One of its most famous variants is the decorative honeysuckle honeysuckle. Summer residents choose it because of a number of advantages:

  • rapid growth;
  • decorative leaves;
  • unusual aroma of flowers;
  • elegant fruits.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle - what kind of plant?

Previously, bouquets of honeysuckle flowers were given to a loved one - they symbolized fidelity and constancy. Now it's traditional garden plant, just like clematis and climbing roses, continues to occupy place of honor in the garden.

Liana honeysuckle honeysuckle is especially common in the Caucasus, Southern and Central Europe. It blooms beautifully, meanders, reaching 4-6 meters in height. Young shoots are light green, and sunny side- violet-red hue. The leaves of the plant are bluish-gray below and dark green above. They save color scheme to late autumn, one of the last to fall.

The flowers are up to 5 cm in length and are located in the axils of the fused upper leaves. The hue on the outside is purple or violet-red. Pleasant aroma, especially in evening time, attracts bees. One flower will delight the gardener’s eye for 3, maximum 4 days. In general, honeysuckle honeysuckle blooms within three weeks.

The fruits are orange-red in color and have small stalks. From the age of four the plant blooms and bears fruit. The growing season is from the first half of April to the end of September and beginning of October. Resistance to low temperatures is average. The lifespan of the plant is 50 years or more.

There are two varieties of honeysuckle honeysuckle:

  • Honeysuckle honeysuckle pauciflora - a small number of flowers of a pink-red hue.
  • Honeysuckle white honeysuckle - blooms 2 weeks faster than the previous one, flowers white.

Reproduction of honeysuckle honeysuckle

Increase quantity decorative vines in the garden you can use:

  • Cuttings.
  • Seeds.
  • By layering.

Honeysuckle cuttings

In early July, after flowering has completed, we cut cuttings with two internodes. Upper leaves We shorten the cuttings and cut off the lower ones.

Prepare the soil - mix peat, coarse sand and garden soil in a ratio of 2:2:1. We sow the seeds in a greenhouse, the distance between shoots is 20 cm. We water three times a day.

By the beginning of winter, we cover the shoots with peat, and in the spring we will be planting honeysuckle honeysuckle. To make the plant develop faster when planting root collar plant a little deeper.

If the cuttings are immediately planted in the ground, without a greenhouse period, in best case scenario half of them will germinate.

Propagation by seeds

Propagating a plant by seeds is a complex process. Besides, long-term storage they are damaged. Of those collected five years ago, only 6% germinate.

After the plant has finished flowering, collect the seeds. Remove the pulp, wash, dry and store at room temperature.

Before sowing, the seeds are stratified. In a ratio of 1:3, mix them with wet sand and put them in a cool place. You need to make sure the sand is wet.

We plant to a depth of 2 cm. Even with optimal temperature at 20 degrees they germinate very slowly.

In mid-April, we sow the seeds together with sand in open ground. It is advisable that the area be in the shade.

Caring for young plants is simple: water and weed regularly. In autumn we plant it in the desired place in the garden. To prevent young bushes from freezing, we mulch with peat in the first 2 years.

Reproduction by layering

Fastest and least labor-intensive method- rooting by layering. We cut the lower branch and dig the cut into the ground. We do this in the spring so that the cuttings take root, and at the end of autumn we remove them from the mother plant.

Selecting and preparing a site for honeysuckle honeysuckle

For landing the plot is suitable, which is constantly illuminated by the sun. Yes, you will have to water more, but numerous bright flowers will please the eye. In the shade the stems will be strong but have fewer flowers.

The area intended for planting is thoroughly loosened and moistened. Next, we dig out planting holes or trenches. If planted in holes, honeysuckle honeysuckle will grow in the form of a bush, and the trench will help to obtain vertical gardening.

The hole for planting should have a diameter and depth of about 60 cm. It is recommended to place drainage in the form of broken bricks or crushed stone at the bottom. Optimal for everyone seat add up to 300 g of lime and 80-100 g of mineral fertilizers.

In case correct landing and care, the first shoots from the seeds will germinate by the end of May. In the first year they can reach up to 1.5-2 meters.

Fertilizer honeysuckle honeysuckle

The plant needs additional nutrients. Honeysuckle curly honeysuckle best assimilates nitrogen, potassium and manure. But the last one must be at least 2-3 years old.

You can prepare peat compost with your own hands - a mass based on plant waste. It is added to the soil when planting.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle care

The plant loves moisture. Therefore, it is recommended to water up to three times a month, and more often in hot summers. To prevent moisture from evaporating, the ground is covered with leaves or humus. It is also recommended to water the crown. Don't use too much cold water, let it warm up during the day in the sun.

By mid-May we will make organic fertilizers- humus and compost. And from the beginning of summer to the end of July, two or three times organic and mineral supplements- NPK solution (30 g per bucket of water) and mullein infusion (1:10). The circles around the trunk need to be loosened and mulched with fallen leaves for the winter.

The most important thing for a vine is a strong support. The latter can be based on metal, wood, nylon mesh or cords. Young shoots should be directed to the support, evenly distributed over its area. Keep in mind that the plant stems twist counterclockwise. To prevent honeysuckle from continuing to grow in height, cut off the top. This will speed up the growth of side shoots.

The plant requires protection from frost for up to three years. To do this, we cover the bush with spruce branches and cover the base with dry leaves. Older plants overwinter well in vertical position under the influence strong winds And low temperatures. But covering the root won't hurt either.

In spring, honeysuckle begins to sprout new shoots and shoots. We look at which branches have died and cut them off. But do not rush to cut the plant at the root if you find several dry shoots.

In fact, identifying shriveled branches is not so easy. Buds on honeysuckle not only set late, but also for a long time almost invisible. Therefore, there is no need to start pruning the plant immediately after the snow cover disappears. This way, you can use pruning shears to destroy healthy branches. Wait until the buds begin to sprout new shoots.

If not the entire twig is dry, then cut off only the dead part. A small haircut of a cosmetic nature is also allowed in the summer.

Important features of the plant

Over time, the shoots of the plant become woody and bare. This spoils the appearance of the entire plant. Therefore it needs to be trimmed. And about once every three years it is recommended to prune all shoots. After this, we feed the plant. The first year will have to endure without bright color, but then it will become much thicker and more beautiful.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle does not respond well to transplants - so think carefully about where exactly you want to see the plant.

Do not plant the plant closer than 80 cm from the foundation. Honeysuckle has a powerful core root system, which destroys the foundation of the house.

As evidenced numerous photos honeysuckle honeysuckle, this good option for decorative landscaping of low objects. The plant combines harmoniously with deciduous and coniferous shrubs.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle is also called goat leaf, Italian honeysuckle, or simply honeysuckle. This is a species of multi-flowered plants of the Caprifoliaceae family. In nature, you can find it in Europe, where it is native, but it got its start in South-Eastern Britain, which to this day is credited with the “citizenship” of our plant. Honeysuckle honeysuckle is easy to distinguish from species more common in Europe honeysuckle Lonicera periclymenum. The name honeysuckle comes from the Latin name that refers to the stems that grow through the center of the foliage. This page shows some photos of the bush. It also talks about the main varieties, care rules and planting.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle is used to decorate garden space, in particular it is used to decorate garden gazebos and arches. In some countries it is used as medicine for treating urinary problems, is also an excellent astringent.

In some cases, the fruit is used as food, and the flowers are very fragrant honeysuckle can easily replace tea for you. Essential oil, which is obtained as a result of processing plants, is used to prepare very sweet aromas in perfumery and other cosmetics. You can see photos of flowers, leaves and other parts of the plant. This information will help you choose the right variety, planting which will enhance any garden.

Description and photo of decorative honeysuckle honeysuckle

The description and photo of deocratic honeysuckle honeysuckle on this page perfectly illustrate the splendor of the plant, planting which will not cost special labor. And caring for this type of shrub consists of: timely pruning and feeding. Honeysuckle honeysuckle is an energetic foliage plant. It can reach a height of up to 8 meters. The shape of the leaves can vary - from ovoid to ellipse. It is brilliant green above and bluish-gray below. Lower leaves are located on short stems with a wide base.

Flowers most often in red, cream and yellow shades are collected at the end of the branches in three inflorescences. The fruit is shaped juicy berries coral color. It will become a real decoration of your garden along with fragrant cream flowers that turn pink in summer. Planting a suitable variety will solve many landscape design problems.

Propagation of honeysuckle honeysuckle using cuttings

Honeysuckle seeds are best sown after they have ripened on the windowsill. Before this, you need to store them for about 2 months in a cool place and need to sow them as quickly as possible. Once they have grown enough to be processed, you can begin to plant the seedlings in separate pots and continue to grow them in the greenhouse during the first winter. On permanent place habitats, it is recommended to replant the plant towards the end of spring or early summer, after the most recent frost.

You can propagate honeysuckle honeysuckle using cuttings from semi-ripe wood in July-August - their length should be at least 10 centimeters. Scientists have found a higher percentage of germination of flowers grown in this way. Cuttings of mature wood are up to 20 centimeters and can be cut in November. The germination rate is also very high.

Proper care of honeysuckle honeysuckle

Honeysuckle honeysuckle prefers well-moistened soil and timely care, which begins immediately after the landing is completed. It is recommended to grow all varieties in partial shade - it is recommended to take the plant out into the sun for at least a few hours a day. sunlight. But at the same time it grows quite well in deep shade. Tolerates both alkaline soils (though sometimes it starts to get sick on very alkaline soils) and acidic soils. Proper care guarantees a magnificent appearance of the bush.

The plant grows normally at temperatures as low as -15 degrees. Growth is moderate. If other flowers and varieties grow nearby, then they can climb and continue their growth and development on them. The flowers are very fragrant (especially at night), which attracts pollinating butterflies. They actively produce fruits and berries, but, however, they bear fruit only after a hot summer. The following shows photos of honeysuckle honeysuckle from different angles:

Planting honeysuckle honeysuckle, diseases and pests

For honeysuckle you need ongoing care, during which you need to follow all the care tips, otherwise the beautiful swan will turn into a terrible, untidy lump of who knows what. To prevent your shoots from hanging haphazardly, create a good metal or wooden support, stretched in the required direction. It is better to guide young shoots with a soma, dividing them evenly over the entire surface. Planting honeysuckle honeysuckle is carried out after selecting a variety that meets all the requirements.

Another good way Maintaining a neat appearance of your plant during care is regular pruning. With its help, you can not only keep your bush in order, but also give it the desired shape and maintain it for a long time. If you understand that the bush is too old, it is better to completely cut off all the stems. In this way, you will awaken old buds from their sleep, which in the near future will delight us with new shoots. By the way, after such pruning during care, honeysuckle honeysuckle begins to actively bloom.

Diseases and pests - honeysuckle honeysuckle is prone to attacks by mold and black flies.

Varieties of honeysuckle honeysuckle

Landing of this plant implies the formation of a beautiful landscape design of a garden with shady corners. To do this you need to select suitable varieties honeysuckle honeysuckle. The description and photo, which can be viewed below, will help with this.

Edible honeysuckle

Edible honeysuckle is also called blue honeysuckle. Honeysuckle honeysuckle itself is inedible - like most similar varieties - it is only decorative variety, which looks very much like a vine. Most edible fruits you will get from the Kamchatka honeysuckle variety, which grows on Far East. The first berries appear on the plant already in the first weeks of May - it turns out for about a week before strawberries. Plant this variety better in autumn, since the growing season is very short, and planting closer to winter does not harm it at all - honeysuckle is absolutely frost-resistant. Approximate time planting of the variety – September-October. If you choose September, then do not forget about constant watering, since the sun still has a noticeable effect on the soil, which often dries out. In October, you can plant these varieties completely calmly, without fear of causing harm.

In addition, four are known popular varieties honeysuckle honeysuckle:

  • Belgicaflowering plant with wide green leaves and dense heads of pink and purple. In the fall they give birth huge amount red berries It got its name from the country – Belgium. It no longer exists in its original form and is slightly inferior to these seedlings. But, despite everything, Belgica honeysuckle is still purchased by many gardeners who value the quality and appearance of the flower.
  • Harleguin distinguished by picturesque flowers pink shade with a light border around the edges.
  • Munster also have pale pink flowers, but their border is white.
  • But Graham Thomas differs from the others in both light and shape - their flowers have an elongated tube, and the petals have an unusual color of white and yellow shades.

Honeysuckle is an upright, creeping or climbing shrub of the Honeysuckle family. It is a great success among summer residents and is unpretentious in cultivation and care. Its lush inflorescences fill the garden with an extraordinary aroma. This blooming decoration is perfect for vertical gardening plot, decorating walls, unsightly buildings in the garden, designing arches, gazebos, terraces. Honeysuckle honeysuckle is the most popular. Planting, propagation, and the rules for its maintenance are certainly of interest to those who want to turn their summer cottage plot to a piece of paradise.

Varieties of honeysuckle

Today, the number of honeysuckle varieties reaches several dozen. They differ in the characteristics of care and reproduction, appearance and other important characteristics.

All plant varieties are divided into two categories.

  • Fruit - the height of the bush is 1-2 meters, varieties vary in terms of fruit ripening, yield and taste qualities. Edible species Honeysuckle bears fruit for the first 10 years, the berries have a specific taste and are divided into three categories: a product with sourness, sweet fruit without a pronounced sour aftertaste and another, similar in taste to strawberries.
  • Ornamental - the shrub is often a vine, with good care and suitable climatic conditions can grow up to 7 meters. Such species are valued for their beauty, a slightly pungent aroma that intensifies in the evening, and interesting fruits that are completely unsuitable for food.

In turn, the latter type is divided into two categories:

  1. bushes - ordinary, alpine, Tatar, Maksimovich, Korolkova;
  2. vines - honeysuckle, climbing, Brown, Thalmann.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle is one of the most popular and widespread species for landscaping.

Description Honeysuckle

Goat, or fragrant, honeysuckle fell in love with gardeners thanks to rapid growth, easy care and unpretentiousness. Decorative foliage, unusual beautiful flowers and a wonderful aroma - it gives beauty to the garden area. This type of plant can be found in the Caucasus, southern and central Europe.

Honeysuckle is a climbing vine-like type of honeysuckle. It is a deciduous shrub, with inflorescences up to 50 mm in length, red-violet, yellow, creamy pink or white, and dense large leaves, which are dark green above and bluish-blue below. The plant blooms in late spring and until mid-summer, about three weeks. single flower lives 2-4 days.

Reproduction occurs in three ways:

  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • seeds.

Fruits are bright red or orange color, small, on a short stalk, inedible.

The lifespan of such a hedge reaches 30–50 years. The shrub is quite frost-resistant and tolerates wintering well. This European look Honeysuckle reaches a length of 5 meters and needs support.

Choosing a landing site

Honeysuckle, which can be planted and cared for even by a novice gardener, requires careful selection of the planting site.

  • The plant loves an abundance of moisture and is sensitive to its lack. Therefore, it should be planted in fertile, loose soil, avoiding places with dry soil.
  • The liana feels good on the sunny side, in a lighted place it will thank you with an abundance of flowers, in a darkened place it will send out healthy shoots.
  • For normal development The bush needs support, then its branches can grow upward. It can serve vertical surface, wall of a house or gazebo, any metal or wooden support.

For climbing plant It is worth choosing loamy or sandy loam soils. If this is not possible, then wet limestone or peat acidic soils are suitable as a substrate.


The best time to plant hedges is April-May. Before the procedure, it is necessary to prepare the ground: the soil should be saturated with fertilizers. This can be mineral fertilizers, peat or manure. Then the soil needs to be loosened and moistened.

