How to care for dishes made from of stainless steel?

Today, stainless steel is one of the most popular materials which are used for making kitchen utensils. And it’s hard to deny anything here, because stainless steel has excellent performance and aesthetic quality. It is easy to care for cookware made from this steel, but many subtleties are directly determined by what kind of cookware you purchased.

So, High-quality stainless steel cookware has the following characteristics:

  • This type of cookware has a thick bottom and several layers of aluminum and copper on the walls.
  • Determining the quality of stainless cookware is quite simple - by weight.
  • The cost of such kitchen utensils is much more expensive than their counterparts, but they will also last much longer. And at the same time, it is devoid of the main disadvantage of “stainless steel” - uneven heat distribution. It is better to give preference to pots and pans with steel lids, because glass ones are easy to break, and it is quite problematic to wash them from grease.
  • If you plan to use pans in the oven, you need to make sure that the handles do not contain plastic.
  • An important parameter that should be taken into account is the strength of the fastenings of all elements. They are the first to fail.

Stainless steel cookware gained recognition only at the end of the 20th century, but today it is in enormous demand, both in Russia and abroad. European markets dishes. And we can safely say that stainless steel cookware is the leader in popularity at the beginning of the 21st century.

Advantages of stainless steel cookware

1. Firstly, modern stainless steel cookware is durable. Such dishes can serve you and your children for a century, and then go to be melted down to be “reborn” and continue their mission in the kitchen.

2. It is known that stainless steel is very durable material. Thanks to the double bottom and thick walls, such pots and pans do not become deformed, scratched or destroyed even after for long years operation.

3. Stainless steel is a material that has a very hygienic surface. Thanks to flawless polishing without cracks or scratches, germs and bacteria do not accumulate on the surface of pots and pans.

4. Stainless steel cookware retains its impeccable appearance for decades: it does not rust or deteriorate.

5. Stainless steel kitchen utensils and stainless steel pots and pans are easy to care for, especially if you know the basic rules and some tricks. .

How to care for stainless steel cookware

1. To begin, carefully read the characteristics of your stainless steel cookware on the packaging, labels, and booklets.

2. Caring for stainless steel cookware begins with washing it before first use. Pots, pans, and ladles should be thoroughly washed with warm water, or even better, hot water with the addition of soft detergent. Just wet the stickers and decals on the dishes warm water and remove with a non-metallic and non-sharp object, preferably plastic. Traces of glue can be easily removed using any acid (vinegar or lemon juice).

3. When daily care Wash dishes immediately after using them, avoiding allowing food residues to dry on the walls of pots and pans.

4. Dishes on which there are food residues that cannot be removed with a mild detergent and a napkin or dishwashing sponge must be filled with water and detergent and heated for 5 to 10 minutes. Then remove the dirt with a hard sponge or plastic brush.

5. If food is burnt in stainless steel dishes, then you need to fill the pot or pan with water and detergent, bring to a boil, cool and only then wash.

Remember that if you use cookware correctly, food will not burn in stainless steel.

6. Do not use when washing dishes sharp objects(steel pads), aggressive (caustic cleaners and alkalis) or sandy (abrasive) detergents, as these can cause the new and shiny surface of your pots, pans and ladles to be scratched and dull very quickly.

7. To care for stainless steel cookware, you can use special detergents recommended by cookware manufacturers.

8. You need to know that when stainless steel cookware overheats, the color of the stainless steel may change to golden or light brown. This is not a defect in the cookware. If color changes, use cleaners recommended by the respective cookware manufacturers.

9. If you wash stainless steel dishes in dishwasher, then it is recommended to remove it immediately after washing, so that stains do not form under the influence of conditioning moisture. (Or at least open the lid of the car).

10. If you want your stainless steel cookware to sparkle like new, you must remember that when daily care After washing dishes, you need to wipe them dry. Especially if the dishes are decorated with inserts of other metals (for example, copper), this will significantly help maintain the sparkling shine. new dishes, and prolong its existence. This way you can prevent possible appearance on pots and pans dark spots and divorces.

11. If you don’t want white spots to appear inside stainless steel cookware, you need to remember that salt should only be poured into boiling water or on food, but it is better to dissolve it in the liquid in advance. Make sure the liquid is boiling or hot before adding vinegar, spices, or dressings, as hot water seasonings dissolve quickly without causing oxidation of the walls and without changing appearance dishes. At the same time, remember that spots or stains on inner surface, do not in any way affect the quality of the prepared food or the functional properties of the dishes.

