body is the place where your interlocutor’s hand is fixed, the greater the need for communication he feels. Touching the forearm and touching the shoulder have different degrees of expression of those feelings. The most extreme level is, of course, hugs. Well, or patting your interlocutor on the back.

Do not forget that hugs can also have the nature of subcultural characteristics. Young people of athletic appearance who greet each other with tight hugs do not always have very warm feelings for each other. Most likely, this type of greeting is a consequence of their own rituals. That's how they do it. In any case, to assess the relationship between people based on their handshake, the context of the situation and the influence of cultural and social characteristics should be taken into account.

Handshake strength and duration

In addition to the handshake itself, several other factors matter.

1. Handshake strength. The harder they shake your hand, the more emotional energy the interlocutor is ready to pour into communication. At the same time, a limp handshake is not yet a sign of hostility. Maybe the person is just not feeling well. And a strong handshake, accordingly, is not always a sign of a good-natured disposition. The force of compression only indicates the willingness to spend a certain amount of muscle energy during communication with you. But what will be the nature of the use of this energy depends on completely different factors.

2. Duration of contact. There is a direct correlation here with the time that the interlocutor is willing to spend communicating with you. The longer he shakes your hand, the longer the conversation he expects. The shorter the handshake, the faster the opponent is ready to “resolve” all the issues and move on to other, more important matters. Often a brief handshake indicates the desire of your interlocutor to quickly move on to solving the issue for which you met. In this case, brevity will indicate a reluctance to waste time on formal procedures.

Errors in interpretation

When you analyze nonverbal communication, you understand that not a single gesture or sign is one hundred percent reliable. Moreover, sometimes the same gesture in different situations can have completely opposite meanings.

In order to make fewer mistakes in the interpretation of gestures (and it will not be possible to completely get rid of them), you always need to make allowances for the context of the situation, the characteristics of the culture and social group, the combination of gesture with posture and facial expressions. But key features Handshakes remain the same in most cases.


1. A handshake expresses your attitude towards your interlocutor. And if a person can lie in words, then through a handshake the truth has a much greater chance of being correctly interpreted.

2. Handshake distance only means how much contact they intend to make with you. A short distance does not necessarily mean a positive disposition.

3. The stronger the hand shake, the greater the desire to make contact. And the more emotions overwhelm your interlocutor.

4. The main signs of a formal handshake: long distance, limp handshake, short time of contact with hands. This indicates disinterest in communication.

5. If the left hand is used in a handshake, this is a sign that the interlocutor puts more personal relationship into contact with you than in other cases and with other people.

I also suggest watching and trying to analyze videos of real and interesting handshakes between President Petro Poroshenko and Catherine Ashton, Vladimir Putin, Nursultan Nazarbayev and Alexander Lukashenko in Minsk - using only acquired knowledge.

And now - checking the conclusions made. So, Ashton expresses support for Poroshenko by performing the “glove” handshake gesture, covering the Ukrainian president’s palm on top. Poroshenko shows a positive attitude towards Ashton by smiling, but the time of eye contact with her is very short. Before the handshake with Ashton ends, his gaze already jumps to Putin.

The handshake with Putin is defiantly cold. Too abrupt, theatrical transition from a smile addressed to Ashton to tense walking nodules and a petrified gaze addressed to Putin.

The next second, the tension in Poroshenko’s posture begins to subside and the routine handshake with Nazarbayev already takes place under the auspices of a light smile. And Lukashenko gets all the emotional stash from Poroshenko - a smile, a shoulder-to-shoulder turn, and a caring “glove” when shaking hands.

The conclusion is that Poroshenko’s coldness towards Putin is feigned, emphasized, and somewhat exaggerated. And this was done in contrast to the smiles of other meeting participants specifically to emphasize the negative attitude towards him.

How to recognize a liar by body language. Practical guide for those who do not want to be deceived Malyshkina Maria Viktorovna

Gestures of the palms and hands

Gestures of the palms and hands

Palm gestures. In order to understand how sincere the person you are communicating with is, take a closer look at how he holds his palms.

