Windows are an important functional element of any living space. It depends on them how much noise and sounds from the street will interfere with our rest, how warm the house will be in winter, how attractive the window openings of our apartment will look inside and outside.
old, wooden frames, which were equipped with Soviet-built apartments and houses, cannot adequately ensure the performance of the above functions. They are dilapidated, worn out, let in sounds and heat, have lost their original appearance. That's why they are everywhere today.

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Especially topical issue window replacement becomes winter period, when the wind penetrates the cracks of old window frames, the temperature in the apartments becomes such that comfortable living is impossible, and bills for energy consumed for heating “eat up” up to a third family budget. It is in winter that many of us decide to say goodbye to old windows once and for all. But they do this mainly in spring and summer, when it’s warm outside. But in vain. Today, specialists in installing window structures advise not to wait for the warm season to arrive and replace windows in winter. They have developed and are already successfully using special technology installation plastic double glazed windows in low temperature conditions.
So is it possible to install windows in winter? What are the pros and cons of winter installation? How is it carried out? Let's try to figure it out.

Windows can be installed in winter

Winter in our country, as we know, is particularly severe: not only does the falling snow fill the streets up to the ears, but also a decent “minus” outside the windows lasts for several months, and strong, gusty winds only aggravate these phenomena. We are reluctant to even open the windows at such times, for fear of losing precious warmth. From severe frosts equipment breaks down, and people cannot stay outside for a long time and work fully. It is not surprising that most of us have strong doubts about installing windows in winter.
However, as practice shows, when proper organization works and correct selection of necessary installation materials, installation of plastic double-glazed windows at sub-zero temperatures is quite possible:
- the living space does not have time to freeze - specialists spend only up to two hours dismantling and installing one window, while the window opening remains completely open for only 20-30 minutes until it is cleaned and prepared for installation of a new window;
- the installation process takes place in stages, with the gradual replacement of old windows - all windows in one room are not dismantled at once;
- for installing windows in winter, there is a whole range of low-temperature resistant foam compounds, sealants, membranes and dry mixtures - with their help, the process of winter window installation is carried out as efficiently and effectively as possible;
- when working in the cold season, craftsmen use special insulated clothing and mittens that do not hinder movement and allow for quick installation operations.

The main advantages of winter installation

Installing windows in winter, compared to installing them in summer period, has a number of undoubted advantages. The main ones are that it:
1) requires less money and time;
2) allows you to immediately check the quality of installation.
The point is that just at winter time There is a decline in the production of plastic windows - the production lines are almost not loaded. To attract customers, manufacturing companies offer all kinds of discounts and bonuses (for example, free shipping or going up a floor). Thanks to this, you can buy windows 10-20% cheaper in winter, and even save on paying for additional services.
Plus, windows will be manufactured, delivered and installed much faster in winter. If in spring-summer period Delivery of windows has to wait from two to four weeks, but in the cold season, as a rule, no more than two to three days.
Replacing windows in winter, or rather the process of dismantling and installation, also happens faster. This is due, firstly, to the fact that it is cold outside, and the craftsmen strive to retain as much heat as possible in the room, and, secondly, in winter, windows are installed only by experienced full-time workers. Construction organizations and companies at this time prefer not to use the services of seasonal (freelance) workers, so as not to spend the budget on their wages, provide highly qualified personnel.
As for the quality of installation, in the cold season, already in the process of installing windows and sealing seams, you can detect (and also eliminate) obvious defects - blown cracks, places where condensation settles and collects. In those places where the window is “through”, the glass unit will cool, its temperature will be much lower than room temperature, so condensation will settle on it. At sub-zero temperatures outside the window, drops of condensation on the glass will quickly freeze and turn into frost or ice. Such places can be identified literally within a few hours, while the technicians are replacing the window in next room. It should be noted that during summer installation it is much more difficult to check the quality of installation - all defects appear precisely when cold weather sets in.

A few words about the disadvantages of winter window replacement

Winter installation of windows has only one significant drawback. This is the discomfort that it brings to the owners of the home. Due to the fact that during the dismantling and installation process the window opening remains open for some time, cold frosty air enters the room at large volume and lowers the temperature in the apartment. Cooling may adversely affect the performance of electronics and household appliances, which is located in the room where the windows are being replaced. Therefore, all devices sensitive to frost (TV, computer, microwave oven, etc.) should be removed from the room. In addition, you should temporarily “relocate” and indoor plants, since they can die at subzero temperatures.
Otherwise, the owners’ worries are not much different from the usual ones associated with replacing window frames. Installing plastic windows in winter - just like in summer - requires taking measures to protect furniture and carpets from construction dust - furniture must be covered with film, and carpets and rugs must simply be taken into the next room.

The procedure and features of installing windows in winter

The vast majority of contractors and construction organizations, engaged in installation work in the winter in a certain order, step by step.

1. Preparatory stage

On at this stage delivery and preparation of double-glazed windows is carried out. Plastic windows can become deformed during transportation and under the influence of low temperatures in winter and change their linear dimensions. Therefore, after delivery, they must remain indoors for at least one day in order to regain their previous dimensions at room temperature. The same applies to installation materials: PSUL tapes (pre-compressed self-expanding tapes), sealants, foam. Before installation work they must be heated to room temperature (at least +20°C).
In addition, during preparatory stage, just before installation begins, sealing tapes are attached to the window frame. At the same time, the location of the PSULs is carefully marked so that the seals do not end up behind their quarter.

2. Dismantling the old window

From this stage, the actual process of replacing windows begins. It can be carried out in heated and unheated rooms (balconies, loggias, verandas) at an air temperature of not lower than -15°C for heated rooms and not lower than -10°C for cold rooms.
All windows in one room are not removed at once. The disassembly process takes place gradually, one window at a time. After dismantling window opening thoroughly cleaned of remnants of old building materials.

3.Installation of window frame

Installation of windows in winter is carried out using only special frost-resistant materials. After placing the window block in the cleaned opening - to reduce installation time - PSUL tapes are heated by a jet warm air. This way the tapes expand faster and the window is fixed in place.

4. Processing and sealing of seams

The gaps between the window block and the wall are filled with winter polyurethane foam. From the street side, the seam must be protected by a waterproofing, vapor-permeable layer (cement-adhesive mixture), which protects the foam from exposure sun rays and precipitation. The inside of the seam must be hermetically sealed with a special membrane. It will provide a vapor barrier to the foam and prevent moisture from entering it from the room.
If sealing is carried out without using protective materials inside and outside, then there is a high probability that moisture will get into the foam. In the cold it will freeze and prevent the foam from expanding normally. With the onset of the warm season, the ice will melt and the foam will begin to expand, bending the window.

5. Checking the quality of installation

After all the windows in the room have been replaced, it is necessary to check the quality of installation. This is done with the help of a burning candle or New Year's tinsel. Their vibrations (when brought to the window) may indicate the presence of ventilated cracks. Having discovered such places, the masters are obliged to immediately carry out the complex additional work– seal “problem” areas with foam.

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Installing windows in winter, as noted above, seems wrong and illogical to many. Fearing that the room will get cold, equipment and furniture will deteriorate from the frost, we are rescheduling the replacement of old, worn-out frames to warm time year. But why wait until spring? Today, professional window technicians install double-glazed windows even at sub-zero air temperatures, using “winter” materials and special clothing.
Step by step process installation and modern technologies allow you to quickly and efficiently - without large heat losses - change window blocks. Of course, replacement cannot be done without hassle and some discomfort. But all plastic windows, whether they are installed in winter or summer, require some effort from the owners: you need to take things out of the room, prepare the “working area”, and remove the garbage after installation is completed.

Many apartment owners are skeptical about installing plastic windows in winter. They say that sub-zero temperatures negatively affect the quality of installation and can even lead to damage to the window structure. However, practice shows that this opinion is absolutely wrong. In fact, winter is an even more convenient period for installing windows than summer. Undoubtedly, weather conditions impose their own restrictions on the installation process, but in general there are no contraindications to work during this period of time.

The nuances of installing windows in winter

During the cold season, special materials are used for installation that can retain their properties at low and even sub-zero temperatures. We are talking about winter polyurethane foam, which is capable of expanding even at temperatures down to −15 degrees. C.

It is also necessary to take into account that the window structure is cooled during transportation, which can negatively affect its elasticity and cause increased fragility. That is why we use the practice of installing windows in winter the next day after delivery of the structure. Thanks to this, the profile has time to warm up to the desired temperature. If you install a cooled frame, then when heated, it may become “crowded” in the opening, which can lead to deformation and depressurization of the profile.

How quickly do our craftsmen install windows?

Some of our clients are concerned about the issue of heat preservation during installation work. We hasten to assure you that the installation of plastic windows in winter will not affect temperature conditions your apartment. Because everything preparatory work are produced in a warm place, the installation procedure itself takes about 30-60 minutes, which can be compared with conventional ventilation.

So, dismantling the usual three-leaf window It takes our specialists about 10-15 minutes. The rough installation of the block with its fixation in the opening and hanging of the sashes takes approximately the same amount of time. In fact, the doorway remains completely open for no more than 20 minutes, and during this time the temperature in the room manages to drop by a maximum of 5-10 degrees. C. It will take some more time to seal the installation seams. If you decide to install windows in the entire apartment at once in winter, then in this case the procedure involves sequential installation, during which the house does not have time to freeze.

Pros of installing PVC windows in winter

Many experts consider the cold season best period for installing windows. There are several reasons for this:

  • Installing PVC windows in winter makes it possible to quickly identify all the shortcomings and correct them on the spot;
  • During winter installation, only high-quality materials are used, which reduces the likelihood of defects significantly;
  • Winter installation allows you to determine where fogging of a double-glazed window occurs and promptly prevent this problem, while during summer installation you need to wait until the first cold weather to ensure that the work is done well;
  • The seasonal decline in order volumes also plays a role. Whatever one may say, there are many times fewer people willing to install windows in winter than in summer - this allows clients to receive the service much faster.

Our company has extensive installation experience PVC systems during the winter period. We have teams of experienced specialists who perform all work quickly, accurately and reliably, regardless of climatic conditions"overboard". And if for some reason you did not have time to insulate yourself in the summer, we are ready to help make your home warm at any time throughout the winter.

Many people try to put off replacing old windows with new plastic ones until the summer. This is triggered by our habit of doing everything thoroughly, playing it safe, looking for negative aspects something that is difficult for us to understand. However, winter is not a reason to put off solving the issue of replacing windows. Winter installation is more profitable and practical option, and not a universal catastrophe at all.

Still in doubt? To verify the correctness of our statements, it is worth browsing the websites of leading window companies, which provide a description of the technical details of the reliability tests of window structures. To minimize the loss of your time, we are ready to provide answers to all your questions and dispel all concerns about the winter installation of plastic windows.

Myths about the difficulties of installing PVC windows in winter

Myth 1– In the winter cold you can easily freeze the room.

Yes, you can freeze an apartment if:
- completely turn off the heating;
- dismantle all windows and leave the openings empty for a long time;
- do not insert plastic windows into empty openings for 6-7 hours.

But, when installing PVC windows, in no case can such a situation arise. Dismantling an old window and installing a new one takes a very short time and this procedure can be called rather intensive ventilation of the room. Let's roughly calculate the time interval required to replace one window. Removing one window from the opening takes approximately 10-15 minutes. Without wasting a single extra minute, a ready-made plastic window with installed double glazing. It's five more minutes. All subsequent work is carried out with the window already inserted into the opening. In total, the entire window replacement process takes a maximum of 20 minutes, which, of course, will not lead to complete freezing of the room. This process can rather be compared to intensively ventilating a room with the window sash completely open for half an hour. This is exactly the volume of cold air that enters the room.

PVC windows in the room are installed one by one, i.e. Only after completing all the procedures from dismantling the old one to installing a new window do they move on to the next one.

Myth – 2. When it’s cold outside, polyurethane foam does not work well and it is not possible to achieve the proper result.

Of course, you can believe this myth. But only in cases where:
- the room where windows are being replaced is maintained at sub-zero temperatures;
- the window itself has a temperature below zero;
- if the construction area or work area (where workers work) has a sub-zero temperature.

But all these statements are far from reality. You can be sure that during installation plastic window There can be no sub-zero temperature. There are several objective reasons for this:

1) The living space has a positive temperature, which is maintained by continuous heating heating system. The cold air that entered during the installation of the euro-window cools the room by only two to three degrees, which will not lead to freezing of the walls.

2) The plastic window is delivered to the site the day before, and it is in warm room until the moment of installation. Therefore, the temperature of the plastic window structure corresponds to approximately 20-22 degrees above zero.

3) The construction quarter, which at the time of installation of the plastic window borders the street, is called work area. And the temperature there can be from zero to +5 C.

It should be noted that the seam between the window structure and the wall is filled with special mounting foam, which, expanding, fills all recesses and spaces. During expansion, exothermic or thermal reaction, which in turn serves to additional insulation assembly seam. For winter installation, modern weather-resistant materials are used that can withstand temperature fluctuations from – 20 to + 40 C.

Myths debunked. But, besides all this, winter installation of a plastic window has a number of advantages:
1) In winter, window companies have the opportunity to significantly reduce the time it takes to deliver PVC windows to the client. This becomes possible by reducing the construction of private houses in winter and reducing customer requests.
2) When installing windows in winter, you can immediately correctly adjust the level of pressure on the fittings. In summer, due to the expansion of materials, this is more difficult to do; moreover, it is not possible to catch the slightest draft in the heat.
3) The production time for windows in winter is reduced to a week, which allows the client to plan the time at his own discretion.

As can be seen from practice, those clients who have already installed plastic windows in winter will never want to install them in summer. These people have already felt all the benefits of winter installation. Winter installation means reasonable prices and terms, proven quality indicators and guaranteed use of the most acceptable materials.

It must be admitted that apartment or house owners rarely think about heating their homes during the hot season. You can probably say this about yourself. But when the rooms become really cold, strong drafts are felt, blowing out all the heat, and the window is covered with frost, people begin to worry that it would be a good idea to replace the old windows with high-quality and more insulated ones. The frost on the glass then turns into water, which flows down the window sill and spoils the wall cladding.

In this case, it is important to understand whether it is possible to install plastic windows in winter? The answer is yes, however, when carrying out such work, certain rules must be followed.

Is it dangerous to exercise in winter? Opinions

During the period when the old window is removed and a new one is installed, the room can become very cold. Materials for interior decoration at the same time, according to buyers, they deteriorate, because they are not prepared for sudden temperature changes. You will encounter this problem if you decide to replace a window with an unqualified team. Installation will take a lot of time. Otherwise, the work will take no more than half an hour. During this time, nothing will happen to the new renovation, whereas heat-loving plants Apartment owners recommend protecting from frost.

When deciding whether it is possible to install plastic windows in winter, you will need to prepare the room. For this purpose, products and surfaces that may be damaged are covered with moisture-proof materials. This applies to books and technology. If you are wondering whether it is possible to install plastic windows in winter, reviews about this are worth reading. From them you can find out that the room where the glass unit is being replaced is closed tightly so that cold air does not penetrate into other rooms.

Features of winter window installation

If you still haven’t decided for yourself whether it’s worth replacing double-glazed windows in the winter, then you should consider some of the advantages of carrying out such work in the cold season. The advantage is that you can find big discounts on installing windows in winter, because most consumers prefer to do it in the summer. The demand for plastic windows is falling, and manufacturers are making concessions to increase the number of customers.

When thinking about whether it is possible to install plastic windows in winter, you should familiarize yourself with state standards, from which you can find out that such work is carried out at any time of the year, but you need to take into account that the temperature outside the window should not drop below -15 °C. Wind speed is also important; it should not be more than 8 m per second. Otherwise, sealant and foam, as well as other building mixtures may freeze and become fragile. Therefore, before calling specialists, you need to check the weather forecast and choose a suitable day.

If you still haven’t decided for yourself whether it’s possible to install plastic windows in winter, then you should remember about the internal climate. Sometimes such work is carried out in new buildings. Brought double-glazed windows must be acclimatized at positive temperatures. Typically, window transport vehicles have an open body. When exposed to cold, low-quality plastic may shrink. If you find such a defect, then after installation is completed the windows may “float” and lose their rigidity, as well as their original shape.

Effect of cold on materials

All without exception modern companies, whose activities are aimed at installing plastic windows, are engaged in the winter installation of double-glazed windows. However, before you call the specialists, you should ask which manufacturer’s profiles they use. For example, the Veka company positions its products as windows that are not afraid of any frost.

Professionals emphasize that the problem can be expressed in polyurethane foam. It expands as it flows chemical reaction. Upon contact with water, polymerization occurs. The colder the air, the lower its humidity will be. As a result, low temperatures can cause the foam to simply not work and remain in a preserved state. When it gets warmer outside, the material will begin to swell with all the ensuing consequences.

The problem exists, but is easily solved by using sealants and foams special purpose. It is important to ask whether specialists use winter trains, allowing installation down to -25 °C. Some mounting foams have an even lower temperature limit.

When consumers decide whether it is possible to install plastic windows in an apartment in winter, they often learn about the fact that when such work is carried out, a protective screen is sometimes installed in the opening. It prevents cold wind from entering the room. But this approach is relevant when the frost outside is unbearable.

Installation of double-glazed windows in a house under construction. Is it worth starting work in winter?

When we're talking about When it comes to installing double-glazed windows in a residential building in winter, a great many questions may arise. Their number increases when the consumer thinks about whether it is possible to install plastic windows in winter unheated room? The answer here is also yes.

However, you should only use materials that are designed to withstand sub-zero temperatures. Their polymerization occurs when difficult conditions, but the properties do not change. As a result, you will be able to get windows that will not “cry”. This is what buyers most often worry about when they plan to update the double-glazed windows in an apartment or house. But at the same time, you should be prepared that the company sometimes increases the price of expensive foam.

Additional complications

The problem can also be expressed in the fact that the room will have to be cleared of all pieces of furniture and plants, which is not always possible. This is due to the fact that the old windows will not have to be removed until the new ones are in place. This is due to the fact that the count will be in minutes.

Is it worth it?

When you know the answer to the question of whether it is possible to install plastic windows in the winter in a house under construction, you should think three times about the feasibility of carrying out such work. There are several other ways to improve indoor comfort. You can implement internal insulation or use economical modern heating devices. And then, after waiting for spring, call specialists who will not disturb the comfort of the household.

In conclusion

If you want to install double-glazed windows when the temperature outside the window has dropped below zero, you should contact a qualified company. Its specialists are trained and prepared for such work. They will carry out everything quite quickly, and the house will remain “naked” for a minimum time.

Already half an hour after removal old design there will be a new one in the opening. Its position will only need to be oriented vertically and the gaps filled. If you are wondering whether it is possible to install plastic windows in winter wooden house, then you should take into account that experts advise waiting until spring. But if you want to make your home truly cozy and warm tomorrow, then you should choose profiles famous companies. One of them is Veka, which recommends installing its windows in the Far North and Siberia.

There are many opinions about whether it is possible to install windows in winter. Some say it is possible, but only at above-zero temperatures. Others say no - absolutely not. Still others, on the contrary, argue that it is better to install in winter, since you can immediately notice defects in installation and adjustment of fittings.

What are the reasons for concerns about installing windows in winter? Let's figure it out. There are several factors that make winter window installation relevant. For example, clients often want to replace windows just when it gets colder, but they can't always do it in the fall. Another option is a house under construction, when you urgently need to install windows to “close the perimeter,” turn on the heating and do finishing work in the winter. In addition, window companies want to keep production and installation teams busy during the cold season, and therefore in winter they often do good discounts for your products.

And here the question arises: at what temperature can plastic windows be installed? My window mechanic friends give different numbers. A former window installer from Novosibirsk (now a technologist at a large Moscow company) claims that in calm weather, with all precautions, you can work down to -25 degrees. And an equally competent Moscow specialist does not recommend installation if the thermometer drops below -10.

Problems with winter window installation

Many people fear that when replacing windows, low temperatures the room will freeze and the heating systems will be damaged. In addition, the most common windows today are made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), or, as we say, plastic windows. And PVC becomes brittle at low temperatures, there is a danger of cracks appearing when mechanical influences on the structure during installation. Polyurethane foam, most often used to fill the mounting joints of a window block with an opening, requires water vapor for polymerization, of which there is very little in the air in winter (a lot in summer). And at low temperatures, the foam may freeze before it polymerizes. It seems that the answer to the question “when is it better to install plastic windows: in winter or in summer” is clear - it is better to install windows in the warm season. Not really.
Yes, modern sealed windows came to us from quite warm European countries. But we live in a country with a harsh climate - look at the temperature reports below.

In such conditions, you need to look at things realistically. If there is a construction task for winter installation, install it in winter. But to look for compromise solutions that allow installation conditions to be brought closer to summer mode. What could they be?

