Pruning columnar trees is a very responsible procedure. The columnar apple tree in particular needs pruning. The fact is that this type of garden crop is just beginning to gain popularity in our country. The advantages of this variety are obvious. Columnar apple trees do not have a crown; leaves and fruits grow directly on the trunk of this tree. This allows you to significantly increase the planting density and, accordingly, collect more bountiful harvest. The absence of a crown also entails an original pruning scheme for this plant.

Features of columnar trees

These varieties were obtained in the 80s of the last century as a result of an accidental mutation of one of the old apple trees in Canada. Trees could not help but interest many amateur gardeners.

In addition, fruits are formed both on short fruiting branches and directly on the main trunk.

Columnar trees are usually also characterized by a small height, but this value is largely determined by the characteristics of the rootstock on which the trees were grafted. If the rootstock turns out to be vigorous, then you can grow a “column” up to 4-5 meters in height or even more.

There is one more point that is rarely paid attention to. Many varieties of columnar trees have been bred to be much softer climatic conditions. It is for this reason that they often freeze, unable to withstand severe frosts, apical buds of these trees. Namely, they are the most valuable buds, the death of which can completely alter the development of the tree.

Finally, columnar trees have a shallow root system, so it requires more frequent watering, especially in hot and dry weather. Loosen and dig up the soil into it tree trunk circle it is impossible for the same reason. Most often it is sown with special lawn grass for maximum moisture retention.

All these features cannot but affect the nature of the care and pruning that columnar trees may need.

When to prune a columnar apple tree in spring

In order for the tree to have a beautiful and properly formed crown, it is necessary to regularly prune the apple tree.

Many summer residents and gardeners cannot decide when is the best time to prune. apple trees in spring or autumn. So, apple trees can be pruned both in autumn and spring, but the main condition is that the tree must be at a dormant stage.

It is important to know when to prune apple trees in the spring. Garden event It is worth doing before the active movement of juice in the shoots begins (a symptom of this is the active appearance of buds and young shoots). When to prune apple trees in spring, in what month? Optimal time When pruning apple trees in spring, the period starting from the end of March and ending with the beginning of April (the first ten days) is considered, but provided that a sharp drop in temperature is no longer expected. This is explained by the fact that the abundance of spring moisture, nutrients and sun activity contribute to the rapid healing of wounds. As a result, the tree does not spend much energy on restoration, but uses it to develop buds and form new shoots.

Do columnar trees need to be pruned?

The peculiarity of columnar trees is that they grow straight upward, forming very few side branches. Thus, the plant retains maximum moisture and nutrients from the soil. Buds and buds are formed not only on the branches, but also on the trunk, so excess shoots take away too many nutrients necessary for the formation of fruits.

Under favorable growing conditions, pruning may not be necessary at all throughout the life of columnar trees. But in some cases you cannot do without it.

If the apical bud on a young tree is damaged or frozen, strong shoots begin to grow from the trunk. They are usually located just below the top. It is in this case that you need to prune, leaving the largest and healthiest shoot as the main one and shortening the remaining branches. Pruning is necessary to increase yield during the natural aging of the tree. In the fifth year, you can trim the top to stop the growth of the apple tree and at the same time renew it. In this case, the trunk is cut at a height of 70–100 cm; subsequently, young shoots will sprout from dormant buds. Choose the strongest one and remove the rest. During periods of prolonged drought, pruning can reduce the number of branches to improve nutrition for the remaining shoots.

Formation of columnar apple trees

Whether to prune the garden to form a strict column is an individual choice. But it is worth considering that appearance apple trees are not the only reason for this; in this regard, a number of aspects can be highlighted:

  • Formation of the correct shape of the apple tree;
  • Prevention of tangling of shoots;
  • Strengthening young branches;
  • Apple tree rejuvenation;
  • Yield growth.

