With the arrival of spring warmth, all gardeners and summer residents are thinking about how to harvest a good harvest at the end of the season. At the same time, I want to use as few complex chemical fertilizers, therefore, folk remedies are becoming increasingly popular - the most natural and harmless fertilizing and fertilizers. lately Many experts in the field of gardening talk about feeding with iodine, which is necessary for the human body and is harmless to the plant. In this article we will cover; how to feed tomatoes with iodine, when and how to do it, we’ll talk about the need and importance of this procedure for the plant, and also give some tips on how to get the most tasty, healthy and healthy harvest.

Benefits of iodine for tomatoes

As has been scientifically found, the plant is very susceptible to iodine, although additional need not tested in this element. The response to the supply of this element is manifested in accelerated growth. The amount of Iodum contained in the soil is quite sufficient for normal crop growth, which is why there are no special iodine fertilizers on the market.

As a rule, the soil always contains a sufficient amount of iodine, but various reasons there may be a deficiency. It is really difficult to determine the need for feeding with iodine, but in any case it will not hurt. By row characteristic features you can understand that tomatoes still need additional doses of the element. He will tell you about this:

  • the presence of thin, flaccid shoots;
  • “not juicy”, tired leaves;
  • the trunk and leaves become covered with dark spots;
  • Diseases arise and the plant’s immunity generally decreases.

How to feed

When feeding tomatoes with iodine solution, it is important to remember that different periods Plant life needs its own intensity and concentration of iodine. This is due to the fact that tomatoes require different dosages at different times, and an excess can even cause diseases, and when the fruits are already formed and ripen - overprocessing will lead to cracking of the fruit.

As practice shows, the greatest efficiency of feeding tomatoes is achieved by alternating fertilizer directly to the root system and spraying the trunks and leaves. It is this alternation that will give maximum results and a noticeable preventive effect from the procedures.

Root feeding

Feeding tomatoes with iodine, in particular the root system, requires a certain regularity. Treatment should begin when real leaves appear on the plant, 5-6 pieces. To prepare a solution for the root system, take three liters of warm water and dilute one drop of iodine. Each tomato should be watered at the root regularly as the soil becomes dry. On average, it turns out that you will not have to water often, about twice a month.

If you start this procedure in time, you can expect an increase in yield by at least 10%.

You will have to reconsider the concentration of the prepared solution when the ovary of the tomato cluster occurs and during flowering. In this case, it is necessary to add three drops of medical iodine to a ten-liter container with warm water.

The next watering with “iodized water” should take place when the fruits are set. At this stage, it’s time to increase the iodine concentration and prepare a “cocktail”. Mix hot water with three liters of ash. After an hour, add another two liters to the mixture warm water, and mix with boric acid (10 g) and the same amount of iodine. Dilute the “cocktail” that sits for a day with warm water in a ratio of 1:10. Tomatoes should be watered with this solution when they bear fruit. A good harvest of tomatoes is guaranteed to you.

Foliar feeding

To achieve maximum effect it is recommended to alternate root feeding with foliar, that is, with spraying, which is best done in the morning and evening time in dry weather. If after foliar feeding If it rains, it is advisable to repeat the procedure. It is better to fertilize by creating a kind of fog, rather than directing the stream directly onto the leaves and trunks.

The iodine solution must be made weakly concentrated, otherwise the plant will risk burns. The recipe for preparing the solution is simple. Dilute a glass of milk in a liter of warm water and add no more than five drops of iodine. That's the whole secret. At proper preparation solutions for watering and spraying and their correct alternation will guarantee you a good harvest of tomatoes; moreover, the bushes will become more hardy and strong, resistant to various diseases.

Treatment of seedlings with iodine in a greenhouse after picking

Feeding can become an indispensable ritual for both outdoor plants and those growing in a greenhouse. All the previously described recipes are well suited for greenhouse seedlings. It is necessary and possible to water the seedlings iodine solution. You can water the seedlings once, and this will already give results. In addition, treatment with iodine will protect tomatoes from late blight. As you can see, iodine is indispensable for seedlings.

Feeding tomato seedlings can be done in two ways, root and foliar, but it is better to opt for root watering.

It is also permissible to add a small amount of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) to the iodine solution.

If you are a supporter of minimizing chemical fertilizers for the garden, have free time and the desire to make your tomato harvest high-quality, tasty, healthy and as abundant as possible, then study the use of fertilizing based on iodine solution. This is a fairly inexpensive and easy-to-prepare remedy that will prevent many diseases and increase both your harvest and its quality.

