Telephone consultation

For free

Our managers will conduct a consultation over the phone, answer all questions, find out your wishes and agree convenient time for a visit by a process estimator to the site.

The conversation time is not limited, you can ask any questions you are interested in and receive comprehensive advice, even if you do not sign up for a measurement right now. We know that you will return to us.


Departure of the estimator-technologist to the site

30-60 minutes

For free

A qualified estimator-technologist will carry out all the necessary measurements, perform calculations, assess the possibility of realizing your ideas and give useful advice. practical recommendations. Departure for measurements and preparation of estimates is always for free.

Will come for measurement professional builder , not a sales manager. This guarantees you an accurate estimate and sufficient time to make a decision. We will not put pressure on you, we are confident in our prices and quality of work and we know that our offer will be competitive.


Drawing up and signing an agreement

For free

Signing the contract: the contract specifies all the duties and responsibilities of the contractor to the customer, warranty obligations, and fixed start and end dates repair work. Your interests are protected legally.

Signing the estimate: we fix it final cost for all work according to the estimate. We guarantee that the estimate will remain unchanged until the very end.

Signing a work calendar plan: the calendar plan fixes the timing of all work according to the estimate, the date of delivery of rough and finishing materials to the site, the timing of work performed by third parties - installation of windows, air conditioners, entrance doors. The entire repair process is under your control.


Check-in at the site

No later than 5 days from the date of signing the contract

For free

The project manager who will accompany you during the renovation will introduce you to the foreman and the team that will work at your site. We will meet at the site and agree on all the points again to make sure there is complete mutual understanding.

We will deliver all the tools necessary for work to your site. Our craftsmen are working only with professional certified tools.


Dismantling works

Savings up to RUB 50,000.

Our technicians will perform dismantling without damage. load-bearing structures, will pack everything themselves construction waste and prepare it for disposal. We care about the environment Therefore, we use specialized services for disposal and never throw garbage into the street. We order a container, the garbage is taken out during the day - quickly, conveniently, no problems with neighbors and management company.

After dismantling, the foreman will calculate an estimate for rough materials, We recommend purchasing materials from us- we work with manufacturers directly and offer favorable prices, we deliver and lift ourselves, on average savings will be up to 50,000 rubles.


Rough finish

Daily photo report on the progress of work - free

We are strict about compliance with all building codes and repair technologies, we work in accordance with European standards quality of construction and finishing works ISO, EN, DIN. For each type of work, our staff has separate qualified specialists, for example, electrical work Only specialists who have permission to perform this type of work are engaged.

After roughing, electrical, plumbing work will be completed, we are assessing the quality of work with the involvement of technical director company and only after that we hand over the intermediate result of the work to you. This allows you to quickly eliminate possible shortcomings and maintain stable high quality works



Discounts up to 20% on finishing materials from our partners

We are reaching the finish line - the apartment is gradually taking on the shape of your future cozy home. Besides finishing premises, at your request, we will install air conditioners, replace PVC windows, heating radiators, install suspended ceilings. Before we begin work on installing furniture and other cleaning equipment, we will perform a general cleaning.

The wear resistance of cork has always raised some doubts. On the surface of such a floor there may be dents and scratches from heels, furniture and other household items. Therefore, if one day it begins to need repairs, there is nothing to be surprised about.

However, for modern cork material it's not a problem. Since in most cases the cork is laid using the “floating” coating technology, you won’t have to worry about repairing the cork floor. If one of the slabs has become unusable over time (cracked, warped or covered with noticeable scratches), it is replaced in the same way as interlocking laminate.

To do this, you need to cut it out with a grinder without touching it. connecting elements. Dust, cork and glue residues are cleaned from the resulting opening. After this, both surfaces to be glued (both the floor and the new tile) are treated with latex-acrylic glue. Then the tile is laid in place and pressed with a weight. She will have to spend at least 48 hours in this position.

After the glue has completely set, the tiles are sanded and primed twice. At least 4 hours must pass between the first and subsequent primers. As soon as the material dries, it is subjected to finishing. For these purposes, both regular varnish and hard wax can be used. The choice is made depending on what exactly the entire floor covering is treated with.

Important: using hard wax requires further polishing of the surface. If the floor is varnished, polishing is not necessary.

The above option is suitable in cases where there are tiles of a suitable shade in stock. If there is none left, you can simply swap one segment with another, laying the tile with the flaw in an inconspicuous area (under a sofa or closet).

To repair cork floors with minor defects, you can purchase a special kit for this type floor coverings. Sometimes a similar set for parquet may be suitable. As a rule, it contains products for removing stubborn stains and smoothing out minor scratches.

During use, cork flooring can gradually wear out. This is facilitated by various mechanical influences: moving furniture, walking on surfaces in heels and hard soles. As a result, the pattern or texture becomes less pronounced and the original shade fades.

