The idea of ​​building a home out of shipping containers is not that new. Original designs from one, two or more assembly elements can be easily converted into a residential building. Let's look at the characteristics of different standard sizes of containers and talk about the stages of building a one-story house from shipping containers.

A house made from shipping containers is a topic that interests many. In our country, containers are mainly converted into cabins, outbuildings, but only a few houses are being built so far. Why is this happening?

Some people think that it is impossible to build original, beautiful housing from ISO containers. Others believe that such houses are only good for warmer latitudes. Still others are stopped by the uncertainty of the final estimate. Let's try to figure out all these questions.

Architectural solutions options

A house made of containers can be built into almost any landscape of the site, and it can be built from one container or several, located in one, two or three tiers.

Examples of non-standard placement of houses

The house of three blocks in three tiers, located on a hillside and occupying a minimum of land area, was built in New Zealand by industrial design teacher Ross Stevens.

A houseboat built from shipping containers on a pontoon.

A folding house with folding and folding walls for summer holidays.

Tree house in New York from the German studio Baumraum.

A house hanging over the water.

Examples of container houses in Canada

Winters in Canada, especially in areas with a continental climate, can be as harsh as in Russia. In this regard, the houses that were built there are interesting.

A house of three blocks in the forests of Canada, created by Pierre Morency.

Another house made of three containers, built for himself by Canadian Joseph Dupuis.

House made of containers in Kharkov

Project by architect Oleg Drozdov, implemented in Kharkov, Ukraine. Complex: two containers laid perpendicular to each other in two tiers - a residential building and a separate guest house, also from a transport container.

Original ideas

Projects have been developed for a house built from containers in the shape of a cross; there is an idea to create a house from one 40-foot container placed vertically. There are other developments that are complex and impractical in terms of using the space and volume of the container. We want to give some original and at the same time useful ideas.

The house and pool are all made from shipping containers.

Several blocks united by one roof. The largest room is formed by the area between the containers.

A similar solution for an asymmetrical house. Shed roof above three containers significantly increases the area of ​​the house.

The veranda can rise in winter and form a wall, thermally insulating a significant area of ​​glazing.

What to pay attention to during construction

In building a house from shipping containers, there are several main points that should be thought through most carefully at the planning stage:

  1. The basis, the foundation - unlike a change house, a house for permanent residence must rest on a solid foundation.
  2. Thermal insulation - important aspect for arranging a home from shipping containers in our harsh continental climate.
  3. Ventilation - the walls of the container completely isolate the internal volume of air, therefore it is important to provide high-quality air exchange to create a healthy atmosphere.
  4. The roof has a greater impact on aesthetics, but also provides additional benefits in insulating the building.


Some authors claim that a foundation is not required to set up a house. However, most experts believe that the climate of the main part of Russia requires a foundation. It can be slab, strip, columnar or pile depending on the type of soil, winter temperatures and the mass of the structure.

For most buildings, in our opinion, inexpensive columnar or pile foundations are suitable, and if the house overhangs the water, only pile foundations are suitable. In addition to providing support, the foundation allows the containers to be positioned exactly horizontally.

A house made from two 40-foot containers was built in Costa Rica by Benjamin Garcia. The house has columnar foundation.

House designed by Benjamin Garcia

Thermal insulation

Thermal insulation of a container house is one of the decisive issues when creating full-fledged housing. Thermal insulation is carried out both from the inside and outside, and the choice of method depends on the mode of residence: permanent or “in-and-out”.

Selection of thermal insulation materials

The choice of materials depends on the location of the insulation and the budget. For interior work mineral wool is suitable. If it is reliably protected from precipitation and wind when carrying out external work, then it can also be used outside the building. For floors, the use of mineral wool is not recommended if there is a risk of water ingress. To lay mineral wool, you need to make a sheathing and lay the material so that it does not sag down over time, leaving areas without thermal insulation. When using mineral wool slabs, to ensure a thickness of 100 mm, it is better to lay two sheets of 50 mm each so that the seams in the layers do not coincide.

Polyurethane foam can be used to foam the thermal insulation layer on both sides of the container. Foam plastic has also proven itself well, work with which you can do yourself. For good durability of these materials, it is necessary to make a lathing by attaching it with self-tapping screws to the wall of the container or by pre-welding a steel corner.

Thermal insulation of the container from the outside

Insulating the container from the outside makes sense when the house is intended for permanent residence. Thus, the dew point shifts beyond inner surface walls If thermal insulation eliminates all cold bridges and ventilation is provided, condensation will not form in the house. In this case, the thermal insulation material must be protected from the influence of the atmosphere and precipitation, for example, with siding.

Thermal insulation of the container from the inside

If the house is used exclusively for summer period or if you plan to visit at other times of the year, it is better to do thermal insulation from the inside. Arriving in a frozen house in winter and turning on the heating, you can quickly warm up the air and not get dew on the walls if the thermal insulation is done correctly:

  • a continuous layer of thermal insulation, without even part of the metal of the container exiting into the living space;
  • all internal walls are either non-metallic or mounted in such a way that a sufficient layer of thermal insulation material or wood is laid between them and the metal of the container.

For this type of thermal insulation it is also necessary to provide for ventilation.


Since ISO containers are airtight, and modern windows and doors also do not allow air to pass through, you need to take care of ventilation. This could be a window, the possibility of micro-ventilation in a plastic window, an automatic valve that is triggered by high humidity, or more complex engineering systems. If you leave a house without ventilation, not only will people lack fresh air, but condensation (ice) will also appear on the windows, and dampness, mold and mildew are possible.

The ideal solution would be to install supply and exhaust ventilation with preliminary air preparation.

Ventilation solution for the house of the architect Maria José Trejos


Roofing is desirable, but not necessary, for container houses. The device is single or gable roof will make the house warmer, it will be possible to combine two or more blocks into a single house, increasing the area, as we showed above in the examples. But you can only thermally insulate the ceiling from the inside by covering the structure with a layer of roofing material on top: the container is sealed, the steel is of high quality, there should be no leaks. Moreover, some owners even arrange a lawn or flower garden on the roof of such a house.

Lawn on the roof of a container house

Characteristics of sea containers

The containers are based on a frame made of longitudinal and transverse steel beams, lined corrugated sheets made of alloy steel with a thickness of 1.5-2 mm. The floor is covered with pressed plywood, usually impregnated against mold, up to 40 mm thick. This material can be removed (a rather labor-intensive process) and used after laying the thermal insulation on the floor. At the end there is a double swing door, the tightness of which is ensured by sealing rubber around the perimeter of the opening.

40ft container

Sea containers vary in size and volume. The dimensions of the most common options are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Dimensions of sea containers

Container Volume, m 3 Dimensions, mm
external internal
length width height length width height
3t 5,16 2 100 1 325 2 400 1 930 1 225 2 128
5t 10,44 2 100 2 650 2 400 1 950 2 515 2 128
20 feet 32,12 6 058 2 438 2 591 5 867 2 330 2 350
20 feet high 36,91 6 058 2 438 2 895 5 867 2 330 2 700
40 feet 65,64 12 192 2 438 2 591 11 988 2 330 2 350
40ft high 75,42 12 192 2 438 2 895 11 988 2 330 2 700

Installation stages

Building a house involves many elements. We list the main installation steps:

  1. Construction of the foundation.
  2. Supply of communications, laying of passage elements for insertion into the container.
  3. Transportation of containers and building materials to the site.

  1. Connecting containers to each other. Can be done:
    • welding two walls along the edges;
    • welding a steel strip between two containers with preliminary laying of heat-insulating material;
    • bolted connection.

  1. If swing doors containers will not be used - they need to be brewed.
  2. Cut through windows and doors. In this case, the structure loses its rigidity and must be restored immediately. Profiled square pipes are welded along the opening from floor to ceiling. The same pipes frame the opening horizontally and are installed between vertical pipes—supports.

  1. Metal inspection. Cleaning and priming seams, straightening bent areas, anti-corrosion treatment.
  2. Installation of windows and external door. Porch equipment.
  3. For internal thermal insulation, cover the external walls with siding over the sheathing. You can simply paint the metal with light exterior paint. At this stage, you can build a pitched roof, cover the top of the container with roofing felt, or prepare a cushion for the lawn: drainage, geotextiles, soil.
  4. Mark out the interior layout. Perform water supply.
  5. Perform internal (external) wall insulation. Thermally insulate the floor and ceiling.

  1. Build internal walls, install interior doors.
  2. Electrical installation: sockets, switches, lighting, appliances.
  3. Install heating device, perform heating wiring.

  1. Ventilation device (if this is not provided for by the design of the windows).
  2. Install a sewer system.
  3. Install the water heater, turn on the cold and hot water by points.
  4. Install plumbing.
  5. Finishing of walls, ceiling, floor.

This is far from full list all work, but it will help you navigate when planning construction and drawing up estimates.

Construction estimate

The calculation we performed is rather a convenient form for adjustments based on individual initial data:

  • number of containers;
  • way of organizing the foundation;
  • installation method and selection of utility network equipment;
  • selection of thermal insulation, construction and finishing materials, etc.

An approximate calculation of the cost of basic materials for a house for permanent residence from two 20-foot containers without an equipped roof (all without delivery) as of July 2016 is shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Approximate cost estimate for building a house from shipping containers

Cost items Unit change Price Price
Containers 20 feet, high - 20" HC, used 2 pcs. 70,000 rub./pcs. 140,000 rub.
Columnar foundation + gravel pad + porch:
Concrete M300
Steel reinforcement, Ø 14 mm and Ø 6 mm

~4 m 3
70 kg
4 t

3,200 rub./m 3
25 rub./kg
1,400 rub./t

12,800 rub.
RUB 1,750
5,600 rub.
External wall cladding:

Mineral wool insulation "Ursa GEO M-11" URSA 1200x7000x50 mm (15 m2, 0.78 m3) 2 plates/pack.
Ruberoid RKK-350 TU, b = 1000 mm, l = 10000 mm

12 pcs. - 0.72 m 3
72 m2
10 pcs.
7 rolls

6850 rub./m 3
150 rub./m2
750 rub./2 pcs.
370 RUR/pcs.

RUB 4,932
10,800 rub.
RUB 3,750
RUB 2,450
Internal wall cladding:
Unplaned timber for sheathing 100x50x6000 mm
Lining 96x12.5x3000 mm, Economy grade

12 pcs. - 0.36 m 3
72 m2

7000 rub./m 3
150 rub./m 2

RUB 2,520
10,800 rub.
Wooden ceiling:
Unplaned timber for sheathing 100x100x6000 mm
Lining 96x12.5x3000 mm, Economy grade

7 pcs. - 0.42 m 3
36 m2
5 pcs.

6850 rub./m 3
150 rub./m2
750 rub./2 pcs.

RUB 2,877
5,400 rub.
RUB 1,875
Wooden floor:
Unplaned timber for sheathing 100x100x6000 mm
Planed board 25x100x6000 mm
Mineral wool insulation "Ursa GEO M-11" URSA 1200x7000x50 mm (15 m2, 0.78 m3) 2 plates/pack.

7 pcs. - 0.42 m 3
0.9 m 3
5 pcs.

6850 rub./m 3
9000 rub./m2
750 rub./2 pcs.

RUB 2,877
8,100 rub.
RUB 1,875
Roof felt roofing material RKK-350 TU, b = 1000 mm, l = 10000 mm 7 rolls 370 RUR/pcs. 2590 rub.
Entrance metal with insulation

1 piece
2 pcs.

10,000 rub./pcs.
5000 rub./pcs.

10,000 rub.
10,000 rub.
Windows 3 pcs. 6000 rub./pcs. 18,000 rub.
Solid fuel boiler with stove 22,000 rub.
TOTAL: RUB 280,996
+ electrical installation, lighting
+ heating system wiring
+ water distribution, boiler, shower (bath)
+ sewerage or dry closet
+ ventilation

In addition to these costs, you need to take into account the wages of hired workers (if you don’t do everything yourself), the cost of finishing materials and filling the house with furniture, household appliances, etc.

Before deciding on such construction, it is advisable to weigh everything and draw up an estimate several times, without looking at the previous version. If you still want such a house, but you do not have enough funds to implement such a project, remember that a house from containers can be built in several stages: during the breaks it will not get wet, will not become loose, and will not let moisture in. This is one of the advantages of such construction.


Shipping containers, originally used to transport goods due to their versatility, have over the years found wider, and sometimes unexpected, uses for their properties. Due to the very significant margin of safety that is included in the design, as well as standardized dimensions and fastenings, today transport containers are successfully converted into various structures.

We have compiled a list of the most useful and functional ideas. So, what can you make from a shipping container?

1. Change house

Temporary living quarters, or, in short, are very often converted from sea containers. Such a structure can be effectively used both in warm climates and in cold northern latitudes - depending on the climatic zone, materials and technologies are selected that provide a comfortable indoor microclimate at an external temperature from plus 40 to minus 50 ̊C. The cabins are compact and can be transported many times, just like regular dry cargo containers. At the same time, it can always be retrofitted or re-equipped.

Such options are ideal for construction crews and agricultural work - in short, in those areas where work and place of residence depend on the season or the current project.

2. Workshop

Workshops based on sea containers are mainly equipped for the repair of scooters, motorcycles, ATVs and similar small equipment. Depending on the scale of the activity, the module can consist of one container, representing a kind of garage-workshop for personal needs (where, by the way, a car can easily fit), or several, being a full-fledged workshop servicing clients’ vehicles.

3. Laboratory

Very practical option is a mobile or stationary laboratory. An undoubted advantage of the mobile module is the ability to conduct research directly on site and, if necessary, quickly move the laboratory to another site. This type of converted shipping containers finds wide application in the construction industry (for example, for concrete quality control, cement mortar and other components), oil and gas and petrochemical industries, where objects are geographically remote from each other.

4. Warehouse

Warehouses converted from dry cargo containers are popular with both product manufacturers and retail outlets. They are sealed and it is possible to maintain a certain temperature regime in them, required according to the storage conditions of the product. In addition, such a warehouse is very difficult to break into or cause damage in any other way, and in the event of a decrease in trade turnover or going out of business, it is much easier to sell than a regular warehouse tied to a specific location.

5. Mini-production

This option allows you to significantly reduce capital costs for the construction or purchase of premises, which is especially important for starting a business. At the same time, modern technologies and materials make it possible to make a container that fully meets all the requirements of a specific production. When expanding the activity or changing its specifics, the modules can be retrofitted with the necessary equipment or an additional workplace. This option, paradoxically, is used with equal success by beginning entrepreneurial businessmen and fairly large companies that carefully consider their benefits.

6. Retail outlet

A practical anti-vandal kiosk or a conceptual showroom can also be converted from a sea container. Sometimes the appearance simple module can be transformed beyond recognition, and the interior decoration matches the decor of a designer boutique. In this case, fragments of the block walls are often replaced with glazing, and the display cases located in them are effectively illuminated. This format of retail outlets is still not very popular among entrepreneurs, but it is impossible to deny that its novelty attracts visitors, making the kiosk stand out among others.

7. Rental point for bicycles and goods for active recreation

Dry cargo containers are ideal for organizing rentals. Moreover, enterprising owners very successfully offer for rent bicycles, scooters, skateboards, children's cars and special seats for bicycles in the summer, and skates, skis, buns and sleds in the winter. Such modules are usually located near a park, square, embankment or on the territory of recreation centers, where they are very popular among citizens and city guests.

8. Gym

Sports enthusiasts and businessmen often use shipping containers to organize a gym. High-quality thermal insulation and a ventilation system allow you to train comfortably at any time of the year and not have to worry about the exercise equipment located in the block - a high-quality converted module will not leak and will serve reliable protection from hacking attempts. In addition, the gym can be additionally equipped with security and fire alarm systems, especially for commercial premises.

9. Fish farm

Conversion of a dry cargo container into a fish farm involves the installation of special technical equipment (so-called fish tanks, pumps, a pipe system and a number of devices for creating and maintaining the necessary water parameters), thermal insulation of the foundation and the installation of communications. In such conditions, sturgeon, trout and some other species of fish are successfully grown. They expand production either by installing additional fish tanks, if the design allows, or by purchasing another converted module.

10. Mobile sales office

Based on sea containers, they are in demand in the field of microfinance of the population, provision of tourism and other services. At the same time, they can be designed in such a way as not to require connection to external water supply and sewerage, which sometimes becomes an important deciding factor. High-quality thermal insulation, in turn, allows employees to feel comfortable in hot and cold weather, and the variability of the design helps to carry out timely re-equipment or retrofitting depending on changes in staffing levels. Thus, the mobile sales office grows and changes along with the business.

11. Duty post

Dry cargo containers are also quite often converted. In this case, one or more combined blocks are equipped with a door and required quantity windows, and can be zoned into working and living areas. If this is a crossing duty post, then the necessary equipment to manage the crossing is installed inside; the same happens at security posts with automatic gates or a barrier. If necessary, emergency lighting and alarm systems are additionally installed.

12. Office

The trend to retrofit is now gaining momentum around the world. Such offices, which initially emerged as a lower-cost alternative to classic stationary premises, have in recent years become an object of interest for well-known architectural firms and companies wishing to keep up with the times and remain mobile. Options huge amount- starting from small single-component premises and ending with buildings of bizarre shapes, made entirely of block containers. Internal and external finishing Such premises can have absolutely any design, which is what attracts creative architectural companies to create new projects in this market.

