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Almost everyone who has a summer house, a garden, or just a piece of land where the whole family comes in the spring to plant and then plant potatoes, has encountered such a problem as the appearance of moles. At first glance, there is nothing serious, but this can only be said if in the garden or lovingly manicured lawn there is only one mound dug by this small animal. But literally after a few days, dozens of these mounds appear, and every day there are more and more of them. Then the owner begins to seriously think about what to do with this pest? How to deal with it? We will try to answer these questions in our article.

Specifics of the life activity of moles

A mole is a fairly small animal, which very rarely exceeds 15 cm in length and 150 g in weight. It has poor eyesight, but a very well-developed sense of smell and hearing. The mole feeds on worms, various beetles, their larvae and other pests that live underground.

This animal is not accustomed to walking on fresh air, therefore, he comes out of his burrow very rarely and mainly in dark time days. Since the mole is almost constantly engaged in making new passages, restoring old ones, thus obtaining food for itself, it has fairly strong forelimbs and long claws. This pest moves very quickly, both underground and on the surface, so catching it with your hands is not an easy task.

The mole can settle in almost any soil, but still prefers moist and loose soil, since it is easier to dig and, accordingly, this process occurs much faster than in hard soils, where, for example, there is a lot of crushed stone or clay.

The mole is not one of those animals that lives alone. Therefore, if this animal appears on the site, this means that somewhere very nearby there is also its family, which can be quite numerous.

Moles are very careful and intelligent. Sometimes it seems that they sense danger even a meter before the trap is set, so they bypass it in advance.

Harm and benefits from moles

Oddly enough, but moles, once on a personal plot, garden or vegetable garden, can do both a lot of good and harm. Concerning benefits, then it consists in the fact that feeding on larvae chafer, centipedes, wireworms, etc., this little animal is a short time is able to rid your beds of numerous root pests.

In addition, by making numerous moves, the mole loosens the soil in a unique way, thereby making it more fertile.

Most gardeners believe that the soil thrown out by an animal has special properties, which is why it is often used for planting seeds of cultivated plants.

But the fact that, on the one hand, is beneficial, on the other hand, harms, since by eating underground pests, moles, in turn, damage root system plants, which often leads to their withering and death (especially for young seedlings).

In addition, the mounds made by the mole spoil appearance beds, and if we talk about flat beautiful lawn, then the many mounds that appear can bring the owner to a nervous tic.

Fighting with folk remedies

The fight against moles has been going on for a long time, so it is not surprising that today there are a sufficient number of ways to combat these animals using folk remedies, namely:

  1. Scaring away.
    - Sounds.
    - Smells.
    - Smoke bombs.
  1. Firecrackers.
  2. Help from pets.
  3. Planting.
  4. Water treatments.
  5. Fishing with a shovel.

Sound repellent

This method is quite simple and is designed for the mole's perfect hearing.

Sharp and loud sounds can easily scare him away from his habitable territory.

Therefore, various noise devices can help get rid of these animals. In particular, these may be plastic bottles or cans tied to tree branches. Swaying from the wind, they hit each other, making unpleasant sounds.

  • An interesting but time-consuming method can also be this: take a pan and a spoon and, moving along the garden or garden, knock with them.
  • You can also use reed or glass bottle. To do this, you need to stick these objects into the open hole of the hole at an angle of 45 degrees. When wind appears, air enters the open part of the reed or bottle and the sound is quite unpleasant to perceive.
  • In addition, some summer residents also suggest turning on loud music, but you must try to ensure that the melodies are not calm, but, on the contrary, sharp, shrill and rumbling.

It is desirable, of course, that the sound sources that are used on personal plot, changed their sound from time to time, as moles quickly get used to them.

The use of these devices, unfortunately, does not provide a 100% guarantee that moles will leave the area forever. After a while, when you have already forgotten about them, they can calmly return back.