Pruning diagram for columnar apple trees

Every lover of growing fruit trees has his own opinion on how to prune, how many times a year it should be done, and what period is most suitable. In order to properly trim a columnar apple tree, and in the end it turned out beautiful tree, it takes about 6 years. The procedure for forming a tree of this type looks like this:

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  • Immediately after planting the tree, the trunk is shortened, side shoots are destroyed.
  • In the second year, pinching of young animals whose length exceeds 30 centimeters is necessary. The topmost shoot has not yet been touched.
  • In the third year, you need to pinch the topmost shoot, at a distance of 25 centimeters from the main trunk. Shoots located on the side should not be more than 40 centimeters.
  • In the fourth year, all branches from the previous year are subject to thinning. Weak and incorrectly growing branches are pruned.
  • In the fifth year, height should be limited. The recommended value is 3 meters.
  • In subsequent years, the apple tree is not pruned as such. Dried branches and those shoots that have no chance of bearing fruit due to their weakness must be removed.

Before pruning a columnar apple tree, it would be useful to remember some rules:

  • When pruning, only shoots that appeared last year must be removed. On each of them you need to leave a pair of buds. This is necessary to form a fruit unit that will bear fruit for 5 years. After this period, it will need to be cut off completely.
  • in summer mandatory young shoots pick up. This is necessary to ensure that nutrients only reach the fruits.
  • The cut is made in the direction opposite to the bud.
  • When pruning, burrs and bark burrs should not appear.
  • The top of a columnar apple tree is a weak point. It often freezes during cold weather. After this, young growth occurs at the top of the trunk. In the spring, the strongest sprout is left, the rest must be removed.

Many gardeners love to enjoy apples with own garden. But to receive good harvest You will have to work hard, because the tree needs to be pruned, fertilized and grafted. In this article we will tell you how to prune a columnar apple tree.

Some gardeners believe that this variety of apple tree does not need to be pruned, since this does not greatly affect the appearance of the tree. But experts have come to the conclusion that pruning a columnar apple tree has a beneficial effect on the harvest, and such a tree is less sick. The benefits of pruning behavior enable:
  • rejuvenate branches;
  • remove shoots that block sunlight;
  • form a beautiful crown;
  • increase productivity.
Remember, the number of fruits directly depends on the nutrition of the upper bud, so it cannot be cut off. Pruning of a columnar apple tree is carried out according to a certain pattern. In the first year after planting, the seedling will grow 40 cm. Cut it off in early spring top part tree. The next year, you cannot touch the top bud; only the side branches are cut off so that shoots 30 cm long remain, and each of them has 2 buds.

Next year, before the period of sap flow, remove the crooked branch, leaving the one that grows vertically. In the third spring, completely cut off the thick branch that bore fruit last year. Thus, you will form a column that will bear fruit for 3-5 years. After 5 years, cut the column completely, leaving the fruit ring on the stem. Next year, a new link will grow in this place, which will bear fruit. If in mid-summer you notice rapidly growing shoots, do not remove them, but limit yourself to pinching them. Only in spring can you completely cut off excess shoots.

Many people believe that a columnar apple tree does not have side branches; in fact, this is not the case. They are located at an acute angle to the trunk and are short in length. These shoots can obscure the light of the fruit, thereby reducing yield. The more you cut in the spring, the more intense there will be growth those sections of the tree that remain. Remember, when pruning, you should never damage the central column, otherwise you will soon end up with unnecessary branches. Removal of a fruit-bearing link is permissible if it poor growth. Then the entire trunk is cut off, leaving only two buds. What to do if there are fewer fruits? This means it's time to cut off the fertile branch. Do this at the very base of its growth. During sap flow, you will see new shoots and leaves. Do not cut off the central bud, only remove the short side branches. Carry out pruning in early spring

If you have an apple tree in your garden that has almost no side shoots, then pruning may not be necessary. When the upper central bud dies off, 2 or 3 branches develop the next year; only one can be left. Leave only the thickest trunk, cut off the rest at the very base. Columnar apple trees require constant feeding and pest control. Small sizes plants allow you to get an excellent harvest in areas with a small area.

Pruning of columnar apple trees is carried out according to a certain pattern, observing the required crown shape. The procedure can be successfully carried out by gardeners in any season. The main thing is to prepare necessary tools, take into account the recommendations of experienced gardeners and carry out the technology. Thanks to pruning, it is possible to improve the quality of the crop and increase its quantity.