13. Dining room

A long service life and an unlimited number of installation/dismantling and transportation make dry cargo containers ideal for mobile canteens, which are in demand at construction sites and agricultural work, where it is necessary to provide food for people. Depending on the required bandwidth may consist of one or two or several dozen blocks at once. In accordance with standards and certificates, the canteen includes a food preparation area, storage facilities, a hygiene room and a hall for visitors. This structure is erected very quickly and is immediately ready for use.

14. Substation, generator

In this case, the converted container plays a protective role in relation to the expensive equipment that is installed in it. The module protects against precipitation, dirt, dust, aggressive UV radiation, as well as against break-ins, impacts and other mechanical influences. At the same time, in addition to protection, the equipment also gains mobility, since the converted unit still retains the ability to be transported by all types of transport.

15. Hygiene room

Sea containers effectively solve such a very delicate issue as organizing a hygiene room. Moreover, depending on the needs in each specific case, it may include not only toilets and sinks, but also showers with changing rooms. Important feature similar structures are becoming inner covering, resistant to high levels of humidity - depending on the budget, these could be MDF panels or, for example, ceramic tiles.

16. Bar

The low cost of dry cargo modules allows you to redirect the freed funds to the development and implementation of a unique design, which is essential for bars where people come for a special atmosphere. Such structures are very popular in America and have every chance of finding their fans in Russia, in the coming years they will become embodied in bold creative solutions, which, first of all, will take place in large cities with a population of over a million.

17. Cafe

A massive dry cargo container, at the will of the customer and under the skillful hands of professionals, can turn into a stylish and attractive cafe, in which after such transformations it will be impossible to discern a simple transport module. Depending on the project idea, it can be a classic indoor cafe or a mobile summer cafe with folding walls, which can also be successfully used for large outdoor events and luxurious outdoor weddings.

18. Sauna

An unusual use for a converted container at first glance is a sauna or bathhouse. However, this option can increasingly be found on a private plot of land or near a guest cottage for rent, since the presence of a sauna serves as a important criterion choosing a place to stay. In arranging a bathhouse, thermal insulation is very important, only in in this case its task is not to let the heat out of the steam room. External and internal decoration, as a rule, is decorated with wood, imitating a log house, characteristic of log buildings.

19. Creative studio

Creative workshop made from block containers on at the moment is an original and unconventional architectural move. This option is usually chosen by young creative agencies and creative associations who want to demonstrate to clients their willingness to experiment and change. The modules are arranged in several rows or floors, create spectacular transitions and divide the internal space into zones of different stylistic design. A creative studio like this serves as a living business card, talking about more than a dozen videos and hundreds of flyers.

20. Hotel

The holding of various concerts, festivals, and sports competitions led to the emergence of another interesting looking structures based on sea block containers - a mobile hotel. Instead of building permanent hotels, the rooms of which will be half empty after the end of the event, practical Europeans are actively using the services of such “hotels on wheels”, which help accommodate participants, staff and guests of the event. Owners of mobile hotels promise that their facilities will be ready for use in just 48 hours from the moment the vehicle arrives, which certainly impresses with its speed and reasonable costs.

Practice shows that dry cargo containers still have enormous potential, which will be realized for decades. Today, a wide variety of projects are at various stages of implementation around the world: spas, bridges, hostels, forest houses, beach cafes, etc. And maybe soon we will talk about new ideas for structures made from transport containers, which just recently simply transported goods, but have now become an integral part of the vibrant architecture of world capitals, practical choice small towns and a boon for enterprising people.

Find out even more about the conversion of sea containers on our services page.

Have you ever thought that you can build a modern house from containers? Modern life involves more than just shelter, food and clothing. People have changed a lot over the past 50 years, our mentality is changing and this trend is exponential. The differences between generations are increasingly widening. The mentality and attitude to life are changing, the philosophy of life itself is changing. Many people no longer want to feel part of the crowd; they want to stand out, to be different from everyone else. More and more people are becoming supporters of nonconformism.

The mentioned nonconformism is increasingly manifested in people’s attitude towards their residential buildings. The architectural diversity of houses is becoming wider and wider. Some buy for themselves huge houses made of concrete, steel and glass in order to emphasize their social position, others choose a different, sometimes quite extravagant path. The craziest of all the extravagant options is the idea of ​​building a house out of shipping containers. Yes, yes, you heard right, many people today are building houses from containers! Every year more and more people are building their home from containers. For some, the container is part of the house, while for others, the entire house fits in one container. But don't jump to conclusions, let's take a look at some great examples of houses built from shipping containers.

Guest house made from a sea container

One of the most interesting projects I have ever seen is a guest house project made from an ordinary 40 foot container. Although this is not large, it is a very neat and nice guest house made from a container. The shape and size of the container limit the possibilities for decorating it and designing the future home, but this is precisely what people perceive as a challenge! In this case, the result was simply excellent! The container was painted blue, two sections were cut into it, into which large stained glass windows and sliding doors.

A small one was made above the facade of the house transparent canopy, which in case of rain prevents drops from flying directly into the house if the door is open. The interior is decorated wood panels, covering the walls to create a feeling of warmth and comfort.

Bold combinations of colors and materials make this structure a wonderful place to live and relax, blending perfectly with the surrounding landscape. This unique design comes from Poteet Architects and is not their only container home project.

Homes made from shipping containers by Adam Culkin

This creation completely negates everything you previously knew about houses. This original house in the photo, built entirely from containers, I would even say that it is for real huge house from containers. Architect Adam Culkin from New Jersey designed and built this home from shipping containers. Among his many reasons for doing so were price (a used container costs less than $1,000) and durability.

This house is huge and has several levels. You could say it's a "house within a house" because inside the massive building there are smaller, separate components that look like houses in their own right. This home connects the inside with the outside world through huge sliding glass doors.

This house may confuse you. Indeed, the concept of this house is far from concept traditional houses. This container home has bedrooms, bathrooms, a living room, a kitchen, so it seems to cover all the basic needs, but what about the aesthetics? In my opinion, it is in it and it is unique in its own way!

Houses made from painted containers.