Problem 1. Freezing of a house or apartment

This is a myth on the topic “when is the best time to install windows.” Qualified and experienced installers organize the process in such a way that the window opening remains open very short time(from 20 to 50 minutes). During this time, only the air in the room cools; the walls cannot freeze.
Of course, in winter, unlike in summer, certain measures must be taken: install not all windows at once, but one at a time. different rooms. During installation, keep the door to the corridor closed so that the thermal draft in the exhaust ducts draws less cold air into the room. In addition, it is better to install windows in calm weather.

Protection from inconvenience - heat shields

And yet, at what temperature can plastic windows be installed so that the installation is high-quality and the specialists feel comfortable working? It turns out that almost any time. In situations where the temperature is low and the weather is windy, and the customer fears inconvenience during installation, special protective screens are used that make the installation of windows in winter quite convenient. On the Internet you can easily find videos that tell in detail about the installation and use of such screens.
Fact: Installers are resourceful people. If it is not possible to purchase a professional heat screen, various homemade screens and curtains made from film materials are used. And their quality is sometimes not inferior to industrial ones.

Problem 2. Embrittlement of PVC profiles

This problem is also being solved. Window blocks that are frozen in the warehouse and during transportation are kept in a warm room for a day. In addition, when using thermal screens, the windows are already in a warm zone during installation. If you need to install windows in a frozen new country house, the openings are covered with film before installation and the room is heated to above-zero temperatures using heat guns.

Problem 3: Polyurethane foam freezing

Competent installers warm the foam in a water bath before use or simply leave it in a warm room overnight. To speed up the polymerization process, warm up before applying foam. window slopes using hair dryers, the foam itself is applied in two approaches, special PSUL tapes (pre-compressed self-expanding sealing tape) are used for primary sealing, the surface of the slopes is wetted before applying the foam, etc. A special “winter foam” is also produced, which, according to manufacturers, can be used down to –15 degrees (regular “summer” foam - up to +5 degrees).
Fact: The quality of window installation in winter (and not only) directly depends on the professionalism of the installers. And winter installation of windows has its advantages: due to less workload at window companies, you can get not only good discounts, but also more competent installers for your facility.

Installing windows is not enough - you need to save them

And in moderate frosts, in compliance with all the rules, competent installers installed the windows, adjusted them, and you signed the acceptance certificate. What now? In the case of an ordinary, lived-in apartment, everything is simple: minimally damaged wallpaper can be carefully glued, you can calmly wait for the summer and make cosmetic repairs.
It’s worse when it’s a new building, where “European-quality renovation” is done with the involvement of “specialists” from the post-Soviet space. It has already become bad habit to begin such repairs with the replacement of windows. What does this mean?
1. Builders often throw out materials through open doors. construction waste, and by the time the work is completed, the fittings are clogged with cement and brick dust. When trying to close the sashes, their fittings can easily be damaged.
2. Carrying out “wet” construction and finishing works(screeds, brick partitions, wallpapering, using paints on water based etc.) lead to a sharp increase in air humidity and, accordingly, condensation on slopes and window designs. Moreover, this can continue for months, and the workers refuse to do even basic ventilation to reduce air humidity, because “it’s blowing for them” and “the wallpaper is warping.”
The situation is even worse at large facilities, where internal construction and finishing work can continue for more than one winter. These photographs show “dead” windows from Sweden. They could no longer be repaired and had to be replaced. The object is an elite residential building in the center of Moscow.
Conclusion: There is no need to start your renovation by replacing windows. If windows made of PVC and “warm aluminum” can still be washed and cleaned after finishing work, then “Euro-windows” made of wood, combined wood-aluminum and aluminum-wood windows can receive irreversible damage. The same applies to window sills made of plastic and wood: they are sometimes used for fires and people walk on them in dirty boots. It is better to postpone installation until the end of the finishing work, after finishing the “wet” processes and drying the premises. Otherwise, condensation on the glass and mold on the slopes will not keep you waiting long
Advice: If you have to long period internal construction and finishing work, including in winter, window openings must be closed with “ersatz windows” (frames made of wooden blocks, covered in two layers plastic film). This is exactly what they did during the construction of this house in St. Petersburg (pictured). After finishing the dirty and “wet” work, the “ersatz windows” will be replaced with normal ones.

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