An open palm pointing upward or away from the body indicates the interlocutor’s honesty and openness. A similar gesture is often used by football players. Please note that whenever a player accidentally touches a player from the opposing team, he raises his hands up, opening his palms to the referee, as if saying: “I didn’t touch him.” This gesture is innate and unconscious, since even animals can see similar expressions of trust.

For example, you are walking into the bedroom and your cat runs ahead of you, jumps on the bed, rolls onto its back and stretches out all four paws. With this she says: “I want to play and I don’t want anything bad, look, I’m even revealing my chest and stomach to you.” So it is with people. When during communication the interlocutor wants to be sincere, then in confirmation of his intention he opens both palms or one of them or shows part of his palms. With this gesture, a signal is sent to you that the interlocutor is telling the truth.

Conversely, if the palms are facing the body or looking down, this is a sign that a person is making claims and trying to put pressure on him with his authority. If you ask your colleague to give you a report while your palms are facing down, he will frown at your presumption and arrogance. And if you accompany your request by piercing the air with a pointing index finger, he may feel that you are intimidating him, since the pointing finger symbolizes a stick beating him into complete obedience.

If the interlocutor hides his palms behind his back or in his pockets, this is a sure sign of deception. A similar gesture can be observed in children. When a child tries to hide something, he unconsciously hides his hands behind his back. So it is with adults. If a husband does not want to tell his wife about what kept him at work until such a late hour, then he will instinctively hide his palms either in his pockets, or behind his back, or cross his arms so that his palms are securely hidden from his wife’s view.

But you shouldn’t trust your palms alone. It is possible to meet a person who knows that open palms are a sign of honesty. Such an interlocutor may try to mislead you, accompanying the deliberate lie with open palms. Be carefull. Pay attention to other nonverbal communication cues.

If other gestures confirm the sincerity of the interlocutor, then there is nothing to worry about. It may happen that only palms will speak of openness, while all other gestures will signal that the interlocutor is hiding something. Such a person should not be trusted.

Hand gestures. Hand movements also convey nonverbal information. Like any other gestures, they either complement the speaker's speech or demonstrate the listener's attitude towards what he hears.

When you see that your interlocutor is rubbing his palms against each other, this means that he is anticipating something special, expecting a favorable outcome of events.

For example, you are having trouble at work and you understand that you are facing dismissal or transfer to another division of the company for another position. You share your experiences with a friend who also happens to be your colleague. He listens to you, verbally expresses sympathy and support for you, but at the same time involuntarily rubs his palms. With this gesture, he reveals his secret joy, the anticipation of the opportunity to take your place. He wanted this for a long time, he just never told you about it. Rubbing your palms means that if you actually get fired, then the situation may turn out in the most favorable way for him.

When a person rubs his thumb over the tips of his other fingers or one index finger, he expects material gain. If you see a similar gesture from a friend who offers you to buy cheaply from his friend, for example, a new laptop, think about it. He will certainly make a profit from this sale. Find out whether the laptop on offer is actually cheaper to buy secondhand and without a guarantee than in a specialized store.

Intertwined fingers mean unjustified expectations and signal that a person wants to hide his negative attitude. Typically, the interlaced fingers are held in a sitting position directly in front of the face, at chest levels, on the knees, and in a standing position - in a lowered position. Moreover, the higher the interlocutor holds his clasped hands, the stronger his negative attitude.

The fingers, folded in the form of a pyramid, say: “I already know everything,” “Finish your chatter quickly.” It is a sign of confidence, superiority and impatience. If you are talking about something for a long time and notice that the interlocutor has folded his palms into a pyramid, this is a signal for you - he understood everything, he is already tired of talking about this topic. Pay attention to such gestures and don't be a bore. Then those with whom you communicate will not have the desire to avoid communicating with you in the future.

