Bright orange fruits appearing on shelves only late autumn and in winter, cannot be seen in the gardens middle zone. How do persimmons grow? Where is the birthplace of this plant, and what are the features of its cultivation?

The usual, native habitat for persimmons is the subtropics and tropical regions of Asia. An extensive genus of deciduous trees belonging to the Ebony family includes more than seven hundred species, which are distributed from China and Transcaucasia to Malaysia.

Where do persimmons grow?

Man has long appreciated the taste of ripe persimmon, and today various varieties of the plant are cultivated all over the world, where they allow climatic conditions. Thanks to selection and the emergence of frost-resistant seedlings, persimmon has significantly expanded its natural range. A culture with a long growing season has found a place in gardens in southern Europe, on the North American continent, in Japan and Australia.

Sweet fruits most often come to Russian stores from Turkey, Israel, the countries of Transcaucasia and the North Caucasus, where from time immemorial cultivated trees of a local, rather unpretentious species have been grown.

Since the beginning of the last century, the cultivation of persimmons has been established in Crimea. Plantation valuable fruit crop founded in Nikitsky botanical garden. Serious scientific work was also started here to develop new winter-hardy varieties, adapted for Russian conditions.

Among the achievements of Crimean breeders are the Rossiyanka and Nikitskaya Bordovaya varieties, which successfully bear fruit on the peninsula and withstand cold temperatures down to –25 °C without much loss. These varieties made possible cultivation persimmons in Ukraine.

What does a persimmon tree look like, flowers and leaves

The plants that make up the genus Persimmon are quite large, long-lived trees that favorable conditions reach a height of 8 meters and an age of 500 years. Cultivated varieties retain the characteristics of their wild ancestors. The trees have a wide spreading crown with long drooping branches.

A feature of the culture is the presence of male and female plants, externally differing in the shape and character of the flowers. Therefore, to increase productivity, several pollinators are planted near the plantation with fruit-bearing trees. You can find out how persimmon blooms from the photo. Female, single flowers are distinguished by wide sepals and the shape of a corolla with a diameter of up to 2–3 cm.

Male flowers they sit on the shoots in a cluster, sometimes in small inflorescences of 2–5 pieces. They have a narrower, glass-like shape and yellowish-white petals. IN different regions Persimmon blooms can begin from March to May.

Simple leaves up to 7 cm long, alternately sitting on the shoots, can be recognized by:

  • oval-heart-shaped;
  • by light green color, becoming darker as it grows;
  • smooth surface with a clearly visible network of veins.

In autumn, the trees turn yellow and red. At the same time, falling leaves have virtually no effect on the appearance of the persimmon tree, because all the branches are covered with orange, yellow and almost red fruits.

Features of persimmon fruits

For those interested in how persimmons grow, it will be useful to know a little information about its fruits. In place of the female flowers, at the end of flowering, a green dense ovary is formed, inside which there can be up to 10 large elongated seeds. As the fruits ripen, they acquire an oval, pointed or rounded heart-shaped shape. There are varieties with flattened berries.

Depending on the variety and type, the color of ripe persimmon also changes, ranging from light yellow to almost brown. Ripening begins in September and continues until December, so when persimmons are grown in the Crimea, North Ossetia and Ukraine, they sometimes end up under snow.

Most often, Oriental, Caucasian and American persimmons are grown in gardens. Varieties with sweet, non-astringent fruits are especially popular among gardeners and consumers.

To everyone who loves sweet taste persimmons, it is known that the fruits are divided into two categories.

  1. The first ones are tasty even if they are not too ripe. They have soft flesh without pronounced fibers, which becomes jelly-like in ripe fruits.
  2. In the second category of persimmon, the fruits become edible only after falling under the first frost or artificial freezing. The pulp of these varieties is coarser and contains more fiber.

Both varieties have their pros and cons. Persimmon with soft delicacy fruits can't stand it long storage and transportation. The slightest damage to the skin threatens rapid spoilage. Hard, astringent fruits can be stored for up to 30–40 days, and then after exposure to sub-zero temperatures, enjoy a healthy delicacy.