Another impressive container house project comes from Brazilian architect Marcio Kogan. The shipping container home he built was the result of the idea of ​​using industrial elements that could be easily combined into a cohesive whole in a short period of time. In order for a container house to have a given area, the containers had to be stacked on top of each other.

Once the height limit for the house was reached, the architect focused his attention on the width of the house. Despite the fact that the house is only two containers high, it turned out to be quite spacious, as it was made wide. In the wide part of the house a spacious living room has been created, which seems to extend its space to the street through the use of smart system retractable doors. The concept of the project of this house, built from 40-foot sea containers, is unique! Along with the bright colors that this house is painted in, the ecosystems that it is equipped with give it a spirit of joy and fun.

Starbucks built from containers

If so far we have seen people using containers for construction residential buildings, then now we will see how a businessman used containers to build a new Starbucks coffee house from them, which will look original and unusual and will not be like anything we are used to seeing. This crazy idea kind of drives home the point that Starbucks ships its coffee and tea to all parts of the world.

Perhaps the choice in favor of such original architectural forms is just a cold calculation, a marketing ploy, the purpose of which is to associate the products sold with freshness and fast delivery? Perhaps, but for us it is not so important. In any case, the design of this building deserves attention. By the way, if “fast food” (read as: fast food), translated into Russian, means “fast food”, then prefabricated houses made from containers, this is already a kind of construction fast food.

The fact that this compact container building can accommodate not only coffee machines, but also a small work area for employees, may attract the attention of other businessmen and companies that do not need premises with large internal space. After all, this alternative technology for building houses allows you to build a house quickly and very cheaply. Moreover, if necessary, you can dismantle it easily, quickly and inexpensively.

Container house by Patrick Partush

Now let's take a look at a more complex container house project. This project was designed by French architect Patrick Partouche in 2010. When developing the design of this house, the architect tried to imitate the forms of traditional houses. This modern home measures 2,240 square feet and cost approximately €221,000 to build and decorate.

An interesting fact is that the owner wanted to keep original doors containers in order to use them as additional strong shutters that can protect both from intruders and from very bad weather.

As you can see in the photo, the house was built from several containers combined into one. In order to obtain a large internal space, the internal walls were cut out of the containers, which made it possible to combine their spacious internal space, which housed a large living room and kitchen. Large windows and doors are built into the outer walls of the containers. The inside of this container home looks spacious and modern with modern appliances and furniture, but the outside is not pretty. The design is implemented in hi-tech style. On the second floor, interesting solutions for metal stairs and gangways were implemented.

$40,000 container dream home by Benjamin Garcia

Benjamin Garcia Sachs built a very interesting house from two 40 foot shipping containers. Construction and finishing of the house cost $40,000. This project is in great harmony with the nature around it. The result is a beautiful modern house, the construction of which does not require a lot of building materials.

We all tend to build large, spacious houses with so much living space that we often don’t need them, but the concept of this project is different. It has everything you need without any frills. Let me tell you what a person really needs: to see the sunrise and sunset through large windows and live in comfort. Thanks to modern furniture and high-quality finishing, this house meets these requirements and is only 1,000 square feet.

This is the place where you can relax your eyes and soul. A compact, cozy house with views from the windows that you can only dream of. And all this beauty is built using just two shipping containers.

Shipping container house in El Tiemblo

The project of this residence includes four 40-foot shipping containers and despite not being very presentable appearance, from the inside the house has an excellent interior. The house project was developed by the James & Mau Arquitectura studio and built by Infiniski. The residence is located in the province of Avila, in Spain and is named “Casa El Tiamblo”

Costing about 140,000 euros this modern example style and comfort has all the amenities of a traditional home. WITH large kitchen, a large open living room surrounded by huge windows, with comfortable bedrooms and fashionable furniture.

Perhaps the most beautiful place in the house is the living room, located on the first floor. There are large glass sliding doors, behind which, under the canopy created by the extended second floor, there is a terrace. If you open the doors, the interior space of the living room is combined with the space of the terrace, and we get a large, modern, stylish, cool room. So the interior of the house is really stylish, cozy and well thought out, despite the somewhat raw and overly industrial appearance of this house.

The first shipping container house in the Mojave Desert

This project takes container homes to a whole new level. So far we have seen more simple houses, done less professionally. The Ecotech Design company presents its version of a house made of metal containers. This home is located in the Mojave Desert and is 2,300 square feet. The house has one bedroom, one bathroom and consists of six containers.

The design of the house speaks for itself; it is more than just a roof over your head. The house has original design, which combines indoor and outdoor spaces. This is the house with modern interior and lots of light. I must admit that if no one had told me that this house was made of containers, I myself might not have guessed. The house looks like a modern object built in an ecological style.

This house combines the features of high energy efficiency and modular design for low-cost mass construction. I believe that, taking into account modern trends in construction, in the near future we will see more and more houses like this.

Five shipping containers for modern house in Kozi

In this project we see a close combination of two various elements– containers and completely open spaces. The house, built from just five containers, has a total area of ​​2,600 square feet. The house turned out to be very comfortable, it has a usable roof with landscaping, geothermal system heating, high-tech porous thermal insulation - everything that is necessary to create the maximum comfortable conditions accommodation.

This project began as a “test of the pen”, it was a test and set the task to design and build a house from containers. But the result was a real house, intended for the permanent residence of some happy family. The home's cool metallic industrial style was softened by the use of bright colors and modern furnishings. I love how this project turned out, it's a great home to live in.

Container transformation from Building Lab Inc.

Designer Stephen Shoup designed this building as an additional office for his growing company. His concerns regarding the stability of the company's development convinced him to opt for creating additional office space so unusual, but in an inexpensive way. After much thought and discussion, Building Lab Inc. » a small office building L-shaped from metal containers.