Smell repellent

You can also try to scare off the mole with odors, since, as mentioned earlier, it not only has excellent hearing, but also a sense of smell. To do this, you need to place any objects with pungent and unpleasant odors into the holes left by the mole.

But here you need to take into account the nuance that a mole, sensing a stench, can easily fill up such passages with earth, thereby stopping the flow of odors, and not leave the area.

Repelling with smoke bombs

Fighting moles with smoke bombs is very effective, since sulfur smoke is quite poisonous. But, at the same time, this method cannot give a guaranteed result, since new families of moles will come to replace the old ones, and the smoke itself can negatively affect the root system of plants: they can get sick or even die (in particular, young plantings).


Enough non-standard way fight against a small pest, but, on the other hand, interesting entertainment: everyone is having fun and the moles are running away. To do this, you need to place several firecrackers in all the wormholes found and try to launch them at the same time.

The only negative is that if you place firecrackers very close to plants, they may die in an explosion.

Pet Help

Dog and cat lovers can easily resort to their help.

The main task is to interest the animal in hunting the mole.

Everything is quite simple: wait until the mole starts digging the ground, keeping your pet at the ready. Having noticed the first movements, bring it closer so that the animal can smell the pest. The first catch will be the best motivator for the subsequent hunt.


Planting certain plants is the most environmentally friendly and humane method mole fight.

Since the mole reacts to strong and pungent odors, the plants should be selected accordingly: onions, garlic, hazel grouse, beans, hemp, black beans. But this method is more suitable for prevention, since animals that have already appeared will bypass such plantings, making new moves.

Water treatments

Water is also a good way to fight moles, but only in cases where they have just appeared and have made few tunnels. For animals that have already settled in the area for a long time, this method is not dangerous, since there may be so many tunnels that there is not enough water. Its essence lies in the fact that water is released into the open hole from the hole, thus flooding all the passages and forcing the pests to run away.

But this method also has a negative point: even if you manage to get rid of the moles, after the “flood” a lot of worms will appear, which will attract new animals.

Fishing with a shovel

This method will require a lot of free time, since you need to, having excavated a freshly dug mound, just sit and wait until the animal comes to repair the damage, and then fast movement pick up the soil with the mole and throw it into a bucket.

Modern methods of fighting moles

Along with primitive folk remedies for fighting moles, a sufficient number of new, more effective methods have appeared, namely:

  • Poisonous substances.
  • Traps:
    - Mole beaters.
    - Hooks.
    - Crossbows.
  • "Pan" mole trap.
  • Solomon's traps.
  • Insecticides.
  • Gas bombs.
  • Ultrasonic repellers.
  • Help from specialists.
  • Fencing with mesh.

Use of poison

One of the more effective methods the use of poison is considered. In particular, it can be zinc phosphide, which is used to impregnate grain or simply pour it into the passages.

But this method will have a greater effect if you sprinkle poison on earthworms - favorite treat mole, since he may simply not pay attention to the grain, but he can smell such bait at a great distance.

Mole beaters

You can find an incredible number of types of mole-cutters on the market, ranging from the most primitive – mechanical, to electric.

But the mechanism of action is the same for all of them. Mole beaters are installed inside the passages and when the animal goes through them again, the mechanism will work and kill the pest.

Fishing hooks

Another modernized method is hook fishing. To do this, you need to take a three-pointed metal hook and place it in the excavated hole, after tying a strong thread to it. When going through the tunnels again, the mole will catch on the hook and can be easily reached.


These are original homemade guns that have a spring trigger mechanism.

Such guns consist of a pipe, a motion sensor, the trigger itself and, accordingly, the shot that they fire. When the mole approaches, the sensor is triggered and the gun fires, killing the pest.

"Pan" mole trap

The essence of this method is quite simple: find a freshly dug mound, dig it halfway, place a pan and cover it with turf. As soon as the mole smells a draft, he will certainly come to restore it and fall into the pan. You can also use a glass jar for this method.