Tomatoes are very sensitive to fertilizing with iodine. This culture usually responds to the addition of this element rapid growth. But at the same time, tomatoes need very little iodine itself. On the market you will not find separate supplements with a high iodine content.

The addition of iodine during the formation and growth of tomato seedlings allows you to replace their feeding nitrogen fertilizers, for example the same saltpeter.

Iodine fertilizing helps increase crop yields, increases resistance to fungi and microorganisms in the soil.

There are several signs by which you can determine the need of a crop to fertilize with iodine solution:

  • Delay in the onset of fruiting in adult tomato bushes. If during this period you do not give them the necessary fertilizing– the fruits will be very small and the yield will be very low.
  • Most characteristic features iodine deficiency in tomatoes - thin weak stems, limp and pale leaves.
  • Weak immunity tomato seedlings. When seedlings grow poorly and become sick, they need urgent watering with iodine solution.
  • Spraying with an iodine solution can help tomatoes when their bushes are affected by root rot, brown spot, mosaic and especially late blight.

Benefits and harms

The benefits of treating tomatoes with iodine are as follows:

  1. Tomato seedlings tolerate picking easier and take root well in the garden.
  2. Nitrogen metabolism in the stems and leaves of the plant improves.
  3. Tomato seedlings grow much faster, and young bushes in the garden begin to actively form green mass.
  4. Plants develop strong and healthy root systems.
  5. Tomatoes become more drought-resistant.
  6. The crop tolerates the consequences of excessive soil moisture more calmly.

Fertilizing tomato seedlings with iodine solution has a beneficial effect on human health. For example, in some varieties of this vegetable, with such feeding, vitamin C accumulates in the fruits. And taste qualities fruits increase several times.

Does this method have any disadvantages? As such, no disadvantages were found in feeding tomatoes with iodine. But it should be remembered that an excess of this element can be harmful to both plants and humans. Tomatoes accumulate iodine compounds, part of which enters the fruits, which are then used as food. That's why it is important not to overdo it when watering plants with iodine-containing solutions.

How to feed?

Liquid fertilizing with iodine can be applied in two ways: foliar and root. The most effective will be alternation of species, since this will give best result both in terms of treating tomato bushes and in terms of preventing their diseases.


For the proper development of tomato bushes and their fruits fertilizers with iodine must be applied for early stages maturation of culture, at the stage of seedling formation at home. This will help young plants grow well and develop properly. The bushes will gain strength in order to successfully undergo replanting and take root in a greenhouse or open ground.

But you need to start watering tomato seedlings at correct timing and it needs to be done correctly. Based on the experience of home garden vegetable growing, the most optimal time For the first feeding of seedlings with iodine, the period when the second pair of true leaves is formed on the bushes. At this stage, root or foliar fertilization of plants with iodine solution is performed.

For foliar treatment you will need the following composition:

Root feeding is most often used for growing seedlings in a greenhouse and consists of the following:

  1. For a ten-liter bucket of room temperature water you will need 10 grams of iodine tincture.
  2. Each bush needs to be watered at the very root with 500 ml of solution.
  3. It's better to spend this procedure in the morning or evening.

Watch a video about feeding tomato seedlings:

Mature bushes

Root method of application

Preparation is as follows:

  1. In 5 l hot water dissolve 3 liters of sifted water, cover the container with the solution and leave for at least an hour.
  2. Then dilute the infusion warm water so that the total volume ends up being 10 liters.
  3. Next, pour in a 10 ml bottle of iodine and add 10 g boric acid. Mix the resulting solution thoroughly and leave to infuse for a day.
  4. To water plants, dissolve 1 liter of solution in 10 liters of warm water.
  5. Watering is carried out at the roots of plants.

Foliar application method

  1. Dissolve 250 ml of low-fat milk in 1 liter of warm water.
  2. Then add 5 drops of iodine and mix thoroughly.
  3. You can spray the tops with this composition in the morning or evening.
  4. You should not water the bushes too much, since if the dosage of iodine is exceeded, burns may appear on the leaves of the crop.

To prevent infection of plants by pathogenic microflora, you can add not large number crystals of potassium permanganate.

What to do if you overdid it?

Remember that iodine as a fertilizer for tomatoes is useful only during a certain period and if the proportions are correct. An excess of the substance will have a negative effect on plants in the form of deformation of its brushes and fruits.

You should not make an overly strong iodine solution, since it is a fairly strong substance and the dosages given above are quite sufficient. If the concentration of the composition for treating bushes is too strong, not only the plant will be harmed, but also you yourself, since you will inhale iodine fumes.