Squeezing your hands and wrists behind your back is a gesture of superiority and self-confidence. This gesture is used by those who actually feel their superiority in the situation, even some kind of authority. It is impossible to have an equal dialogue with a person who has his hands clasped behind his back. He will feel superior, and you will experience rather discomfort from the fact that you are assigned the role of a subordinate. One cannot expect sincere and trusting communication in such a situation.

Another gesture, similar to the previous one, but with a different meaning: one hand intercepts the wrist or forearm of the other hand. This is an unconscious attempt at self-control. A person demonstrating such a gesture is trying to control himself and not give away something unwanted. In other words, the interlocutor is trying to hide something: either not to say too much, or, experiencing nervousness or a negative attitude, and perhaps aggression, he is trying to restrain himself and not show it. Moreover, the higher one hand clasps the other, the stronger negative emotions he experiences, the greater the effort he unconsciously makes to “control himself.”

Another gesture that signals that a person has excessive self-confidence and high self-esteem,” when he clasps his hands behind his head. If your friend, discussing some issue with you, demonstrates this gesture, then he considers himself smarter and better than you. Even if he says: “Yes, yes, you are absolutely right. And if I were you, I would do the same.” His gesture reveals his true thoughts: “What a fool. I would never get into this.”

Exposed thumbs indicate a feeling of superiority. If the interlocutor assures you of his respect and says that he understands you and shares your feelings, but at the same time sticks out his thumbs, squeezing the cuffs of his jacket or the strap of a bag hanging on his shoulder with the rest of his fingers, then this indicates that he really cares. He doesn’t have a very high opinion of you and considers your experiences not worth attention, mere trifles.

Thumbs can often be seen sticking out of pockets. This is an attempt to hide a dominant character. This gesture is often used by strong and aggressive people.

A negative attitude combined with a sense of superiority of the interlocutor will be indicated by a gesture in which crossed arms are combined with thumbs extended and pointing upward. Seeing such a double gesture, you may not hope that the interlocutor will sincerely be imbued with your ideas or take to heart what you say, no matter how much he tries to verbally assure you of the opposite.

Hands on hips. When, while communicating with someone, you see that the interlocutor has his hands on his hips, this indicates his aggressive attitude. This pose is adopted by someone who strives to achieve a certain goal and is ready to take on a challenge. A person who is telling a lie and is waiting for the moment you reveal his lie may place his hands on his hips. He is non-verbally telling you that he is ready to repel an attack. Often men use this gesture in the presence of women in order to demonstrate the dominance and strength of the male. Just as in nature, males spread their feathers or raise their fur to appear larger and more impressive in a situation of readiness for battle or during courtship.

Other gestures performed in parallel will help to correctly interpret the attitude of a person who has adopted a similar pose to the situation. For example, if the interlocutor has his hands on his hips, his legs are wide apart, his jacket is unbuttoned, his chest is arched forward, all this reflects his fearlessness and open aggression.

It often happens that one hand on the hip is combined with various gestures of critical assessment of the situation. For example, when one of the interlocutor’s hands rests on his hip, and with the other he rubs his neck, it indicates that he does not want to continue the discussion, and if you start talking about something else or torment him with questions, you risk hearing a lot of “good” in your address.

If, holding one hand on his hip, the interlocutor supports his chin with the thumb of the other hand, then this signals his extremely negative assessment of what you are saying, he categorically disagrees with you and literally barely restrains himself from expressing his critical remarks.

A lowered head, a glance over the glasses, and a downward gaze will also indicate a critical assessment tobacco smoke the smoking interlocutor also has other signals.

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Gestures A gesture is any expressive movement of the body. Speech without gestures alarms listeners, leaving a residue of prejudice and mistrust. And here, first of all, our hands “give us away” (Fig. 8). What to do with our hands? At the beginning of the performance, your hands should be held naturally, along the body, and

What does a handshake say? Some attach too little importance to the handshake: they perform it somehow, without looking into the eyes and without enthusiasm.

And then they wonder why completely different guys turn out to be the boss’s favorites, and they can’t become the soul of the company.

As scientists have found, half the success of the planned task depends on the correct contact of hands and accompanying gestures.

This tradition exists in many countries, however, each nation brings its own unique features and “tricks” to it. Consider the custom of the African Maasai to spit on their hands before contact!

After shaking hands, Muslims raise their hand to the very heart, and Arabians kiss on both cheeks. And only the Japanese will be offended by an outstretched hand in hope: it is customary for them to bow without invading personal space.

The fact is that force,with which you shake hands and energy,which you convey, can tell a lot about your partner's character.

So, the tighter a man squeezes his hand, the stronger, it turns out, his sexual activity. At all, the strength of the grip will tell a lot about your health: the more newtons, the less likely you are to die soon, stroke or heart attack.

You may feel like you decide how to shake someone else's hand. But heredity has long since decided everything for you!

Turns out, children and grandchildren shake hands the same way, like fathers and grandfathers. These are all genetic characteristics. The stronger the squeeze, the better your genes.

In addition, this gesture is influenced by character (introvert or extrovert), physical training, upbringing and even... nutrition.

Where do business relationships begin?

Of course, with a handshake. Lethargic or vigorous, sincere or indifferent, bright or stingy.

What does a partner's handshake mean? Look at how they extend their hand to you: palm down, up, or strictly vertically, edge-on?

In a vertical layout a person subconsciously hopes for equal, fruitful cooperation.

But giving your hand face down, as if covering yours in a “fatherly” way, he strives for leadership. Such a person will want to subordinate you, he clearly aims to become a leader.

If a man offers his hand with his palm up(as if asking for alms), he hints that he is ready to obey your instructions.

Maybe this is a modest, driven nature, or a person accustomed to flattering, fawning and hiding behind someone else’s back.

Formula for success

The gaze, smile and other gestures of the person standing on the opposite side are of great importance.

One scientist (his name is Geoffrey Beatty) put forward theory of the perfect handshake. If you want to make the right impression, study it carefully and practice in front of the mirror.

So, first meet your “enemy’s” eyes. This is followed by a lively greeting and a sincere smile. Only then vigorously reach out and squeeze your partner’s palm tightly.

After two, maximum three seconds, break the handshake. Everyone wants to get rid of shaking their hands for too long.

If your palm is sticky and wet, your handshake is limp and lifeless, and your eyes look away, you are unlikely to appear to your interlocutor as a confident and reliable person.

By the way, it was noticed that introverted people always say hello weakly. They are self-absorbed and pay little attention to worldly customs. That’s why they are not considered successful and active people in other people’s eyes.

However, they would be very popular with Turks, Pakistanis, Africans and residents of the Middle East: it is not customary there to tightly squeeze someone else's hand.

Little tricks of big people

You've probably noticed that some strangers charm you from the very first minute. Somehow they immediately put you at ease and within an hour they become best friends.

pay attention to nonverbal gestures where your acquaintance began. Very often people, knowledgeable about psychology and eager to become pleasant conversationalists,use some tricks.

In addition to smiling and making eye contact, when shaking hands, they may cup your palm with both hands, squeeze it, or shake it slightly. Or, squeezing your hand with theirs, they will hug you with the other, pull you towards them and pat you on the shoulder.

All these skin-to-skin contacts are recorded on a subconscious level as manifestations of friendly feelings. You shake the hand - and you already love your interlocutor!