Every gardener wants to keep his lawn in good condition, and the crop in the garden safe and sound. But if suddenly moles have settled in your place, they will dig many holes and passages and destroy all the fruits of your labor. Let's consider what to do if a mole has appeared in your garden, and how to deal with it.

Features of the life of a mole in a summer cottage

To start fighting moles, you need to know the peculiarities of their life. refers to mammalian insectivores adapted to an underground lifestyle. His body is round, covered with a black velvety coat. Mole fur has unusual property– grows vertically.

This does not prevent the animal from moving underground both forward and backward. The forelimbs with large claws have a spade-like appearance, much stronger than the hind limbs. The animal has a short tail, a small head with an elongated nose in the form of a movable proboscis. Although the ears and eyes are very small, an excellent sense of smell and touch helps animals navigate.

The mole lives in a dwelling underground, which is most often located in a mound and consists of complex system passages, and a lair located in the middle. The mole digs tunnels with extreme speed, and throws the dug earth to the surface. The lair is covered with soft substances, and several passages lead to it.

The female gives birth here to five cubs in April-June, sometimes in August. The mole feeds on insect larvae, earthworms, woodlice, slugs, frogs, mice, lizards, etc. During the day, the animal eats a volume of food approximately comparable to the body weight of the mole itself.

The mole swims well. To provide itself with drinking water, it digs deep vertical burrows. In winter, the mole moves deeper into the ground, but does not hibernate.

Since moles are not rodents, they can damage plants by digging. Mole tunnels are located below the surface and deeper. The ridges on the lawn belong to the feeding tunnels, and the deep tunnels connect the feeding tunnels into a single network.

Important! Moles check all their tunnels almost every hour. If the tunnel is damaged, the animal rushes to restore it, usually breaking through below the level of this tunnel.

The animals move at a speed of 5-6 km/h and practically never go outside. The animal is very careful, so it is very difficult to catch it.

Who are moles afraid of? These animals also have enemies. These include the fox and raccoon dog. They hunt the animal, but, having caught it, do not eat it. A large number of moles catch weasels, eating them, despite the specific smell.

Who else digs holes in the garden, how to distinguish “mole heaps”

Moles aren't the only pests that can dig into your lawns. Therefore, in order to effectively deal with the problem, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause. Since we often do not see pests, but only observe the results of their activity, we need to know that gophers and voles may have similar signs of their habitat.

The shape of the excavated soil can serve as the main feature in identifying the pest. leaving mounds of earth in the form of a volcano, gophers - piles in the shape of a horseshoe, field mice

do not leave heaps of earth on the surface at all.

Voles dig holes about 5 cm wide near the surface of the ground and eat grass stems. Many small footprints are visible on the dug up ground.

How to deal with a mole in the country, we study methods

Based on the characteristics of these animals, it can be argued that fighting them is not an easy task. It is more humane to prevent their appearance on your site. But this method is very labor-intensive. To do this, it is necessary to use slate, roofing felt or other materials. build a fence around the entire perimeter of the site.

The fence will prevent these animals from entering the site, so it should be up to 20 cm high above ground level, and buried in the ground to a depth of 50-60 cm. Did you know?

The first mention of mole control was in 350 AD. This was a decree of the Roman ruler Palladius. It recommended the use of cats to control moles and field mice.

Let's look at how to deal with moles in the garden.

How to scare moles away from your site

Typically, gardeners look for pest control methods when their area has already been attacked by pests and their crops have suffered. Then a logical question arises: how to get rid of moles? It is believed that moles are frightened by various noisy sounds and pungent odors. Rattles, either purchased or made, are used as deterrents. with my own hands, as well as rotting food debris.

There is no doubt about the low efficiency of this method, since everything depends on the presence of wind and vibration with the required frequency. Plays an important role aesthetic factor, so this method is not popular.

It is also known that moles do not like black beans, hemp, beans, garlic, onions, peppers planted on the site. These plants repel animals with their smell.

How to effectively remove moles from a summer cottage? For this they use modern technologies, based on ultrasound.