12. If colored stains or lime stains still appear on the surface of your stainless steel pot or frying pan, they can be removed using a 4.5% table vinegar solution or citric acid. After processing, wipe the dishes dry. You can also boil the dishes in a solution of citric acid with a sufficient amount of water.

13. Do not allow pots and pans to overheat. If this happens (for example, it stood empty on the fire for a long time), then you need to let it cool on its own, without using cold water or air to speed up the process.

14. Don’t forget that after washing, stainless steel dishes must be wiped thoroughly, this simple measure will protect against the appearance of white streaks.

Stainless steel cutlery and utensils are practical and affordable, but over time they lose their visual appeal. Every housewife has her own secrets when cleaning stainless steel cookware. But the basic principles are the same. How to properly care for stainless steel cookware? What products will effectively remove plaque from the surface of dishes and cutlery without damaging it? You will find all the answers in this article.

How to clean stainless steel cookware?

Stainless steel is a fairly durable material and can withstand even abrasive substances. You just need to follow certain rules in choosing funds. To ensure high quality cleaning of stainless steel cookware, you will need the following products:

Almost all means are available and safe. You will also need these additional tools:

  • pot;
  • sponges;
  • brushes.

Having prepared everything necessary funds and tools, get to work.

How to clean stainless steel cookware?

The most popular means household chemicals These are special cleaning powders. They are relatively inexpensive and remove all types of contaminants well. The only negative is that they contain synthetic substances.

Important! Given this drawback, thoroughly wash all items every time.

For effective use cleaning powders, follow these instructions:

  1. Sprinkle a small amount of powder onto the sponge.
  2. Remove scale and oxides from objects using rubbing movements.
  3. Rinse well - first in hot water, then in cold.

Important! To prevent allergies, work with chemicals gloved.

Caring for stainless steel cookware using folk remedies

Widely used for processing such kitchen items folk remedies. They are safe, affordable, and remove well. various pollution. There are many ways to use such products; we will introduce you to some of the most effective ones.

Method No. 1

To clean forks and spoons quickly and easily, regular salt and soda will come in handy. Follow these steps:

  1. Take a deep saucepan.
  2. Boil water in it.
  3. Add salt and soda.
  4. Place your utensils in the pan.
  5. Boil over low heat for about half an hour.
  6. When the spoons and forks are clean, rinse them running water.
  7. Dry with a towel.

Important! This method is effective even when you plan to clean stainless steel pans. Only the pan in which the items will be boiled should be deeper.

Method No. 2

If you don’t have time for boiling, you will probably like this cleaning of stainless steel pans:

  1. Mix dry mustard and soda.
  2. Wet a sponge or brush with water and dip into the mixture.
  3. Treat all contaminants on the metal with products.
  4. Rinse with warm water.
  5. Remove moisture with a towel.

Important! If the pollution is not very strong, only soda will do. It is the most effective and frequently used remedy by all housewives. Soda gently, and most importantly, efficiently removes oxide, food residues, and any other contaminants. It can simply be applied to the surface of the dishes and wiped with a sponge. Plus, it is safe for health and hands.

How to properly care for stainless steel cookware?

  1. Wash dishes on time. Do not allow food to dry on its surface.
  2. If you are unable to remove food debris in time, fill the dishes with hot water and leave to soak for several minutes or even hours. Then wash as usual.
  3. Remove burnt food from the inside as much as possible; cover any leftovers with water. Boil on the stove for a while, then rinse with running water.
  4. If you use a dishwasher, remove items from the dishwasher immediately after washing.
  5. Vinegar or lemon juice will help remove white stains and limescale stains. Simply boil water in a stainless steel pan with the addition of any acid for 30 minutes.
  6. If the water in the pan has boiled away and it has been sitting on the fire for some time, do not cool it suddenly. Just remove from the stove and let cool naturally. Sudden temperature changes can cause metal to deteriorate.
  7. To avoid white marks, always wipe the surface dry after washing.
  8. A metal knife can be cleaned well and conveniently using an onion. Onions remove even a light coating of rust.
  9. An alternative remedy is coffee grounds. Wipe the surface of pots and utensils with the paste and they will shine.
  10. Do not rush to pour out the potato broth. Soak your stainless steel cutlery in it! All you have to do is rinse them running water, without additional effort.