The most remarkable thing about this project was the possibility of using a large number of different unnecessary materials, including those left over from other construction projects that have accumulated in the courtyard. The resulting result, in its appearance, balances between the industrial style and the appearance of a certain warehouse building. However interior interior Excellent for office space and making the most of the internal space and potential of the premises. There is enough space inside for a small meeting, and everything is equipped so that everything you need for work is at hand. This office continues the theme of residences built in an unconventional way.

Cross-shaped eco-house from CG Architectes

As evidence that the phenomenon of building container houses is spreading more and more throughout different regions world and begins to influence various architects, the French company Clément Gillet Architects began to build prefabricated modular houses, manufactured in a factory. Old sea containers are used as the main raw material for the production of modules.

This residence measures approximately 1,120 square feet and is a prototype modular house, factory-made from four containers. The main goal of this project is to develop technology for the production of a range of low-cost modular houses that can be manufactured using the same equipment.

The great success of this project is that with the simplest design it was possible to build a building with a living room located on the first floor and as many as three bedrooms located on the second floor.

The entrance to the house is located under the second floor overhanging from above, resulting in the second floor serving as a canopy over the entrance to the house. The house has furniture and a completed interior, made in bright colors to create the impression of a large interior space. In addition, they are used in interior decoration wooden elements, giving a feeling of warmth and comfort. The result is an excellent inexpensive home for permanent residence.

Country house made of containers

The real estate market is the sector of the economy where prices are constantly rising. This is what pushes people to look for alternative offers. Jure Kotonik found the answer, he designed a two-story house consisting of two containers of 300 square feet each. The advantages of this house are that it has a very low price compared to the prices of traditional houses, and it is also quickly assembled. Among other things, it is very easy to move.

This house is a dacha, it can be described as a minimalist housing solution, it offers only basic conditions for accommodation.

Alterra Beach Resort uses containers to build private bungalows

Most of the houses that are built today from containers are built by people as private homes intended for permanent residence. Architect Clorido Testa decided to build guest houses. Alterra Glamping is a natural resort located near Pinamar Beach in Argentina, which is an excellent holiday destination. At this point, containers began to be converted from old sea containers and used as private houses.

The minimalist appearance of these houses is designed to focus all the attention of vacationers on natural beauty. The resort was originally an art gallery, but later additional houses were built, some areas were changed and it was turned into a resort. It is very significant that during this transformation, not a single tree was damaged. Today you can visit this place, which is a place to relax your soul and body, and the cost of a vacation here starts from $1,100 per week of vacation. With these prices you can perceive this place as a very cool campsite with better conditions for true relaxation.

Container restaurant by Jean Nouvel

Another interesting project was created by the French architect Jean Nouvel. He presented the restaurant "LES GRANDE TABLES" in the form of a huge wooden frame, completely glazed on the outside and, as we can see, his creation turned out to be quite beautiful and original. This restaurant of his is 1,000 square feet and built from repurposed shipping containers surrounded by a glass-enclosed wooden skeleton. The building turned out to be in the style of true minimalism and has an industrial look. The restaurant seats 120 people and is also used for parties, weddings and cultural gatherings.

The restaurant building is part of a larger project, but is its main highlight, not only due to its appearance, but also because of the food served here French cuisine, prepared by celebrity chef Arnaud Dagvin using local spices and vegetables. The restaurant is filled with people mainly at night. The French are renowned for their out-of-the-box, revolutionary thinking, which makes them leaders in design trends and fashion, and looking at this building, we can very easily understand why this is so.

London shopping center built from containers

Shopping center buildings are always given original shapes and designs in order to attract as many more attention and, accordingly, buyers. London's Boxpark Shoreditch became the world's first shopping center built entirely from 40-foot shipping containers. This crazy mini shopping center is aimed at attracting pedestrians and houses... large number very famous stores.

The area of ​​the shopping center is divided into individual stores and this is in stark contrast to regular shopping centers that have huge parking lots and endless corridors. This entire shopping complex consists of 61 containers, 41 of which form the first floor, which is shaped like a regular rectangle.

The ingenious idea to build such a shopping center from containers was born from purely economic considerations. Small brands often cannot rent retail space in huge shopping centers because, firstly, they do not need huge areas, and secondly, it is not profitable for them to pay high rents. In the Boxpark Shoreditch shopping center the situation is completely different and almost any entrepreneur can afford to rent one of the commercial premises here for his own store.

25 hour HafenCity Hotel

Now we head to Germany, where Stephen Williams Associates has created a very interesting, eclectic hotel inspired by sailing and shipping. This hotel is called "25Hours HafenCity Hotel". Externally, the hotel resembles a sea container ship or a port container warehouse; it is decorated with elements associated with the shipping industry, such as various edges, winches, and lifting mechanisms. Each of the hotel rooms has an interior design in the style of a ship's cabin.

On the roof of the hotel is the Hafen Sauna, also made from a container and with panoramic views of the harbour. Most interesting premises The hotels are a lobby with many seats and sun loungers of different shapes and a restaurant that serves local cuisine using local products. This amazing project would not have been possible without the containers donated by the local company Hapag-Lloyd from Hamburg, as well as other salvaged materials from around the local shipyard.

Another shopping center made from shipping containers

Another shopping center built from metal containers has opened in New Zealand. Unlike the London shopping center described above, this one has a completely different philosophy. The Christchurch area has been rebuilt after being hit hard by the earthquake. Now here, in brightly colored containers, there are 27 different shops. They were built here with the goal of quickly bringing normal infrastructure to this earthquake-stricken area.

Among other things, the benefit of using shipping containers is that people feel safe here. These people, having survived the wrath of nature, feel safer here than among multi-storey buildings, which could collapse if an earthquake occurs again. The point of this project is not only to create retail space, but also to ensure that the site is safe for local residents.

Spacious house kits made from shipping containers

I firmly believe that this is by far the largest project ever to use shipping containers. The project was called “Wing House”, which translates as “Winged House”. Do you know what it is? The fact is that this entire spacious house unfolds from one container with components - like a construction set. The principle is quite simple - pack everything into one container so that it can be easily transported to any place, then set it on the ground, then the wide side walls of the container are raised like wings using a built-in (!) crane. The result is a roof that looks like a large butterfly. Next, panels with doors and windows are attached to these wings, positioned according to our preferences.