An ultrasonic device operating at a frequency of 300-400 Hz is used as a mole repeller. The instructions say that it is capable of ridding the area of ​​pests at a distance of up to 20 m in a radius from the device. To be effective, you need to use several of these devices.

The fence will prevent these animals from entering the site, so it should be up to 20 cm high above ground level, and buried in the ground to a depth of 50-60 cm. The most ancient repellent against moles was reed stems. A stem was inserted into each molehill so that it was 60-80 cm above the ground surface, and about a meter in the tunnel. Reeds in windy weather create the effect of “wind howling”. A week later the moles disappeared.

How effective is using mole poison?

Let's look at how to remove moles from a garden plot using chemical control methods. Zinc phosphide is used as a poison. Since the mole is a predator, then this method is not effective enough. Although many gardeners use poison for moles and are satisfied with its results.

TO chemical methods struggles also include " gas bombs" But if the tunnel system is dug over a large area, then the effectiveness of this method is low.

It is not advisable to use insecticides to control moles. Firstly, you will harm your site because you will destroy earthworms, and secondly, this will stimulate the mole to dig new tunnels in search of food.

Trap and traps for moles

There are several modifications of mole traps. How to destroy a mole in the garden using traps?

  • Trap in the form of a pipe with two lids on the edges. The disadvantages of this device are the poor performance of the lids. The animal's dexterity reduces the effectiveness of this device to a minimum. The mole easily detects the presence of a foreign body and bypasses it.
  • There are special traps for moles. Although they are more expensive, they are commensurate with the diameter of the hole and are close in terms of conditions to its roughness.
  • Known and less humane way struggle - trap. It is installed in the mole tunnel and sprinkled with a little earth. There is no need to talk about its 100% effectiveness. Most often, moles bypass traps and traps along side or bottom trajectories. The disadvantage of this method is that it may work if the earth falls off or may not work at all.
You should know that if the trap does not work for several days, it must be moved to another location.

How to fight moles is not worth it

Let's look at how not to fight a mole in the garden, since these methods are ineffective and inhumane.

Water use

Some gardeners use water to fight moles. They dig up a molehill and pour several buckets of water into a vertical hole until water flows out of another tunnel and the mole swims out.

But this method is not effective, since the system of moves is very branched and multi-level. To flood one mole you need 100-150 liters of water, not a large number of water will attract earthworms, which are a delicacy for the animal, and it will stay here for a long time.

It is also necessary to remember that when filling a hole, a airlock in the tunnel system, which reduces the effectiveness of the fight to a minimum. The faster tunneling speed will help the animal escape before the water is absorbed.

Use of pets

This method can be used if you have pets that can hunt and you have not poisoned moles with pesticides. For this method to be effective, it is necessary to interest the cat or dog.

If you draw the dog's attention to the movement of the earth in the area of ​​the molehill, this will be the best incentive for hunting. However, pets are now very lazy, because they have forgotten how to get food on their own.

Using folk methods of struggle

When moles are discovered in the garden, the thought comes to how to get rid of them using folk remedies. Let's look at the types of these tools and all the advantages and disadvantages of their use.

People often use a pan trap. Its essence lies in identifying an active tunnel for the mole and placing a pan or three-liter jar with water. The upper hole is covered with a board and sprinkled with earth. We wait until the mole, passing through the tunnel, falls into the pan and drowns there. However, he can bypass this tunnel.

This family of insectivorous mammals leading an underground life lives throughout the entire territory (except northern regions) Russia, Ukraine and CIS countries. Moles have an elongated body shape, the length of which can reach no more than 22 centimeters. The dense fur has a special structure that allows the animals to dig tunnels, easily moving underground. Today we’ll talk about the fight against moles in summer cottages, vegetable gardens...

There are several colors of moles - dark gray, black and black-brown. The animal is characterized by spade-shaped front legs, a short tail, a small head and the absence of lenses in tiny, barely visible eye holes.

Mole holes, where the animals live, are ring-shaped and lined on the inside with straw, fallen leaves or some other soft material. natural material. These animals are different high speed movement underground, on the surface of which small tubercles appear as a result of the rapid movement of moles.

To find food, moles, deprived of vision, turn on other senses. They have very developed hearing and sense of touch. These are very voracious animals. If they for a long time If they are hungry, they do not shun cannibalism. Typically, mole passages always lead to a stream, pond or small river, so the animals provide themselves with regular access to water. Moles do not tend to hibernate; during the winter, they simply significantly lengthen the dug tunnels and live deep underground.
In spring and summer, the activity of moles, feeding on earthworms and insects, is especially active. Small animals can cause serious damage to garden and garden plots. It is very difficult to resist these animals, but today there are many different ways to fight moles.

Cultivated plants suffer greatly from the influence of moles. Dug underground tunnels destroy the root system. The vital activity of these animals leads to the disappearance of worms, larvae, frogs and negatively affects the ecological system of the site. Moles usually choose gardens tended by caring people to search for food. by human hands. After regular watering, the soil contains a large number of underground insects.

Moles cause great damage not only to agricultural crops, but also green lawns, which turn into a pitted, bumpy surface. The faithful companions of moles are field mice, devouring root crops and destroying flower beds. The damage caused by animals to gardens and vegetable gardens is, as a rule, very great. Therefore, gardeners who are definitely convinced of the presence of moles on their site are advised to immediately take action and decide on methods and means to combat harmful animals.

To rid your area of ​​moles, you need to choose a specific method of fighting them. Before doing this, you should carefully read various methods and find out all their advantages and disadvantages. Someone will prefer to fight the invasion of these animals with the help of products purchased in the store. Someone decides to use popular folk remedies which you can do yourself.

There are biological and mechanical methods struggle. Below are their brief characteristics.

Their distinctive feature is the elimination of the food supply. For voracious moles, lack of food is like death. If it is impossible to find food on the plot, the animals will quickly lose interest in such a garden and leave it. To drive away moles, you need to use special means for the destruction of worms, insects, frogs. But this method has rather disastrous consequences for the soil of the site, so the necessary caution must be exercised when using it.

It is much wiser to fight moles with the help of pets. It is common knowledge that dachshunds are excellent mole hunters. These dogs are capable of exterminating many of these animals and, with their activity, scare them away from the garden.

The peculiarity of this technique is to combat moles using a mole trap. This special device, which is used to catch an animal using bait.

There are several types of such tools. For example, nooses, traps and crossbows. While only a small number of moles are found in the garden, catching them with a mole trap will be very effective.

You can purchase this device at any store that sells products for summer cottages. The so-called tunnel mole trap has become very popular among gardeners. This design consists of a plastic pipe with iron traps at the ends. To catch a mole, you need to learn how to set up a mole trap correctly, otherwise the hunt will not bring any results.

It is best to install a light-impermeable trap in the upper part of the wormhole and cover it with something on top. It is very important that the mole trap is invisible.

Chemical agents for mole control summer cottage

Efficiency Issues chemicals in exterminating moles always remain relevant.

  • Firstly, these animals are predatory and are accustomed to the fact that their “food” has the ability to move. Therefore, it is unlikely that the mole will be very interested in the still food prepared by the gardener from zinc phosphide.
  • Secondly, poisonous gases often used in the fight against moles, which are released into tunnels, are also not very suitable for getting rid of animals. Moles dig great amount underground passages and can easily refuse to use a tunnel filled with toxic fumes.
  • Thirdly, plants grown in soil poisoned by various chemicals cause great harm to human health.

Therefore it is better not fight moles using different poisons, but find a more reasonable and traditional method struggle.

Mole repellers

This electronic device considered to be very effective, reliable and safe method struggle. Repellers help to permanently get rid of not only moles, but also other types of rodents that live in a summer cottage. A device that generates low-frequency sound vibrations produces noise that is very unpleasant for the mole's hearing. Such sounds become a danger signal for rodents, and the animals instantly vacate the occupied territory.
Repellers are inexpensive and can be purchased at any specialty store.