Seedlings ornamental shrub planted in the ground to a depth of approximately 60 cm to the bottom landing pit It is worth laying drainage (expanded clay, coarse sand, brick chips). You can dig single holes or a trench depending on what result the gardener expects. When a seedling is planted in a hole, the plant will grow into a bush, and if you dig a trench, it will grow into a continuous green hedge.

In one year of growth, the climbing shrub rises 2 meters. In the first two winters, the plant must be removed from the support and protected from freezing.


Honeysuckle honeysuckle is undemanding in care. It needs only three agrotechnical measures.

  • Periodic feeding - for these purposes you can use nitrogen and potash fertilizers, humus, self-made peat compost, humus, manure. They should be dug up with soil located near the trunk of the plant.
  • Watering - the climbing shrub loves moisture, so it needs to be watered about three times a month. The water should not be very cold. Then the soil around the honeysuckle needs to be covered with dried leaves or a layer of humus.
  • When pruning, it is better to carry out the procedure in the spring: the plant has not yet acquired lush foliage, so it will be easier to shorten it and give it the desired shape.

Tatarian honeysuckle is prone to pest invasion and vulnerable to disease. This species must be periodically inspected and appropriate action taken if uncharacteristic signs are detected. Brown's honeysuckle is a heat-loving species and requires shelter in winter.


The plant can be propagated by seeds. You can also plant honeysuckle by cuttings. In this case, the survival rate, in contrast to the above method, is high - up to 90%. Propagation of hedges can be carried out by layering and dividing the bush.

Seeds for the procedure are prepared from the previous year. The berries are freed from pulp, washed, and allowed to dry. They are sown in the spring, and in the summer the seedlings are planted in a prepared place.

For propagation by cuttings, the material is prepared in August, they are rooted in the ground in the fall, and planted in a permanent place in the spring. The easiest way to propagate honeysuckle is by layering. To do this, you need to cut it and dig it into the ground. After the roots have formed, the vine is separated and planted in the desired location.

Tatar honeysuckle is found in the wild in Kazakhstan, Siberia, and the Middle Volga region. IN decorative purposes in Russia it is grown almost everywhere personal plots.

Tatarian honeysuckle gained its popularity due to its light pink, white or deep pink flowers. They bloom at the end of May and change to red, yellow or orange in August. inedible fruits. The leaves of the bush are smooth. Tatar honeysuckle - long lasting plant. The features of growing and planting are no different from the requirements for other types of honeysuckle.

This variety is unpretentious and does not require careful care. Tatarian bush is used for urban landscaping and can grow even in heavily polluted areas.

A hedge made from this type of plant is prone to characteristic diseases and is vulnerable to pest invasion. Therefore, Tatar honeysuckle must be constantly inspected, its condition checked, and treated with special solutions.

Brown's honeysuckle is prized for its large and bright inflorescences. It blooms in summer period red-orange flowers, then bright red fruits grow.

Brown's species is a deciduous or semi-deciduous vine. When choosing a planting site, it is worth considering that cold winds can destroy the bush, so it should be planted in a secluded place. Brown's honeysuckle loves the sun and requires proper care.

IN winter time It is advisable to cover the plant every year. Brown's honeysuckle is heat-loving and not frost-resistant.

Thälmann's honeysuckle is an evergreen species, 5-6 m high. The flowers are orange-golden, replaced by yellow-orange fruits. The leaves are bluish below, bright green above.

The winter hardiness of the Telman variety is average; it is advisable to cover the shrub in the cold season. This species is light-loving and demanding on soils.

Serotina honeysuckle shoots reach 4 meters. Flowering period is mid-summer and early autumn. The inflorescences are brightly colored, lush, tubular. They are red-violet on the outside, creamy on the inside, and have a strong aroma.

The Serotina species is unpretentious to the surrounding soil and loves sunny sides.

So, honeysuckle - irreplaceable plant on personal plots, in gardens and dachas. It will create cozy corners from fresh flowers, will fill everything around incredible aroma, will hide unsightly buildings from prying eyes.

Even a novice summer resident can handle propagation, planting and care. In response, honeysuckle will decorate the site, arches, terraces, gazebos and other vertical structures with its decorative leaves, bright fruits and beautiful inflorescences.

Which, with the help of special supports, grow several meters in height and at the same time have features that delight the owners for a month. Let's look at what honeysuckle is and how to properly care for it.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle: description of a fragrant vine

Honeysuckle support

Honeysuckle honeysuckle can be supported by any surface on which the plant can cling thanks to the small Velcro strips that are located along the entire length of the vine.

Depending on the idea of ​​the owner or designer, it can be either an ordinary one, which is located between two buildings; an old tree, which will first be dug into the ground, will serve as a good support.

Knowing how to plant honeysuckle honeysuckle in the spring, it is important to understand the features spring pruning so as not to cause any unnecessary damage to the plant.

Features of honeysuckle pruning

In order not to harm the plant, pruning is carried out in the spring. Cuts are made only on frozen or damaged branches that will not be able to produce new shoots. It is better to do this when the buds wake up, so that the cutting accuracy is maximum.

To stimulate the emergence of new shoots, after reaching the desired height, cut off the tops of the main trunk. To carry out fundamental rejuvenation of the crown, fairly strong pruning is used, removing everything above 0.5 m from the ground.

Watering the plant and caring for the soil

During hot periods, climbing honeysuckle is recommended carefully twice a week, this will strengthen the roots after planting and ensure proper care. The rest of the time, once a week is enough. However, stagnation of water in the soil is important; for this, it is extremely important to provide drainage during planting.

Feeding honeysuckle honeysuckle

The plant needs additional feeding. For good growth he needs a lot. It is important to feed the plant directly during the flowering period.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle is a decorative flowering vine. Unlike edible honeysuckle its fruits are not used in food or medicinal purposes, but in matters of landscaping and decoration garden plot honeysuckle honeysuckle is the first assistant to flower growers and landscape designers.

Most often, honeysuckle honeysuckle is used as a hedge, planting plants along fences or surrounding gazebos to provide vertical landscaping in the area. Honeysuckle honeysuckle exudes tenderness, pleasant aroma, which is especially noticeable in the evenings.

The plant blooms in May-June. During this period, the branches of honeysuckle are covered with white-pink or white-yellow flowers, brighter on the outside, and shaped like a smaller copy of an orchid. Later, the plant produces fruits - small red berries, which also decorate the vine.

Features of growing honeysuckle honeysuckle

Planting and caring for honeysuckle honeysuckle does not contain anything complicated. To ensure proper growth, it needs to be provided with support - by wrapping around it, the vine will develop and stretch upward. The height to which a plant can rise is also directly proportional to the height of the support.

On average, honeysuckle honeysuckle produces about one meter of growth per year. Thus, within five years it can reach a height of 4-5 meters.

Planting honeysuckle honeysuckle: when and how best to plant the plant

For planting honeysuckle honeysuckle, the spring season is most preferable.

The vine buds are planted immediately in a permanent place. The soil intended for planting must be thoroughly moistened and loosened. Experts do not recommend getting by with planting one bud; it is better to use them on a plot of 2-3, or even more. This approach will provide a more lush hedge, because it is from the buds that grow long stems vine

To plant buds in the ground, you need to dig a planting hole or a planting trench. The choice of one method or another depends on the desired end result. If you use hole planting, the grown plant will take the form of a bush, and trench planting is used for vertical gardening to create rows of honeysuckle.

To place honeysuckle honeysuckle in the garden, it is advisable to choose a place brightly lit by sunlight. In this case, the plant will please the eye abundant flowering. In a shaded place the stems will remain just as strong, but large quantity no flowers will appear.

Fertilizing the soil before planting

For the healthy development of the plant, it is necessary to prepare the soil by saturating it with fertilizers. Humus from manure, peat, microelements, various organic and mineral fertilizers. All this is put together and combined with the planting soil, after which honeysuckle buds are planted in the already prepared soil.