Currently, every housewife has the opportunity to purchase any kitchen utensils. Thanks to the huge selection of products, you can have all the necessary utensils that meet your wallet, taste and wishes. Since pans are made from various materials, then caring for each type of cookware has its own subtleties, nuances and distinctive features. In this article we will talk about caring for stainless steel cookware. Caring for such stainless steel kitchen utensils is quite simple. In front of her active use It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the basic rules recommended by manufacturers.

What do you need to know when handling stainless steel cookware?

1. Newly purchased items should be washed under hot running water with mandatory use detergent. If there are stickers on the inside or outside pans, they should be removed using non-sharp plastic objects, after moistening them with warm water. Alcohol or vodka dissolves sticker adhesive well - moisten the sticker with an alcohol-containing liquid and remove the label after a few minutes.

2. All stainless steel items must be washed immediately after use, without creating conditions for food residues to dry on the surfaces.

3. To prevent mechanical damage to the dishes and loss of their presentation when removing food residues, you cannot use:

- metal brushes and brushes;

- cleaners containing alkali;

— abrasive cleaning powders that contain large, sharp grains;

- caustic detergents that destroy the surface layer;

- knives and sharp metal objects.

4. It is recommended to wash ladles, frying pans and pots using soft napkins or a cup. As a rule, dishware manufacturers recommend the use of specialized detergents.

5. Dried food residues can be removed from the surface of the dishes after pre-soaking them in a detergent solution. If there are stubborn food residues on the walls of the utensils, then before washing with a plastic brush, heat the detergent solution in the pan for 9-10 minutes.

6. If you use the cookware correctly, the food in it will not burn. If this trouble does happen to you, then before washing, you should pour a detergent solution into the pan and boil it over low heat for 2-3 minutes.

7. After washing, all stainless steel items should be wiped dry with a kitchen or paper towel– this will prevent the appearance of dark streaks and stains on the surface, and will also maintain a mirror shine. This is especially important if there are decorative inserts made of other materials, such as copper or nickel, on the outer surfaces.

8. If you wash pots in the dishwasher, then after the final cycle, the dishes should be immediately removed from it and wiped or the door should be opened slightly in order to prevent the formation of streaks from moisture.

9. If there are colored spots and stains, they can be eliminated by treatment problem areas solution of citric acid or regular table vinegar(concentration acidic solution should be 4.5%, that is, the vinegar is diluted boiled water 1:1). After treatment with the composition, the dishes must be wiped dry.

11. Hot cookware should not be cooled in cold water, it is recommended to cool them first. Sudden temperature changes can lead to loss mirror shine pans, making them dull and unpresentable.

It should be noted that the appearance various kinds stains and stains on stainless steel surfaces do not in any way affect the quality and taste of the food cooked in it. Good dishes made of stainless steel is environmentally friendly, easy to use and lasts quite a long time, naturally, if the above recommendations are followed.

Every housewife in her kitchen has a large collection of different types of pots, pans of different sizes, tureens, ladles, plates, cups and many other types of utensils.

Used in its production various materials, requiring special care behind each product. It should be noted that proper care begin with correct use. In order to cookware served for a long period of time, certain general rules to care for her.

Before first use, wash the dishes in warm water using liquid detergent and a soft sponge. When cooking, you must use wooden or plastic spatulas to avoid mechanical damage to the surface of the pot or pan. To extend the life of the cookware and maintain the integrity of the coating, do not allow it to overheat without water or other products. After completing the cooking process, it is recommended to allow the utensils to cool naturally, after which they can be washed in warm water. When washing, do not use cleaning powders or hard brushes.

Except general recommendations, described above, there are certain rules on the care of products made from a specific material. For example, stainless steel cookware, which after manufacturing has almost mirror surface, may lose its quality when scrubbing burnt or dried food with rough abrasives. In this case, you should hold it in it before washing. soda solution. If over time the surface of the product becomes cloudy, you can use it to polish it. soft material and fine tooth powder, but it should be noted that for this purpose it is better to use special polishing pastes.

When using stainless steel cookware, remember the following: direct contact with salt may cause stains on the bottom of the pan or other utensils. To prevent this, add salt to boiling water, stirring constantly. Black or rainbow spots can also appear on the surface if overheated, so you need to monitor the temperature while cooking. In turn, to prevent the appearance of stainless steel cookware limescale, after washing it is necessary to wipe it dry kitchen towel. To save smooth surface Do not use rough brushes when washing such dishes. IN stainless steel pans In addition to cooking, you can also store prepared food in the refrigerator, since the material is resistant to relatively low temperatures. Thus, following the above rules will help preserve and extend the service life of stainless steel cookware.

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