Often columnar varieties of apple trees began to be found in gardens. They take up little space and decorate the area. Characteristic feature is the presence of one trunk, from which short, thick shoots extend. Fruits are formed both on the lateral branches and on the central trunk.

Distinctive features of columnar apple trees:

  • Most trees grow no more than 3 meters in height, but there are specimens that grow up to 5 meters.
  • Almost all varieties of apple trees do not tolerate cold winters. If the crown bud is damaged, the development of the culture changes. The shape of the crown changes and taste qualities fruits
  • The compactness of the crop allows it to be planted in areas where there is little space.
  • Fruiting begins already two years after planting.
  • The roots are close to the surface of the earth.
  • High yield.

Caring for columnar apple trees is simple, but they also have their own distinctive features:

  • the root system of columnar apple trees spreads close to the surface of the earth, so frequent watering is required;
  • high demands on fertilizing;
  • it is impossible to loosen and weed the soil around the trunk;
  • It is recommended to plant a lawn near the trunk, which will retain moisture and heat.

The disadvantage of a columnar crop is the relatively short growing season. After 12 years it stops bearing fruit.

Why is pruning necessary?

To understand whether it is necessary to prune a columnar apple tree, it is important to understand the growth characteristics of this crop.

The main part of a columnar apple tree is the bud tip. If it is not frozen or damaged, the tree's shoots will grow short and the tree will look compact. There is no need for pruning.

The cause of bud loss is frost and improper application of fertilizers. Sometimes gardeners mistakenly cut off the top themselves. In this case it starts rapid growth side shoots, and to save the crop, pruning is carried out.

The formation procedure has many positive aspects:

  • is being formed correct form apple trees;
  • eliminates the possibility of tangling branches;
  • Young branches grow and develop well;
  • the fruit crop is rejuvenated;
  • the number of crops increases and the quality of fruits improves;
  • the appearance of the crop improves.

In order for all these points to be realized, pruning must be carried out correctly.

In addition to proper formation, care consists of regular watering, timely application of fertilizers and treatment against pests and diseases.

When to start pruning an apple tree

The timing for each apple tree variety is individual. For early summer varieties, the recommended dates are the autumn months. It is recommended to prune apple trees with medium ripening periods in winter. Late varieties It is better to form in the spring.

The crown needs to be formed correctly. Typically, each season the procedure is carried out for one specific purpose:

  1. The main pruning is carried out in the winter months. The most good timing It is the end of winter for the procedure to be carried out.
  2. Spring pruning is carried out to determine the main trunk. The procedure is best carried out after flowering.
  3. IN summer months remove unnecessary branches.
  4. IN autumn period thin out thickened areas of the crown, removing strong vertical branches.

Pruning is carried out at any time of the year, starting from the second year after planting the seedling.

What tools will you need?

The formation of a columnar apple tree is carried out with well-sharpened gardening tools. To trim the crown, you need to prepare a disinfectant:

  • a sharp knife is useful for removing very thin branches and burrs;
  • thin branches are removed with pruning shears;
  • to remove the top branches you will need a pruner with long handles;
  • ladder.

The cut site is treated immediately disinfectants, which are applied with a brush. Suitable for garden var, garden acrylic paint, Bordeaux mixture. Solutions are made based on components such as copper sulfate, potassium permanganate.

Schemes and forms of correct pruning

Pruning a pyramidal apple tree is not done too much and does not involve affecting the main shoot. Side horizontal and vertical branches should be formed. It is on them that the crop ripens.

Branch pruning is carried out in two directions:

  • part of the shoot is cut off;
  • In the second option, the branch is cut off completely.

The vertical branch grows stronger and faster. Horizontally located shoots grow more slowly, but they contain more flower buds, this feature was the basis for the pruning procedure.

To form beautiful crown and increase productivity, you will need to wait 5 years. General scheme tree pruning, which will be feasible for novice gardeners, involves the following steps:

  • some time after planting, the trunk is shortened and side shoots are removed, better job carry out in early spring before the juices begin to flow (in the first year of growth it is better to cut off all side shoots so that two buds remain on each);
  • the next year, the central trunk is not touched, and the side shoots are shortened to a length of 28 cm (the upper shoot must be left to serve as a continuation of the main trunk);

  • after another year, all weakened branches are cut off, and those that remain are shortened to 38 cm;
  • in the fourth year, only weakened, damaged and dry branches need to be removed;
  • in the fifth year, it is recommended to remove the top to limit growth (by this time the height of the apple tree will be about 3 meters).