The result of this amazing transformation is a home with plenty of interior space. Since this interior space initially does not have any load-bearing partitions, walls or pillars, you can divide it into rooms in many ways. Thanks to this feature, the interior of the house can be divided into a living room and three bedrooms like a standard residential house, or it can be converted into an 8-room dormitory, office or something else. "Winghouse" revolutionizes the concept of a serial mobile, prefabricated house kit.

Showrooms made from containers for showing films

The project, called New Zeeland on Screen, uses shipping containers to broadcast music and video. Kiwi Films decided to do something original to attract visitors using high technology and various gadgets, for this purpose they created interactive media rooms from containers.

Inside these rooms, visitors have access to large interactive video screens and other modern gadgets. However, the interior is decorated in a vintage style, which is intended to evoke a certain nostalgia among visitors. However, vintage intersects with modern technology here. The idea behind this project was to combine offline and online environments to make it easier to distribute media content without having to build a museum or cinema.

Container architecture

Here is another grand design project made from metal containers. This single-family container home designed by Jason Welti is a perfect example of industrial elegance. Despite the fact that the metal walls are not sheathed, but only painted white, the house still creates an overall feeling of sophistication. The interior is divided into two floors. Downstairs there is a large open living room, furnished very simply, with plenty of natural light coming from several large windows. Upstairs there are bedrooms, also decorated in the same style.

With an emphasis on self-sufficiency, this home is equipped with solar panels located on the roof and several wind generators. Color external walls chosen so that the house is visually in harmony with the surrounding nature. Land plot located in very beautiful place with lots of green grass and a pond located in the backyard. As part of this project, ordinary cargo containers began to look stylish and environmentally friendly, and I would like to see more and more similar buildings appear in the future.

This project demonstrates how an ordinary cargo container was transformed into summer house, perfect for outdoor enthusiasts. This is, of course, not a full-fledged house made of containers, it is rather a cottage made of containers, and the most primitive one at that. Like those who go on camping holidays in summer time, some people decide to build their own summer residence. To do this, just take an ordinary container, clean it thoroughly, remove rust (if any), paint it, and you get a primitive summer home that can protect you from rain, wind and wildlife.

These two containers have a small reed canopy that creates shade and provides a roof for a small area in front where you can eat, work, etc., while enjoying the fresh air without the fear of getting sunstroke. The big problem with steel containers is their lack of insulation, so in this particular location, where there are almost 300 sunny days a year, the thermal heating of the container is a serious problem. In this regard, a new product was developed that can reflect all the heat and act as a thermal insulator. This product is called "SUPERTHERM" and is a very effective ceramic coating, applied like paint and having a wonderful effect.

Exhibition pavilion "Tommy Hilfinger", built from containers

This project was built by the Artdepartment-Berlin company and presented to the public at the Breat&Butter fashion exhibition. The Tommy Hilfinger brand was represented at this exhibition with a modern pavilion constructed entirely from repurposed shipping containers that were stacked together to form a complex spatial form, covered in graphics designed to attract the attention of visitors.

This dynamic environment was designed to reflect the energy of Hilfiger's aesthetic and was created from environmentally friendly pure materials. To mentally imagine how quickly you can build something from containers, it is worth mentioning how much time it took to create the 3-story pavilion shown in the photo:

  • 1 day to install all containers (each in its place);
  • 3 days for auxiliary structures and rough work (cutting, welding, installation of stairs, lights, etc.);
  • 3 days to finish finishing the interiors.

Now imagine that it would take similar time to build a residential building out of containers using the same principle. Can you imagine that just one or two weeks after the start of construction of your private home, you will already be able to dine in it, because it will already be completely ready?

Initially, life in shipping containers was nothing more than a fun adventure, but now it has turned into a global trend, a trend and that’s it more people strive to build themselves such unusual houses from containers. Can you imagine yourself living in such a house?

What does your imagination picture when you hear – container house? Many, obviously, imagine a change house - a simple, inexpensive, small-sized country house.

This is partly true, housing is indeed relatively inexpensive, but the rest is debatable.

From containers you can build a multi-room, multi-story, comfortable residential or office building.

This type of construction has long become popular in many countries of Europe and America, and is now gaining momentum in the CIS.

We invite you to consider the topic in more detail, perhaps in the near future you will become the owner of budget housing, thereby deciding housing issue, or arrange your summer cottage by building a cozy modular house on it.

The history of container houses

Perhaps the idea of ​​building a house from an ordinary sea container belongs to an unknown author, but the American architect Kalkin Adam actively popularized this type of construction. The first widely known residential building made from containers appeared thanks to this man. It was created from three shipping containers as a creative experiment.

Purchasing used, decommissioned shipping containers turned out to be easy and cheap. Building a house did not require large financial investments, and in areas with frequent tornadoes, container houses have become in demand.

Today, many architects and designers continue to create structures from shipping containers, realizing their creative ambitions in residential and public buildings.

There are buildings made from containers that serve not only as residential buildings, but also as hotel complexes, office and retail buildings, and restaurants. Such a structure is not difficult to dismantle and transport to another place, which is also not unimportant.

There are many known buildings in the world made from used sea containers that are environmentally friendly, simple, but not without comfort and attractiveness. The design of the buildings is creative and attracts visitors.

Building a house from containers

Where to start construction? Anyone can build a house from containers with their own hands. The construction time for such a house is reduced significantly compared to traditional construction methods, and the savings are significant.

A standard 40-foot cargo sea container has the following internal dimensions:

  • length 12,032 mm;
  • width 2,352 mm;
  • height 2,393 mm.

Cargo 20ft:

  • length 5,898 mm;
  • width 2,352 mm;
  • height 2,393 mm.

The height of the High Cube container is 2,698 mm.

You can buy a 20-foot cargo container at a price of 47 thousand rubles, a 40-foot container from 70 thousand rubles.