It is also worth having a reasonable approach to the number of treatments of plants with such fertilizer. It is better to stop watering before the crop bears fruit..

Important Rules

  • You cannot use iodine and other substances for tomato seedlings if less than 10 days have passed since they were planted in the ground.
  • When feeding tomatoes with iodine concentrate, you should not additionally add Aspirin or Trichopolum to the solution.
  • Manganese crystals can be added to a solution with iodine, but it is important to observe correct proportion: per 100 ml of composition 0.5 g of pink grains.
  • You can water the bushes with boric acid or hydrogen peroxide only 4 days after finishing feeding with iodine.
  • In the fight against late blight on tomatoes using an iodine composition, it is better to use only low-fat milk for the treated mixture.


When growing tomatoes on your site, you must resort to various types this culture, including iodine solutions. Preparing this fertilizer is quite simple and does not take much time. But only timely and competent application of such a product will make plants resistant to diseases and will allow achieving good harvest.

For the first time, iodine was used as an additive for spraying tomato seedlings due to its positive antibacterial properties. Gardeners began adding it to various mixtures that were used for processing vegetable crops to prevent and get rid of signs of diseases, and also as a top dressing. If you also want to try using iodine on your site, be sure to find out how to use it.

One of the features of iodine is its harmlessness to humans, as well as its safety for plants in small quantities. Since the solution chemical substance takes an active part in biological processes, it has a positive effect on plants. Iodine improves the process of nitrogen metabolism, so it can replace some nitrogenous fertilizers (for example, nitrate).

It is most effectively used to improve tomato yields. If you water the soil with it, it will not spoil its properties. Using iodine, you can destroy many harmful microorganisms and fungi in the soil and on the surface of tomato seedlings. As a result, the tomatoes will ripen faster.

A lack of iodine can affect the slowdown of the ripening process, as well as the appearance of signs of disease in tomato seedlings.

For most other vegetable crops, adding iodine to the soil using additional means is not required. They get enough from the earth, replenishing their balance. But for tomatoes it is important additional feeding, although they need a minimal amount of this element.

Iodine in fertilizers and means for treating tomatoes against diseases increases resistance to infection, and also allows for good ovary of future fruits. It is very effective to use this substance when the first signs of late blight appear. It is enough to thoroughly spray the tomato seedlings immediately when they are discovered or beforehand in the first month of summer.

How to use

Typically, the first fertilizing for tomato seedlings is applied at the time of planting the seedlings in the soil. Among folk remedies that are used to process the crop, there are many recipes. You can add a few drops of iodine to them, increasing their productivity. The substance itself can simply be diluted in water, and then watered at the roots of the tomatoes, adding additional fertilizer to the soil. Each seedling will need to be watered.

A fairly popular way to fertilize the soil is to use diluted iodine in milk or whey. Fermented milk products have positive properties, enriching the soil organic substances, and also improve the resistance of tomato seedlings to diseases, fungi and various pests. It is enough to dilute about 15 drops of iodine per liter of whey or milk. Then you need to pour the mixture into water (4 liters) and mix the resulting solution thoroughly. After this, you need to treat the area, watering each bush.

If after spraying the plants it rains in the next 2 days, the treatment procedure will have to be repeated.

In order to get a rich harvest of tomatoes, you can also additionally use boric acid. Usually this element is better absorbed by the plant if it has been sprayed. Feeding with boric acid should be carried out at a certain point so as not to harm the seedlings. Boric acid can be used to water crops, improving and accelerating absorption nutrients from the ground.

Boric acid fertilizer can be used several times in one season. The first time is before flowering begins and buds begin to form. The second is during flowering. And the last time it is better to apply fertilizer is when the tomato fruits begin to ripen.

Each fertilizing with boric acid should not be carried out earlier than 10 days after the previous one. Some varieties may react negatively to the application of boric acid. If gardeners did not know about this in advance, then after the first treatment they should carefully monitor external condition tomato seedlings. When a deterioration in their condition is detected (for example, slow wilting, change in foliage color), then boron fertilization should be stopped so as not to harm the future harvest.

Watering tomato seedlings with boric acid is also preventive treatment from fungal formations, harmful insects. Boron is also effective against late blight. In this regard, watering plants with this product can be considered a good alternative to iodine. It is necessary to water the area with boric acid at the end of June, but first it is better to treat the seedlings themselves with products containing manganese for disinfection. For watering you will need to use about 100 ml of solution per square meter plot.