There is no need for further pruning. Only dry, diseased branches are removed.

Trimming options

During the formation process, either the side branches or the top are cut off. It is better to prune side branches in summer or spring period. The procedure involves several stages:

  • A year after planting, you need to cut off all the shoots except the top, leaving two buds.
  • A year later, new shoots appear from the abandoned buds. The branch that will grow vertically is cut off again. And again only two buds are left. Another branch that grows more in horizontal position, left to form the crop.
  • The next season, the horizontal branch from which the crop was harvested is completely removed.
  • In the sixth year all fruit branch is completely deleted, since by this time it has exhausted all its resources.

Pruning of the crown shoot is carried out when it is frozen. The main task is to determine the strongest shoot that grows in vertical position. It will become a continuation of the main trunk. The remaining shoots are removed according to the standard procedure.

By winter, a tree with pruned branches must be insulated using covering material.

Technique of the procedure

The weak point of a columnar apple tree is the top. For normal development it is important to protect the apical bud from unfavorable factors. During the spring formation period, it is important to determine the strongest shoot, which is left for further development, and all others are deleted.

To carry out the procedure correctly, it is important to follow the following recommendations:

  • Only young shoots that are no more than a year old are removed;
  • the cut is made in the direction from the base of the branch to the top;
  • the cut is made 12 mm above the bud;
  • the incision is made carefully and evenly, trying not to damage the bark.

Branches must be trimmed carefully, being careful not to damage the bark. Don't make too deep cuts.

Winter pruning of apple trees

In winter, when there are no leaves on the tree, pruning is easier. All areas are visible, and you can be sure that the tree is at rest. primary goal winter pruning- bring the lower branches to the upper half of the tree. During winter formation, dry, weak and damaged branches are simultaneously pruned, and a fruiting zone is formed.

The columnar apple tree has no permanent branches. Since their growth is cylindrical, the lower branches do not have too much favorable conditions for development. They receive little light and do not bear fruit. It is better to prune shoots on days when the air temperature does not drop below -10 degrees.


To activate tree growth and crown formation, carry out spring pruning. The best period is considered the middle or last numbers Martha. It is important to carry out the procedure before the juice begins to flow. Proper pruning involves leaving 4-5 buds on each branch.

After winter, the tips of branches that are frozen are also removed. Pruning allows you to rejuvenate the tree and increase its resistance to adverse factors.


In the summer months, unnecessary shoots with leaves that grow from the main trunk are removed. They absorb nutritional components and moisture, preventing the development of branches with fruits.

The branches of the columnar apple tree are easily removed by plucking. Small shoots must be removed with extreme caution, since the tree tolerates one large wound better than several small ones.


Autumn pruning is carried out after the sap has stopped flowing. The procedure begins only after all the leaves have fallen from the tree. First, dry and damaged branches are removed, then shoots that are twisted are removed. The procedure will make it easier for the crop to endure winter.

Pruning columnar apple trees is a very responsible procedure. The fact is that this type of garden crop is just beginning to gain popularity in Russia. The advantages of this variety are obvious. Columnar apple trees do not have a crown; leaves and fruits grow directly on the trunk of this tree. This allows you to significantly increase planting density and, accordingly, harvest a more abundant harvest. The absence of a crown also entails an original pruning scheme for this plant.

Pruning goals

There are no strict recommendations for pruning columnar apple trees. Each gardener has the right to independently decide whether this procedure is necessary or not. The fact is that this variety of apple trees has a bud on the top of its head, which should not be damaged under any circumstances.

Therefore, a pruning scheme aimed at crown formation will be ineffective in this case. Basically, annual shoots that interfere with the development of other branches are removed. Besides, a large number of young shoots take on almost everything nutrients

, thus reducing the number of fruit ovaries.