Folk remedies against moles

These harmless and effective methods of mole control have become widespread among experienced gardeners. The most popular folk remedies are discussed below.

This method is usually used when a gardener discovers a freshly dug hole. A simple one is inserted into the earth hole watering hose, and the water flowing through it fills the hole to the brim. Sensing danger, the mole immediately climbs to the surface.

  • Odors intolerable to animals

The mole has an incredibly sensitive sense of smell and has difficulty perceiving some plant odors. For example, animals cannot stand the aroma of marigolds. If these flowers grow in a summer cottage, then there is great confidence that the moles will not even come close to the garden.

Beds with beans, garlic and onions are very helpful in the fight against moles. These smells have wonderful property scare away moles. To protect a flower bed from their attack, it is enough to plant a decorative onion on it.

Additional protection against moles

The use of a conventional mesh buried in the ground around the entire perimeter of the garden has long proven its effectiveness. Thanks to this reliable protection moles cannot throw soil to the surface. With the help of a simple mesh you can save from animals not only garden plot, but also a decorative lawn. Perhaps the only disadvantage of such a means of protection is the laboriousness of the process of burying the mesh itself.

The most effective way to fight moles

Moles are small insectivores. Their body length ranges from 5 to 22 centimeters. These animals are quite common in the central part of Russia, as well as in the Volga region. They lead an underground lifestyle. The body has an elongated shape and is covered with dense fur. The skin has a structure that allows moles to move very well underground, digging out new tunnels.

There are moles different colors- black, black-brown, dark gray. Their front paws have a very peculiar spade-like shape. The tail is very short. Head small size, has an elongated shape. The eyes are very poorly developed. They lack a lens, the eye holes are very small, barely noticeable, and in some moles they are completely closed.

Moles live in dug holes. They move very quickly underground. As a result of their “work”, moles periodically throw the earth to the surface, forming peculiar small mounds. The mole's house has a ring shape. The hole is covered soft materials- straw, old leaves, etc.

Moles are very voracious. When there is no food for a long time, cannibalism flourishes among them. To search for food, the mole uses its senses - touch and hearing. In order for animals to have constant access to water, they dig their passages to rivulets and streams. IN hibernation they do not flow, but simply pass into deeper layers of the earth.

Fighting moles on a property is not an easy task. However, today there are a huge number of methods and means. Every gardener or gardener can choose the most suitable means for control.

Moles feed on underground insects and earthworms. However, as a result of their active life, they are capable of causing quite significant harm to our garden. In this article we will look at the issue of fighting moles on the site. We will tell you about methods and means of fighting moles in the garden.

Why are moles dangerous on the site?

The activity of a mole on the site has a rather detrimental effect on cultivated plants. When he digs tunnels underground, he has negative impact to the root system. Of course, he does not do this for selfish reasons, but the result is disastrous - the plant dies. As a result of the mole's activity, worms, frogs, and larvae disappear from the ecosystem of your garden.

In addition to agricultural plants, moles also damage lawns, leaving small piles of earth on the surface. Moles are predominantly found in the area of ​​land that is being looked after. After all, it is watered, and there are a lot of worms and larvae in wet soil.

Near moles, as a rule, there live voles, which cause no less harm. They eat root crops and damage flower beds.

The damage caused by moles in the garden is very significant. Therefore, we recommend that you immediately take action as soon as you accurately determine the fact that these animals are on your property. Having some knowledge and skills, fighting moles will not become a very difficult undertaking for you. It is only important to decide on the method in advance and think through the strategy. After all, the more developed their tunnel network is, the more difficult it will be to fight them.

Methods of fighting moles

Today, there are a large number of progressive methods of combating moles. All the methods below have the right to exist. You can fight moles using both store-bought and homemade products. All control methods can be divided into biological and mechanical. What are they? Let's figure it out.

