Rose is one of the most exquisite and beautiful plants, which can be grown in your garden. Planting roses must be carried out according to all the rules, and caring for them requires care and careful work, as well as some basic knowledge when choosing a seedling and a place for growing.

Main varieties of roses for growing

Plant care can vary greatly depending on the variety. The main varieties of roses with their own characteristics are described below.

Park roses

Relatively unpretentious plants, undemanding to soil and care, tolerates both heat and frost. They bloom earlier than other roses, late spring, flowering lasts about a month. There are several main groups: rose hips, garden roses and modern hybrids that differ as appearance, and the time of flowering.

climbing roses

Roses with long shoots growing around a fulcrum. Often used to decorate fences, gazebos, columns, and decorate building facades. They are divided into three groups according to height: semi-climbing up to three meters, climbing up to five meters, climbing up to 15 meters. When caring, it is important to prune faded shoots, as well as covering them for the winter.

Ground cover roses

Stand out for their diversity and abundant flowering. Ground cover roses can bloom until fall, making them an excellent choice for suburban area or flower garden. One of the features is that it requires planting on a slope and on a hill to avoid flooding of flowers in the spring. This type of rose is unpretentious and does not require special care measures, except abundant watering after landing.

Tea and hybrid tea roses

Flowers with a magnificent scent and varied bud colors. The advantages of the variety include: re-blooming and the outstanding qualities of the flower itself: powerful stem and bulb, varied colors, smell; Among the disadvantages is low resistance to heat, frost, and disease. We do not recommend starting your acquaintance with growing roses with these flowers; they require ongoing care an experienced gardener.

If your previous attempts to grow these magnificent flowers in your garden have ended in failure, or this is your first time deciding to grow these majestic flowers, our article, based on advice from professionals, will help you achieve success and avoid annoying mistakes.

Having first familiarized yourself with the huge variety of species and varieties of roses, you can go to a nursery or a specialized store to buy seedlings. You can, of course, order them from online stores, but then you will not be able to check the condition of the plant’s root system. And this is of great importance when landing.

Video about planting roses

Seedlings in stores are sold in containers or with an open root system. The first option is better to choose if you intend to plant flowers in the summer. If planting is planned for the spring or autumn months, you can safely buy seedlings with bare roots without leaves - they are presented in more wide range and are sold cheaper.

Buying roses in a container, see if it is densely filled with roots earthen lump, how many shoots there are on the bush, and what the foliage looks like. Quality seedlings have a developed, well-branched root system, two or three strong woody shoots and green leaves without spots. And of course, no insects should be noticeable on the seedling.

In seedlings with exposed root system Also, the roots should be well branched, light-colored when cut, not dry or damaged. Buy seedlings with strong, glossy green shoots and shiny thorns. It is desirable that the seedling has at least three good shoots, smooth and fresh to the touch. If the tips of the shoots seem a bit dry, this is normal in spring.

Seedlings in stores are sold in containers or with an open root system

Seedlings are also found in stores in thin cardboard packages with roots sprinkled with wet peat. In this case, the plants are planted in the ground without removing them from the packaging. However, be careful: in imported paper containers in January-February, seedlings from nurseries in Holland and Poland that are left over from the fall are sold. Such plants are already weakened long storage, and at home it will be even more difficult to preserve them until spring. Try burying the roots in a box and placing the roses on the balcony at above-zero temperatures or in the basement.

IN flower shops roses for planting are sold in a special container or without it, with an open root system. For planting in summer, it is better to choose the first option; it will take root faster. In spring or autumn, ordinary seedlings with bare roots: they are cheaper, and the choice of varieties among these roses is much larger.

When purchasing roses in a container, it is important to pay attention to the following details:

  • how many roots does a seedling have in a coma of earth;
  • are there any shoots, how many are there;
  • appearance of foliage.

U good seedling you'll find an extensive, dense root system, a few firm shoots, and leaves that are an even, unblemished green color.

Bare-rooted seedlings must meet the same requirements. Look carefully at the roots - the cut area should be light and the roots themselves undamaged.

In stores you can find roses in cardboard packaging, ready for planting without removal. Such plants most often come from Holland and of Eastern Europe, weakened by long storage and transportation. If you decide to leave the rose in a box at home until spring, bury the roots in the box and take the plant to the balcony or any sunny place with a positive temperature.

When to plant: autumn or spring

Without a doubt, autumn is the most optimal time for planting - seedlings planted in October have time to take root well before frost and immediately begin to actively grow in the spring. In addition, nurseries offer a wide selection of grafted seedlings in the fall various varieties, in the spring, domestic and imported rose seedlings are significantly weakened after winter storage.

Autumn is the best time to plant roses

But keep in mind that rooted seedlings(obtained by cuttings), which are sold only in containers, cannot be planted in the fall! Their root system is not sufficiently developed, and when unfavorable conditions the flowers will die in the first winter. Such seedlings can be transplanted from a container into the ground from May to mid-summer.

Preparing for landing

The best time It will be mid-autumn for planting: the seedlings have time to take root and begin to grow in the spring. In autumn there is also more choice, while in spring only plants weakened after storage remain on sale.
Use container seedlings It is not recommended in spring - they are propagated by cuttings; a weak root system will not withstand spring temperature changes and will not survive the winter. Plants in containers are planted from May to July so that they have time to take root.
Rose - capricious plant, when landing, consider the following factors:
The rose blooms best in a little shade far from large trees and places where water accumulates. The soil should be neutral: loamy soil should be fertilized with manure and sand, and sandy soil should be added mineral fertilizers.

Best growing conditions

Unlike roses, you can’t plant them wherever you have to. As true queens of the flower garden, they should occupy the most the best place! When choosing where to plant seedlings, take into account the following important points:

  • flowers grow poorly in the shade;
  • “in the heat” their color fades and flowering ends faster;
  • drafts and dampness are contraindicated for roses, and dry hot air can quickly spread spider mites on plants;
  • It is not recommended to grow flowers under the crowns of trees, since the air remains damp there for a long time after rain, and raindrops fall from above at the slightest breath of wind.

Cold and damp loamy soil should be improved with rotted manure and sand

It is better to plant roses in a place where at lunchtime a light openwork shadow will fall on the flowers, and water will not stagnate in the ground. Allowed occurrence groundwater no higher than one meter from the surface.

As for the soil, it should be neutral (add high-moor peat to alkaline soil, and lime to acidic soil), deeply drained and fertile. Cold and damp loamy soil should be improved with rotted manure and sand. In addition to manure, it is recommended to add stone flour and mineral fertilizers to quickly drying sandy loam soil.

Brief instructions for planting roses

First of all, for each seedling you will need to dig a hole of such a size that the root system of the roses fits freely in it, and the roots do not break or bend. It is recommended to maintain a distance of 80 cm between pits, and one to two meters between rows.

When planting roses in the spring, the soil removed from the hole should be mixed with compost - it will be useful to the plants within a few weeks. During autumn planting organic fertilizers no need to enter.

When planting roses in spring, the soil removed from the hole should be mixed with compost

Procedure for landing:

You can prepare planting holes in advance to allow the soil to compact, but it is also possible to plant roses in freshly dug holes, and then dig them up a little and “pull them up” to the required level.

Video about planting roses from cuttings

If for some reason you cannot immediately plant the purchased seedlings with bare roots, their roots can be dipped in water for several days or wrapped in damp burlap and wrapped plastic film. To save for more long term The roots wrapped in film should be buried in a shallow groove, compacting the soil tightly.

Nuances of care

Roses, regardless of variety, require thorough watering two to three times a week in the morning or evening. Watering is carried out at the root, until the soil is completely saturated with moisture. At the beginning of autumn, in the absence of drought, roses stop watering to avoid the appearance of young shoots before the onset of winter.

When watering during the day, water that gets on the leaves can cause burns. The best time for watering is considered to be early morning or late evening, when the soil has dried a few centimeters deep.

It is important to carry out annual formative and rejuvenating pruning, removing stems three years old and above, clearing the plant of small shoots and non-flowering branches. Before the onset of winter, the bushes are hilled up and the branches are wrapped in paper.

Delicate, chic, fragrant, bright - all these epithets are addressed to roses, which have been an unchanging symbol of love since ancient times. From the owners personal plots There is an opportunity to grow luxurious roses yourself. An important point on the way to this is planting roses in autumn. Some gardeners fear that the bushes will not have time to take root before frost sets in. But these fears are absolutely groundless - a flower planted on time will have enough time to take root well before winter.

Dates for planting roses in autumn

  • Residents southern regions It is advisable to plant seedlings late September – October. This time is enough for the roots to take root in the ground, and the onset of cold weather stops the development of the buds.
  • Owners garden plots, living in middle lane, must remember that best period planting roses in autumn is second half of September – first ten days of October.
  • In the cold northern regions It is advisable to plant roses starting from the end of August, having previously prepared a place for this.

Different climatic zones have their own nuances. Therefore, in order to achieve success, the autumn planting of roses brought desired results, you need to independently adjust the time for such work - approximately 30 days before the expected onset of cold weather.

Planting roses in autumn with an open root system

Planting roses in autumn with an open root system requires the right choice places. Roses feel comfortable in unshaded areas that are well ventilated. After all, thanks to air circulation, roses suffer less from fungal diseases. If there is such a possibility, it is advisable to check the condition of the groundwater - it is important that it does not stagnate.

Planting roses from cuttings in autumn

Planting roses from cuttings in autumn should be carried out in loose and pre-fertilized soil. If the fertility of the soil is in any doubt, you need to add it to it a couple of days before work. quality fertilizers. To avoid damaging the roots young plant, you need to stop using unrotted manure for this purpose.

Methods of planting seedlings

There are two methods that are used when planting roses in the ground in the fall is required.

The first of them involves at the beginning of work in the landing pit sprinkle some fertile soil. Then, lowering the seedling into the hole, you need to carefully distribute the roots. The soil should be approximately 3-5 cm higher than the grafting site. Fertile land should be filled in gradually, with periodic compaction. It is necessary to make a small hole around the bush so that water is retained when moistened. After this, the bush cuttings need to be watered. After the water has gone, you definitely need to check the state of the grafting and, if necessary, add more soil.

Planting roses from cuttings in the fall in the ground is carried out at different depths. If on garden plot The soil is clayey, so it is better to plant the plants not very deep. On sandy soils, planting is done deeper.

For planting seedlings in the second way you will need a root stimulator. This can be sodium humate, Kornevin or Heteroauxin. Further work is performed as follows:

  1. The root stimulator is poured into the hole, after which the seedling is placed in it.
  2. Gently holding the cutting, slowly pour out the previously prepared earthen mixture. During this procedure, periodic compaction with slight movement of the seedling is necessary so that the root space is completely filled.
  3. Next, you need to check that the plant sits securely in the soil.
  4. At the end of the work, the future rose bush needs to be watered.

Both methods are quite simple and each gardener chooses exactly how he will plant roses. Planting and caring for these plants in the fall also involves hilling up with earth, after which the seedling needs to be covered with something - this can be wooden box or any other material (but not fabric).

The main stages of planting roses

At the very beginning of work it is required for each seedling prepare the hole, the dimensions of which would correspond to the root system of the plant.

Distance between futures rose bushes should be at least 80 cm, and if roses are planted in rows, then they should be a meter or two from each other.

As mentioned above, it is preferable to plant roses in the fall. Planting timing also plays an important role. During operation, it is advisable to proceed as follows:

If it is not possible to plant newly purchased seedlings immediately, they must be placed in water or wrapped in a damp cloth and wrapped in film.

Features of planting climbing roses

Climbing roses look very elegant in any area. Caring for this beauty requires a lot of effort and time. However, all these difficulties are not scary for true lovers of beauty, so planting climbing rose autumn is one of the most interesting activities many flower growers. If you previously purchased a grafted bush, then during planting you need to make sure that the place where the graft is located is at a depth of 5 cm. You need to build on this indicator when preparing the hole. The root system in the hole should be located freely - this will help the bush to gain a strong foothold in the soil.

The planting hole is filled with soil prepared in advance, after which the earth is thoroughly compacted. The shoots that are pruned before planting are attached immediately to the support. This will help guide their growth correctly. This is exactly how planting a climbing rose is done in the fall, the video below gives more information about this detailed information. The last steps to be performed are irrigation and hilling.

The article was prepared by garden care specialist Nina Butvinskaya for.

Selection of seedlings

Rose seedlings are best purchased from nurseries or specialized stores. Ordering planting material on the Internet, it is impossible to predict what state its root system will be in, and this is the most important condition when planting in the fall. If the roses will be planted in the coming days, then you can purchase specimens with an open root system; they are cheaper, in addition, their roots can be carefully examined. The root system should be proportionally developed, natural color, without signs of rotting or drying out. Plants should be selected that have at least 3 main shoots, they should have an even green color And glossy surface with shiny spikes. If the seedling has a closed root system, then you need to check how tightly the earthen ball adheres to the walls of the container. Healthy specimens, as a rule, have many young shoots on the branches with tender, green leaves.

Choosing a place on the site for growing roses

Many gardeners wonder how to properly plant roses in the fall? First you need to select on the site appropriate place, the shrub is quite capricious in terms of its maintenance conditions, so when arranging the flower garden it is important to take into account all the requirements of this luxurious plant.

Rose is a heat-loving and light-loving plant; choose a well-lit place for planting, for example, plant seedlings along a building with south side. IN shady garden, shrubs will not grow under the canopy of trees, just like in areas blown by cold winds. The plant does not tolerate stagnation of moisture in the roots, so it is not recommended to place a rose garden in an area where the groundwater depth is less than 1 m.

How to plant roses in the fall and prepare a place for planting? Flowers will grow well on loose and fertile soil, therefore, before planting, it is necessary to dig up the area and apply a sufficient amount of fertilizer. For growing roses, soil is suitable whose composition is medium-heavy and the reaction is slightly acidic (pH - 6.5 or 7). To increase soil fertility, compost, humus, and decomposed manure are added 4–5 weeks before planting. Additionally, you can apply mineral fertilizers, selecting the dosage according to the instructions and depending on the natural composition of the soil on the site.

Technology for planting roses in autumn

When thinking about how to properly plant roses in the fall, you first need to decide on the date for the work. This determines how well the seedlings will take root in the run-up to winter cold. In warm-temperate climates, it is recommended to start the planting procedure from September 15 to October 15. In the southern regions 3–4 weeks later. Too much early boarding will entail active growth young shoots, which will significantly reduce the winter hardiness of the plant. If you delay planting on the site, the seedling will not have time to take root and will die from frost. For planting work you should choose a sunny, fine day. If there are prolonged rains, then it is better to postpone planting.

If the weather has suddenly deteriorated and it is no longer possible to plant roses in open ground, seedlings with an open root system can be buried in a greenhouse, and specimens in shipping containers can be stored in a cellar or on an insulated loggia, where the air temperature does not exceed 0 °C.

Seedling preparation

How to plant roses in the fall, where should you start? Before planting, specimens with an open root system are placed in a bucket of water for 24 hours. Plants in containers do not require special preparation. Next, all leaves are removed from the seedlings and broken or dried shoots are carefully cut off with sharp pruning shears. It is recommended to prune the rose, shortening the branches to 30 cm and the root system to 25 cm. If some roots are rotten, they should be cut back to living wood (distinguished by the white core). To prevent various diseases, seedlings are sprayed with a solution of iron sulfate (3%). It is recommended to dip the roots in “chatter” - a solution of clay and mullein in a 2:1 ratio.

Planting pit

If one bush is planted, then dig a planting hole; when planting in groups along a fence or building, it would be wise to make a trench. The diameter of the pit should be about 40–45 cm, with autumn planting the seedling must be planted deeper - about 60–70 cm. The width and depth of the trench will be similar; the distance between the bushes should be determined depending on the plant variety. Thus, to grow park roses, it is necessary to maintain a distance of 100 cm, remontant roses - 70 cm, hybrid tea - 60 cm, small-flowered polyanthas - 40 cm.

Planting a rose seedling in the ground

How to plant roses in open ground in the fall? If the soil on the site is quite heavy, then it is advisable to place drainage made of pebbles or broken bricks at the bottom of the hole or trench (a layer of 2 cm is sufficient). The gardener’s task is to carefully straighten the roots of the seedling into landing pit, some, for convenience, make a small mound in the middle and place the plant on it. The root collar is deepened into the soil by 5 cm (for standard roses - by 10 cm). After planting, the earth mixture is distributed around the seedling and compacted well; there should be no air cavities left in the soil. Then, each bush is watered abundantly, using about 2 buckets. Next, you should wait until the water is absorbed and only then mulch the circle around the trunk. Mulching the soil is a mandatory procedure when planting roses in the fall. First, the wet soil is sprinkled with a thin layer of dry soil, and then covered with peat to a height of about 18–20 cm. Hay or compost can be used as mulch.

Sheltering a seedling for the winter

Knowing how to plant roses in the fall, all that remains is to ensure that they overwinter well. In regions where frosty winters are expected, seedlings need to be provided with reliable shelter. To do this, a small stable frame is made around the plant from metal arcs or wooden pegs stuck into the ground. On top of such a structure you can cover it with spruce branches or put on a “cap” made of rags, nonwoven material(lutrasil, agrofibre). Secure the “cap” with wire or twine. For seedlings, you can prepare a shelter from a cut plastic bottle, leaving a gap of about 10 cm between the top of the plants and the bottom. This shelter is sprinkled with dry leaves or onion peels on top. As soon as the snow falls, you can add an additional snowdrift, this will protect the plantings from freezing. However, it is worth remembering that with the onset of the first warm days, the shelter must be removed, otherwise the roses will dry out and die.

Video on how to plant roses

The beginning of October is a fairly favorable time for plant roses. Having time to take root well before the onset of frost, plants planted in autumn develop better and bloom earlier than those planted in spring.

Which seedlings to choose

Plants with an open root system are usually found on sale. Seedlings of the highest category have at least three stems, medium ones - at least two. In any case, they must be healthy: without traces of fungal diseases on the shoots and leaves; with a well-developed root system (the diameter of the root collar should be 8-10 mm). Gently scratch one of the roots with your fingernail to make sure the roots are firm, white. Roses with bare roots can be purchased only during the main planting period, since even short-term storage can lead to drying out of the roots and death of the seedling.

More reliable option- seedlings with closed roots. The “packaging” for them is a lump of earth, a clay mash or other organic material. Such seedlings can be transported, shipped and stored for some time before planting: their roots will not dry out and be injured. Plants are planted together with this packaging, which will gradually decompose in the soil.

Another type of seedlings are roses grown in containers. Usually they are already in bloom and plant roses Possible in any season - spring, summer and autumn. Advantage container roses the fact that you can immediately evaluate the characteristics of a particular variety: color, flower structure, aroma, etc.

Preparing soil and seedlings

A few days before planting the plants, holes measuring 40x40x40 cm are prepared in the selected location and filled with water. When the moisture is absorbed into the soil, humus mixed in half with soil (2-3 shovels) is placed in the hole. Before planting, seedlings with an open root system are carefully inspected again and the longest roots are trimmed so that their length is no more than 20-30 cm. 2-3 of the strongest shoots are left on the bush, and the rest are cut off at the base. The remaining shoots are shortened so that each has 2-3 formed buds. It should be remembered that powerful bushes are formed only after severe pruning.

How to plant roses correctly

The prepared seedling is lowered into the hole and its roots are carefully spread on a mound filled with earthen mixture. Before doing this, it is advisable to dip the roots in a slurry of clay and mullein (in a ratio of 3:1). When planting, the bushes are slightly pulled up, and the soil around them is well compacted. Then the soil around the seedling is watered abundantly.

For a properly planted rose, the budding site should be 2-3 cm below the soil surface. A bush that is planted too low needs to be raised. Plants propagated by cuttings ( own root roses) Can plant roses a little deeper, then they form additional roots. If a grafted rose is planted too high, wild growth will appear in abundance. It should be removed regularly, otherwise wild shoots will begin to oppress the rose and it will die. All growth is cut off at the base. Pruning “at the top” will result in several shoots appearing instead of one.


As soon as the bush is planted (regardless of the time of year), it aboveground part Spud up with earth, leaving only top part shoots. This measure stimulates rooting young seedling, during autumn planting it protects it from frost, and during spring planting it protects it from the hot sun. If plants are planted in the spring, then they are unplanted when young shoots begin to grow; if in the fall, then only after winter, when it gets warmer. It is better to do this in cloudy or rainy weather or in the evening.

Features of planting climbing and standard roses

Climbing roses should be planted slightly deeper so that the grafting site is 8-10 cm below the surface level. This will promote the development of grafted shoots. After planting, these roses should also be hilled. If a climbing rose will grow near the wall of the house, then the distance from the wall should be at least 50 cm.

The plant is planted at an angle to the wall. It is recommended to plant a standard rose by attaching its trunk to a support, otherwise it will not withstand the weight of its own crown. The support is installed in the hole before the plant is placed there. It must be strong enough and reach the crown to protect the plant from strong wind. The rose is attached to a support at the level of the crown firmly enough and so that the leash cannot slide down the trunk and support.

Planting density

This is an important condition for further development roses Planting density is determined depending on the size of an adult bush: low growing roses are planted at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other, taller ones require a distance of 50 cm or more. Excessively dense planting promotes the spread of fungal diseases; in addition, the bushes stretch upward and lose their foliage in the lower part. However, planting too sparsely is undesirable: the land between individual plants it begins to become overgrown with weeds, and the sun will begin to warm it up too much and dry it out. Planting density climbing roses depends on the size of an adult plant of a particular variety and its role in the overall landscape composition. In any case, the minimum distance is considered to be 120 cm, but it can be much greater - up to 2-3 meters. The same should be done with park roses, among which there are very compact forms that can satisfy small area, and spreading shrubs reaching several meters in width. Standard roses It is best to plant them at a distance of at least a meter from each other. At the same time, you need to remember that there should be room so that the rose can be freely bent to the ground before wintering.

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They dream that these flowers will decorate their lands with their bright colors and aromas.

Soil preparation

For good growth You need fertile, loose soil with the maximum amount of soil. If yours does not meet the requirements, it needs to be prepared.

It is important to do this some time before planting. It is necessary to mix the soil with organic soil in equal quantities. Then add bone meal to the composition.
Roses are planted in holes or trenches 65 cm deep and 40 cm in diameter. If your area is sandy, you need to put a 5 cm high layer of clay on the bottom. Such manipulations will help prevent the soil from drying out. Clay soil is compacted with gravel sand to get rid of waterlogging. Just before planting, the prepared mixture is poured into the recesses.

Rules for planting roses in autumn

Roses are planted in the fall using the same technology as full-fledged bushes.

Important! If you bought rose seedlings with an open root system or cuttings, but it is impossible to plant them correctly, you cannot do everything in a hurry. It is better to place them in a shipping container on an insulated loggia or bury them in the cellar and plant them in open ground in the spring.

Planting bushes (technology)

The process of planting roses is not too difficult if you know how to do it. sequences work must be carried out:

  • The bottom of the pit is loosened with a pitchfork, a mixture of soil and soil is poured on top, and then ordinary soil.
  • The roots of the seedlings are pruned.
  • It is also recommended to trim the ends of the shoots.
  • The seedling is placed in the middle of the hole, the roots are carefully straightened. Soil is poured on top so that root collar deepened by 5 cm.
  • The earth is compacted.
  • Spend abundantly. It is recommended to spend at least 20 liters of water on each bush.
  • The bush is hilled so that the soil roll is at least 10 cm in height.
  • You can put mowed grass on top or.


You need to plant roses in the fall in the same way as at other times of the year. The distance between bushes should be 70 cm, and between rows 1.5 m. The dimensions of the recesses depend on the type of variety:

  • : 40x40x40 cm.
  • Park or: 50x50x50 cm.

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