How persimmon grows: requirements for open ground

In nature, persimmons grow in warm regions with a long warm period of the year. Modern frost-resistant varieties have made it possible to push back the northern limit of comfortable growth to southern regions Russia. How to grow persimmons in your garden?

Watching how persimmons grow in Crimea, on Black Sea coast Caucasus and Ukraine, in North Ossetia, you can notice that the trees in open ground prefer well-lit areas with protection from wind and flooding in spring and autumn.

The culture is undemanding to the type and composition of the soil, while it can react to excess organic matter by dropping the already formed ovary. The main thing is that it is powerful root system received enough air and moisture.

If persimmons find themselves in arid conditions, the quality of the crop deteriorates; prolonged moisture deficiency causes the ovary and foliage to fall off.

In regions where persimmon grows in natural conditions, the trees are already blooming warm time years, and the fruits have time to fill and practically ripen before serious frosts. To the north, persimmons need protection from freezing and the danger of spring rain. This applies to both fruit-bearing trees and plants grown for decorative purposes.

To prevent harvesting from a tree 6–10 meters high from turning into a risky adventure, the persimmon crown begins to be formed from the first years after planting. In addition to limiting growth, they prune young, too thin branches, which often cannot withstand the weight of the fruit and are the first to freeze in cold winters.

How to grow persimmons yourself?

Becoming the owner of your own fruit-bearing tree on your property is quite simple. To do this, you should purchase a frost-resistant persimmon seedling, plant it and take care of it until bright, ripe fruits appear.

Persimmon can be propagated by growing it from the seed of a ripe fruit. Unfortunately, seedlings do not retain varietal properties, so for abundant fruiting To obtain sweet berries, the plant will require grafting.

The best rootstock is considered to be Caucasian persimmon, which is characterized by increased winter hardiness, undemandingness to soil and endurance. The tree has a powerful fibrous root, thanks to which the plant can easily transfer to a pot bigger size. In the spring, when the trunk reaches a thickness of 1 cm, you can graft onto a strong seedling cultivar any kind. It is convenient to inoculate an additional pollinator on a grown tree.

In most of Russia and in the Moscow region, open ground is problematic. Have a short summer it is not enough for the fruits to have time to set and ripen; during and after flowering there is a high risk of frost, and in winter frosts are too strong even for resistant Crimean varieties. Therefore, it is better to grow persimmons in pot culture. In this case, a tree up to one and a half meters high is easy to care for even good care even get a good harvest.

Russian Persimmon on a summer cottage - video

In the section on the question Why are persimmons sold only in autumn and winter? Where is it being taken from? given by the author Signal the best answer is The time for persimmon to fully ripen is approximately October-December.
Until October, it is not sold fresh anywhere.
Persimmons have the ability to ripen, so depending on the purpose they are harvested at different degrees of ripeness.
Store persimmons at a temperature of 0 -1C and relative humidity air 85-90% for no more than three months.
Persimmon is native to China, from there it spread to East Asia, then began to be grown in Japan. And only at the end of the 19th century the whole world learned about persimmon.
Persimmons are grown in many countries of Eurasia: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Bulgaria, Greece, Georgia, Iran, Israel, Spain, Italy, Russia (in Krasnodar region and in Dagestan), Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Ukraine (in Crimea and Transcarpathia), in Uzbekistan; also cultivated in America and Australia.
It is exported to us from Turkey, Georgia, Abkhazia, Adjara and other countries.
For example, for Ukraine, persimmons are harvested mainly in Kobuleti, Khelvachauri and Ked regions. Purchase price - 0.5 lari per kilogram.
IN last years Israel has firmly taken second place in the world (after Spain) in persimmon exports.
In Israel, mainly the “triumph” variety is grown; the sugar content in such fruits reaches 22-25%. Varieties grown in other countries are less sugary - 13-15%. In addition, Israeli persimmon retains its taste and healing qualities longer.
Also popular is the variety of eastern persimmon "Sharon", which is named after the Sharon Valley in Israel. "Sharon" does not contain seeds and has a milder taste, as it contains little tannin. Strictly speaking, "Sharon" is not a separate variety, but a commercial name for an ordinary persimmon to which chemical ripening has been applied: in the presence of alcohol or carbon monoxide, the tannin in the fruit is bound into an insoluble form.
You can satisfy your desire to eat persimmons during the off-season with dried/dried fruits. Dried persimmons are sold in markets or large stores.
Dried persimmons taste similar to figs.
✔ Sandwich
I do not care.
This is copy-paste.

Answer from Lady with a dog[guru]
she arrives from Abkhazia at this time

Answer from Anton Vladimirovich[guru]
Well, have you ever seen a “persimmon” tree? It grows in the subtropics and pre-subtropics. And it ripens just in time for the end of autumn - the beginning of winter. But these are fresh persimmons. And so, actually, now she all year round sell. The dog knows where she is being taken from, from Australia or something...

Starting from November and almost until February, the markets of our country are full of persimmons. Many people have a negative attitude towards this bright orange fruit due to the unpleasant viscosity in the mouth when consumed. Well, I suggest that pessimistic citizens take a closer look at the benefits of the fruit, and those who like it are convinced of the benefits of persimmon.

History of persimmon

Let's start a little from afar. Where did persimmons come from to our latitudes? Its history began in China, from where the “orange beauty” triumphantly walked throughout East Asia and eventually came to North America, and then spread throughout the world.

Today there are approximately 500 species of this fruit. In our country, only two of them are overwhelmingly widespread: the oriental persimmon from Japan, also known as the “king,” and the Caucasian persimmon.

In addition, in the last decade, the new kind, - "Sharon", it is unique in the absence of seeds. In addition, the third type has no viscous taste at all, since there is no tannin.

What are the benefits of persimmon?

For diet lovers, this fruit is perfect for the table, because it contains only 70 calories per 100 grams. Of course, there is no fat to be found in this fruit either, but there is a lot of fiber. Persimmon can easily be put on a par with figs and grapes in terms of the quantitative content of nutrients.

Glucose contains up to 25% of the total content, and there is a lot of “energy” sucrose. Like this healthy fruit, which helps you quickly restore strength to move forward confidently.

However, let’s look at the “usefulness” more carefully. What is there in abundance here? There are many dietary fibers that help. Persimmons also contain various minerals along with phenols, which prevent atherosclerosis, strokes and heart attacks.

Betulinic acid, many flavonoids and phyto-nutrients are also easily found in persimmons. Let's take a closer look at these unclear words. For example, what are flavonoids?

These are natural medicinal substances that, when they enter the human body, immediately begin work to stabilize the enzymes released in the body. They are used not only in folk, but also in official medicine. Why?

They also normalize the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, improve their elasticity and eliminate sclerotic lesions.

Persimmons also contain other polyphenolic antioxidants. All of them are good because they reliably eliminate harmful effects from free radicals, and also increase bone metabolism. Phenolic compounds are also used for prevention cardiovascular diseases and cancer. So this “astringent” persimmon is not easy!

There are others here: the famous vitamin A, lutein, lycopene and zeaxanthin. All these compounds not only prevent the occurrence of a number of diseases, but also inhibit the aging process! And who doesn't want to stay young longer? Perhaps the one who refuses persimmons.

By the way, let’s focus separately on vitamin A: it strengthens bone tissue and teeth, improves hair, skin and gums. He also fights destructive infections. respiratory tract, which are so difficult to get rid of forever, especially when chronic diseases occur.

It would seem like such a small and inconspicuous fruit, which is not always pleasant to the taste. But what possibilities are hidden in it! Path to recovery or healthy image life must necessarily include the consumption of small “sunny” persimmons at least once a week.

Each season has its own special assortment of fruits. Personally, I always wait for the arrival of autumn to enjoy delicious, sweet,sunny fruit - persimmon. My whole family simply adores her, and on a rare autumn day you won’t find her on our dining table. :)

Where are persimmons found?

Persimmon first appeared V Ancient China long before our era. Just imagine, 2 thousand years ago the Chinese developed and began to grow this amazing fruit. It was China that was the country from which persimmon began to spread V Asia with its warm and mild climate. Tropics and subtropics- It is in these climatic zones that culture feels most favorable.

In countries Europe on the Mediterranean coast Persimmon did not immediately gain recognition. It took six centuries for the orange fruit to become firmly established in the European diet. It is known from history that persimmon soon spread to South and North America, to their warmest regions.

Currently, the culture (Common persimmon) grows in many countries and regions of the world:

  • Australia;
  • India;
  • Sri Lanka;
  • Japan;
  • China;
  • Spain;
  • Italy;
  • Countries of the Caucasus.

A little about the persimmon tree

Have you ever seen how it grows persimmon tree? In general, persimmon is a common deciduous tree up to seven and a half meters high. It looks massive, hanging leaves and branches languidly stretch to the ground.

The tree feels best on open areas, this plant is pretty photophilous.

But you can meet him in partial shade. If the tree grows in relatively cold regions, then it requires special care : defence from strong wind and permanent access light and warmth.

Persimmon surprises

So many interesting ones names the persimmon did not receive: the food of the gods, and the winter cherry, and the Chinese peach, and the divine plum, and the apple of the heart. Not every fruit can boast such a rich list.

It turns out that persimmon contains much more vitaminsthan in apples. In addition, it cleanses our intestines no worse activated carbon.

Persimmon very nutritious and at the same time does not contain a lot of calories. She fits in perfectly V dietary ration .

This juicy fruit will help you cope with colds no worse than medicine.

And further: persimmon helps overcome depression, which often visits us in gray and rainy autumn weather. So eat persimmons and be happy!

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I lived most of my life in the cold Urals. Persimmons appeared in our country exclusively in winter in a strange jelly-like frozen form. I ate this one too, because I didn’t even suspect it existed persimmons firm and sweet like apples. By the age of twenty, I moved to live in the south, in a sunny TORasnodar region, Sochi city. And now persimmons are growing... in my yard. And this is not an anomaly at all. All my friends and colleagues grow persimmons, and sometimes, walking around the city, you can see them in growing wild .

Where do persimmons grow?

China is considered the birthplace of persimmons- it was there that she was discovered for the first time. In China you can find persimmon trees that are already several hundred years old. Then, by the way, no one liked it. Tart and viscous, apparently this was the variety. But after a while, we tried other varieties of this fruit. From abroad in Russia the most common variety is"Korolek": Bright orange, flattened fruit with a rich, sweet flavor. Other varieties range in taste from mildly sour to sickly sweet, like chocolate. And now persimmons are growing in Brazil, USA, Vietnam, Australia, Korea, Japan, Georgia, Abkhazia, and, of course, in Russia, in a word, practically everywhere. The variety and, accordingly, the taste of persimmon depends on the natural and weather conditions, on the condition of the soil, on the amount of moisture. Therefore, in every country and even in every separate region absolutely different tastes this wonderful fruit.

Persimmon in Russia

In Russia persimmon growing not only in Sochi, but throughout Krasnodar region, Volgograd region, in Crimea and Dagestan. Even though low temperatures, persimmon in our country grows in huge quantities by introducing new frost-resistant varieties.

For example, there are varieties that Even twenty-degree frost is not scary:

  • "Virginia";
  • "Russian";
  • "Mount Hoverla";
  • "Mount Roman-Kosh".

All of these varieties taste amazing. They will sing in the middle of autumn, but they are unlikely to survive until the end of winter. You need to enjoy them right away, while they are fresh and rich in unique vitamins!

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Oddly enough, my cat simply adores persimmons. Until he eats a piece, he won’t leave you alone. And when he eats, he closes his eyes with pleasure and purrs gently. In persimmon a lot of substances useful for cats, which they do not find in regular food. There is vitamin C, A, P, magnesium and potassium. This berry also has a very fibrous, astringent pulp. Cats love to lick it with their rough tongue. Undoubtedly, persimmon is also useful for people. In it a storehouse of iron and iodine. With regular use, you can even prevent cancer.

Places where persimmons grow

You can only enjoy persimmons in late autumn or early winter. By this time it is fully mature. And the tree is grown in almost all countries: in Georgia, Spain, Russia, Greece, Uzbekistan, Japan, Iran, Israel and, of course, in China - the ancestor of persimmon. By the way, you can use persimmons grow at home too. To do this, you need to remove the seed from the berry and plant it in a pot, cover it with cellophane and put it in a warm place. After some time, the sprout will hatch. Place the pot with the sprout on the windowsill. Then, once the plant has become large, replant it in the spring. Persimmon loves light, warmth and moderate amount of water. These conditions must be provided all year round. In cold weather, it should be brought into a room with a temperature of at least 10 degrees.

Such different persimmons

In my life, I have tried only three types of persimmon: “Russian”, “Korolek” and “Chocolate”. And in fact, they almost 200. I hope someday I will be able to try all the others. " Russian" That's why she's Russian, because she can withstand the cold. The variety was developed in Crimea. Taste sweet-tart.« TOOrelok"before useshould be frozen, to remove bitterness, and " Shokoladnaya" for real sweet tooths. Big, sweet and dark inside like chocolate.

What is made from persimmon

Usually whole fruits are eaten. Few people know that persimmon - Great ingredient for cooking:

And it turns out that persimmon, or rather its wood, is used to make furniture, parquet and even musical instruments.

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Last fall I was able to visit Georgia, where I enjoyed the beautiful nature of the mountainous Caucasus and ate plenty of sweet, fresh persimmons. It cost several times less than at home. The fact is that Georgia isone of the main suppliers of persimmons to the territory of the CIS.

Where else are persimmons grown?

The cultivation of this fruit began in China, from where it spread to other countries Asia. On European partEurasia persimmon began to spread only in the 19th century. Around the same time, people learned about this sweet fruit in the territoryAmerica. I went to Georgia at the invitation of my friend, who is a farmer and makes money by selling different types fruits and vegetables. And he jokingly called persimmon “ebony.” The fact is that in the homeland of persimmon it is called “ Black wood of Ceylon" I was very surprised, since yellow fruits are not at all associated with black. It turned out that from the wood of some types of persimmons is extracted rare ebony .

In addition to Georgia, persimmons are grown in the regions of the following countries:

  1. Azerbaijan.
  2. Japan.
  3. China.
  4. India.
  5. Brazil.
  6. USA (California and Virginia).

What unites the above places is climate. To grow persimmons you need moisture and heat. Such conditions are given subtropical climate.

Types of persimmons

There are types of persimmons whose tart taste disappears when the pulp loses its elasticity and shape. These are the following types:

  1. "Sidles."
  2. "Gosho."
  3. "Hachia."

There are types of persimmon that do not lose their shape at any stage of ripening: « Chineuli", "Fuyu".

And here kinglet species persimmon has gained the greatest popularity, as it has the best taste characteristics . This species is the main one for cultivation. In the CIS, mostly only king persimmons are sold.

During my stay with my friend, I became a real specialist and taster of persimmons. I was given the following varieties to try:

Personally, I liked the “Chocolate” and “Rossiyanka” varieties the most. By the way, “Rossianka” was produced in Crimea.

Everyone has seen this exotic and very tasty fruit on store shelves. But not everyone understands how persimmon grows. If you translate this name from Greek, you get “food of the gods” or “divine fire”. The literal translation from Farsi is “date plum”.

Description of persimmon

Persimmon is quite large tree, reaching a height of 10-15 m in the wild, and sometimes 30 m. The plant belongs to the Ebony family. In my own way appearance it is somewhat similar to an apple tree. The branches of persimmon have a slightly drooping appearance, are very fragile and delicate, they can easily break off strong wind. The tree can live and bear fruit for up to 500 years.

The leaves have the usual ovate shape with pointed tips. Young leaves have a light greenish-yellowish color, which darkens with age. Leaf blades acquire a dark green color and glossy shine. In the fall, the foliage turns all sorts of reds, yellows and oranges. They can be used fresh and dry as tea leaves.

Persimmons begin to bloom in late May and early June. Inconspicuous tubular flowers grow from the axils of the leaves. They can be male or female. Male flowers are quite small, bell-shaped with big amount long stamens and are usually collected in a brush of 3 pieces. The color of the petals is indistinct pinkish-greenish shades. Female flowers single and much larger, with wide-bent cream-colored petals. Blooming tree attracts insects that pollinate it. Some plants have flowers of both sexes and may not be pollinated. The fruits grow on them without seeds and have a different taste. But the sex of a plant can change from year to year.

The fruits ripen in late autumn and are large fleshy berry round or flattened with several dark brown seeds (4-8 pieces). Color varies from yellow to red. The fruit is covered with a skin with a characteristic waxy coating, has a diameter of up to 100 mm and a weight of at least 150 g. The taste is very sweet and aromatic with an astringent aftertaste. The pulp of a ripe fruit has a jelly-like consistency. Although some varieties may not have an astringent taste and be quite hard.

How and where does it grow?

In what countries does it grow? It is generally accepted that persimmon came to us from China. But there is no exact data on this matter; they decided so only because it was there that the places with the oldest trees were discovered. Some believe that this plant first appeared in Indochina, since local wild forms grow at an altitude of 2500 m above sea level and have very frost-resistant properties (down to -18...-20°C).

The main countries where persimmon grows today are China, Japan, Indonesia, Australia, the Himalayas, northern Vietnam and northern India. IN European countries it is cultivated in Italy, Spain and France.

The plant came to the territory of our country from France at the very end of the 19th century and was planted in Sukhumi. Persimmon in Russia grows mainly in the Krasnodar region, Crimea, Volgograd region, southern Dagestan and northern Ossetia. Our neighbors in Georgia and Tajikistan have it.

Persimmons require a lot of sun and warmth, but they can also grow in partial shade. Loves clear sunny weather and does not tolerate cold winds. Withstands short-term fairly severe frosts. Some varieties survive at -25...-27°C, but the crown still gets frostbitten. The normal winter temperature for this plant is -5...-8°C. At lower rates, the tree needs to be covered.

The culture grows well on drained loams, turf and forest soils. Does not tolerate saline and marshy areas, as well as pebbles. She requires regular and good watering. It can withstand drought quite easily, but the harvest will inevitably suffer.


Persimmon is a tree that has more than 500 species. The taste of the fruit and its appearance are largely determined by the specific variety. There are varieties that are completely devoid of tart taste at any stage of maturity, and there are others that are absolutely unsuitable for food. Many grow wild. Three species are cultivated in fruit growing:




The varieties bred on their basis are very a large number of. Let's look at the most popular:

    Russian. A medium-sized hybrid, obtained in the middle of the last century, with yellow-orange, small and slightly flattened fruits. The taste is moderately tart, very sweet, but only after full ripening and softening. Very popular, disease resistant and frost-resistant variety.

    Kinglet. A variety of old Japanese selection. Produces round, large (250-400 g) fruits with bright Orange color and juicy jelly-like pulp with excellent taste. There are “chocolate” kings, the pulp of which dark brown and the sweetest of all varieties. A drink slightly similar to coffee is brewed from the ground seeds.

    Velvet persimmon. Came to us from the Philippine Islands. After the name of the famous Spanish botanist, the variety is also called Mabolo, this word can be translated as “shaggy”. The fruit looks extremely cute, as it is covered with short fibers. The tree is very large (up to 20 m) with spherical, rather large (up to 10 cm in diameter) fruits, which have a peculiar taste with cheese notes. The velvet peel smells unpleasant and can irritate the mucous membranes, so it is always removed before use. The tree itself is extremely decorative and is used in landscape design.

    Black persimmon (Sapota nigra). Bred in Mexico, grown in Hawaii, Mauritius, and the Philippines. The fruits are distinguished by their rich green skin color and completely black flesh. The consistency and taste of the pulp is very similar to chocolate pudding.

    Bull's heart. Visually, the fruit is similar to tomatoes of the same name. The pulp has a bright orange color and a very sweet taste.

    Tangerine (honey). The pulp is very soft, jelly-like (when fully ripe), the taste is sugary-sweet. Due to its extreme tenderness, it cannot be transported.

    Mount Goverla. Trees up to 5 m in height, very frost-resistant (down to -24°C). Berries up to 270 g have an orange color and an aromatic, amazing, slightly tart taste. Gardeners consider this hybrid to be the best and most successful.

Except excellent taste persimmon has many beneficial properties. From all the variety of varieties you can always choose what you like.

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