Hand The part of the body most filled with symbolic content. According to Aristotle, the hand is a tool of tools. Quintillian says: You could say that the hands almost speak. Don't we use them when we demand, promise, sum up, release, threaten, beg, express our disgust or fear, question or deny? Don't we use them to show joy, sadness, recognition, reproach, repentance, measure, quantity, date and time? Do they not have the power to excite and prohibit, to express approval, surprise, shame? Hands express strength, power, providence, blessing. The hand of God is divine power, transmission of spirit, protection, justice. The Great Hand personifies the highest power, the deity. The hand pushes away evil and misfortune. There are the following symbolic positions of the hands: on the chest - means submission (the pose of a servant or slave); joining hands - union, mystical marriage, friendship, fidelity, loyalty; folded hands - rest, immobility; cover your eyes with your hand - shame, horror; hands crossed at the wrists - binding or bound; assigned to something - the transfer of power and grace or healing; hands on the back of the head - sacrifice; open hands - bliss, leniency, justice; hands clenched into a fist - threat, aggression; outstretched arms - blessing, protection, hospitality; hands placed in others - a vow of service, with the right hand they make a vow for life important issues; hands clasped together - helplessness, subordination of the vassal to the sovereign, inferior position, harmlessness, greeting, loyalty; hands folded vertically - contemplation, receptivity; raised hands - admiration, worship, prayer, greeting, amazement, horror, acceptance of a surge of strength. Hands raised with palms outward - blessing, God's Grace and favor; Raised both hands - supplication, weakness, can mean ignorance, dependence, surrender, also prayer and conversion; hands raised to the head thought, care. By shaking hands, two people form a cross or ankh of the covenant. To wash your hands means innocence, purification, throwing away guilt. Wringing your hands is a sign of extreme grief or complaint. The right hand is the hand of power, it is raised upward to bless and make promises on vital issues. Joseph writes: And none of them will deceive you if they have given their right hands, and no one will doubt their faithfulness. The left hand is the passive aspect of strength, receptivity. It is often associated with theft and deceit. A hand mutilated or with three fingers signifies the phases of the moon; with outstretched fingers ending in the form of sun rays - a life-giving force coming from Heaven. A hand emerging from a cloud signifies divine power and brings goodness and greatness. The Talisman Hand, depicted along with the eye and other symbols of power, signifies clairvoyance and the psychic power it gives. In Buddhism, the Buddha's hand is protection; the palm facing upward signifies the immeasurable generosity of the Buddha. In Buddhist iconography, the Buddha's right hand touches the earth, symbolizing his power over it and calling the earth to witness that it is the active axis. His left hand, holding a bowl of alms or turned upward - receptivity and surrender, the passive axis. In Buddhism and Hinduism, mudra is the expression of divine powers using the hands. It is a full language of symbolic postures and hand movements, too numerous to list, but in general terms, the raised right hand signifies fearlessness; a hand raised palm up is a giving hand; hands clasped together, palms up or on the knees, signify meditation and receptivity; hands together in front of the heart is the union of wisdom and method; a hand with an eye in the palm means a compassionate and helping hand, as well as wisdom that is not blind, but discriminates. Among the Celts Lagha symbolizes the rays of the Sun. For the Chinese, folded hands mean friendliness and loyalty. Hiding your hands signifies respect and a sense of distance. The right hand signifies yang and strength and is the opposite of the left hand, which symbolizes yin and honor. In times of war, the right hand becomes the warrior's hand of honor as the hand carrying the sword. The left hand is yin, weakness, honor, since strength leads to violence and destruction. For Christians, the hand is the strength and power of the Lord. In Christian art, a hand emerging from a cloud represents the presence and power of God the Father. She sometimes releases the Dove of the Holy Spirit. A hand raised with the palm outward is a blessing, God's Grace and favor; if three fingers are raised, they signify the Trinity. In the raised hand, the thumb symbolizes the Father, the index finger symbolizes the Holy Spirit, the middle finger symbolizes Christ, and the ring and little fingers symbolize the two natures of Christ. The laying on of hands during the rite of confirmation is the transfer of the Spirit, power and grace - The hand holding the bag represents Judas Iscariot - The Egyptian hand X depicts the union of fire and water, female and male. The Greeks have a cone, a snake, a cross, a moon, a caduceus, a lizard and insects on the votive hand of Sabazius. In this case, the thumb and index fingers are straightened, and the ring and little fingers are bent. It is supposed to be the helping hand of God; or protection, healing and blessing; or the three fingers are a triad or male trinity; or that she is simply a talisman and apotropaic. Among the Jews, the Hand of God is the right hand of his majesty on high. Shiva's raised hand signifies peace and protection; a lowered hand pointing to the leg is salvation; hitting the drum with your hand is an act of creation; flame in hand - destruction of the world by fire. In Islam open hand means blessing, admiration and hospitality. The Hand of Fatima represents the Hand of God, divine power, providence and generosity. Thumb means the Prophet, the other fingers are his four companions: the index finger is Lady Fatima; middle - Ali, her husband; ring and little fingers - Hassan and Hussein, their sons. The little finger also represents outstanding spiritual and moral qualities, and the fingers taken together represent the five fundamental tenets and five pillars of Islam. In Madean ceremonies, the joining of hands symbolizes truth and fidelity. The Manichaeans say hello for right hand- means to preserve the power of the deity. In Sumerian-Semetic mythology, the hand is an attribute of the Great Mother as a giver of benefits and protector. An image of a votive hand, like that of Sabazis, is often found in Syria. In Toltec mythology, the long arm of Guemak represents Sun rays. The many hands of deities in Hindu and Buddhist iconography signify help and compassion. The different symbols held by the gods express different powers and actions. universal property, including the special functions of this deity. Sophia and Dynamis - wisdom and action - two hands of the deity. In Christianity, the hand of God is the instrument of sovereign power, the will of God. In the Trinity, the hand represents the Father. It can also symbolize retribution. The raised hands of the exclaimer can mean piety, and in funeral symbolism the soul of a person. A raised palm is a gesture signifying testimony or taking an oath.

Dictionary of symbols. 2000 .


See what “Hand” is in other dictionaries:

    Hands, wine. hand, plural hands, arms, women. 1. One of the two upper limbs of a person, from the shoulder to the end of the fingers. Wrist. Right, left hand. Raise, lower your hands. Cross your arms. Dislocate your arm. Hands up. Take the child in your arms. Wear,… … Dictionary Ushakova

    AND; hands, date hands; and. 1. Each of the two upper limbs of a person from shoulder joint to the fingertips, and also from the wrist to the fingertips. Place your hands behind your back. Cross your arms over your chest. Right, left hand. Wrist. Stroke... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Noun, g., used. max. often Morphology: (no) what? hands, what? hand, (see) what? hand, what? hand, about what? about the hand; pl. What? hands, (no) what? hands, what? hands, (see) what? hands, what? hands, about what? about hands 1. Each of two... ... is called a hand. Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    Women one of the upper limbs of humans and apes, part of the body from the shoulder to the nails; | · own hand brush. Scientists divide the hand into the shoulder (up to the elbow), forearm, wrist, metacarpus and fingers: the first two names are confusing and contrary to custom; shoulder... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    See power, side big hands, pick up (a book), be the work of someone else, be at hand, fall out of hand, pick up, pick up the reins of government, pick up the helm of government, pull yourself together, clasp your hands, hold in your hands... Synonym dictionary

    HAND, and, wine. hand, plural hands, hands, arms, women. 1. One of the two upper limbs of a person from the shoulder to the fingertips, as well as from the wrist to the fingertips. Right, left r. Drop it from your hands. Shake someone's hand. (as a sign of greeting,... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Vin. units hand, ukr., blr. hand, other Russian hand, st. glory river χείρ (Ostrom., Mar., Zogr., Supr.), Bulgarian. R'ka, Serbohorvian hand, wine hand, Slovenian roka, Czech, Slavic ruka, Polish ręka, v. Luzh., n. puddle ruka. Related Lit. rankà, wine... ... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Vasmer

    Hand, hands, hands, hands, hand, hands, hand, hands, hand, hand, hands, hand, hands (

The time has come for the third article, and, this time, it will focus on a previously raised topic - the rules of a handshake for men. we have already talked about the existence of three various types handshakes and their interpretation, but today we will dwell on this issue in more detail. Let's get started!