Taking these factors into account, pruning of columnar apple trees is carried out in order to increase the yield of this tree. In addition, by thinning out tightly packed sprouts, you will prevent them from becoming tangled. Thus, the tree will have an aesthetic and neat appearance.

Pruning scheme and timing of work Most gardeners are inclined to prune a columnar apple tree in the spring or early summer. But all work should be divided into several stages. In other words, to form the right tree

  1. it will take you several years. This is what the step-by-step scheme for forming a columnar apple tree should look like:
  2. Once you have planted the tree, it is recommended to shorten its trunk and remove all side shoots.
  3. In the second year after planting, all young shoots whose length exceeds 30 centimeters should be pinched. In this case, it is advisable to leave the topmost shoot unchanged; it will be a continuation of the main trunk.
  4. In the third year after planting, the top shoot is pinched at a distance of 25 centimeters from the central trunk. The side branches are shortened to 40 centimeters.
  5. In the fourth year after planting, thin out all last year’s branches, removing all weak and improperly growing shoots. In the fifth year, the tree is limited in height.
  6. In subsequent years, all dried and weak branches are removed. Thus, the growth of young branches is stimulated and the yield of the tree increases.

In order to carry out pruning correctly, you should follow the following rules:

  1. Usually only annual shoots are pruned, and two buds must be left on each. The procedure must be repeated annually. Thus, a fruiting link is formed, consisting of a horizontal fruiting branch and two young shoots. Such a link will produce a harvest for 5 years, then it is cut to the ground.
  2. In summer, young shoots need to be pinched. This will redirect nutrients from lateral outlets to fruit formation.

Separately, it is worth mentioning how to properly trim the crown shoot. The fact is that columnar apple trees have a weak point at the top. She freezes very often during winter cold. This leads to the formation of several young shoots in the upper part of the trunk. You need to select the strongest of them in the spring, and shorten the rest to two buds.

Additional measures for caring for a columnar apple tree

Like any other garden culture, this apple tree variety needs comprehensive care, which includes: watering, pest control and preparing the tree for winter. Beginner gardeners and those who first decided to plant columnar apple trees on their site should be told in detail about each stage of care.


Water is necessary for every living creature on our planet. By remembering to water your tree regularly, you ensure its health and longevity. But even such a simple procedure has its own subtleties and nuances.

For example, you should not flood the plant with too much water, this may lead to the roots not receiving required amount oxygen and the tree will die. In addition, columnar apple trees should be watered correctly in the evening.. At night, moisture will not evaporate intensively and the plant will be able to breathe normally.

Immediately after planting, pour 3 buckets of water onto each seedling. And with each watering it is recommended to use no more than five buckets. Remember that moisture should saturate the ground to a depth of eighty centimeters. After each watering, the soil near the roots needs to be loosened.

Pest Control

You can use three percent karbofos and trichlorol; dendrobacillin and bitoxybacillin are well suited for these purposes. From traditional methods pest control can be distinguished by spraying garden trees tobacco decoction. The ratio of this product should not exceed 1:10.

You can protect your apple tree from four-legged pests, such as mice and hares, by covering the lower part of the trunk with coniferous branches. This will scare away those who like to eat tree bark.

Preparing for winter

Columnar apple trees are very sensitive to winter cold. In order for the tree to better withstand the winter cold, it is not recommended to place seedlings in the ground in the fall. It is better to postpone planting until spring, then the tree will be able to get stronger and gain strength. In autumn, the top of the apple tree should be wrapped in rags or several layers of thick paper. This will protect the upper kidney from exposure low temperatures. To prevent the trunk from breaking due to gusts of wind, it must be tied to a support.

In regions where winters are accompanied by heavy snowfalls, columnar apple trees can be protected from frost with the help of fallen snow. It needs to be raked towards the trunk of the apple tree, providing the plant with natural protection.

Columnar fruit trees appeared in our gardens a couple of decades ago. Such low-growing apple trees with a compact and original shape are a real decoration garden plot. They can be grown literally on a small piece of land, both as seedlings and as grafted seedlings. In the presence of necessary care, including spring pruning, columnar apple trees can produce good harvest- during the fruiting period, the leafy columns will be literally covered with fruits.