It is not difficult to cope with this problem - you just need to update protective layer surfaces. If the cork has previously been varnished, it is treated with polyurethane. To do this, you must first scrape off old layer manually or using a sander and remove all dirt and dust from the base. Subsequently, polyurethane is applied to the floor in two layers. During the drying period (about two days), it is necessary to limit walking on the coating.

If the cork was treated with hard wax, the technology will be slightly different. As in the first case, you should first remove the old protective layer by sanding the tiles. After this, apply wax in one layer. After it dries, the coating is polished again.


After this, you need to take a new board, plan the protruding parts of the lock on it and glue it in place of the old one. Then to the bar...

To improve the adhesion of 3D floors to the surface, the base is primed. This must be done manually - using a spatula, roller...

  1. Adhesive installation method
  2. Installation using the tongue-and-groove method

Cork flooring is chosen by connoisseurs of natural materials. There are two ways to install it: glue and tongue and groove.

The adhesive method is used when using natural cork, produced in the form of thick sheets. The tongue and groove is used during installation cork laminate, who has top layer cork acts as a base, and NDF boards are used as a base, similar to laminate.

Preparation before installation work

Have you decided how to install your cork floor? In fact, at the preparation stage it doesn’t matter; the preparation of the base is carried out the same way. The base must be perfectly level and smooth. The better the floor is prepared, the longer the service life of the cork covering will be. Leveling the floor is carried out using beacons. The base is leveled using self-leveling mixtures. This process should be approached with full responsibility.

Pay attention! A varnished cork floor will subsequently reveal the slightest irregularities.

The leveling mixture must dry completely. Otherwise, mold will appear under the floor covering. Based on this, to preparatory work It is worth starting in advance, about 3 weeks before the start of laying the cork.

Adhesive installation method

To install cork with glue, you will need the following tools:

  • roulette;
  • square ruler;
  • pencil;
  • notched spatula;
  • rubber mallet;
  • roller and container for applying varnish.

Stages of work

  1. Dust and prime the floor.
  2. After waiting for the primer layer to dry, apply markings.
  3. Draw one line in the middle parallel to the wall and mark the center on it.
  4. Start laying from a wall along which there is no furniture. In this case, there should be a gap of 5-10 mm between the cork and the wall.
  5. A couple of days before installation work It is necessary to remove the cork from the packaging and leave it in the room where installation is planned for acclimatization.

Laying the cork in a run-up

  1. Move the slabs halfway, imitating brickwork.
  2. Start laying the material from the wall and insert a piece of slab at the end, and start the next row with the remaining piece. In this case, the amount of waste is minimized.

Laying tiles using the adhesive method

Apply adhesive to the base in an even layer and place the first tile, pressing it firmly. The area of ​​the applied adhesive should exceed the size of one tile, so that when laying the next one, you will not stain the already laid one. Then apply adhesive to the next section and secure the second tile.

If there is no chamfer on the edges, difficulties may arise at the joints. To fix this, take a rubber mallet and hammer in the protruding edge. The entire surface is covered in the same way.

Final row

Pay attention! When laying last row You will most likely have to trim the material using a sharp knife and ruler. Do not break the material, but run the knife several times.

Laying technology may vary depending on the adhesive chosen. For example, polymer-based adhesive is applied directly to the material rather than the floor. To avoid unforeseen situations, carefully read the instructions before use.

Last stage

As soon as the cork coating has dried, a layer of varnish is applied to it.

Pay attention! Acrylic varnish is especially good in combination with a cork coating. water based, which is odorless and harmless.

Before work, the floor is dust-free and all window and door openings are covered. Each speck will be very noticeable under a layer of varnish. If you have an unvarnished cork from the manufacturer, you will need to apply at least three coats of varnish.


Installation using the tongue-and-groove method

This method is much easier and for it you need the following tools:

  1. Electric jigsaw.
  2. Roulette.
  3. Square ruler.
  4. Pencil.
  5. Backing cutter.

Cork laminated coating Installed in the same way as conventional laminate. The base is cleaned of dust and then laid cork backing, the joints of which are treated with tape, and the installation process begins.

from 450 RUR/m2

Free price calculation

Repairing parquet is much more profitable than replacing it! Parquet restoration involves local replacement of damaged elements, complete sanding of the wooden floor surface and subsequent application protective layers varnish or oil. Restoration can eliminate the most common defects and wear of wooden flooring, for example parquet: swollen after flooding, scratched, rotted, cracks appearing. The cost of repairing old parquet is determined individually, after free departure technologist A specialist will assess the damage to the parquet floor and the required amount of repair work. Call us! We are ready to undertake the repair of wooden floors of any condition. You will be surprised at the condition in which you can cycle parquet and get the perfect result.

    • potholes and scratches;
    • bloating after flooding;
    • cracks;
    • creak;
    • heavy wear.
    • Depends on the type of parquet restoration. On average, the work takes from 1 hour to several days (check by phone)
    • -10% for educational institutions

Restoring parquet after flooding

If there has been flooding in the room, as a result of mechanical stress the parquet expands, warping and twisting of the parquet blocks occurs. Even when coated with varnish or oil, it quickly absorbs moisture, which renders the parquet tiles completely unusable. After complete drying, the parquet can return to its original state if a sufficiently small amount of moisture has been absorbed. If the parquet, after drying, swells in some places and is completely damaged, you will have to replace the dies or re-lay the parquet covering. The cost of restoring parquet after flooding with water is higher than other prices for parquet repair because... re-sorting the floor and replacing damaged areas of parquet is a labor-intensive process. In order to restore parquet after flooding, be sure to contact the professionals of the Parquet Service company.

Scope of repair work:

  • dismantling and replacing damaged dies with new parts;
  • scraping the parquet in order to align the new boards in color and height with the old dies;
  • tinting - will help improve appearance parquet;
  • applying a protective layer of oil or varnish.

Restoring scratches in varnish or wood

The most common damage to parquet flooring is scratches. They occur from falling heavy objects, when rearranging furniture, from careless children playing or from the claws of pets. As a result, the varnish coating or wood of the dies is damaged. Repairing a wooden parquet floor in these cases differs in budget and duration. Restoring parquet with such damage is a fairly common job for a qualified specialist. After inspection, the technician makes a conclusion about the extent of damage and rational method their elimination. There are several options for restoring parquet: for single, minor, superficial scratches, you will need a special putty, which is matched to the color of the parquet. After it has completely dried, sanding is carried out, followed by painting with varnish or oil; if abrasions and scratches are present in large quantities and are deep enough, scrape the dies until the relief is completely leveled. After which the parquet is primed, tinted if necessary and always protected with varnish or oil.

Scope of repair work:

  • replacement of individual parquet boards (in case of serious damage)
  • puttying
  • parquet sanding
  • varnish coating

Repairing cracks in parquet

The cause of wood drying out and cracks appearing is a change in humidity in the room or a violation of the technology during installation parquet board. To ensure that there are no gaps between the parquet tiles, it is necessary to maintain optimal humidity indoors. Especially in winter time when the air becomes drier due to the operation of the heating system. To do this, it is recommended to purchase an air humidifier. To calculate the cost of parquet repair, an inspection is required. parquet flooring an experienced specialist who can give an accurate assessment of the extent of damage and methods for eliminating it. If the damage is minor, you can cosmetic repairs parquet If the gaps between the dies are 3 mm or more, restoration of the parquet is carried out.

Scope of repair work:

  • deepening and leveling the gap, thoroughly removing debris;
  • selection of wooden inserts according to the size of the gap;
  • insert processing special composition and placement in the recess
  • filling the remaining space around the insert;
  • sanding after the putty has dried;
  • covering the floor with varnish or oil.

Repairing squeaky parquet

It often happens that when walking on parquet floors, an unpleasant, irritating squeak appears. The reasons for parquet creaking can be caused by the unevenness of the base on which the parquet floor was laid; friction of dies on fastening screws; rubbing parquet boards against each other or pushing them against walls. After a specialist has identified the source of the squeak, you can begin repairing the parquet. If the reason is that the parquet is peeling off from the base, the only solution to the problem is to completely re-lay it, having first leveled the subfloor. If the problem is in the quality of the fastening system, it is necessary to identify and eliminate local faults. If the dies are laid too tightly, you should determine the friction points, remove the boards and process them until the right size. In any case, implementation will be required full cycle activities including puttying, sanding and applying varnish or oil to final stage. Prices for parquet repair and restoration depend on the area and complexity of the work.

The scope of repair work is determined after identifying the cause of the creaking

Restoring cork flooring

Cork is one of the types of natural materials used for flooring. It is made from the bark of the cork oak tree. Despite their positive characteristics Like any flooring, cork wears out over time and develops dents and scratches. The owner is faced with the question of how to update it. Cannot be used for sanding cork floors. grinding machines, used to restore parquet. They are too heavy and cork is softer than wood. To sand cork material, belt or vibrating grinders are used. Such a delicate matter must be entrusted to a professional, because he knows better all the nuances of working with such capricious material. The cost of reconstructing cork flooring, as well as the price of parquet repair in Moscow, depends on the area and complexity of the work performed.

Scope of repair work:

  • removing the damaged plate and replacing it with a new one
  • grinding cork using a special hand-held machine
  • varnishing the floor.