If you are quite sociable or due to the specifics of your work you meet during the day a large number of people, then you probably have to shake hands often when answering greetings. Perhaps among friends, a handshake takes on greater “meaning”, especially if you are really happy to meet this or that person, but, more often than not, this ritual is perceived as an ordinary formality that must be performed. Behind all this veil of everyday life, consisting of huge amount conventions, it is very difficult not only to analyze the greetings of other people, but also simply to understand why, in fact, this extremely familiar ritual is performed. What exactly is a handshake? When is it appropriate to offer your hand in greeting and when is it not? How can you tell by a handshake what kind of person is in front of you? Today we will try to understand each of these issues.

History of the handshake

Few people know, but shaking hands is a rather ancient gesture. We will not delve into history, but, for example, this ritual is attested to in a bas-relief depicting the Babylonian king Marduk-zakir-shumi I shaking hands with the Assyrian king Shalmananaser III. This episode occurred in 855 BC. An impressive figure, isn't it? There is also a version, probably the most romantic and beautiful, that this gesture found its popularity during the Middle Ages at knightly tournaments. Despite the large number of hypotheses, the meaning of a handshake has always remained the same - to show the absence of a weapon in the right hand and, as a result, to demonstrate good intentions. Agree, it is more pleasant to shake hands with your boss or acquaintance, imagining yourself as a noble knight, than to do it without any reflection.

The knights' handshake is a gesture of respect at knightly tournaments

Speaking about the history of handshakes in Russia, it is worth noting that it had the sacred meaning of transmitting biorhythm, since when the wrists touch, the pulse also connects. It was customary to shake hands only with friends, while when greeting other people, it was enough to raise your hat. This is where the expression “casual acquaintance” comes from.

Handshake etiquette and rules

The history of the handshake may have a belligerent origin, but nowadays it is, first and foremost, a greeting, and, like any greeting, it must follow the rules of etiquette.

There are several simple rules which any self-respecting gentleman must follow:

  • The right hand is always offered for a handshake (this also applies to left-handers). Your free hand should not be in your pocket.
  • When offering your hand for greeting, you should not keep it relaxed, just as you should not squeeze the other person’s palm too hard. The handshake should be calm, firm (not to be confused with strong) and short.
  • If you are introduced to another person, he should extend his hand first.
  • When meeting a woman, she decides whether there will be a handshake or not. Etiquette dictates that a woman should offer her hand first. When meeting people of different ages The initiative to make the first move belongs to the one who is older. If your opponent decides to make do with a bow, nod or other gesture, you should not insist on a handshake, as your hand may simply hang in the air without an answer, and you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation.
  • If you meet with a group of people, among whom there is an acquaintance, etiquette obliges you to shake hands with everyone present.
  • Etiquette requires men to remove their gloves before greeting. This rule has exceptions, for example, in winter time of the year. Both hands participating in the ritual must be either gloved or without them. If your friend managed to take off his glove, you will have to follow his example.
  • Leaving small company, it would be appropriate to shake hands with each person present. If there are many people gathered, a verbal farewell will be sufficient.

Sign language. Palms

Let's move on to our main issue, namely, sign language. When talking about a handshake, one cannot fail to mention the palms; after all, it is the palms that are involved in this ritual.

Fun fact. At all times, an open palm has been associated with honesty and sincerity. That is why oaths are taken with the palm of the hand on the heart, and abroad, when testifying in court, the Bible is held in the left hand and the right hand is raised up so that it is visible to the members of the court. These traditions are not without foundation, since the position of the palms can really make it clear about a person’s intentions.

The easiest way to tell if the recipient is sincere with you is to watch his palms. When people are being honest, they hold out one or two palms while saying something like, “I'll be honest with you!” When the recipient is frank enough, he opens his palms completely or partially. Like many gestures, this movement is completely unconscious.

  • When children lie, they hide their palms behind their backs.
  • If the wife wants to hide where she was all night, during explanations she will hide her palms in her pockets or keep them crossed.

A natural question arises. If I lie, but keep my palms in sight, will they believe me? It is impossible to give a definite answer. There are many other gestures that accompany lying. If they are noticeable, they will allow you to doubt your sincerity. On the contrary, if there are no noticeable ones, then, most likely, other gestures symbolizing your sincerity will also not be noticeable. We will not delve into this topic, since the purpose of this article is to interpret gestures, and not to teach how to lie to others. Instead, here's enough for you helpful advice. To increase the trust of others, make it a habit to keep your palms open while talking. This will encourage your interlocutors to be more open and trusting with you. In addition, this will reduce the number of lies both in your speech and in the speech of your interlocutors, since most people cannot lie when their palms are open.

One of the most significant and subtle non-verbal signals is the signal transmitted by the human palm. At correct use it gives people a greater level of authority and, in some cases, the ability to command others.

There are three types of command gestures. Let's analyze them specific example. You should ask, for example, a colleague at work to pick up a box from the floor and place it on a cabinet, using the same words, tone of voice and facial expression. Only the position of the palm will change.

  1. Open palm up position. Does not carry any threatening context. Seeing such a gesture, the person will not feel any pressure from you and will perceive all this as an ordinary request.
  2. Open palm down position. This gesture carries a connotation of authority. With some probability it may cause hostility, since a person may perceive this situation as an order. If your colleague is of an equal position with you, the request may not be fulfilled.
  3. "Pointing finger." Associated with coercion into submission. It is one of the most annoying gestures during dialogue. If you actively use this gesture, then try to replace it with the two previous gestures. This will help you achieve greater success in communicating with others.

Sign language. Handshake

In one of the previous articles, we already looked at the types of handshake. Depending on the position of the palms, it can denote superiority, submission and equality. To refresh your memories, let's give an example.

You meet someone for the first time, and you greet each other with a regular handshake. Depending on the position of your recipient's palm, it may mean the following:

  1. Palm facing down - “This guy is trying to put pressure on me, I should be careful.”
  2. Palm facing up - “Perhaps I can put pressure on this person, it’s worth taking this fact into account.”
  3. Palms parallel to each other - “I definitely like this guy. We'll get along."

This information is transmitted unconsciously; after a series of training, you can train yourself to use this or that handshake to have the desired effect on others.

It is worth noting that there are exceptions to the rules. For example, people suffering from arthritis are forced to respond with a weak handshake. A limp handshake is also typical for a number of professions, for example, surgeons and musicians.

To accurately determine what kind of person is in front of you, observe his subsequent actions. A compliant person, in the future, will demonstrate other gestures that characterize him as a submissive recipient, and a domineering person will show his aggressiveness. If two powerful people greet each other, a symbolic struggle occurs between them, during which each tries to subjugate the opponent’s hand. Often this struggle results in an equal handshake in which both hands remain vertical and both people develop a sense of mutual respect. This is exactly the kind of handshake that a father teaches his son when he asks him to greet him “like a man.”

If you are greeting a powerful person, it is very difficult to persuade him to shake hands equally, and even more difficult to do it in the least noticeable way. Previously, we have already considered one of the ways to return the initiative to our own hands, but now the time has come to introduce another method of disarming such people. It will allow you not only to take control of the situation, but also to confuse the recipient with an invasion of your personal zone.

To learn this technique, you need to train the following movements:

  • Movement one. When you take the power person's hand, step forward with your left foot. I recommend that you always lean forward to shake hands with your left leg, even if you do not use the technique described. This will give you room to maneuver and allow you to neutralize a dominant handshake if something happens.
  • Movement two. Move your right foot forward and stand in front of the recipient on the left, moving into his personal area.
  • Movement three. Place your left foot behind your right and shake your partner's hand.

This technique allows you to bring your opponent’s palm to a different position, as well as become the master of the situation, since you have violated your partner’s intimate area.

Other types of handshakes


Well, in this article we have briefly, but as informatively as possible, understood the types of handshakes, and also understood several basic rules of etiquette. As we found out, a handshake can make it clear what kind of person is in front of us, and, as they say, whoever has the information controls the situation.

Take care of your time and all the best to you!

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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