Build inexpensive country house from containers is not difficult. Buy one or two blocks. Place two containers side by side or at an angle to each other, such as an "L" or "T", or stacked on top of each other.

The facade will be more complex and interesting if the two containers are moved relative to each other. Or you can move the containers apart, creating a spacious living room with maximum glazing between them.

In one of the blocks there are two bedrooms, and in the other, opposite, there is a kitchen and a bathroom. The entire structure will be combined with a pitched roof, while the height of the ceilings in the living room area will be higher due to the roof slopes.

If your family consists of several generations, and you like to get together at the dacha, then the dacha house can consist of two or three containers installed in a circle, united in the center by a covered terrace where they will take place family dinners and various holidays.

The glazed ceiling in the form of a dome will resemble a tent and will protect from bad weather. Build pergolas between the block containers and plant climbing plants. Vertical gardening will give the entire structure elegance.

Due to the fact that the weight of the containers is only 2.3 - 4.0 tons, the load on the foundation is not great. A columnar foundation is suitable for a container house. By the way, this is the most acceptable option for building a house on heaving soils.

If you plan to live in the house permanently, then the walls must be insulated. Any insulation can be done thermal insulation material(expanded polystyrene, mineral wool, basalt wool, etc.).

If desired, the outer walls are sheathed with siding. Or you can simply paint them with metal paint in a rich, bright or discreet color using a spray gun, or paint the facade.

Interior decoration depends on your taste and preferences. The walls can be covered with plasterboard or clapboard. But avoid dark shades, since the dimensions of the rooms are not large. White color and light pastel shades will visually expand the space.

In order to expand the space, designers often use mirrors in interior decoration. Use already known techniques, create a pleasant, cozy atmosphere of a country home, then your stay at the dacha will be pleasant and desirable.

The design of the container is quite rigid, this allows you to cut windows in the walls where necessary. One of end walls can be made completely glazed.

What else is convenient for a country house made of containers? One of the walls of the box can be folding. When closed, the entire wall glazing of the house protects from vandals, and when folded back it serves as a terrace. The floor of the terrace is covered with boards. On the terrace you can install portable garden furniture and flower pots, which will give it coziness.

Due to the large glass area, your home will seem to merge with the surrounding nature, and the house will be filled with light and fresh air. The terrace can also be attached, covered with a common roof with the house.

At competent finishing, a house made from containers will be difficult to distinguish from a building made from conventional materials if the appearance of cargo boxes is not very pleasant to you.

You can build a fairly large, comfortable house from containers. True, there are not very many such daredevils in our country yet. The mentality of our people makes it difficult to move away from the prevailing stereotypes that a residential building is a solid building made of wood, stone or concrete, although at all times there were “Kulibins” who were not afraid of experiments.

And if you decide to move away from the prevailing stereotypes in the field of house construction, save on construction, and surprise your friends, then this option for a residential building is quite suitable for you. Go for it!

There are times when we don't just catch up with existing design trends, but create new structures that promise a whole new world full of vibrant thinking and creativity. While the traditional concept is being questioned, this option is still not as popular as you might think.

You will see how stylish, elegant and economical effective solutions For housing, designers and architects around the world have come up with amazingly beautiful and modern houses made from containers for transporting goods.

This should encourage more people to take a look at this tempting housing option full of surprises. Our collection contains photos from all over the planet, which have a little something interesting for every lover of residential interior design.

Residential houses designed by Patrick Partush

Let's start our acquaintance with the stunning houses for people to live in, created according to the design of Patrick Partush, which he called Mason.

The two-story building is so extraordinary that when you enter it, you instantly forget that you live in a house built from 8 shipping containers. It is located in France on the banks of the Lille River and occupies 2,240 square feet and cost 221,000 euros to build.

The beautiful interior allows you to experience a light and airy feeling thanks to the use of glass windows from floor to ceiling. However, because the designer left the container doors untouched, you can easily achieve complete privacy when needed.

The original spiral staircase is a metal spiral, created according to a modern and ergonomic design, making the house fabulously beautiful.

The Old Lady's House by Adam Culkin

Despite the name, there's nothing old about this bold and beautiful container building. She is quite famous for producing some amazing structures from containers.

The house is located in California, New Jersey. In it you will experience amazing comfort and will also amaze you natural ventilation, created through the extensive use of glass on one side. There's never a dull moment inside this container home.

Stylish sliding doors, warm lighting, proper use environmentally friendly finishing materials and a calm atmosphere around it - all this together creates comfort and coziness.

"Containers of Hope" by architect Benjamin Garcia Sachs

One of the advantages of this building is the economic benefit. The design was designed to provide an affordable housing option that was accessible to all. Designed from just 2 shipping containers and built in just 1000 square feet, the containers brought fabulous design and interior ergonomics.

With a construction cost of only about $40,000, the home can be used not only as a primary residence, but also as a wonderful vacation spot for the whole family. Large windows Modern minimalist style completes this beautiful container home design located outside of San Jose, Costa Rica.

Crossbox from CG Architects

You won't find anything more delightful, playful and chic on the outside, stylish and sleek on the inside than Crossbox, a home designed by CG Architects.

This French unit is created from 4 shipping containers that are neatly stacked on top of each other, creating a unique look that is unique to the living spaces on the ground floor and the bedrooms on the top.

The interiors have a very traditional, sophisticated look thanks to the use of rich wood tones, beautiful finish walls and beautiful spacious forms. Its simplicity and captivating outline have made it incredibly popular.

Private Cabins at Alterra Beach Resort

We have always believed that container houses are a great option retreat, be it a personal getaway or a recluse's private resort. Alterra Glamping is a relaxing natural resort on Pinamar Beach in Argentina, and architect Clorindo Testa decided to use it as the site for beach huts.

The cabins have been treated to create everything modern items luxury at the request of those who spend their weekends here, hiding from the whole world. The open design ensures that the tranquility and allure of nature always provides an unforgettable experience. The cabins are designed with care.

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