Biological methods of mole control

TO biological methods The fight against moles includes the destruction of their food supply. This will allow the animals to lose interest in your area and move to another, due to the lack of food. Moles are very voracious and in the absence of food, they immediately leave the area. The diet of moles includes various larvae, insects, earthworms, frogs. Therefore, you can use means that destroy them food base. This method is not recommended, as it can cause great harm to your garden.

It is very good to use against moles in pets - especially dogs. Dachshunds love to hunt for moles. Even if they don’t exterminate the moles, they will definitely scare them away.

Mechanical methods of mole control

Mechanical control methods include the use of a mole trap. Mole trap is special tool, designed to lure and capture an animal. They are the most different designs- traps, crossbows and nooses. A mole trap is considered the most effective and practical method of control when there are not very many moles on the site yet.

Today you can buy a mole trap at any country store. Tunnel mole traps are considered the best in design. They represent plastic pipe from plastic materials, at the ends of which there are iron traps. They are designed in such a way that the animal can crawl in, but cannot get out on its own.

It is important to install the mole trap correctly. This is a decisive factor in a successful capture. Mole traps should be installed directly in top part mole holes. It is advisable to cover the top with something so that light does not penetrate into the trap and it is invisible.

Watch the video for the mole trap:

And here is the device of a wire mole trap:

Mole control: chemicals

Many people recommend chemicals to control moles. Are they really that effective? Let's figure it out. The most commonly used chemical against moles is zinc phosphide. No matter how good the poison is, it will not be effective for only one reason: the mole is a predatory animal and, first of all, it is interested in “food” that moves. And he is unlikely to change his preferences just because you put poison in him.

There is another option for chemicals - poisonous gases. Its essence lies in the fact that poisonous gas is pumped into the tunnel. The effectiveness of this method still leaves much to be desired. The mole very quickly builds a whole network of tunnels and it will not be difficult for him to block one of them in case of danger.

This method can still cause harm to humans, as the soil is poisoned.


The safest and most sufficient effective method fight are mole repellers. This is an electronic device that, as a result of its operation, scares away moles and forces them to leave your area. Such devices are absolutely environmentally friendly and can fight not only moles, but also other rodents in your garden.

The repeller works on the principle of generating low-frequency sound vibrations in the range of 300-400 Hz. Such sounds are very unpleasant for moles.

All rodents perceive the sound noise generated by the repeller as danger and immediately leave the area.

This method is very simple. All you have to do is go to the store and buy a repeller; it’s inexpensive.

Fighting moles with folk remedies

Folk remedies for fighting moles can be very effective. Oh, the peculiarity is that they are absolutely harmless to the soil and its inhabitants (well, except for moles). Let's look at some of them.

Flooding with water. If you find a fresh mole hole, you can try to flood it with water. This is done using ordinary garden hose. You need to insert it into the hole and turn on the water supply. As soon as the hole is filled, the mole will climb out.

Fighting with "smells". Moles have very sensitive olfactory receptors and smell very well. They cannot tolerate some odors. In particular, the smells of certain plants.

Such plants include marigold flowers. Plant them on the perimeter of the site and you can be sure that the moles will not disturb you.

Also, these animals cannot stand the smell. legumes. Plant several beds on the site.

Moles really don't like the smells of garlic and onions. Moreover, if you have a flower garden, you can plant decorative onions. It will fit perfectly and will repel rodent pests.

A simple but effective way:

Mole protection

There is one very effective remedy protection against moles. This is an ordinary mesh that is buried around the entire perimeter of your site. You can also bury the mesh at a certain depth under the lawn so that the mole cannot carry the soil out and spoil the decorative appearance of the area.

The protection turns out to be good, but there is a very unpleasant drawback - this process is very labor-intensive.

- it’s not a simple matter. We have provided several methods for you. We recommend doing right choice and do not use chemicals in your garden.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet.