Greetings my dear and beloved readers! The plant that we will talk about today is loved by many gardeners for its beautiful and abundant flowering. As you guessed, this is a royal geranium and I’m going to talk about what care it needs and propagation methods and what problems can arise and how to solve them. To be honest, I love this plant for its unpretentiousness. I admit that thoughts arise in my head to switch to pelargoniums, gloxinias and achimenes, and I also really like streptocrupus. All these flowers bloom profusely and beautifully and are not at all demanding on conditions.

Caring for royal geraniums

I bought royal geraniums at the market from one grandmother. I really liked its flowering, which lasted quite a long time and most importantly, this flower did not cause me any trouble. But despite this, there are still some rules that must be followed. True, there are very few of them.

brief information about caring for royal geraniums

  • Temperature6 is normal;
  • Lighting: loves it when there is a lot of light. Even prefers straight ones Sun rays.
  • Watering: plentiful. But between waterings upper layer the soil should dry out.
  • Humidity: not demanding. Even afraid of water getting on the leaves.
  • Transplantation: in spring, if necessary.
  • Reproduction: cuttings. You can use seeds if you have the patience for it.

Possible diseases of royal geranium

  • The lower leaves turn yellow

There may be two options here. First, if the leaves are elastic, but their tips are dry, it means there is not enough moisture. Well, if the leaves, on the contrary, are limp and even begin to rot, then in this case there is an excess of moisture.

  • The leaves of the royal geranium are turning red

The reason may be low temperature. If winter is cold and your windows are wooden, then remove the plants from the window for a while.

  • The stem has darkened

Unfortunately, the reason is this dangerous disease, like, black leg. Unfortunately, the plant cannot be saved. And to avoid infecting other flowers, ruthlessly throw away the plant and soil. Be sure to treat the pot with bleach or another product. You can also boil it.

Royal geranium is missing sunlight.

  • Watery pads appeared on the leaves

The reason is waterlogging of the soil. Just reduce the watering and soon everything will be fine.

  • Gray mold appeared on the leaves

The cause is fungal infection due to excess moisture. Unfortunately, the disease is contagious and urgent measures need to be taken. There is no need to throw out the plant, but remove the affected leaves as quickly as possible and treat the plant with a special preparation.

Of the pests, whiteflies and weevils love royal geranium.

Royal geranium care and propagation

Royal geranium differs from its sister zonal pelargonium in that it has a dormant period, during which it is important to provide the plant cool temperature. If you don't do this, then you for a long time you won’t see its beautiful, truly royal flowers. The thing is that during the dormant period the plant regains its strength and if the room is hot, then all its strength is spent on somehow existing. As a result, energy is wasted in winter and there is simply no energy left for flowering.

Also, this type of pelargonium is afraid of heat. If the room is very hot, the flowers may wither, and if there are buds, they will wither without opening.

If possible, plant your beauty outside in the summer. However, it is important that she is not exposed to rain or wind, which she is very afraid of. Place the flower in a windless place and protected from rain, for example, on a terrace or balcony.

Watering royal pelargonium

As for watering, the plant loves water. Therefore, water it abundantly, but do not allow water to stagnate, it is very afraid of it. In addition, waterlogging is more dangerous than drying out the soil. If the soil dries out, then there is a better chance of saving the plant. But frequent waterlogging causes root rot. And if the roots begin to rot, then it is almost impossible to save the plant.

Make it a rule to water royal geranium only when the top layer of soil dries out .

And don’t forget to regularly pamper your beauty with nutrients, especially during flowering. Therefore, during the active period, pelargonium is fed every 10 days. But during the rest period it is better to refuse fertilizing.

Royal geranium propagation by cuttings

Of course, if you are determined and have the patience and strength, you can try, which you can buy in the store, or collect from the plant when it begins to bloom.

But I personally Lately I choose the most simple methods, allowing you to save time, and most importantly, nerves. In general, now I try to propagate any plants by cuttings. In most cases, you can also go two ways: plant the cutting in the ground or put it in water and wait for the roots to appear and only then plant it in the ground (unfortunately, this method is not suitable for royal pelargonium).

Cutting for propagation is better apical cuttings(you can take them during pruning) at the end of August and until September. Choose cuttings that have 2-3 internodes. Leave the cutting for a couple of hours to let it dry, and then place it in the ground.

To speed up the formation of roots, I cut off the leaves of the cuttings, leaving 2-3 upper leaves. Thus, the plant does not need to expend energy to provide nutrition to the leaves. There is no need to cover the rooting cuttings with oilcloth. Also try not to over-water the cuttings.

Well, that’s all I wanted to tell you about royal geranium and how to propagate it. I hope my recommendations will help you grow beautiful plant. If you want to add something, talk about your experience, I will be glad if you share your notes in the comments.

Royal - originating from South America. It was brought to Europe in the 18th century, and since then breeders have developed many varieties. In this article we will talk about royal pelargonium, caring for the flower at home, and you can also see a photo.

Short description

This flower small, can reach up to 60 cm in height. The plant has erect and stems. The bush is completely covered with emerald-colored leaves, which have a rough surface and light fluff. Pelargonium inflorescences are large, and proper care they can reach 25 cm in diameter.
On average, the diameter of the inflorescences is 15 cm. The flower stalks have different lengths: from 5 to 10 cm. The flower itself grows up to 7 cm in diameter. Shapes and colors can be very different: purple, orange and lilac, red and pink. The buds can be plain or with contrasting inclusions. Flowers can have wavy, corrugated or smooth edges.

Blooms royal plant, unlike usual, does not last long, approximately 4 months. Flowers look great on window sills, balconies and hanging in.

Popular varieties

Let's consider popular varieties royal pelargonium with photo:

Did you know? Essential oil geranium, which is obtained from the green part of the plant, is very valuable medicine. It is also used in aromatherapy to calm the psyche and lift the mood.

What to look for when purchasing

It is best to purchase flowers from trusted places. When buying pelargonium, pay attention to the condition of the inflorescences and bush. They shouldn't be wilted. There should be no damage on the leaves - this may indicate the presence of diseases.

Do I need to replant the plant after purchase?

Mostly flowers are sold in disposable containers and with unsuitable substrate. Therefore, after purchasing the flower, it is recommended to replant it.

Important!The plant is replanted only if it does not bloom.

To prepare the substrate for pelargonium, use 1 part sand and 2 parts each of leaf and turf soil. If it is not possible to prepare the mixture yourself, then you can purchase a regular nutrient substrate for flowers in the store. The pot must match the size of the root system. Larger capacity You shouldn’t take it, because it will turn the pelargonium into greenery, and you won’t have to wait for flowering.

Aftercare at home

Pelargonium (geranium) royal requires specific care at home.

Location and lighting

In order for the royal plant to bloom thickly, it requires good lighting. If you place royal flower c, then it will grow, but will not produce buds or flowering will be short-lived.

To provide required quantity The light of the flower needs to be placed in the south. But you need to make sure that bright rays do not hit the plant, otherwise they can burn the leaves. In winter, the royal flower needs help, since due to lack of light the stems stretch.


During the hot season optimal temperature for pelargonium should not exceed 24 °C. In winter, the flower will feel good at 12-15 °C. If the plant overheats or stands in a draft, then flowering may not occur.


Royal pelargonium loves moisture, so plenty is needed. But water stagnation should not be allowed. On hot days, the flower is needed 2 times a day. In winter it is reduced. Pelargonium does not like water getting on its leaves, so the flower is not recommended. And the plant needs to be rooted.


The royal plant should be fertilized regularly - in spring and summer this is done once every 2 weeks. It is necessary to feed the flower, which includes 3 components: magnesium,. Ready-made complexes with additional additives can be purchased. If fertilizers are made independently, then you need to take equal parts. And before flowering, the potassium content is increased and nitrogen is reduced.

To increase the number of buds, flower growers recommend adding: 1 drop of iodine diluted in 1 liter warm water. This solution should be poured over the wall of the pot to avoid burns. Use 50 ml of solution per plant.

Important!The main thing is not to overdo it with fertilizing, this will lead to yellowing of the leaves.


Pruning of royal pelargonium (geranium) is carried out for lush flowering and in order to make the flower shape compact. This should be done after flowering. This is mostly done at the end and at the beginning. The second wave of pruning is carried out after 1.5 months so as not to injure the pelargonium.
Trimming rules:

  • you need to trim, taking into account the characteristics of the plant - the flower should be small and have the shape of a bush;
  • the procedure is carried out using a sharp, disinfected knife or at the level of a leaf node;
  • cuts should be processed;
  • stems growing inward must be completely removed.
Trimming order:
  • you need to remove wilted stems and inflorescences that have bloomed;
  • it is worth cutting off dried leaves;
  • you need to carefully examine the pelargonium and determine which shoots are best to prune in order to get a beautiful crown;
  • bare and long stems are removed;
  • For a flower that is preparing for winter, it is necessary to cut off a third of the main stem.

Features of care in winter

In October, royal pelargonium begins a dormant period that lasts until March. Caring for the flower at this time is almost not required. The main thing is to not allow the coma to dry out. Feeding stops. To be in winter time the flower should be at a temperature of 12-15 ° C. Also, with the help of additional lighting, you need to extend the daylight hours for geraniums so that the stems do not stretch too much from a lack of light.

How often to transplant

Many people are interested in the question of why royal geraniums do not bloom. One solution to this problem can be timely replanting of the plant. This must be done at least once every 2-3 years. It is also not recommended to carry out the procedure more often - flowering in pelargonium may slow down.

The flower should be replanted in a small pot so that the roots fit into it. The container must contain drainage holes. Special attention you need to pay attention to it yourself, which will not allow the water to stagnate. You can use broken bricks, sea pebbles or expanded clay as drainage.

Diseases and pests: prevention and treatment

Pelargonium diseases include:

  1. Gray rot. This disease develops due to excess moisture and high nitrogen content in it. Appear on leaves and stems brown spots. Appears on all parts of the plant gray coating. The flower needs to be transplanted into new soil and process such as, “Rovral”, “Vitaros”.
  2. Root and stem rot. Black color indicates this disease. root collar which begins to rot. The leaves become pale, and later they turn yellow and wither. The cause of this disease is increased moisture and decreased moisture. It is recommended to fight rot with the drugs “Biporam” and “Fitolavin”.
  3. Late blight. The flower is affected by a fungus and quickly withers and rots. The fungus is mainly transmitted from, but can be transferred from another plant by a draft. The disease develops due to high humidity. Pelargonium leaves turn pale and the plant grows slower. You can also notice white fluff in the area of ​​rot. The plant is treated with. Damaged parts of the plant must be removed and the cuts treated with charcoal. A transplant into a sterile pot and substrate is required.
  4. Eden. Lumps and growths form on the leaves. This disease occurs due to waterlogging

Among its relatives, royal geranium stands out for its size and brightness of flowers, as well as its demanding care and somewhat capricious disposition. But the latter circumstance does not stop flower growers, and more and more lovers ornamental crops trying to tame the obstinate beauty.

Royal geranium: features and possible difficulties

The name of the species Pelargonium grandiflorum or Pelargonium regal fully corresponds not only to the character, but also to the appearance indoor flower. Indeed, the flowering of this variety of pelargonium is strikingly different from the usual modest flowers on balconies and window sills. But looking at the photo of the royal geranium with the names of the varieties and descriptions of the characteristics of the plants, flower growers should know that the slightest violation of the conditions of maintenance or lack of care threatens that the “royal person” will refuse to bloom or very quickly drop the buds.

And these are not all the “pitfalls” that a gardener who wants to decorate his collection with royal representatives of the pelargonium genus will have to avoid:

  1. Even full compliance with agricultural technology and care for the pet cannot prolong flowering, which is shorter than that of common zonal geraniums.
  2. Plants are more difficult to acclimatize if summer time take them out onto the veranda or into the garden.
  3. Propagation of royal geranium by cuttings, and even more so by seeds, requires more attention and time.

If an amateur indoor plants will cope with the character of a bright beauty, his reward will be large simple or double flowers all shades from white to deep burgundy. At the same time, the wavy, smooth or jagged petals of the corollas of royal pelargonium are sometimes decorated with stripes, spots, specks or veins of contrasting tones. Often the richer, brighter color of the upper petals is combined with the delicate tones of the lower part of the flower, and the corollas themselves are collected in small umbrella inflorescences.

The foliage of royal geraniums has smooth green color, but there are also variegated varieties. On average, plant flowering lasts about 3–4 months. But for this, the crop requires regular watering, pruning and creation favorable conditions for growth.

Growing conditions for royal geranium

Usually garden and indoor geraniums- these are clear contenders for the title of the most unpretentious and undemanding indoor plant. But their royal relatives love attention and care. If a gardener is tormented by the question: “Why doesn’t the royal geranium bloom next to the lush caps of bright zonal varieties?”, it is not the plant that needs to be blamed, but itself. Obviously, the culture is not entirely satisfied:

  • selected watering mode;
  • room temperature;
  • the presence of a draft;
  • how pruning is done;
  • soil quality or pot size.

To care for royal geraniums at home, it is important to create conditions in which the plant would be comfortable throughout the year. This type of pelargonium:

  • cannot tolerate dryness earthen coma;
  • does not do well in excessively wet dense substrate;
  • it quickly stretches out and loses its decorative appearance without the proper amount of light, but it is also uncomfortable under the staring direct rays.

Without additional shading on the south window, geranium leaves and flowers are at risk of burns and rapid wilting. The optimal location for royal geranium is east or west. But even here in winter, it is better to illuminate the plants with phytolamps, extending their daylight hours to 12–14 hours. This measure will allow you to maintain the compact shape of the bush without deep pruning.

Properly chosen temperature conditions contribute to good health and lush flowering of geraniums:

  1. IN summer months and in spring, when active vegetation is in progress, royal geranium flowers are kept at a temperature of 22 to 25 °C.
  2. In winter, development slows down somewhat, so plants need cooler air. In order for the royal geranium to set buds and prepare for the next season, it needs a temperature of 12–16 °C.

Plants react poorly to heat. In too warm room green pet will slow down growth, and some varieties stop developing altogether and refuse to form flower buds.

Caring for royal geraniums at home

IN warm time year, all plants, including royal geranium, require more frequent and abundant watering than in winter and autumn. Water should not be allowed to accumulate in the tray under the pot; if this happens, the moisture should be drained immediately. Irrigation water used at home when caring for royal geraniums should be soft and warm enough.

The soil mixture for geraniums is universal. It makes no difference whether an ordinary zonal specimen or a “royal person” is planted. For the substrate, sand, humus, peat and garden soil are taken in equal parts. Be sure to provide drainage at the bottom of the pot, otherwise stagnation of moisture and damage to the peripheral roots cannot be avoided.

Since all geraniums do not tolerate transplantation very easily, as part of caring for royal geraniums, as in the photo, at home the plants are transferred to new pot only if the old one is already cramped and the measles system has filled its entire volume.

While the roots are entwined in the soil ball and the plant is feeling well, replanting can be replaced by adding fresh substrate directly under the bush. The procedure is carried out in the spring, combined with fertilizing and watering.

Royal geraniums begin flowering earlier than related species, everything related to replanting or pruning is important to do in the first half of February, otherwise flower buds will not have time to form on the bush.

The answer to the question: “Why doesn’t royal geranium bloom?” There may also be an illiterate selection of containers for the flower. When choosing a pot for geraniums, preference is given to small volumes. Transshipment into a spacious container threatens that the plant will refuse to flower in favor of increasing green mass.

For rapid growth and friendly flowering plants should receive complex feeding. It's easier to do this with liquid ready funds, in which the amount of nitrogen is minimal.

Royal geraniums are fed twice a month throughout the spring-summer growing season. Young seedlings receive feeding for the first time at the age of 6–9 months after rooting.

The tips of the shoots with several leaves obtained after pruning can be used to propagate royal geraniums by cuttings. But such planting material needs to be rooted not in water, but in a light substrate or peat tablet. Before this, the cut of the cutting is treated with crushed charcoal and dry for a couple of hours, and then deepen 2–3 cm into a mixture with sand or perlite.

It is better if each cutting gets its own container with soil. This method of cultivation or use peat tablets will avoid mass death of sprouts due to the spread of fungal infection or rot.

After 1–2 months of keeping it at a temperature of 19–23 °C and diffused light, the planting material takes root, and young royal geraniums can be planted in small separate pots.

In order for the plant to form a small bush, it must be pinched when 3-4 leaves have fully opened. Subsequently, the growth of new shoots is limited in the same way. Active branching will not only help to form a rounded, even crown, but will also give impetus to the formation of many buds and lush flowering of the royal begonia.

Pruning royal geraniums for lush flowering

The benefits of pruning royal geranium are both in the lush flowering of plants and in the formation of an attractive compact bush shape. To achieve this result, you need to start working after the completion of mass flowering. For most varieties this occurs in late summer or the first week of September. Then, in order to injure the plant less, after 1–1.5 months a second wave of pruning is carried out.

The autumn procedure is the most favorable and desirable, since after it the royal geranium readily becomes covered with new shoots. They, in turn, are also pinched as soon as 3–5 large leaves open on the stems.

If you prune correctly and on time, the geranium will bloom in due dates, but by postponing the procedure or carrying it out irregularly, you can be left without inflorescences altogether.

Although even in winter conditions If you have additional lighting and comply with other requirements for caring for royal geraniums at home, you can carry out up to four pinchings and get a lushly blooming specimen by spring. If pruning is carried out in conditions of insufficient light, the stems may stretch, so instead of the last January pinch, pruning of unsightly shoots will be required.

Royal geranium is a spectacular, lushly flowering indoor plant. However, due to errors in care, the buds may not form or fall unopened. Let's learn how to care for royal geraniums to enjoy abundant flowering.

Royal pelargonium (the second name for geranium) has a fairly wide bush - 30–60 cm in height. Peduncles and shoots are located at the same level. The diameter of the flowers is 7–15 cm, depending on the variety they can be simple or double.

Varieties of royal pelargoniums delight with an abundance of shades: for example, Mona Lisa (Mona Lisa) has petals white with small pink spots; in Bravo (Bravo) some of the petals are white, some are dark pink; Rimfire (Rimfire) immediately catches the eye due to its burgundy-red petals with pronounced veins.

Violet Pac candy flowers violet, crimson Candy flowers dark red, white and crimson Candy flowers bicolor or purple Pac Shocking Violet, brightly look impressive. orange Mandarin, coral Coral Sunset.

With proper care, flowering is abundant and lush, lasting from 3 to 5 months.

Necessary conditions for cultivation

Royal geranium requires regular, but moderate watering: drying out of the earthen clod, as well as stagnation of moisture, have a bad effect on the health of the flower.

The soil needs to be light, such as peat, sand and garden soil in ratios 1:1:1.

Lack of light leads to disproportionate elongation of sprouts and loss of decorativeness, but direct sunlight, especially on a south window, can cause burns. Royal geranium feels best on east and west windows. The optimal daylight hours for it are 12–14 hours, so in the fall and winter it needs to be supplemented with phytolamps.

Beginning gardeners sometimes have a question: why doesn’t a plant that has successfully overwintered bloom? The fact is that royal pelargonium needs a period of rest, and it is provided by coolness: if in summer the optimal temperature is within +22...+25 °C, then in winter it should not be higher than +12...+16 °C. For example, the Mona Lisa variety needs 4-6 weeks of rest.

By the way, summer heat also has a bad effect on the plant: temperatures above this level slow down or completely stop the development of geraniums and the formation of buds.

Rules of care

Royal pelargonium requires careful care. During the development period, it requires more water (room temperature), so in summer watering should be plentiful. But in autumn and winter, do not allow it to overflow - the water that has flowed into the pan must be poured out immediately.

Home care involves regular replanting. It should be carried out in February - in cases where the roots have become clearly cramped in the pot. If you have a question, “How to make a plant bloom?”, please note that a container that is too spacious stimulates the active growth of roots and green parts, while the plant does not have the strength to form buds. If you want to admire the flowers, when replanting, choose a new container that is only a few centimeters larger than the previous one.
Caring for royal geraniums at home necessarily includes feeding, on average twice a month during the growth period. For lush flowering, preference is given to phosphorus and potash fertilizers. Geranium does not like excess nitrogen; it is needed in minimal quantities.

A flower like royal geranium needs formative pruning. It is best to do it in the fall, after flowering has ended. You can do it in two passes with an interval of 1–1.5 months, so as not to injure the plant too much. The shoots are pruned by a third, which helps to improve the health of the geranium, increases its immunity and stimulates flowering next year.

Disease and pest control

Royal geranium can be attacked fungal disease blackleg. In an infected plant, the bottom of the stem turns black, dies and may simply break in half. Often occurs due to growing errors - overwatering, sudden temperature changes or too heavy soil. Once the disease has appeared, it is no longer possible to help the plant. Fitosporin is used for prevention.

Beginners also have questions: why do the leaves of the plant turn yellow and what to do in this case? Common reason – infectious disease called rust. All leaves that have turned yellow should be torn off and the plant treated with Topaz.

The most dangerous pest is the small whitefly. white butterfly drinking plant juice. When it appears, the plant must be watered with Aktara solution (according to the instructions).

Breeding rules

To propagate pelargonium, healthy, well-developed shoot tips with 4 leaves or more are cut from cuttings. Using a sharp, disinfected knife, cut them 5 mm below the node. Remove the lower leaves, leaving only the top 3. Sprinkle the cut areas with crushed charcoal and leave to dry for 18 to 24 hours, then plant in a small container with a mixture of peat, humus and sand, deepening it 2 cm and lightly pressing the soil.

Rooting is possible in another way: dry the cut sprouts for 10 minutes, then treat the cut with a rooting agent and immediately plant it in the ground.

Attention! These indoor plants do not like excess moisture, so propagation by rooting in water will not work. Planting in waterlogged soil will also destroy the plant.

Royal geranium can be propagated by planting it in a moist peat pellet.

Depending on a number of conditions, the process of growing cuttings takes from 2 to 4 months. When the young geranium has grown stronger and began to produce new leaves, it is transplanted to permanent place. For her to give side shoots, the main sprout needs to be pinched above the third pair of leaves.

In the first year after replanting to a permanent place, the plant develops, gaining green mass, but already next spring, if all conditions are met, you will get a flowering plant.

It is theoretically possible to propagate geraniums by seeds. However, it is difficult to obtain high-quality planting material at home. With a high degree of probability, pelargonium will not inherit the advantages of the mother plant if it is propagated in this way (instead of double flowers there will be simple ones, etc.), so it is better to purchase seeds from specialized companies.

As you can see, royal geranium requires certain skills in care and propagation. But her lush amazing beauty flowering will reward you for all your troubles.

Video “Caring for Royal Geraniums”

From this video you will learn how to properly care for royal geraniums.

Pelargonium is very popular among gardeners and all lovers of indoor plants. People call this type of flower geranium; the Royal geranium variety is considered the brightest and most beautiful. It is distinguished by its extraordinary splendor of flowering, its size and exceptional variety of color palette.

Pelargonium is very popular among gardeners and all lovers of indoor plants.

Royal geranium is one of the most large varieties, its beauty leaves no one indifferent; it grows as a large, wide shrub, which during flowering seems to be densely strewn with flowers, often reaching 15 cm in diameter. Flowers can have different colors depending on the variety; the characteristic difference of this species is a dark inclusion on the upper part of the petals; in appearance, many compare them with pansies.

So, it’s worth finding out in more detail what kind of care this beauty needs and how difficult it is to grow it.

The fact that this pelargonium is called Royal gives some definition to its species. Indeed, this variety is quite capricious and requires special care at home. His appearance True to its name, it differs from other varieties in its size and shape. More large flowers It is difficult to find among this genus - perhaps this is its main difference.

Its leaves also have characteristic features: they seem to be covered with small hairs, which is why they become rough to the touch, and are quite large, their edges have a jagged shape.

It is worth noting that Royal Geranium does not emit a scent. Experts are working hard on new varieties of this species, surprising each time with the unusual color and size of the flowers.

The place where the Royal geranium is placed should be well lit; many experts recommend providing it with additional lighting; these are ideal for this. fluorescent lamps. The plant does not like drafts and cold, so it is worth positioning it in such a way that the room can be ventilated without creating drafts.

Royal geranium is one of the largest varieties; its beauty leaves no one indifferent

The optimal place for this flower would be South side, namely windows or loggia. IN summer period The plant must be protected from direct sunlight to avoid burns of the foliage. If you do not move the flower pot from the windowsill, you can use blinds to regulate the light supply. The temperature in the room where the flower is located should not be lower than +10ºС and not higher than +30ºС.

It blooms mostly for a short time, but with proper care and regular feeding Royal geraniums can produce their flowers from April to August. To form a bush, you need to periodically pinch out the branches, as well as carry out sanitary cleaning, removing faded flowers and dried leaves.

The geranium bush should be trimmed regularly, this will significantly increase the number of flowers on it. Pruning is performed for lush flowering, since the plant redirects all its forces not to greening the branches, but to the density of the flowers. Pruning is carried out several times a year. The first time it is performed before the winter period, as soon as the plant has faded.