Columnar apple trees are essentially an original hybrid of the classic apple tree, which appeared in the mid-60s as a result of an accidental mutation - in Canada on a 50-year-old tree. The gardener discovered an unusual branch on it and demonstrated it to local breeders. Subsequently, by common agreement, such a low-growing clone of the apple tree was successfully propagated for further hybridization and cultivation. Columnar apple trees appeared in our latitudes not too long ago and have already managed to win adherents among gardeners. A garden made from these low-growing trees looks decorative and very original; moreover, due to the peculiarities of its development, it can be placed super densely on a small area.

As the name implies, these trees are characterized by the development of a trunk without powerful lateral branches - in the form of a column, which can be gradually formed with the help of competent pruning. Some difficulties in care are fully compensated excellent harvest, which is not difficult to assemble - for this you do not have to climb a tree or tinker with a fruit picker. With the necessary care of columnar apple trees, a richly fruiting orchard can be grown in a small area.

Caring for a columnar apple tree

If there is a competent approach from the gardener, including watering, fertilizing, protection from diseases and pests, as well as wrapping in winter frosts, in the first year after planting the seedling, the top of the columnar apple tree grows up to 30-40 cm, as well as several side shoots. At the bottom of such a tree, several leaves develop from each bud, and in these same places buds will form under future harvest. In the first year, most columnar apple trees do not produce a harvest, but already in next year Fruiting can be expected, which can subsequently continue for 10-15 years. By the second or third year of development, such trees will give an increase of about 40-50 cm, and will also form tasty fruits that stick to skeletal branches like sea buckthorn.

For the full development of columnar apple trees, it is necessary to provide them with suitable care, including:

  • Regular watering is ideal for this drip irrigation, or you should water the trees every 2-3 days. Moreover, to create optimal conditions You will need to organize mulching of the soil (best with straw, as it retains moisture well and does not deteriorate for a long time). It is worth considering that before winter period the mulch will need to be removed so that it does not become a haven for small rodents;
  • combating diseases (in the form of scab, aphids, spots, and especially the Schlechtendahl mite, which has taken a liking to columnar apple trees) - by spraying with biological preparations and pesticides;
  • tinning of the soil - it is used in addition to mulching or instead of it. Since the columnar apple tree has delicate and weak roots, which can be accidentally damaged even by ordinary trampling of the soil, cereal crops are sown around such trees to strengthen the soil. Periodically, these grains will need to be mowed. In addition, in order to repel small rodents, lemon balm, mint or dill can be sown near columnar apple trees.

In the first year after planting a columnar apple tree, it is recommended to pluck out all the flower bouquets that appear on it. After a year, when the tree gets a little stronger, you can try to collect several fruits from it. In the future, the apple tree will bear fruit more abundantly. It is worth carefully monitoring this process - if in the new fruiting season the apples were sharply crushed compared to the harvests of previous years, this means that the tree is overloaded with fruits. In this case, you will need to artificially ration the harvest - to do this, you need to carefully pluck out some of the flowers during the next flowering, trying not to damage the leaves and leaving on each shoot twice as many bouquets as you plan to get fruits. After the ovary appears, the flowers are gradually thinned out so that by the time the fruits develop, they are the size of Walnut A small number of them remained on the fruit link.

How to prune columnar apple trees

When caring for a columnar apple tree, it is important to take into account some features characteristic of this low-growing tree. Experienced gardeners claim that the apical bud in it does not require pruning. The columnar shape in such trees is determined by a special gene - developing naturally, this apple tree grows into a low pyramidal column with lateral branches, reminiscent of a mini-poplar or cypress. Thus, it is worth deciding for yourself whether you will interfere with the development of the tree by pruning, or limit yourself to minimally pinching the side branches. It is still worth considering that without pruning, a columnar apple tree can develop into an ordinary bonsai with a branched crown.

Why is pruning needed?

If you want to get a strict, beautiful “column”, you should help the tree a little by cutting off the side shoots in the spring. This pruning will help regulate their growth and form a regular columnar crown.

