And in this article we will look at all, all aspects, disassemble cork floors into “chips”, identify the pros and cons, and also show you a photo of such a coating in the interior and voice approximate price.

What is cork flooring and what kind of coating can it be compared to?

Cork flooring can be compared to OSB board, only thinner and more flexible. This covering is made of cork chips, but it is still wood, albeit a rather unusual one.

There is no way to compare it with laminate and linoleum.

But also with wood, because wood is actually a natural covering, but cork flooring is just pressed wood chips with glue. And the base of the cork floor is the same as that of the laminate.

Therefore, there is no point in dreaming that it “breathes”. And what's the difference, really? Before laying any covering, the screed is now coated with two layers of primer. And even though the fabric of the bed, the floor will still not be able to breathe. And he doesn’t need to breathe, there are windows for that...

What are the benefits of cork flooring in the kitchen?

So, where to start our debriefing? Perhaps – from the advantages of this coating. We draw your attention to the fact that we will focus on how the cork floor “behaves” in the kitchen.

1st plus – Waterproof

Many people mistakenly believe that cork flooring is terribly afraid of water because it is porous. But, it's quite the opposite. Water is not particularly dangerous for a cork floor, since the wood itself from which the covering is made absorbs only 20% of 100% of spilled water. Remember the same wine corks: are they completely saturated with liquid? And this despite the fact that they were in a very humid environment for a long time.

That is, if you spill a cup of hot tea on a cork floor, the puddle will remain on the surface for a very long time. It will not be absorbed anywhere, but rather will simply disappear if you don’t wipe it.

Waterproofness of the kitchen floor - big advantage . For example, the same tree is afraid of moisture, which means you can’t wash it too often, or forget about spilled cups of tea. But tea is mere nonsense compared to the flood from above...

Cork flooring, in this regard, “behaves” just fine. Yes, it may swell for a moment, but after a month it dries completely and regains its original shape. As you can see, these facts go against the popular belief that cork is best suited for dry areas in the apartment.

2nd plus – Warmth and softness

Even by wooden floor It's not as pleasant to walk as on a traffic jam. In this regard, nothing can compare with it: it’s like velvet, there’s no other way to put it. And, if you like to walk around the house barefoot, this is what you need.

In addition, it is warm to the touch. Even on cold days, cork flooring is warm, even warmer than wood. And this means, if you have small children who crawl along the floor, then cork covering for them is the best that you can come up with.

3rd plus – Soundproofing properties

Cork flooring perfectly dampens sound. If you have a herd of restless children running around the house, then lay a floor like this and the neighbors will be very happy. Yes, and you too. You can’t hear the stomping or roaring in the house at all... Beauty.

But keep in mind that it dampens impact noise. If you want to use the floor to protect yourself from the screaming tape recorder of your neighbor below, then leave this idea. Music is vibration and your cork floor will vibrate beautifully along with the wall.

4th plus – Resistance to fungal attack

Managers who describe the benefits and wonderful properties of cork floors always mention resistance to fungus. Perhaps this is actually an undeniable plus. But in our memory, there is not a single floor covering that suffered from fungus.

Maybe you know such cases? Write in the comments, we are interested in your opinion...

In general, how much water do you need to pour in order for fungus to form on the floor? And, if it does form (for example, from a micro-leak in pipes), then it will not affect the floor covering, but the entire screed! Both concrete and plaster...

You understand that in this case, the cork floor will not save you. So what if it remains? Tearing it down and re-laying it is almost impossible, contrary to the assurances of the sellers. They say that you can re-lay it five times, nothing will happen to the locks. It will be very possible, it has been checked more than once.

5th plus – Saving dishes

If you often drop cups on the floor, buy a cork floor! This is the absolute truth, dishes practically do not break on it. And given the current prices for plates and other glass utensils, this is a big plus and savings in the long term.

Of course, the thinnest glass goblet will burst. But an ordinary plate and cup will survive.

6th plus – Low static

They say that dust practically does not stick to cork floors. And it's true. It is non-static, therefore there is almost no dust on it. Is this a plus? We don't know. After all, if there is no dust on the floor, then there is dust on other interior items. And, frankly, it’s much easier to wipe dust off the floor with a light movement of a mop than to wipe it with lighting fixtures, decorative elements...

And it’s not visible cork floor dust, he's colorful! But we couldn’t help but add this point to the plus list. If managers say plus, it means plus.

7th plus – Dust and crumbs are almost invisible on it

This is us continuing the previous paragraph. Cork flooring is a lazy person's dream. If the same laminate instantly reveals your laziness, then cork does not.

Crumbs and other small debris are not visible on it. Also, it is much easier to wash than other coatings: there are no streaks on it, which means you don’t have to spend money on “Mr. Proper” and wipe it dry with a microfiber cloth (like glossy ceramic tiles, for example, or laminate).

8th plus - It doesn't slip

This point is quite controversial. There is a difference between cork and cork. Or rather, cork floor covering. Some floors do not slip, and some - very much so, because they are covered with three layers of slippery varnish. That is why the reviews on the Internet are different.

By the way, about non-slip. This medal has reverse side. If the floor really doesn’t slip at all, then this is fraught with worn out socks, torn nylon tights and burns on children’s knees when they brake on it while running... Children are like that, yes. They manage to make their elbows bleed even on carpet, let alone on traffic jams.

What are the disadvantages of cork flooring in the kitchen?

Now let's move on to the most important point - the cons. If you don't take them into account, it will be very annoying...

1st minus – Questionable appearance

Yes, cork floors don't look very good, to put it mildly. Although, maybe you have a different taste and don’t agree with us. But we still think that this floor looks extremely sparse and drab.

There is absolutely no beauty in it. There is no special naturalness or aura in it either.

Although, now things are much better with the design of cork floors than just five years ago. You can find wood-like colors, and something else more interesting than “no” bits of cork.

2nd minus – Price

Cork flooring costs twice as much as laminate flooring. Perhaps this is not a minus, of course. After all, the traffic jam better than laminate and, therefore, it is quite fair that it is more expensive.

But on the other hand, cork is quite a bit cheaper than a good deck board, which is just better than cork. Therefore, think about whether the game is worth the candle.

3rd minus – The need to perfectly level the base of the floor

If there are changes on the floor, your cork floors will come to an end very soon. They will squash, tear and crumble. The screed should be not just perfect, but super-ideal.

You are unlikely to build one yourself and will need to hire craftsmen. On the other hand, there is no big difference in price between the quality of screeds, and the ideal one is needed not only for cork, but also for linoleum, laminate...

4th minus – Burnout

This is a significant minus. If your kitchen is on sunny side, then the cork floor will burn out very quickly. And the difference between the window area and the rest of the room will be simply colossal.

Make sure that no direct lines enter the room sun rays- unnecessary fuss that you will very soon forget about. And as soon as you forget, the floor will slowly and surely burn out.

5th minus – Difficulty in care

Cork flooring is porous, which means it won’t be so easy to clean it of anything colored. For example, if you spilled cherry juice, you will have to get down on your knees and thoroughly scrub the stain, whereas you can run a mop over ceramic tiles and voila...

Also, over time, these micro-slits become clogged with dirt. And the cork floor, periodically, must be thoroughly washed with a brush and hands, otherwise it will look stale and gray.

6th disadvantage – Vulnerability to dents and scratches

This aspect is also controversial and it all depends on the quality of the floor. Some floors are not afraid of pressing and there are no dents left on them even from heavy furniture. And other floors are more delicate (read: cheap) and you will have to put pads on the legs of the table and chairs.

Of course, walking in heels around the kitchen is out of the question. But on the other hand, there’s no point in splashing around the house with your shoes on. Get used to taking off your shoes in the hallway.

7 minus – inability to wash the paint

Some interesting things happen to paint that gets onto a cork floor. For example, we cannot explain this miracle, but it exists.

If hair dye gets on a cork floor, it is not immediately wiped off with anything.

Well, it’s just nothing, it’s absorbed tightly. But a month, two, three passes and the stain begins to gradually disappear and, in the end, is simply neutralized. But for the entire two or three months you admire dark spot, which is impossible to get rid of.

Also, you will not be able to wash away drops of brilliant green, iodine, paint for easter eggs, inscriptions with marker...

8th minus – Inability to get rid of greasy stains

But cork floor grease does not self-destruct, unlike paint. If you don't wipe off the grease often, it will be absorbed and you will never get rid of it.

Of course, you can sand the cork and open it with new varnish. But this is tedious and time-consuming, and the veneer that covers the floor is quite thin and such manipulations have a limit.

About the environmental friendliness of cork flooring

Many people choose cork flooring precisely because of this advantage. It seems to be so environmentally friendly and safe that it’s just a nightmare. But in reality, this is nonsense.

Cork flooring is no better than laminate or linoleum. But a low-quality cork floor is even worse, since the glue used to press it can release harmful substances into the air for a very long time.

Then, cork floor, in mandatory varnished. Is the varnish eco-friendly? And what does the cork have to do with it if you have no contact with it? You breathe fumes from varnish and glue.

Moreover, cork floor base- either the same vinyl or PVC. The layer of cork coating is 2-6 mm (which is very rare, usually 2-3).

Judge for yourself, where does the Mediterranean come from so many forests to provide the whole world with pure cork floors? It's simply unrealistic. Millimeters of this coating go on the veneer, millimeters. And the rest is the most ordinary materials.

Therefore, if your goal is environmental friendliness and complete hypoallergenicity, then laminate is better. It certainly doesn't evaporate anything.

It’s also worth mentioning here shock-absorbing properties, about which sellers sing. It seems like walking on a cork floor is so beneficial for the spine, since you are almost walking on rubber, shock-absorbing, shock-absorbing... This is not true.

Cork flooring is as hard as laminate flooring.

And it doesn’t matter which manufacturer produces this product: there is no cork floor made from just cork.

Is it possible to lay cork flooring on a “warm” floor?

There is a rumor on the Internet that there is no reason to install electric heating under a cork floor, since the cork simply will not let it through. This is nonsense.

Try placing a piece of cork flooring on the radiator and you will understand everything. It conducts heat well. Another question is that there is no particular point in heating it, since it itself is quite warm. Unless you removed the batteries and decided to install them instead underfloor heating, then you can do this.

Which cork floor is best for the kitchen?

There are two types of cork flooring:

  • Rolled (adhesive), which is spread like linoleum and glued directly to the screed;
  • Tile (lock), which is laid, like laminate, on locks.

For the kitchen it is better to take the first option, since it has no gaps.

Over time, the cracks swell from moisture and become clogged with debris... This is not very practical for such a room, as you understand. In general, types of cork floor coverings- more, but now there is no point in disassembling them, we are talking about design.

Differences between cork flooring and other popular coatings

Our review will be incomplete without comparison with other types of flooring. This is the easiest way to understand whether there is a reason to buy a cork floor. Well, let's go.

Which is better: cork or ceramic tiles

Durability: ceramic tiles It lasts a long time if you don’t drop a cast iron casserole on it... But you can drop anything on the cork, even knives. There are no particularly visible scratches and no holes from punctures by something thin either.

As for which coating wears out faster - cork, of course. But it wears off on her protective varnish, which can be simply updated. But the cork tends to crumble from impacts and from being pressed.

In a word, nothing concrete can be said. If you don't drop the tracks, the tiles are more reliable. And it’s even safer to cover the kitchen with asphalt, this will definitely last forever.

Easy to care for: It’s much easier to care for tiles, it’s not even discussed.

Simplicity of flooring: under the “cork” you need to perfectly align the base. But the tiles need to be watered perfectly. If you leave air gaps in the glue or lay the tiles unevenly, they will begin to lag and crack in those places where the “play” has formed. Both leveling and laying are expensive. Therefore, the score here is 1:1.

Warmth: well, here you understand everything yourself. Of course - a traffic jam.

Which is better: cork flooring or linoleum

Durability: cork is much more durable in use, whatever one may say. Although, if you take linoleum for industrial purposes, it will outlive you. But the colors of such linoleum are terrible, so we are talking about household version. But it’s soft, it tears, wears out, and after 10 years it looks like what the hell.

After ten years, cork floors can be refinished with fresh varnish and they will still serve. Due to the fact that they are so pockmarked, the damage on them is not particularly visible.

Easy to care for: It is easier to care for linoleum, since it is completely smooth. But cork is porous and it is necessary to thoroughly wash away the dirt that gets stuck in the microcracks.

Simplicity of flooring: For both coatings you need flat surface. If you spread linoleum on an uneven floor, it will quickly wear off and look disgusting. Every crumb and hole is visible under the linoleum.

Warmth: Both coatings are warm, but walking on the latter is 10 times more pleasant. Linoleum feels like oilcloth to the touch, and cork feels like wood.

Which is better: cork or laminate?

Durability: Laminate and cork last about the same. But laminate tends to swell at the joints, which is why it appearance spoils. Cork, especially adhesive one, looks much better.

Easy to care for: laminate is easier to clean, since there are no pores in which dirt gets clogged. But you have to wipe it dry after washing, since the stains are too visible.

Simplicity of flooring: It’s easy to lay both. The main thing is to prepare the surface well, and installation is the next step.

Warmth: Both of these floorings are warm, but laminate is not as pleasant to the touch. Plus, it's very noisy.

Which is better: wooden flooring or cork flooring?

Durability: wood is much more durable, especially if we are talking not about parquet, but about deck boards. And it’s easier to restore a wooden floor than a cork-veneered floor.

Easy to care for: caring for wood is easier, despite the fact that it periodically needs to be rubbed with mastic.

Simplicity of flooring: there is no need to level the floor to match the wood and this is a plus. But it needs to be laid perfectly evenly on the joists and this is a minus: professionals are needed here.

Warmth: it's the same warm coverings. But judging by the reviews of the owners, the feeling of a cork floor is that it is warmer.

Conclusion: We told you everything and even more about cork floors, their pros and cons, showed photos and indicated the approximate price for 1 square meter. Now think for yourself, decide for yourself what is better to choose when doing repairs.

Cork - what kind of material is it? Everyone knows that it is used for clogging wine bottles, for making winter fishing rods with your own hands, in shoe production. However, little is known about cork as a building material. Cork covering is new in the field finishing flooring, about which controversy continues, since the material is exotic and by no means cheap. What are the pros and cons of cork flooring? Why is this coating better than laminate? Is it applicable in your kitchen and bathroom?

Cork is the bark of the cork oak tree, which grows in Mediterranean countries with a warm and humid climate. The most extensive plantations of such oak are located in Spain and Portugal, therefore these countries are world leaders in the field of cork processing and production from it building materials. The tree is also grown in Asian countries, but due to climatic conditions different from the Mediterranean, the quality of, for example, Chinese cork is worse.

Cork floors are divided into three types:

  1. Adhesive;
  2. Castle;
  3. Technical.

Floors that require an adhesive base are completely natural. They are solid pressed panels different sizes(30x30, 45x15, 45x45, 60x30), their thickness ranges from 4 to 6 mm. Two-layer tiles:

  • Bottom – pressed cork chips,
  • The top is high grade veneer.

Cork covering of this type in high degree moisture resistant, tolerates temperature fluctuations due to impregnation special composition. As a rule, adhesive cork floors are used in the hallway, bathroom, toilet, balcony and kitchen.

This type of coating provides creative space for designers. Using a cork different shades, you can apply any mosaic to the floor and thereby create a completely unique finish.

Laying the floor requires a carefully prepared base. It should be smooth and free of debris. The panels do not require a backing and are attached with regular universal adhesive.

Castle floors are called cork laminate. This is a multi-layer material in which there is agglomerate on the bottom (cork covering made of compressed chips), MDF in the middle, and cork veneer or several more layers of agglomerate on top. The total thickness of the slab can reach 12 mm, dimensions – 90x18.5 cm.

Like regular laminate, cork flooring is equipped with locks, which greatly simplifies the installation process. No adhesive base or sealants are required, only a 2-3 mm backing. After the floor is laid, it is coated with several layers of varnish. As a rule, cork flooring manufacturers recommend the compositions that are best to use.

Technical cork floors are not used for finishing floors, since they are nothing more than remnants of production. Technical coverage made from cork is produced in plates, rolls or granules. Their main purpose is to fill defects in the base or serve as a backing for laminate flooring.

Benefits of cork

Even though the cork floor more expensive than linoleum and laminate, the material is very beneficial. To appreciate its attractiveness, it is necessary to consider the advantages and disadvantages of cork flooring.

  • Cork is absolutely environmentally friendly. Not only the material is natural, but also the method of its extraction; the wood does not suffer.
  • The coating is antistatic. Thanks to this, the surface does not attract dust, which is very important in the kitchen, as well as for small children and people with allergies.
  • Safe for human health. Doesn't highlight harmful substances when heated.
  • Prevents the formation of mold and mildew, which is a fairly common problem in the bathroom.
  • Has good sound insulation. It insulates noise not only on the floor, but also when used on walls and ceilings. Even in recording studios they use cork material. If something falls on a cork floor, there will be no crash.
  • The cork floor is pleasant to walk on barefoot. It is very soft and holds heat well. There is no need to install a “warm floor” system under such a coating.
  • Useful for people with musculoskeletal problems. Judging by the reviews, the elastic cork floor springs when walking, reducing the load on the body. And the lack of slipping will be indispensable for older people.
  • Cork flooring is easy to install. The principle of installing the coating is the same as that of laminate with locks. Adhesive boards do not require special skills or tools.

The technology of laying cork on the floor is accessible to anyone home handyman
  • Easy to care for. The surface can be vacuumed and wiped with a damp cloth. Solvents and hard surface cleaning materials should be avoided.
  • Strength and durability. The honeycomb surface structure reduces friction and reduces external impact. A cork floor will last about 10 years;
  • The interlocking cork floor can be used immediately after installation. But to be on the safe side, it is recommended to impregnate the surface with a special protective substance.
  • The ability to create any patterns on the floor, even consisting of several colors.
  • Possibility to free yourself from skirting boards and thresholds. You can create a monolithic floor or tightly attach it to a covering made of another material.
  • There is no need to leave gaps between the covering and the wall.
  • There is a choice of surface gloss levels. The adhesive plug requires a final varnish, which can be either matte or glossy.
  • It tolerates temperature changes well, which cannot be said about laminate. Therefore it is suitable for cottages and balconies.

The honeycomb surface structure will help avoid slipping in wet areas

Disadvantages of coverage

Despite its many advantages, cork flooring is not without its disadvantages, including:

  • Quite a high price. Adhesive cork flooring is more expensive than ready-made interlocking flooring. But due to simple installation, the resulting cost is much lower than that of parquet.
  • Low moisture resistance. But this disadvantage is eliminated with the help of additional wax impregnation.
  • Critical disadvantage - flammability and vulnerability to external influences. Under heavy furniture, the cork bends, leaving marks from the furniture legs. Therefore, it is recommended to install gaskets in such places that will reduce the load on the floor.
  • Adhesive cork flooring, unlike laminate, is quite difficult to install with your own hands. Required.

  • You cannot immediately walk on an adhesive cork floor or place furniture. The floor can be used within 24 hours, as long as the varnish is completely dry.
  • Cork does not tolerate direct sunlight well. With long and intense sunlight natural decorative elements fade over time.
  • Difficult to dismantle the adhesive coating. If the slabs are glued to the screed, it will be difficult to tear them off because very strong glue is used.

Cork flooring is an environmentally friendly and practical floor covering made from natural wood and cork oak bark. Find out more about the production, types, advantages and disadvantages of cork floors to make the right choice!

Production Features

Cork flooring is made by pressing the bark of the cork oak tree. These amazing trees, living up to 200-230 years, grow in only 7 Mediterranean countries, more than 50% in Portugal. Such a narrow distribution is due to special climatic conditions, necessary for the full growth of oak.

To obtain high-quality cork, the bark of the third cut is taken - from trees approximately 40 years old. Remove bark in summer: experienced workers use special tools and techniques that do not damage the tree. Recovery takes about 10 years - with proper care behind the oak tree.

The removed cork dries on the plantations for six months, after which it is transported to the factory, where it is dried in special chambers for another 6 months. The dried material is supplied to production lines for manufacturing various types cork floor coverings.

Pros and cons of cork flooring

The main advantages of cork flooring:

Among the shortcomings there are enough high price cork floor, as well as low efficiency in combination with systems heated floors- due to the natural insulating properties of the bark. In addition, cork parquet boards are resistant to pinpoint dents and cuts. When installing furniture, it is recommended to make supports for the legs.

Types of natural cork flooring

Interlocking floors

Cork laminate has simple technology installation: glueless ones are used locking connections. Multilayer structure with MDF or HDF board and top protective layer varnish applied at the factory.

Advantages of floating cork flooring:

  • operational installation;
  • use immediately after installation;
  • possibility of dismantling;
  • no additional installation costs;
  • You don't need a perfectly level subfloor.

The cost of interlocking cork floors is slightly higher than glued ones. In addition, the coatings are less moisture resistant: use in dry rooms without temperature changes is recommended. For living rooms- living room, bedroom, children's room, as well as for offices with average traffic, a floating cork floor is ideal. For you, we have put together an excellent selection of locking plugs from the best manufacturers!

Glue plug

Classic cork is glued to the floor with contact glue, and after drying it is covered with several layers of varnish. The method of installing the adhesive plug requires professional skills and experience.

Pros of glue cork:

  • moisture resistance;
  • the material is combined with other coatings;
  • installation without thresholds;
  • the scope of application is unlimited;
  • cut is allowed.

Adhesive parquet is used for wet rooms and is also indispensable for country houses, office and commercial facilities with moderate traffic. In our company's catalog you will find a huge range of high-quality cork parquet at competitive prices!


Technical cork is used as a heat and sound insulating substrate for laminate, parquet boards and other floor coverings. As a rule, it is made from cork agglomerate and produced in rolls.

Design solutions

The coating has a special texture, characteristic only of the structure of evergreen oak bark. Additionally, it is possible to apply a chamfer - on 2 or 4 sides.

However, manufacturers from Switzerland and Portugal went even further: photo-printed cork appeared on the building materials market. Thanks to the use of modern digital printing achieved high resolution images and color rendering. We offer exclusive cork floors with photo printing to resemble wood or tiles from Corkstyle, Corksribas, Granorte Vita, Egger, Wicanders!

In our salon you can also order professional installation of cork flooring in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Choose adhesive and interlocking cork flooring, with natural veneer or photo printing in the specialized online store Cork-24. There are specialists working for you who will select best option flooring, will give all the necessary consultations, arrange delivery in Moscow and to the regions of Russia.

When choosing a floor covering, it is important to consider not only its beauty, but also wear resistance, durability, and ease of maintenance. It’s good if the floor is warm and pleasant to the touch. It is also important to consider its heat and sound insulation capabilities. Cork flooring meets many of the requirements for flooring. Cork has many advantages, but it is also not without its disadvantages. With proper care and selection of cork covering, taking into account the characteristics of the room, the floor will last for decades. We will list the pros and cons of cork flooring, its types and care features.

Application area of ​​cork covering

The cork production process is as follows:

  • First, the bark is removed from the cork tree;
  • then it is crushed to a crumb state;
  • raw materials are mixed with synthetic thermoactive resins;
  • the mass is pressed into sheets 0.6 cm thick;
  • tiles are cut from them (it can be square or in the form of rectangular panels like parquet).

Also on sale are rolled cork material, which is used when laying some floor coverings, and cork laminate. Cork flooring is used as an independent flooring product ( we're talking about about the locking and adhesive varieties of tiles), so as the basis for laying parquet boards, laminate, solid boards.

Important! Cork substrates and tile products made from cork are successfully used when finishing the walls and ceilings of a room, since they have excellent soundproofing abilities.

Pros and cons

Cork flooring has the following advantages:

  1. The surface is resilient and elastic, making it pleasant to walk on.
  2. The floor is warm, does not conduct heat well and absorbs sounds well.
  3. Surface made of natural material pleasant to the touch, so it is pleasant to walk on it barefoot. Cork is ideal for children's rooms.
  4. Another advantage of cork is that the surface is easy to care for (varnishing makes care much easier). It is not electrified and does not collect dust or dirt.
  5. The coating looks original in an interior decorated in eco-style or retro style.
  6. If you are looking for a floor covering that is comfortable for your feet, cork is ideal.

Floor cork has certain disadvantages:

  1. One of the disadvantages is the high cost. If you decide to choose cork flooring, the price per square starts from $11-13. For a craftsman to lay a cork floor with glue, the price per m2 is $4.8.
  2. In rooms with high traffic and loads on the surface, you should not lay a cork floor; its disadvantages are associated with low resistance to mechanical damage. The varnish coating helps to slightly compensate for this shortcoming.

Types of plugs by connection method

Depending on the connection method individual elements There are two ways to create cork flooring: glue and lock. Let's look at the characteristics of each of them.


Elements with a lock are very reminiscent of laminate in their structure and type of connection. That's why they are often called cork laminates. After installation, the coating is not connected to the base, since it is not glued to it. Also, the surface does not need to apply a finishing layer, since it is already applied at the factory. Usually this is a layer of PVC or varnish.


Adhesive tiles do not have locks and are laid joint to joint. There are products that require preliminary application of glue to the base and tiles, and elements that have an adhesive layer applied at the factory. In the latter case, before laying you just need to remove the protective paper from the adhesive layer and attach the tile to the base.

This covering consists of cork veneer glued to a layer of pressed cork. The material, after installation, is firmly bound to the base and needs to be applied protective coating(usually varnish, oil or wax).

Standard sizes and characteristics of coatings

Characteristics of cork coating:

  1. Due to the high content of suberin in the composition of the material, it smoothes out minor unevenness of the base well.
  2. Cork thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.04 W/mK (this is even lower than that of expanded polystyrene). Due to gas saturation and a large number The material has high thermal insulation abilities.
  3. Plate 2 mm thick dampens noise with intensity within 16-20 dB. This is achieved due to the large number of pores.
  4. The material does not accumulate static electricity, therefore the floor surface is antistatic.
  5. Rough, pleasant-to-touch cork does not slip at all, which is very convenient for a home with small children.
  6. Cork is not susceptible to damage by bacteria and fungi. It does not collect mites and dust, so it is suitable for allergy sufferers.

The size of the cork cover differs depending on its type. So, on sale you can find square elements with a side of up to 30 cm and rectangular panels maximum length 1.2 m and a minimum width of 180 mm. The thickness of the elements usually ranges from 3.6-5 mm.

How to choose the right coating for the type of room?

To choose a quality cork, use our recommendations:

  1. The highest quality cork coverings are made in Portugal, so pay attention to the manufacturer. Also in great demand Polish, Chinese and Spanish products are used.
  2. A quality product with good packaging.
  3. Be sure to check the geometry of the slabs. To do this, fold two products from different packs. If they fit tightly without gaps, then the product is of high quality.
  4. The back side of the panel should be uniform. The presence of various inclusions indicates the addition of waste during the production process.
  5. Be sure to consider the purpose of the room, the style of the interior and the degree of load on the floor.

Caring for cork floors

Proper cork care is quite simple:

  • the surface can be vacuumed and washed;
  • at heavily polluted allowed to use detergents, but only without abrasive inclusions;
  • do not use hard steel brushes or other abrasive devices for cleaning;
  • surface with vinyl covering needs periodic application of mastic (usually this is done once every two years);
  • It is better not to walk on such a floor in rubber shoes, so as not to leave marks;
  • Do not place rubber mats on the cork;
  • To protect against scratches, furniture legs are covered with special pads.

If the cork floor is laid in compliance with the technology and adheres to all recommendations for surface care, then the coating will last for many years while maintaining all technical characteristics.

Cork floors are classified according to intensity of use according to European standards EN:

Class 21 - moderate domestic use (for domestic premises with low and irregular traffic, for example: bedrooms);

Class 22 - average household use (for domestic premises with average traffic, for example: living rooms, halls, children's rooms for quiet children);

Class 23 - intensive domestic use (for domestic premises with high traffic, for example: kitchens, dining rooms, hallways, corridors, children's rooms for active children);

Class 31 - commercial moderate use (for public/commercial premises with low and irregular traffic, for example: small offices, hotel bedrooms, conference rooms);

Class 32 - commercial medium use (for public/commercial premises with medium traffic, for example: classrooms, small offices, hotels, boutiques);

41 class - industrial moderate use (for industrial premises with low and irregular traffic, for example: production areas of precision engineering, where people work mainly while sitting and rarely use their lungs vehicles).

The higher the class of cork flooring, the higher its price.

Properties of cork floor

Cork flooring has low thermal conductivity - at the level the best insulation materials, so it is always warm. The cork muffles footsteps and sounds well, which means you won’t hear your neighbors below, just like they won’t hear you.

An adhesive cork floor has a higher moisture resistance than a castle floor, which can leak at the joints. Additionally, locks are protected with wax at the factory or with a special sealant during installation.

The cork floor is springy underfoot, making it pleasant to walk on barefoot. Thanks to its natural elasticity, cork is easily restored after deformation.

Cork does not absorb odors, does not attract dust, does not become electrified, does not rot, and does not support combustion.


The top layer of cork flooring consists of cork oak bark veneer. The pattern of each cork floor panel is unique and never repeated. The larger the plates, the higher the price. Panels made from pressed cork chip veneer are much cheaper and do not look as beautiful, but this does not affect the performance characteristics floor.

Cork flooring can be tinted in production to dark or light colors, which makes cork flooring more sophisticated, but increases the price. Tinted floors require more careful handling during transportation, installation and operation, since only top layer, and when it is damaged, the lower unpainted layer becomes visible. On a cork floor without tinting, minor damage is almost invisible.

Photo printing can be applied to the top layer of cork flooring. The pattern can be anything, but as a rule it is an imitation of the structure of a tree. Photo printing is chosen by those buyers who do not like the natural randomness of the design natural cork and I want to have a classic wooden floor with all the advantages of a cork floor. Cork floors with photo printing, just like painted ones, require more careful handling.


Standard size interlocking cork floor panels - 905x295 mm. Other forms of panels are less common, for example, more “square” (605x445 mm) or more elongated (1220x140 mm). The thickness of the panels ranges from 10 to 15 mm.

Adhesive cork flooring usually has plate sizes of 900x300x4 mm and 915x305x6 mm, but there are other options.

Thicker panels are more expensive, but provide better thermal and sound insulation and are more durable.


The edge of the cork floor board may have bevels - chamfers. Bevels come in different sizes and shapes and are located on two or all four sides of the panel. Beveled cork flooring costs more because it is more difficult to manufacture. The presence of chamfers makes the floor more textured and the joints less noticeable.

Varnish coating

The cork floor is coated with a special varnish for additional protection from damage. Varnishes for cork come in water based, polyurethane, alkyd, etc. The range of properties of such varnishes is very wide and depends on the additives and technologies used in the production of the product.

Panels of modern cork floors from well-known world brands are usually coated with a durable protective varnish during production and do not require additional treatment after installation. If the protective varnish was not applied to the cork panels by the manufacturer, then this will definitely have to be done. Applying varnish to an installed cork floor is a rather complex and time-consuming process.

Additional terms

To lay interlocking cork flooring, you will need a waterproofing and sound-absorbing underlay. In many cork floor collections, the sound-absorbing underlay is already glued to the bottom of the panel during production, in this case only a waterproofing underlay is needed.
The installation kit for interlocking floor coverings will facilitate the installation of interlocking cork flooring and will help to correctly create technological gaps.

IN doorways, premises non-standard shape and on large areas For the castle floor, it is necessary to leave compensation gaps, covering them with special thresholds. Thresholds are selected to match the color of the floor and correct installation almost invisible.

Technological gaps near the walls are closed with skirting boards. The width of the plinth is selected taking into account the size of the gaps.
The gaps around the heating pipes are sealed with special rosettes in the color of the floor.

Cork flooring does not require special care. Regular dry vacuuming and periodic wet cleaning and felt pads for furniture legs. If necessary, you can use special means for washing, cleaning, protecting and maintaining cork flooring.

Help article based on expert opinion author.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):