To protect tomatoes from pests, you will need to spray the seedlings. You will need to dilute about 10–12 grams of boric acid in a bucket of water, and then treat the entire bush.

How to determine iodine deficiency

The fact that tomato seedlings need iodine can be determined by external signs plants. First of all, their immunity decreases, so characteristic signs of disease may appear in the near future.

If no measures are taken, this can lead to the death of the entire crop.

Characteristic signs of iodine deficiency in tomatoes are pale and lethargic foliage, thin stems, and the appearance of spots. The seedlings begin to get sick regularly - they appear root rot, late blight, brown spot and other signs.

If fertilizers such as iodine or boric acid are not applied in a timely manner, the plant's immunity will be significantly reduced, and it will be vulnerable to diseases and insects.

At the first signs of weakness of tomatoes, you should water each bush with one of these products, and then observe the change in the condition of the plants over the next few days. If deterioration is detected, then it is better to go to a specialized store so that you can be advised of something else. chemical agent against pests and diseases.

Iodine - useful drug both for people and for many decorative and garden plants. He has unique properties and useful for tomato seedlings.

What are its features, benefits, and how exactly to use iodine for seedlings.

The benefits of the product for tomato seedlings

Iodine is needed for tomato seedlings because it:

  • increases the number of ovaries;
  • strengthens the immune system of the crop;
  • seeds germinate more quickly;
  • protects against fungal diseases.

When watering tomatoes with a diluted solution of this product, this protects them from late blight and powdery mildew. If you spray tomatoes with it, the disease will not develop and the fruits will ripen well. It promotes better absorption of useful elements from the soil, air, and fertilizing. Nitrogen is better absorbed with it. But, in addition to iodine, it is necessary to treat the soil with nitrogen, since it does not replace nitrogen, but only helps it to be absorbed. It stimulates the growth of seeds, disinfects them, treats tomatoes from late blight and reduces the risk of its occurrence, protects against various rots and fungi.

It is used to improve immunity; bushes on which it was poured rarely become infected with viruses. Bushes that have been attacked by the virus are removed and burned, since there is no cure for this disease, but fertilizing with a solution protects tomatoes from the disease.

Lack of iodine in the crop

Usually, the lack of this element is felt in appearance bushes You need to carefully examine the bushes. If the leaves of tomatoes have turned pale and the stems have become thinner, then they lack this substance.

And also if the bushes are sick with late blight, brown spot, mosaic and root rot, if the tomatoes grow slowly.

It is not really necessary to add this substance when growing tomato bushes. It serves as a catalyst as it improves absorption nutrients, make the protection of culture more active. Tomatoes get this substance from soil and fertilizers. Plants require different number fertilizers, it depends on the land and the chemicals used.

The least amount of iodine is found in the following lands:

  • podzolic;
  • gray forest;
  • gray soils;
  • salt licks;
  • brown soils.

But it is present in manure, peat soil, phosphate rock. It is also found in organics and mineral fertilizers, but there may not be much of it. It is not poured in or removed.

How to make fertilizer

The solution of the substance is used as a root dressing, watering the bushes at the root, and as a foliar feeding, spraying foliage and stems from a spray bottle. It is recommended to alternate such fertilizers to obtain any effect.

Watering tomato seedlings with iodine:

  1. Seedlings with 4-5 leaves are sprayed with 2-3 drops per 4 liters clean water. You can spray seedlings only 10 days after the sprouts appear.
  2. In June, when buds begin to appear, tomatoes are sprayed with a solution of iodine and milk.
  3. When the fruits are poured, so that they are strong and do not hurt, they are watered at the root with a solution of 10 drops of iodine and a bucket of clean water (10 l).
  4. When setting tomatoes, the bushes are watered at the root with a solution of ash and boric acid.

Preparing the greenhouse for spraying

If tomatoes in a greenhouse or greenhouse are sick with late blight, then before spraying with the solution:

  • You must first clean the walls in the greenhouse;
  • then wash the walls with a 1% manganese solution;
  • A skin is laid on a metal bucket and hot coals are scattered. All windows and doors in the greenhouse must be closed.


When the soil near the crop dries out a little, water the seedlings with water with a few drops of iodine. As a result, the tomatoes receive moisture and micronutrients.

Spraying milk with iodine

This solution has fungicidal properties. A film of milk appears on the leaves, which prevents fungi from gaining a foothold on the foliage.

Make the composition by dripping 15 drops of the substance, pouring 1 liter of milk into 4 liters of clean water. This composition is sprayed on seedlings on a day without rain or sun.