After proper planting in the spring, the first shoots will appear towards the end of May - beginning of June. They will already be quite long, and in the first year, subject to proper care, they can grow by up to 1.5-2 meters.

Feeding honeysuckle honeysuckle

Further care for honeysuckle honeysuckle involves periodic application of fertilizers. The liana especially favors nitrogen and potassium fertilizers, as well as 2-3-year-old humus. Honeysuckle will also respond positively to rotted plant fertilizers.

You can also prepare fertilizers yourself. For this purpose in compost pit Plant waste is accumulated and needs to be sprinkled with peat from time to time. In a year of such preparation you can get good peat compost.

Basic rules for caring for honeysuckle honeysuckle

Caring for honeysuckle honeysuckle does not require particularly close attention.

The plant tolerates temperatures well down to 40 degrees. Of course, in order to protect honeysuckle, it is better to severe frosts cover it with spruce branches. If frostbitten branches do appear, they are identified and cut off in the spring. It is not worth removing all the stems of the vine before wintering - this will not allow it to sufficiently gain strength and grow. In the spring, during bud formation, a slight frost will also not harm the plant.

In summer, honeysuckle needs to be watered frequently and a large number water. However, an adult vine can easily do without watering for some time.

In addition to fertilizing, the soil must be mulched periodically. Mulching is designed not only to protect the soil and enrich it with useful substances. This simple procedure performs several more important functions:

  • prevents the appearance of weeds;
  • retains moisture in the soil;
  • allows for less frequent loosening of the soil;
  • prevents pathogens from entering the soil with precipitation and during irrigation;
  • protects in summer top layer soil from overheating;
  • in autumn and winter it protects the soil from freezing, weathering and excessive leaching.

Both organic (grass, straw, leaves, sawdust, paper, etc.) and inorganic (sand, gravel, fine stone, plastic, shredded rubber) materials can be used as mulch.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle: methods of propagation

Most in a simple way Propagation of the honeysuckle vine is considered to be planting pre-germinated seeds. However, honeysuckle can be propagated in another way - by cuttings and layering.
When cuttings are taken, the propagation process can occur in spring, summer and late autumn.

For autumn cuttings, you need to choose healthy, strong shoots about 10-15 cm long. The shoots should have at least 4-5 eyes. Planting is done in loose, moist soil, the last eye is left above the ground. The top of the plot is mulched with leaves.

Summer cuttings begin at the end of July, when the plant fades. The stems are cut to such length that each has 2 internodes, the leaves from below are removed. The cuttings are planted in a greenhouse, closed from direct sun rays, at a short distance from each other - 15-25 cm. The rooting depth is 2-3 cm. The top of the greenhouse is covered with glass, which can be removed after new leaves appear. The soil is moistened several times a day. For wintering, honeysuckle cuttings are mulched with peat, and in the spring they can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Propagation by layering consists of digging the lower branches a little into the ground and then watering them abundantly. This is done in the spring so that the plant can take root over the summer. After wintering, new bushes are considered strong enough to be planted.

Propagation by seeds is a long process if you collect them yourself. Seed collection begins after flowering, at the end of July. Collected seeds washed and dried thoroughly, then stored in a dry place. In February, the seeds are sprinkled with damp sand and kept in the refrigerator for two months, after which they are sown in the soil. The seeds are germinated, providing them with watering and weeding from weeds. Replanting to a permanent location can be done in the fall or immediately after wintering.

Formation of honeysuckle bush honeysuckle

In order for the plant to please the eye, it must not be neglected - left to its own devices, honeysuckle quickly loses its presentable appearance, turning into some kind of shapeless mass.

The most important condition for correct formation vines are a good support. In addition to beauty, it must be durable and tall enough. The material has no of great importance– it can be metal, wood, nylon net, etc. The branches of the plant must be manually laid in in the right direction, distributing them over the surface.

After the plant has reached the desired height, the top is cut off, which gives impetus to the development of lateral stems.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):