Complete restoration of the old “killed” parquet

Over time, any parquet floor loses its beauty and shine; the tiles become loose or crack. Restoration of old parquet is carried out in a comprehensive manner, thanks to which it is possible to restore it original appearance. Depending on the complexity of the damage to the floor covering, the following types of repairs of old parquet are carried out: replacing damaged or missing tiles with new products; if replacement of parquet boards is not required, cracks and scratches on them are repaired; scraping; primer; oil or varnish coating. After replacing the dead dies, the gaps between the boards are removed. In case large quantity gaps may require a full installation of parquet. The next step is to scrape the wood to remove the old layer of varnish and eliminate deep scratches, relief irregularities formed due to the laying of new dies. After this, the parquet floor is puttied and primed. Before applying varnish or oil, parquet flooring can be tinted. It is difficult to carry out such work efficiently without the appropriate knowledge and skills, so you should contact specialists who can assess the extent of damage to the surface and make a decision on restoring the parquet or laying a new floor covering. Contact "Parquet Service", we carry out restoration of old parquet of any complexity.

No cork floor required special care, withstands colossal loads and maintains unique properties up to 20 years. However, the traffic jam is 100% natural material, which means that certain requirements are put forward for operating conditions, including the microclimate in the room. In addition, the cork floor is covered protective varnish, which wears out over time and requires updating. Let's look at the basic rules for operating, repairing and updating cork flooring.

6 rules for using cork floors

It’s easy to maintain the durability and attractive appearance of a cork floor; just take into account several requirements:

  1. Microclimate. Cork remains stable at a humidity of 40-65% and a temperature of 15-35 °C (without sudden changes).
  2. Moving furniture. When rearranging, felt, felt or cork padding is placed under the legs. It is recommended to use pads under the legs not only when rearranging, but all the time.
  3. Roller chairs. It is permissible to use chairs with soft casters (type W according to DIN 681131) and place a protective vinyl mat under other types of casters.
  4. Rugs. It is not recommended to use stain-proof mats based on latex and rubber: complex contaminants remain on the cork surface.
  5. Detergents. For cleaning, it is prohibited to use cleaning products containing abrasives or solvents.
  6. Water resistance. Cork flooring is moisture-resistant, but it is advisable to avoid getting water on the surface and immediately remove spills.

Follow the suggested rules and your cork floor will last as long as possible!

Caring for cork flooring

For cleaning cork floors and wall panels allowed weekly wet or dry cleaning, including using a vacuum cleaner. For areas with heavy traffic and high loads, 2-3 cleanings per week are recommended. General cleaning using soft detergents carried out 2-4 times a year(depending on the operating conditions of the floor). To remove difficult stains (wine, blood, coffee, fats) special means. You can also sand the damaged area and re-treat the cork with varnish or wax.

Repair and renewal of cork flooring

Varnish update

Over time, the polyurethane varnish, which is most often used to coat the surface of a cork floor to protect it from damage, wears off and becomes dirty. Varnish coating It’s easy to update yourself, following the technology:

  • Cleaning the surface from dust and dirt.
  • Sanding the floor with sandpaper No. 220 (fine abrasive): removing the top contaminated layer, leveling the cork to match the tone.
  • Removing accumulated dust (it is recommended to use sanders with dust bags - in this case there will be no dust).
  • Application of 2 layers of polyurethane varnish. Drying time - 12 hours.

Attention! Not all types of cork flooring can be refinished, and some types of varnish require preliminary priming of the surface. Check with the manufacturer for the possibility of restoration of the coating!

Cork floor repair

Adhesive floor plug(without HDF middle layer) is subject to spot restoration. It is enough to have a small amount of identical material in stock: the damaged area is localized and removed with a knife, and a new piece of cork pre-cut to shape is glued in its place. The consequences of the repair are not visually noticeable, the integrity of the coating is not compromised.

Cork and heated floor

Natural cork - warm material, excellent heat insulator. But sometimes additional heating is required, for example in the bathroom. Together with cork coverings, it is allowed to use cable and water heated floors with maximum temperature heating up to 28°C. Rules for laying and operating cork floors with heating:

  • In order for heat to be distributed evenly, the thickness of the layer between heating element and a plug of at least 40 mm.
  • It is necessary to dry the screed before laying the heated floor. Humidity is not more than 1.5% according to CM for cement and 0.3% for anhydrite screeds.
  • Gradual heating and cooling over 5 days.
  • The installation of heated floors is carried out in accordance with the instructions of the system manufacturer.

Attention! For interlocking cork laminate on an HDF board, it is very important to maintain the correct microclimate in the room to prevent deformation when heated.

We invite you to specialized showrooms in Moscow and Odintsovo: see samples of adhesive and locking materials, ask related questions about operation and installation to managers, order inexpensive delivery and installation at a time convenient for you!

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):