Spraying with serum

To protect plants from late blight, seedlings are sprayed with a mixture of 1 liter of serum, 40 drops of iodine, 10 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide and a bucket of water (10 liters). It is allowed to spray seedlings 2 times a month. Spraying the bushes on the stems and leaves with diluted milk is acceptable every day.

Feeding against late blight

This prevents late blight. Drop 10 drops of iodine or 40 drops of brilliant green into a bucket of water (10 l). This fertilizer is used both for watering plants at the roots and for watering seedlings along the leaves and stems.

Root feeding

First, young seedlings are fed when they have their first true leaves. For seedlings, take 3 liters of pure water and heat it a little, then add 1 drop.

It is not recommended to drip more than a drop, since young sprouts will be able to obtain quite useful substances from a weak solution.

Fertilizing is applied at the root when the soil has already dried out a little.

The second time, fertilizing is done when fruits appear on the tomatoes. To do this, slightly reduce the concentration of the solution: pour 3 drops into 1 bucket of warm water. Pour 1 liter of solution under a tall bush, and 0.7 liters under a short bush.

  1. Pour 3 liters of ash into a 5 liter container of boiled clean water, then mix and leave for 1 hour.
  2. Add 5 liters of warm water to the resulting solution.
  3. Pour a bottle of iodine and 10 g of boric acid into the container and mix thoroughly until completely homogeneous.
  4. The remaining mixture is left for 2 days, and then a large amount of water is poured, that is, a bucket of water is added to 1 liter of the resulting solution.
  5. This feeding improves the immune system of tomatoes to a variety of diseases, for example, late blight, which is the most common disease.

Foliar feeding

Fertilizers are not only added to the roots, but also sprayed onto the top of the bushes. Tomatoes are sprayed in the morning or evening on a day without rain. If after feeding it rains, the tomatoes are sprayed a second time.

Make sure that the fertilizer is sprayed onto the leaves like a mist, and not like a stream, or it will not have the desired effect.

In no case do not add more drops when creating fertilizer; if you spray tomato bushes with too concentrated fertilizer, this will lead to burns on the leaves.


With the constant addition of the element, tomatoes grow powerful, they do not get sick, they are fully supplied useful elements, their immunity increases, the number of fruits increases.

Here you can see an article entitled “Iodine – a super remedy for tomato seedlings”:

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I grow seedlings for sale. I try to use it for fertilizer traditional methods. I am interested in using iodine and yeast solutions for these purposes. Tell me how to feed tomato and pepper seedlings with iodine and yeast?

Strong healthy seedlings- the key to a good harvest of tomatoes and peppers. To obtain high-quality seedlings, fertilizers begin to be applied at the initial stage of their development. Despite large selection drugs, many gardeners prefer to use for these purposes traditional methods. One of them is feeding tomato and pepper seedlings with iodine and yeast.

Benefits of iodine-yeast supplements

Perhaps one of the main advantages of using iodine and yeast is the availability of the ingredients. After all, in every home there is sure to be iodine in the medicine cabinet, and yeast in the kitchen. In addition, vegetables fertilized with organic matter have never caused harm when consumed.

What is their effect on seedlings? As a result of yeast feeding:

  • pepper and tomato seedlings grow faster, and young bushes planted in the garden more actively form green mass;
  • a powerful root system develops;
  • seedlings tolerate picking easier and take root in the garden faster;
  • drought resistance increases;
  • crops more easily tolerate the effects of excessive moisture;
  • strengthens immunity against various diseases.

Treating seedlings affected by the fungus with an iodine solution will prevent further spread of the disease. In addition, iodine helps to increase the number of fruits on the bush and accelerates their ripening.

Fertilizing seedlings with yeast solution

To cook yeast fertilizer, make a concentrated solution, which is then diluted with water and watered over the seedlings. You can use either fresh or dry baker's yeast:

  1. Dissolve 200 g of fresh yeast in a liter of warm water and let it brew for 3 hours. Before use, dilute in a ratio of 1:10.
  2. Pour two bags of dry yeast into a bucket of water (warm), add 1/3 tbsp. Sahara. Leave for about an hour. For root feeding, dilute 1 part of the solution in 5 parts of warm water.

Since yeast contributes to the leaching of calcium from the soil, ash should first be added to the root of the seedlings or added directly to the solution.

Fertilizing seedlings with iodine solution

To prevent and treat diseases, pepper and tomato seedlings are watered with water with a small amount of iodine (2 drops per 1 liter). Some gardeners recommend adding another 100 ml of whey here.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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