Remove half a branch with flowers, this reduces the risk of developing diseases and makes it possible to successfully transition to a state of hibernation. The main thing is not to immediately apply fertilizer, otherwise the flower, on the contrary, will actively begin to grow and restore the cuttings, and root system In this case, you will get stressed and exhausted.

The second time pruning is done at the end of winter or beginning of spring. If the bush has grown significantly, then it can be trimmed a little and given shape. The cut must be made obliquely and with an exceptionally sharp instrument, which is disinfected before starting work.

The easiest way to purchase soil for a plant is in a flower salon or store; you can prepare the substrate yourself, using the following in equal proportions:

  • black soil from a greenhouse;
  • coarse river sand.

It is worth keeping in mind that purchased substrates have big amount nutrients than ordinary black soil. The soil should be fertile, fairly loose, not light. During planting, be sure to lay a drainage layer on the bottom of the pot; expanded clay or small crushed stone is ideal for this.

Royal geraniums like regular watering. For humidification, use only settled water at room temperature. You need to water as the top layer of soil dries out, but do not wait until soil crusts and cracks form. Excess moisture is also undesirable for southern belle, stagnation of moisture in the flowerpot leads to disease of the root system and death of the flower. IN winter period If the room has enough humidity and low temperature, reduce watering.

Royal geranium loves fertilizing; it needs to be applied regularly. In winter and autumn period You can fertilize once every 2 months, and in summer and spring - 1-2 times a month.

Flower growers often keep a special diary in which the Royal geranium is noted every day. After all, it is important to know when the flowers were fertilized and with what preparations. This helps not to get confused and fertilize according to the scheme. The optimal fertilizers for flowers are preparations that include:

  • phosphorus;
  • nitrogen;
  • potassium;
  • minerals.

Fertilizers can be applied only after the plant has been watered; moistened soil will avoid possible burns to the root system.

Not used for feeding organic fertilizers, decorative look geraniums may even die from such substances.

If you feed the plant correctly, this will allow it to bloom longer and more luxuriantly.

Gallery: Royal geranium (25 photos + video)

Plant grafting

One of the most important points In caring for this type of plant is the implementation of the so-called grafting. It is performed in order to obtain a new color on an adult bush and to form a crown. The process itself is a transplant young sprout or escape from one plant to another. Young plants that are not yet 1 year old, as well as depleted and sick specimens, are not subject to grafting.

So, the first stage is separating a piece of a young sprout from the cutting. For this, it is better to use a regular blade; it is thinner and can be used to make a figured cut. Upper part a sprout 2-3 cm long is cut out V- figurative form point down. For replanting, choose a cutting of the same width so that at least one side of the grafting material matches. Insert the scion into the rootstock and fix it if desired.

The optimal place for this flower will be the south side, namely the windows or loggia

Propagation by seeds

This decorative type of geranium can be propagated in 2 ways:

  1. By cuttings;
  2. Seeds.

Both methods are actively used by flower growers.

So, sowing seeds:

  1. The best time for sowing is winter or spring period. A substrate enriched with useful minerals is placed in a special container. Can buy ready soil or mix the following components yourself: 2 parts turf soil, 1 part river sand and 1 part peat.
  2. Next is to prepare the seeds themselves. Initially they were in mandatory processed in solutions such as Zircon or Epin, this should be done strictly according to the instructions. After processing, they need to be soaked in water at room temperature for at least 2-3 hours.
  3. Since the seeds are quite small, they are not buried individually in the ground. Planting proceeds as follows: seeds are carefully placed in a container with soil and lightly sprinkled with substrate on top. After this, the container must be covered with glass. In the future, it is necessary to ventilate every day by opening glass lid and removing condensation. The container is placed in a warm and well-ventilated room with an air temperature of +20ºС.
  4. After 14 days, young shoots will appear. As soon as 2-3 leaves sprout on each of them, you can transplant them into an individual pot. Its size should be small, no more than 10-15 cm, depending on the seedlings.

Of course, this method of reproduction is quite long and labor-intensive, and not always everything will work out the first time.

Cutting method

This variety can be propagated by cuttings; to do this, you need to cut off young cuttings with branches at the top from the main branches. Length planting material should be at least 5-8 cm, the cut area must be treated with crushed coal, and when working, use a sterile and fairly sharp instrument.

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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