In addition, using pruning of columnar apple trees, you can get the following benefits:

  • by placing trees super-densely in this way, tangling of their branches can be avoided;
  • old branches can be rejuvenated or replaced with new shoots;
  • the young branches of the apple tree are strengthened;
  • As a result of thinning the crown of a columnar apple tree, its fruits will subsequently receive maximum nutrition and light - which means the harvest will be more abundant.

The main feature of columnar apple trees is their short stature (dwarfism), which is caused by a lack of growth hormones. Such a tree can to some extent compensate for this phenomenon by throwing out a significant number of flower buds, including those placed directly on the main trunk. To obtain a central strong and maximum fruit-bearing apple tree trunk, you need to get rid of the side branches that weaken it. Formation in the form of a column will allow these trees to be grown quite densely - at a distance of about 0.8-1 m, as a result the garden's productivity will significantly increase.

Rules for pruning columnar apple trees

Experienced gardeners claim that the basic rule for pruning columnar apple trees is as follows - the more branches of the tree are thinned out, the more actively the remaining ones will develop. When planning how to prune columnar apple trees in the spring, it is worth considering what to arm yourself with garden shears and the formation of the crown should begin before the period of active movement of juices begins. If necessary, pruning is also carried out in early summer or autumn, when the apple tree is already beginning to prepare for winter.

The process of forming such a tree is not difficult, but it requires an attentive and painstaking attitude. To carry it out experienced gardeners developed standard diagram pruning of columnar apple trees in spring. There are several main stages of this procedure, depending on the age and stages of development of the tree.

If you cut off a significant part of the branch, leaving no more than three or four buds on it, then by the beginning of the season strong new shoots will develop on the tree, which can produce abundant fruiting. If you prune a little, the tree will develop large quantity less strong branches. By pinching (pinching) only the tops you can get up to a dozen weak branches. It is worth noting that some gardeners, not limiting themselves to one column, try to form two or three fairly powerful trunks of a columnar apple tree.

  1. In the first year of planting, all branching side shoots should be trimmed into two buds (leaves) in order to subsequently obtain stronger shoots from them.
  2. In the second year, the one closest to the vertical plane is selected from these two shoots and left for further fruiting. The second one (growing more horizontally) will need to be cut again at a height of about 30 cm. However, you should not interfere with the growth of the main trunk.
  3. In the third year of tree development, it is recommended to remove the branch that bore fruit last year. Other shoots should be pinched according to last year's pattern.

To avoid shading, you will need to periodically thin out the crown in the spring, getting rid of the neighborhood of thin, weak shoots growing inside it.

It is worth considering that the lateral branches located closer to the center of the column develop more powerfully compared to the branches deviated from the central vertical. Removing small branches sprouting from the apical shoot while still green will not harm the tree and will promote the formation of a strong central trunk.

To achieve an optimal result, it is worth considering some features of pruning the side shoots of columnar apple trees:

  • the central shoot should be secured to a support, and fruit links should be gradually formed from the side branches using pruning;
  • The first pruning is recommended for developing annual side shoots, pinching them into two buds. In order to give the shoot the opportunity for further development, when pruning, you should leave at least a couple of lower buds at the base of the branch - later stronger young shoots will form from them;
  • Repeated pruning is performed one year after the first, then another one in the third year. By that time, the unpruned branch will be ready to bear fruit, and the pruned ones will form shoots from the buds;
  • A branch that has been bearing fruit for 3-5 years is removed and the part of the trunk below it is exposed.

It is important to note that for the normal development of the central trunk of the column, it is necessary to preserve its crown bud. In most cases, it is not worth trimming the apical shoot, since subsequently the central trunk will be drowned out by small branches. Only if its growth is very weak, it would be advisable to trim the top of the trunk, leaving 2-3 buds.

Should not be allowed to be too active growth columnar apple tree. Individual specimens can reach 2.5-3 m - if the tree, having reached a significant height, is still growing upward and its fruitfulness does not increase, by the fifth or sixth year the growth of a columnar apple tree is recommended to be limited to 2.5 meters. In the future, it will be necessary to remove the shoots remaining from last year and growing towards the center of the crown, thickening the crown of the tree.

Pruning a columnar apple tree in spring - video

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area
    I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet.