Every year the trend towards living in modern private houses is growing. After all, this is a feeling of freedom, complete independence, a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature, breathe clean and fresh air. When purchasing a house, many of us wonder which building to choose.

Currently one of the most convenient options One-story houses with a terrace are considered to be suitable for living. Such houses combine beautiful appearance, good layout, interesting architectural solutions And comfortable conditions for accommodation.

Features of one-story houses with a terrace

Basic distinctive feature this house can be called presence of a terrace, it gives the house individuality, coziness and additional comfort. The terrace can be used as a summer kitchen, this is a great opportunity to spend time in nature.

  • Very often the terrace is built precisely on the south side where there is more light and warmth. This great solution for winter, but in summer it is recommended to partially cover the terrace using rollers, sliding curtains, and so on.
  • A mandatory point is availability front door onto the terrace, as well as large, beautiful windows.
  • Very often a terrace is placed on the windless side.
  • The foundation of the house and terrace is being built on the same level.
  • For construction one-story house can be used practically with a terrace any building materials.

Types of one-story houses with a terrace

More often similar houses can be of two types: wooden and brick. Wooden houses are perfect for country living. Such buildings are environmentally friendly, have a sufficient level of durability, and have an excellent appearance. The material makes it possible design in an original way terrace, as well as internal and external finishing Houses.

Brick one-story houses, which have a terrace are reliable and durable housing. The terrace, like the entire building, is also made of brick. When creating a layout, you can use a wide variety of complex options, and the terrace goes well with various architectural techniques, in the form of arches, balconies, bay windows, etc.

Alternatively, construction companies offer and frame one-story houses with a terrace. It's quite profitable and economical option. These buildings have excellent technical specifications, ample opportunities for the implementation of architectural ideas.

In addition, one-story houses can be with both open and closed terraces. Open terrace- ideal for summer family gatherings, giving the home a special coziness and warmth. The covered terrace is convenient especially in winter. For fencing, the most various designs made from various materials.

Advantages and disadvantages of houses with a terrace

Of course, houses with a terrace have a lot of advantages, although they also have some minor disadvantages.


  1. Construction of such one-story houses, compared to large buildings takes up much less time and cash.
  2. Ideal accommodation for country living, very looks good on small area. Perfect for people with average incomes.
  3. Size and shape of the terrace you can choose according to your desire and taste. It is possible to combine various materials and styles.
  4. Foundation easy, creates light load on the ground.
  5. Convenience moving around the house.
  6. Terrace - great place for family holidays.
  7. Also a terrace increases area Houses. She will be his worthy decoration, will perfectly complement landscape design.
  8. Excellent alternative to relaxation in nature.
  9. Houses with a terrace have a more aesthetic and cozy view.

Some disadvantages:

  1. Before constructing this building, it is necessary study carefully soil characteristics in order to choose the right option designs.
  2. Building data not very comfortable in the northern regions.
  3. Sometimes not enough space for too large quantity guests.
  4. Terrace without canopy completely depends on the weather, and if the terrace has a canopy, then the canopy sometimes provides shade to the adjacent rooms, especially in winter.

How to choose a project for a one-story house with a terrace

Currently, the popularity of such houses increases Every day they become an integral part of suburban villages. Today there are a wide variety of projects for such buildings - for every taste and budget. It could be like compact, cozy both a small house and a fairly large building with many rooms and a spacious terrace. When creating projects, almost all specialists use an individual approach, taking into account all the wishes of clients, make dreams and ideas come true customers.

Having a small area, it is recommended to choose compact house, in order to do not clutter the area, and leave space for a garden and other additional buildings. For a large plot, you can choose a one-story house of more impressive size. Also, when choosing a project, you need to take into account number of family members, consider how many bedrooms, guest rooms and much more you need to have. In addition, you need to decide with material to build a house, will it be reliable? brick house or an original wooden building that will amaze with its appearance and will last for many decades. By choosing any project, you will definitely get comfortable, practical and cozy housing.

Unusual ideas for a one-story house with a terrace

Modern technologies, interesting and original architectural solutions allow us to implement unusual ideas during the construction of houses.

Standard one-story houses generally have a terrace, which is located under common roof the entire building. To more original ideas can be attributed glazed option, it is perfect for the winter period. Also sometimes they make a completely open terrace, additionally installing umbrellas or awnings. If the house is large, you can implement interesting idea- build two terraces. Some architects offer a terrace with access directly to the garden or to the outdoor pool.

Beautiful house designs with a terrace: catalog, photo

Projects of houses with a terrace are becoming the most popular in 2018. This directory section contains best projects houses with a terrace. They are distinguished by practical and cozy layouts of houses with terraces, solutions that will allow you to build a house with a terrace economically, within budget.

The layout of house projects with a terrace is traditional - the exit to the terrace is located in the living room, but it is possible to place a terrace near other rooms.

House project plans with a terrace: what is the purpose of the terrace?

  • Installing an open terrace will give you unlimited space and is suitable for a private cottage of any type. The excellent level of lighting in the surrounding areas of the house with a terrace will appeal to sun lovers. But the absence of a canopy will make its use dependent on the weather.
  • Author's and standard project country house with a covered terrace, it is convenient for almost year-round use. Canopies protect the terrace from the scorching sun and rain. You can turn such an area into an original veranda or a cozy corner by installing balustrades and installing fences.

Architectural designs of houses with terraces of a closed structure are distinguished by shading of the adjacent premises. If two-story or one-story houses with a terrace (photos, diagrams, preliminary designs, the video can be viewed in this section of the catalog) will be too shaded, it is possible to provide for the installation of a partial canopy.

Layout of houses with a terrace in relation to the cardinal directions

New two-story or one-story residential building with a terrace orientedsouth facing, will give maximum light and warmth to the rooms adjacent to the terrace. But in order to make it comfortable, a removable canopy should be provided, which will reduce the amount of sun rays in the summer heat.

House plans with terrace facing to the west side, good option for those who plan to use it in the afternoon. The setting sun will illuminate it even with a closed structure that can protect the space from strong western winds.

The project of a one-story house with a terrace or a two-story private cottage (sketches, drawings of some of them are posted on the website), the terrace of which is oriented to the east, will provide protection from the scorching sun in the afternoon and the freshness of early breakfasts in the morning rays.

North terrace will create pleasant diffused light and is best suited as a “room” for drawing or activities with children. Therefore, it is important to make it open and overlooking a well-lit garden.

Our house designs are mainly equipped with one or more terraces. We offer clients custom design houses with a terrace at average market prices. If the terrace is supposed to be open, then you can abandon its construction without changing the project, which will reduce the cost of turnkey construction and, in general, will reduce the developer’s cost estimate.

In our project documentation the necessary components for building a terrace are present. You can make a monolithic terrace of any size and shape, which is why we do not indicate the volume of materials for the terrace.

We wish you to choose the most suitable house project with a terrace. Let a barbecue with friends or a secluded holiday bring true pleasure!

When thinking about building our own home, we first of all dream that we will be able to spend a lot of time on fresh air. And so that our desire does not depend on the vagaries of the weather, we are considering the possibility of creating a shelter from them. So when we're talking about about one-story houses - projects with a terrace or veranda are preferred.

Let's see what such houses can look like, how comfortable they are, and how to make a terrace really the most cozy corner country estate.

Our country is big climatic zones many. But even in southern regions Previously, it was rare to find a house with open area for relaxation, which is essentially what a terrace is. This is explained by snowy winters and frequent rainy days, when such a site is of little use, but there is a lot of hassle in cleaning up after precipitation.

Therefore, even now the design of a one-story house with a terrace covered on top will be more popular. And better yet, it should also be protected, at least on the leeward side, by a solid wall or glazing.

But, thanks to the advent of modern constructive solutions, many decide to do so. Let's see what is the difference between indoor and open extension, and what advantages and disadvantages both have.

Houses with covered terraces

Very often, they are immediately designed in such a way that the terrace fits into the general contour of the house and is under the same roof. Options can be different: under the slope, under an elongated wing or under the front part brought forward.

Look at the examples:

If the advantages covered terraces obvious, then it’s worth focusing on the shortcomings.

  • Attach such a terrace to an already existing house It’s quite difficult to do it yourself. At a minimum, you will have to build up and re-roof. As a maximum, build a foundation (see) and connect it to the main one, having first completed everything necessary calculations. It’s easier to immediately choose a project that has everything you need.
  • Moving the roof far beyond the walls and windows significantly affects the natural illumination of the rooms adjacent to the terrace.

Please note. The shortage is especially acute sunlight will be felt if the covered area is located with north side Houses.

Houses with open terraces

Outdoor terraces do not have the disadvantages of indoor ones:

  • They can be installed next to an already built house, without interfering with its design. It is enough to take care of a practical flooring and equip an exit to it from the house. This can be done by redoing regular window into French or replacing it with a door. Of course, you will have to change the geometry of the opening, but this is not such a big problem.
  • They do not shade adjacent rooms, as they do not prevent the free penetration of sunlight into the windows.

But in our latitudes such one-story houses with a terrace are rarely found - the projects still provide for the possibility of protecting the recreation area from precipitation, wind and summer heat.

Today we can afford the most open terrace possible so that on fine days we can enjoy closeness to nature literally without leaving home. If you look closely at the options below, you will understand what we are talking about.

These are awnings different designs, which can be easily deployed and retracted when necessary. These are stationary canopies made of translucent materials. As well as folding and sliding glass partitions.

Advice. No matter how durable and reliable the awning fabric is, it should not be left in working position for the winter. She may not be able to withstand the weight of the snow.

Unfortunately, the price of most of these structures is quite high. But it is comparable to the cost of work and materials for the device main roof above the seating area.

If the house is used only in the summer, then you can do without them. And the function of protection from the sun and rain can be taken over by a large folding umbrella or awning.

Another “country” option, which is often used in southern regions and for houses with permanent residence- This is a combination of a terrace and a pergola.

Orientation by cardinal directions

When ordering or choosing projects of one-story houses with a terrace and a garage, you need to take into account many nuances. First of all, this is the shape, size and topography of the site. But it is equally important to think about where your terrace will “look”.

If it serves as an entrance group in front of the front door of the house, that’s one thing. If it is intended to be the main place for relaxation or work, it is completely different. Here you need to proceed from your preferences.


  • North side– not a good option for gatherings with friends. But diffused light on the terrace throughout the day will allow you to enjoy a relaxing holiday, study or draw.
  • Orientation East suitable for “early risers” who love to greet the sunrise with a cup of coffee in the fresh air. And after lunch, relax in the shade from the scorching sun.
  • Southern terraces- the lightest. Even if they are under the roof of the house, a sufficient amount of light and heat penetrates into the premises.
  • On the west side It's good to sunbathe after lunch. But it is advisable to provide a stationary or removable canopy in case of very hot days.

Several interesting projects of houses with a terrace

It is very convenient when access to the terrace is made from the living room or kitchen-studio combined with the dining room. This increases the area for entertaining guests.

And some people prefer to go out into the air directly from the bedroom. Such projects are now extremely popular.

We have selected several similar options:

  • A one-story house with a terrace is a project in a traditional style. The terrace here is small, combined with the living room, under a common roof. The window on the adjacent wall, as well as the corner glazing of the kitchen open to the living room, allows you not to worry about the lack of sunlight. A successful layout divides the house into day and night zones.
  • One-story house with an L-shaped terrace. Ideal option for a small family. Under the overhangs hipped roof are located and entrance group, and a terrace on a common area. Therefore, you can get to the recreation area both from the house (from the kitchen or living room) and from the street, going around the house from the front door.
  • Pacific style two terrace house. Original project for southern coastal regions with a mild climate. WITH flat roof and access from all living areas to the terrace and garden.

Please note. For snowy regions, the instructions do not recommend installing a flat horizontal roof due to the large snow load on the structure.

  • Project of a one-story house with a terrace and a garage attached to the house. Common wall reduces the cost of construction and makes the structure compact, which is important for small areas. The open terrace is protected from precipitation by the elongated part of the roof slope.

Building - rear view

Building - front view


Any construction begins with design. And the more detailed the layout of the house is thought out, the less costs will be in the future. And there will be less hassle in choosing and arranging a place to relax if the project immediately includes a spacious terrace.

Watch the video in this article and you will probably see that it is much more convenient separately standing gazebo. And the house itself with a terrace looks more attractive and comfortable.

IN lately private buildings are becoming more and more popular, many are trying to build their own house for relaxation from the bustle of the city. The house gives its owner a sense of freedom and independence, because you can admire the surrounding landscape and breathe fresh air. Once the decision has been made that you need to buy or build a house, you need to choose which type of construction will be preferable.

On at the moment the most popular type of private buildings has become cozy one-story house With attached terrace. These houses are not only beautiful in appearance, but also have cozy atmosphere, good layout and maximum convenience for each member of the household. A one-story house is very advantageous in that it is convenient for the movement of children and pensioners, and the terrace will allow big family get together for dining table in the fresh air.

Features of construction

Home distinguishing feature This building has a terrace, which makes the house not only more attractive, but also original and unique. The terrace is used as a summer kitchen or dining area V summer time year. In order for the terrace to be as convenient and advantageous in location as possible, it must be attached to the house with south side, because there is always more warmth and light here. IN winter time year - this is also quite profitable, and in the summer, in case big heat, the terrace can be covered with curtains or curtains.

A house with a terrace should have an additional door for direct exit from the house to the extension; the windows of such a structure should be large and may have an original, bizarre shape. Many people place the extension on the windless side to make it quiet and cozy. Such a house is convenient because it has no restrictions on building materials, and the foundation is built identical to both the house and the extension in the form of a terrace.

Types of one-story houses with an attached terrace

One-story houses with a terrace can be divided into the following types:

  • Wooden house. This option is especially relevant for those who prefer to live far outside the city or in a forest area. Such houses are especially good because they are cozy, durable and environmentally friendly for all living beings. By treating the wood with special antiseptics, you can quickly build a stunning looking and reliable home on for many years. If you finish the house inside and outside, you can get fairy house, and the material itself is very amenable to processing. By cutting out shapes and figures from wood, you can create a unique and cozy terrace.
  • One-story brick house with a terrace. This type of construction is distinguished by its reliability, fundamentality and long period operation. The terrace of such a house is made from similar materials to create a complete picture. The layout and location of the terrace can be chosen depending on individual wishes, but the terrace can be improved with arches or balconies.
  • Frame house. In this case, the eternal is replaced by benefits, savings and speed of construction. Such houses have good technical parameters, allow you not to be limited in your fantasies and their implementation.
  • One-story house with an open terrace. In this case, the type of house is influenced by the type of terrace; if it is open, then it will be warm and cozy here in the summer. Open terrace – perfect place for the family dining area.
  • A house with a closed terrace is convenient at any time of the year, which is especially important in winter. The terrace fencing can be made from absolutely different materials, there are no restrictions here.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before choosing the type of house and giving your preference to a one-story house with a terrace, you need to learn about its advantages and disadvantages.

Positive factors include:

  • Speed ​​of construction and comparative cost savings, since a one-story house is not unduly financially expensive.
  • An ideal option for living outside the city for the whole family. Such a house can be easily located on a small plot; it can be built by people with an average income.
  • There are no restrictions on the choice of terrace, its shape or appearance. Here you can give free rein to your wishes and fantasies, and bring original ideas to life.
  • For the terrace, you can choose your own style and choose materials to match it.
  • Lightweight and inexpensive foundation.
  • It is convenient to move around the house for both small and elderly people.
  • Creating a terrace opens up new opportunities for household members and allows the whole family to relax here.
  • The extension increases the area of ​​the building.
  • Possibility of outdoor recreation.
  • A one-story house with a terrace always has an attractive and aesthetically correct appearance.


  • Before starting construction, you need to study the soil and find out where you can locate the house.
  • This type of house is not suitable for northern regions countries.
  • There may not be enough space if many guests arrive.
  • The terrace is open and its condition depends on the weather.

Original ideas

Modern design ideas and ideas, architectural techniques and modern technologies open to the owner of the property or his customer unlimited possibilities. Thanks to modern materials You can bring to life completely different ideas and ideas, realize any fantasies that can make your home not only original, but also unique.

In the classic case, a one-story house with an attached terrace is placed under one roof, but if you want to make an original and attractive option, you can glaze the terrace, which will be especially relevant in winter period time.

If the terrace is open, you can install umbrellas or a canopy over the entire terrace. In case private house large enough, then you can build two terraces different sides at home you can make them different types- open and closed.

Often the terrace has a direct entrance to the house through the living room or kitchen, establishing sliding doors. In some cases, the terrace can be used as an independent entrance to the building.

In general, a one-story house with an attached terrace is an attractive, successful, cost-effective and visually attractive option that will allow you to relax in the fresh air without leaving the house and your site.

A terrace has long been considered evidence that the owners care about their health and comfort, because without it it is unthinkable to relax in the summer and early autumn, when a simple wooden structure saves you from the sizzling summer heat. The place in the house for the arrangement of a terrace area, its design is chosen for a long time and laid at the stage of designing the frame and foundation of a one-story house.

Recreation area design

There are a great many options and schemes for arranging terraces; in each specific case, the construction of a terrace area included its own advantages and features. The basis most often used is the scheme of a one-story house with a terrace. But in any case, the design of a terrace area always contains a number of required elements:

  • Wooden flooring on a low, light foundation;
  • Fencing and stairs;
  • A canopy or awning that protects vacationers from the sun or rain.

For your information! Open and closed design terraces are distinguished by the presence of side fixed glazing or a blank wall on the north side.

Terraces are not classified based on the presence of a canopy or canopy, since in most cases terraces attached to a house have a removable awning or folding canopy. Terraced areas built into the box of a house sometimes have a frame or a canopy frame on which a fabric awning can be quickly and easily deployed. In the evening or when there is heavy cloudiness, you can refuse to use the awning, turning the area into open option terraces. At the same time, the design does not spoil the beautiful appearance of the building at all.

The basis of the terraced building is a flat platform with boardwalk, raised above the ground on a light trailer foundation. The building is completed after the foundation of the building settles, but it is considered more convenient when a one-story house with a terrace has a common foundation.

This approach allows you to use rafter system houses to arrange a canopy over the terrace, and the walls of the building will protect from slanting rain, midday sun and wind.

How to choose a terrace scheme for a one-story house

Correctly inserting a terraced area into the structure of a one-story house is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. You will need to take into account several basic conditions that affect the layout of a one-story house with a terrace:

  1. Orientation of the terrace area relative to the layout of the house. A place to relax is not always conveniently adjacent to a bedroom or children's room;
  2. Linking the location of the terrace to the movement of the sun in the sky and, accordingly, the illumination of the site in different times days;
  3. Availability in close proximity to the site open water or thickets on soaked ground. In this case, your vacation may be ruined by insects and birds hunting for them, and a veranda is more suitable.

Advice! You should not place the terrace area closer than 3 meters from the entrance to the basement, bathhouse or garage. Smells and dampness can not only ruin your vacation, but also lead to defeat wooden supports and floors by pathogenic microorganisms.

For the same reasons, a terrace built on a stationary foundation of a one-story house can last an order of magnitude longer than any attached options.

Correct orientation of the terrace structure for a one-story house

The built-in terrace should be located in such a way that it is fully illuminated sun rays happened well after noon. Usually in this case, the facade of a one-story house with a terrace during construction is turned to the west-northwest, as in the photo.

As a rule, this is done for small one-story houses, in which most of the surrounding space is covered by trees. Heat and light are enough for deep warming wooden platform, providing a comfortable rest in the evening.

If you orient the “face” of the terrace to the south-east direction, the rest area will heat up to a hot state. During the day you can appear on it only if the site is slightly drafty, and the canopy extends over the outer fence by at least one and a half meters, reliably reflects and dissipates most of the solar heat.

In some cases, as in the photo, when designing the location of the terrace, it is necessary to specially build a roof over the platform in the form of a separate rafter system.

Removing a terrace from the north side of a one-story building makes no sense at all. Firstly, the northern part of the house box is the coldest and dampest. Moss often grows here and wood quickly rots. Even if this part of the walls is blown by the breeze, and excess moisture removed, installing a terrace with a canopy would be a mistake due to the large number of insects. Secondly, a canopy over the terrace area will reduce illumination and turn the wall of the house into a wet pedestal.

Orientation to the east will appeal to lovers of morning tea in the fresh air, when the sun is not yet hot, but there is enough warmth for morning relaxation.

Correct layout of the terrace in a one-story house

In addition to the correct orientation to the sun, you often have to look for a way to correctly link the terrace area to the layout of the rooms inside the building. The correct layout of a simple building can significantly complicate or simplify life.

For example, in some cases, when designing a one-story house, the terrace is specially installed on the most illuminated side. IN one-story house, measuring 9x12 m, with three bedrooms, it would be correct to place the bedrooms on the west wing, with outside Provide a covered terrace area at least 3 m wide for the bedrooms.

In the morning and during the day, the three-bedroom wing is not lit, which allows the room to remain cool in the morning. IN evening time the canopy will allow the low sun to partially warm the bedrooms and ventilate them well. In winter, the low sun will warm up the walls of the room much longer than in summer.

In addition, the terrace area can be closed decorative panels made of polycarbonate, climbing plants, fabric curtains and awnings, which increases sound insulation and prevents penetration into the bedrooms. It's one thing when it's raining under the window, another if rain flows from the roof three to four meters from the window.

For small and medium one-story buildings When planning, it is necessary to take into account the ease of use of the terrace. The most common option for using a terrace area is combining it with the entrance to the house, as in the photo.

It will be very convenient to use the terrace as an outdoor dining area adjacent to summer kitchen. To do this, you will need to plan the kitchen space in close proximity to the terrace area. This option will be very convenient for a 6 by 6 m house.

Another recommendation from experts is to locate the terrace of a one-story house at the maximum distance from the entrance to the site. Firstly, this allows you to use the premises as a summer residence, dining room, activities, children's games and just relaxing in the fresh air, without attracting the attention of passers-by and onlookers.

Individual preferences

In addition to the rational approach to planning the location and shape of the terrace of a one-story house, there is a subjective approach when the owners build a terrace area, first of all, for maximum comfortable rest in the fresh air. Such cases include options for building a terraced area above a pond, or on the bank of a river, or overlooking a beautiful area. Perhaps there is little rational grain in such a decision, but the terrace should bring positive emotions, and this is also the right decision.

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